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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1,959 SHELTON-MASON COUN, TY JOURNAL-- Publi.hed in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Dinner For Socia ven ts Zonta Guests Na d I i,g o the She.on =ont C,,,. 'H,e '59 Winners me uddy Poppy Sale a I At Final Pinechle Game Scheduled to Aid ] " ", ( i I1 t £'J(1LKIIE:;ILi. 1" [Ib[ld]LLl ,  il t) ;on /l'(! '('al i)O A.'4I ('l:tt .. • ] .......... , ,.. ,...,] "Ve 1mno' tie dead by helping 1'111111 lilt* Clil)) II It II 1 t  t,,t, . . ' !the hvlug" s the thenle of this gHlll( (if lht} scgtson I;l:fl uccl,:. {yt!ill"s []ll(ldy l'Ol)py sale sponsor, IVVinlling high score prizes f,)r llw :ed annually l)y the Veterans of "Ship - Bus 'RSEs" HOTEI iseries \\;vort, (ib h:uhlfle 63770 :ln(t t"o/'*fi.Rn \\;Vats Auxiliary. The sale Marie Cal'ls,)n 611780. iwill 1)o held today and Friday, Or HA 6-4134 Avenue WASH. High sc(n'os for the ov(,ning"s play wore won by Max S(.hmidt, St., 7710 and 1,ucilh' Speoce 7:LqO. high prizes \\;vere \\;\'l)lt by !Keith Silllpsoll GGI()and L,,im:l l,:l- :lit)It 7030. A 15011 trlln'lp lllllid \\;\'tie held by Max Sehmidt, St., and Lo- ons Elliott. Trawqin.g pint,chic prizes were W()II by Leone l;lliolt anti C]lltrh!s Dahhnan. The 1959-60 series will begin in O c I o b o i'. NEW -- Betsy Ross Spinets • i  i Custom Series OUII'I&NDING DECORATOR MODELS IN 9 FINISHES lel carefully -ester's High steal Perfection from '595 "00 will! htlldqtLal.ters ill tilt, Lumber- men's Mercantile. A lmthick luncheon will be serv- ed in lilt.' Memorial hall today for ltlt, hi,no fit of all the workers. Mmnbevs are asked to contact Mrs. Jennie Cox, poppy chairman, if more poppies are needed. Election grad installation of offi- cers was held last Saturday eve- ning in the Memorial hall by the fifth district auxiliary. Mrs. (ox was installed its Junior vice pres- ident and Mrs. Beltz'ice Gz'ay trustee. Miss Marian Johnson received nn award for signing five new mmnbers. Past district president, IOilh West presented lovely gifts to all her past officers. Several distinguished visitors were pres- ,'nt. The l'oreat Festival theme was carried oHt ill decorations and the program. The Auxiliary wishes to thank all those connected with this work. The auxiliaries and posts }\\;'erc served a delicious din- her folh)wing their meetings. Mrs. Hoff Re-elected Canal Head Gardener Hood Canal Garden Club" mem- bers met at the home of Mrs. Maude Crosby' for the May meet- ing of the group. Mrs. Jennie Hoff was re-elected president for her fourth term, during the meeting. Elected to serve with her were Mrs. Corda Watkins, Mrs. Vera Shortsleeves, secretary and Mrs. Cecil Gilbert, treasurer. It was decided to hold the an- nual "Rose hmcheon" June 18, at tile Women's chlbhouse, near Pot- latch. Vohmteers for decorating the tables with ro'ses were Mrs. Francis Moake, Mrs. Corda Wat- son and Mrs. Edna ,lessup. The (linnet' committee will be Mrs. Rose Mille, Mrs. Hoff and Mrs. Gilbert. Reservations for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. Flora Lockwood. The club voted to plant gerani- ums and petunias in the clubhouse planler to add color after the rho- dodendrons have died down. Zontians served Smorgasbord dhlneF to prospective chill nlelll- hers and presented a program 6f the meaning of Zonta on lhe com- nmnity, district and national level. The dinner and ne,ting was planned by the fimmce conmlittee and chairman Susie Pauley. Their guests for the evening Were Mrs. Rosie SmittL Mrs. Helen Wright, Mrs. Edith Kraus, Mrs. Leonm Ka- ger, Mrs. Vlema Mclnclly, Mrs Frances Ross, Mr.. A(lel Kimball, Mrs. Margaret I'luckinger an(t Mrs. Mary Kolflste(lt. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Frank of the Cntonial House, who have hosted the majority of the Zonta dinner meetings, and their son David. On display at the meeting was the polaroid camera which will be awarded June 11 as a part of the current Zonta fund raising proj- ect. a_. New Officers Given 0'thgpedie Books At a 12:30 hmcheon last Friday, with 18 members present, the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild met at the home of Mrs. Roy Kim- bel, withMrs. F. C l)ockefeller, co- hostess. The past years officer s turned over their books to the new officers. New officers are: presi- dent, Mrs. Roy Kimbel, secretary, Mns. Kenneth Frank and Mrs. Da- vid Harris, treasurer. Mrs. Dorothy Jessup reported on the "Nearly New" sale held May 1st and 2rid at the Shick Building, of which she was chairman. It was voted to hold the same project early next spring. Mrs. Kenneth Frank and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale, advisors to the H. Enzo Loop JOG, reported the guild had bought JOG pins for the girls amounting to $9.93. The JOGS have earned and sent to the Orthopedic Hospital $135.00 this past year. Mrs. Dave James will advise the group next year. Members were asked lo collect and return their Orthopedic envel- opes to Mrs. Harry Deegan, Penny Drive chairman. Orders were taken for tile 1960 calendars. The May meeting was the last one until the third Friday in Sep- ttmber with Mrs. Don Meissner and Mrs. Dave James, co-hostess. Mrs. Lentz Honored At W,S.C.S. Meet HAVE THIS PIANO IN YOUR HOME NOW nS for our rental applied on purchase plan, ny's Music Box 4 Railroad Avenue • Phone HA 6-4302 F May baskets were brought to The Woman's Society of Chris- the meeting and taken to Botts tian Service met in the fireplace ]Nursing home Guests at the May room of the Methodist church on ' • , Wednesday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. 7 meeting were Mrs. Lucre Tyler, for a joint meeting with the Wee- i Lake Cushman and Mrs Short- ]sleeves, Bellingham. New members ley Circle. i jet, sing the club were Mrs. Lillian Mrs. Charles Lentz was reward- iUpdyke, Mrs. Eleanor Kohl and ed for her many years of faithful service to the chtlrch and the so- Mrs. Moreen Richardson. The June meeting will be held ciety with a life membership pin. at the clubhouse with all members She' was a very surprised and )leased to receive such an honor. asked to wear a flower let. Mrs. Sutton, retiring president, ............................. :hanked all the officers and those BAKE SALE who had helped her during the Members of the Dirt Dobbers past year and dismisged all her Garden Club will hold a bake sale committees, oShe was then present- Friday in Sears Order office. , ed a past president's pin. The incoming president, Mrs. , ,, Phillip Hardie ,attended the an- nual meeting of the W.S.C.S. in AT LAST! P, ullman and will give a full ac- qount of it at the next regular She] meeting. A Souv®n|r of ton Mrs H. W. McCleary was in charge of the pledge service pro- gram. She read a letter from a FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS boys school in Seoul, Korea, tell- ing of the need for a tent to help house some of the children until ¸¸¸7¸¸ ¸ 4: they ca3 gt buildings. The money which was givem by u missionary class she conducted was just eno.ugh to pay for the tent. Mrs. Hatten installed the new officers with an impressive cere- which dedicated them to the Which th'ey will be doing luring the next year. Circles wilt meet on Wednesday, at the following homes: Mrs. How- ard'a circle'wil lmeet at. the home of rs. F. A. Travis, Mrs. Win- gard's circle will meet at the church at" 12:15 for-transporta- tion to Mrs. George Brewer's home and Mrs. Reck's 'circle will meet with Mrs. Louis Boch. There will be a reception for the Rev. and Mrs. Hatten in the' Fel- lowship hall of the church on Sun- day, from 5 to 8 o'clock. All mem- bers and friends are invited. n's Famous LOG MONUMENT GLAZED 'IN EVERLASTING TILE Use It as a Wall Piece or Hot Plate, County Forest Festival May 21 - 24, EACH anytime of year. EXCLUSIVELY AT 'S TILE & FIREPLACE SHOP 2335 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH Open 12:30 to 5:30 • Phone HA 6-2057 .... , Z  Locat Raiabo:ws to ' Asist Hosting G.A. Plans are now well underway for the 33rd annual Grand Assem- bly of the Order of Rainbow for Girls of the states of Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, to be held June 14, '15, and 16, In Port Angeles. The converitlon will be presided. over by Miss Anne Louise Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald .Adams, of Anchorage, Alaska. Port Angeles Assembly will be hostess to the convention, with the other assemblies 0f the Olympic Peninsula District assisting in hosting tehe 2500 girls expected to attend. The ten assisting assem- blies are Port Townsend, Forks, Quilcene, Bainbridge, Manette, Bremerton, Shelt on, Sequim, Poulsbo, and Port Orchard. The Masonic Temple will be the headquarters for registration, and the meetings will be held in the Senior High School gymnasium. Dinner Slated After Paul Bunyan Parade The Ladies of Mt. Olive Luther- an church will serve a public din- ner in the Memorial hall, Saturday following the Paul unyan parade: The menu will in- chick0n c§serole, peas, car- rots,, hot roils ciblg salad, d a choice of coffee, tea, milk and pie. Moderate "clrell f0'r adult and chil- dren's plates. MR. AND MRS. GLEN C. WATSON wish to announce the en- gagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Gwendolyn Mae to Mr. Michael J. Byrne, son of M and Mrs. Edgar Byrne. The bride-elect is currently employed at Boeing Aircraft, Seattle, and her fiance will graduate May 29 from St. Martin's College where he is a science major. The wedding date is set for Sept. 5. ( Dean photo. ) OPEN HOUSE TO FETE HATTENS A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of the Rev. (2harles T. Hatten and Mrs. Hatten to at- i tend a farewell party from 5 to 8 p.m., Sunday, in l.he Fellowship hall of*the ]Iethodist church. The party will be given by the mem- bers of the church nnd all ar- rangements are being nzade by the Woman's Society of Christian Service and the Official Board of the church. Mr. Hatten, who has served ks pastor of the Methodist chm'eh for the past four years, will enter the retired relation in June. They will make their home in Tac.onm where he will wm'k with the visitation pr'ogram of the Mason Methodist Omrch. i ................................................ I Royal Neighbors to M I A dordial invitati/,/l ]s exter,idd., to all visiting Royal Neighbors to attend the regular session of the Rhododendron Canlp of Royal i Neighbors of Amerieit at 7:30 p.m., Monday in the Memorial hall. Violet Brazeau ancl Mary Cox will be hostesses. Local Artisis Invited To Island Art Fair   "l'ho fourth annu'll B" l).)ridge !'Arts and Cl'afls FElir will be held ;the last \\;voekend ill ,]lint:, :It the iVilhlge shol)ping (:(:'lltt!l' ill 'Vins- ilow. Crowds at last yoa|"s fair Iprompttd the conlnlittee to extend th(' tilne fr(nn tW() to tilrt!e days this year. 1-{el }1 "1111"1 telll s anti twofossi()nals 'are invite(t t,) c(,mt)ete for prizes by submitting (n'iginal w(;rk d(me ;il.hln the past two years. A.II who art  nlenlt)¢,l's ()f al'ts and (2rltl'ts may t!nt.oK, regardless of l'esidoll(e. Artists and craftsmen living in the fo]h)wing counties need not belong to the group ill (q'(ier ill enter their work in the fair: Skagit, \\;Vhat- corn, lsland, .lallam, Mason, Jef- ferson, Gray Harbor, Thurst0n, Lewis, Kitsap and Vashon Island. Anyone wishing additional in- formation maycontact the Fair, Chdvnian, P. O. Box 161, \\;Vins- h)w; or telephone tile Bainbridgel , Arts and Crafts (lift Ship. Americans hold nearly $13 bil- lion in = U. S. Savings Bonds, Series I IC and H, and the sum is growing ADD BEAUTY WITH FENCES NOW UN STOOK ........... ...... ,,ilil FENCING .... MATERIALS, BASKET PLANS FOR - and All Ty esof G0'f Fe.oes  Olympic Stains i  i ,/rx 6,, Cedar- One S,de Rough, One S,e F,nished  MORGAN & EACRETT LUMBER CONPANY Journal Want Ads Pay 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCRES T) PHONE HA. 64522 .... i i . J l , i, i i ,, i, i . L TIMBER LLS FOR LE ! # Gompare Those Prkes on 6, E. 1959 Filler-Fie / Waibers and 1969 High Speed Uryem MODEL WA850S LIST PRICE $289.95 Timber's Price... SYSTEM 2 Wash Speeds, 2 Spin Speeds, Non-Clogging Filter ..... Deterg- ent Dispenser, Choice elf Hot, Warm or Cold Wash Water, Suds Return System Available (WA-855S), Water Saver for Small Loads, Big 10 Pound Ca- pacity, Clmice of Color or White MODEL. 820S LIST PmCE $259.95 Timber's rrtce... + HIGH SPEED DRYING SYSTEM Automatic Control, Synthetie De-Wrinkler, l:3ig" Easy- to - Reach Lint Trap, Magnetic Door and Foot Pedal, Illumin- ated Dial and Interior, Operates on 115 or 2"10 volts, Choice of color or White. MODEL WA-650S LIST PR 1$269.95 Timber s Price FI LTER-FLO WASHING SYSTEM 2 Cycle Control, Non-Clogging Moving Filter .... Detergent Dispenser, Water Saver flr Small Loads, Choice lf Hot, Cold or Warm Wash Water, Big 10 Pound Capacity. MODEL DA620S LIST, PRICE $229.95 Timber's Priee.... HIGH SPEED DRYING Ill , SYSTEM Synthetic E)e - Vrink]er. Big Special- One Only $27995 Easy-to-Reach Lint Trap, Mag- netic Door and Foot l:)t(ta 1, (i.E. Automatic Washer ..... TenlperaLure Control'; Operates on 115 or 230 volts, (MODEL WA-853R - LIST PRICE $329.95) Timber Appl|on" 114 SOUTH SECOND \\; HA 6-4633 i 1,959 SHELTON-MASON COUN, TY JOURNAL-- Publi.hed in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Dinner For Socia ven ts Zonta Guests Na d I i,g o the She.on =ont C,,,. 'H,e '59 Winners me uddy Poppy Sale a I At Final Pinechle Game Scheduled to Aid ] " ", ( i I1 t £'J(1LKIIE:;ILi. 1" [Ib[ld]LLl ,  il t) ;on /l'(! '('al i)O A.'4I ('l:tt .. • ] .......... , ,.. ,...,] "Ve 1mno' tie dead by helping 1'111111 lilt* Clil)) II It II 1 t  t,,t, . . ' !the hvlug" s the thenle of this gHlll( (if lht} scgtson I;l:fl uccl,:. {yt!ill"s []ll(ldy l'Ol)py sale sponsor, IVVinlling high score prizes f,)r llw :ed annually l)y the Veterans of "Ship - Bus 'RSEs" HOTEI iseries \\;vort, (ib h:uhlfle 63770 :ln(t t"o/'*fi.Rn \\;Vats Auxiliary. The sale Marie Cal'ls,)n 611780. iwill 1)o held today and Friday, Or HA 6-4134 Avenue WASH. High sc(n'os for the ov(,ning"s play wore won by Max S(.hmidt, St., 7710 and 1,ucilh' Speoce 7:LqO. high prizes \\;vere \\;\'l)lt by !Keith Silllpsoll GGI()and L,,im:l l,:l- :lit)It 7030. A 15011 trlln'lp lllllid \\;\'tie held by Max Sehmidt, St., and Lo- ons Elliott. Trawqin.g pint,chic prizes were W()II by Leone l;lliolt anti C]lltrh!s Dahhnan. The 1959-60 series will begin in O c I o b o i'. NEW -- Betsy Ross Spinets • i  i Custom Series OUII'I&NDING DECORATOR MODELS IN 9 FINISHES lel carefully -ester's High steal Perfection from '595 "00 will! htlldqtLal.ters ill tilt, Lumber- men's Mercantile. A lmthick luncheon will be serv- ed in lilt.' Memorial hall today for ltlt, hi,no fit of all the workers. Mmnbevs are asked to contact Mrs. Jennie Cox, poppy chairman, if more poppies are needed. Election grad installation of offi- cers was held last Saturday eve- ning in the Memorial hall by the fifth district auxiliary. Mrs. (ox was installed its Junior vice pres- ident and Mrs. Beltz'ice Gz'ay trustee. Miss Marian Johnson received nn award for signing five new mmnbers. Past district president, IOilh West presented lovely gifts to all her past officers. Several distinguished visitors were pres- ,'nt. The l'oreat Festival theme was carried oHt ill decorations and the program. The Auxiliary wishes to thank all those connected with this work. The auxiliaries and posts }\\;'erc served a delicious din- her folh)wing their meetings. Mrs. Hoff Re-elected Canal Head Gardener Hood Canal Garden Club" mem- bers met at the home of Mrs. Maude Crosby' for the May meet- ing of the group. Mrs. Jennie Hoff was re-elected president for her fourth term, during the meeting. Elected to serve with her were Mrs. Corda Watkins, Mrs. Vera Shortsleeves, secretary and Mrs. Cecil Gilbert, treasurer. It was decided to hold the an- nual "Rose hmcheon" June 18, at tile Women's chlbhouse, near Pot- latch. Vohmteers for decorating the tables with ro'ses were Mrs. Francis Moake, Mrs. Corda Wat- son and Mrs. Edna ,lessup. The (linnet' committee will be Mrs. Rose Mille, Mrs. Hoff and Mrs. Gilbert. Reservations for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. Flora Lockwood. The club voted to plant gerani- ums and petunias in the clubhouse planler to add color after the rho- dodendrons have died down. Zontians served Smorgasbord dhlneF to prospective chill nlelll- hers and presented a program 6f the meaning of Zonta on lhe com- nmnity, district and national level. The dinner and ne,ting was planned by the fimmce conmlittee and chairman Susie Pauley. Their guests for the evening Were Mrs. Rosie SmittL Mrs. Helen Wright, Mrs. Edith Kraus, Mrs. Leonm Ka- ger, Mrs. Vlema Mclnclly, Mrs Frances Ross, Mr.. A(lel Kimball, Mrs. Margaret I'luckinger an(t Mrs. Mary Kolflste(lt. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Frank of the Cntonial House, who have hosted the majority of the Zonta dinner meetings, and their son David. On display at the meeting was the polaroid camera which will be awarded June 11 as a part of the current Zonta fund raising proj- ect. a_. New Officers Given 0'thgpedie Books At a 12:30 hmcheon last Friday, with 18 members present, the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild met at the home of Mrs. Roy Kim- bel, withMrs. F. C l)ockefeller, co- hostess. The past years officer s turned over their books to the new officers. New officers are: presi- dent, Mrs. Roy Kimbel, secretary, Mns. Kenneth Frank and Mrs. Da- vid Harris, treasurer. Mrs. Dorothy Jessup reported on the "Nearly New" sale held May 1st and 2rid at the Shick Building, of which she was chairman. It was voted to hold the same project early next spring. Mrs. Kenneth Frank and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale, advisors to the H. Enzo Loop JOG, reported the guild had bought JOG pins for the girls amounting to $9.93. The JOGS have earned and sent to the Orthopedic Hospital $135.00 this past year. Mrs. Dave James will advise the group next year. Members were asked lo collect and return their Orthopedic envel- opes to Mrs. Harry Deegan, Penny Drive chairman. Orders were taken for tile 1960 calendars. The May meeting was the last one until the third Friday in Sep- ttmber with Mrs. Don Meissner and Mrs. Dave James, co-hostess. Mrs. Lentz Honored At W,S.C.S. Meet HAVE THIS PIANO IN YOUR HOME NOW nS for our rental applied on purchase plan, ny's Music Box 4 Railroad Avenue • Phone HA 6-4302 F May baskets were brought to The Woman's Society of Chris- the meeting and taken to Botts tian Service met in the fireplace ]Nursing home Guests at the May room of the Methodist church on ' • , Wednesday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. 7 meeting were Mrs. Lucre Tyler, for a joint meeting with the Wee- i Lake Cushman and Mrs Short- ]sleeves, Bellingham. New members ley Circle. i jet, sing the club were Mrs. Lillian Mrs. Charles Lentz was reward- iUpdyke, Mrs. Eleanor Kohl and ed for her many years of faithful service to the chtlrch and the so- Mrs. Moreen Richardson. The June meeting will be held ciety with a life membership pin. at the clubhouse with all members She' was a very surprised and )leased to receive such an honor. asked to wear a flower let. Mrs. Sutton, retiring president, ............................. :hanked all the officers and those BAKE SALE who had helped her during the Members of the Dirt Dobbers past year and dismisged all her Garden Club will hold a bake sale committees, oShe was then present- Friday in Sears Order office. , ed a past president's pin. The incoming president, Mrs. , ,, Phillip Hardie ,attended the an- nual meeting of the W.S.C.S. in AT LAST! P, ullman and will give a full ac- qount of it at the next regular She] meeting. A Souv®n|r of ton Mrs H. W. McCleary was in charge of the pledge service pro- gram. She read a letter from a FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS boys school in Seoul, Korea, tell- ing of the need for a tent to help house some of the children until ¸¸¸7¸¸ ¸ 4: they ca3 gt buildings. The money which was givem by u missionary class she conducted was just eno.ugh to pay for the tent. Mrs. Hatten installed the new officers with an impressive cere- which dedicated them to the Which th'ey will be doing luring the next year. Circles wilt meet on Wednesday, at the following homes: Mrs. How- ard'a circle'wil lmeet at. the home of rs. F. A. Travis, Mrs. Win- gard's circle will meet at the church at" 12:15 for-transporta- tion to Mrs. George Brewer's home and Mrs. Reck's 'circle will meet with Mrs. Louis Boch. There will be a reception for the Rev. and Mrs. Hatten in the' Fel- lowship hall of the church on Sun- day, from 5 to 8 o'clock. All mem- bers and friends are invited. n's Famous LOG MONUMENT GLAZED 'IN EVERLASTING TILE Use It as a Wall Piece or Hot Plate, County Forest Festival May 21 - 24, EACH anytime of year. EXCLUSIVELY AT 'S TILE & FIREPLACE SHOP 2335 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH Open 12:30 to 5:30 • Phone HA 6-2057 .... , Z  Locat Raiabo:ws to ' Asist Hosting G.A. Plans are now well underway for the 33rd annual Grand Assem- bly of the Order of Rainbow for Girls of the states of Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, to be held June 14, '15, and 16, In Port Angeles. The converitlon will be presided. over by Miss Anne Louise Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald .Adams, of Anchorage, Alaska. Port Angeles Assembly will be hostess to the convention, with the other assemblies 0f the Olympic Peninsula District assisting in hosting tehe 2500 girls expected to attend. The ten assisting assem- blies are Port Townsend, Forks, Quilcene, Bainbridge, Manette, Bremerton, Shelt on, Sequim, Poulsbo, and Port Orchard. The Masonic Temple will be the headquarters for registration, and the meetings will be held in the Senior High School gymnasium. Dinner Slated After Paul Bunyan Parade The Ladies of Mt. Olive Luther- an church will serve a public din- ner in the Memorial hall, Saturday following the Paul unyan parade: The menu will in- chick0n c§serole, peas, car- rots,, hot roils ciblg salad, d a choice of coffee, tea, milk and pie. Moderate "clrell f0'r adult and chil- dren's plates. MR. AND MRS. GLEN C. WATSON wish to announce the en- gagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Gwendolyn Mae to Mr. Michael J. Byrne, son of M and Mrs. Edgar Byrne. The bride-elect is currently employed at Boeing Aircraft, Seattle, and her fiance will graduate May 29 from St. Martin's College where he is a science major. The wedding date is set for Sept. 5. ( Dean photo. ) OPEN HOUSE TO FETE HATTENS A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of the Rev. (2harles T. Hatten and Mrs. Hatten to at- i tend a farewell party from 5 to 8 p.m., Sunday, in l.he Fellowship hall of*the ]Iethodist church. The party will be given by the mem- bers of the church nnd all ar- rangements are being nzade by the Woman's Society of Christian Service and the Official Board of the church. Mr. Hatten, who has served ks pastor of the Methodist chm'eh for the past four years, will enter the retired relation in June. They will make their home in Tac.onm where he will wm'k with the visitation pr'ogram of the Mason Methodist Omrch. i ................................................ I Royal Neighbors to M I A dordial invitati/,/l ]s exter,idd., to all visiting Royal Neighbors to attend the regular session of the Rhododendron Canlp of Royal i Neighbors of Amerieit at 7:30 p.m., Monday in the Memorial hall. Violet Brazeau ancl Mary Cox will be hostesses. Local Artisis Invited To Island Art Fair   "l'ho fourth annu'll B" l).)ridge !'Arts and Cl'afls FElir will be held ;the last \\;voekend ill ,]lint:, :It the iVilhlge shol)ping (:(:'lltt!l' ill 'Vins- ilow. Crowds at last yoa|"s fair Iprompttd the conlnlittee to extend th(' tilne fr(nn tW() to tilrt!e days this year. 1-{el }1 "1111"1 telll s anti twofossi()nals 'are invite(t t,) c(,mt)ete for prizes by submitting (n'iginal w(;rk d(me ;il.hln the past two years. A.II who art  nlenlt)¢,l's ()f al'ts and (2rltl'ts may t!nt.oK, regardless of l'esidoll(e. Artists and craftsmen living in the fo]h)wing counties need not belong to the group ill (q'(ier ill enter their work in the fair: Skagit, \\;Vhat- corn, lsland, .lallam, Mason, Jef- ferson, Gray Harbor, Thurst0n, Lewis, Kitsap and Vashon Island. Anyone wishing additional in- formation maycontact the Fair, Chdvnian, P. O. Box 161, \\;Vins- h)w; or telephone tile Bainbridgel , Arts and Crafts (lift Ship. Americans hold nearly $13 bil- lion in = U. S. Savings Bonds, Series I IC and H, and the sum is growing ADD BEAUTY WITH FENCES NOW UN STOOK ........... ...... ,,ilil FENCING .... MATERIALS, BASKET PLANS FOR - and All Ty esof G0'f Fe.oes  Olympic Stains i  i ,/rx 6,, Cedar- One S,de Rough, One S,e F,nished  MORGAN & EACRETT LUMBER CONPANY Journal Want Ads Pay 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCRES T) PHONE HA. 64522 .... i i . J l , i, i i ,, i, i . L TIMBER LLS FOR LE ! # Gompare Those Prkes on 6, E. 1959 Filler-Fie / Waibers and 1969 High Speed Uryem MODEL WA850S LIST PRICE $289.95 Timber's Price... SYSTEM 2 Wash Speeds, 2 Spin Speeds, Non-Clogging Filter ..... Deterg- ent Dispenser, Choice elf Hot, Warm or Cold Wash Water, Suds Return System Available (WA-855S), Water Saver for Small Loads, Big 10 Pound Ca- pacity, Clmice of Color or White MODEL. 820S LIST PmCE $259.95 Timber's rrtce... + HIGH SPEED DRYING SYSTEM Automatic Control, Synthetie De-Wrinkler, l:3ig" Easy- to - Reach Lint Trap, Magnetic Door and Foot Pedal, Illumin- ated Dial and Interior, Operates on 115 or 2"10 volts, Choice of color or White. MODEL WA-650S LIST PR 1$269.95 Timber s Price FI LTER-FLO WASHING SYSTEM 2 Cycle Control, Non-Clogging Moving Filter .... Detergent Dispenser, Water Saver flr Small Loads, Choice lf Hot, Cold or Warm Wash Water, Big 10 Pound Capacity. MODEL DA620S LIST, PRICE $229.95 Timber's Priee.... HIGH SPEED DRYING Ill , SYSTEM Synthetic E)e - Vrink]er. Big Special- One Only $27995 Easy-to-Reach Lint Trap, Mag- netic Door and Foot l:)t(ta 1, (i.E. Automatic Washer ..... TenlperaLure Control'; Operates on 115 or 230 volts, (MODEL WA-853R - LIST PRICE $329.95) Timber Appl|on" 114 SOUTH SECOND \\; HA 6-4633 i