May 20, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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15 words or less - $5.00 I In multiple insertion I
10 cents for each additional word over 151 ads, The Journal m, I
Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I
Classified deadline - 2 p.m. Tuesday I errors in the first I
Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday I insertion only. J
Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad
FOR TRADE Whitfield Advantage II pel.
let insert, $1,800 (+) new. I want a pro-
pane free-standing fireplace of equal
value. Call Mike at 877-5983. C5/20-
STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell:
40x60x14 as $17,430, now $10,871.
50x120x16 was $33,560, now $23,865.
60x150x16 was $48,630, now $32,350.
100x175x20 was $98,650, now
$78,650. 1-800-406-5126. M5/20
FIREWOOD BY the cord - split and de-
livered, 16" length, other lengths by or-
der. Dry Alder, $95 cord. Dry Maple,
$110. Seasoned Fir, $95. Seasoned
Maple, $100. Seasoned Madrona,
$120. Green Alder $90. Green Madro-
na, $115. Delivery charge outside
Shelton area may apply. 360-427-6883.
NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center.
Men's and women's sweaters and
slacks, $1 each. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues-
day-Saturday. $5/20
GERANIUMS: ZONAL, ivy and Madha
Washingtons. Also tomatoes, plants.
391 E. Cranberry Creek Rd., 426-6831.
14' SEARS aluminum boat with trolling
motor, $749 OBO. Spinning wheel, an-
tique, $259. 1976 Mustang II, parts
car, 427-4032. $5/13-20
RUNNING BOARDS - DeeZee deluxe
aluminum. Like new condition. Fit 1992-
1997 Ford crew cab, but can be adjust-
ed to fit shoder vehicles. Cost over
$400 new, $250 OBO. 427-0767.
1993 DODGE Ram 250 with Cummins
turbo diesel, 5 speed. 1992 Wilderness
by Fleetwood, 33' with slide out, air
conditioning, microwave, $29,900. Call
426-5343. H5/6-27
TWO SIDE-BY-SIDE lots in Shelton
cemetery. Grave B, C, Lot 3, Block O,
Mt. Hope. $1,100. 426-7892. B5/13-20
MUSHROOM COMPOST & mixed soils
at Kamilche. 2590 Old Olympic Hwy.
$300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire,
$200. Wanted - 375 H-H rifle. 426-
0159. B2/25tfn
High quality sandy loam
Top cut No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
LAND203B-4 =.
QUEEN SIZE bed, box spring and
frame, $75. Dishwasher, $50. Dryer,
needs heating element, $25. 360-898-
3123. B5/20-27
1967 CUSHMAN Scooter with pick-up
bed and canopy. Meter maid style,
street legal. Rebuilt engine, nice condi-
tion, $1,300 OBO. 432-8945. P5/20
STANLEY-BOSTICH N-80 air nailer with
7 coils, 16d nails new condition, $225.
Palasode air nailer $75. 8" table saw,
$35. Scroll saw with 18" throat, $45.
180 amp electric welder, $50. 426-
5753. A5/20
2356. K5/6-27
25% OFF everything in store, now
through May 28th. More items coming
in. Family Affair 2340 W. Railroad Ave.
432-2477. F5/20
HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 fin
STAINED GLASS brightens up the day.
Windows, suncatchers, door inseds,
boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc.,
all in stained glass. I also do repairs.
So if your stained glass piece or win-
dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call
Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m.
and weekends for information and esti-
mates. I do custom designs, too.
W6/1 ltfn
SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try
harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux
Design, 426-0820. LUXDE'*033CJ.
L 12/3tfn
May 23 Car Show Off. Mt. View. Ads &
crafts show, games, vendors, exhibits,
awards. 426-3767, 426-1925. Mc4/29-
Journal Classifieds
(360) 426-4412
Answers to Super Crossword
Custom designed in any size to fit your needs...
not our convenience, at competitive prices.
Call Art today
Two-Car Garage and Storage
Home Stable with
Feed and Tack Room
Shop and Storage
Reputation for Quality
Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
of satisfied customers.
One of the leading post.frame builders In Meson County.
We can custom dest)n at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required
with no penalty in price.
Choose from a wide range of buildings... Airplane hangars Carportl *
Garages Mobile home covers Warehouses Horse arenas and stables
I Machine storage and shops
4L alu 41 LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK II
" -m:i’----I
i / First & Mill, Shelton ri]U. Monday.Sllturdly 7:30-7 I &
II I _ II Vllr I ,,
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 20, 1999
AUCTION AGATE Road Mini Storage
Saturday - noon-? Preview: 10 a.m.-
noon, 1620 Agate Road, Shelton. Auc-
tioning off unclaimed and liened stor-
age items. V5/20
BUY OR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn
Public auction, Saturday, May 22, 10
a.m. Preview and registration, 9 a.m.
935 Poplar SE in Lacey (off Pacific
near Lilly). Info (360) 491-6804. Over
50,000 Ibs of unclaimed storage from
Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, Olympia,
Anacodes and Centralial Furniture and
appliances for everyday, plus many
special items - armoires, pie safe,
beautifully carved wooden table and
chair set, big screen TV... hundreds of
unopened cations - all shapes and siz-
es. Come see for yourself. No buyers
premium. Ken's Auction Service. Li-
cense No. 193. K5/20
Patchman asphalt reclaimer, 1983
Ford F150 pickup, "Sweepster"
broom attachment w/extra broom
brush, Allied asphalt cutting attach-
ment, 20" belt drive drill press, 2-
1350gal poly tanks, 150gal p oly tank,
6 1/2hp bench grinder, 15gal grease
gun unit, Carolina power hack saw,
engine hoist, 10" & 12" aluminum
boats, 2hp/480 air compressor, 2-
750gal plastic tanks w/steel stairs &
platforms, tire cage, scrap copper &
brass (wire & meters), sc;ap iron (hy-
drants-valves-pipe), misc small
pumps & motors, 2 manual pipe drill-
ing machines, 2 40hp/480 pumps w/
motors, 40hp 480motor, fire hose,
Sharpe mod 450 paint gun & pot, soc-
cer goal frame, bikes, cell phones,
office stuff & more.
..... Antih Auction ........
The Ultimate Recycler
PREVIEW DAY OF SALE ..............
lic# anticea562ms
terms: cash MC/Visa
MULTI FAMILY Saturday 5/22, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. 110 E. Madrona Parkway
(Rustlewood Estates). Too many items
to list. $5/20
GARAGE SALE: Saturday May 22nd
only 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 'Cheap prices. After
1 p.m. many items will be $1/bag. 617
Euclid Ave. F5/20
SATURDAY ONLY 10 a.m.-4 p.m. No
early birds. Some collectibles, some
junque. 1111 E. Pickering Rd. H5/20
FOUR FAMILY sale. Arcadia Point,
Saturday only, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Furniture,
exercise equipment, lots of misc.
MOVING SALE May 22, 23, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Collectibles and "stuff;' Approx-
imately 11/2 miles north of Lilliwaup.
Watch for signs. $5/20
MULTI-FAMILY garage sale Saturday,
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., E.
570 Mikkelsen Rd. 426-9685. Fumiture,
microwave, clothes, comic books, lawn
equipment, books, CDs, pictures,
household items, stair-stepper. F5/20
FRIDAY/SATURDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Col-
lectibles, jewelry, large clothing, craft
and needle work supplies, household
miss., some tools and "guy stuff" too,
100 E. Marioneth Rd., Lake Limerick.
ESTATE/YARD sale 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Size
6 leather coat, 93 Yamaha keyboard,
crystal, bedding, chairs and lots more.
Saturday/Sunday rain or shine. 7515
W. Shelton-Matlock Road. B5/20
TOYS, GLASSWARE, Nintendo sys-
tem, lots of misc. Thursday through
Sunday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 2520 E. Mc-
Ewan Preide Road, Shelton. R5/20
HUGE SALE at Alpine Evergreens,
Saturday, May 22, gate opens 9 a.m.
No eady birds. Household items includ-
ing furniture, dishes, clothes, lamps,
beds, mattresses, and many unusual
items. 7124 State Hwy 3 SW, 2.5 miles
south of Goret on east side of Hwy 3.
AUCTION AGATE Road Mini Storage
Saturday - noon-? Preview: 10 a.m.-
noon, 1620 Agate Road, Shelton. Auc-
tioning off unclaimed and liened stor-
age Items. V5/20
SATURDAY, SUNDAY 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Toys, bike, furniture, CDs, videos,
misc. 2215 W. Franklin, Shelton. W5/20
BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-In
swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m.,
near Bremerton Airport. Information,
360-698-6031. R5/20tfn
THURSDAY-SUNDAY 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Follow signs from junction of Hwy
101/106. Furniture, beds, satellite sys-
tem, housewares, clothes -newbom to
adult, exercise equipment, van. M5/20
MOVING SALE. Everything must go.
Bed sets, china cabinet, small safe,
chest-of-drawers, dining room table
and chairs, over 200 books, toys ga-
lore, tools, boat/motor/trailer, camping
equipment, hunting equipment, chil-
dren's games, patio table and umbrella,
etc. Make offer. 1460 E. Bellow Rd.,
Harstine Island, Saturday/Sunday after
10 a.m. $5/20
Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 535 Ellinor, Hill-
crest. Lots of stuff. R5/20
NEIGHBORS SALE. Saturday, May 22,
9 a.m.-5 p.m. 304 and 322 Nodh 2nd
Street, downtown. Mc5/20
FINISHED CLEANING and found more
good stuff you can't live without. Satur-
day, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. SE 881 Mill Creek
Rd. Last house on left, end of county
road. E5/20
S.O.C.K. SWAP. Every Saturday, 9
a.m.-4 p.m., Shelton Armory. Garage
sale items to crafts. 601 West Franklin.
Segers - $15/10x10 area. 432-0815.
SATURDAY/SUNDAY, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.,
books, clothes, household items, no
early birds, 1928 Stevens St., Shelton.
FRIDAY/SATURDAY 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 205
W Birch (off Alder). Lots of good stuff
and golf clubs. Three families on Satur-
day. C5/20
BUYING OLD stuffl Immediate cash
payment: Picture post cards, 1890 to
19701 Varied White Elephantsl Old
pc'ket watches and men's wind up
wrist watches (running or not)l Key
wind wall and mantel clocks (running or
not)! Antique gunsl Gold and Silver
Coins (call for daily quote)l Coin collec-
tionsl Stamp collectionsl Round bird
cages, glass seed cupsl Birdie doo-
dlerst Fiberglass chickensl Old booksl
Pre WW2 children's booksl Little Black
Sambo, OZ booksl Alice in Wonder-
land, Pinocchio, Billy Whiskers, Dick
and Janel McGuffey school booksl
Books by Baum or Burgessl Many
otherst Photographs 1840 to 19451 Pre
WW2 costume jewelryl Gold jewelryl
Diamond jewelryl Scrap gold marked
10K, 14K, 18K. Raw gold (placer fines,
nuggets, etc.)1 Old toysl Cast iron
toys, tin toys, wind-upsl Coin banksl
10 cent comic books! Collectiblesl Big
Little booksl NAZI collectiblesl Military
souvenirsl Swords, daggers, bayo-
netsl WW2 Jap and German helmets,
accoutermentsl Hitler books, maga-
zines. Old ink pens, fountain pens, me-
chanical pencilsl Pre 1950 advertising
give awaysl Road maps, lead pencils,
etc., Railroad lanterns, schedules, ad-
vedisingl Cut glassl Green fire king
glassl Old pictures, printsl Red Wing
crockery1 1920's, '30's floor and table
lamps! Wooden fishing plugsl Sterling
Silver flatware, hollowarel Old gas
pumps, Brass nozzlesl Old pocket
knives, sheath knivesl Indian artifacts
(beads, baskets, carvings, dolls, jew-
elry)l Old marblesl Political pinsl Pre
1950 pin back buttons of all kindsl Old,
Odd or Unusual? If it has character
Dachs will buy it at The Coin Shop, 106
So. 4th St, Shelton, 8:30 to 5 Tuesday
through Saturday. 426-0304 C5/6-27
son in this position is primarily respon-
sible for providing assistance to the
accounting, customer service and
records divisions of the City of Shelton
Administrative Services Department.
Education and experience - High
School graduate; have taken business
or other related courses; have at least
one (1) year of demonstrated clerical,
accounting and customer service sup-
port experience involving public con-
tact; or an equivalent combination of
experience, education, and training
that would provide the level of knowl-
edge and ability required for the posi-
tion. Starting salary is $1,947 per
month with full benefits. Request an
application packet from City Hall, 310
W. Cots Street, Shelton, WA. No appli-
cation will be mailed or faxed. Applica-
tions must be received by 5 p.m. on
May 28, 1999 to be considered. Faxes
will not be accepted. EOE. C5/20
Heron Resort condominiums. House.
keepers, grcunde/malntenance, jr. as.
aletsnt manager. Call for appointment,
898-3123. B5/20-6/10
tiesl Reading and math tutors, social
skills mentors, volunteer managers and
social service positions now available
with AmeriCorps. Positions at schools
and social service providers in Thurs-
ton, Mason, Lewis and Pierce Coun-
ties. Minimum qualifications: High
school diploma/GED, previous volun-
teer service, desire to serve your com-
munity. 11-12 me., full-time commit-
ment. You receive: Monthly living sti-
pend, $4,725 education award, invalu-
able professional development and
training, plus benefits. Please call
Community Youth Services at 360-943-
0780 x639. C5/20-6/3
porary position, Monday-Friday. Apply
in person, Pantorium Cleaners, 215 S.
2nd Street. P5/20-27
for part-time as needed accountant.
For tax preparation-write up work. Ex-
perience preferred over degrees. This
position is temporary but may evolve
into permanent for the right person.
Please send your qualifications and list
of software you are proficient with to -
Account position, P.O. Box 1966,
Shelton, WA 98584. $5/20
(two) for the Mason County Fair-
grounds/Convention Center, $5.70/hr.,
temporary, full time from 6/15 to 7/31 &
part-time (4 hrs/day) from 8/1 to 8/13.
Hours are modified during week of fair.
Performs gardening, janitorial duties,
maintenance, painting, and assists
with display placement. Requires phys-
ical abilities such as walking, bending,
kneeling, and lifting. Ability to work out-
doors, follow directions and work inde-
pendently. Closes 6/3/99 at 5 p.m. Ap-
plication required and can be obtained
at Mason County Human Resources,
411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; or
call (360) 427-7265. M5/20-27
LOOKING FOR daycare in the Phillips
Lake area for 8 month old boy, 426-
7315. M5/20-27
NEED RELIABLE in your hbne daycare
for 2 children. Non-smoker, Lake Lim-
erick area, M-F days. Call evenings
426-2409. K5/20,
NEEDED PART-TIME, careperson for
handicapped male. Must be able to lift.
427-9254. R5/20
Apprentice. Top quality work. 426-
0164. C5/20
AUTO SALVAGE yard needs pads pull-
er. Tools a must. 426-7579. A5/20
days/some weekends for 7 year old.
Must have transportation, excellent
references and patience. Mason Lake
area, (360) 277-3641. L5/20-6/10
LABORER - TACOMA Public Utilities,
Cushman Project. Temporary position
(3 to 6 months). $8.51 - $10.35 DOQ.
Duties include heavy indoor/outdoor la-
bor in adverse weather conditions. Pri-
or manual labor experience and com-
pletion of high school/GED desired.
Must be 18 years old and possess a
current WA State ddver's license. Em-
ployment subject to passing a pre-em-
ployment medical examination which
includes drug and alcohol screening.
Contact Gary Kiehl or Kathy Scott,
Cushman Hydro Project, 360-877-
5241, N. 21451 Hwy. 101, Shelton, WA
98584. T5/20
MASON COUNTY Civil Service Exami-
nation Announcement: Entry Level Jail
Control Room Operator with Mason
County Sheriff's Office. Starting sal-
ary: $1,716 monthly. Minimum qualifi-
cations: U.S. citizen; 21 years old;
possess or be able to obtain valid
Washington State Driver's License;
ability to type 35 wpm, and read/
write/speak the English language. In
addition, successful applicant will pass
civil service written exam with at least
70%, have no pdor cdminal record, and
pass background, polygraph and psy-
chological screening by Sheriff's Of-
rice. Completed applications must be
postmarked by closing date of 6/5/99.
$20 non-refundable testing fee to be
paid with application. Applications
available by sending self-addressed,
stamped ($.55) envelope to Chief Ex-
aminer, 65 W. Lost Lake Park Dr.,
Shelton, WA 98584. Testing date:
6/12/99. M5/20-27
needed at SunRise Care Center
for Shelton, We offer extensive
resources and outstanding ben-
efits for our facility employees,
including medical, dental, vi-
sion, 401(k), Employee Stock
Purchase Plan and a liberal paid
time off (PTO) policy. Please fax
resume to (360) 427-2563 or
call (360) 427-2575. EOE
near Belfair. Janitorial and fix-it skills
for property, grounds and equipment
maintenance. WDL and good driving
record. F/T with benefits. $7.50-$9.50
hr. DOQ. Vadable work week. For appli-
cation call 360-943-0490 or 800-541-
9852. Closes June 2, 1999 EOE.
CAMP STAFF needed. Looking for a
summer job that will pay you to be out-
doors, have fun and make a positive
impact on kids? Work at our resident
Girl Scout camp near Belfair. June
16th-August 19th. Counselors, water
safety instructor, naturalist, lifeguards,
asst. cook, first aider, kitchen staff
and more. For application, call 360-943-
0490 or 800-541-9852, EOE. P5/20-6/3
REAL ESTATE sales person wanted.
Small, busy office in Lake Cushman
area. (360) 877-9494. L5/13-27
BEACH WORKER wanted. Call Rand,
426-5361. $5/13-20
HAIR STYLIST for busy TGF Haircut-
ters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/
dental, 401K, vacation. Full or pad-
time, 206-232-8008. T5/6-27
HUMAN RESOURCE Director. The City
of Shelton seeks an experienced hu-
man resource leader to manage all as-
pects of the city's human resource pro-
gram. This is a new, department direc-
tor position that will afford the suc-
cessful candidate the oppodunity to
exercise leadership in the development
and improvement of the city's human
resource system. The director will be
responsible for assessing the city's
current human resource environment
and for developing and carrying out
short and long-range strategies neces-
sary to implement an effective, long-
term human resource program. The po-
sition requires the skills of a human re-
source generalist with a high degree of
technical capability and competence.
We require that you have at least a
Bachelor's degree in public administra-
tion, business administration, industrial
relations, personnel management, or a
related field and three or more years of
significant human resource manage-
ment experience as a human
resource/personnel director or assis-
tant. Labor relations experience is also
highly desirable. Competitive salary
range of $45,454 - $59,090, DOQ; Ben-
efits include fully paid medical, dental,
vision, life, and disability plans. To ap-
ply send a letter of application and re-
sume to City Administrator, City of
Shelton, P.O. Box 1277, Shelton, WA
98584. For a detailed position specifi-
cation check our website at or call Jeanette
at 360-426-4491. Applications must be
received by 5:00 P.M. on June 1, 1999.
Faxes and email applications will not be
accepted. EOE. C5/13-20
CASHIER/CLERK position, full-time,
self starter, people person, local
pharmacy. Please send resume to
Pharmacy, P.O. Box 116, Shelton WA
98584. M4/29-5/20
DAYCARE WANTED in Lake Limerick
area before/after school, full-time dur-
ing summer. Must have own transpor-
tation. 426-2922, evenings only. T5/13-
RN/LPN, PART-TIME evening shifts
available for adolescent care. Apply at
Avail Home Nursing, 1-800-637-9998.
DRIVER - PERMANENT part-time with
own van or covered pick-up to deliver
small packages to residences on alter-
nate Sundays. Good pay for part-time
work. No sales or collections. Call toll
free 888-640-3106. F5/13-20
person. 877-9657, Hoodsport Marina
and Care. H5/13-20
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hidng three Fiscal Technicians in
Administrative Services. Minimum qual-
ifications include high school diploma,
or GED certificate and fifteen querier
hours or ten semester hours of college-
level accounting or bookkeeping; and
one year of full-time experience as a
Fiscal Technician I, or equivalent in-
cluding keyboarding experience or
training. An Associate of Ads Degree,
or equivalent, in accounting or busi-
ness may substitute for six months of
required experience. Equivalent educa-
tion/experience will substitute for all
minimum qualifications except when
there are legal requirements, such as a
licensecertificationregistration. De-
sirable qualifications include working
knowledge of or hands on experience
with computerized accounting and
computer and software applications
(specifically WordPerfect or Word and
Excel); and a commitment to a working
environment that values diversity, An
application and required supplemental
examination can be obtained in the Hu-
man Resources Office, South Puget
Sound Community College, 2011 Mott-
man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512.
Phone 754-7711 ext. 360. Position
closes 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 26,
1999. AA/EOE. S 5/13-20
ATTITUDE PAYS $ Telemsrker rte,
Must be self motivated, have a
attitude and able to communica.te_'
with public. Experienced pr.e.;
Base hourly guarantee. PlUS ':,t
bonus program. Call between 3-0 v ....
only, 426-6599. J5/6-27
booth rental. Must have clientele. "*
1415. L5/13-6/3
tel. Call 877-9522 between lU
p.m. G5/13-20
housework, shopping and
appointments. Part-time,
4249. L5/6-27
volunteer help. From 2 p.m.
day a week. But, these
adjusted. Your help
appreciated, please
our new Website at
more details. A4/30ffn
$6.50 per hour. Temper
hours per week. June
gust 27. This position
ing recreation programs fo
6 to 11 years old. CamP,
education, or similar rec
gram experience requli
aid and CPR card
must successfully coral
background check 18 ye
starling work. Summer
Salary: $6 per hour.
time 20 hours per week.
through August 27.
encouraged to apply.
ing with children under
preferred, such as
tion, or education
must successfully
background check. To
a City of Shelton summer
tion from the City of Shelton,
ment Services, 122 South
PO Box 1277, Shelton,
426-9731. Completed
must be postmarked or
p.m. May 28, 1999, E.O.E.
summer work. Expedenced v- rpl ,
ing, yardwork, chainsaW, t
Have truck for hauling, u °''v
WILL RUN errands, clean
windows, clean
ments, will help with
us a call, no work too
Reasonable prices. 426
TODDLE-IN Daycare,
care for your children.
most here, available
food program, fenced
program. Call Deanna,
View School Distdct.
daycares, local ads
offedng summer ad
3-12 years, weekly or
please call 432-8207,
able. $5/13-6/3
sons including music
ing and advanced
fering beginning violil
21 years experience.
5487. P9/17tfn
doubles or singles, 3
P5120 ...,.to F,
WELCOME TO Washing., Wel
It's about time you came u,=] be ."lil
to make sure your staY,W.'ssCu
remember. We love you, ," .,
my. Mc5/20 ..'w/q
_,.. Rllu'T. i
R R '
guest Ched Buzzell Is nown _t'
cally for in-person or phOn ,Is0 live,
tions Readino workshOPe,; '-
able. Accurst'e, honest, t'-) -,
7396. BS/t3-6/3
tions. Fast, efficient. $20o'$.F. ,
recovery, small claims, u.;925","
ed. 253-472-1072 or 1.uu,,
15 words or less - $5.00 I In multiple insertion I
10 cents for each additional word over 151 ads, The Journal m, I
Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I
Classified deadline - 2 p.m. Tuesday I errors in the first I
Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday I insertion only. J
Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad
FOR TRADE Whitfield Advantage II pel.
let insert, $1,800 (+) new. I want a pro-
pane free-standing fireplace of equal
value. Call Mike at 877-5983. C5/20-
STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell:
40x60x14 as $17,430, now $10,871.
50x120x16 was $33,560, now $23,865.
60x150x16 was $48,630, now $32,350.
100x175x20 was $98,650, now
$78,650. 1-800-406-5126. M5/20
FIREWOOD BY the cord - split and de-
livered, 16" length, other lengths by or-
der. Dry Alder, $95 cord. Dry Maple,
$110. Seasoned Fir, $95. Seasoned
Maple, $100. Seasoned Madrona,
$120. Green Alder $90. Green Madro-
na, $115. Delivery charge outside
Shelton area may apply. 360-427-6883.
NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center.
Men's and women's sweaters and
slacks, $1 each. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues-
day-Saturday. $5/20
GERANIUMS: ZONAL, ivy and Madha
Washingtons. Also tomatoes, plants.
391 E. Cranberry Creek Rd., 426-6831.
14' SEARS aluminum boat with trolling
motor, $749 OBO. Spinning wheel, an-
tique, $259. 1976 Mustang II, parts
car, 427-4032. $5/13-20
RUNNING BOARDS - DeeZee deluxe
aluminum. Like new condition. Fit 1992-
1997 Ford crew cab, but can be adjust-
ed to fit shoder vehicles. Cost over
$400 new, $250 OBO. 427-0767.
1993 DODGE Ram 250 with Cummins
turbo diesel, 5 speed. 1992 Wilderness
by Fleetwood, 33' with slide out, air
conditioning, microwave, $29,900. Call
426-5343. H5/6-27
TWO SIDE-BY-SIDE lots in Shelton
cemetery. Grave B, C, Lot 3, Block O,
Mt. Hope. $1,100. 426-7892. B5/13-20
MUSHROOM COMPOST & mixed soils
at Kamilche. 2590 Old Olympic Hwy.
$300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire,
$200. Wanted - 375 H-H rifle. 426-
0159. B2/25tfn
High quality sandy loam
Top cut No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
LAND203B-4 =.
QUEEN SIZE bed, box spring and
frame, $75. Dishwasher, $50. Dryer,
needs heating element, $25. 360-898-
3123. B5/20-27
1967 CUSHMAN Scooter with pick-up
bed and canopy. Meter maid style,
street legal. Rebuilt engine, nice condi-
tion, $1,300 OBO. 432-8945. P5/20
STANLEY-BOSTICH N-80 air nailer with
7 coils, 16d nails new condition, $225.
Palasode air nailer $75. 8" table saw,
$35. Scroll saw with 18" throat, $45.
180 amp electric welder, $50. 426-
5753. A5/20
2356. K5/6-27
25% OFF everything in store, now
through May 28th. More items coming
in. Family Affair 2340 W. Railroad Ave.
432-2477. F5/20
HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 fin
STAINED GLASS brightens up the day.
Windows, suncatchers, door inseds,
boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc.,
all in stained glass. I also do repairs.
So if your stained glass piece or win-
dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call
Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m.
and weekends for information and esti-
mates. I do custom designs, too.
W6/1 ltfn
SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try
harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux
Design, 426-0820. LUXDE'*033CJ.
L 12/3tfn
May 23 Car Show Off. Mt. View. Ads &
crafts show, games, vendors, exhibits,
awards. 426-3767, 426-1925. Mc4/29-
Journal Classifieds
(360) 426-4412
Answers to Super Crossword
Custom designed in any size to fit your needs...
not our convenience, at competitive prices.
Call Art today
Two-Car Garage and Storage
Home Stable with
Feed and Tack Room
Shop and Storage
Reputation for Quality
Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
of satisfied customers.
One of the leading post.frame builders In Meson County.
We can custom dest)n at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required
with no penalty in price.
Choose from a wide range of buildings... Airplane hangars Carportl *
Garages Mobile home covers Warehouses Horse arenas and stables
I Machine storage and shops
4L alu 41 LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK II
" -m:i’----I
i / First & Mill, Shelton ri]U. Monday.Sllturdly 7:30-7 I &
II I _ II Vllr I ,,
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 20, 1999
AUCTION AGATE Road Mini Storage
Saturday - noon-? Preview: 10 a.m.-
noon, 1620 Agate Road, Shelton. Auc-
tioning off unclaimed and liened stor-
age items. V5/20
BUY OR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn
Public auction, Saturday, May 22, 10
a.m. Preview and registration, 9 a.m.
935 Poplar SE in Lacey (off Pacific
near Lilly). Info (360) 491-6804. Over
50,000 Ibs of unclaimed storage from
Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, Olympia,
Anacodes and Centralial Furniture and
appliances for everyday, plus many
special items - armoires, pie safe,
beautifully carved wooden table and
chair set, big screen TV... hundreds of
unopened cations - all shapes and siz-
es. Come see for yourself. No buyers
premium. Ken's Auction Service. Li-
cense No. 193. K5/20
Patchman asphalt reclaimer, 1983
Ford F150 pickup, "Sweepster"
broom attachment w/extra broom
brush, Allied asphalt cutting attach-
ment, 20" belt drive drill press, 2-
1350gal poly tanks, 150gal p oly tank,
6 1/2hp bench grinder, 15gal grease
gun unit, Carolina power hack saw,
engine hoist, 10" & 12" aluminum
boats, 2hp/480 air compressor, 2-
750gal plastic tanks w/steel stairs &
platforms, tire cage, scrap copper &
brass (wire & meters), sc;ap iron (hy-
drants-valves-pipe), misc small
pumps & motors, 2 manual pipe drill-
ing machines, 2 40hp/480 pumps w/
motors, 40hp 480motor, fire hose,
Sharpe mod 450 paint gun & pot, soc-
cer goal frame, bikes, cell phones,
office stuff & more.
..... Antih Auction ........
The Ultimate Recycler
PREVIEW DAY OF SALE ..............
lic# anticea562ms
terms: cash MC/Visa
MULTI FAMILY Saturday 5/22, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. 110 E. Madrona Parkway
(Rustlewood Estates). Too many items
to list. $5/20
GARAGE SALE: Saturday May 22nd
only 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 'Cheap prices. After
1 p.m. many items will be $1/bag. 617
Euclid Ave. F5/20
SATURDAY ONLY 10 a.m.-4 p.m. No
early birds. Some collectibles, some
junque. 1111 E. Pickering Rd. H5/20
FOUR FAMILY sale. Arcadia Point,
Saturday only, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Furniture,
exercise equipment, lots of misc.
MOVING SALE May 22, 23, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Collectibles and "stuff;' Approx-
imately 11/2 miles north of Lilliwaup.
Watch for signs. $5/20
MULTI-FAMILY garage sale Saturday,
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., E.
570 Mikkelsen Rd. 426-9685. Fumiture,
microwave, clothes, comic books, lawn
equipment, books, CDs, pictures,
household items, stair-stepper. F5/20
FRIDAY/SATURDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Col-
lectibles, jewelry, large clothing, craft
and needle work supplies, household
miss., some tools and "guy stuff" too,
100 E. Marioneth Rd., Lake Limerick.
ESTATE/YARD sale 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Size
6 leather coat, 93 Yamaha keyboard,
crystal, bedding, chairs and lots more.
Saturday/Sunday rain or shine. 7515
W. Shelton-Matlock Road. B5/20
TOYS, GLASSWARE, Nintendo sys-
tem, lots of misc. Thursday through
Sunday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 2520 E. Mc-
Ewan Preide Road, Shelton. R5/20
HUGE SALE at Alpine Evergreens,
Saturday, May 22, gate opens 9 a.m.
No eady birds. Household items includ-
ing furniture, dishes, clothes, lamps,
beds, mattresses, and many unusual
items. 7124 State Hwy 3 SW, 2.5 miles
south of Goret on east side of Hwy 3.
AUCTION AGATE Road Mini Storage
Saturday - noon-? Preview: 10 a.m.-
noon, 1620 Agate Road, Shelton. Auc-
tioning off unclaimed and liened stor-
age Items. V5/20
SATURDAY, SUNDAY 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Toys, bike, furniture, CDs, videos,
misc. 2215 W. Franklin, Shelton. W5/20
BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-In
swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m.,
near Bremerton Airport. Information,
360-698-6031. R5/20tfn
THURSDAY-SUNDAY 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Follow signs from junction of Hwy
101/106. Furniture, beds, satellite sys-
tem, housewares, clothes -newbom to
adult, exercise equipment, van. M5/20
MOVING SALE. Everything must go.
Bed sets, china cabinet, small safe,
chest-of-drawers, dining room table
and chairs, over 200 books, toys ga-
lore, tools, boat/motor/trailer, camping
equipment, hunting equipment, chil-
dren's games, patio table and umbrella,
etc. Make offer. 1460 E. Bellow Rd.,
Harstine Island, Saturday/Sunday after
10 a.m. $5/20
Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 535 Ellinor, Hill-
crest. Lots of stuff. R5/20
NEIGHBORS SALE. Saturday, May 22,
9 a.m.-5 p.m. 304 and 322 Nodh 2nd
Street, downtown. Mc5/20
FINISHED CLEANING and found more
good stuff you can't live without. Satur-
day, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. SE 881 Mill Creek
Rd. Last house on left, end of county
road. E5/20
S.O.C.K. SWAP. Every Saturday, 9
a.m.-4 p.m., Shelton Armory. Garage
sale items to crafts. 601 West Franklin.
Segers - $15/10x10 area. 432-0815.
SATURDAY/SUNDAY, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.,
books, clothes, household items, no
early birds, 1928 Stevens St., Shelton.
FRIDAY/SATURDAY 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 205
W Birch (off Alder). Lots of good stuff
and golf clubs. Three families on Satur-
day. C5/20
BUYING OLD stuffl Immediate cash
payment: Picture post cards, 1890 to
19701 Varied White Elephantsl Old
pc'ket watches and men's wind up
wrist watches (running or not)l Key
wind wall and mantel clocks (running or
not)! Antique gunsl Gold and Silver
Coins (call for daily quote)l Coin collec-
tionsl Stamp collectionsl Round bird
cages, glass seed cupsl Birdie doo-
dlerst Fiberglass chickensl Old booksl
Pre WW2 children's booksl Little Black
Sambo, OZ booksl Alice in Wonder-
land, Pinocchio, Billy Whiskers, Dick
and Janel McGuffey school booksl
Books by Baum or Burgessl Many
otherst Photographs 1840 to 19451 Pre
WW2 costume jewelryl Gold jewelryl
Diamond jewelryl Scrap gold marked
10K, 14K, 18K. Raw gold (placer fines,
nuggets, etc.)1 Old toysl Cast iron
toys, tin toys, wind-upsl Coin banksl
10 cent comic books! Collectiblesl Big
Little booksl NAZI collectiblesl Military
souvenirsl Swords, daggers, bayo-
netsl WW2 Jap and German helmets,
accoutermentsl Hitler books, maga-
zines. Old ink pens, fountain pens, me-
chanical pencilsl Pre 1950 advertising
give awaysl Road maps, lead pencils,
etc., Railroad lanterns, schedules, ad-
vedisingl Cut glassl Green fire king
glassl Old pictures, printsl Red Wing
crockery1 1920's, '30's floor and table
lamps! Wooden fishing plugsl Sterling
Silver flatware, hollowarel Old gas
pumps, Brass nozzlesl Old pocket
knives, sheath knivesl Indian artifacts
(beads, baskets, carvings, dolls, jew-
elry)l Old marblesl Political pinsl Pre
1950 pin back buttons of all kindsl Old,
Odd or Unusual? If it has character
Dachs will buy it at The Coin Shop, 106
So. 4th St, Shelton, 8:30 to 5 Tuesday
through Saturday. 426-0304 C5/6-27
son in this position is primarily respon-
sible for providing assistance to the
accounting, customer service and
records divisions of the City of Shelton
Administrative Services Department.
Education and experience - High
School graduate; have taken business
or other related courses; have at least
one (1) year of demonstrated clerical,
accounting and customer service sup-
port experience involving public con-
tact; or an equivalent combination of
experience, education, and training
that would provide the level of knowl-
edge and ability required for the posi-
tion. Starting salary is $1,947 per
month with full benefits. Request an
application packet from City Hall, 310
W. Cots Street, Shelton, WA. No appli-
cation will be mailed or faxed. Applica-
tions must be received by 5 p.m. on
May 28, 1999 to be considered. Faxes
will not be accepted. EOE. C5/20
Heron Resort condominiums. House.
keepers, grcunde/malntenance, jr. as.
aletsnt manager. Call for appointment,
898-3123. B5/20-6/10
tiesl Reading and math tutors, social
skills mentors, volunteer managers and
social service positions now available
with AmeriCorps. Positions at schools
and social service providers in Thurs-
ton, Mason, Lewis and Pierce Coun-
ties. Minimum qualifications: High
school diploma/GED, previous volun-
teer service, desire to serve your com-
munity. 11-12 me., full-time commit-
ment. You receive: Monthly living sti-
pend, $4,725 education award, invalu-
able professional development and
training, plus benefits. Please call
Community Youth Services at 360-943-
0780 x639. C5/20-6/3
porary position, Monday-Friday. Apply
in person, Pantorium Cleaners, 215 S.
2nd Street. P5/20-27
for part-time as needed accountant.
For tax preparation-write up work. Ex-
perience preferred over degrees. This
position is temporary but may evolve
into permanent for the right person.
Please send your qualifications and list
of software you are proficient with to -
Account position, P.O. Box 1966,
Shelton, WA 98584. $5/20
(two) for the Mason County Fair-
grounds/Convention Center, $5.70/hr.,
temporary, full time from 6/15 to 7/31 &
part-time (4 hrs/day) from 8/1 to 8/13.
Hours are modified during week of fair.
Performs gardening, janitorial duties,
maintenance, painting, and assists
with display placement. Requires phys-
ical abilities such as walking, bending,
kneeling, and lifting. Ability to work out-
doors, follow directions and work inde-
pendently. Closes 6/3/99 at 5 p.m. Ap-
plication required and can be obtained
at Mason County Human Resources,
411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; or
call (360) 427-7265. M5/20-27
LOOKING FOR daycare in the Phillips
Lake area for 8 month old boy, 426-
7315. M5/20-27
NEED RELIABLE in your hbne daycare
for 2 children. Non-smoker, Lake Lim-
erick area, M-F days. Call evenings
426-2409. K5/20,
NEEDED PART-TIME, careperson for
handicapped male. Must be able to lift.
427-9254. R5/20
Apprentice. Top quality work. 426-
0164. C5/20
AUTO SALVAGE yard needs pads pull-
er. Tools a must. 426-7579. A5/20
days/some weekends for 7 year old.
Must have transportation, excellent
references and patience. Mason Lake
area, (360) 277-3641. L5/20-6/10
LABORER - TACOMA Public Utilities,
Cushman Project. Temporary position
(3 to 6 months). $8.51 - $10.35 DOQ.
Duties include heavy indoor/outdoor la-
bor in adverse weather conditions. Pri-
or manual labor experience and com-
pletion of high school/GED desired.
Must be 18 years old and possess a
current WA State ddver's license. Em-
ployment subject to passing a pre-em-
ployment medical examination which
includes drug and alcohol screening.
Contact Gary Kiehl or Kathy Scott,
Cushman Hydro Project, 360-877-
5241, N. 21451 Hwy. 101, Shelton, WA
98584. T5/20
MASON COUNTY Civil Service Exami-
nation Announcement: Entry Level Jail
Control Room Operator with Mason
County Sheriff's Office. Starting sal-
ary: $1,716 monthly. Minimum qualifi-
cations: U.S. citizen; 21 years old;
possess or be able to obtain valid
Washington State Driver's License;
ability to type 35 wpm, and read/
write/speak the English language. In
addition, successful applicant will pass
civil service written exam with at least
70%, have no pdor cdminal record, and
pass background, polygraph and psy-
chological screening by Sheriff's Of-
rice. Completed applications must be
postmarked by closing date of 6/5/99.
$20 non-refundable testing fee to be
paid with application. Applications
available by sending self-addressed,
stamped ($.55) envelope to Chief Ex-
aminer, 65 W. Lost Lake Park Dr.,
Shelton, WA 98584. Testing date:
6/12/99. M5/20-27
needed at SunRise Care Center
for Shelton, We offer extensive
resources and outstanding ben-
efits for our facility employees,
including medical, dental, vi-
sion, 401(k), Employee Stock
Purchase Plan and a liberal paid
time off (PTO) policy. Please fax
resume to (360) 427-2563 or
call (360) 427-2575. EOE
near Belfair. Janitorial and fix-it skills
for property, grounds and equipment
maintenance. WDL and good driving
record. F/T with benefits. $7.50-$9.50
hr. DOQ. Vadable work week. For appli-
cation call 360-943-0490 or 800-541-
9852. Closes June 2, 1999 EOE.
CAMP STAFF needed. Looking for a
summer job that will pay you to be out-
doors, have fun and make a positive
impact on kids? Work at our resident
Girl Scout camp near Belfair. June
16th-August 19th. Counselors, water
safety instructor, naturalist, lifeguards,
asst. cook, first aider, kitchen staff
and more. For application, call 360-943-
0490 or 800-541-9852, EOE. P5/20-6/3
REAL ESTATE sales person wanted.
Small, busy office in Lake Cushman
area. (360) 877-9494. L5/13-27
BEACH WORKER wanted. Call Rand,
426-5361. $5/13-20
HAIR STYLIST for busy TGF Haircut-
ters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/
dental, 401K, vacation. Full or pad-
time, 206-232-8008. T5/6-27
HUMAN RESOURCE Director. The City
of Shelton seeks an experienced hu-
man resource leader to manage all as-
pects of the city's human resource pro-
gram. This is a new, department direc-
tor position that will afford the suc-
cessful candidate the oppodunity to
exercise leadership in the development
and improvement of the city's human
resource system. The director will be
responsible for assessing the city's
current human resource environment
and for developing and carrying out
short and long-range strategies neces-
sary to implement an effective, long-
term human resource program. The po-
sition requires the skills of a human re-
source generalist with a high degree of
technical capability and competence.
We require that you have at least a
Bachelor's degree in public administra-
tion, business administration, industrial
relations, personnel management, or a
related field and three or more years of
significant human resource manage-
ment experience as a human
resource/personnel director or assis-
tant. Labor relations experience is also
highly desirable. Competitive salary
range of $45,454 - $59,090, DOQ; Ben-
efits include fully paid medical, dental,
vision, life, and disability plans. To ap-
ply send a letter of application and re-
sume to City Administrator, City of
Shelton, P.O. Box 1277, Shelton, WA
98584. For a detailed position specifi-
cation check our website at or call Jeanette
at 360-426-4491. Applications must be
received by 5:00 P.M. on June 1, 1999.
Faxes and email applications will not be
accepted. EOE. C5/13-20
CASHIER/CLERK position, full-time,
self starter, people person, local
pharmacy. Please send resume to
Pharmacy, P.O. Box 116, Shelton WA
98584. M4/29-5/20
DAYCARE WANTED in Lake Limerick
area before/after school, full-time dur-
ing summer. Must have own transpor-
tation. 426-2922, evenings only. T5/13-
RN/LPN, PART-TIME evening shifts
available for adolescent care. Apply at
Avail Home Nursing, 1-800-637-9998.
DRIVER - PERMANENT part-time with
own van or covered pick-up to deliver
small packages to residences on alter-
nate Sundays. Good pay for part-time
work. No sales or collections. Call toll
free 888-640-3106. F5/13-20
person. 877-9657, Hoodsport Marina
and Care. H5/13-20
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hidng three Fiscal Technicians in
Administrative Services. Minimum qual-
ifications include high school diploma,
or GED certificate and fifteen querier
hours or ten semester hours of college-
level accounting or bookkeeping; and
one year of full-time experience as a
Fiscal Technician I, or equivalent in-
cluding keyboarding experience or
training. An Associate of Ads Degree,
or equivalent, in accounting or busi-
ness may substitute for six months of
required experience. Equivalent educa-
tion/experience will substitute for all
minimum qualifications except when
there are legal requirements, such as a
licensecertificationregistration. De-
sirable qualifications include working
knowledge of or hands on experience
with computerized accounting and
computer and software applications
(specifically WordPerfect or Word and
Excel); and a commitment to a working
environment that values diversity, An
application and required supplemental
examination can be obtained in the Hu-
man Resources Office, South Puget
Sound Community College, 2011 Mott-
man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512.
Phone 754-7711 ext. 360. Position
closes 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 26,
1999. AA/EOE. S 5/13-20
ATTITUDE PAYS $ Telemsrker rte,
Must be self motivated, have a
attitude and able to communica.te_'
with public. Experienced pr.e.;
Base hourly guarantee. PlUS ':,t
bonus program. Call between 3-0 v ....
only, 426-6599. J5/6-27
booth rental. Must have clientele. "*
1415. L5/13-6/3
tel. Call 877-9522 between lU
p.m. G5/13-20
housework, shopping and
appointments. Part-time,
4249. L5/6-27
volunteer help. From 2 p.m.
day a week. But, these
adjusted. Your help
appreciated, please
our new Website at
more details. A4/30ffn
$6.50 per hour. Temper
hours per week. June
gust 27. This position
ing recreation programs fo
6 to 11 years old. CamP,
education, or similar rec
gram experience requli
aid and CPR card
must successfully coral
background check 18 ye
starling work. Summer
Salary: $6 per hour.
time 20 hours per week.
through August 27.
encouraged to apply.
ing with children under
preferred, such as
tion, or education
must successfully
background check. To
a City of Shelton summer
tion from the City of Shelton,
ment Services, 122 South
PO Box 1277, Shelton,
426-9731. Completed
must be postmarked or
p.m. May 28, 1999, E.O.E.
summer work. Expedenced v- rpl ,
ing, yardwork, chainsaW, t
Have truck for hauling, u °''v
WILL RUN errands, clean
windows, clean
ments, will help with
us a call, no work too
Reasonable prices. 426
TODDLE-IN Daycare,
care for your children.
most here, available
food program, fenced
program. Call Deanna,
View School Distdct.
daycares, local ads
offedng summer ad
3-12 years, weekly or
please call 432-8207,
able. $5/13-6/3
sons including music
ing and advanced
fering beginning violil
21 years experience.
5487. P9/17tfn
doubles or singles, 3
P5120 ...,.to F,
WELCOME TO Washing., Wel
It's about time you came u,=] be ."lil
to make sure your staY,W.'ssCu
remember. We love you, ," .,
my. Mc5/20 ..'w/q
_,.. Rllu'T. i
R R '
guest Ched Buzzell Is nown _t'
cally for in-person or phOn ,Is0 live,
tions Readino workshOPe,; '-
able. Accurst'e, honest, t'-) -,
7396. BS/t3-6/3
tions. Fast, efficient. $20o'$.F. ,
recovery, small claims, u.;925","
ed. 253-472-1072 or 1.uu,,