May 21, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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HELTON-MAON couNTY JOURNAL-- Published in'' C , is t , ts , n '', -ff" ' I" ,'' heltOn, Washin
Mason County Pioneer
The County Hisi(wical
Society placed 1] hi.lorical n/arR-
iq's ill Val'hHls ]()('all(IllS i11 .'qhclt()II
loll({:ty Yi)OI'D 111" iil pl'Cp;( I';i I. 1(111
for |h(, lOci'{'st l,'('sliv:d To II(' ht'ld
thi: xv(,tq{nd.
Till", MARKEI{S, pa inl i'd by
(111'('11('C' t.(.allChg:ll+I)l ), depict sex,-
('l';t ] out Sl an(it,ll.5 hisl ol'ical bit')-
lions including lhe first Imrbt.r
shop ill !lip cotmIy, l}le ohl %.''(,111)
h()te], lho fi)'sI 21';l(l(' school lhe
fiFsl rot<all sl()re the firsl sah)(m.
Ilh first p()st(dTice, lhe first no- t
lion piP'It|re house and lhe lh)(h,- ." " -
ga e:lfe \\;vhel the big fire of 1!11.1. t'
which ))0a)'ly d('slrry('(I th,' (:11v
t'led :is well :is ttl(! h()llll, (if l);l-
rid h('P, ()rl. lilt' fotlr!dtrl' el 111('
The si2lls will l'elllHl)l I)OStO ql tln-
Ill ,111110 1 The hislorical (hzl; for
the sJl)S was (.(fllecled by Mrs.
WalTon [{a I'1.
Festival Special
Perfect for Fishing,
Family Outings...f
• Weighs only 28 pounds-
even a child can use it
• Full 360 ° pivot
• Compact design--tucks
awoy in a cofner oft
any trunk
• Guaranteed one full year,
against defects
Lunsf0rd's ....
HISTORY OF MASON COUNTY through the clearltmemory of
Ann Whitener is being tape recorded by the Mason County His-
torical Society as the first of several in the oontinulng project of
preserving the colorful history of this area. Mrs. Whitener has
lived all of her life In Kamilche where she was born July 28,
1876. She was one of 11 children born to William Krise, a wagon
train pioneer and veteran of the 1855 Indian War, and his wife,
Jennie, daughter of Chief Seasle. Memories of Kamilche when it
was all forest land, the daily three-mile walk to the one room
school, mail by horseback, Saturday night dances 'til dawn, and
many more through 82 years of life in Kamilche have been re-
corded for the society by Mrs. Whitener, who is also among the
15 citizens being" honored during the 1959 Forest Festival.
(Simpson photo, Dean print.)
tiring from ae't.e duty with'i'm
AMONG Your office at the end of this month and
friends and co-workers are invited
to the credit union office for (;of.
MERCHAIS feen0onOnto ThursdaY,5 p.m. May 28 from
Harry has long been active in
the business affairs of the corn-
After operating many years a: munity, both in his own business-
a general hardware store and lea- es, as mayor of Sheltnn, and tim
tlt)'ing marine supplies and hard- credit union. He will now devote
ware, Hilh'rest Hardware, changed his time to management of his
its name several weeks ago to apartment buildings.
$----99y Shelton Marine Supply and will BARBERS HOLIDA,
dc, al only in marine products. The "barber shops in Shelton will
Proprietor Jim Roush thanks his be closed this Saturday, all day,
many general hardware customers for the Forest Festival activities.
who have been with him through ENI,ARGED TAFF
the years and expresses the hope A, Roy Dunn has annotmced the
that this change will enable him addition of two new associates on
to better serve them now for their his staff at his real estate nnd in-
boat and marine needs, l:le is now sutnc..e office. Walter Marlle,
conducting a. sale offering his en- Metropolitan Life Inst, ranee agent:,
tire general hardware, line at 25% will be active as insurance agent,
discount, and A. N. Hulder, former Tacoma
CARl,ON RETIRING real estate salesman will assist
Harry Carlon, manager of the [coy in that department of the of.
Mason County Credit Union, is re- flee.
Store Window School Patrol Schoo! Built
AntiqueDisplay Picniclune 6 HomeDe00d!ine
Set For June 1
Tells History "'" ""'"" "" '"'*'"
will t)(, htqd Satur(htv Jutw (i, at .
MaIH(, Beach on I,ake Isabelht. The
l:ollowing lh(' l,'()t'(*st F'estival a)m)u)l (vent sl)onsm'e(l .jointly by .Tune 1 is th(' (h,a111ine for appli-
theme of honoring the pioneers of th(. Shtqton l"{11ic(, ].)epartm('nt cants who wottld liRc to have the
and h)cal Active (?hlb with tbe high school carpentry class build
Ma.,) i ('otllllv, local lIle.rehlHIls help 1If lo('al m(u'('imnts, will in- :t llome for iholll n('x{ year. As sill
have on display ill II-wi)' wi)dows
. chide baseball, ewi)mning, biking, lthe {,arpentrv labor is llrnisbe(l aL
h(ql.lO()lllS, alltique.'-; al)d Jnfol'llla.- lug ()' \\;v;iv ;111(I ()Ills,' gili)tl.'s for
lion i,ll lhc hist())'v ()|" NlaSoll Ill{. y!)unK pr,)tect,i's ,)f }he ('ross n() ('{)st this is an exc,,lier)t opp,))'-
t)inity for )lnyone t)lannillg tt hoin(!
(.o)lillx, ,. Th(! (tisphtys ,,III't)LISH Ibe w;tlk. Io 4t'I il at n substantial saving'.
displays of [Ol'tll(')' yelll'S.
I:NUSIIAI. l'l"Et'%lS s)lch as a RICI|Alll) NI,;I.(.)N, local Pc- IN Y()I*R API)LI('A'I'ION state
butter w(iz'ker, pictures over 100 lice (ffficer, asked l.ha.t pal'(,nts why you necd'a h(nlSe, 3'o111' nm)'i-
yea)'s ohl. local Indian basket ('all th(" l'oliee Slalion if d()hnny lad st)ills, bo\\;v many children and
wl)rk, trading bead,(and history of ())' J:ln(., (.;lu uot go swim),ling. He their ag(,s, hc)w lonff you have
Masl)ll {()linty as told by the pi- \\;\'t, nl (in (() say thai all l)oys or lived ill the conlila/inity and \\;viler('
cheers. As a special featlll')?, the. girls \\;vim have been (1|1 patrol, fliil you ltt'e (lllploye(I, lh(, .12,eil(,t')d a)'e:t
Hood Canal Volllall's Chlb will o)' pa)'l time (hiring the (.lirl'Pn[ iH which yell wo)lhl like I() tiave
fe;tttll'e the appearance of MI'S. school I(,1'11 ;1'" invited, Hlld if lie tilt, h()tlse, and sa sfaeh),'y aSSll)*-
Louisa l)tllsifer. Mrs. Pulsifer will word hH.'-; t)tqq/ received trim5 1t1(, ante as l(i ylltll' ability 1o s(.clll'c
denionstrate the art of basket [)Ill'{,IllS 1[ will tie lSslln/t'd Ll)at the nec(,ssary financing, q'he ap])li-
weaving its done by her forbearers the cllJl('l l)lHy o swimming, cation shotthl be nltl.ih,d I() lit)tit('
Friday, her health permitting, in Transportation to Ibt! picnic ('onlmiLlee, %<'I,'%4,', P.O. Box 204,
the window of the Budget Shop. grounds will ]o,qw, lt)e old Lirtcoln Shelton.
Over the marque of the Luni- ct)ool pl,'tyg)'()und at Fifth and In past years hon)es have been
bermen's Mercantile models (ff the Cot) at 9 ll..l)l, and I'et)lvn about bt}ilt for Lloyd (JI'I1V{!F, it())' All-
steamboat "Willie" which tr;tveh;d 3 pill. tl(,l's(lll, H.ex Umphenouv,{oy
to Olynipia in 1880; bull team loK- ......... Towle, Sonny L(swe, Calvin lie(5
ging, 1885; horse t.eam logging, N,,. 2!131 29,50 (]eorge Bru('l}er, Vernoa Howe and
1887: the first dolber donkey, 1890; No'rl('l': o1: III.;A|tlN(; FINAl, led Smith.
the "T(sllie" siaay h-lclm-)otiv(', 189H I{I,:11(11{'1 ` ANI) I'I,;TI'rI()N FIll{ It iS not necessary to be a vct-
I)IST](III|"rlON eran if) apply, anV cilize¢i of the
and first hsgging cat, 1929 are on IN TftE Hl'}'l:,}{l()l. ('()UI(T I11,' "I"111,: . •
STA'PI,] (11," WIqA:qIIIN(IT()N Fill{ community is eligible.
display. M AS( )N ( "( )} 'NTY -: ........
.................................................. (in I'rohat(,) GOOI)%¥11A, INI)[!,I'I'I'I{IES
T00 Late To 01a$$ify },a,..I')th,,1. ....... .J I,:N Nt,,;'1'" ,,r1'.. u,,.l)()vl,;(',,,,,hm,,(l.,,,l }'},:N-':s Anyone wisifing the Go(uhvi'l [n-
FIll{ SA[,E 3 llors(" re,'l 1','}),,. },'4" .IAMIN I1 I)()VE. l),'c,,as,.d. (lust):ies trllck t(') stop [irld pickup
uas law,, ,re)w,','. $25.0t). i19 East N()TICE IS IIIgI.EI;Y (;IVI':N that discavdR oll ttR trtp to Shelton,
(II,lqNN E. C()RIH,L%. ADMIN/STRA- Tuesdav, May 26 is asked to call
Mrs. c'hurles" Lentz, HA 6-4847.
ih'(hu'. ItA 6-6176, M 5/21-28
()-l('--A-LEi-l.17"()lils s("tilui $10(i.0U. T()I wth li.' Wi])An.,'x,'d (1,' h,,nis
n()n hns fih,(I in tile )ffir(, l)f th,, Ch,rk
('.lelln xt,'ri()r llnlJ ,,xt,,riol'. 1950 of said C,mr} a ('hull )'('l)l)t "t (ns,l p(,ti-
Pi('lt.-Ul) II'lick, d*'lux(' ('t(I). IS1 ('I;1SS tion f()F distvibutiml, aSldlSg lh(' (7o1,1rt
( l(It (n ilA 6-4003. 11 5/2L t,) ..wtth, said ('(p()rt. dlstrii)ute }he
................... iii-'(Sii .................. })r,l)erty to lhe lw.)'s(,(is th,')''t(, (,ntl-
NOTI( E OF ill, All(: ON FINAl, th,d and t(, di;whnv.w (hr l)(.tition(q' n.u
ILI,',]'|)I{T AND PETITION Felt Adminis}cator (1,' I,,mis non; (,nd that
i)IS't'RIlI[rTION said rein,it and p(,tilim will b*' heard
( r,q
IN THE SUI'I/'RI()R COUI{T OF TIIE on th(, :'lld day ,)I" J'uly. I.L).. at I0:00
ST?¢TE ()F WASHINGTON li'()It o'('Iovk in }111' f.r('n(mn ()} sald (lay, or
MAS()N Co|INTY as s,(,n tlw)','afhq' us }l)t, matter can
(Ira I'r.batc) 15,' hl'Ml'(l lit Ih(! (N)lll't t'()olll It}' 1hi,
In llo' )natlor of the [];.tta}(= of ALEC a,b,lvp-i,ntith,iI i'oUi'[, i15 [h(" Colll'lhq)llse
MII,LER. 1)(,(',-as('d. h) Shlqloll..,Ii(son ('()till(y. Wusilillgton.
NOTICE IS ]IEILF;BY (;[VEN 1lint a} whi('h tlt)),' :l.lld ilia}',' )lily ])('rsoIIS
Eth('l Mill(q'. Ex(,(;utrix of thp (,:lale in}('r('st,ql ill snid F,s}at,' 1nil.% a})l)('ltr
of Alvv Milh'r. de('(,a.c'd, has f}lod and fib' o})j(,clion. th(.ro}o and (.t)n-
with the Cl(,rk of th(' above entilled h'st lh,' sam)'.
Court hvr I'inal z'(.p()rt and 1),,titlon for I)atod t}li 15th dz(y of May, 1959.
dilz'il)uti,m, asking the Cou('t to re'l- ttAH.IIY DEYITTE
th' 1t15(1 It},ill'live sai(l }'illl)l F('})ol't 1111{1 ('.1,'11.: ()l' SJ(l(l C(Itll't
petition f()r dis(('limit(in, h) distribute 1:3': I}{ENI)] McGIIIRIg
till, ()rOll(WrY 1.() tl),, ])(.l'Ht)15 thereto ott- i)"11 lly
titb'd and tl) dis('harla(' 1hi' suid E×ecu- LEWIS & i'(H{REA
1fix. Alto('nl.,ys f()r },Is(,)Iv
NOTICE IS Ii.IH.TItEI{ (lIVEN llutt Fh,II ghll-.g. 121 Scull) 4th St.
said report /tlld petition f))l' dilrit)(l- S)wltl)n, Washiz5gt.)li
lion will I))* heard or5 Friday, th,' 19th (SEAL) 5/21-28-6/4 31
(htv ()f .Jul 195}I u} th(' h()m' (,f I() ...............
o'(h)(.k ill Ill(' f()rq'DA)olh a| t le ('t)t)l't
rooizl [15 tll(* (',(.ttr't Ih)(hU ' in S}l*'ll()ll, NO'['ICE O|" SAi,I", O1" NATIONAl,
F() 14 E, T T I M II I'; lit
WashingLoIs. i"u})li. w,tir'(, is h*,reby giv,'n that
[)a},'d this 1 r) (lily (,1' Mlly ,h, }ll)'SSlall(}() Iho p['o\\;'iShHts of l!('11Oll 5
ItARRY I)EYI,3TTIC ,)1' Puhli(' lmw 27;{. 7Rth (',)ngr,'ss 1514
Ch,)'k of Mas()ll CtJunty, LqLal. 132; 16 Ir.S.(tA. 5143-5:<fi). (l(ld tlw
Washington (()O|)'I'H t iVt' A,i. i'( , '11 D'll} I'Ol' }tit' )1 I1"
1>,3': II{ENE M(:(IUIH.1" :lg'ltl('ll} of th,' }'arti('il);)tinK For(,s}
[5,.pity Clerk PIO])Ul'tlq'S ill th(' Sh('lt.n C, ! ?t'ali/(
B. [#tLANKIAN ]tEISSTOTq SllSLain,ql Yi,'hl (hiil ,'ll}(q'p(I lille }13+
Attorn,'y for said Estat, and ))plw(.Po 111(, [)oih'd Sla}t. of
Allii,' l}tll[dilIK A/il"i i('tl and |tit' Siiilpsl)n L()gilSIg'
S|e}t()n Wahillgl(ll5 (,()1}) V, llll'l ])(.vl, I,'r 12, 1}'16, llll
(SIilA].) 5/21-28-6,/.I-}1 4t lili,l',.hal{lal)lo tilii})(.r lillirlo.([ i)r (h,s-
................................ ill(it(q] fill t Clltllllg t)]l /111 111'('S. ('Ill"
N.. 3057 l/ra('ilig 713 a('r,,s, lllt)l'l! ()1' llt!4g, wilh-
NOTICE OF liI"ARINll FINAL ii'i +-('li(iris 7, I,l. I<R, T. 9'2 N., R. 5 W..
Itiql)ORT ANll i'I:,TITION FOIl S,,c(h,n. 'd, 3, 1, 5, . 9, 10, I1, 12, 13,
IN TtlE S?Yet)ERIOll COIH'LT t)F TIIE 15. 1(i. 2}. 22. 25, 26, 27, 2t4. ;h r, all(I
3G, T. "2'2 N., l'{ 6 W.> llllll Sq'lillllS ,*f2,
STATE ol WASI'IIN(]'I'()N FOR 33. 31 a)ld 35, T, 22 N, l{. 6 W,. W,M..
MASON CO[YNTY I)al'}hl[ly' btlFk('y,d, Sl<.,,6(,lulsh Ifl,.'k,
(]11 |) r))})ilh')
In lh(' lllalll:,l' (if the }]s}a},' o1':#].-[ Nla;:Oli 4't,ll))l\\;' licll,,li (',))l)cl';Iti('
NEST A, MI)()RE, D(,('(ms('d. , Su)qahll;,d Ywhl Ulill, Ol):nll)l( ' N;illont|
NOTICE IS It],',Rlql}Y GIV1','N t'hat Ir°r'°st' Stal(, i)|' Washinglol), will I.t(,,
IVA Ig. ,MOORE, AdnQninstl'nl)'ix of s(d(l 1o }lit. Sililpson Li)ggilll. (()1 ]) t,(IS"
}}io ll})l)vi,-i'n{ill('d 1'41at)' has fih'd I11 St,al}l,,, %V:sshllltdtoll, Oll Jllno '2'2, l,i,).).
ttl(, i)fl'h.i, l)l' th(' (]ii:l'k of s;tid ('o111'[ ThP (',;lilli:ilod %'l)hllOt's ;lyt!: 2,29() /l
It fillli} l'l'p(il't llli(I I('}tli()15 f(ll" disl)'il)tl- l)()Itrd I'(.,.} of I)( 55glss-fii" llll(I 31V('141('i'li
lion. a.qking tlil, (_.Ollrl }ii s¢lll(, said whi}(! i)iw . 9fil) M 1)lilsrd f(,,.I Wt,}lq'n
re I or , distr hut lhi' lJi'tl} q'ty { th(.' r('dc(,dlu' iiilll 15,,R} M }ii)lii'd f--.t Wl,sl-
11 "S{lliS I o'(qo entitled ltisd' t() dis- tq'15 helillock all(] i)th(l ' p(,Cll,. T]ic
charlze thP p)!tilil)lwr iis A) luinlsl, Pa- 1111nlnilsni li(q'<lJtabll, pric(, |)Cl' l lloiird
}'o/!t is ns f{lihiws ; ].J,)liKhis-fir und
t'x and tti)ll sa}d rPt))rl arid petilh)li W'i,sh!rn whi}, I)ill(' $It5,21), Wh,rii
will /)e ht,ard i>rl itw 9(i}}i dliy o' Jilnl, reqtci,(hir $11A45 alsd l).,lci.n h(,iil4(ick
1959, al 10:00 i/citlck In t}u, flirt,n)l(,n lilid iHli,r Sliel'ivs $9.tJi). This inchtl,s
of said day. ()r lis s(iOll thl,r,,aft(,r )is th,' f)llh)wing ¢t(n)ll)lll4t' rates p*'i' M
}h(' Illll(ter ('ltn be. heal'd tit l}11, ('O111'I })oaF(l ]'"'I; Dt)lll.Qlis-.l'h' )151)1 W'st)'rn
i'i)(lnl ()|" the lltilJv(!-!n},i|[tql (,osli.t, in the whih' tillli' $3.t.30. W(,slel'll i'(,dc(,llilF
Col .th(,llsl in Silt,ltlln. Milsoi5 (;ounly, $10.!}5 lilid Wl,tl,i'll l-h'iilhlclt alld olhl!l'
WashlnTton. 11 which till)e 811(t pltlc)
lilly p(q's))n illll,1'(*stt'(l ill said Eslale l)(')'i('S $,€I.(111 phls $0,5(I }'i)l' Sli]l' lll'i'lt
liiay t(I)})eflr nild l'ih' id)j<,clion. thor(.'- hl't}l'l'liil'Ut alid $1t..t(I l'i)i' s}as}i dis-
,ulsal }'l)r all ,1)o( i),s. If re(lUlsDql })y
to lind (..ontet th(, tlllli(., lh(, Sl,utl, ()f Wa,.ll5h)g'lOll I)1' I)y lllJ.l)]5
Dated this 15th (lay of May, 1959. ('.11 v ()' })%' any l)(,'toli (h,(liwJ 1(
I1(1'(£ a lqqlOll;lll]) in(el'('st in the pro-
Ch,rk ))f slthl (.lltli't )()sl,d sal', r)l' io its lIWI)lS, II pllblic
BY: IRENE Mc(l-Ullt1'l ll,)il'ing w t),, ]1(, d in 1 I- offh'(' of
Del)utY the li'oros} Snl)(,)'vil,)'. ]')()st (If lice
GLENN E. C()t{REA Bliihling, ()l.Vlnl)ia. Washilsi4l,)n on tim
Attorn('Y for said Eshllo llth day ()l' JiillV. 1,%59 al 2:00 P.M.
Fhql Bldg'., 121 olit}i 4tll St. eqi(esls }'()i' pllllllc h(qiring will hid t)p.
,qhelton, Washi51gton consid(.('(,d liO](,F!4 F,q!(.ivl,(l in (.hi' of-
(SEAL) 5/21-2g-6/4 31 fie,' of the F',)r(.sl S!ipvi'\\;'ls)))'. Post (.)f-
.............................. flee Bull(lin4. ()lylpia, Washinglon,
N(|TIC1E elf %VATEIt RI(;IIT on or l)f,f()r(! JHne 5, 1959. Dated May
AI'PLI('ATION NO. 153111 15, J959. IA()y)t (I. (lil]1llor. For(,st Su-
STATE Oli' WAHIN(VF()N, OI?FICE )erviso)', lily)ill)It' National F'-('pst.
OF SUPERVISOR OF" WATER RE- 5/21-28-6/1-11 41
TAKE NOTICE: That Jos,>t)h & AI- - ....................................
1()ha Leonard of I llIiwan) Washing-
ton (,n Marc, I) 20. 1951t fih,d app i(.ali)al Journal Want Ads Pay
l'(,r pPr)nlt tn (liv(,rt the public wat.ev,
of Wllkoli('keh Cl'(,('k, tri})tltliry of
Hood Canal, in the alllOlllS| ()f 1.{) sP('-
()nd foot, subj()'t to (.xistinff rights.
('onthsuousiy each ylsr fin" 1|w |)tlr-
))s! of d))nlesti( stlpply {ti1(1 CI)l'finler-
('lal (oyate,' proeeaslng) ilmt ttw ap-
Prnxinilite pohst of diversion I located
wilhin 8WrNEUI of Section 23 Town-
ship 24 N., Range 3 W. WM., in Ma-
son Cotlnty.
Any obJect}ons innst bo ac(.))mpanh'd
by it two dollar ($2,fR)) rocording l'Pe
and flied with the Slat(' Sul)ervlsor of
Water Rel))tlrel wIthh) thirty (30)
clays froll) May 28, 1959.
Wltnets my hand and )ffficilll Hi!a]
this 12th day of May, 1959.
State Supervisor of Water
(SEAL) 5/21-28 2t
NOTICII IS HEREBY glv(,n that n
sl)oelal seh)iol electhm will hv held ill
NO, 404, Mltson C(;unty, WlitQltiigton,
I)etween the Ii))l.irs Of I:00 i).ln, alld
b];00 on the 251h 0ay l)f May. 1959,
for the l)urt)o,e of .suhmitl:ing to the
ele(:lors of ' .tiid s('hool district, for
ihPh' approval or reJe(:tlon, tlll 1)ropo -
slthm liore llafl'er statml. 'I'1)(, \\;'ottng
t)lllees fol' lhi. afi)resstd electh)n will
i,), as follows:
Ht)rld.qporl, School .... Hood Canal
School Dlstrlct No. 40,1
Union Scho-I .... I'h)od Canal School
Dis|rle! No. 404
Lower k()kolnish Sehool -- Hood
C'inal School Dltrict No. 404.
Mhh|h koko))iih School ..... Hood
Canal chool Dlrtrlet No. 4(}4.
I) Re I'O:,,;! T ION
Shall a g(,nornl f'ud tax levy of $5.
316.00. o- l})pr x at(qy 2 m I . in
IPX('OSS ()}' tilt' Ill/Ixinllln5 tax ( %'Y |)ro
vhlod by hlw for ehool ditrie he
Illa(l(#(in lliP nss(!ssed valualt()ti + of tile
flood ,anal Sch,)o i District No. 40,1
Itil(l fllO pro(!eef|s }horo()f ago(l, ilTIlll0-
d ately thrl)lllah incinTinv lin in(hQ)l-
odnoss air(it)l."1 ihe GENERAL I,'UND
(,f the distri,'}, Io I) v the vr)st ,,f r,--
Inih'ing nnd hillW()vtng the Mchool
builfllltg" f)t(qlilles of th dislrh't. IIIorP
st)(.(qfleallv (It) to (:(,l'iVOlt lh(, Ii(!atlnf
plalll 111 ]'.()wei' kokolllish fl'olll li,P()lll
|llll'nPl' t() itn i hlll'TPr tn(1 It) I'(l})til'
115(' roof ()f }ho front |)lil'('h ()f Slli(t
huildinff; Ib) h) r(!pat,r ill(. i'il,l' of lh#'
building at Uni(in', (c) b) )'Ppah' lllo
})uih]ing artd h) r*,lo(,all ,'in(] rPpla('o
iho 011 st(Jra'e lallk )it Mi(l)lh, St¢))ko-
mish: and (d) to I)ah)l 1)1)) exterior ))f
lhe I)utldlnf (it Ho(sdiq)o).t illif] rel)liil'
ill/) I}PpS at: lhe o#)l'th (!ntt'an(,o Of sahl
I)uildinl. )ill iis provhtod lor ]11 ii rl,s-
(,hltion adoDt('d t)3' h,' IRc)nr(l ,)f Di-
l'Of'tl)l':-1 ()f t|i- School Distrh't i)11 Ai))'il
6, 1959,
TAX LEVY .... YES !'3
TAX LEVY ................ NQ
By order of th. Board of Dh'ect()rs
of Hood Canrd Sehnol Dlstri(.'t No, 404,
Mason Cn,inty, Wa,hington.
ttSod .,ana) School District
No. 4Q4, Mas)m Co)inly,
W, ash Pggh')n
Dsh'd (hl. 19th day of May, 1959.
5/21 It
Here's a real speedster that
combines sleek good look)
with the ultimate in com[ort
and handling ease. And
Bell Boy's a]l.Bellgtas con.
struciion Illeans ('are[tee,
ina[rilenance- free boating.
'Jnere% beauty in every line,
every detail, front soft up-
h01slered seals to silvery ir
golden trim. See Bell Boy'l
new 16' Bonanza.
Vern arid Dan Davidson
Phone HA 6-4282
I.,2 Mile South .f Sbeltl)n ,m
()lympie 1 [iglu ay
Lower Skokomish Gym
Friday N!00;ht, May 29
9:30 p.m. 'til 1:30 a.m.
Admission $1.50 per couple
Where All Family
Enjoys Bowling Toplher
Pot Bowling
Every Friday, Saturday and . illiday
Until Closing
Summer .Leagues
Don't lie Latl --Sign UI) Now
Mcn's Trio - Monday
Mixed League - Tuesday
Women's Foursome- Wednesday
Full Family League - Thursday
Bowling Qlass Starling
Ju,e IOth - 7:00 p.m.
• • Free Instruction pay for Lines Only
greater stability!
• W1aeels ar0 five inches• farther apart. This widens tho
stance, not the car, gives you road-hugging stability,
less lean and sway. Only Pontiac has Wide-Track Wheels!
Markers Posted
HELTON-MAON couNTY JOURNAL-- Published in'' C , is t , ts , n '', -ff" ' I" ,'' heltOn, Washin
Mason County Pioneer
The County Hisi(wical
Society placed 1] hi.lorical n/arR-
iq's ill Val'hHls ]()('all(IllS i11 .'qhclt()II
loll({:ty Yi)OI'D 111" iil pl'Cp;( I';i I. 1(111
for |h(, lOci'{'st l,'('sliv:d To II(' ht'ld
thi: xv(,tq{nd.
Till", MARKEI{S, pa inl i'd by
(111'('11('C' t.(.allChg:ll+I)l ), depict sex,-
('l';t ] out Sl an(it,ll.5 hisl ol'ical bit')-
lions including lhe first Imrbt.r
shop ill !lip cotmIy, l}le ohl %.''(,111)
h()te], lho fi)'sI 21';l(l(' school lhe
fiFsl rot<all sl()re the firsl sah)(m.
Ilh first p()st(dTice, lhe first no- t
lion piP'It|re house and lhe lh)(h,- ." " -
ga e:lfe \\;vhel the big fire of 1!11.1. t'
which ))0a)'ly d('slrry('(I th,' (:11v
t'led :is well :is ttl(! h()llll, (if l);l-
rid h('P, ()rl. lilt' fotlr!dtrl' el 111('
The si2lls will l'elllHl)l I)OStO ql tln-
Ill ,111110 1 The hislorical (hzl; for
the sJl)S was (.(fllecled by Mrs.
WalTon [{a I'1.
Festival Special
Perfect for Fishing,
Family Outings...f
• Weighs only 28 pounds-
even a child can use it
• Full 360 ° pivot
• Compact design--tucks
awoy in a cofner oft
any trunk
• Guaranteed one full year,
against defects
Lunsf0rd's ....
HISTORY OF MASON COUNTY through the clearltmemory of
Ann Whitener is being tape recorded by the Mason County His-
torical Society as the first of several in the oontinulng project of
preserving the colorful history of this area. Mrs. Whitener has
lived all of her life In Kamilche where she was born July 28,
1876. She was one of 11 children born to William Krise, a wagon
train pioneer and veteran of the 1855 Indian War, and his wife,
Jennie, daughter of Chief Seasle. Memories of Kamilche when it
was all forest land, the daily three-mile walk to the one room
school, mail by horseback, Saturday night dances 'til dawn, and
many more through 82 years of life in Kamilche have been re-
corded for the society by Mrs. Whitener, who is also among the
15 citizens being" honored during the 1959 Forest Festival.
(Simpson photo, Dean print.)
tiring from ae't.e duty with'i'm
AMONG Your office at the end of this month and
friends and co-workers are invited
to the credit union office for (;of.
MERCHAIS feen0onOnto ThursdaY,5 p.m. May 28 from
Harry has long been active in
the business affairs of the corn-
After operating many years a: munity, both in his own business-
a general hardware store and lea- es, as mayor of Sheltnn, and tim
tlt)'ing marine supplies and hard- credit union. He will now devote
ware, Hilh'rest Hardware, changed his time to management of his
its name several weeks ago to apartment buildings.
$----99y Shelton Marine Supply and will BARBERS HOLIDA,
dc, al only in marine products. The "barber shops in Shelton will
Proprietor Jim Roush thanks his be closed this Saturday, all day,
many general hardware customers for the Forest Festival activities.
who have been with him through ENI,ARGED TAFF
the years and expresses the hope A, Roy Dunn has annotmced the
that this change will enable him addition of two new associates on
to better serve them now for their his staff at his real estate nnd in-
boat and marine needs, l:le is now sutnc..e office. Walter Marlle,
conducting a. sale offering his en- Metropolitan Life Inst, ranee agent:,
tire general hardware, line at 25% will be active as insurance agent,
discount, and A. N. Hulder, former Tacoma
CARl,ON RETIRING real estate salesman will assist
Harry Carlon, manager of the [coy in that department of the of.
Mason County Credit Union, is re- flee.
Store Window School Patrol Schoo! Built
AntiqueDisplay Picniclune 6 HomeDe00d!ine
Set For June 1
Tells History "'" ""'"" "" '"'*'"
will t)(, htqd Satur(htv Jutw (i, at .
MaIH(, Beach on I,ake Isabelht. The
l:ollowing lh(' l,'()t'(*st F'estival a)m)u)l (vent sl)onsm'e(l .jointly by .Tune 1 is th(' (h,a111ine for appli-
theme of honoring the pioneers of th(. Shtqton l"{11ic(, ].)epartm('nt cants who wottld liRc to have the
and h)cal Active (?hlb with tbe high school carpentry class build
Ma.,) i ('otllllv, local lIle.rehlHIls help 1If lo('al m(u'('imnts, will in- :t llome for iholll n('x{ year. As sill
have on display ill II-wi)' wi)dows
. chide baseball, ewi)mning, biking, lthe {,arpentrv labor is llrnisbe(l aL
h(ql.lO()lllS, alltique.'-; al)d Jnfol'llla.- lug ()' \\;v;iv ;111(I ()Ills,' gili)tl.'s for
lion i,ll lhc hist())'v ()|" NlaSoll Ill{. y!)unK pr,)tect,i's ,)f }he ('ross n() ('{)st this is an exc,,lier)t opp,))'-
t)inity for )lnyone t)lannillg tt hoin(!
(.o)lillx, ,. Th(! (tisphtys ,,III't)LISH Ibe w;tlk. Io 4t'I il at n substantial saving'.
displays of [Ol'tll(')' yelll'S.
I:NUSIIAI. l'l"Et'%lS s)lch as a RICI|Alll) NI,;I.(.)N, local Pc- IN Y()I*R API)LI('A'I'ION state
butter w(iz'ker, pictures over 100 lice (ffficer, asked l.ha.t pal'(,nts why you necd'a h(nlSe, 3'o111' nm)'i-
yea)'s ohl. local Indian basket ('all th(" l'oliee Slalion if d()hnny lad st)ills, bo\\;v many children and
wl)rk, trading bead,(and history of ())' J:ln(., (.;lu uot go swim),ling. He their ag(,s, hc)w lonff you have
Masl)ll {()linty as told by the pi- \\;\'t, nl (in (() say thai all l)oys or lived ill the conlila/inity and \\;viler('
cheers. As a special featlll')?, the. girls \\;vim have been (1|1 patrol, fliil you ltt'e (lllploye(I, lh(, .12,eil(,t')d a)'e:t
Hood Canal Volllall's Chlb will o)' pa)'l time (hiring the (.lirl'Pn[ iH which yell wo)lhl like I() tiave
fe;tttll'e the appearance of MI'S. school I(,1'11 ;1'" invited, Hlld if lie tilt, h()tlse, and sa sfaeh),'y aSSll)*-
Louisa l)tllsifer. Mrs. Pulsifer will word hH.'-; t)tqq/ received trim5 1t1(, ante as l(i ylltll' ability 1o s(.clll'c
denionstrate the art of basket [)Ill'{,IllS 1[ will tie lSslln/t'd Ll)at the nec(,ssary financing, q'he ap])li-
weaving its done by her forbearers the cllJl('l l)lHy o swimming, cation shotthl be nltl.ih,d I() lit)tit('
Friday, her health permitting, in Transportation to Ibt! picnic ('onlmiLlee, %<'I,'%4,', P.O. Box 204,
the window of the Budget Shop. grounds will ]o,qw, lt)e old Lirtcoln Shelton.
Over the marque of the Luni- ct)ool pl,'tyg)'()und at Fifth and In past years hon)es have been
bermen's Mercantile models (ff the Cot) at 9 ll..l)l, and I'et)lvn about bt}ilt for Lloyd (JI'I1V{!F, it())' All-
steamboat "Willie" which tr;tveh;d 3 pill. tl(,l's(lll, H.ex Umphenouv,{oy
to Olynipia in 1880; bull team loK- ......... Towle, Sonny L(swe, Calvin lie(5
ging, 1885; horse t.eam logging, N,,. 2!131 29,50 (]eorge Bru('l}er, Vernoa Howe and
1887: the first dolber donkey, 1890; No'rl('l': o1: III.;A|tlN(; FINAl, led Smith.
the "T(sllie" siaay h-lclm-)otiv(', 189H I{I,:11(11{'1 ` ANI) I'I,;TI'rI()N FIll{ It iS not necessary to be a vct-
I)IST](III|"rlON eran if) apply, anV cilize¢i of the
and first hsgging cat, 1929 are on IN TftE Hl'}'l:,}{l()l. ('()UI(T I11,' "I"111,: . •
STA'PI,] (11," WIqA:qIIIN(IT()N Fill{ community is eligible.
display. M AS( )N ( "( )} 'NTY -: ........
.................................................. (in I'rohat(,) GOOI)%¥11A, INI)[!,I'I'I'I{IES
T00 Late To 01a$$ify },a,..I')th,,1. ....... .J I,:N Nt,,;'1'" ,,r1'.. u,,.l)()vl,;(',,,,,hm,,(l.,,,l }'},:N-':s Anyone wisifing the Go(uhvi'l [n-
FIll{ SA[,E 3 llors(" re,'l 1','}),,. },'4" .IAMIN I1 I)()VE. l),'c,,as,.d. (lust):ies trllck t(') stop [irld pickup
uas law,, ,re)w,','. $25.0t). i19 East N()TICE IS IIIgI.EI;Y (;IVI':N that discavdR oll ttR trtp to Shelton,
(II,lqNN E. C()RIH,L%. ADMIN/STRA- Tuesdav, May 26 is asked to call
Mrs. c'hurles" Lentz, HA 6-4847.
ih'(hu'. ItA 6-6176, M 5/21-28
()-l('--A-LEi-l.17"()lils s("tilui $10(i.0U. T()I wth li.' Wi])An.,'x,'d (1,' h,,nis
n()n hns fih,(I in tile )ffir(, l)f th,, Ch,rk
('.lelln xt,'ri()r llnlJ ,,xt,,riol'. 1950 of said C,mr} a ('hull )'('l)l)t "t (ns,l p(,ti-
Pi('lt.-Ul) II'lick, d*'lux(' ('t(I). IS1 ('I;1SS tion f()F distvibutiml, aSldlSg lh(' (7o1,1rt
( l(It (n ilA 6-4003. 11 5/2L t,) ..wtth, said ('(p()rt. dlstrii)ute }he
................... iii-'(Sii .................. })r,l)erty to lhe lw.)'s(,(is th,')''t(, (,ntl-
NOTI( E OF ill, All(: ON FINAl, th,d and t(, di;whnv.w (hr l)(.tition(q' n.u
ILI,',]'|)I{T AND PETITION Felt Adminis}cator (1,' I,,mis non; (,nd that
i)IS't'RIlI[rTION said rein,it and p(,tilim will b*' heard
( r,q
IN THE SUI'I/'RI()R COUI{T OF TIIE on th(, :'lld day ,)I" J'uly. I.L).. at I0:00
ST?¢TE ()F WASHINGTON li'()It o'('Iovk in }111' f.r('n(mn ()} sald (lay, or
MAS()N Co|INTY as s,(,n tlw)','afhq' us }l)t, matter can
(Ira I'r.batc) 15,' hl'Ml'(l lit Ih(! (N)lll't t'()olll It}' 1hi,
In llo' )natlor of the [];.tta}(= of ALEC a,b,lvp-i,ntith,iI i'oUi'[, i15 [h(" Colll'lhq)llse
MII,LER. 1)(,(',-as('d. h) Shlqloll..,Ii(son ('()till(y. Wusilillgton.
NOTICE IS ]IEILF;BY (;[VEN 1lint a} whi('h tlt)),' :l.lld ilia}',' )lily ])('rsoIIS
Eth('l Mill(q'. Ex(,(;utrix of thp (,:lale in}('r('st,ql ill snid F,s}at,' 1nil.% a})l)('ltr
of Alvv Milh'r. de('(,a.c'd, has f}lod and fib' o})j(,clion. th(.ro}o and (.t)n-
with the Cl(,rk of th(' above entilled h'st lh,' sam)'.
Court hvr I'inal z'(.p()rt and 1),,titlon for I)atod t}li 15th dz(y of May, 1959.
dilz'il)uti,m, asking the Cou('t to re'l- ttAH.IIY DEYITTE
th' 1t15(1 It},ill'live sai(l }'illl)l F('})ol't 1111{1 ('.1,'11.: ()l' SJ(l(l C(Itll't
petition f()r dis(('limit(in, h) distribute 1:3': I}{ENI)] McGIIIRIg
till, ()rOll(WrY 1.() tl),, ])(.l'Ht)15 thereto ott- i)"11 lly
titb'd and tl) dis('harla(' 1hi' suid E×ecu- LEWIS & i'(H{REA
1fix. Alto('nl.,ys f()r },Is(,)Iv
NOTICE IS Ii.IH.TItEI{ (lIVEN llutt Fh,II ghll-.g. 121 Scull) 4th St.
said report /tlld petition f))l' dilrit)(l- S)wltl)n, Washiz5gt.)li
lion will I))* heard or5 Friday, th,' 19th (SEAL) 5/21-28-6/4 31
(htv ()f .Jul 195}I u} th(' h()m' (,f I() ...............
o'(h)(.k ill Ill(' f()rq'DA)olh a| t le ('t)t)l't
rooizl [15 tll(* (',(.ttr't Ih)(hU ' in S}l*'ll()ll, NO'['ICE O|" SAi,I", O1" NATIONAl,
F() 14 E, T T I M II I'; lit
WashingLoIs. i"u})li. w,tir'(, is h*,reby giv,'n that
[)a},'d this 1 r) (lily (,1' Mlly ,h, }ll)'SSlall(}() Iho p['o\\;'iShHts of l!('11Oll 5
ItARRY I)EYI,3TTIC ,)1' Puhli(' lmw 27;{. 7Rth (',)ngr,'ss 1514
Ch,)'k of Mas()ll CtJunty, LqLal. 132; 16 Ir.S.(tA. 5143-5:<fi). (l(ld tlw
Washington (()O|)'I'H t iVt' A,i. i'( , '11 D'll} I'Ol' }tit' )1 I1"
1>,3': II{ENE M(:(IUIH.1" :lg'ltl('ll} of th,' }'arti('il);)tinK For(,s}
[5,.pity Clerk PIO])Ul'tlq'S ill th(' Sh('lt.n C, ! ?t'ali/(
B. [#tLANKIAN ]tEISSTOTq SllSLain,ql Yi,'hl (hiil ,'ll}(q'p(I lille }13+
Attorn,'y for said Estat, and ))plw(.Po 111(, [)oih'd Sla}t. of
Allii,' l}tll[dilIK A/il"i i('tl and |tit' Siiilpsl)n L()gilSIg'
S|e}t()n Wahillgl(ll5 (,()1}) V, llll'l ])(.vl, I,'r 12, 1}'16, llll
(SIilA].) 5/21-28-6,/.I-}1 4t lili,l',.hal{lal)lo tilii})(.r lillirlo.([ i)r (h,s-
................................ ill(it(q] fill t Clltllllg t)]l /111 111'('S. ('Ill"
N.. 3057 l/ra('ilig 713 a('r,,s, lllt)l'l! ()1' llt!4g, wilh-
NOTICE OF liI"ARINll FINAL ii'i +-('li(iris 7, I,l. I<R, T. 9'2 N., R. 5 W..
Itiql)ORT ANll i'I:,TITION FOIl S,,c(h,n. 'd, 3, 1, 5, . 9, 10, I1, 12, 13,
IN TtlE S?Yet)ERIOll COIH'LT t)F TIIE 15. 1(i. 2}. 22. 25, 26, 27, 2t4. ;h r, all(I
3G, T. "2'2 N., l'{ 6 W.> llllll Sq'lillllS ,*f2,
STATE ol WASI'IIN(]'I'()N FOR 33. 31 a)ld 35, T, 22 N, l{. 6 W,. W,M..
MASON CO[YNTY I)al'}hl[ly' btlFk('y,d, Sl<.,,6(,lulsh Ifl,.'k,
(]11 |) r))})ilh')
In lh(' lllalll:,l' (if the }]s}a},' o1':#].-[ Nla;:Oli 4't,ll))l\\;' licll,,li (',))l)cl';Iti('
NEST A, MI)()RE, D(,('(ms('d. , Su)qahll;,d Ywhl Ulill, Ol):nll)l( ' N;illont|
NOTICE IS It],',Rlql}Y GIV1','N t'hat Ir°r'°st' Stal(, i)|' Washinglol), will I.t(,,
IVA Ig. ,MOORE, AdnQninstl'nl)'ix of s(d(l 1o }lit. Sililpson Li)ggilll. (()1 ]) t,(IS"
}}io ll})l)vi,-i'n{ill('d 1'41at)' has fih'd I11 St,al}l,,, %V:sshllltdtoll, Oll Jllno '2'2, l,i,).).
ttl(, i)fl'h.i, l)l' th(' (]ii:l'k of s;tid ('o111'[ ThP (',;lilli:ilod %'l)hllOt's ;lyt!: 2,29() /l
It fillli} l'l'p(il't llli(I I('}tli()15 f(ll" disl)'il)tl- l)()Itrd I'(.,.} of I)( 55glss-fii" llll(I 31V('141('i'li
lion. a.qking tlil, (_.Ollrl }ii s¢lll(, said whi}(! i)iw . 9fil) M 1)lilsrd f(,,.I Wt,}lq'n
re I or , distr hut lhi' lJi'tl} q'ty { th(.' r('dc(,dlu' iiilll 15,,R} M }ii)lii'd f--.t Wl,sl-
11 "S{lliS I o'(qo entitled ltisd' t() dis- tq'15 helillock all(] i)th(l ' p(,Cll,. T]ic
charlze thP p)!tilil)lwr iis A) luinlsl, Pa- 1111nlnilsni li(q'<lJtabll, pric(, |)Cl' l lloiird
}'o/!t is ns f{lihiws ; ].J,)liKhis-fir und
t'x and tti)ll sa}d rPt))rl arid petilh)li W'i,sh!rn whi}, I)ill(' $It5,21), Wh,rii
will /)e ht,ard i>rl itw 9(i}}i dliy o' Jilnl, reqtci,(hir $11A45 alsd l).,lci.n h(,iil4(ick
1959, al 10:00 i/citlck In t}u, flirt,n)l(,n lilid iHli,r Sliel'ivs $9.tJi). This inchtl,s
of said day. ()r lis s(iOll thl,r,,aft(,r )is th,' f)llh)wing ¢t(n)ll)lll4t' rates p*'i' M
}h(' Illll(ter ('ltn be. heal'd tit l}11, ('O111'I })oaF(l ]'"'I; Dt)lll.Qlis-.l'h' )151)1 W'st)'rn
i'i)(lnl ()|" the lltilJv(!-!n},i|[tql (,osli.t, in the whih' tillli' $3.t.30. W(,slel'll i'(,dc(,llilF
Col .th(,llsl in Silt,ltlln. Milsoi5 (;ounly, $10.!}5 lilid Wl,tl,i'll l-h'iilhlclt alld olhl!l'
WashlnTton. 11 which till)e 811(t pltlc)
lilly p(q's))n illll,1'(*stt'(l ill said Eslale l)(')'i('S $,€I.(111 phls $0,5(I }'i)l' Sli]l' lll'i'lt
liiay t(I)})eflr nild l'ih' id)j<,clion. thor(.'- hl't}l'l'liil'Ut alid $1t..t(I l'i)i' s}as}i dis-
,ulsal }'l)r all ,1)o( i),s. If re(lUlsDql })y
to lind (..ontet th(, tlllli(., lh(, Sl,utl, ()f Wa,.ll5h)g'lOll I)1' I)y lllJ.l)]5
Dated this 15th (lay of May, 1959. ('.11 v ()' })%' any l)(,'toli (h,(liwJ 1(
I1(1'(£ a lqqlOll;lll]) in(el'('st in the pro-
Ch,rk ))f slthl (.lltli't )()sl,d sal', r)l' io its lIWI)lS, II pllblic
BY: IRENE Mc(l-Ullt1'l ll,)il'ing w t),, ]1(, d in 1 I- offh'(' of
Del)utY the li'oros} Snl)(,)'vil,)'. ]')()st (If lice
GLENN E. C()t{REA Bliihling, ()l.Vlnl)ia. Washilsi4l,)n on tim
Attorn('Y for said Eshllo llth day ()l' JiillV. 1,%59 al 2:00 P.M.
Fhql Bldg'., 121 olit}i 4tll St. eqi(esls }'()i' pllllllc h(qiring will hid t)p.
,qhelton, Washi51gton consid(.('(,d liO](,F!4 F,q!(.ivl,(l in (.hi' of-
(SEAL) 5/21-2g-6/4 31 fie,' of the F',)r(.sl S!ipvi'\\;'ls)))'. Post (.)f-
.............................. flee Bull(lin4. ()lylpia, Washinglon,
N(|TIC1E elf %VATEIt RI(;IIT on or l)f,f()r(! JHne 5, 1959. Dated May
AI'PLI('ATION NO. 153111 15, J959. IA()y)t (I. (lil]1llor. For(,st Su-
STATE Oli' WAHIN(VF()N, OI?FICE )erviso)', lily)ill)It' National F'-('pst.
OF SUPERVISOR OF" WATER RE- 5/21-28-6/1-11 41
TAKE NOTICE: That Jos,>t)h & AI- - ....................................
1()ha Leonard of I llIiwan) Washing-
ton (,n Marc, I) 20. 1951t fih,d app i(.ali)al Journal Want Ads Pay
l'(,r pPr)nlt tn (liv(,rt the public wat.ev,
of Wllkoli('keh Cl'(,('k, tri})tltliry of
Hood Canal, in the alllOlllS| ()f 1.{) sP('-
()nd foot, subj()'t to (.xistinff rights.
('onthsuousiy each ylsr fin" 1|w |)tlr-
))s! of d))nlesti( stlpply {ti1(1 CI)l'finler-
('lal (oyate,' proeeaslng) ilmt ttw ap-
Prnxinilite pohst of diversion I located
wilhin 8WrNEUI of Section 23 Town-
ship 24 N., Range 3 W. WM., in Ma-
son Cotlnty.
Any obJect}ons innst bo ac(.))mpanh'd
by it two dollar ($2,fR)) rocording l'Pe
and flied with the Slat(' Sul)ervlsor of
Water Rel))tlrel wIthh) thirty (30)
clays froll) May 28, 1959.
Wltnets my hand and )ffficilll Hi!a]
this 12th day of May, 1959.
State Supervisor of Water
(SEAL) 5/21-28 2t
NOTICII IS HEREBY glv(,n that n
sl)oelal seh)iol electhm will hv held ill
NO, 404, Mltson C(;unty, WlitQltiigton,
I)etween the Ii))l.irs Of I:00 i).ln, alld
b];00 on the 251h 0ay l)f May. 1959,
for the l)urt)o,e of .suhmitl:ing to the
ele(:lors of ' .tiid s('hool district, for
ihPh' approval or reJe(:tlon, tlll 1)ropo -
slthm liore llafl'er statml. 'I'1)(, \\;'ottng
t)lllees fol' lhi. afi)resstd electh)n will
i,), as follows:
Ht)rld.qporl, School .... Hood Canal
School Dlstrlct No. 40,1
Union Scho-I .... I'h)od Canal School
Dis|rle! No. 404
Lower k()kolnish Sehool -- Hood
C'inal School Dltrict No. 404.
Mhh|h koko))iih School ..... Hood
Canal chool Dlrtrlet No. 4(}4.
I) Re I'O:,,;! T ION
Shall a g(,nornl f'ud tax levy of $5.
316.00. o- l})pr x at(qy 2 m I . in
IPX('OSS ()}' tilt' Ill/Ixinllln5 tax ( %'Y |)ro
vhlod by hlw for ehool ditrie he
Illa(l(#(in lliP nss(!ssed valualt()ti + of tile
flood ,anal Sch,)o i District No. 40,1
Itil(l fllO pro(!eef|s }horo()f ago(l, ilTIlll0-
d ately thrl)lllah incinTinv lin in(hQ)l-
odnoss air(it)l."1 ihe GENERAL I,'UND
(,f the distri,'}, Io I) v the vr)st ,,f r,--
Inih'ing nnd hillW()vtng the Mchool
builfllltg" f)t(qlilles of th dislrh't. IIIorP
st)(.(qfleallv (It) to (:(,l'iVOlt lh(, Ii(!atlnf
plalll 111 ]'.()wei' kokolllish fl'olll li,P()lll
|llll'nPl' t() itn i hlll'TPr tn(1 It) I'(l})til'
115(' roof ()f }ho front |)lil'('h ()f Slli(t
huildinff; Ib) h) r(!pat,r ill(. i'il,l' of lh#'
building at Uni(in', (c) b) )'Ppah' lllo
})uih]ing artd h) r*,lo(,all ,'in(] rPpla('o
iho 011 st(Jra'e lallk )it Mi(l)lh, St¢))ko-
mish: and (d) to I)ah)l 1)1)) exterior ))f
lhe I)utldlnf (it Ho(sdiq)o).t illif] rel)liil'
ill/) I}PpS at: lhe o#)l'th (!ntt'an(,o Of sahl
I)uildinl. )ill iis provhtod lor ]11 ii rl,s-
(,hltion adoDt('d t)3' h,' IRc)nr(l ,)f Di-
l'Of'tl)l':-1 ()f t|i- School Distrh't i)11 Ai))'il
6, 1959,
TAX LEVY .... YES !'3
TAX LEVY ................ NQ
By order of th. Board of Dh'ect()rs
of Hood Canrd Sehnol Dlstri(.'t No, 404,
Mason Cn,inty, Wa,hington.
ttSod .,ana) School District
No. 4Q4, Mas)m Co)inly,
W, ash Pggh')n
Dsh'd (hl. 19th day of May, 1959.
5/21 It
Here's a real speedster that
combines sleek good look)
with the ultimate in com[ort
and handling ease. And
Bell Boy's a]l.Bellgtas con.
struciion Illeans ('are[tee,
ina[rilenance- free boating.
'Jnere% beauty in every line,
every detail, front soft up-
h01slered seals to silvery ir
golden trim. See Bell Boy'l
new 16' Bonanza.
Vern arid Dan Davidson
Phone HA 6-4282
I.,2 Mile South .f Sbeltl)n ,m
()lympie 1 [iglu ay
Lower Skokomish Gym
Friday N!00;ht, May 29
9:30 p.m. 'til 1:30 a.m.
Admission $1.50 per couple
Where All Family
Enjoys Bowling Toplher
Pot Bowling
Every Friday, Saturday and . illiday
Until Closing
Summer .Leagues
Don't lie Latl --Sign UI) Now
Mcn's Trio - Monday
Mixed League - Tuesday
Women's Foursome- Wednesday
Full Family League - Thursday
Bowling Qlass Starling
Ju,e IOth - 7:00 p.m.
• • Free Instruction pay for Lines Only
greater stability!
• W1aeels ar0 five inches• farther apart. This widens tho
stance, not the car, gives you road-hugging stability,
less lean and sway. Only Pontiac has Wide-Track Wheels!