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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 i, • Will Win Tills Philco Portable TV SET "COUNT-THE-BASEBALLS" CONTEST &apos; See last week's Journal (Page 7) . . . Count will win according to contest rules. Cota ENTRY BLANKS AT It PICNIC PIECES! plastic! plates, serrated spoons; 8 RADIO Phone HA 6-6602 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin i Eula Martin Award Planned The community makin the out- ,qtan(lin efforl in behalf of this year's Mason County Forest I,'es- rival wi!l be the first winner efa new plaque, it was announced this we(,k by Rudy Werberger, fesliwd pr( sident. "WE ARE going to call this thel Euht Martin Award in memory of (lle i}f ()Ill''i|n Festiwtl asm)e- iali(m workers," Werberger said. "Eaell community receiving the award will be privileged to hold it one year." Mrs. Eugene tEula) Martin, a Active Club Official Dance Saturday Night F :in stk eeiPistgv aVihn :,h eh eSP i r2t t i Of club of Shelton is sponsoring this year's official Forest Festival dance. The program begins at 10:00 p.m. Saturday evening, May 23 at the Shelton Roller Rink and will continue until 2:00 a.m. Mu- sic will he provided by Gordon Bennett and his Rhythm-Makers for four hours, An outstanding amateur talent in the person of Little Timmie Schnitzer is sched- uled to "Rock 'n' Roll" his way through sewral current R & Ii "The Forest Festival Association will make this award annually in the future, basing its choice upon native of Mason eotmty, died last year at the age of 64. She had i the outstanding effc) rt made by comunities in support of festival been active 'in festival window ] activities." decoration and bu{t.on sales com- . WERBERGER SAID the Eula mittee for many years. ]Martin Award will be presented "Mrs. Martin was a devoted ] by festival officers at some future citizen, always working for emr- occasion within the Community nmnity good," said Werberger. Inamed as its first winner. DINE MIGHTY FINE - DAILY.NOON TO NINE ON HOOD CANAL THE OYSTER HOUSE New Glassed-in Patio - Home Baked Wild Blackberry Pie What's the big attraction at Penney's? -w. • *Q iiiiiiiiiiii!il SAVE!EASY CARE COTTON SLIPS ONLY Your all-occasion cotton slip has a front shadow panel. Just perfect for Summer sheers. Shaped bodice. Simply embroid- ered. Hard to beat value! Little iron. Sizes 32 to 44. Paul Bunyans G0me NEW, Unique Flag In Big Sizes Only i Service Offered Steve Rockefeller, Shelton high senior, who is a. strapping six-foot- er. Tallest Bunyan Shelton ever had is Max Schmid, Jr., 6 feet 7, who is now logging manager of Simpson Logging Company. He rode the log in 1946. SOPHOMORE tl O N O R A RY: Janet Hinton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinton, has been tapped for membership in the Spurs, women's national sophomore hon- orary at CPS. Membership in the organization is based on high scholarship, leadership ability and participation in campus activities. hit tunes. : THE LOVELY Miss Andrea Kneeland, 1959 Forest Festival Queen, will also be present and will make a brief appearance in her role as Honorary Hostess of what promises to be one of the gayest events of this year's fes- tival. Everyone is cordially invited to attend and to look forward to a: Very pleasant and entertaining windup of Festival activities. Tick- ets available at the door. Within the next few days, repre- sentatives of the Washington As- sociation for Retarded Children will complete their canvass of Shelton business firms offering a new and unique flag service which would assure the downtown area of proper display of the American flag on 12 different flag-occasions each year. For the sum of $12 the WARC will supply an American flag and standard suitable for sidewalk dis- play and assume the responsibility of placing the flag and standard in position in front of the place of business on these days each year: National election day, Lincoln's Birthday (Feb. 12), Washington's birthday (Feb. 22), Armed Forces Day (May 20), Forest Festival pa- rade day, Memorial Day (May 30), Flag Day (June 14), 4th of July, V-J Day (Aug. 14), LaborDay, Veterans' Day (Nov. 1i), Pearl Harbor Day (Dec. 7). The WARC will see that the flag is placed in position by 9:00 a.m. each of these 12 days and re- moved by one-half hour before sundown, taking charge of the storage of the flag and standard between times. It will also supply new flags as the old ones wear out or as addi- Rubber! Exceptional Buy! RUBEER MN'S ,'-oz. [ONG BLUE DENIM ADALS WAIST 77 '¢ OVERALLS ,.,.. '219 30 to 40'a t for the swim- Sanforized, sturdy Showing! Work jeans, with al S 1" a v e plier pockets. Trip- hed soles, e sewn. Save: White tops. UL DREAMERS HAVE SOFTNESS! BLUE OR CORAL! 'N WEAR" BATISTE Gown Gowns that as chiffon. an be ms- and 40. OPEN FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 8 30 : TIME TO SAVE SATURDAY HOURS OPEN 8:30 'til 2 o'clock CLOSED During Parade tion of new states to the union change the flag in any manner. WARC hopes to have the proj- ect completed in time to start the service for this year's Flag Day, June 14. It is a fund raising proj- ect for the Rogers School for re- tarded children at the Shelton air- FIRE ORDINANOE (Continued from page 1) prohibited." "In studying this matter, the city commission faced the prob- lem of enforcing a 21-year-old or- dinance according to its legal in- T terpretation or of amending the !"i:i::i;:!':;"i;!"''i;:#..:.:.;71';':i!::5;:;:;% code to conform with modern fh'e :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..........  :::i:/:::iiii::il regulations prevailing in Seattle, i!i::>:::i::i:  !i:::i:::::<:i: : ............. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-''" :i!i::!:i.!:i:;:i:i:!:i:!:!:!:i:::;:i:!i!!!!;i!i!iiiiii{t:ii!{;:!:i:;:i:i: . Tacoma and many other cities of ii!}::ii!i:ii:i::i:i::}!iiii!ii!iiiii!!!!:iiii:ii:! !  this region." ' ::::;.: '. ::: :'-./ Z: ':::ii::::;i:41::!i :ia:i:;:i. ......... - t;:i:i:i:i:i!i:ili;i:ii:' {::i!ii::!:iiiii:::;i::iii!::::iiiiiii;ili:;::!iiiii::!ii::i::it./.  ii{ '*WE HAVE conducted an ex- suited several competent code and ;:!.i"% /.i:.:'j,::: !:iiiii ii  !/' "  ! ii i!:)::#:;::i!iiii::::iii'>' '. '%!i {}!!!iiii!iiil!!{i!i!i:i!i, r:---\\; ..<:{iiiiiilil..'.: fire authorities and have prepared .                  '::':::: "" ' r' amendments to the 1938 zoning or- ......... ` • ." i:ii:iiiii:!ii;i!i;i# " "" dinance which will permit the use ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: " ..;, ..... " !{ia{iii{ili}71) ' q",'.'{{{{i{ii{!:{!{{i 'i:i!ii:iiii::"{i:::!ii::.. ,,. :__..-0" . . , OfwallWOOdsafeguardsfaCings whererequi,.edOtherby firethe ..":!::iili!iiii; • ! : .... !!iiii!iii!':i ..  / . .< .:.: State Fire Marshal and fire 'insur- i{; " :i;!;:';:i ii::ili::i I.  ". "::!!! anee und(nvriters are installed or "::i;;:)'3.;.:. ;:"  "" .1 "The building in question, by ''" i  agreement with its management, will have certain minor alterations i {:"' , { i: :.:i:i iiiiiii{iii{{{ made to bring ii,s construction !::i{iiiiiii: : =::.../ ,.{{i;iifi{;  within the provisions of the ii:)ii:;!ii:!:is:: ;if:::. '..:.::i :I:::! ; : a} t{{{!ii{{ii;iii{iiii::}iiii!!i{i;iii;i':ii::.N.  lii!!i{ii::{ii{ i!iiL,"  ill 'i{ amended fire zoning o,'dinance, lts timm to enforce this and all other ga:::i;iit:iig:!i::ili::g':;:)::iiii::ii :::ii:ii:l'} f city ordinances in a fair and equit- Durene CoHen Briefs or Cotton "T" Shirts FOR $| Nylon reinforced neck "T" shirts in 36 to 44's and long wearing durene cotton briefs m 30 to 40's. Stock up this weekend for all your summer needs. TINY TOT'S COTTON DRESSES O0 sizes 1 to 3 Easy care cotton organdy, solid and print broadcloth. Full skirts, two-inch hems, sashes. Prettiest trimmings at this price! . . . Machine wash. Priced to Clearl BETTER Gay Printed FABRICS ! Sport Tops . Regulated Cottons ,39" Rayon Prints 'Women,s 1 • Velverayea Girls' DO Cottons 4 '1 '"" *" for Screen print de- Worth much morel sign on Little Iron Discontinued pat- cottons, ideal for terns of best sell- sports wear and ing yardage. Save! over bathing suit. Colorfast "Drip Dry" Finish i ii MORE PENNEY BARGAINS! Rich colors, sleeveless styles! Sizes 32 to 38's. Many nmre Wash 'n Wear Cottons in a grand array of colors and styles. All just $1.98 "Wash 'n Wear" Gupioni and Gotten Blouses 98 Beach or Poolside... Penney's points the way for Summer Fun in . . . Stylish Swim Suits € $5 95 to Smooth fitting lastex, knitted Cotton Prints . . . all with figure-flattering built-in bras. Whatever your choice you'll find the one to fit you nd your pocketbook. Men's Short Sleeve "Wash'n Wear" SPORT SHIRTS "Dan River Fabrics" The ladies will enjoy the "No ironing" fabrics, in prints or solid colors. Sizes small, medium and large. Don't wait, shop early for best selection. SPECIAL/ Bargain Priced! Linlless, Printed, Fringed Terry KITCHEN TOWELS able S()lutions do not COme easily in all cases. We tuPe reached what seems to be a rea- sonable conclusion to all concerned with this immediate problem, and hope it meets with general ap- proval." AT HOME: Bosain's mate 1/c Vern Stuck is at home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck. He will leave Friday for San Diego where he will board the Magoffin APA. LIQUOR SALES Liquor sales in Shelton totaled $19,115.21 for the month of April according to figures released by the Washington State Board of Liquor Board. FOR JUST You'll never use the old dish towels again, these wipe ao dry, so lint free even glasses are as clean as clean can be, Humorous prints. OUR POPULAR "OUTRIGGER" $ Set BOWS . . $3.98 He's sure to glory in the lively pattern, the brilliant color of this cabsna set. Build up his ego with "Outrigger;" and have the best dressed guy on the beach! S, M, L, XL, SWIM TRUNKS • • $2,98 Student Built Home To Be Open Sunday The general public will be wel- comed this Sunday to an open house at the home of Vernon Howe near the Mr. View school in the new Highland Terrace add- ition from 1 to 5 p.m. THE NEW home has been built by the students of Arnie Johnsen's carpentry class at the high school in conjunction with the housing committee of the V,F.W. The students have been working on the home since September as part of the vocational educational program of the school. Johnsen said that 17 boys in the Junior and senior classes have worked on this project. It is a ranch type residence with a recreation room, double bath and fireplace, three bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout and i has about 1400 square feet of  space. Each year the housing commit- tee of the V.F.W. selects an ap- plicant who has a need for a home and the financial ability to see the project through to its completion. Both veterans and non-veterans are eligible for the selection by the committee. The main consideration for selection is the need for a home by the applicant. ALL THE work is done under the personal supervision of John- sen and is free o cost to the person for whom the home is be- ing built. The applicant must handle the plumbing and wiring himself. The students of the high school carpentry clas have built a home evelT year, except the year of the Korean War, since 1947. Parking Reslridions In Effect for Parade Shelton Police Chief Paul Hin- t:on announced this week that there will be no parking allow- el on Railroad Ave. frt Frmzt St. to 8th strtst anti on Cots at. t'rom 1st to 7th this Saturday morning berau Of tim Forest Festival prade. The ldice department altm wl.hes to remind the public that lmople watchhlg the parade not allowed on roofs except their own. Local residents axe also asked to use Mile streets as much as pouslble on that day ill order to give strangers in the city a chance to get on the higit- way which Is usually jammed at this t4rne. $155.00 Democrals to Eled The Democratic Club is post- pming its meeting from tonight to  'Ihursday, May 28. The ,nleeting ..... = will take place in the PUD audi- Im,rllUl lil !111 torhnll at. 8 p.m., where nomina- ""''1"" --"" 1"'-- tions will be in order for a new IilPllllff!ll Rhlllll ehairman. The present chairman, s SSSM vmnuv v Sam Clark has resigned. Refresh- 2335 Olympic Hwy. No. ments , will be served. YOU NEED INSURANCE When you troe|, on land, 'sea or air, you want pece of mind. This comes from knowing you have protectioa against accidental death and injuries, and that your property is also protected. Buy this low cost Trip Acci- dent and Trip Baggage Insurance; then sit back, relmx, and get the mot  of you€ trip--ny I,i R cmywhere im the world. ......... Angle Agency HERB ANGLE rE$1[MNDBLffWEliNYOAlqDtOSI DICK ANGLE Angle Bids • Phone HA 6-8272 nn ii , , , J ............ Forest Festival Clean-up Sale Our Used Car Lot Is Overloaded with All Kinds of Used Cars - From $50.00 and Up - 1946 to 1958 Models WE MUST HAVE ROOM... O 1968 FORD V-8 FAIRNE VI.OTORIA 2-DOOR MOST ALL POWER EQUIPPED 1967 OHEVROLET V-8 BEL AIR HARDTOP 2.DOOR ENGINE OVERHAULED, LOADED WITH EXTRAS 1956 FORD V.8 4)USTOMUNE 4-DOOR RADIO - HEATER - NEW SHINY BLACK PAINT 1953 PONTIAO GMALINA 2-DOOR MOTOR OVERHAULED  RADIO, HEATER, ETC. 1951 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR SEDAN A SOLID BUILT CAR  THAT IS GOOD THRUOUT 1948 OADII.LAO .EAL GOOD 15 OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM PICK-UPS  - - -- -' ' ' SEE THE 1958 CHEVROLET ½.TON HEAVY DUTY 1957 FORD ½-TON 6-OYL OVERDRIVE 1956 INTERNATIONAL ½.TH 1911 Ford on display with all , STATION WAGONS -- ra. trimmings. 1957 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN ".U"S.-F,,.-AT_ _ ., V8 ENGINE - RADIO- HEATER - NEW PAINT - FORDoMATIC 1956 FORD OUSTOM RANCH WAGON V8 ENGINE - RADIO - HEATER - LOW MILEAGE Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS -- TRADES 1959 i, • Will Win Tills Philco Portable TV SET "COUNT-THE-BASEBALLS" CONTEST ' See last week's Journal (Page 7) . . . Count will win according to contest rules. Cota ENTRY BLANKS AT It PICNIC PIECES! plastic! plates, serrated spoons; 8 RADIO Phone HA 6-6602 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin i Eula Martin Award Planned The community makin the out- ,qtan(lin efforl in behalf of this year's Mason County Forest I,'es- rival wi!l be the first winner efa new plaque, it was announced this we(,k by Rudy Werberger, fesliwd pr( sident. "WE ARE going to call this thel Euht Martin Award in memory of (lle i}f ()Ill''i|n Festiwtl asm)e- iali(m workers," Werberger said. "Eaell community receiving the award will be privileged to hold it one year." Mrs. Eugene tEula) Martin, a Active Club Official Dance Saturday Night F :in stk eeiPistgv aVihn :,h eh eSP i r2t t i Of club of Shelton is sponsoring this year's official Forest Festival dance. The program begins at 10:00 p.m. Saturday evening, May 23 at the Shelton Roller Rink and will continue until 2:00 a.m. Mu- sic will he provided by Gordon Bennett and his Rhythm-Makers for four hours, An outstanding amateur talent in the person of Little Timmie Schnitzer is sched- uled to "Rock 'n' Roll" his way through sewral current R & Ii "The Forest Festival Association will make this award annually in the future, basing its choice upon native of Mason eotmty, died last year at the age of 64. She had i the outstanding effc) rt made by comunities in support of festival been active 'in festival window ] activities." decoration and bu{t.on sales com- . WERBERGER SAID the Eula mittee for many years. ]Martin Award will be presented "Mrs. Martin was a devoted ] by festival officers at some future citizen, always working for emr- occasion within the Community nmnity good," said Werberger. Inamed as its first winner. DINE MIGHTY FINE - DAILY.NOON TO NINE ON HOOD CANAL THE OYSTER HOUSE New Glassed-in Patio - Home Baked Wild Blackberry Pie What's the big attraction at Penney's? -w. • *Q iiiiiiiiiiii!il SAVE!EASY CARE COTTON SLIPS ONLY Your all-occasion cotton slip has a front shadow panel. Just perfect for Summer sheers. Shaped bodice. Simply embroid- ered. Hard to beat value! Little iron. Sizes 32 to 44. Paul Bunyans G0me NEW, Unique Flag In Big Sizes Only i Service Offered Steve Rockefeller, Shelton high senior, who is a. strapping six-foot- er. Tallest Bunyan Shelton ever had is Max Schmid, Jr., 6 feet 7, who is now logging manager of Simpson Logging Company. He rode the log in 1946. SOPHOMORE tl O N O R A RY: Janet Hinton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinton, has been tapped for membership in the Spurs, women's national sophomore hon- orary at CPS. Membership in the organization is based on high scholarship, leadership ability and participation in campus activities. hit tunes. : THE LOVELY Miss Andrea Kneeland, 1959 Forest Festival Queen, will also be present and will make a brief appearance in her role as Honorary Hostess of what promises to be one of the gayest events of this year's fes- tival. Everyone is cordially invited to attend and to look forward to a: Very pleasant and entertaining windup of Festival activities. Tick- ets available at the door. Within the next few days, repre- sentatives of the Washington As- sociation for Retarded Children will complete their canvass of Shelton business firms offering a new and unique flag service which would assure the downtown area of proper display of the American flag on 12 different flag-occasions each year. For the sum of $12 the WARC will supply an American flag and standard suitable for sidewalk dis- play and assume the responsibility of placing the flag and standard in position in front of the place of business on these days each year: National election day, Lincoln's Birthday (Feb. 12), Washington's birthday (Feb. 22), Armed Forces Day (May 20), Forest Festival pa- rade day, Memorial Day (May 30), Flag Day (June 14), 4th of July, V-J Day (Aug. 14), LaborDay, Veterans' Day (Nov. 1i), Pearl Harbor Day (Dec. 7). The WARC will see that the flag is placed in position by 9:00 a.m. each of these 12 days and re- moved by one-half hour before sundown, taking charge of the storage of the flag and standard between times. It will also supply new flags as the old ones wear out or as addi- Rubber! Exceptional Buy! RUBEER MN'S ,'-oz. [ONG BLUE DENIM ADALS WAIST 77 '¢ OVERALLS ,.,.. '219 30 to 40'a t for the swim- Sanforized, sturdy Showing! Work jeans, with al S 1" a v e plier pockets. Trip- hed soles, e sewn. Save: White tops. UL DREAMERS HAVE SOFTNESS! BLUE OR CORAL! 'N WEAR" BATISTE Gown Gowns that as chiffon. an be ms- and 40. OPEN FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 8 30 : TIME TO SAVE SATURDAY HOURS OPEN 8:30 'til 2 o'clock CLOSED During Parade tion of new states to the union change the flag in any manner. WARC hopes to have the proj- ect completed in time to start the service for this year's Flag Day, June 14. It is a fund raising proj- ect for the Rogers School for re- tarded children at the Shelton air- FIRE ORDINANOE (Continued from page 1) prohibited." "In studying this matter, the city commission faced the prob- lem of enforcing a 21-year-old or- dinance according to its legal in- T terpretation or of amending the !"i:i::i;:!':;"i;!"''i;:#..:.:.;71';':i!::5;:;:;% code to conform with modern fh'e :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..........  :::i:/:::iiii::il regulations prevailing in Seattle, i!i::>:::i::i:  !i:::i:::::<:i: : ............. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-''" :i!i::!:i.!:i:;:i:i:!:i:!:!:!:i:::;:i:!i!!!!;i!i!iiiiii{t:ii!{;:!:i:;:i:i: . Tacoma and many other cities of ii!}::ii!i:ii:i::i:i::}!iiii!ii!iiiii!!!!:iiii:ii:! !  this region." ' ::::;.: '. ::: :'-./ Z: ':::ii::::;i:41::!i :ia:i:;:i. ......... - t;:i:i:i:i:i!i:ili;i:ii:' {::i!ii::!:iiiii:::;i::iii!::::iiiiiii;ili:;::!iiiii::!ii::i::it./.  ii{ '*WE HAVE conducted an ex- suited several competent code and ;:!.i"% /.i:.:'j,::: !:iiiii ii  !/' "  ! ii i!:)::#:;::i!iiii::::iii'>' '. '%!i {}!!!iiii!iiil!!{i!i!i:i!i, r:---\\; ..<:{iiiiiilil..'.: fire authorities and have prepared .                  '::':::: "" ' r' amendments to the 1938 zoning or- ......... ` • ." i:ii:iiiii:!ii;i!i;i# " "" dinance which will permit the use ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: " ..;, ..... " !{ia{iii{ili}71) ' q",'.'{{{{i{ii{!:{!{{i 'i:i!ii:iiii::"{i:::!ii::.. ,,. :__..-0" . . , OfwallWOOdsafeguardsfaCings whererequi,.edOtherby firethe ..":!::iili!iiii; • ! : .... !!iiii!iii!':i ..  / . .< .:.: State Fire Marshal and fire 'insur- i{; " :i;!;:';:i ii::ili::i I.  ". "::!!! anee und(nvriters are installed or "::i;;:)'3.;.:. ;:"  "" .1 "The building in question, by ''" i  agreement with its management, will have certain minor alterations i {:"' , { i: :.:i:i iiiiiii{iii{{{ made to bring ii,s construction !::i{iiiiiii: : =::.../ ,.{{i;iifi{;  within the provisions of the ii:)ii:;!ii:!:is:: ;if:::. '..:.::i :I:::! ; : a} t{{{!ii{{ii;iii{iiii::}iiii!!i{i;iii;i':ii::.N.  lii!!i{ii::{ii{ i!iiL,"  ill 'i{ amended fire zoning o,'dinance, lts timm to enforce this and all other ga:::i;iit:iig:!i::ili::g':;:)::iiii::ii :::ii:ii:l'} f city ordinances in a fair and equit- Durene CoHen Briefs or Cotton "T" Shirts FOR $| Nylon reinforced neck "T" shirts in 36 to 44's and long wearing durene cotton briefs m 30 to 40's. Stock up this weekend for all your summer needs. TINY TOT'S COTTON DRESSES O0 sizes 1 to 3 Easy care cotton organdy, solid and print broadcloth. Full skirts, two-inch hems, sashes. Prettiest trimmings at this price! . . . Machine wash. Priced to Clearl BETTER Gay Printed FABRICS ! Sport Tops . Regulated Cottons ,39" Rayon Prints 'Women,s 1 • Velverayea Girls' DO Cottons 4 '1 '"" *" for Screen print de- Worth much morel sign on Little Iron Discontinued pat- cottons, ideal for terns of best sell- sports wear and ing yardage. Save! over bathing suit. Colorfast "Drip Dry" Finish i ii MORE PENNEY BARGAINS! Rich colors, sleeveless styles! Sizes 32 to 38's. Many nmre Wash 'n Wear Cottons in a grand array of colors and styles. All just $1.98 "Wash 'n Wear" Gupioni and Gotten Blouses 98 Beach or Poolside... Penney's points the way for Summer Fun in . . . Stylish Swim Suits € $5 95 to Smooth fitting lastex, knitted Cotton Prints . . . all with figure-flattering built-in bras. Whatever your choice you'll find the one to fit you nd your pocketbook. Men's Short Sleeve "Wash'n Wear" SPORT SHIRTS "Dan River Fabrics" The ladies will enjoy the "No ironing" fabrics, in prints or solid colors. Sizes small, medium and large. Don't wait, shop early for best selection. SPECIAL/ Bargain Priced! Linlless, Printed, Fringed Terry KITCHEN TOWELS able S()lutions do not COme easily in all cases. We tuPe reached what seems to be a rea- sonable conclusion to all concerned with this immediate problem, and hope it meets with general ap- proval." AT HOME: Bosain's mate 1/c Vern Stuck is at home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck. He will leave Friday for San Diego where he will board the Magoffin APA. LIQUOR SALES Liquor sales in Shelton totaled $19,115.21 for the month of April according to figures released by the Washington State Board of Liquor Board. FOR JUST You'll never use the old dish towels again, these wipe ao dry, so lint free even glasses are as clean as clean can be, Humorous prints. OUR POPULAR "OUTRIGGER" $ Set BOWS . . $3.98 He's sure to glory in the lively pattern, the brilliant color of this cabsna set. Build up his ego with "Outrigger;" and have the best dressed guy on the beach! S, M, L, XL, SWIM TRUNKS • • $2,98 Student Built Home To Be Open Sunday The general public will be wel- comed this Sunday to an open house at the home of Vernon Howe near the Mr. View school in the new Highland Terrace add- ition from 1 to 5 p.m. THE NEW home has been built by the students of Arnie Johnsen's carpentry class at the high school in conjunction with the housing committee of the V,F.W. The students have been working on the home since September as part of the vocational educational program of the school. Johnsen said that 17 boys in the Junior and senior classes have worked on this project. It is a ranch type residence with a recreation room, double bath and fireplace, three bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout and i has about 1400 square feet of  space. Each year the housing commit- tee of the V.F.W. selects an ap- plicant who has a need for a home and the financial ability to see the project through to its completion. Both veterans and non-veterans are eligible for the selection by the committee. The main consideration for selection is the need for a home by the applicant. ALL THE work is done under the personal supervision of John- sen and is free o cost to the person for whom the home is be- ing built. The applicant must handle the plumbing and wiring himself. The students of the high school carpentry clas have built a home evelT year, except the year of the Korean War, since 1947. Parking Reslridions In Effect for Parade Shelton Police Chief Paul Hin- t:on announced this week that there will be no parking allow- el on Railroad Ave. frt Frmzt St. to 8th strtst anti on Cots at. t'rom 1st to 7th this Saturday morning berau Of tim Forest Festival prade. The ldice department altm wl.hes to remind the public that lmople watchhlg the parade not allowed on roofs except their own. Local residents axe also asked to use Mile streets as much as pouslble on that day ill order to give strangers in the city a chance to get on the higit- way which Is usually jammed at this t4rne. $155.00 Democrals to Eled The Democratic Club is post- pming its meeting from tonight to  'Ihursday, May 28. The ,nleeting ..... = will take place in the PUD audi- Im,rllUl lil !111 torhnll at. 8 p.m., where nomina- ""''1"" --"" 1"'-- tions will be in order for a new IilPllllff!ll Rhlllll ehairman. The present chairman, s SSSM vmnuv v Sam Clark has resigned. Refresh- 2335 Olympic Hwy. No. ments , will be served. YOU NEED INSURANCE When you troe|, on land, 'sea or air, you want pece of mind. This comes from knowing you have protectioa against accidental death and injuries, and that your property is also protected. Buy this low cost Trip Acci- dent and Trip Baggage Insurance; then sit back, relmx, and get the mot  of you€ trip--ny I,i R cmywhere im the world. ......... Angle Agency HERB ANGLE rE$1[MNDBLffWEliNYOAlqDtOSI DICK ANGLE Angle Bids • Phone HA 6-8272 nn ii , , , J ............ Forest Festival Clean-up Sale Our Used Car Lot Is Overloaded with All Kinds of Used Cars - From $50.00 and Up - 1946 to 1958 Models WE MUST HAVE ROOM... O 1968 FORD V-8 FAIRNE VI.OTORIA 2-DOOR MOST ALL POWER EQUIPPED 1967 OHEVROLET V-8 BEL AIR HARDTOP 2.DOOR ENGINE OVERHAULED, LOADED WITH EXTRAS 1956 FORD V.8 4)USTOMUNE 4-DOOR RADIO - HEATER - NEW SHINY BLACK PAINT 1953 PONTIAO GMALINA 2-DOOR MOTOR OVERHAULED  RADIO, HEATER, ETC. 1951 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR SEDAN A SOLID BUILT CAR  THAT IS GOOD THRUOUT 1948 OADII.LAO .EAL GOOD 15 OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM PICK-UPS  - - -- -' ' ' SEE THE 1958 CHEVROLET ½.TON HEAVY DUTY 1957 FORD ½-TON 6-OYL OVERDRIVE 1956 INTERNATIONAL ½.TH 1911 Ford on display with all , STATION WAGONS -- ra. trimmings. 1957 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN ".U"S.-F,,.-AT_ _ ., V8 ENGINE - RADIO- HEATER - NEW PAINT - FORDoMATIC 1956 FORD OUSTOM RANCH WAGON V8 ENGINE - RADIO - HEATER - LOW MILEAGE Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS -- TRADES