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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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StLTON-MAPX)N COUWTY JOItrlNAL -- Ptlbl, isbed&apos;in "h, ristwvastown, U:fi,:, ' bheRom,'Washin Tirol i" " l'A||+t ]B',][c, '-L were Sunday dinner guests of the l Serv eeA00demy Exams Slated 71U.klLIIt|][ Gene Taylo'rs of Kamilche. _&Is()! [ By Matr V:tlh, y presenl were Mr. and Mrs. Justin I,= INIl Mr. and "Mrs. :,'ie Sjohohn and Taylor and soils of Olympia. ! I:'l.'elimiary Civil Service t:xai ;}in-on 2:,, D.C.  ...... getty drove 1o Portland last S:lt- M,'s. Clara t{-senbt r' wishes to ur lay to spend the weekend with thanR her manv l'ritqads for their[ ,[xss Jodrl Sjohoim. cards and l'enlelllblmcos ([tlHllg I LI'II Irwlm ing the Me,'oUat =:.'in A,',,,I,,,,. :.h ri,', ,,r ,,, .,.,,,,. r,,, ,,.,,es ,,, 1 i - W - - - - will be held July 13 19,)9 at sire-mter Academies in .}'uly el' 1,)60. I ?' Mr. Rob' Tanner has suffered a iher recent illness and rep(n'ts she} tegi t 00ithi00 -=.-: ..... : .................... : ........... I severe l, es,'t at,aek a.d is iu ,lie is be, re, i _ , . , ,,,,,  State, Senator Warren G. Mngnu- I  al 1  Shelton Hospital. This weekend was an exciti,.,'." • " iM|p0s4t son 1)., Wash. reported this w(eh. ,, XJeqlV ''''!! Mrs. Phyllis BI'()A'n Iltld the mis- €)1 for Slqnley t-[mler ll(, ]l;I,] I $e$']$ WIllr=ll) Maglmson am lh,,t vo,,,g 1,,,.,'. mu. 1I'l*lT.} [  !o,'tune to burn he,'. hand severe- his first ferry ride alone, nnd spent[ ,*r-r,a" ::¢:mt between the ages of 17 }rod 21 wlu, ] I&.RTINI,! G'r:,nge fried a .,?ew I  D'..ann must take It easy [or a the weekend with his father at! • Model1 JlD*lllklJta CtUITli, desire to ultend Anlmpolis, "rest local rest Friemy night ,.vixen they I ..::{. .... wnue: Seattle Pacific College, where he' rooms, |IPoint Air Force Academy or Mar- started with a p,,t luck ,Unner at I :!.:; :.,.:::7 .. !'m .C!ester Valley enter!ai.ned had the honor of carrying the I O Goldenll BYRNE • BATTONE I chant' Marine Amhqn, mthl!6'30 then Ol'ening the r business : :  ne re.rues o£ the Baptist Mmsmn- crown for .the eoronalion of that ....... } ' " ...... - ......  :.: • '-' ary wreie last Wednesday with a Mav Festixql Oueen i Room ............ me • , ............ .......... I o'clock dessert lunehe(;n T ez'e ." :-' -' --- " '- • ', • Oaku - - ' t WI' e I¢) Sen aiders w l'e a|jle I') come over ...... .,:.=.:,:.:: ....... , ......... I]June 121h. 'Ihey me5 t ..... -, ........... ] ::,. .... : .,s..-;:: ....... :<::,: ele "" - : .. :virs. rtmv wrane el Snelton was I r'r,x,ru ,A ,-qeu,; |later War,', n G. M:a,rn, son Room on tile 6 Cclock ferry and go home . ....... ' : !5..' Hai'ietlMmul]e's .Pv's?" de,l" pleasanUy "surprised when her I • Pard;n, | 10'7 =a,'*¢, #"€€toa l:til,llnc' W'lsh- on the 9 00 I! w s m m (cessfl 1:7 : :: : : :g:5 :--..'---k,.,..-_:_,---: I' "'__2 ........................................... Ithat they plan to continue. This :,:.;::;:i, <::,;:;.::;,:J:':?::¢, :: i; ::.:::(i "io- i ..... P g ' [ daughter Mrs. Art Nicklaus rel- 1 .......................................  ........... * ........... [n Jx¢'  }n; ltennooidvas:pent atives and friends, gathered at: { • No Ci l ...... ( ................. "lJwiil give' the rest of us an oppor- l;o- "- ..... ' .'" . . .'.' Holiday Beach to hal l) her eele-] Under | " -- ............. I hmity'to, visit the island also . <:::: : : :%4?:': kle" i*n *;meLtsVjrn:maa:'t'sfj:: r lrate her birthday, last Saturday. I • Honol i , , RENTAL IERVIUE I The hall was ttt';el.w, ly decor-. • ,,:-,: ,.- .,. ..: ..:. ,:, : ,;.}?i:7171 ". ." .'" .... P" . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Vallt:v] |  ' ' |laled with lilaes and columbine. ..... :{i(: "el':.s'£' a 2 ;? .'s}.a3¢q'.3rei were dinner guests at the AIvi;,, Cards | 1 i', . LARGE OR SMALL , IIl'aul Chaffee showed colored sliaes F-": >} { ?{{{e, Monroe visite'tl'Mx " .. "" "" "-- Halbert hone on M malay ew  ng , • . m...lw I{t:tt{(.n on their trip through Neva- b*: .... ;! : : :: ,z'i:{IB ........ ' The oceasun being tile Valleys 250 oollnSoll last weeK. wedding anniversary " l I  a..o.o.a ...,... ,.,... lids, nd ,':Uir,,,ni ia,,t wrote,'. ::+ 'i:i: :: : ': ;i+::l '. anu ,v,,'s me,1 ., . . . i tl, ldll ,*,= "" --="" .... Jl .... | Two new nm,nhe,'s were taken [. ::.:.;::! !.!.::{ .Mrs. I)oris Whitmarsh has the :" . , . agency for Avon Products and The Grange decioed to oispense[ | £  A A  IIIIIIO I in. They are planning a card parl.y 11.:.:4 i{iiTii ' anyone wishing her to call oll with their next regular meeting [ WRITE tin the neur futurt ..... ! rwr IiI llm [l .-, - ;;  .. . . WILL LEAD JAYETTES--Th0s group of charming young women them, may contact, her by lhon wiieh would have been Friday the. l 2€11'8 tillgO Glflscr is reportetl • • . • - - " ," " I N/@m IkVVll 1fllIIkUM II .. : ....... will go=de the Shelton Jayettes for the coming year. They were Mms Esther Johnson and Mr 22rid, due to the Forest l estzwtl. [ I |],  Iiqu,ll w]tn rlt;I., ...... ,; ..... *; .... installed Saturday night. From left, Charlene Dorcy, second and Mrs. Stan Johnson and daugh£ We are prond of our window at I  I:I ,k II.'? ., .......... v;? "' ['.'. .... : ...... .". vice president; Barbara Ryan, secretary" Virginia Mercer, presi- tel', Kerry, drove to Seattle Sun- the J. C. Penny store, which was| new oanees aner may za untn . • ' ' . - and daughter, Kerry, drove to Se- decorated under the leadership of/ I I l'I  Home II .......... ,_ .....  ........ dent; Sybd Redman (partmLly hlddenl, first wee pratt, dent; I .yd.k-m',, lift,. ]navy w('ee new ).mm- Louise Hartley, board of directors; Doris Bailey, treasurer, and (lay and had dinner with Mr. and out" Lecturer Anita Dogger. | . I>el'S anti proeesset] two resolUl;ions. .......... Beverly Paterson, board of directors. Mr. ant{ Mrs Ed Kortnik, Mr. ; turn out at the special school elee- ] I I "-..------II.$= fflAAD DAII@UliO@ II SHELT('N VALI,I',Y will hOhi a ........ Mrs. Don Miller. We hope there will be a good] i --"--""'g rLuun rULIIIKliO /I,l,t,e,, on May 30 and extend a ......... and Mrs. Ted, Doyle of Bellevue, tion next Monday the 25th.'We are[ I "'.'' |]specml mvmttmn to all g,'angers r .... i AAI .... |  .... l.I .... J AI and Mrs. Aletha Afhton of Tulsa to vote on an extra mill levy to] " " " "" " " " ;;,=;,o; h++ r0rum rc+uvm ua,c00 nan,co at o,+m, ++. weekend guests make necessary repairs on our| I mrgan +ii ?: o+ +,,.o+ +.+ + & tacre[! Lumner u0. lira + ...,. -- - - 4LI I I II • II Mrs. Doris Whitmarsh, Bonn+ ly in need of a new roof. . I I ' +" * unue +KOOKUm my 00atur.y nRnt VilliRms an@ Mrs. Be,,. Lynmn + P year After the. zneeting,members have been putting in some-long   ; Hfll e (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-422 played pinochle until a late hour, h0ura getting our float ready for YO SHOULD KNOW. Ph(W ]ll have a food booth at B M ( e  -:'  ....... .... ! ' " " y an'tt M(re Mrs. Al Lord this weekend,-that the Forest FeatLval Parade..San- * ' With Forest Festival gayety they have a new great-grand- :dra Lyman, daughter of Mr. and This is the lffM rood Mends... great sport.., wide open fair-  ... glass ooth greens. Aud after the game (if you enjoy as much as you do golf) you'll efresh with Lucky Lager. LUCKY LAGER One of flo world's finest beers : once again in the air, young and old eagerly await the many activi- ties planned for Lhe weekend. A wonderful way to climax Satin'- day's festivities, would be to join in the merriment of the dance planned for timt night at Little Skookum hall. The  tuneful music of Jim Buzzard's orciestra will be featm'ed and dancing starts at 9:30 p.m. That's this Saturday, May 23. Ladies Club was held last Thurs- day in the home of Mrs. Walter Allen. Word was received by Mr. and the festiwtl and guarantee the best food and the fastest service on the grounds. TWANOH held a short business meeting, it being their social night. Lee Lopriore was appointed chaian of the landscaping com- mittee. The area between the fire hall and the gas station will be landscaped. "We will see you all at the Forest Fest val and don't forget to see the window displays. POMONA Master, 3ohn Bariek- man reports that the Mason coun- ty banquet will be hcld at thc To- l eIll Pole Inn in Vancouver, June 17 at, 5:30 p.m. Also a chartered bus will leave Elma at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, .lune 16 and transport anyone who wishes to take the 6th degree or anyone wishing to see the degree again. Fare will be $3.75 rouad trip. The bus will leave Vancouver immediate, ly at the elose of thc degree Wor or about 11:00, This is another place Plymouth proves its.., l IN. EGONOMY Plymouth, traditionaI economy champ, again won its class in the Mobilgas Economy Run... won for the third traigh year! In this recognized competitiv e test for economy, a Plymouth V-8 averaged 21.15 miles per gallon. Plymouth's proven high gas mileage, initial low purchase price, low maintenance cost and good resale value all add up to the Big Difference in economy ! PLYMOUTH DELIVERS BIG DIFFERENCE IN PERFORMANCE But you don't have to sacrifice performance to enjoy P|ymomh a top economy, rhe tury v.8{x) engine that powered the Plymouth to its Mo}filg, as victory is the ]igget standard V.8 in Plymoufl a fiehi, hs 230 hol:sepower packs plenty of power. BIG DIFFERLCE IN,. QUALIW We sincerely believe that the '59 Plymouth is the finest ear Plymouth has ever built. Check every inch of db car. See the difference great engineering makes. BIG DIFFERENCE IN RIOE Plymouth's famous Torsion-Aire Ride is e moe comfortable ride on the road. It acts as a built-in road- leveller-it virtually eliminates roll or sway on tarns -front end dive on stops. And it's yours at no extra cost on Plymomh. BUT YOU DON'T PAY FOR THE DIFFERENCE The top-selling, low-price cars are all price,] about the same but only PLYMOUTH gives you the Big Differ- ence for yofir money, TAKE A "TWO-MILE TR,Y-OUT" N0W! Get behind thv wheel of a Plymouth and really feel Plymouth's Big Difference. %ke your "Try.Out" soon. To bs ju117 appreciated, must bt driven,,, daughter who was born Saturday in Jay, Maine. The Lords' grand  daughter, the former Paralee Pae and her husband, Carroll Howes, ! have chosen the name Kthyi Lynne for their new daughter. Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bush visited at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Bob Eager, whet Lley enjoyed an evening of view- ing colored slide pictures. Bill Be]tier, who spent 17 month in Germany with the service, show- ed some fascinating slides of cas- ties and other places of interes5 in that country. A weekend trip took Mr. and Mrs. Walt Allen to Aberdeen Forks. The Aliens traveled as far as Aberdeen, Friday evening, where they stopped and spent the night with their daughter and family, the Davis Chappells. Sat- urday morning they traveled on to Forks where they stayed until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Leyde. During their visit the Lay- des' took them on a tour of the noted rain forest and Sol Duc hot springs. Sunday the Allens motor- ed home stopping in Aberdeen to pick up their granddaughter Shir- ley Chappell, who will spend this week with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collins drove to Toppenish this weekend for a visit with their daughter and son- in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis :IV]c- Chord who were recently married. The Collins had a pleasant trip and report the newlyweds are do- ing fine. The faculty of the engineering department from St. Martins Col- lege called on Evelyn and Dan Lynch Sunday. David Roundtree and Dolores Atwood motored to Portland with Dolores' family Saturday to at- tend the Marde Gras festivities. Mrs. Roundtree and David shop- ped in Olympia Friday. Saturday visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ryan were relatives from Seattle, Dr. and Mrs. John Raynes and Mr. and Mrs. JacR Burke. Dropping in at tle Ryans' home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Les Joslin and family. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Murphy of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury vis- ited Bremerton and Seattle this weekend. Mrs. Ernest Moore spent the weekend in Shelton where she at- tended church services with Mrs. Swindall and her family. Jean Denny of Olympia drove to Little Skookum Tuesday afternoon to visit ,£r& Edd/e Braz and take a peek at new baby, Shane. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Easterly of Gardner spent several days this week at the home of Mrs. Easter- ly's sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. Joe Silva. Dianne Sells of Olympia spent the past weekend at the borne of her larents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sells. Shelton Baptist Church Leads In State Contest The Shelton Baptist Sunday School is leading in the Class division of the sttewide contest with other conservative Baptist churches, according to word re- ceived recently from Seattle. Thi indicates theft the loca Sunday School made a larger gala percen- tage-wise than other chureh in the same division. , I,AHT SUNDAY,'the junior high department was outstanding in that they met their quota of 70 in attendance. Mrs. Bob Ervin is su- perintendent with Mrs. William O'Neill, Mrs. Herbert Hergevt, Cliff Coutts, Jack Wright and Jack Rodman as tsa¢hers. Sunday, May 24, is designated as "group day'. Several organiza- tmns have been my] ' ' ted including Brownie Scouts, Cub Scout,s. Glr/ Scouts, Boy Scouts and Fratemmt groups. In the younger set the Den of Cul' Scouts and Troop of Brownie, Girl or Boy Scouts, with the largest number in attendaICe will be honored with a treat. Those having uniforms a asked to wear them. A special program will be pre- sented in each department at 9:45 a.ln.. THERE AkRE two buses running each Sunday, so many more boys nnd girls as well as adults may ride if timy wish. .I-wy a Classified Ad-- Mrs. Stanley Lyman, is the prin- for Skokomish Valley this Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Califor- fia and M. Art Griggs called on Me'. and, Mrs. Roy Larming on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble left for eastern Oregon, to visit Mr. Char- les Thrashe. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Vern Smith of Ta- coma. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter N.I. HA 8139 CLINT WI "A LIFE INSURANG CAN ASSURE YOURCHI COLLEGE EDUCATION LIFE'S MANY ! NJW N /,Jfe /neurn¢;o r. / When People Choice . . . . IPW.BLENI) In Store Mler Slore Throughout Tlm Oounly Darigold Oompetes , . . it Winst Fresher Because It's Kilsap Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's THIBD AND GROVE • • Phone StLTON-MAPX)N COUWTY JOItrlNAL -- Ptlbl, isbed'in "h, ristwvastown, U:fi,:, ' bheRom,'Washin Tirol i" " l'A||+t ]B',][c, '-L were Sunday dinner guests of the l Serv eeA00demy Exams Slated 71U.klLIIt|][ Gene Taylo'rs of Kamilche. _&Is()! [ By Matr V:tlh, y presenl were Mr. and Mrs. Justin I,= INIl Mr. and "Mrs. :,'ie Sjohohn and Taylor and soils of Olympia. ! I:'l.'elimiary Civil Service t:xai ;}in-on 2:,, D.C.  ...... getty drove 1o Portland last S:lt- M,'s. Clara t{-senbt r' wishes to ur lay to spend the weekend with thanR her manv l'ritqads for their[ ,[xss Jodrl Sjohoim. cards and l'enlelllblmcos ([tlHllg I LI'II Irwlm ing the Me,'oUat =:.'in A,',,,I,,,,. :.h ri,', ,,r ,,, .,.,,,,. r,,, ,,.,,es ,,, 1 i - W - - - - will be held July 13 19,)9 at sire-mter Academies in .}'uly el' 1,)60. I ?' Mr. Rob' Tanner has suffered a iher recent illness and rep(n'ts she} tegi t 00ithi00 -=.-: ..... : .................... : ........... I severe l, es,'t at,aek a.d is iu ,lie is be, re, i _ , . , ,,,,,  State, Senator Warren G. Mngnu- I  al 1  Shelton Hospital. This weekend was an exciti,.,'." • " iM|p0s4t son 1)., Wash. reported this w(eh. ,, XJeqlV ''''!! Mrs. Phyllis BI'()A'n Iltld the mis- €)1 for Slqnley t-[mler ll(, ]l;I,] I $e$']$ WIllr=ll) Maglmson am lh,,t vo,,,g 1,,,.,'. mu. 1I'l*lT.} [  !o,'tune to burn he,'. hand severe- his first ferry ride alone, nnd spent[ ,*r-r,a" ::¢:mt between the ages of 17 }rod 21 wlu, ] I&.RTINI,! G'r:,nge fried a .,?ew I  D'..ann must take It easy [or a the weekend with his father at! • Model1 JlD*lllklJta CtUITli, desire to ultend Anlmpolis, "rest local rest Friemy night ,.vixen they I ..::{. .... wnue: Seattle Pacific College, where he' rooms, |IPoint Air Force Academy or Mar- started with a p,,t luck ,Unner at I :!.:; :.,.:::7 .. !'m .C!ester Valley enter!ai.ned had the honor of carrying the I O Goldenll BYRNE • BATTONE I chant' Marine Amhqn, mthl!6'30 then Ol'ening the r business : :  ne re.rues o£ the Baptist Mmsmn- crown for .the eoronalion of that ....... } ' " ...... - ......  :.: • '-' ary wreie last Wednesday with a Mav Festixql Oueen i Room ............ me • , ............ .......... I o'clock dessert lunehe(;n T ez'e ." :-' -' --- " '- • ', • Oaku - - ' t WI' e I¢) Sen aiders w l'e a|jle I') come over ...... .,:.=.:,:.:: ....... , ......... I]June 121h. 'Ihey me5 t ..... -, ........... ] ::,. .... : .,s..-;:: ....... :<::,: ele "" - : .. :virs. rtmv wrane el Snelton was I r'r,x,ru ,A ,-qeu,; |later War,', n G. M:a,rn, son Room on tile 6 Cclock ferry and go home . ....... ' : !5..' Hai'ietlMmul]e's .Pv's?" de,l" pleasanUy "surprised when her I • Pard;n, | 10'7 =a,'*¢, #"€€toa l:til,llnc' W'lsh- on the 9 00 I! w s m m (cessfl 1:7 : :: : : :g:5 :--..'---k,.,..-_:_,---: I' "'__2 ........................................... Ithat they plan to continue. This :,:.;::;:i, <::,;:;.::;,:J:':?::¢, :: i; ::.:::(i "io- i ..... P g ' [ daughter Mrs. Art Nicklaus rel- 1 .......................................  ........... * ........... [n Jx¢'  }n; ltennooidvas:pent atives and friends, gathered at: { • No Ci l ...... ( ................. "lJwiil give' the rest of us an oppor- l;o- "- ..... ' .'" . . .'.' Holiday Beach to hal l) her eele-] Under | " -- ............. I hmity'to, visit the island also . <:::: : : :%4?:': kle" i*n *;meLtsVjrn:maa:'t'sfj:: r lrate her birthday, last Saturday. I • Honol i , , RENTAL IERVIUE I The hall was ttt';el.w, ly decor-. • ,,:-,: ,.- .,. ..: ..:. ,:, : ,;.}?i:7171 ". ." .'" .... P" . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Vallt:v] |  ' ' |laled with lilaes and columbine. ..... :{i(: "el':.s'£' a 2 ;? .'s}.a3¢q'.3rei were dinner guests at the AIvi;,, Cards | 1 i', . LARGE OR SMALL , IIl'aul Chaffee showed colored sliaes F-": >} { ?{{{e, Monroe visite'tl'Mx " .. "" "" "-- Halbert hone on M malay ew  ng, • . m...lw I{t:tt{(.n on their trip through Neva- b*: .... ;! : : :: ,z'i:{IB ........ ' The oceasun being tile Valleys 250 oollnSoll last weeK. wedding anniversary " l I  a..o.o.a ...,... ,.,... lids, nd ,':Uir,,,ni ia,,t wrote,'. ::+ 'i:i: :: : ': ;i+::l '. anu ,v,,'s me,1 ., . . . i tl, ldll ,*,= "" --="" .... Jl .... | Two new nm,nhe,'s were taken [. ::.:.;::! !.!.::{ .Mrs. I)oris Whitmarsh has the :" . , . agency for Avon Products and The Grange decioed to oispense[ | £  A A  IIIIIIO I in. They are planning a card parl.y 11.:.:4 i{iiTii ' anyone wishing her to call oll with their next regular meeting [ WRITE tin the neur futurt ..... ! rwr IiI llm [l .-, - ;;  .. . . WILL LEAD JAYETTES--Th0s group of charming young women them, may contact, her by lhon wiieh would have been Friday the. l 2€11'8 tillgO Glflscr is reportetl • • . • - - " ," " I N/@m IkVVll 1fllIIkUM II .. : ....... will go=de the Shelton Jayettes for the coming year. They were Mms Esther Johnson and Mr 22rid, due to the Forest l estzwtl. [ I |],  Iiqu,ll w]tn rlt;I., ...... ,; ..... *; .... installed Saturday night. From left, Charlene Dorcy, second and Mrs. Stan Johnson and daugh£ We are prond of our window at I  I:I ,k II.'? ., .......... v;? "' ['.'. .... : ...... .". vice president; Barbara Ryan, secretary" Virginia Mercer, presi- tel', Kerry, drove to Seattle Sun- the J. C. Penny store, which was| new oanees aner may za untn . • ' ' . - and daughter, Kerry, drove to Se- decorated under the leadership of/ I I l'I  Home II .......... ,_ .....  ........ dent; Sybd Redman (partmLly hlddenl, first wee pratt, dent; I .yd.k-m',, lift,. ]navy w('ee new ).mm- Louise Hartley, board of directors; Doris Bailey, treasurer, and (lay and had dinner with Mr. and out" Lecturer Anita Dogger. | . I>el'S anti proeesset] two resolUl;ions. .......... Beverly Paterson, board of directors. Mr. ant{ Mrs Ed Kortnik, Mr. ; turn out at the special school elee- ] I I "-..------II.$= fflAAD DAII@UliO@ II SHELT('N VALI,I',Y will hOhi a ........ Mrs. Don Miller. We hope there will be a good] i --"--""'g rLuun rULIIIKliO /I,l,t,e,, on May 30 and extend a ......... and Mrs. Ted, Doyle of Bellevue, tion next Monday the 25th.'We are[ I "'.'' |]specml mvmttmn to all g,'angers r .... i AAI .... |  .... l.I .... J AI and Mrs. Aletha Afhton of Tulsa to vote on an extra mill levy to] " " " "" " " " ;;,=;,o; h++ r0rum rc+uvm ua,c00 nan,co at o,+m, ++. weekend guests make necessary repairs on our| I mrgan +ii ?: o+ +,,.o+ +.+ + & tacre[! Lumner u0. lira + ...,. -- - - 4LI I I II • II Mrs. Doris Whitmarsh, Bonn+ ly in need of a new roof. . I I ' +" * unue +KOOKUm my 00atur.y nRnt VilliRms an@ Mrs. Be,,. Lynmn + P year After the. zneeting,members have been putting in some-long   ; Hfll e (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-422 played pinochle until a late hour, h0ura getting our float ready for YO SHOULD KNOW. Ph(W ]ll have a food booth at B M ( e  -:'  ....... .... ! ' " " y an'tt M(re Mrs. Al Lord this weekend,-that the Forest FeatLval Parade..San- * ' With Forest Festival gayety they have a new great-grand- :dra Lyman, daughter of Mr. and This is the lffM rood Mends... great sport.., wide open fair-  ... glass ooth greens. Aud after the game (if you enjoy as much as you do golf) you'll efresh with Lucky Lager. LUCKY LAGER One of flo world's finest beers : once again in the air, young and old eagerly await the many activi- ties planned for Lhe weekend. A wonderful way to climax Satin'- day's festivities, would be to join in the merriment of the dance planned for timt night at Little Skookum hall. The  tuneful music of Jim Buzzard's orciestra will be featm'ed and dancing starts at 9:30 p.m. That's this Saturday, May 23. Ladies Club was held last Thurs- day in the home of Mrs. Walter Allen. Word was received by Mr. and the festiwtl and guarantee the best food and the fastest service on the grounds. TWANOH held a short business meeting, it being their social night. Lee Lopriore was appointed chaian of the landscaping com- mittee. The area between the fire hall and the gas station will be landscaped. "We will see you all at the Forest Fest val and don't forget to see the window displays. POMONA Master, 3ohn Bariek- man reports that the Mason coun- ty banquet will be hcld at thc To- l eIll Pole Inn in Vancouver, June 17 at, 5:30 p.m. Also a chartered bus will leave Elma at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, .lune 16 and transport anyone who wishes to take the 6th degree or anyone wishing to see the degree again. Fare will be $3.75 rouad trip. The bus will leave Vancouver immediate, ly at the elose of thc degree Wor or about 11:00, This is another place Plymouth proves its.., l IN. EGONOMY Plymouth, traditionaI economy champ, again won its class in the Mobilgas Economy Run... won for the third traigh year! In this recognized competitiv e test for economy, a Plymouth V-8 averaged 21.15 miles per gallon. Plymouth's proven high gas mileage, initial low purchase price, low maintenance cost and good resale value all add up to the Big Difference in economy ! PLYMOUTH DELIVERS BIG DIFFERENCE IN PERFORMANCE But you don't have to sacrifice performance to enjoy P|ymomh a top economy, rhe tury v.8{x) engine that powered the Plymouth to its Mo}filg, as victory is the ]igget standard V.8 in Plymoufl a fiehi, hs 230 hol:sepower packs plenty of power. BIG DIFFERLCE IN,. QUALIW We sincerely believe that the '59 Plymouth is the finest ear Plymouth has ever built. Check every inch of db car. See the difference great engineering makes. BIG DIFFERENCE IN RIOE Plymouth's famous Torsion-Aire Ride is e moe comfortable ride on the road. It acts as a built-in road- leveller-it virtually eliminates roll or sway on tarns -front end dive on stops. And it's yours at no extra cost on Plymomh. BUT YOU DON'T PAY FOR THE DIFFERENCE The top-selling, low-price cars are all price,] about the same but only PLYMOUTH gives you the Big Differ- ence for yofir money, TAKE A "TWO-MILE TR,Y-OUT" N0W! Get behind thv wheel of a Plymouth and really feel Plymouth's Big Difference. %ke your "Try.Out" soon. To bs ju117 appreciated, must bt driven,,, daughter who was born Saturday in Jay, Maine. The Lords' grand  daughter, the former Paralee Pae and her husband, Carroll Howes, ! have chosen the name Kthyi Lynne for their new daughter. Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bush visited at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Bob Eager, whet Lley enjoyed an evening of view- ing colored slide pictures. Bill Be]tier, who spent 17 month in Germany with the service, show- ed some fascinating slides of cas- ties and other places of interes5 in that country. A weekend trip took Mr. and Mrs. Walt Allen to Aberdeen Forks. The Aliens traveled as far as Aberdeen, Friday evening, where they stopped and spent the night with their daughter and family, the Davis Chappells. Sat- urday morning they traveled on to Forks where they stayed until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Leyde. During their visit the Lay- des' took them on a tour of the noted rain forest and Sol Duc hot springs. Sunday the Allens motor- ed home stopping in Aberdeen to pick up their granddaughter Shir- ley Chappell, who will spend this week with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collins drove to Toppenish this weekend for a visit with their daughter and son- in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis :IV]c- Chord who were recently married. The Collins had a pleasant trip and report the newlyweds are do- ing fine. The faculty of the engineering department from St. Martins Col- lege called on Evelyn and Dan Lynch Sunday. David Roundtree and Dolores Atwood motored to Portland with Dolores' family Saturday to at- tend the Marde Gras festivities. Mrs. Roundtree and David shop- ped in Olympia Friday. Saturday visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ryan were relatives from Seattle, Dr. and Mrs. John Raynes and Mr. and Mrs. JacR Burke. Dropping in at tle Ryans' home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Les Joslin and family. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hudson were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Murphy of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury vis- ited Bremerton and Seattle this weekend. Mrs. Ernest Moore spent the weekend in Shelton where she at- tended church services with Mrs. Swindall and her family. Jean Denny of Olympia drove to Little Skookum Tuesday afternoon to visit ,£r& Edd/e Braz and take a peek at new baby, Shane. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Easterly of Gardner spent several days this week at the home of Mrs. Easter- ly's sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. Joe Silva. Dianne Sells of Olympia spent the past weekend at the borne of her larents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sells. Shelton Baptist Church Leads In State Contest The Shelton Baptist Sunday School is leading in the Class division of the sttewide contest with other conservative Baptist churches, according to word re- ceived recently from Seattle. Thi indicates theft the loca Sunday School made a larger gala percen- tage-wise than other chureh in the same division. , I,AHT SUNDAY,'the junior high department was outstanding in that they met their quota of 70 in attendance. Mrs. Bob Ervin is su- perintendent with Mrs. William O'Neill, Mrs. Herbert Hergevt, Cliff Coutts, Jack Wright and Jack Rodman as tsa¢hers. Sunday, May 24, is designated as "group day'. Several organiza- tmns have been my] ' ' ted including Brownie Scouts, Cub Scout,s. Glr/ Scouts, Boy Scouts and Fratemmt groups. In the younger set the Den of Cul' Scouts and Troop of Brownie, Girl or Boy Scouts, with the largest number in attendaICe will be honored with a treat. Those having uniforms a asked to wear them. A special program will be pre- sented in each department at 9:45 a.ln.. THERE AkRE two buses running each Sunday, so many more boys nnd girls as well as adults may ride if timy wish. .I-wy a Classified Ad-- Mrs. Stanley Lyman, is the prin- for Skokomish Valley this Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Califor- fia and M. Art Griggs called on Me'. and, Mrs. Roy Larming on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble left for eastern Oregon, to visit Mr. Char- les Thrashe. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Vern Smith of Ta- coma. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter N.I. HA 8139 CLINT WI "A LIFE INSURANG CAN ASSURE YOURCHI COLLEGE EDUCATION LIFE'S MANY ! NJW N /,Jfe /neurn¢;o r. / When People Choice . . . . IPW.BLENI) In Store Mler Slore Throughout Tlm Oounly Darigold Oompetes , . . it Winst Fresher Because It's Kilsap Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's THIBD AND GROVE • • Phone