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such rugei
such handsome
yling at such 8
hw. low price!
• Shock-Resistant
• Waterproof** • Dustproof
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wWhen ca, crown and cryltOl oae iudecL
$1 A Week Will Do
129 Railroad
BHETON-MKSON COUNTY JOURNAL-- PublisEeI in "Chrlstmastown, U.KA.," Shelton, Washin
Shelton Cinder Winner
Roy Buzzard, a sophomore who
has been coming with every race,
staged a mighty upset to win the
half-mile in the southwest Wash-
ington district track meet in Van-
couver Saturday and will be Shel-
tea's representative in the state
meet at Pullman this weekend.
The sturdy-legged Buzzard clip-
ped more than five seconds off his
best time of the year in turning in
his upset triumph, hitting the tape
at 2:01.1 well ahead of the field.
Mackey of Winlock, the pre-meetl
favoite, 40 yards from the finish.
Mackey, attempting to stick with
Buzzard, leaned too far forward
and fell flat, finishing out of the
running completely even though
six places are recognized in the
district meet. Mackey had been
clocked in less than two minutes
a week earliex in his sub-district.
Buzzard soundly whipped Olym-
)ia's Don Grate, who had won the
sub-district a week earlier when
Buzzard started his final kick a
little too late and lidn't quite
catch the Bear half-miler at the
Buzzard's winning time is also
a new Shelton school record by a
wide margin, breaking the mark
of 2:06.7 he set himself in the Cen-
tral Iague all-conference meet
:we weeks ago.
with 16 points as a team when the
relay quartet of Harley Somers,
Vince Bostwick, Sherry Halbert
and Lon Deyette finished fourth in
1:37.8 in spite of a dropped baton
mishap on the exchange between
Bostwick and Halbert which cost
at least two seconds and when
Harley Seiners and Halbert fin-
ished sixth respectively in the low
hurdles and 220. Scoring was on a
I0-8-6-4-2-I bazi for i places.
Laurie' Seiners, anothel' llmber
sophomore, was bothered by a
slight crick in his back and failed
to place in the two events in which
he was qualified, the high Jump
and the high hurdles.
Buzzard's victory in the half:
mile puts the Climbers back at
Pullman for the Sixth time tin the
past seven years, the only miss
being last year.
Olympia 2, Aberdeen 0
Olympia 4, Aberdeen 3
South Kitsap 13, East Brem 1
Hoquiazn 5, Longview 1
Longview 3, Hoquiam 0
Montssano 4, Elma 0
Elma 6, Montesano 5
Centralia 7, Longview 3
Centralia 3, Longview 0
Hoquiam 4, Elma 3
Cathlamet 9, Raymond 6
Montesano 65, South Bend 38
Weatherman Ends '69
Blazer Ball Season;
Olub Won 5, Lost 2
That old pest, the weatherman,
won the final decision over ;Jerry
Knutson's Blazer baseball boys
last week, washing out two at-
tempts (Thursday and Friday) to
play the last game of the sched-
ule against Jefferson of Olympia.
The game was cancelled, leaving
the Blazers witha highly success-
ful 5-and-2 record for the season.
In the previous meeting with Jef-
ferson at Olympia the Blazers won
a lop-sided 11-4 victory.
Bnme Cowan was the pitching
mainstay for the Blazers, winning
four. games and losing two; both
by one run. He struck out 52 bat-
ters. ,Lofty Wayne Carlson, the
team's regular first baseman, got
credit for the other victory in a
relief role, and also was the club's
leading batter with a .348 average
on eight hits in 23 official times
at bat.
The team batting average was
.242 on 42 hits in 173 times at bat
in 49 innings of play. Cowan drove
in the most runs, 8 and Joel Wat-
ters scored the most runs, 9, as
well as making the moat official
trips to the plate, 25.
The team batting figures:
Kadoun ........ 3 1 1 1 0 1000
Carlson ........ 49 23 57 8 47 .348
Rose ............ 43 21 ".333
Hoard .......... 9 3 1 1 0 .333
Watters ...... 49 25 9 7 7 .280
Sloan ............ 42 19 1 5 .263
Cowan ........ 46 23 .261
Watson ........ 47 16 5 3 2 .190
Droseher ...r 24 6 1 '1 3 .167
Todd ............ 25 7 5 1 1 .142
Neuneker .... 45 18 2 2 3 .111
Paulsrude .... 25 10 1 0 0 .000
Elltott .......... 10 1 0 0 1 .000
TOTALS .... 49 173 42 42 38 .242
Coach Knutson named 15 letter
winners on this '1959 squad, of
which eight will be returning next
year to form a strong nucleus for
another winning ball club.
The letter winners included sev-
en 9th graders, six 8th graders and
two 7th graders.
Ninth graders are Wayne Carl-
son, Bruce Cowan, Ralph Hoard,.
Ray Neuneker. Henry Rose, Rich
Watson and Joel Watters. Eighth
graders are Ken Droscher. Doug
Paulsmlde, Mike Sheedy, Bill
Sloan, Eldon Todd, and John An-
derson. Seventh graders are Terry
Kadoun and Bob Towle.
Team managers were Jack Hale,
Mike Smith, and Clay Schmidt.
Little Skookum Hall
Saturday, May 23
Dancing from 9:30 'til 2 a,m.
4N/0t, 00AJ.T
When Applied to the
Purchase of a Gallon of Any
All we ask is that for each old can you sell us, you buy one gallon
of "C and C" Paint at the regulaHy advertised price. Your old
can is worth 25c when you buy a quart.
Bring in any old paint can, regardless of size, brand or €onditionl
We'll give you $1 toward the purchase of a gallon or 25€ toward
the purchase of a quart of any "C and C" Paint of your choice.
There is NO LIMIT! Don't miss this chance to stock up on "C and C"
Paints. Make your spring and summer painting plans today and
take advantage of these terrific savingsl
7TH & PARK PHONE HA. 6-6661
II III _ I[ -
Mt. View Uncrowned In Rotary Meet
Bordeaux skidded Mt. View off Brown B and Jim Brucker E tied.
the city grade school track throne
the northenders have occupiel the
past two years in the Rotary Club
sponsored event.
It was a blanket finisll among
the three participating schools
which found the defending chain-
14.6 sec.
HIGH JUMP (Clas, A) : 1- Per-
r3 Rose MV 2 Terry LaBission-
iere B, Dick Valkcr B, and Tom-
my Lowe E tied. 4' 4". (Chs B):
1-Van Phillips, 2- Mike Brickert
B and Jim Anderson MV tied, 4--
W L rf ra
SHELTON ............ 10 1 61 19
Chehalis ............... 8 i 105 23!
North Thurston .... 7 " 79 46!
St. Martins .......... 4 8 q6 67
Montesano : ........... 3 7 30 43
Raymond .............. 2 6 18 78
Elma ...................... 1 9 25 73
Latest Scores
Shelton 6-7, North Thurston 3-5
ontesano 4-5, Elma 0-6
This Friday
Shelton at West Breme'ton
Shelton nabbed a crucial double
win over North Thurston in Cen-
tral League baseball play Monday
afternoon at North Thurston
when the Highclimbers made their
own first game rally pay off, then
stymied the Rams second-game
last-inning comeback.
THE TWO teams gave their re-
spective coaches ulcers with a pair
of spine-tickling decisions, Shelton
claiming the opener 6-3 with a
five-run rally in the sixth inning
to overcome a 3-1 Ram advantage,
then winning the second 7-5 by
thwarting a North Thurston last-
Inning bid for victory which sent
three runs across the plate and
had the winning marker aboard
before relief pitcher Ray Manke
put out the fire.
The double triumph hoisted the
Climbers into the league lead with
only the re-play of the Chehalis
tie game left in conference action,
while Chehalis has a twin bill to
make up with Montesano. North
Thuraton was eliminated from
title contention hy the double loss.
Manke and Jerry Mallory were
the heroes of the day for Shelton.
THE FORMER came in from
his customary domain at second
to save the second game for Jim
Sargent. Three runs were already
over the plate, two runners were
still aboard with one out when
Coach Chet Dombroski figured
Sargent had had enough. Manke
got a bad call on a 3-and-2 pitch
to walk the first batter he faced,
filled the bases and putting the
potential winning run on first, but
the scrappy half-pint forced the
next hitter to pop up to himself
and then fanned the final batter
to .end the game.
Blazers Take Fifth
In Distrioi Meet
With 39 I/5 Points
Weakness in the Class C events
held Shelton to a fifth place total
of 39 1/5 points in the southwest
Washington junior high track
meet at Vancouver last Friday.
In the Class A competition the
Blazers ran a tight third with 17
pginta (1/5 behind second place
oqulam) and In the Class B
events a 17 point total was good
f)r second place. Blazer Class C
athletes ored 5 1/5 points.
Vancouver*s ShumWay junior
high won the over-all district title
with 59 1/5 points with Centralia
second at 53, Lewis of Longview
third at 48 2/3, and Hoquiam
fourth at 45 7/10.
CENTRALIA topped the Cla
A field with 41 points, Shumway
the Class B with 34 points, and
Lewis the Class C group with
33 1/3. Shelton's Class C total
was eighth.
Top performance for the Blazers
was John Sells' 52-foot class A
shotput, best effort in that event
since 1955. He was the only
clean-cut Blazer winner during
the day's events, but Dave Rob-
ertson picked up a three-way
share of first place in the Class
B high jump at.5 feet ,/ inch.
Two other achievements tied
school records, the Blazer Class
A relay team hitting 49.5 even
though finisling in third place be-
hind Centralia's winning 49 flat
and Evergreen of Vancouver; and
Gary Shelton doing the 180 dash
in 20.5 yet finishing only fifth in
the fast field.
THE BLAZER Class B relay
team turned in an excellent 50.3
mark for asecond spot behind
Shumway's 0.1 figure.
Other Blazer points were scored
by Gary Stmons with a pair of
third apota in the Class A 50 and
broad Jump, Stan Johnson with a
pair of fourths in the Class B 50
and shot put, Dan Olsen with a
two-way share of fourth in the
Class B 180, Dave Robertson with
a two-way share of fourth in the
laaa B pole vault, the Class C
relay team with a third spot, Bob
Carson with a third place tie in
the pole vault and a fifth place
ribbon in the low hurdles, and
Brian Briekert with a fiVe-way
tie for fifth place in the high
jump, these latter in Class C
The district meet closed the
season for the Blazer track team,
whicll was undefeated in all meets
for the second straight year up
to the sub-district.
By Don Eveleth
Mr. and Mrs. George Beckctt
and two children of Mt. Vernon
visited her parents the Tom Kear-
neys Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ancnsen
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
McAlfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Evelcth were among those attend-
ing the spring eoneert at Ehua
higl] school Friary evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fisher of Ev-
erett and five children were Satur-
day visitors of the Tom Kearney.
Jem.w and Donald Pearson were
home for the weekend from Au-
burn Academy.
Anton Anensen and Don Eveleth
went to Lake Newatzel Saturday
for a day of trout fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Evcleth
and Paul were Saturday evening
guests of the Murrel Bhmks of
Whites. The occasion wa Mary'
€od bigtllda, y,
Mallory pitched a" gaudy four-
hitter in the opener, gave no
earned runs while fanning eight
and walking (me, and retired tim
last 13 batters he faced. He
picked up six strikeouts in the
last three innings in his strong
THE RAMS jumped into a 3-0
lead off Mallory when a pair of
errors around a triple, walk and
two singles accounted for three
unearned runs in the third.
Shelton cut the margin with a
single tally in the fourth when
Denny Temple singled home Garth
Getty, then won it with those five
big markers in the sixth. Kerm
Livermore walked to trigger the
outburst, a dropped fly off Getty's
bat kept it going, Temple's double
plated Livermore, Bob Fitchett's
single shot Getty home, Temple
scored on Roger Hermes' infield
roller, and Mallory singled home
Fitchett and Al Smith, who had
singled and moved up on a walk
to Manke.
Another five-rim spree was in-
strumental in salting away the
second game. It came in the
third when Sargent and Smith
i walked as the first men up, Manke
i singled to fill the sacks, Mallory
drove in the first pair with a sing-:
le, he and Manke moving ahead!
i when the leftfielder booted MaN
i lory's blow, Manke beat the throw
home on Livermore's bouncer,
Mallory following across on Get-
ty's infield out, and Livermore
scoring on Temple's single.
SINGLE RUNS were sand-
wiched around the big Inning,
Smith scoring in the first when
he singled and moved to third on
:wild pitch[s, registering on Man-I
ke's fly to center; Livermorel
checking in in the" fifth after a
two-base bobble of his grounder,
Getty's bunt, and Bill Fitchett's
Silenced effectively by Mallory's
southpaw slants in the opener, the
slugging Rams came to life and
slammed Sargent's righthanded i
offerings with gusto in the sec-:
end, getting at lea one hit in
every inning, and scoring two
runs in the second before making
the big threat to snatch the de-
cision in the fifth and final frame
before Mankes effective trouble-
shooting stint.
Temple was the day's batting
star, getting four safe blows in
five official trips, plus a pair of
walks. Nn other Climber bagged
more than two hits.
Shelton plays a single non-con-
ference game at Bremerton this
Friday against West High, then
will await word of what is to be
done about the Chehalis re-play.
It could be next Tuesday on Loop
" The short scores:
Shelton ...... 000 1 05 0-.-.,6 7 3
N. Thurston 003 000 0 3 4 2
Batteries -Malhn'y and Hermes;
Ford and Bachofner.
She, lton .............. 1 05 0 1--7 6 2
N. Thurston .... 002 03---5 9 2
Batteries---Sargent, Manke {5)
and Hermes; Claar, Flury (4) and
plans on the bottom of the pile--
Bordeaux 77 1/3, Evergreen 66 1/3,
Mt. View 63 1/3.
Bordeaux won its title on bal-
ance and the abilities of three
high-scoring young athletes---Ter-
ry LaBissioniere with 16: points,
Ronnie LaBresh with 13, and Fred
Lament with 11%, to which Becky
Herrell added six points in the
girls events.
However, the individual star of
the meet was Mt. View's Scott
Swisher, who piled up a total of
24 ! points with four places, one
third, and a leg on the victorious
relay team. Perry Rose put 12;
points on the Mt. View total and
Lynn Spilseth 104.
Evergreen had two strong seer-
era in Jerry Westlund who scored
12, points and Tempest Lowe with
10% points, with Kathy Rau add-
ing ten with a pair of firsts in the
girls events.
The results:
50-YARD DASH (Class A): 1--
Terry LaBissoniere B, 2--Perry
Rose MV, 3--Tommy Lowe E, 4--
Fred Lament B. 7.2 sec. (Class B):
1--Lynn Spilseth MV, 2--Jerry
Westlund E, 3--Richard Macke B
and Paul Shefler B tied. 7.2 sac.
(Class C): l--Ronnie LeBresh B,
2--Scott Swisher MV, 3--Steve
Shefler B, 4--Jim Brucker E. 7.4
100-YARD DASH (Class A):
.Terry LaBissoniere B, 2--Perry
Rose MV, 3--Fred Lament B, ,1-
Bill Batstone E. 13 sac. (Class B):
1--Jerry Westlund E, 2--Lynn
Spilseth MV, 3--Jim Anderson
MV, 4--Paul Sheller B. 13.9 sec.
(Class C): lScott Swisher MV,
2 -- Ronnie LaBresh, 3 -- Jerry
Rolling Pins .......................... 8 0
Curvettes ............................ 6 2
Pin Ups .............................. 6 2
Woodpickers ...................... 4 4
Go-Getters .......................... 3 5
Goofers 2 6
Straight Shooters .............. 2 6
Blow Outs ' 1 7
High ganm--Dot Killcy 176
High total--Dot Kfllcy 436
New Hlgh-Temlmrture Alloy
A new ickel-chromium cast al-
loy developed especially for high
temperature investment cast parts
in advanced jet aircraft and mis-
siles was recently introduced by
International Nickel. The new al-
loy combines outstanding strength
at 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit with
good castability.
Jerry %Vesllund E and Steve Chase
MV tied. 4' 2:!4". (Class C): 1 ....
Scott Swisher MV, 2 .... Jerry
Brown B, 3--Jim Olson E, 4-Eric
Hansen E, Dennis Daniels B, and
Larry Snyder MV tied. 4' 0".
BROAD JUMP (Class A): 1-
Tommy Lowe E, 2--Fred Lament
B, 3- Steve Clinton E, 4---Terry
LaBisoniere B. 14' 10!". (Clans
B): 1--Mike Challender MV, 2 ......
Jerry Westlund E, 3--Jim Ander-
son MV, 4---Lynn Spilseth MV.
Distance not listed. (Class C): 1-
Scott Swisher MV, 2--Ronnie La-
Breesh B, 3--Jim Olson E, 4 ....
Billy Archer E. Distance not list-
SHOT PUT (Class A): 1--Fred
Lament B, 2--Terry LaBissoniere
B, 3- Bill Batstone E, 4-- Tim
Rose B. 28' 10". (Class B): 1--Jim
Sells B, 2--Duane Fagergren B,
3--Roy Dunn E, 4--Jerry West-
lund E. 24' 1". (Class C): 1--Scott
Swisher MV, 2--Lowell LaMarsh
E, 3---P,,pnnie LaBresh B, 4--Mer- -
vin Kinnan E. 22' 11".
400-YARD RELAY (Open): 1--
Mt. View, 2--Evergreen, 3--Bor-
deaux. 1:56,0.
Kathy Rau E, 2---Mary Anne Dill
E, 3--Delores Utter, 4--Becky
Herrell /3, 7.5 seconds.
Kathy Rau E, 2--Mary,Anne Dill
E, 3--Kathy Burdtck .MV, 4
Kathy Hoard E. 11 seconds.
-- Becky Herrell B, 2 --- Reta
Swearingen B, 3--Diane Hatha-
way B, 4--Kathy Burdick MV.
50 Years of Progress
By Evinrude
World's Finest
Now at
Fairmont & Olympic Hiway
(Formerly Hillcrest Hardware
made out of Bellglass, you know you own
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Phones HA 6-4282 or HA 6-6392
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e'Wham ea, crown end cryltOl ore ia¢.
$1 A WeG Will Do
729 Railroad
SI'ZTON-M.SON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publisl in "Chrstnmstown, U.KA.,"
She]ton Cinder Winner
Roy Buzzard, a sophomore who
has been coming with every race,
staged a mighty upset to win the
half-mile in the southwest Wash-
ington d/strict track meet in Van-
couver Saturday and will be Shel-
ion's representative in the state
meet at Pullman this weekend.
The sturdy-legged Buzzard clip-
ped more than five seconds off his
best time of the year in turning in
his upset triumph, hitting the tape
at 2:01.1 well ahead of the field.
Mackey of Winlock, the pre-meet
favozte, 40 yards from the finish,
Mack•y, attempting to stick with
Buzzard, leaned too far forward
and fell flat, finishing out of the
running completely even though
six places are recognized in the
district meet. Mackey had been
clocked in less than two minute
a week earliex in his sub-district.
Buzzard soundly whipped Olym-
pia's Don Crate, who had won the
sub-district a week earlier when
Buzzard started his final kick a
little too late and lidn't quite
catch the Bear half-miler at the
Buzzard's winning time is also
a new Shelton school record by a
wide margin, breaking the mark
of 2:06.7 he set himself in the Cen-
tral Iague all-conference meet
two weeks ago.
with 16 points as a team when the
i relay quartet of Harley Seiners,
Vince Bostwick, Sherry Halbert:
and Lon Deyette finished fourth in
1:37.8 in spite of a dropped baton
mishap on the exchange between
Bostwick and Halbert which cost
at least two seconds and when
Harley Seiners and Halbert fin-
shed sixth respectively in the low
hurdles and 220. Scoring was on a
10-8-6-4-2-I basl tor sl places. ,
Laurie' Seiners, anothel' limber
sophomore, was bothered by a
slight crick in his back nd failed
to place in the two events in which
he was qualified, the high Jump
and the high hurdles.
Buzzard's victory in the half:
mile puts the Climbers back at
Pullman for the Sixth time'in the
past seven years, the only miss
being last year..
Olympia 2, Aberdeen 0
Olympia 4, Aberdeen 3
South Kitsap 13, East Brem 1
Hoquiaxa 5, Longview 1
Longvtew 3, Hoquiam 0
Montesano 4, Elms 0
Elms 6, Montesano 5
Centralia 7, Longview 3
Centralia 3, Longview 0
Hoquiam 4, Elma 3
Cathlamet 9, Raymond 6
Most•sane 65, South Bend 38
Little Skookum Hall
Saturday, May 23
Dancing from 9:30 'til 2 a,m,
Weatherman Ends '69
Blazer Ball Season;
Olub Won 5, Lost 2
That old pest, the weatherman,
won the final decision over Jerry
Knutson's Blazer baseball boys
last week, washing out two at-
tempts (Thursday and Friday) to
play the last game of the ached-
ule against Jefferson of Olympia.
The game was cmacelled, leaving
the Blazers with a highly suceess-
ful 5-and-2 record for the season.
In the previous meeting with Jef-
ferson at Olympia the Blazers won
a lop-sided 11-4 victory.
Bruce Cowan was the pitching
mainstay for the Blazers, winning
four. games and losing two; both
by one run. He struck out 52 bat-
ters. Lefty Wayne Carlson, the
team's regular first baseman, got
credit for the other victory in a
relief role, and also was the club's
leading batter with a .348 average
on eight hits in 23 official times
at bat.
The team batting average was
.242 on 42 hits in 173 times at bat
in 49 innings of play. Cowan drove
in the most runs, 8 and Joel Wet-
ters scored the m0st runs, 9, as
well as making the most official
trips to the plate, 25.
The team batting figures:
Kadoun ........ 3 1 1 1 0 L000
Carlson ........ 49 23 7 .348
Rose ............ 43 21 5 7 4 ".333
Hoard .......... 9 3 1 1 0 .333
Wetters ...... 49 25 9 7 7 .280
Sloan ............ 42 19 1 5 .263
Cowan ........ 46 23 .261
Watson ........ 47 16 5 3 2 .190
Droseher ...r 24 6 1 1 3 .167
Todd ............ 25 7 5 1 1 .142
Neuneker .... 45 I8 2 2 3 .111
Paulsrude .... 25 10 1 0 0 .000
Elltott .......... 10 1 0 0 1 .000
TOTALS ..... 49 173 42 42 38 .242
Coach Knutson named 15 letter
winners on this '1959 squad, of
which eight will be returning next
year to form a strong nucleus for
another winning ball club.
Thc letter winners included sev-
en 9th graders, six 8th graders and
two 7th graders.
Ninth graders are Wayne Carl-
son, Bruce Cowan, Ralph Hoard,
Ray Neuneker, Henry Rose, Rich
Watson and Joel Wetters. Eighth
graders are Ken Droseher, Doug
Paulsmlde. Mike Sheedy, Bill
Sloes, Eldon Todd, and John An-
derson. Seventh graders are Terry
Kadoun and Bob Towle.
Team managers were Jack Hale,
Mike Smith, and Clay Schmidt.
When Applied to the
Purchase of a Gallon of Any
" PAl N TS
All we ask is that for each old can you sell us, you buy one gallon
of "C and C" Paint at the regularly advertised price. Your old
can is worth 25c when you buy a quart.
Bring in any old paint can, regardless of size, brand or €onditionl
We'll give you $1 toward the purchase of a gallon or 25€ toward
the purchase of a quart of any "C and C" Paint of your choice.
There is NO LIMIT! Don't miss this chance to stock up on "C and C"
Paints. Make ybur spring and summer painting plans today and
take advantage of these terrific savings!
7TH & PARK PHONE HA. 8-6661
k IH It II IIII [I .... I J
Shelton, Washin
Sl()RTS MS. View Uncrowned In Rotary Meet
Bordeaux skidded Mt. View off Brown B and Jim Brucker E tied.
CLIMBERS CLOBBER RAMS FOR the citygrade schoo! track throne 14.6 sec
the northenders have oecupiei the HIGH JUMP (Clas A): 1- Per-j
past two years in the Rotary Club r) Rose MV, 2 Terry LaBission-
-- sponsored event, iere B, Dick Valkcr B, sod Tom-
VJi_K.||B_JHL. the thzee paztscsp " ating schools. 1-Van .PniJiips" 2- Mike z'icerL
which found the defending chain- B and.Jnn Anderson MV tied, 4---
Mallory pitched a" gaudy four- pions on the bottom of the pile-- Jerry vvestmnd E and Steve Chase
L rf ea hitter in the opener, gaw no Bordeaux 77 1/'3 Evergreen661/3, MV tied. 4' 2:!4". (Class C): 1 .... I
1 61 19 earned runs while fanning eight Mt. View 63 1/3. Scott Swisher MV, 2 .... Jerry
1 105 23 and walking one and retired libel Bordeaux Won "" titl" on bq Brown B 3--Jim Olson E, 4-Eric
3 79 46 last 13 batters he faced. Helance and the .--'- € ÷hr,lHanscn E, lenms Danmls B, and
8 36 67 picked up sx strikeouts m the jhih-scorin vn,n u, hletes Tot. Larry Snyder MV trod. 4 0 .
7 30 43 last three mmngs m hs stz'ong/r v LaBissioniere with 16 :- noints BROAD J MP (Clas. A): 1--
6 18 78 ,-ni r.n,o. , ,s, : *, w,.. Tommy Lowe E, 2--Fred Lamont
9 25 73 B, 3- Steve Clinton E, 4---Terry
SHELTON ............ 10
Chehalis ............... 8
North Thurston .... 7
St. Martins .......... 4
Montesano : ........... 3
Raymond .............. 2
Elma ...................... 1
Latest Scores
Shelton 6-7, North Thurston 3-5
fontesano 4-5, Elms 0-6
This Friday
Shelton at West Bremen'ton
Shelton nabbed a crucial double
win over North Thurston in Cen-
tral League baseball play Monday
afternoon at North Thurston
when the Highclimbers made their
own first game rally pay off, then
stymied the Rams second-game
last-inning comeback.
THE TWO teams gave their re-
spective coaches ulcers with a pair
of spine-tickling decisions, Shelton
!claiming the opener 6-3 with a
five-run rally in the sixth inning
to overcome a 3-1 Ram advantage,
then winning the second 7-5 by
thwarting a North Thurston last-
inning bid for victory which sent
three runs across the plate and
had the winning marker aboard,
before relief pitcher Ray Manke[
put out the fire. I
The double triumph hoisted the I
Climbers into the league lead with/
only the re-play of the Chehalis/
tie game left in conference action !
while Chehalis has a twin bill to I
]make up with Montesano. North
Thuraton was eliminated from
Utle contention hy the donble loss.
Manke and Jerry Mallory were
the heroes of the day for Shelton.
THE FORMER came in frort
his customary domain at second
to save the second game for Jim
Sargent. Three runs were already
over the plate, two runners were
still aboard with one out when
Coach Chet Dombroski figured
Sargent had had enough. Manke
got a bad call on a 3-and-2 pitch
to walk the first batter he faced,
filled the bases and putting the
potential winning run on first, but
the scrappy half-pint forced the
next hitter to pop up to himself
and then fanned the final batter
to .end the game.
Blazers Take Fifth
In Didrid Meet
With 39 I/5 Points
Weakness in the Class C events
held Shelton to a fifth place total
of 39 1/5 points in the southwest
Washington junior high track
meet at Vancouver last Friday.
In the Class A competition the
Blazers ran a tight third with 17
points (1/5 behind second place
*oquiam) and in the Class B
events a ]7 point total was good
f)r second place. Blazer Class C
athletes ored 5 1/5 points.
Vaneouver*s ShumWay junior
high won the over-all district title
with 59 1/5 points with Centralia
second at 53, Lewis of Longview
third at 48 2/3, and Hoquiam
fourth at 45 7/10.
CENTRALIA topped the Cla
A field with 41 points, Shumway
the Class B with 34 points, and
Lewis the Class C group with
33 1/3. Shelton's Class C total
was eighth.
Top performance for the Blazers
was John Sells' 52-foot class A
shotput, best effort in that event
since 1955. He was the only
clean-cut Blazer winner during
the day's events, but Dave Rob-
ertson picked up s three-way
share of first place in the Class
B high jump at.5 feet V inch.
Two other achievements tied
school records, the Blazer Class
A relay team hitting 49.5 even
though finisltng in third place be-
hind Centratia's winning 49 flat
and Evergreen of Vancouver; and
Gary Shelton doing the 180 dash
in 20.5 yet finishing only fifth in
the fast field.
THE BLAZER Class B relay
team turned in an excellent 50.3
mark for asecond spot behind
Shumway's fi;0.1 figure.
Other Blazer points were scored
by Gary Simons with a pair of
third spots in the Class A 50 and
broad Jump, Stan Johnson with a
pair of fourths tn the Class B 50
and shot put, Dan Olsen with a
two-way share of fourth in the
Class B 180, Dave Robertson with
a two-way share of fourth in the
Clam B pole vault, the Class C
relay team with a third spot, Bob
Carson with a third place tie in
the pole vault and a fifth place
ribbon in the low hurdles, and
Brian Brlckert with a fiVe-way
tle for fifth place in the high
jump, these latter in Class C
The district meet closed thc
season for the Blazer track team,
which was undefeated in all meets
for the second straight year up
to the sub-district.
By Don Eveleth
Mr. and Mrs. George Beckett
and two children of Mt. Vernon
visited her parents the Tom Kear-
neys Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Anenscn
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
McAlfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Evelcth were among those attend-
lng the spring concert at Ehua
ligl] school Frity evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fisher of Ev-
erett and five chihiren were Satur-
day visitors of the Tom Kearneys,
Jem.' and Donald Pearson were
home for the weekend from Au-
burn Academy.
Anton Anensen and Don Evcleth
went to Lake Newatzel Saturday
for a day of trout fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Evcleth
and Paul were Saturday evening
guests of the Murrel Bhmks of
Whites. The occasion wa Mary'=
¢€od birthday.
THE RAMS jumped into a 3-0
lead off Mallory when a pair of
errors around a triple, walk and
two singles accounted for three
unearned runs in the third.
Shelton cut the margin with a
single tally in the fourth when
Denny Temple singled home Garth
Getty, then won it with those five
big markers in the sixth. Kerm
Livermore walked to trigger the
outburst, a dropped fly off Getty's
bat kept it going, Temple's double
plated Livermore, Bob Fitchett's
single shot Getty home, Temple
scored on Roger Hermes' infield
roller, and Mallory singled home
Fitchett and Al Smith, who had
singled and moved up on a walk
to Manke.
Another five-rtm spree was in-
strumental in salting away the
second game. It came in the
third when Sargent and Smith
walked as the first men up, Manke
singled to fill the sacks, Mallory
drove in the first pair with a sing-
le, he and Manke moving ahead
when the leftfielder booted MaN
lory's blow. Manke beat the throw
home on Livermore's bouncer,
Mallory following across on Get-
ty's infield out. and Livermore
scoring on Temple's single.
SINGLE RUNS were sand-
wiched around the big inning,
Smith scoring in the first when
he singled and moved to third on
wild pitch[s, registering on Man-
ke's fly to center; Livermore
checking in in the TM fifth after a
two-base bobble of his grounder,
Getty's bunt, and Bill Fitch•it's
Silenced effectively by Mallory's I
southpaw slants in the opener, the l
slugging Rams came to life and;
slammed Sargent's righthandedi
offerings with gusto in the sec-!
end, getting at lea one hit in
every inning, and scoring two
runs in the second before making
the big threat to snatch the de-
clsion in the fifth and final frame
before Mank(s effective trouble-
shooting" stint.
Temple was the day's batting
star, getting four safe blows in
five official trips, plus a pair of
walks. Nn other Climber bagged
more than two hits.
Shelton plays a single non-con-
ference game at Bremerton this
l'iday against West High, then
will await word of what is to be
done about the Chehalis re-play.
It could be next Tuesday on Loop
The short scores:
helton ...... 000 1 0 5 0--6 7 3
N. Thurston 003 000 0 3 4 2
Batteries -Mallory and Hermes;
Ford and Bachofner.
Shelton .............. 1 05 0 1.--7 6 2
N. Thurston .... 002 03--5 9 2
Batteries--Sargent, Manke (5)
and Hermes; Claar, Flury (4) and
Lament with lla4, to which Becky
Herrell added six points in the
girls events.
However, the individual star of
the meet was MS. View's Scott
Swisher, who piled up a total of
24 ! points with four places, one
third, and a leg on the victorious
relay team. Perry Rose put 12¢;i
points on the MS. View total and
Lynn Spilseth 104.
Evergreen had two strong scor-
ers in Jerry Westlund who scored
12!, points and Tomjr Lowe with
10A points, with Kathy Rau add-
ing ten with a pair of firsts in the
girls events.
The results:
50-YARD DASH (Cla.s A): 1--
Terry LaBissoniere B, 2--Perry
Rose MV, 3--Tommy Lowe E, 4--
Fred Lament B. 7.2 sec. (Class B):
1--Lynn Spilseth MV, 2--Jerry
Westlund E, 3--Richard Macke B
and Paul Shefler B tied. 7.2 sec.
(Clas C): l--Ronnie LeBresh B,
2--Scott Swisher MV, 3--Steve
Shefler B, 4--Jim Brucker E. 7.4
100-YARD DASH (Class A):
lTerry LaBissoniere B, 2--Perry
Rose MV, 3--Fred Lamont B, t--
Bill Batstone E. 13 sec. (Class B):
1--Jerry Westlund E, 2--Lynn
Spilseth MV, 3--Jim Anderson
MV, 4--Paul Sheller B. 13.9 sec.
(Class C). lScott Swisher MV,
2 Ronnie LaBresh, 3 -- Jerry
Rolling Pins .......................... 8 0
Curvettes ............................ 6 2
Pin Ups .............................. 6 2
Woodpickers ...................... 4 4
Go-Getters .......................... 3 5
Goofers ................................. 2 6
Straight Shooters .............. 2 6
Blow Outs .............. ........... 1 7
High ganm--Dot Killcy 176
High total--Dot Killcy 436
New Hlgh-Temlmruture Alloy
A new ickel-chromium cast al-
loy developed especially for high
temperature investment cast parts
in advanced jet aircraft and mis-
:siles was recently introduced by
International Nickel. The new al-
loy combines outstanding strength
i at 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit with
good castability. .
LaBisoniere B. 14' 10!". (Class
B): 1---Mike Challender MV, 2 ......
Jerry Westlund E, 3--Jim Ander-
son MV, 4---Lynn Spilseth MV.
Distance not listed. (Class C): 1-
Scott Swisher MV, 2--Ronnie La-
Breesh B, 3--Jim Olson E, 4 ....
Billy Archer E. Distance not list-
SHOT PUT (Class A): 1--Fred
Lamont B, 2--Terry LaBissoniere I
B, 3- Bill Batstone E, 4-- Tim
Rose B. 28' 10". (Class B): 1--Jim
Sells B, 2--Duane Fagergren B,
3--Roy Dunn E, 4--Jerry West-
lund E. 24' r'. (Claus C): 1--Scott
Swisher MV, 2--Lowell LaMarsh
E, 3--4nnie LaBresh B, 4--Mer-
vin Kinnan E. 22' 11".
400-YARD RELAY (Open): 1--
Mt. View, 2Evergreen, 3--Bor-
deaux. 1:56,0.
Kathy Rau E, 2---Mary Anne Dill
E, 3--Delores Utter, 4--Becky
Herrell B 7.5 seconds.
Kathy Rau E, 2--Mary,Anne Dill
E, 3--Kathy Burdtck MV, 4
Kathy Hoard E. 11 seconds.
-- Becky Herrell B, 2 --- Reta
Swearingen B, 3--Diane Hatha-
way B, 4--Kathy Burdick MV.
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