May 21, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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in TV service
the best in
Let us
Call On
Hiway No.
Betsy Bell Wins
UW Frosh Honors
B'tsy Bell, a present mmber of
Alpha Omicron Pi sorority and a
forme): graduate of Irene S. Reed
HiRtI School, was t,tpped Monday
night, for W-Key. W-Key is a
Sollh)vxlore VJOlll!ll'S activity and
scholastic hOllOl'}tl'y fill" Sel"ViCC to
lhe ITniw.rsity of Washington thlr-
ing their froshmm year. Initia-
tion into the honorary was held
x, Vednesday (vening,
Also on Monday night :: was
invited to a Sigma Epsilon Sigma
tea. which is all lntt(,rcl$lNS\\;voIll-
en's scholastic honorary for soph-
olnorPs who have maintained a
3.5 (or above) grade point aver-
age during their freshmen year.
Betsy's grade point average is 3.6.
Miss Bell's activities include be-
ing editor of the University of
Washington's Daily for Fresh I)ay,
11 }nP|llber of Frosh Council, part
of the Associated Women students
of the Uniw,rsity of Washington,
scholarship banquet decoration
committee member, and divisional
sports editor of the Tyec, the IIni-
versity's annual.
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Sage, Star
Route 1 Box 128, a boy, May 13.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chaplin,
Wivell Court, a girl, May 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stewms,
Star Route 1, a girl, May 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Goldy,
Star Route 2, Box 137, a girl,
May 20.
Clinic Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winkleman,
Jr., 659 Dearborn, a boy, May 13.
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Nunaniaker of Capitol Hill
were Mrs. Nunamaker's brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Gabbard and son, Dusty of
is a clock watcher
to make sure you get
$25 TO $SOO
oa S.
0o. Orthopedic. Ass n.
i Elects New Officers
Mason comtv Orthop(die Asso-
ciation membe}.s recently e.lected
new ,)fficers at the annual meeting
t)f the group. Elected were Mrs.
l)elbert V. Jolmson, president and
Mrs. Arden Pierce was re-elected
st!crelary. New board nlcnlbcrs are
Mrs. Gene Lindberg, Mrs. George
V'lgoner and Mrs. It'. A. TrovEs.
Committee chairmen appointed
for lhe ensuing year were Mrs.
Peter Zopolis, membership, Mrs.
W. t{. Whittenburg, publicity, Mrs.
E. E. Mackay, Penny Drive and
Mrs. Lee Shelver, Junior guilds.
Orthopedic membcrs are re-
minded to attend the annual
spring tea and pound party from
2 to 5 p.m., Wednesday in the
Governor's Mansion. Each nlem-
ber is asked to bring a pound do-
nation of fruit or vegetables for
the Seattle Children's rthopedic
A meeting preceding the tea will
be held at 10:30 a.m. in the Hotel
Olympian for the presidents of the
Western Central section. The
meeting will be followed by a
hmcheon with board members of
the hospital. For reservations for
the hmcheon write Mrs. Mark
glIELTON-MAgON COUNTY JO'NAL- Publighed in "Chq,s,mown, U.g.A.,"
Class Speakers Annual inspect,on
Slated Honor Lodge
Picked at Belfair .one,
I Lodge will have ils annual inspec-
tio*n begintn; at 8 p m, Toestay,
F0r Graduation
Malloy, RFD 11 Box 656, Olympia.
Olass Of '3e Sighs
20th Year leunmn
A full evening of fun and frolic
is being planned by the Shelton
high school graduating class of
1939 for June 13, in the Moose
lmll. With still 45 per cent of the
class still living in the area, the
ahmmi are asked to make their
reservations early with Wanda
Schimer 1920 South First, no later
than June 6.
Anyone knowing the where-
abouts of Lois Dunbar, James
Hess, Marvin Smith or Jim Huff
are asked to notify Mrs. Schimer
or Dean Palmer at Dean's Studio.
Friends and relatives of Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Sharpe are invited to
join them in celebrating thei sil-
ver wedding anniversary at an
open house at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Wildey on Pick-
ering Pass. Hostesses for the oc-
casion will be Mrs. Louis Day,
Mrs. Dean Mikelthun and Miss
Becky Sharpe, daughters of the
honored couple.
Hospital Luieheon
Slated at Alderbrook
Reservations for the annual
Shelton General Hospital spring
hmcheon must be made by Friday,
by calling the hospital office.
The lunchers, sponsored by the
Shelton General Hospital Auxil-
iary, is scheduled for 12:30 p.m.,
Monday at Alderbrook. Mrs. Hal
McClary will give a book review
following the hmcheon.
During the Revolutionary War
the pay of a United States Marine
was a little over seven dollars a
month. Today a Marine Private's
pay starts at $78 a month.
When Applied to the
f,f.l PFTehe of. Gallon of Any
ask is that for each old can you serf us, you buy one gallon
0nd C" Point at,the regularly advertised price. Your old
Is Worth 25c when you buy o quart.
any old paint can, regardless of size, brand or €onditionl
you $1 toward the purchase of a gallon or 25€ toward
of o quart of any' "C and C" Paint of your choice.
NO LIMIT! Don't miss this chance to stock up on "C and C"
your spring and summer ainting plans today and
• of these ferrific savingsi
TltlPtE "S" SN&III IIt A-IqlX
Wor shakes d ,oust slaln0. Is A rr w=t,, tox t.
beautiful ready nx#d col's and radar wat and oeiflegso Dries rest,
v,ie, no nt odor, I k use
of rCkm. 18 co[€rs cmd white.
Less $1 Reg., Ga/. 5.98 Less $1 Reg., Ca/. 6.69
for your a AO, .
old paint can Q,Te gob for your ,
old point ¢an 5.69
EXterior oint, for oroblem surfoce. The famous oil-type, rubbmble fiat
White onl'y (colors slightly more.) wall finish, 20 mixed colors and
white, Matching Co'.Co-Namel foe
Less $1 Reg., Gal. 7.41 trim available.
for our Less $1 RoI., Gal. 6,9.S
=u poi.t ,a. 6.41 your -- A,,
old paint can e gc
I in offer--Vorniskos, Quick Dryini)Enamels, Sealers, gndermater& Mgdge Fidd
By Mary Wing
BELFAIR .... The long awaited
announcement has been made to
North Mason 8th graders ,)f who
will be valedictorian and saluta-
torian at their May 29 graduation
exercises. Connie Harris, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris,
North Shore, will give the vale-
dictory speech, while sahtatorian
will be Nancy Mattus, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mattus, North
Shm'e. Both girls have attended
Belfair school since first grade.
Featured guest speaker at the
graduation exercises will be Ma-
son County Superintendent of
Schools, William Goodpastor. The
time will be 8 p.m. in the Belfair
school gym. The public is invited.
announced for the last school week
--June 2 for the annual elemen-
tary school picnic, and June 3 for
the last day of school. The picnic
will be held as usual at Twanoh
State park, beginning at about 10
a.m. Parents are asked to bring
their own sack lunches this year.
The P.T.A. will furnish coffee
cake., and Keel-aid.
Ted Wing, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Wing, SOuth Shore, has
been awarded the Art Dedrick mu-
sic scholarship, entitling lim to at-
tend a six week sesmon at Camp
Pacific, Carlsbad, California, this
summer. Ted will report to the
camp June 30 as one of the fifteen
music students in the nation to
receive this opportunity. He will
receive musical instruction in the-
ory and arranging and will play in
a dance band, which will be used
as demonstration band in a music
workshop for teachers, held during
the last two weeks of the session.
Recreational activities will include
an excursion to Disneyland and a
deep-sea fishing trip. Ted also
plans a visit to an uncle in Los
Angeles during the latter part of
August. He plays both saxophone
and clarinet in the South Kitsap
high school swing band. His school
band experience includes two
years in South Kitsap high school,
one year at Marcus Whitman jun-
ior high, and four years in Belfair
elementary school. The award was
made on the basis of dependability,
citizenship, and enthusiasm as well
as musicianship.
CONTRA(Yr TO prepare the
athletic field at North Mason jun-
ior high school has been awarded
to Teel Brothers, Bremerton, Su-
perintendent Robert Johnson an-
nounced this week. Bids ranging
from $4000 to the winning bid of
$975 were opened May 15 by
school directors. Work on the field
will begin immediately. It will be
in use for football season next
A group from Belfair attended
the Kitsap Mineral and Gem So-
city Gem show, held Saturday in
Bremerton. They were Mrs. Avis
Whitfield and son Mike, and her
fourth grade pupils, John Allen,
Bobby Meyer, and Danny Wing.
On their return to Belfair the boys
enjoyed a visit at the Allen farm
on tbe Elfendahl Pass road.
Among the many end-of-school
affairs coming up soon will be the
"Underwater Fantasy" style show,
set for Friday evening, May 22, at
8:00 p.m., in the school gym. This
eve*st will be put on by North Ma-
son junior high school Home Eco-
nomics department, and will dis-
play clothing made by the students
during the year. Also modeled will
be garments from a number of
shops in Bifair and Bremerton.
Models will-be Home Economics
students, and their garments will
be described by Mrs. Nellie Castle-
man, class instructor. North Ma-
son Junior high swing band will
provide background and intermis-
sion music. Refreshments will be
served. Tickets will be adults, 50
cents, students, 25 cents.
of Herlong, California, will be the
new pastor for the Belfair Com-
munity Baptist church, the local
pulpit committee announced this
week, The church members voted
unanimously in his favor after his
appearance here May 10 as candi-
date pastor, and Mr. Gire has ac-
cepted the call to this parish. He
and his wife will arrive here about
June 15, with his first appearance
at a church se,¢ice as pator set
for June 21. The Gires have two
daughters and a son, aged 14, 11,
and'/, They will live in the home
which the church has Just pur-
chased from the Reverend
Mrs. John Haugan, and which will
serve as parsonage in the future.
An open-house reception in fare-
well to the Reverend anc Mrs.
Haugan will be held at the church
next Saturday evening, May 23. A
musical program has been ar-
ranged and the Haugans' many
friends are invited to attend.
A silver wedding celebration for
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Byerty took
place at their Belfalv hlbe, fiat-
urday afternoon, May 9. The Byer-
lys were surprised by a gzup of
about 35 friends and relatives,
who preesnted them with a silver
money tree in honor of the occa-
sion. A silver decorated cake was.
made by Mr. Byerly's sister, Mrs.
Jim Christensen of Olympia and
over 10 gallons of coffee were
consumed. The group enjoyed gui-
tar and banjo music played by Mr.
Byerly and Mr. Bob Fertig, Brem-
erton, an Iowa schoolmate of his.
Of the Byerlys' eight sons, all were
present except Bob, who is at sea
with the navy; and Bill, attend-
ing Northwest Technical Institue
in Portland. Dick, who also at-
tends the Portland school, came
home for the occasion. The others
live at home. Others attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Christensen,
and his mother, Olympia; Mr. and
Mrs. Fertig, Bremerton; Mr. By-
erly's mother, Mrs. Dicy Byerly,
Olympia; Mrs. Byerly's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ott Dillenberg, BeN
fair; Mrs. Byerly's brothers, Ray,
John, and Ken Dlllenberg, and
their wives, all of Shlton, and El- -
don and ht wife, llfa/!t'; Mrs. By-
erly's sister and husband,' Mi;, slid
in the iemorial hall. All officers
are requested to wear Formals. Re-
freshment committee, for the eve-
ning wilt be Helen Carlson, Agnes
Rettig and Marie Carlson. Grace
Petty will be in charge of the pro-
The group will sponsor a bake
sale at 10 a.m., Friday, May 29, in
Sears Order office.
Mrs. Orvile Scott, Bremerton; and,
from Belfair, Mr and Mrs. Garlan
Crosswhite, Mrs. Gordon Squire,
Mrs. Jack Dean, Mrs. Seth Lin-
coln, the Reverend and Mrs..ohn
Haugan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cut'-
bertson, Mrs. W. B. Thompson, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Thompson and son,
TIlE BYERLY were married
in Creston, Iowa, May 9, 1934.
They came to Washington 23
years ago, spending the first 3
years in Vaughn. Since then they
have lived at their present Belfair
Mrs. George Shackleford was
installed as president of the BeN
fair Women's club, Friday eve-
ning, at a meeting held at the
home of Mrs. Frances Gladwin.
Mrs. Emil Gaetana presented cor-
.sages to the incoming and outgo-
ing officers. Serving with Mrs.
shackleford will be Mrs. Kenneth
Patterson, re-installed as vice-
)resident, and Mrs. Glenn Criss as
secretary-treasurer. Going out of
office were Mrs. Anthony Zoric,
president during the past year and
Mrs. Douglas Lince, secretary-
treasurer. During the business
meeting, Mrs. John Bert was ap-
pointed chairman of a committee
to make plans for a possible Fine
Arts festival to be held with other I
women's clubs of the county next:
season. Also discussed was the
"Keep Hood Canal Waters Clean"
program, always a concern of thc
club. The possibility was consid-
ered of reprinting copies of the
county ordinance pertaining to
disposal of sewage and refuse in
the Canal, as a number of viola-
tions have recently been observed.
Mrs. Gaetana reviewed "Edge of
Darkness" by Mary Ellen Chase.
Hostesses were Mrs. Claire Bogle
and Mrs. Joseph Peters. Mrs. Glad-
win was not present as she is still
a patient at Shelton General Hos-
pital, and good wishes were sent
her way by the group.
MRS. LLYOD Crosby was host-
'ess, May 14, at a silver tea, at her
South Shore home. The affair was
a part ol the "stretch a dollar"
plan to make money for the Hood
Canal Woman's club treasury.
Guests enjoyed tea. coffee, and
cakes, and played cards during the
afternoon Those attending from
Belfair were Mrs. George Shack-
leford, Mrfi. John Bert, Mrs. Joe
Peters, and Miss Jen Wolfe. Oth-
er guests came from Hoodsport,
Shelton, and Union.
, L •
Pa 5
Ra;Iroad Book
To Be Given
Honored Pair
On Sick List
Wishes for a rapid re(ovrry will
At Dedication 'y*':"
: v'tl this Wrt'k to two of its lTornwr
Honored Citizens who are on the
An illuslrated booklet dedicated sick list.
to the 75th anniversary of rail- JAMES STEVENS, Seattle, 1111-
reading in Mason County will be thor of Forest Festival pageanls
distributed this week. by Simpson for 10 years, has informed May ,r
Logging Company. Earl Moore he will be unable t,)
I)AVE JAMES, director of pub- come to Shelton this week duc to
lie relations, said the company is eye trouble. Russell "Rusty" Col-
planning to give away booklets h)w, native son of Mason county
during the Mason County Forest and now one of America's moat
Festival as a part of ceremonies famous rowing coaehe.% is recov-
dedicating the Shay locomotive in ering from an illness of several
Brewer Park here Friday at, 2:30 months at his home in Annapolis,
()'clock. The company also will Md. Callow came to Shelton as
answer mail reqlesIs for thc book- Honored Cit.lzen in 1957.
let. J. V. "Bill" Grisdah*, now 5,
Simpson's brochure includes pic- who was Shelton's Honored Citi-
tures of raih'oading here since 'eu in 195,1, will be on hand for
1884, and covers the wtrloHs tlis 15th festival. Tlu'ee oth(,r
changes in methods of raih'oading Honored Citizens of past years ....
he,'e during the past 75 )'ears. Grant (?. Angle, John Hawk and
Simpson Logging Company's Letm "I)ad" Hack- are de('('ast,d.
O-mile raih'oad in Mason and ..................................................
Grays Harbor counties is the sur-i TV Personalily Due
riving system anlong nlorc than I
two dozen raih'oads which at ,me At Baptisl ,Ohurch
time h:mled logs in this area.
The Simpson system here is a Rod James, slar of Basil's Trec
private line, but the Simpson Tim- House" on channel 13, will be at
ber Company operates a common the Baphst chltrch .lln(.lay, May
carried in Humboldt County, Cal- 31 at 9:45 a.m.
ifornia. The Arcata and Mad River James, a. noted ventriloqtdst
Raih'oad Company, founded in will present a program for y, amg
.1854, is now one of the oldest rail people and will also give an ad-
:lines in the West. Simpson acquir- dress to the adults. The public is
led this raih'oad when it purchased invited to this program.
!the Northern Redwood Company .......................................
at Blue Lake and Korbel, Califor- The common type of depth
;nla, in 1955. charge used by destroyers wcighs
PURL JEMISON is superinteno from 300 to 600 pounds and re-
dent of the Simpson Logging Corn* semblea 25 to 50 gallon oil drums.
pany raih'oad. His predeceors
going back to 1884 were Clay Ber-
ry, Ed Elliott, Bill
George Lovelace and the .first, Ar-
thur Needham.
-Weather *
, , High
May 13 .... 69 deg.
Low Precip.
50 deg .........
May 14 .... 59 deg. 48deg. .44 in.
May 15 .... 56 deg. 42deg. .55 in.
May 16 .... 60deg. 38 deg. .04 in.
May 17 .... 62 deg. 44 deg. .03 in.
May 18 .... 64 deg. 36deg. .02In.
May 19 .... 61 deg. 39 deg .........
..... Rayonler Incorporated.
R.0¥D MB$0N
Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237
Our Hood Canal
Chrysler.Plymouth Cars
International Truckl
Bremert0n Driver
Draws Fine
ttarold Johnson, 52, Bremerton,
;was fined $50 plus court east:s, giv-
!en a suspended 30 (lay jail sen
]tence and had his, license revoked
f,r 30 days Modny night in the
Hhlton police Cl)lll't.
th was charged with driving
while under the infhlenee.
Shelton Lodge No. 16S4
Charles Savage, Governor
Phone HA 6-4815
Walter Tyynismaa, 8cy,
Phone HA 6-3292
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Airport
You Can Own
this Mac D-30
Fairmont & Olympic Hiway
(Formerly Hillcrest Hardware)
Robin Hood Restaurant
James E. Jenner, Manager
Coffee Shop
Sherwood Forest Dining Room
We Cater To Private Parties
Sensible Prices, Of Course!
Beautiful 8-Pieoe
Mr, lind Mrl, Double Dreseer
Large Beveled Mirror
Bookcase Headboard
Nlte Stand
10.year Warranty Mattress and
box spring'
Boudoir Lamps
Avaible in blond ash, walnut
or silver fox.
All 8 Pieces Only $0033,00
Authentic Styling
Trtple Orener
Bookcase Headboard
Bed with foot and rstl|
Matohing Nlte Stand with drawers
Prida of Virginia Bedspread In
white or colors
0nil $299,00
Many Other Suites at
Rea! Savings
Usual convenient terms
to piease you.
Oisen Furniture Company
in TV service
the best in
Let us
Call On
Hiway No.
Betsy Bell Wins
UW Frosh Honors
B'tsy Bell, a present mmber of
Alpha Omicron Pi sorority and a
forme): graduate of Irene S. Reed
HiRtI School, was t,tpped Monday
night, for W-Key. W-Key is a
Sollh)vxlore VJOlll!ll'S activity and
scholastic hOllOl'}tl'y fill" Sel"ViCC to
lhe ITniw.rsity of Washington thlr-
ing their froshmm year. Initia-
tion into the honorary was held
x, Vednesday (vening,
Also on Monday night :: was
invited to a Sigma Epsilon Sigma
tea. which is all lntt(,rcl$lNS\\;voIll-
en's scholastic honorary for soph-
olnorPs who have maintained a
3.5 (or above) grade point aver-
age during their freshmen year.
Betsy's grade point average is 3.6.
Miss Bell's activities include be-
ing editor of the University of
Washington's Daily for Fresh I)ay,
11 }nP|llber of Frosh Council, part
of the Associated Women students
of the Uniw,rsity of Washington,
scholarship banquet decoration
committee member, and divisional
sports editor of the Tyec, the IIni-
versity's annual.
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Sage, Star
Route 1 Box 128, a boy, May 13.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chaplin,
Wivell Court, a girl, May 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stewms,
Star Route 1, a girl, May 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Goldy,
Star Route 2, Box 137, a girl,
May 20.
Clinic Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winkleman,
Jr., 659 Dearborn, a boy, May 13.
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Nunaniaker of Capitol Hill
were Mrs. Nunamaker's brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Gabbard and son, Dusty of
is a clock watcher
to make sure you get
$25 TO $SOO
oa S.
0o. Orthopedic. Ass n.
i Elects New Officers
Mason comtv Orthop(die Asso-
ciation membe}.s recently e.lected
new ,)fficers at the annual meeting
t)f the group. Elected were Mrs.
l)elbert V. Jolmson, president and
Mrs. Arden Pierce was re-elected
st!crelary. New board nlcnlbcrs are
Mrs. Gene Lindberg, Mrs. George
V'lgoner and Mrs. It'. A. TrovEs.
Committee chairmen appointed
for lhe ensuing year were Mrs.
Peter Zopolis, membership, Mrs.
W. t{. Whittenburg, publicity, Mrs.
E. E. Mackay, Penny Drive and
Mrs. Lee Shelver, Junior guilds.
Orthopedic membcrs are re-
minded to attend the annual
spring tea and pound party from
2 to 5 p.m., Wednesday in the
Governor's Mansion. Each nlem-
ber is asked to bring a pound do-
nation of fruit or vegetables for
the Seattle Children's rthopedic
A meeting preceding the tea will
be held at 10:30 a.m. in the Hotel
Olympian for the presidents of the
Western Central section. The
meeting will be followed by a
hmcheon with board members of
the hospital. For reservations for
the hmcheon write Mrs. Mark
glIELTON-MAgON COUNTY JO'NAL- Publighed in "Chq,s,mown, U.g.A.,"
Class Speakers Annual inspect,on
Slated Honor Lodge
Picked at Belfair .one,
I Lodge will have ils annual inspec-
tio*n begintn; at 8 p m, Toestay,
F0r Graduation
Malloy, RFD 11 Box 656, Olympia.
Olass Of '3e Sighs
20th Year leunmn
A full evening of fun and frolic
is being planned by the Shelton
high school graduating class of
1939 for June 13, in the Moose
lmll. With still 45 per cent of the
class still living in the area, the
ahmmi are asked to make their
reservations early with Wanda
Schimer 1920 South First, no later
than June 6.
Anyone knowin g the where-
abouts of Lois Dunbar, James
Hess, Marvin Smith or Jim Huff
are asked to notify Mrs. Schimer
or Dean Palmer at Dean's Studio.
Friends and relatives of Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Sharpe are invited to
join them in celebrating thei sil-
ver wedding anniversary at an
open house at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Wildey on Pick-
ering Pass. Hostesses for the oc-
casion will be Mrs. Louis Day,
Mrs. Dean Mikelthun and Miss
Becky Sharpe, daughters of the
honored couple.
Hospital Luieheon
Slated at Alderbrook
Reservations for the annual
Shelton General Hospital spring
hmcheon must be made by Friday,
by calling the hospital office.
The lunchers, sponsored by the
Shelton General Hospital Auxil-
iary, is scheduled for 12:30 p.m.,
Monday at Alderbrook. Mrs. Hal
McClary will give a book review
following the hmcheon.
During the Revolutionary War
the pay of a United States Marine
was a little over seven dollars a
month. Today a Marine Private's
pay starts at $78 a month.
When Applied to the
f,f.l PFTehe of. Gallon of Any
ask is that for each old can you serf us, you buy one gallon
0nd C" Point at,the regularly advertised price. Your old
Is Worth 25c when you buy o quart.
any old paint can, regardless of size, brand or €onditionl
you $1 toward the purchase of a gallon or 25€ toward
of o quart of any' "C and C" Paint of your choice.
NO LIMIT! Don't miss this chance to stock up on "C and C"
your spring and summer ainting plans today and
• of these ferrific savingsi
TltlPtE "S" SN&III IIt A-IqlX
Wor shakes d ,oust slaln0. Is A rr w=t,, tox t.
beautiful ready nx#d col's and radar wat and oeiflegso Dries rest,
v,ie, no nt odor, I k use
of rCkm. 18 co[€rs cmd white.
Less $1 Reg., Ga/. 5.98 Less $1 Reg., Ca/. 6.69
for your a AO, .
old paint can Q,Te gob for your ,
old point ¢an 5.69
EXterior oint, for oroblem surfoce. The famous oil-type, rubbmble fiat
White onl'y (colors slightly more.) wall finish, 20 mixed colors and
white, Matching Co'.Co-Namel foe
Less $1 Reg., Gal. 7.41 trim available.
for our Less $1 RoI., Gal. 6,9.S
=u poi.t ,a. 6.41 your -- A,,
old paint can e gc
I in offer--Vorniskos, Quick Dryini)Enamels, Sealers, gndermater& Mgdge Fidd
By Mary Wing
BELFAIR .... The long awaited
announcement has been made to
North Mason 8th graders ,)f who
will be valedictorian and saluta-
torian at their May 29 graduation
exercises. Connie Harris, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris,
North Shore, will give the vale-
dictory speech, while sahtatorian
will be Nancy Mattus, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mattus, North
Shm'e. Both girls have attended
Belfair school since first grade.
Featured guest speaker at the
graduation exercises will be Ma-
son County Superintendent of
Schools, William Goodpastor. The
time will be 8 p.m. in the Belfair
school gym. The public is invited.
announced for the last school week
--June 2 for the annual elemen-
tary school picnic, and June 3 for
the last day of school. The picnic
will be held as usual at Twanoh
State park, beginning at about 10
a.m. Parents are asked to bring
their own sack lunches this year.
The P.T.A. will furnish coffee
cake., and Keel-aid.
Ted Wing, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Wing, SOuth Shore, has
been awarded the Art Dedrick mu-
sic scholarship, entitling lim to at-
tend a six week sesmon at Camp
Pacific, Carlsbad, California, this
summer. Ted will report to the
camp June 30 as one of the fifteen
music students in the nation to
receive this opportunity. He will
receive musical instruction in the-
ory and arranging and will play in
a dance band, which will be used
as demonstration band in a music
workshop for teachers, held during
the last two weeks of the session.
Recreational activities will include
an excursion to Disneyland and a
deep-sea fishing trip. Ted also
plans a visit to an uncle in Los
Angeles during the latter part of
August. He plays both saxophone
and clarinet in the South Kitsap
high school swing band. His school
band experience includes two
years in South Kitsap high school,
one year at Marcus Whitman jun-
ior high, and four years in Belfair
elementary school. The award was
made on the basis of dependability,
citizenship, and enthusiasm as well
as musicianship.
CONTRA(Yr TO prepare the
athletic field at North Mason jun-
ior high school has been awarded
to Teel Brothers, Bremerton, Su-
perintendent Robert Johnson an-
nounced this week. Bids ranging
from $4000 to the winning bid of
$975 were opened May 15 by
school directors. Work on the field
will begin immediately. It will be
in use for football season next
A group from Belfair attended
the Kitsap Mineral and Gem So-
city Gem show, held Saturday in
Bremerton. They were Mrs. Avis
Whitfield and son Mike, and her
fourth grade pupils, John Allen,
Bobby Meyer, and Danny Wing.
On their return to Belfair the boys
enjoyed a visit at the Allen farm
on tbe Elfendahl Pass road.
Among the many end-of-school
affairs coming up soon will be the
"Underwater Fantasy" style show,
set for Friday evening, May 22, at
8:00 p.m., in the school gym. This
eve*st will be put on by North Ma-
son junior high school Home Eco-
nomics department, and will dis-
play clothing made by the students
during the year. Also modeled will
be garments from a number of
shops in Bifair and Bremerton.
Models will-be Home Economics
students, and their garments will
be described by Mrs. Nellie Castle-
man, class instructor. North Ma-
son Junior high swing band will
provide background and intermis-
sion music. Refreshments will be
served. Tickets will be adults, 50
cents, students, 25 cents.
of Herlong, California, will be the
new pastor for the Belfair Com-
munity Baptist church, the local
pulpit committee announced this
week, The church members voted
unanimously in his favor after his
appearance here May 10 as candi-
date pastor, and Mr. Gire has ac-
cepted the call to this parish. He
and his wife will arrive here about
June 15, with his first appearance
at a church se,¢ice as pator set
for June 21. The Gires have two
daughters and a son, aged 14, 11,
and'/, They will live in the home
which the church has Just pur-
chased from the Reverend
Mrs. John Haugan, and which will
serve as parsonage in the future.
An open-house reception in fare-
well to the Reverend anc Mrs.
Haugan will be held at the church
next Saturday evening, May 23. A
musical program has been ar-
ranged and the Haugans' many
friends are invited to attend.
A silver wedding celebration for
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Byerty took
place at their Belfalv hlbe, fiat-
urday afternoon, May 9. The Byer-
lys were surprised by a gzup of
about 35 friends and relatives,
who preesnted them with a silver
money tree in honor of the occa-
sion. A silver decorated cake was.
made by Mr. Byerly's sister, Mrs.
Jim Christensen of Olympia and
over 10 gallons of coffee were
consumed. The group enjoyed gui-
tar and banjo music played by Mr.
Byerly and Mr. Bob Fertig, Brem-
erton, an Iowa schoolmate of his.
Of the Byerlys' eight sons, all were
present except Bob, who is at sea
with the navy; and Bill, attend-
ing Northwest Technical Institue
in Portland. Dick, who also at-
tends the Portland school, came
home for the occasion. The others
live at home. Others attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Christensen,
and his mother, Olympia; Mr. and
Mrs. Fertig, Bremerton; Mr. By-
erly's mother, Mrs. Dicy Byerly,
Olympia; Mrs. Byerly's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ott Dillenberg, BeN
fair; Mrs. Byerly's brothers, Ray,
John, and Ken Dlllenberg, and
their wives, all of Shlton, and El- -
don and ht wife, llfa/!t'; Mrs. By-
erly's sister and husband,' Mi;, slid
in the iemorial hall. All officers
are requested to wear Formals. Re-
freshment committee, for the eve-
ning wilt be Helen Carlson, Agnes
Rettig and Marie Carlson. Grace
Petty will be in charge of the pro-
The group will sponsor a bake
sale at 10 a.m., Friday, May 29, in
Sears Order office.
Mrs. Orvile Scott, Bremerton; and,
from Belfair, Mr and Mrs. Garlan
Crosswhite, Mrs. Gordon Squire,
Mrs. Jack Dean, Mrs. Seth Lin-
coln, the Reverend and Mrs..ohn
Haugan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cut'-
bertson, Mrs. W. B. Thompson, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Thompson and son,
TIlE BYERLY were married
in Creston, Iowa, May 9, 1934.
They came to Washington 23
years ago, spending the first 3
years in Vaughn. Since then they
have lived at their present Belfair
Mrs. George Shackleford was
installed as president of the BeN
fair Women's club, Friday eve-
ning, at a meeting held at the
home of Mrs. Frances Gladwin.
Mrs. Emil Gaetana presented cor-
.sages to the incoming and outgo-
ing officers. Serving with Mrs.
shackleford will be Mrs. Kenneth
Patterson, re-installed as vice-
)resident, and Mrs. Glenn Criss as
secretary-treasurer. Going out of
office were Mrs. Anthony Zoric,
president during the past year and
Mrs. Douglas Lince, secretary-
treasurer. During the business
meeting, Mrs. John Bert was ap-
pointed chairman of a committee
to make plans for a possible Fine
Arts festival to be held with other I
women's clubs of the county next:
season. Also discussed was the
"Keep Hood Canal Waters Clean"
program, always a concern of thc
club. The possibility was consid-
ered of reprinting copies of the
county ordinance pertaining to
disposal of sewage and refuse in
the Canal, as a number of viola-
tions have recently been observed.
Mrs. Gaetana reviewed "Edge of
Darkness" by Mary Ellen Chase.
Hostesses were Mrs. Claire Bogle
and Mrs. Joseph Peters. Mrs. Glad-
win was not present as she is still
a patient at Shelton General Hos-
pital, and good wishes were sent
her way by the group.
MRS. LLYOD Crosby was host-
'ess, May 14, at a silver tea, at her
South Shore home. The affair was
a part ol the "stretch a dollar"
plan to make money for the Hood
Canal Woman's club treasury.
Guests enjoyed tea. coffee, and
cakes, and played cards during the
afternoon Those attending from
Belfair were Mrs. George Shack-
leford, Mrfi. John Bert, Mrs. Joe
Peters, and Miss Jen Wolfe. Oth-
er guests came from Hoodsport,
Shelton, and Union.
, L •
Pa 5
Ra;Iroad Book
To Be Given
Honored Pair
On Sick List
Wishes for a rapid re(ovrry will
At Dedication 'y*':"
: v'tl this Wrt'k to two of its lTornwr
Honored Citizens who are on the
An illuslrated booklet dedicated sick list.
to the 75th anniversary of rail- JAMES STEVENS, Seattle, 1111-
reading in Mason County will be thor of Forest Festival pageanls
distributed this week. by Simpson for 10 years, has informed May ,r
Logging Company. Earl Moore he will be unable t,)
I)AVE JAMES, director of pub- come to Shelton this week duc to
lie relations, said the company is eye trouble. Russell "Rusty" Col-
planning to give away booklets h)w, native son of Mason county
during the Mason County Forest and now one of America's moat
Festival as a part of ceremonies famous rowing coaehe.% is recov-
dedicating the Shay locomotive in ering from an illness of several
Brewer Park here Friday at, 2:30 months at his home in Annapolis,
()'clock. The company also will Md. Callow came to Shelton as
answer mail reqlesIs for thc book- Honored Cit.lzen in 1957.
let. J. V. "Bill" Grisdah*, now 5,
Simpson's brochure includes pic- who was Shelton's Honored Citi-
tures of raih'oading here since 'eu in 195,1, will be on hand for
1884, and covers the wtrloHs tlis 15th festival. Tlu'ee oth(,r
changes in methods of raih'oading Honored Citizens of past years ....
he,'e during the past 75 )'ears. Grant (?. Angle, John Hawk and
Simpson Logging Company's Letm "I)ad" Hack- are de('('ast,d.
O-mile raih'oad in Mason and ..................................................
Grays Harbor counties is the sur-i TV Personalily Due
riving system anlong nlorc than I
two dozen raih'oads which at ,me At Baptisl ,Ohurch
time h:mled logs in this area.
The Simpson system here is a Rod James, slar of Basil's Trec
private line, but the Simpson Tim- House" on channel 13, will be at
ber Company operates a common the Baphst chltrch .lln(.lay, May
carried in Humboldt County, Cal- 31 at 9:45 a.m.
ifornia. The Arcata and Mad River James, a. noted ventriloqtdst
Raih'oad Company, founded in will present a program for y, amg
.1854, is now one of the oldest rail people and will also give an ad-
:lines in the West. Simpson acquir- dress to the adults. The public is
led this raih'oad when it purchased invited to this program.
!the Northern Redwood Company .......................................
at Blue Lake and Korbel, Califor- The common type of depth
;nla, in 1955. charge used by destroyers wcighs
PURL JEMISON is superinteno from 300 to 600 pounds and re-
dent of the Simpson Logging Corn* semblea 25 to 50 gallon oil drums.
pany raih'oad. His predeceors
going back to 1884 were Clay Ber-
ry, Ed Elliott, Bill
George Lovelace and the .first, Ar-
thur Needham.
-Weather *
, , High
May 13 .... 69 deg.
Low Precip.
50 deg .........
May 14 .... 59 deg. 48deg. .44 in.
May 15 .... 56 deg. 42deg. .55 in.
May 16 .... 60deg. 38 deg. .04 in.
May 17 .... 62 deg. 44 deg. .03 in.
May 18 .... 64 deg. 36deg. .02In.
May 19 .... 61 deg. 39 deg .........
..... Rayonler Incorporated.
R.0¥D MB$0N
Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237
Our Hood Canal
Chrysler.Plymouth Cars
International Truckl
Bremert0n Driver
Draws Fine
ttarold Johnson, 52, Bremerton,
;was fined $50 plus court east:s, giv-
!en a suspended 30 (lay jail sen
]tence and had his, license revoked
f,r 30 days Modny night in the
Hhlton police Cl)lll't.
th was charged with driving
while under the infhlenee.
Shelton Lodge No. 16S4
Charles Savage, Governor
Phone HA 6-4815
Walter Tyynismaa, 8cy,
Phone HA 6-3292
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Airport
You Can Own
this Mac D-30
Fairmont & Olympic Hiway
(Formerly Hillcrest Hardware)
Robin Hood Restaurant
James E. Jenner, Manager
Coffee Shop
Sherwood Forest Dining Room
We Cater To Private Parties
Sensible Prices, Of Course!
Beautiful 8-Pieoe
Mr, lind Mrl, Double Dreseer
Large Beveled Mirror
Bookcase Headboard
Nlte Stand
10.year Warranty Mattress and
box spring'
Boudoir Lamps
Avaible in blond ash, walnut
or silver fox.
All 8 Pieces Only $0033,00
Authentic Styling
Trtple Orener
Bookcase Headboard
Bed with foot and rstl|
Matohing Nlte Stand with drawers
Prida of Virginia Bedspread In
white or colors
0nil $299,00
Many Other Suites at
Rea! Savings
Usual convenient terms
to piease you.
Oisen Furniture Company