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Pa 6 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published tn "Chr£tmatown, U.S..; Shelton, Washin Thl
Complete Lawnmower Service
Factory Service on
• Briggs aod Stratton
• Clinton
• Power Products engines
Sales and Service on famous
• Lawn Boy mowers
• Savage Mowers
• Remington Chain Saws
All Work and Repairs Guaranteed
Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop
223 Cota Street • Phone HA 6-8118
America's I=inestl
Fashioned in BellglaM Designed by professional
naval architects to offer you the best! The com-
plete line of Bell Boy boats has for years set the
pace for all others in maintenance ease; in
speed; in safe, comfortable boating runt
Sketched: Bell Boy Express Model 404, fast and
family-sized, with head, sink and bunks. Avail-
able in 19' and 21'.
Vern and Dan Davidson Phone HA 6-4282
!:., :Mile South of Shclton ,m Olympic Highway
Your New Hosts
mior Legion Diamond
Action Shaping; Good
Team Here in Prospect
Shelton's 23rd season of Junior
I,egton baseball tflay is rapidly
approaching the action slated to
start in the 4th District tile first
week of June, just two weeks off.
Activity to raise the funds for
Shelton's entry, spnusored by Fred
B. Wivell American Legion post,
will begin this week under the di-
rection of Post Finance Officer
Vin Connolly and Athletic Chair-
man Bill Dickie.
year's squad is eligible again for
the 1959, indicating a
stronger lineup will be carrying
Shelton's colors onto the diamond
against rival entries from Olym-
pia, Imcey, Lakewood, Parkland
Tacoma and Puyallup Valley.
Although a 1959 schedule has
not been released yet, indications
point strongly to an eight-team
league in the 4th District:, with
two teams in Tacoma, one in the
VaUey. Last year three teams
started the season in the Valley--
Puyallup, Sumner and Orting- .....
but Orting folded in mid-.ason
and the other two forfeited sev-
eral games toward the end of the
schedule. A single entry from the
three cnmmunitlea is planned this
year to eliminate that difficulty
and provide a strong team.
BOB EACRETT will be at the
Sheiton helm for his second sea-
son and will lose only outfielder
Garth Getty and first basemap
Larry Holt from his 1958 squad
from age ineligibility. Getty, Al
Smith and Jim Sargent are the
only ineligibles for junior legion
play on the present high school
varsity, so a strong team is in
prospect if all those eligible are
able to turn out this summer, and
two or three junior high players
could add depth to the squad,
Oakes, Father.Son,
Pigeon Race Winners
In last Sunday's concourse flight
of old birds from Eugene, Ore,, a
father-son conlbo took top )tuners
for tile Shelton Racing Pigeon
Clnb, First bird in was a dark
check hen belonging to John
Cakes with an average, of 1201.56
yards per ninute, while his son,
Jim, took second with a dark
check cock at. 1181.30 yards.
Close behind was a bh|e check
cock from the Jim Bennett loft
with 1177,70 yards and Jim Cakes'
silver cock at 1174.33 yards.
• Next Saturday the pigeon racers
will have a choice of a 400 or 500
mile race from Grants Pass, Ore,,
or Eureka, Calif.
Chehalis 5, Montesano 0
Chebalis 3, Montesano 0
Frances and Joe Frint
Invite You to
Dine and Dance
The Old Mill at Hoodsport
* Fine Food
featuring steaks - sea food and short orders
from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. weekdays, 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday. Food and beverage service
iiii iiiiL ii I i II I [ II i i II I I] I II I
OUTOOOeS l Swe°'ge"n'°m's
Climber Tennis Team
..... 'Second Race Finish'
thi, 20-lb. 12-oz. King to Bill
Pearson Saturday while Hood
Cared did the same for Ed Os-
About ally piscatorial appetite
can be satisfied in these parts
right now, if reports gleaned from
Wingard's Sport Shop, Verle's
Sporting Goods and other sources
ire an indication of what to ex-
Probably tbe feature of the past
week's angling activity is Bill
Pearson's 20-lb. 12-oz. King sal-
mon taken at Steamboat Island
Bill Kuhr picked up one at 14-
lb. 12-oz. in Hood Canal the same
day and his partner, Ed Osterberg
had a pair at 9-2 and 2 even.
DOWN AT Westport Tuesday
Mel Morgan reports five anglers
md their limits by 11:00 o'clock
and in the very same at'ca the
clamming is excellent. /erritt and
Verda Wingard had their limits
of large, fat razors before 5:00
a.m. yesterday.
Off Harstine Island Saturday
Les M;ttlcr had three nice black-
|nm|th at 9-13, 7-2 'and 5-1.
Silver trollt have hegun to bang
the hires at Lake Cushnlan, too,
with many limits repo|'ted ew,r the
past weekend by Clam Hester
q'onl Lake Cushman Resort. Sonle
were even taken in the rllorning,
she added, indicatirlg the angling
will be good almost any time of
the day now. Best lures are Pop
Gear and flatfish although the sil-
ver's were taking varied baits.
MARION IIELSEi got in on
two fruitful trips to Cushman in
Rayonier Wins, SRA
Loses In Olympia
Softball Openers
Shelton entries experienced Ol l-
posite luck in their opening games
in the class B division of the
Olympia softball league Tuesday
evening in Olympia.
Rayonler Research squeezed out
an exciting 2-1 victory over Kuhl-
man Paint of Olympia with a
sixth inrling run, while Simpson
Recreation Association suffered a
16-2 shellacking at the hands of
the Highway Department.
Errors try the fir baseman on
balls hit by Don Lund were in-
strumental in both the Ra.y(mier
runs. Lund scored in the first
inning after he got a life when
Jim Simmons followed with a dou-
ble, and another bobble of a Lmld
grounder in sixth allowed Dick
Morton to tally the winning run.
Morton had walkc(l and moved
up on Chink Hawley's single.
BILL dACKSTADT hurled four-
hit ball for Rayonier, as did Dave
Coy, his rival. Torn Jones pro-
duced three of the hits off Jack-
stadt, one a triple .mt ahead of
Jim Peters' single for the Paint-
era lone run in the first.
Rayonier's otller two lilts were
Gary Riddle's double in the sec-
oqd and Jess Phillips' single in
the third.
Walks and errors doomed the
SRA opening game.
Rayenier plays a non-league
game at MeCleary this evening, is
btlled against Metaicraft next
Tuesday in its next league action.
libRA plays Olympia Mushroom
Farm next Tuesday.
• UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED ,.70. ,s €20.,,,, ,,10 x 1, ¢Ig e
. oo..,v ,... ,,,, ,,ox,. I.'* "0"" ,0019. 900'1
I I I 1 I /I I I / II I *elm esche to= ond sound
• f ., rdtil VI.L J%l FJ#dm i'.i. I recappable ca,ca.. I
' ,
lulldlng Wa=klnqleee WASfiI•¢IO#I C@.@P|IM/IV//
lllri¢lllter# Sines 1t17 llr,t4 1 flllllllS ASSOCIATION ....
i i /
116 North First Street • Shelton
i I i i i i i iii I li i i it. I I i ii i I
terborg (left) with 9-2 and Rill
Kuhr with 14-12 Kings the same
day. (Wingard Sport Shop pho-
$ $
the past few days. With brother
Bud he shared a catch of 19 Sun-
day, then returned Tuesday with
Pay Brown and picked up 11 more.
Cutthroat were still bitting well,
too, Mrs. Hester said, while the
week's biggest Cushman catch I
was a 4: Dolly Varden taken by;
Irvin Fritz of Aberdeen Sunday.
Speaking of cutthroat, Bob SaN
lee had a beantiful catch of six
natives running to 15 inches from
Johns Creek Tuesday.
If ymCve a mind for skin-diving
and spear-fishing take the word
of Ken Connolly, Ernie Fuller and
sonic of the other addicts, who re-
)ort Hood Canal swarnling with
a wide mixture of finny prey. This
)air and a couple of pals had lim-
its Sunday of widely mixed bags,
inchnting a 12-lb. cahezon, flotm-
del', sole, various Cliffs, etc.
Stream fishing, which opened
last Sundtty, was good consider-
ins the high and fast waters, but
it should be nlarkedly inlproved I
by this weekend if the'fair weath- I
er heMs. i
Clarence Pautzke, assistant di-!
Lector of the State Dcparlluent of i
Fisheries, will talk on the fisher-
ies problents and developments in
this area. specifically the Tacoma
City Light hatcbery at Purdy
Creek and the Cranberry Lake fish
far]u, at t.onight': session of tile
Mason County Sports Club at 7:30
in the PUll building.
One of its big meetings of the
year will be held by the Hood
Canal Sportsmen's' Association
next Thursday night, May 28, at
the Union colnmunity hall.
In addition to final election of
officers for this year, the program
will include guest speakers Carl
Pflugmacher of Tacoma City
Light and Clarence Pautzke, as-
istant director of the State De-
partment of Fisheries.
Questiors and answers on Ta-
coma Light's planned suuth fork
Skokonlish dam mid Pnrdy Creek
fish hatchery will feature the
speaking agenda,
The meeting oens at 8:00
o'clock and a|lyone interested is
welcome to attend.
Lovers of horses who appreciate
tile skills of rider and rhythmic
beauty of movement in the horses
are invited to view the Mason
C(mnty Posse Play Day Saturday
at tile Posse grounds, just south of
the airport. The program will be-
gm at. 1:30 but will continue long
enough to enable those wishing to
attend the Logging Show to do so
and still attend the Play Day ac-
The local Posse will play hosts
to the Grays Harbor, "Kitsap,
Thurston County Posses, Thurston
County Possettes, Grays Harbor
and Kitsap saddle clubs to make
for at] interesting variety of horse-
nmnship. A trophy wilt'be award-
ed the wifiner of the highest num-
ber of paints.
Anyone interested in joining in
he individual or team races is
asked to contact AIf Ribbans, HA
for information.
Two weekends of ]andicap tour-
nament bowling will begin this
Saturday at the Timber Bowl with
3-man lean] and singles e.ents for
cmnpeilors in the fotlrlh Ilnnu,ql
men's Forest Festival tourney
sponsol'ed by the Timber Bowl.
Action will be held Salm'day and
Sun(hy both this and the following
KiTN iO Bioadcasl
FF All Day Saturday
KITN, new Olympia radio st:l-
ti(m, will broadcast liw anti direct
two Shelton events in the next
few days.
This Saturday an all-day broad-
cast will covef' Forest lestival
activities from KITN's mobile
mlit. The broadcast will start at
S:(i0 a.ln. and eoltthtuc until after
6:00 p.m.
Next ,Ve(t nesday the annual
spring awards assembly at IIne
S. Reed high school will be broad-
cast for the first time. KITN will
broadea:t the two-hour ewmt live
at 9:30 a.m., then re-broadcast it
by tape recording again at 6:00
p,m, Wednesday,
Revenge victories Monday and
Tuesday over the two squads
which had beaten then] previously
this season enabh'd the High-
climber boys tannis tam to finish
secured in the final Central l(ague
tennis standings with a ,t-and-2
The Climbers squeezed by title-
winning Elma, 3-.2, M(m(lay em the
Shelt(m courts, hanging the first
defeat of the year on the Eagles,
then blanked North Thurston, 3-0,
in a bob-tailed match on the North
Thurston courts Tuesday.
After Shelton had won the three
singles matches in extended ac-
ti(m, the doubles were cancelled at
North Thurston because of the
late hotlr and nearing d.rkness
inasmuch aN Shelton had clinched
the decision anywuy.
IN THE first singles play Nick
Zopolis had to go to the 2,ith
game before disposing of his op-
ponent, 13-11, in the second set
after winning easily, 6-1, in the
first. Then Glen Young had to
rally from a first set loss, 4-6, to
pull out the second singles, 8-6
and 6-4. Jerry Eby won handily
in the clinching No. 3 singles, 6-2,
Earlier i,t the season the Ranis
Ilad won a 4-1 victory over Shelton
when Zopolis was absent taking
Air Force Academy examinations.
The Climber upset win over pre-
viously unbeaten Elms Monday
was a real Horatio Alger crone-
from-behind story. Elma had won
the No. 1 and No. 3 singles to
take a 2-1 lead in the match and
the Eagles had wnn the first set
of tile No. 1 doubles and were
leading the second, 6-5 and 40-
love to be within one point of
clinching the match.
the Drily seniors on Coach Bruce
Kreger's squad, ran up a string
of ten straight points and event-
ually pulled out the set, 8-6. This
took the starch out of the Eagle
team and Zopolis and Young
blasted through to a relatively
easy win in the third set, squar-
ing the match and leaving the vie-
tory clinching up to Martin Aus-
eth and Norm Sherwood, who
came through without too much
trouble in the No. 2 doubles.
Elma had whipped the Climbers,
5-0, in the previous meeting of
the two squads. Elma won the
conference title with a 5-and-I
The Highclimber girls squad
dropped a a-2 decision to North
Thurston lasl tPriday.
Anna Marie Riske won the No.
3 singles match and paired with
Helen Myers to win the No. 2
doubles for Shelton's two points.
Kathy Drebick attd Barb Burnett
were defeated in the No. 1 and
No. 2 singles and as a team in
the No. 1 d(mbles.
Miss Myers and Leslie Rice, who
did not play Friday, are the only
seniors on the girls squad.
Bowlers Io Meel.
The Men's City Bowlhlg Associ-
ation will meet Wednesday eve-
ning May 27 at 7:30 in the
P.U.D. building.
All team captains, the secretary
and president of the chtb are ask-
ed to be present at this meeting.
Davidson and Goodwin's
epresentative In Mason County
Olympia Oil &
High Grade lSael and Diesel
1st and Franklin Phone HA.
o.. rom
s E E
New inside as well in;
The new Johnson
go better with
make your boat
You'll like
Hillcrest Phone HA.
1. FOR THE MONET. /'ou get down-to-earth
with a choice of 5 short-stroke, low rpm. six.cylinder
[or truck work alone.
• . FOR THE SHOW. New dual headlights and
1hum grille mean lasting good looks. Luxurious cab
area, more passenger room. Long-lasting
mart appearance.
8. TO LOAD-UP. New Bonus-Lead body (7- or 8!
flush to cab to give you every inch of loadspace
controlled tailgate assues easier load handling,
all-steel floor.
4. TO "GO"! You get step-ahead power from a
lionel V-8 engines that bring new economy to V-8
offer astonishing mileage lsom regular gas plus low
taker slx possengert More load-passenger farm
plut pickup loads, roomthana"wogon." 4x2 o
KIMBEL MOTORS, INO, • 707 South Firsl-HA
Pa 6 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published tn "Chr£tmatown, U.S..; Shelton, Washin Thl
Complete Lawnmower Service
Factory Service on
• Briggs aod Stratton
• Clinton
• Power Products engines
Sales and Service on famous
• Lawn Boy mowers
• Savage Mowers
• Remington Chain Saws
All Work and Repairs Guaranteed
Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop
223 Cota Street • Phone HA 6-8118
America's I=inestl
Fashioned in BellglaM Designed by professional
naval architects to offer you the best! The com-
plete line of Bell Boy boats has for years set the
pace for all others in maintenance ease; in
speed; in safe, comfortable boating runt
Sketched: Bell Boy Express Model 404, fast and
family-sized, with head, sink and bunks. Avail-
able in 19' and 21'.
Vern and Dan Davidson Phone HA 6-4282
!:., :Mile South of Shclton ,m Olympic Highway
Your New Hosts
mior Legion Diamond
Action Shaping; Good
Team Here in Prospect
Shelton's 23rd season of Junior
I,egton baseball tflay is rapidly
approaching the action slated to
start in the 4th District tile first
week of June, just two weeks off.
Activity to raise the funds for
Shelton's entry, spnusored by Fred
B. Wivell American Legion post,
will begin this week under the di-
rection of Post Finance Officer
Vin Connolly and Athletic Chair-
man Bill Dickie.
year's squad is eligible again for
the 1959, indicating a
stronger lineup will be carrying
Shelton's colors onto the diamond
against rival entries from Olym-
pia, Imcey, Lakewood, Parkland
Tacoma and Puyallup Valley.
Although a 1959 schedule has
not been released yet, indications
point strongly to an eight-team
league in the 4th District:, with
two teams in Tacoma, one in the
VaUey. Last year three teams
started the season in the Valley--
Puyallup, Sumner and Orting- .....
but Orting folded in mid-.ason
and the other two forfeited sev-
eral games toward the end of the
schedule. A single entry from the
three cnmmunitlea is planned this
year to eliminate that difficulty
and provide a strong team.
BOB EACRETT will be at the
Sheiton helm for his second sea-
son and will lose only outfielder
Garth Getty and first basemap
Larry Holt from his 1958 squad
from age ineligibility. Getty, Al
Smith and Jim Sargent are the
only ineligibles for junior legion
play on the present high school
varsity, so a strong team is in
prospect if all those eligible are
able to turn out this summer, and
two or three junior high players
could add depth to the squad,
Oakes, Father.Son,
Pigeon Race Winners
In last Sunday's concourse flight
of old birds from Eugene, Ore,, a
father-son conlbo took top )tuners
for tile Shelton Racing Pigeon
Clnb, First bird in was a dark
check hen belonging to John
Cakes with an average, of 1201.56
yards per ninute, while his son,
Jim, took second with a dark
check cock at. 1181.30 yards.
Close behind was a bh|e check
cock from the Jim Bennett loft
with 1177,70 yards and Jim Cakes'
silver cock at 1174.33 yards.
• Next Saturday the pigeon racers
will have a choice of a 400 or 500
mile race from Grants Pass, Ore,,
or Eureka, Calif.
Chehalis 5, Montesano 0
Chebalis 3, Montesano 0
Frances and Joe Frint
Invite You to
Dine and Dance
The Old Mill at Hoodsport
* Fine Food
featuring steaks - sea food and short orders
from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. weekdays, 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday. Food and beverage service
iiii iiiiL ii I i II I [ II i i II I I] I II I
OUTOOOeS l Swe°'ge"n'°m's
Climber Tennis Team
..... 'Second Race Finish'
thi, 20-lb. 12-oz. King to Bill
Pearson Saturday while Hood
Cared did the same for Ed Os-
About ally piscatorial appetite
can be satisfied in these parts
right now, if reports gleaned from
Wingard's Sport Shop, Verle's
Sporting Goods and other sources
ire an indication of what to ex-
Probably tbe feature of the past
week's angling activity is Bill
Pearson's 20-lb. 12-oz. King sal-
mon taken at Steamboat Island
Bill Kuhr picked up one at 14-
lb. 12-oz. in Hood Canal the same
day and his partner, Ed Osterberg
had a pair at 9-2 and 2 even.
DOWN AT Westport Tuesday
Mel Morgan reports five anglers
md their limits by 11:00 o'clock
and in the very same at'ca the
clamming is excellent. /erritt and
Verda Wingard had their limits
of large, fat razors before 5:00
a.m. yesterday.
Off Harstine Island Saturday
Les M;ttlcr had three nice black-
|nm|th at 9-13, 7-2 'and 5-1.
Silver trollt have hegun to bang
the hires at Lake Cushnlan, too,
with many limits repo|'ted ew,r the
past weekend by Clam Hester
q'onl Lake Cushman Resort. Sonle
were even taken in the rllorning,
she added, indicatirlg the angling
will be good almost any time of
the day now. Best lures are Pop
Gear and flatfish although the sil-
ver's were taking varied baits.
MARION IIELSEi got in on
two fruitful trips to Cushman in
Rayonier Wins, SRA
Loses In Olympia
Softball Openers
Shelton entries experienced Ol l-
posite luck in their opening games
in the class B division of the
Olympia softball league Tuesday
evening in Olympia.
Rayonler Research squeezed out
an exciting 2-1 victory over Kuhl-
man Paint of Olympia with a
sixth inrling run, while Simpson
Recreation Association suffered a
16-2 shellacking at the hands of
the Highway Department.
Errors try the fir baseman on
balls hit by Don Lund were in-
strumental in both the Ra.y(mier
runs. Lund scored in the first
inning after he got a life when
Jim Simmons followed with a dou-
ble, and another bobble of a Lmld
grounder in sixth allowed Dick
Morton to tally the winning run.
Morton had walkc(l and moved
up on Chink Hawley's single.
BILL dACKSTADT hurled four-
hit ball for Rayonier, as did Dave
Coy, his rival. Torn Jones pro-
duced three of the hits off Jack-
stadt, one a triple .mt ahead of
Jim Peters' single for the Paint-
era lone run in the first.
Rayonier's otller two lilts were
Gary Riddle's double in the sec-
oqd and Jess Phillips' single in
the third.
Walks and errors doomed the
SRA opening game.
Rayenier plays a non-league
game at MeCleary this evening, is
btlled against Metaicraft next
Tuesday in its next league action.
libRA plays Olympia Mushroom
Farm next Tuesday.
• UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED ,.70. ,s €20.,,,, ,,10 x 1, ¢Ig e
. oo..,v ,... ,,,, ,,ox,. I.'* "0"" ,0019. 900'1
I I I 1 I /I I I / II I *elm esche to= ond sound
• f ., rdtil VI.L J%l FJ#dm i'.i. I recappable ca,ca.. I
' ,
lulldlng Wa=klnqleee WASfiI•¢IO#I C@.@P|IM/IV//
lllri¢lllter# Sines 1t17 llr,t4 1 flllllllS ASSOCIATION ....
i i /
116 North First Street • Shelton
i I i i i i i iii I li i i it. I I i ii i I
terborg (left) with 9-2 and Rill
Kuhr with 14-12 Kings the same
day. (Wingard Sport Shop pho-
$ $
the past few days. With brother
Bud he shared a catch of 19 Sun-
day, then returned Tuesday with
Pay Brown and picked up 11 more.
Cutthroat were still bitting well,
too, Mrs. Hester said, while the
week's biggest Cushman catch I
was a 4: Dolly Varden taken by;
Irvin Fritz of Aberdeen Sunday.
Speaking of cutthroat, Bob SaN
lee had a beantiful catch of six
natives running to 15 inches from
Johns Creek Tuesday.
If ymCve a mind for skin-diving
and spear-fishing take the word
of Ken Connolly, Ernie Fuller and
sonic of the other addicts, who re-
)ort Hood Canal swarnling with
a wide mixture of finny prey. This
)air and a couple of pals had lim-
its Sunday of widely mixed bags,
inchnting a 12-lb. cahezon, flotm-
del', sole, various Cliffs, etc.
Stream fishing, which opened
last Sundtty, was good consider-
ins the high and fast waters, but
it should be nlarkedly inlproved I
by this weekend if the'fair weath- I
er heMs. i
Clarence Pautzke, assistant di-!
Lector of the State Dcparlluent of i
Fisheries, will talk on the fisher-
ies problents and developments in
this area. specifically the Tacoma
City Light hatcbery at Purdy
Creek and the Cranberry Lake fish
far]u, at t.onight': session of tile
Mason County Sports Club at 7:30
in the PUll building.
One of its big meetings of the
year will be held by the Hood
Canal Sportsmen's' Association
next Thursday night, May 28, at
the Union colnmunity hall.
In addition to final election of
officers for this year, the program
will include guest speakers Carl
Pflugmacher of Tacoma City
Light and Clarence Pautzke, as-
istant director of the State De-
partment of Fisheries.
Questiors and answers on Ta-
coma Light's planned suuth fork
Skokonlish dam mid Pnrdy Creek
fish hatchery will feature the
speaking agenda,
The meeting oens at 8:00
o'clock and a|lyone interested is
welcome to attend.
Lovers of horses who appreciate
tile skills of rider and rhythmic
beauty of movement in the horses
are invited to view the Mason
C(mnty Posse Play Day Saturday
at tile Posse grounds, just south of
the airport. The program will be-
gm at. 1:30 but will continue long
enough to enable those wishing to
attend the Logging Show to do so
and still attend the Play Day ac-
The local Posse will play hosts
to the Grays Harbor, "Kitsap,
Thurston County Posses, Thurston
County Possettes, Grays Harbor
and Kitsap saddle clubs to make
for at] interesting variety of horse-
nmnship. A trophy wilt'be award-
ed the wifiner of the highest num-
ber of paints.
Anyone interested in joining in
he individual or team races is
asked to contact AIf Ribbans, HA
for information.
Two weekends of ]andicap tour-
nament bowling will begin this
Saturday at the Timber Bowl with
3-man lean] and singles e.ents for
cmnpeilors in the fotlrlh Ilnnu,ql
men's Forest Festival tourney
sponsol'ed by the Timber Bowl.
Action will be held Salm'day and
Sun(hy both this and the following
KiTN iO Bioadcasl
FF All Day Saturday
KITN, new Olympia radio st:l-
ti(m, will broadcast liw anti direct
two Shelton events in the next
few days.
This Saturday an all-day broad-
cast will covef' Forest lestival
activities from KITN's mobile
mlit. The broadcast will start at
S:(i0 a.ln. and eoltthtuc until after
6:00 p.m.
Next ,Ve(t nesday the annual
spring awards assembly at IIne
S. Reed high school will be broad-
cast for the first time. KITN will
broadea:t the two-hour ewmt live
at 9:30 a.m., then re-broadcast it
by tape recording again at 6:00
p,m, Wednesday,
Revenge victories Monday and
Tuesday over the two squads
which had beaten then] previously
this season enabh'd the High-
climber boys tannis tam to finish
secured in the final Central l(ague
tennis standings with a ,t-and-2
The Climbers squeezed by title-
winning Elma, 3-.2, M(m(lay em the
Shelt(m courts, hanging the first
defeat of the year on the Eagles,
then blanked North Thurston, 3-0,
in a bob-tailed match on the North
Thurston courts Tuesday.
After Shelton had won the three
singles matches in extended ac-
ti(m, the doubles were cancelled at
North Thurston because of the
late hotlr and nearing d.rkness
inasmuch aN Shelton had clinched
the decision anywuy.
IN THE first singles play Nick
Zopolis had to go to the 2,ith
game before disposing of his op-
ponent, 13-11, in the second set
after winning easily, 6-1, in the
first. Then Glen Young had to
rally from a first set loss, 4-6, to
pull out the second singles, 8-6
and 6-4. Jerry Eby won handily
in the clinching No. 3 singles, 6-2,
Earlier i,t the season the Ranis
Ilad won a 4-1 victory over Shelton
when Zopolis was absent taking
Air Force Academy examinations.
The Climber upset win over pre-
viously unbeaten Elms Monday
was a real Horatio Alger crone-
from-behind story. Elma had won
the No. 1 and No. 3 singles to
take a 2-1 lead in the match and
the Eagles had wnn the first set
of tile No. 1 doubles and were
leading the second, 6-5 and 40-
love to be within one point of
clinching the match.
the Drily seniors on Coach Bruce
Kreger's squad, ran up a string
of ten straight points and event-
ually pulled out the set, 8-6. This
took the starch out of the Eagle
team and Zopolis and Young
blasted through to a relatively
easy win in the third set, squar-
ing the match and leaving the vie-
tory clinching up to Martin Aus-
eth and Norm Sherwood, who
came through without too much
trouble in the No. 2 doubles.
Elma had whipped the Climbers,
5-0, in the previous meeting of
the two squads. Elma won the
conference title with a 5-and-I
The Highclimber girls squad
dropped a a-2 decision to North
Thurston lasl tPriday.
Anna Marie Riske won the No.
3 singles match and paired with
Helen Myers to win the No. 2
doubles for Shelton's two points.
Kathy Drebick attd Barb Burnett
were defeated in the No. 1 and
No. 2 singles and as a team in
the No. 1 d(mbles.
Miss Myers and Leslie Rice, who
did not play Friday, are the only
seniors on the girls squad.
Bowlers Io Meel.
The Men's City Bowlhlg Associ-
ation will meet Wednesday eve-
ning May 27 at 7:30 in the
P.U.D. building.
All team captains, the secretary
and president of the chtb are ask-
ed to be present at this meeting.
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