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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 20, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 20, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LEGAL NOTICES MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC-197-11-340) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Apart- ment complex. Construction of 11 new apart- ment units, one laundry unit, paved parking, pedestrian plaza. Five existing dwelling units will remain. PROPONENT: Kelly Buechel PO Box 1653 Shelton, Washington 98584 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 401 2nd Street (new address), Shelton, Washington. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 7, 8, and N 1/2 of 9, Block 2, Healy's Addition, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, Section 19, W.M LEAD AGENCY: City of Shelton The lead agency for this proposal has de- termined that it is necessary to issue a Deter- mination of Nonsignificance with Condition(s) to avoid significant adverse Impacts on the en- vironment. These conditions are attached. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public upon re- quesL This Mitigated DNS is issued under 197- 11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by June 3, 1999. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Paul Roger- son POSITION/TITLE: Planning Director ADDRESS: POB 1277,122 S. 3rd Street, Shelton, WA 98584 PHONE: (360) 426-9731 DATE: May 20,1999 SIGNATURE: Is/Paul Rogerson APPEAL: You may appeal this determination to the City Commission at Shelton City Hall, 310 W. Cota, Shelton, WA 98584 no later than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of final DNS by written notice to the City Clerk. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the Planning Department to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. CONDITIONS OF MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE 1. Landscaping per Chapter 20.60 Shelton Ilunicipal Code will be installed 2. Structure shall meet City design stan- dards per Chapter 20.64 Sheiton Municipal Code. 3. Paved parking areas per Chapter 20A0 Shelton Municipal COde shall be installed. 4. Water mains shall be extended across the face of the property. The facilities shell be designed by a licensed civil engineer and con- structed to City standards. If a BLA is complet- ed combining the lots water service 5. Stormwater systems shall be per the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Manual for the Puget Sound Basin and Chapter 13.02 Shelton Municipal Code. All design work shall be by a licensed Civil Engineer. If a Boundary Line Adjustment combining the three existing lots into one is completed, the resultant parcel would be considered to have existing service without main extension. 6. Street improvements across the face of the property, per City requirements, shall be required. 7. The project is within the 100 year flood- plain. All floor levels must be 12 Inohee above freed level. 8. Portions of project are within 200 feet of Goldsborough Creek and must adhere to the City of Shelton Shoreline Management Pro- gram. A Substantial Development Permit will be required. 9. All site plan review requirements shall be met. 5/'20 It PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 No. 99-4)0099-5 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of: LOU M. WILDER, Deceased. The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representa- tive of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise appll- cable statute of limitations, present the claim In the manner as provided in RCW 1 t .40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Repre- sentative or the Personal Representative's at. tomey at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the cla!m with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of; (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim Is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 1 t .40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedents probate and nonprobate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: May 20, 1999 /s/Robert D. Wilder ROBERT D. WILDER, Personal Repre- sentative PO Box 550 Grapeview, WA 98546 Personal Representative's Attorney: JOE L. SNYDER, WSBA No. 4564 P.O. Box 1338, 125N. 5th St. Shelton, WA 98564 Telephone: (360) 426,9100 5/20-27-6/3 3t LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 99 2 00368 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASH- INGTON FOR MASON COUNTY KELLY M.D. BUECHEL and JACQUELINE M BUECHEL, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. THE UNKNOWN SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SHELTON ESTATE, a dissolved Wash- ington Corporation, and ALL OTHER PER- SONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR IN- TEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL DEFENDANTS YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to ap- pear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 20th day of May, 1999, and de- fend the above entitled  in the above enti- tled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, Kelly M.D. BUECHEL and JAC- QUELINE M. BUECHEL, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the un- dersigned attorney for the plaintiffs, STEPHEN WHJTEHOUSE, Attorney at Law, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to do so. judgment will be entered against you ec. cording to the demand of the complaint which has been flied with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet title in the following described real property situated In Mason County, Washington, in plaintiffs: All that portion of Govemment Lot two (2), Section eighteen (18), Township twenty (20) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., particu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of Block three (3), David Shelton's Third Addition to the Town (now City) of Shelton, Washington, Volume 3 of Plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington; thence North 7 30' East, 30 feet, to the Southerly line of a tract of land conveyed to Virginia L. Williams In Deed recorded May 18, 1896, Volume I of Deeds, page 455, Auditor's File No. 8954; thence North 82 30' West, along the Southerly line of said Williams tract, 300 feet, to the Southwesterly comer of said Williams tract, at a point on the Westedy line of 6th Street extended Northerly, 30 feet, to the Northeasterly corner of Block four (4), David Shelton's Third Addition to the Town (now City) of Shelton, Washington; thence South 82 30' East, 300 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING therefrom, all that portion thereof, if any, which lies within the plat of Da- vid Shelton's Third Addition to the Town (now City) of Shelton, Washington, Volume 3 of Plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington. Record title to this strip of land is held by the Shaiton Estate. Is/Stephen Whltahouss STEPHEN WHITEHOUSE, WSBA #6818 Attorney for Plaintiffs Mailing address: P.O. BOx 1273 Shelton, WA 98584 5/20.27-6/3-10-17-24 6t CITY OF SHELTON Depertment of Planning PO BOx 1277 Shelton, Washington 98584 (360) 426.9731 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Hearing Examiner of Sheiton, Washington will hold public headng beginning at 7:00 P.M., June 2, 1999 at the Municipal Courtroom (2nd & Franklin Streets) In accordance with Title 20 Shelton Municipal Code (Zoning) on the fol- lowing application: Adoption on new Chapter 20.09 (LI-C Low intensity Commercial) zone. Amendment of Chapter 20.06(Use District Classifications, Boundaries, Land Use Matdx, and Zoning Map) to reflect addition of LI-C zone. Amend- ment of Chapter 20.64 (Design Review Stan- dards) to provide design standards applicable in the LI-C zone. Rezone of lots along Adams and Jefferson Streets to LI-C. Phll Olbrechte Hearing Examiner Posted: City Hall, P.U.D. #3, Courthouse 5/20 It NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION. VACATION FILE NO. 306 RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: Jim & Llnda Gooding NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ma- son County Board of Commissioners did take ac'n on the proposed vacation of: That portion of dght-of-way 35' from and northwesterly parallel to the centerline of Cole Road at the SE comer of the intersection of Cole Road with Cook Plant Farm Road, adja- cent to Lot 4, Shadowood in Section 4, T19N, R3WWM, Parcel #31904 57 00004. Approx- imate size is 81 feet by 40 feet. FURTHER, the Board did set a date for public hearing on the matter and dlrectad the Clerk to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication; and, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that said hearing has been set for Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 10:45 e.m., Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Buiding I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shalton, Washington at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and to be heard eith- er for or against the granting of the petition. DATED this 27th day of April, 1999. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 5/20-27 2t LEGAL NOTICE On May 20, 1999 or thereafter the following lake waters out to the 20 foot contour line may be treated to control aquatic weed and algae growth: Rainbow Lake, Catfish Lake, Trails End Lake and Lake Arrowhead. The following materials are approved for use and may be ap- plied through October 1, 1999: Rodeo (glypho- sate) and copper based products. There are no water restrictions with the use of these materi- als. Sonar (fluridone), no irrigation for 6 to 90 days, Aquathol K (endothall), no swimming for 8 day, no use of water for irrigation or agricul- tural purposes for 14 days, no fish consumptkm from treated waters for 3 days, and no use of treated waters for domestic purposes for 35 days. Shoreline and surface waters will be posted. Applicator: Allied Aquatics, Tumwatar, WA. 360-357-3285. Department of Ecology 360- 407-6307, Allied Aquatlcs 4426 Bush Mountain Drive SW. Tumwafer, WA. 98512 /=/Douglas Derilng Douglas Dodlng Presidant 5/20 It NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public headng at the Hoodsport Fire Hall, FPD #1, 331 N. Finch Creek Drive, Hoodsport, WA on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the petition for special restdctlons on Lake Cush- Ilrlrt. If there are questions, or special eccom* modations are needed, please contact the Cornmlasloners' office, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 4th day of May, 1999. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 5/20.27 2t Page 32- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 20, 1999 Resident lauds FD4, PUD, Hawkes: Lynch Road fire avoidell "t " wokTVetL'In2dhlR;tdl:lleoSh; thep[°3b;aW.s.l°Cea1] firemen meAtebJoO;Po°le er UurgSefr°t : Can walt • out in the early-morning hours of pouring over our home," Anita satellite receiver, but other elec- May 11 are grateful for the quick work and concerned response of Mason County Fire District 4, PUD 3 and Hawkes Electric. Popping bulbs and the smell of smoke and burnt rubber sent Ani- ta and Robert Johnson calling 911 and heading out of their mobile home at 3:10 a.m., but it took most of a day before the source of Johnson told The Journal this week. "The PUD was in and out all day trying to help us find the problem and we finally called Hawkes Electric, who came al- most instantly to our rescue. ...And PUD crews arrived within minutes to turn the power on and had us up and running in time for dinner." tronic equipment was spared, Anita Johnson said. "This wasn't the first crisis in my life but it was solved faster than any other," she said, giving the credit to the fire department, the utility, the electric company and the couple's sons, daughters and other family members who rushed to their aid. Subscribe for yourself. Rural-aid bill becomes law State Representative Bill "Ike" Eickmeyer is exulting over the signing into law of a measure he introduced as House Bill 2260 to strengthen help for economically distressed rural counties. The bipartisan legislation dou- bles the amount of money that ru- ral counties like Mason and Grays Harbor, counties with no more than 100 residents per square mile, can use to work on infrastructure improvements. Those improvements, for build- ing and improving bridges, roads, water and sewer systems, rail- road and port facilities, are aimed at attracting new industry. Another provision of the law is aimed at new-technology busi- nesses to communities tradition- ally based on declining timber and fishing economies. It author- izes tax credits for help-desk firms and other high-tech busi- nesses that choose to start up in rural counties rather than along the prosperous Interstate 5 cor- ridor. Another measure, Senate Bill 5594, will send additional assis- tance to rural communities. It al- lows for funding for telecommuni- cation infrastructure. PIONEER00 SCHOOL II LUNCH MENU II May 24-28 Monday: Corn dogs, baked beans, chips, fresh orange, t[ milk. - II Tuesday: BurrHo, whole Ui kernal corn, salsa and sour cream, chilled applesauce, milk. Wednesday: Cheeseburger, let- tuce and pickle, French fries, crisp apple, milk. Thursday: Chicken nuggets, pret- zel with sauce, fresh orange, car- rot stix, milk. Friday: Early release. No lunch served. Anyone living or workirtg in the Pioneer School District is eligible to join Simpson Community fi'deral Credit Union. 526 W. Cedar 42.6-970] i TREASURER'S NOTICE OF COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 42 CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the as- easement roll for Local Improvement Dlstdct No. 42 created by Ordinance No. 1459-0197, as approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 1513-0399, is in my hands for collection. Pre-Payment Period - All or any portion of any assessment on said roll may be paid In person on or before 5:00 PM, June 21, 1999, or by mail postmarked on or before June 21, 1999, without penalty, Interest or additional costs. Any assessment thereon, or any portion thereof, remaining unpaid at the end of the pre- payment period may be paid in ten (10) equal installments. Installment= - The interest rate upon the above mentioned installments shall be five and one-half percent (5.5%) per anrwm. The first (1 st) installment together with interest shall be due and payable in person on or before 5:00 PM, June 21,2000, or by mall postmaed on or before June 21, 2000, and each year there- after. A notice will be mailed by the City ap- proximately thirty (30) days before each in- stallment due date to  owner of record, as on tile with the Mason County Assessor. Any In- stallment not paid prior to expiration of the pe- riod when such installment Is due and payable shall thereupon become delinquent and shall be subject to a charge of twelve percent (12%) penalty levied on both principal and interest due upon that installment, and all delinquent install. monte also shall be charged interest at  rate as determined above, If two (2) or more In- etallments become delinquent, the Clty may commence foreclosure proceedings as provid- ed by law. Dennis Colvin City Treasurer 5?20-27 2t May 24-28, 1999 Hood Canal MONDAY: Breakfast: Cinnamon bread. Lunch: Italian dunkers . with mozzarella cheese, French fries, pears, blueberry cake, milk. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza. Lunch: Chicken nuggets, tater tots, fresh fruit, chocolate cake, milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: French toast. Lunch: Nachos, buttered corn, peaches, oatmeal cookie, chocolate milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Scram- bled egg, toast. Lunch: Cook's choice. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Sausage on a stick. Lunch: Hot dog in a bun, ketchup and mustard, fresh fruit, Shelton carrot sticks, potato chips, milk. ,, cake, chocolate milk. JK Sponsored by 1 WEST COAST BANK LENDER Formerly Centennial Bank Hoodsport Shelton • N. 24341 Hwy. 101 877-5272 MONDAY: Breakfast: Cereal, toast. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with brunch for lunch, pancakes, potato wedges, sausage links, cookie, milk. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Sausage and pancake on a stick. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with turkey gravy over mashed potatoes, with dinner roll, chocolate milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Chocolate super donuts. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with BBQ rib on a hoagie, Disney cookie, milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: French toast, scrambled eggs. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with teriyaki dip- pers, fluffy rice, dinner roll, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Berry scones. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with turkey fries, pineapple upside-down • 2307 Olympic Hwy. N 426-5581 Shelton churches invite you to attend services Faith Lutheran q)LDI4/0 Church, E.L.C.A. 2.11.,,  Intersection of Pastor: Nell Thompson 2"0 M 0 9": 426-8611 Worship ........................................... 9:00 Christian Education ............. 10:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship ...... 11:15 a.m. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Ave. Christian Education ................ 9:15 a.m. Worship (Nursery Available). 10:30 a.m. Sermon: "A Life of Commitment" 8 & 10:30 worship beginning June 6 Office 426-6353 PreschooVDaycare • 427-3165 Visit us on the web at: 1 SHELTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder 426-4174 First Service... 8:30 a.m. Nurser U Sunday School... 9:30 a.m. Available Second Service... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care ..." Rcv. D. J. Maddux, Rector The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Come As You Are St. David's Early Learning Center] 4th and Cedar, Shclton for ages 3-6 I Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. Misa en Espaol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m. Office: 426-8472 r----- --T Call 426-441001 ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, RCW 46.55.130, LAW OF 1969, FIRST EX- TRAORDINARY SESSION, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 281, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE, 809 S. First St., SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584, WILL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON May 28th, 1999, AT 1:30 P.M. SELL FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER THE FOLLOWING DE- SCRIBED VEHICLES: 1973 FORD 1:-100 P/U, LIC #GM2133 1978 FORD MUSTANG, LIC #JDM164 1980 CHEVY LUV P/U, UC #NO PLATES 1974 FORD PINTO, LIC #KKW604 1981 GMC CARGOVAN, LIC #07902V 1973 DODGE ESCAPADE, LIC #1CV044 1969 INTERNATIONAL VAN, LIC #22048U 1978 DODGE VAN, LIC #990EKI VEHICLES AVAILABLE AT 10:30 A.M. FOR INSPECTION. JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE REG. #5006 5/'20 It SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 210 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-2776 9:30 and I I:00 a.m. Saturday • Paul Weigley, pastor SHELTON VALLEY ADVENTIST SCHOOL 201 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-4198 Grades K-8 • Candy Johnston, principal SHELTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' * "SPIRIT " ; o, INACTION € Worship Service ...................... 10:30 Sunday , Christian Education .................. 9:00 A Sunday Join us for worship and fellowship at our interim church home, € O s P, 8helton Seventh Day Adventist Church. 210 8helton Valley Rd. Call us at: (360) 432-8696 Marl: P.O. Box 1891, Shelton, WA 98584 Send to: Shelton-Mason County Journal Box 430 Shelton, Washington 98584 I'm tired of standing in line. Start sending me the Shelton-Mason County Journal right away. Q One year In Mason county, $2$.00.01i Q One year In Washington State, $$ One year out of state, $4S.00 Name Mailing Address City State __--- Zip l LEGAL NOTICES MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC-197-11-340) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Apart- ment complex. Construction of 11 new apart- ment units, one laundry unit, paved parking, pedestrian plaza. Five existing dwelling units will remain. PROPONENT: Kelly Buechel PO Box 1653 Shelton, Washington 98584 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 401 2nd Street (new address), Shelton, Washington. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 7, 8, and N 1/2 of 9, Block 2, Healy's Addition, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, Section 19, W.M LEAD AGENCY: City of Shelton The lead agency for this proposal has de- termined that it is necessary to issue a Deter- mination of Nonsignificance with Condition(s) to avoid significant adverse Impacts on the en- vironment. These conditions are attached. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public upon re- quesL This Mitigated DNS is issued under 197- 11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by June 3, 1999. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Paul Roger- son POSITION/TITLE: Planning Director ADDRESS: POB 1277,122 S. 3rd Street, Shelton, WA 98584 PHONE: (360) 426-9731 DATE: May 20,1999 SIGNATURE: Is/Paul Rogerson APPEAL: You may appeal this determination to the City Commission at Shelton City Hall, 310 W. Cota, Shelton, WA 98584 no later than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of final DNS by written notice to the City Clerk. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the Planning Department to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. CONDITIONS OF MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE 1. Landscaping per Chapter 20.60 Shelton Ilunicipal Code will be installed 2. Structure shall meet City design stan- dards per Chapter 20.64 Sheiton Municipal Code. 3. Paved parking areas per Chapter 20A0 Shelton Municipal COde shall be installed. 4. Water mains shall be extended across the face of the property. The facilities shell be designed by a licensed civil engineer and con- structed to City standards. If a BLA is complet- ed combining the lots water service 5. Stormwater systems shall be per the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Manual for the Puget Sound Basin and Chapter 13.02 Shelton Municipal Code. All design work shall be by a licensed Civil Engineer. If a Boundary Line Adjustment combining the three existing lots into one is completed, the resultant parcel would be considered to have existing service without main extension. 6. Street improvements across the face of the property, per City requirements, shall be required. 7. The project is within the 100 year flood- plain. All floor levels must be 12 Inohee above freed level. 8. Portions of project are within 200 feet of Goldsborough Creek and must adhere to the City of Shelton Shoreline Management Pro- gram. A Substantial Development Permit will be required. 9. All site plan review requirements shall be met. 5/'20 It PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 No. 99-4)0099-5 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of: LOU M. WILDER, Deceased. The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representa- tive of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise appll- cable statute of limitations, present the claim In the manner as provided in RCW 1 t .40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Repre- sentative or the Personal Representative's at. tomey at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the cla!m with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of; (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim Is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 1 t .40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedents probate and nonprobate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: May 20, 1999 /s/Robert D. Wilder ROBERT D. WILDER, Personal Repre- sentative PO Box 550 Grapeview, WA 98546 Personal Representative's Attorney: JOE L. SNYDER, WSBA No. 4564 P.O. Box 1338, 125N. 5th St. Shelton, WA 98564 Telephone: (360) 426,9100 5/20-27-6/3 3t LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 99 2 00368 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASH- INGTON FOR MASON COUNTY KELLY M.D. BUECHEL and JACQUELINE M BUECHEL, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. THE UNKNOWN SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SHELTON ESTATE, a dissolved Wash- ington Corporation, and ALL OTHER PER- SONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR IN- TEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL DEFENDANTS YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to ap- pear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 20th day of May, 1999, and de- fend the above entitled  in the above enti- tled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, Kelly M.D. BUECHEL and JAC- QUELINE M. BUECHEL, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the un- dersigned attorney for the plaintiffs, STEPHEN WHJTEHOUSE, Attorney at Law, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to do so. judgment will be entered against you ec. cording to the demand of the complaint which has been flied with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet title in the following described real property situated In Mason County, Washington, in plaintiffs: All that portion of Govemment Lot two (2), Section eighteen (18), Township twenty (20) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., particu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of Block three (3), David Shelton's Third Addition to the Town (now City) of Shelton, Washington, Volume 3 of Plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington; thence North 7 30' East, 30 feet, to the Southerly line of a tract of land conveyed to Virginia L. Williams In Deed recorded May 18, 1896, Volume I of Deeds, page 455, Auditor's File No. 8954; thence North 82 30' West, along the Southerly line of said Williams tract, 300 feet, to the Southwesterly comer of said Williams tract, at a point on the Westedy line of 6th Street extended Northerly, 30 feet, to the Northeasterly corner of Block four (4), David Shelton's Third Addition to the Town (now City) of Shelton, Washington; thence South 82 30' East, 300 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING therefrom, all that portion thereof, if any, which lies within the plat of Da- vid Shelton's Third Addition to the Town (now City) of Shelton, Washington, Volume 3 of Plats, page 6, records of Mason County, Washington. Record title to this strip of land is held by the Shaiton Estate. Is/Stephen Whltahouss STEPHEN WHITEHOUSE, WSBA #6818 Attorney for Plaintiffs Mailing address: P.O. BOx 1273 Shelton, WA 98584 5/20.27-6/3-10-17-24 6t CITY OF SHELTON Depertment of Planning PO BOx 1277 Shelton, Washington 98584 (360) 426.9731 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Hearing Examiner of Sheiton, Washington will hold public headng beginning at 7:00 P.M., June 2, 1999 at the Municipal Courtroom (2nd & Franklin Streets) In accordance with Title 20 Shelton Municipal Code (Zoning) on the fol- lowing application: Adoption on new Chapter 20.09 (LI-C Low intensity Commercial) zone. Amendment of Chapter 20.06(Use District Classifications, Boundaries, Land Use Matdx, and Zoning Map) to reflect addition of LI-C zone. Amend- ment of Chapter 20.64 (Design Review Stan- dards) to provide design standards applicable in the LI-C zone. Rezone of lots along Adams and Jefferson Streets to LI-C. Phll Olbrechte Hearing Examiner Posted: City Hall, P.U.D. #3, Courthouse 5/20 It NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION. VACATION FILE NO. 306 RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: Jim & Llnda Gooding NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ma- son County Board of Commissioners did take ac'n on the proposed vacation of: That portion of dght-of-way 35' from and northwesterly parallel to the centerline of Cole Road at the SE comer of the intersection of Cole Road with Cook Plant Farm Road, adja- cent to Lot 4, Shadowood in Section 4, T19N, R3WWM, Parcel #31904 57 00004. Approx- imate size is 81 feet by 40 feet. FURTHER, the Board did set a date for public hearing on the matter and dlrectad the Clerk to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication; and, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that said hearing has been set for Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 10:45 e.m., Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Buiding I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shalton, Washington at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and to be heard eith- er for or against the granting of the petition. DATED this 27th day of April, 1999. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 5/20-27 2t LEGAL NOTICE On May 20, 1999 or thereafter the following lake waters out to the 20 foot contour line may be treated to control aquatic weed and algae growth: Rainbow Lake, Catfish Lake, Trails End Lake and Lake Arrowhead. The following materials are approved for use and may be ap- plied through October 1, 1999: Rodeo (glypho- sate) and copper based products. There are no water restrictions with the use of these materi- als. Sonar (fluridone), no irrigation for 6 to 90 days, Aquathol K (endothall), no swimming for 8 day, no use of water for irrigation or agricul- tural purposes for 14 days, no fish consumptkm from treated waters for 3 days, and no use of treated waters for domestic purposes for 35 days. Shoreline and surface waters will be posted. Applicator: Allied Aquatics, Tumwatar, WA. 360-357-3285. Department of Ecology 360- 407-6307, Allied Aquatlcs 4426 Bush Mountain Drive SW. Tumwafer, WA. 98512 /=/Douglas Derilng Douglas Dodlng Presidant 5/20 It NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public headng at the Hoodsport Fire Hall, FPD #1, 331 N. Finch Creek Drive, Hoodsport, WA on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the petition for special restdctlons on Lake Cush- Ilrlrt. If there are questions, or special eccom* modations are needed, please contact the Cornmlasloners' office, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 4th day of May, 1999. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 5/20.27 2t Page 32- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 20, 1999 Resident lauds FD4, PUD, Hawkes: Lynch Road fire avoidell "t " wokTVetL'In2dhlR;tdl:lleoSh; thep[°3b;aW.s.l°Cea1] firemen meAtebJoO;Po°le er UurgSefr°t : Can walt • out in the early-morning hours of pouring over our home," Anita satellite receiver, but other elec- May 11 are grateful for the quick work and concerned response of Mason County Fire District 4, PUD 3 and Hawkes Electric. Popping bulbs and the smell of smoke and burnt rubber sent Ani- ta and Robert Johnson calling 911 and heading out of their mobile home at 3:10 a.m., but it took most of a day before the source of Johnson told The Journal this week. "The PUD was in and out all day trying to help us find the problem and we finally called Hawkes Electric, who came al- most instantly to our rescue. ...And PUD crews arrived within minutes to turn the power on and had us up and running in time for dinner." tronic equipment was spared, Anita Johnson said. "This wasn't the first crisis in my life but it was solved faster than any other," she said, giving the credit to the fire department, the utility, the electric company and the couple's sons, daughters and other family members who rushed to their aid. Subscribe for yourself. Rural-aid bill becomes law State Representative Bill "Ike" Eickmeyer is exulting over the signing into law of a measure he introduced as House Bill 2260 to strengthen help for economically distressed rural counties. The bipartisan legislation dou- bles the amount of money that ru- ral counties like Mason and Grays Harbor, counties with no more than 100 residents per square mile, can use to work on infrastructure improvements. Those improvements, for build- ing and improving bridges, roads, water and sewer systems, rail- road and port facilities, are aimed at attracting new industry. Another provision of the law is aimed at new-technology busi- nesses to communities tradition- ally based on declining timber and fishing economies. It author- izes tax credits for help-desk firms and other high-tech busi- nesses that choose to start up in rural counties rather than along the prosperous Interstate 5 cor- ridor. Another measure, Senate Bill 5594, will send additional assis- tance to rural communities. It al- lows for funding for telecommuni- cation infrastructure. PIONEER00 SCHOOL II LUNCH MENU II May 24-28 Monday: Corn dogs, baked beans, chips, fresh orange, t[ milk. - II Tuesday: BurrHo, whole Ui kernal corn, salsa and sour cream, chilled applesauce, milk. Wednesday: Cheeseburger, let- tuce and pickle, French fries, crisp apple, milk. Thursday: Chicken nuggets, pret- zel with sauce, fresh orange, car- rot stix, milk. Friday: Early release. No lunch served. Anyone living or workirtg in the Pioneer School District is eligible to join Simpson Community fi'deral Credit Union. 526 W. Cedar 42.6-970] i TREASURER'S NOTICE OF COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 42 CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the as- easement roll for Local Improvement Dlstdct No. 42 created by Ordinance No. 1459-0197, as approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 1513-0399, is in my hands for collection. Pre-Payment Period - All or any portion of any assessment on said roll may be paid In person on or before 5:00 PM, June 21, 1999, or by mail postmarked on or before June 21, 1999, without penalty, Interest or additional costs. Any assessment thereon, or any portion thereof, remaining unpaid at the end of the pre- payment period may be paid in ten (10) equal installments. Installment= - The interest rate upon the above mentioned installments shall be five and one-half percent (5.5%) per anrwm. The first (1 st) installment together with interest shall be due and payable in person on or before 5:00 PM, June 21,2000, or by mall postmaed on or before June 21, 2000, and each year there- after. A notice will be mailed by the City ap- proximately thirty (30) days before each in- stallment due date to  owner of record, as on tile with the Mason County Assessor. Any In- stallment not paid prior to expiration of the pe- riod when such installment Is due and payable shall thereupon become delinquent and shall be subject to a charge of twelve percent (12%) penalty levied on both principal and interest due upon that installment, and all delinquent install. monte also shall be charged interest at  rate as determined above, If two (2) or more In- etallments become delinquent, the Clty may commence foreclosure proceedings as provid- ed by law. Dennis Colvin City Treasurer 5?20-27 2t May 24-28, 1999 Hood Canal MONDAY: Breakfast: Cinnamon bread. Lunch: Italian dunkers . with mozzarella cheese, French fries, pears, blueberry cake, milk. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza. Lunch: Chicken nuggets, tater tots, fresh fruit, chocolate cake, milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: French toast. Lunch: Nachos, buttered corn, peaches, oatmeal cookie, chocolate milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Scram- bled egg, toast. Lunch: Cook's choice. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Sausage on a stick. Lunch: Hot dog in a bun, ketchup and mustard, fresh fruit, Shelton carrot sticks, potato chips, milk. ,, cake, chocolate milk. JK Sponsored by 1 WEST COAST BANK LENDER Formerly Centennial Bank Hoodsport Shelton • N. 24341 Hwy. 101 877-5272 MONDAY: Breakfast: Cereal, toast. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with brunch for lunch, pancakes, potato wedges, sausage links, cookie, milk. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Sausage and pancake on a stick. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with turkey gravy over mashed potatoes, with dinner roll, chocolate milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Chocolate super donuts. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with BBQ rib on a hoagie, Disney cookie, milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: French toast, scrambled eggs. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with teriyaki dip- pers, fluffy rice, dinner roll, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Berry scones. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar with turkey fries, pineapple upside-down • 2307 Olympic Hwy. N 426-5581 Shelton churches invite you to attend services Faith Lutheran q)LDI4/0 Church, E.L.C.A. 2.11.,,  Intersection of Pastor: Nell Thompson 2"0 M 0 9": 426-8611 Worship ........................................... 9:00 Christian Education ............. 10:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship ...... 11:15 a.m. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Ave. Christian Education ................ 9:15 a.m. Worship (Nursery Available). 10:30 a.m. Sermon: "A Life of Commitment" 8 & 10:30 worship beginning June 6 Office 426-6353 PreschooVDaycare • 427-3165 Visit us on the web at: 1 SHELTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder 426-4174 First Service... 8:30 a.m. Nurser U Sunday School... 9:30 a.m. Available Second Service... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care ..." Rcv. D. J. Maddux, Rector The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Come As You Are St. David's Early Learning Center] 4th and Cedar, Shclton for ages 3-6 I Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. Misa en Espaol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m. Office: 426-8472 r----- --T Call 426-441001 ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, RCW 46.55.130, LAW OF 1969, FIRST EX- TRAORDINARY SESSION, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 281, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE, 809 S. First St., SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584, WILL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON May 28th, 1999, AT 1:30 P.M. SELL FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER THE FOLLOWING DE- SCRIBED VEHICLES: 1973 FORD 1:-100 P/U, LIC #GM2133 1978 FORD MUSTANG, LIC #JDM164 1980 CHEVY LUV P/U, UC #NO PLATES 1974 FORD PINTO, LIC #KKW604 1981 GMC CARGOVAN, LIC #07902V 1973 DODGE ESCAPADE, LIC #1CV044 1969 INTERNATIONAL VAN, LIC #22048U 1978 DODGE VAN, LIC #990EKI VEHICLES AVAILABLE AT 10:30 A.M. FOR INSPECTION. JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE REG. #5006 5/'20 It SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 210 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-2776 9:30 and I I:00 a.m. Saturday • Paul Weigley, pastor SHELTON VALLEY ADVENTIST SCHOOL 201 W Shelton Valley Road • 426-4198 Grades K-8 • Candy Johnston, principal SHELTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' * "SPIRIT " ; o, INACTION € Worship Service ...................... 10:30 Sunday , Christian Education .................. 9:00 A Sunday Join us for worship and fellowship at our interim church home, € O s P, 8helton Seventh Day Adventist Church. 210 8helton Valley Rd. Call us at: (360) 432-8696 Marl: P.O. Box 1891, Shelton, WA 98584 Send to: Shelton-Mason County Journal Box 430 Shelton, Washington 98584 I'm tired of standing in line. Start sending me the Shelton-Mason County Journal right away. Q One year In Mason county, $2$.00.01i Q One year In Washington State, $$ One year out of state, $4S.00 Name Mailing Address City State __--- Zip l