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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 News Items of Interest BUrgesort Ctlstonlary, a repared 1or the arade t() reprc- of Allyn. Volunteer their it will be wel- cially need minute hands make an accomplished :)n. Ynn or "Windy," was hon- in tile first Allyn school to celebrate party was the school and refresh- s mother, Mrs. Created a lovely figure nine was novel given in the eve- Allyn, Vic- group. The improve- field. ol picnic and it 'otes favor the Area at place. was red letter Austin when birthday lille guests Western, and Tina was ich was also Austin's was his the triple spent the cabin cruis- Waters around and casting near Anderson had the SChool of huge range. Too Austin con- large fish in did a little had a won° will fire de- which is, ed by the ting Bu- is in of Fire This rating ,petty own- will grant a radius of es of the Victor BOYLE 'REBT FESTIVAL show with this to load has New is re- >mpact -- bright, buyl • $77,00 AVailable $ SHOP treet I-IA 6-6163 or Allyn fire stations a 17, per cent cut in their il]surance cosf,s retroactive to March 1 of this year. Witl! just atew hundred feet more of hose and several other comparatively minor adjustments and a No. 8 rating could be had which would grant policy owners within the one-and-a-lalf mile radius a 50 per cent reduction in their policy rates. Surely sounds like a worthwhile goal for Allyn and Victor residents to strive for. Mr. Bill Austin spent the week- end with his daughter and family at Moses Lake. Friday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Blanche Zeitner were Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Warner and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown of Wen- atchee and their two grandchil- dren, Terry and Jan Brown, of Tacoma. Friends of Mr. Paul MacKay will be sorry to learn of his sud- den illness last week when he was taken to the Bremexton Navy Hospital for treatment. Mrs. MacKay informs us that he is somewhat improved, however. The MacKays only recently came here from Long Beach, Calif., and plan to build and occupy a permanent home on their beach property on the canal. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice called on his two sons and families in 'Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Rice and were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rice. Sunday, the Rev. J. B. Bretheim of the Lutheran Church in Shel- ton x again conducted services for the guests of Sarah House. Miss Penny Edman sang two numbers, "If I Love You," and "Three Coins in a Fountain" as her contribution to the Belfair variety show Friday evening, and again Sunday she sang at the BeN fair Baptist church servicee. Miss Judy Lockran accompanied her as she sang, "How Beautiful Upon The Mountain." The Allyn Beachcombers Gard- en Club met Thursday in the home of Mrs. Fred Lockwood with Mrs. Veda Grimstead as co-hostes. There were 14 members present. New officers were elected with Mrs. Mildred Gataene chosen as president, Mrs. Sarah Tschida, vice president, Mrs. Ada Griggs, secretary, and Mrs. Ix)is Terrial as treasurer. Of special interest at this meet- ing was a talk by Mrs. B. Brain of the Belfair Rhododendron Gar° den Club on the making of fresh floral corsages. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett enjoyed a very pleasant Sunday visit in the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Leever of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Leeer and children have just re- cently taken occupancy of a new home. Besides their parents, Mrs. Leever's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Haley of Tacoma, came over to share the joys of be- ing together in their new home. Mr. Leever is manager of Low- man-Hanford Stationery store in Olympia and Mr. Haley is man- ager of the J. C. Penney store at Vista Plaza in Tacoma. Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Harold Cleveland will be glad to learn that she will be returning to Allyn in about a week to spend a few days at home before get- ting ready to depart for Ketchi- kan, Alaska, on May 30, to join her husband at the Thorne Biner Logging Co. on the Prince of Wales Island, 40 miles from Ketchikan, for a few months. Many will also be interested in obtaining a copy of the special Statehood issue of the "Alaska Sportsman" magazine in which Mr. Cleveland's picture appears and an article on his last goat hunt. Mr. Wesley Davidson, who wrote up the article, is Mr. Cleve- land', partner in the logging emnp. The story and pictures are fine and well worth  anyone's reading. BOND SALES Sales of U. S. Savings Bonds in the state of Washington for April amounted to $5,288,108, briqging total sales for the first four months of this year to $23,293,477, County Chairman L. A. Carlson reported here today. Ma.son County sales amounted to $3,526. YOU HAVE PLENTY oF FILM YOUR FOREST FESTIVAL CAMERA SHOTS L z nd t. Camera Shop • Phone HA 6-6163 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin " Pa 9 Exposition Stamp Under Consideration A proposal to issue a commem- orative stamp noting the optming of the Century 21 Exposition in 1961 will be given "most careful consideration" by the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, "Washington's Congressional Dele- gation was advised today. The proposal was made last week by Senators Warren G. Mag- nuson and Henry M. Jackson and Winston Scott Attends Meet I David Austin Honored Cadet ceive.honor,the advancedOnlYwhichthecadetSisfineStsomethingandreecivebesttheythis°f More than 600 business and pro- men on cm'rent defense mol)iliza- ]):zvid 12. A.u.?in. ,,n ,)Jl Mr. and ini!iate, I t,) .':;c:d)h:,rd azld Blade. can be proud of all their lives, fessional men who are prepared to tion plans, mMrs. V¢ D. Au.!i., ,,! 912 Cascade The initiation was held at the Fort whether .theyj'ema!l in.t!m seYv- . ...... . . .. lC[. Of' re[urn Eo ClVl|lan nte. They are mem:e;s e,f tile Na-i St., Shelton \\;V;l::;h,, was r,,:ently take important posts in a Govern- tional Defense Executive Reserve I ............... .. iAiWl(ll (.)ftlcIl'S L'l ID in SeaiHe ' . Austin, a. graduate oI Irene S. ment production agency in event of the Business and Def r se Serv- hembcrs are chosen tot Scab- Reecl liigh School ill Shelt,m, is of national emergency met in ices Administration U S l)epart- many lines who are twing enroll,,d ihard nnd 15Ia(ie from the outstand- Inow a, metallurgical Engineering Washington, May 12-13, for a ment of Commerce Fhe'13DSA Re- bV some 16 (lovermn,,nt a,g,,ncies ing Cadet Officev: in Army, Navy, nmjor at this University, and is briefing by Government spokes- servists now nmnbcring more Iif°r emergency (lutms. and All' Vm'ce. This ntcmberslip is lan active member 'of Phi Delta than 1,000, l'Cl)l'('st!nt nllQor U.S. This area was r,,presented by something to be pr(md of as mere-]'I'hott fraternity. He will receive Congressmen Thomas M. Pelly industries and are part oi" an or-IWinston Sott., Mgr. ,ff tt;e I)ersilip is one of the higlwst, hon- ills commission in tile Air Force and Don Magnuson. ganizatlon composed of experts in I5,hcl|on Division, R:lvonier, Inc. ors all :ldv;llICe( Cadet can re- in I.)cc(,nlbcr of 1960. ,,=1 m 0 I m 'W m 0 M m m II II II II 1959 News Items of Interest BUrgesort Ctlstonlary, a repared 1or the arade t() reprc- of Allyn. Volunteer their it will be wel- cially need minute hands make an accomplished :)n. Ynn or "Windy," was hon- in tile first Allyn school to celebrate party was the school and refresh- s mother, Mrs. Created a lovely figure nine was novel given in the eve- Allyn, Vic- group. The improve- field. ol picnic and it 'otes favor the Area at place. was red letter Austin when birthday lille guests Western, and Tina was ich was also Austin's was his the triple spent the cabin cruis- Waters around and casting near Anderson had the SChool of huge range. Too Austin con- large fish in did a little had a won° will fire de- which is, ed by the ting Bu- is in of Fire This rating ,petty own- will grant a radius of es of the Victor BOYLE 'REBT FESTIVAL show with this to load has New is re- >mpact -- bright, buyl • $77,00 AVailable $ SHOP treet I-IA 6-6163 or Allyn fire stations a 17, per cent cut in their il]surance cosf,s retroactive to March 1 of this year. Witl! just atew hundred feet more of hose and several other comparatively minor adjustments and a No. 8 rating could be had which would grant policy owners within the one-and-a-lalf mile radius a 50 per cent reduction in their policy rates. Surely sounds like a worthwhile goal for Allyn and Victor residents to strive for. Mr. Bill Austin spent the week- end with his daughter and family at Moses Lake. Friday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Blanche Zeitner were Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Warner and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown of Wen- atchee and their two grandchil- dren, Terry and Jan Brown, of Tacoma. Friends of Mr. Paul MacKay will be sorry to learn of his sud- den illness last week when he was taken to the Bremexton Navy Hospital for treatment. Mrs. MacKay informs us that he is somewhat improved, however. The MacKays only recently came here from Long Beach, Calif., and plan to build and occupy a permanent home on their beach property on the canal. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice called on his two sons and families in 'Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Rice and were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rice. Sunday, the Rev. J. B. Bretheim of the Lutheran Church in Shel- ton x again conducted services for the guests of Sarah House. Miss Penny Edman sang two numbers, "If I Love You," and "Three Coins in a Fountain" as her contribution to the Belfair variety show Friday evening, and again Sunday she sang at the BeN fair Baptist church servicee. Miss Judy Lockran accompanied her as she sang, "How Beautiful Upon The Mountain." The Allyn Beachcombers Gard- en Club met Thursday in the home of Mrs. Fred Lockwood with Mrs. Veda Grimstead as co-hostes. There were 14 members present. New officers were elected with Mrs. Mildred Gataene chosen as president, Mrs. Sarah Tschida, vice president, Mrs. Ada Griggs, secretary, and Mrs. Ix)is Terrial as treasurer. Of special interest at this meet- ing was a talk by Mrs. B. Brain of the Belfair Rhododendron Gar° den Club on the making of fresh floral corsages. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett enjoyed a very pleasant Sunday visit in the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Leever of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Leeer and children have just re- cently taken occupancy of a new home. Besides their parents, Mrs. Leever's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Haley of Tacoma, came over to share the joys of be- ing together in their new home. Mr. Leever is manager of Low- man-Hanford Stationery store in Olympia and Mr. Haley is man- ager of the J. C. Penney store at Vista Plaza in Tacoma. Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Harold Cleveland will be glad to learn that she will be returning to Allyn in about a week to spend a few days at home before get- ting ready to depart for Ketchi- kan, Alaska, on May 30, to join her husband at the Thorne Biner Logging Co. on the Prince of Wales Island, 40 miles from Ketchikan, for a few months. Many will also be interested in obtaining a copy of the special Statehood issue of the "Alaska Sportsman" magazine in which Mr. Cleveland's picture appears and an article on his last goat hunt. Mr. Wesley Davidson, who wrote up the article, is Mr. Cleve- land', partner in the logging emnp. The story and pictures are fine and well worth  anyone's reading. BOND SALES Sales of U. S. Savings Bonds in the state of Washington for April amounted to $5,288,108, briqging total sales for the first four months of this year to $23,293,477, County Chairman L. A. Carlson reported here today. Ma.son County sales amounted to $3,526. YOU HAVE PLENTY oF FILM YOUR FOREST FESTIVAL CAMERA SHOTS L z nd t. Camera Shop • Phone HA 6-6163 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin " Pa 9 Exposition Stamp Under Consideration A proposal to issue a commem- orative stamp noting the optming of the Century 21 Exposition in 1961 will be given "most careful consideration" by the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, "Washington's Congressional Dele- gation was advised today. The proposal was made last week by Senators Warren G. Mag- nuson and Henry M. Jackson and Winston Scott Attends Meet I David Austin Honored Cadet ceive.honor,the advancedOnlYwhichthecadetSisfineStsomethingandreecivebesttheythis°f More than 600 business and pro- men on cm'rent defense mol)iliza- ]):zvid 12. A.u.?in. ,,n ,)Jl Mr. and ini!iate, I t,) .':;c:d)h:,rd azld Blade. can be proud of all their lives, fessional men who are prepared to tion plans, mMrs. V¢ D. Au.!i., ,,! 912 Cascade The initiation was held at the Fort whether .theyj'ema!l in.t!m seYv- . ...... . . .. lC[. Of' re[urn Eo ClVl|lan nte. They are mem:e;s e,f tile Na-i St., Shelton \\;V;l::;h,, was r,,:ently take important posts in a Govern- tional Defense Executive Reserve I ............... .. iAiWl(ll (.)ftlcIl'S L'l ID in SeaiHe ' . Austin, a. graduate oI Irene S. ment production agency in event of the Business and Def r se Serv- hembcrs are chosen tot Scab- Reecl liigh School ill Shelt,m, is of national emergency met in ices Administration U S l)epart- many lines who are twing enroll,,d ihard nnd 15Ia(ie from the outstand- Inow a, metallurgical Engineering Washington, May 12-13, for a ment of Commerce Fhe'13DSA Re- bV some 16 (lovermn,,nt a,g,,ncies ing Cadet Officev: in Army, Navy, nmjor at this University, and is briefing by Government spokes- servists now nmnbcring more Iif°r emergency (lutms. and All' Vm'ce. This ntcmberslip is lan active member 'of Phi Delta than 1,000, l'Cl)l'('st!nt nllQor U.S. This area was r,,presented by something to be pr(md of as mere-]'I'hott fraternity. He will receive Congressmen Thomas M. Pelly industries and are part oi" an or-IWinston Sott., Mgr. ,ff tt;e I)ersilip is one of the higlwst, hon- ills commission in tile Air Force and Don Magnuson. ganizatlon composed of experts in I5,hcl|on Division, R:lvonier, Inc. ors all :ldv;llICe( Cadet can re- in I.)cc(,nlbcr of 1960. ,,=1 m 0 I m 'W m 0 M m m II II II II