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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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21, 1959 Farm Saw as SO* #lw I[LITE e GER • SHOP :REST 6-4602 ItELTON-MA,0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publinhed in LAKE NAHWATZEL By Mary Dawson I,AI{IC NAI IWATZEb. The nexl few (l:ys will I)e Imsy ,)nes al ou&apos;r Mary M. Knight school. Th,. "cah!ndnr I',r this we*'k Iilld /14'Nt is as fldi(ws: llndl|y, ]M:ly 21th, lm('cahm'eatc seI'vi('vs will Im held at the school Hn(h"r th(! (lirc, clion (*t' the Hey. Eugen,' l?,ried )1' the Mt. View Alliance church .f Sht'lt,m, Tho lime i. S p.m. Tuesday, May 26th, will I). llw last day h()l hlllehcs will be served aL schaol. Wc(h]esday, May 271h, nl 8 p.m., at the school, gl.a(hla.- tioll ,'Xel'Cises will I)e held for (lllr NeVPII sPni()I' ll(t also fol' tilt, eighth grafh's. Dr. A. M. Phil- ips, rgistr;tr (if the Grays ttar- bur Jltnior College, will h(' uest speaker. Thursday, May 28th, the school picnic will bc lwld at S('hafcr Sti:lte Park, and on l,'ri- day, the 29th, after an tram' at schorfl, students and teachers will start their sUnllller vacation. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Miss lei!y Kelly wns the. week- ,,ml guest ff Miss Judy Iron(Its. Tom Kelly of Shelton calh.,(t oll ,un(tay nl the hmnc of his breath- er and f;Jmily, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ar- -hie Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Stan (-lwim'lte of Simpson Fish Hatchery spent last we*'keml al th,ntm visit ink lrima(Is and ]'elalivcs. Mrs. l)ennis t'{eed visited a ('ou- t',h' (lay. last week at 'l'(mlle, \\;Vash,. wilh Mr, and Mrs. Mar: \\;Vhylc and family. I Mr. ;tn(l Mrs. AI ,loses left Sat- urthtv for Emmett, Idaho, to at- I l(m(l'th(, services for Mrs. Jones' I mother, Mr:< William Hall, who I died rec.ntly. We all exb!nd (mr] most sincere sympathy to her ,t I the loss (ff her loved one. J Sunday callers of M1s. Edrie l{al{!naall slid Mrs, Myrtle Camer- on were Mrs. Geo. Shmn and her father, Mr. J. Day of Gig Harbor. Fishing was quite good over the Measles are still with the Allan I-Iickson family. Most recent vice weekend (lespite the cold and raill. Jimmy Bcmiett, young grandson tiros are Betty and John. of Dewey Bennett of Shelt(m, Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jake Trimble of the Simpson Fish snagged a big 17-inch rainbow Hatchery and Mr. and Mrs. James that weighed 2 Ibs. 4 ounces. Hickson of Dayton called on Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer of and Mrs. Allan Hiekson. On Sat- IJrinnon were Sunday dinner urday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirk of guests here at the home of Mr. Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Bill PAULEY MOTORS NG S Seal of the Arcadia district vis- ited the Hicksons. Mrs. Vernon Havens and non and Mrs. Don Johnson of Shelton visited last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Lee E. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sellers of Seattle was a Sunday and Monday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette. Mrs. Ralph Killough's home ec- onomies class gave a surprise baby shower Tuesday, May 13, for their former teacher, Mrs. Joe Crites. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Mrs. Garth Calkins, Mrs. Lee Gunderson, Mrs. John Itogben, Mrs. Wayne Evers, Mrs. Earl Lan- dis and Mrs. Lee Dawson were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bishop and son of Shclton called on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson Monday evening. Doug and Lee Eddie opened the swimming season with a dip in the lake. Brrr. About twenty friends and reln- tives gathered here Saturday night it(:) clnvarari the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mendenhall (Mary Ann Kuhnle). A very en- ioyable evening was had by all. Harley Franklin and Art Dris- sel of Spanaway were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roe ranklin. TEMPERANCE INSURANCE EXCHANGE AND PLYMOUTH NEW CARS THESE CARS IN STOCK ars in Stock Total Price Fury 4 door .................... $3451.00 Belvedere 4 door .......... $318.00 Station Wago!! ............ $3433.00 Coronet 4 door .................... $3309.00 (2) ........................................ $2295.00 4 door ................................ $2029.09 Automatic Push Button Transmission (except al have Power Steering and Radios. Good Low Cost Used Cars radio, heater, 4. new tires ....................... $495 radio - heater ......................................... $645  Standard transmission ...................................... $245 UTH CLUB CPE ................................................ $445 FIRE • AUTO • CASUALTY Robed Sloano 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 TOH FOR HILLMAN MINX i I)onVerlible In Salurday's Parade [ I | | Highest Trade-In Prices  See BUD PAULEY ey Motors "Oll rbfmastown: U.R.A ,," Shelton, Dodge. Plymouth Agency AND RAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-8183 Opening Next Sunday, May 24 ON BEAUTIFUL, CLOSE.IN ' ,,o,, ,AvcA, HOODSPORT ..... The eighty- !ourth birthday of Mrs. Timothy Ryan was celebrated at a hmch- con held in the home of her daugh- ter Mrs. Stephen Hale. Mrs. Mark Ryan was co-hostess. Table decor- ations featured a lovely center- )iece of spring flowers arranged by Mrs. Joste Peterson. Guests from Tacoma were Mrs. Frank Chevalier, Mrs. Lida Brenninger, Mrs. James O'Brien, Mrs. Charles McAllister, and Mrs. Albert Bren- ninger. Mrs. Charles Elson, of Hoodsport also was a gmst. RECENT GUESTS in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Arnold were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nelson, and Marie Jorgensen of Seattle. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nornmn Simons and Pam, of Longmire, and Mr and Mrs. Warren Simons and sons, of Yelm. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gilmore spent several days in Walla Walla where they attended a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wheatly, of New Mexico, have returned to the canal for the smmner months and were welcomed by their daughter and family, Mr. ant Mrs. F. O. MeDowell. The Salty Sashayers, the Hood Canal Square Dance group, will hold a birthday dance, Saturday, May 23, in the Hood Canal Wom- en's Club House. Mr. Dodge, of Tacoma, will be caller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and girls were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray, and Mrs. Virginia Wallin. Members of the first and sec- ond graders in Mrs. Esther Chris- tensen's room enjoyed an afternoon picnic which was given in honor of the chilch'en with birthdays in the month of May, June, July and August. GllM)UATION exercises for the eighth grade students of Hood Cared Consolidated School District 404will be held in the Hoodsport Marvin E. Carls(m, ETNSN, USN, s.n of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Carlson, 125 W. Arcadia Ave., Shelton, has been selected for the Naval Aviation Cadet Trainng Program (NAVCAD), with training scheduled to eomnwnce at Pensacola, l,'h)rida, on July 18. UI )on con]l)lelion of the eighteen-month l)rogranl, (al'Json will be contnlissioned all officer in the United States Navy m' Marine Corps. Selection for the NAVCA1) program is highly competitive through(rot the service, with thousalds of young men applying fin' the (.oveted t)osilions annually. The applicant must l)ass rigid physical and mental examinations, and at least two y(!ars of college training are required. Carlson, 20, attended Irene S. Reed high scho(1, Centralia junior college, an(t the University of Cal- ifornia at Berkeley prior to entering the nawd ervice. tte is presently serving on board the USS HELENA (CA-75), serving with the Pacific Fleet. Upon dctachmUnt on Juue 12, he l)lans a inonth of leave at hiu home in Shelton. Mrs. Timothy Ryan Honored at S4th i Birthday Party at Hoodsport By Merlo Smith Gymnasium on vVednesday eve- ning, May 27, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Following the graduation, a party will be given for the stu- dents at Holiday Beach Clubhouse. Several of the local students who are members of the Shelton High school band traveled to Bremerton to participate in the Armed Forces Day parade. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan, of Cushman, are enjoying their love- ly new blue cat'. The Preschool Art Show, given by the Kindergarten children for their mothers, featured a lion by the name of Lassie, owned by Si Laramie, anti a black panther, Sam, owned by teacher, Mrs. Em- ery Winters. Other features of the show included paper animals made by the children and an aquarium containing guppies brought bY Jerry Smith, a turtle, and goldfish. Crayon and clay work was also on display. Mrs. Flora Lockwood is home after spending several days in a Shelton hospital recovering from a bout with the flu. Sandra Bor- ovesky has also returned to her home after measles and pneumonia onfined her to the hospital. :Mr. and Mrs. John Laramie and family were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Nell Laramie, of Shelton, on Sunday. Many Hoodsport and Potlatch children attended the Start Bore- son show in Shelton and came home carrying their prize, an au- tographed picture. VOTERS, don't forget the school levy election which will be held May 25, between one and eight p.m. Polling places will be open at the Itoodsport school, Lower Skokomish school, Middle Sko- Romish school and Union school. Mrs. Robert Gray, Mrs. Vh'ginia Wallin and Mrs. Robert Sm|th represented the Hood Canal Am- erican Legion Auxiliary Unit 230 at the Fourth District Spring Con- ferenee held in the I-lhodes Post in Tacoma. The proposed ocean trip for the eighth grade class planned for last Saturday was rained out, bu}class members are hoping they can still have it at a later date. Dale Sessions and friends, of Tacoma, spent the weekend with the. Howard Lockwood's. About 35 young people attended i a Young Life party held in the i beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Sund. The group enjoyed an evening of dinner and games. Iderb Dickinson is now recuper- ating from a recent .peration in a Shelton hospital. He had been moved here from Seattle. THE KING'S Garden truck will be at the Hood Canal Community Church on Thursday afternoon, May 28, to pick up used clothing or other articles. The church will be open all day for the convert- ienee of people wishing to leave Lake I abella articles for the tmlct(. Proceeds ,t of this work help maitaln King's Garden. The church women have need o old wool blankets for fillers for baby blankets and old sheets that • may be used for bandages. Tlley OPERATED BY LeRoy-Bill BOAD 3 MILES SOUTH OF SHELTON ON SHELTON. OLYMPIA HIGHWAY When It's Time for Family fun, You'll find the Answer at Maple Beach may be given to Mrs. Andy ScOtt. John Henderson From Flight School Second Lieutenant Jolan R. Hen- derson, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam G. Henderson of Shelton, Wash., has been graduated from basic school at Webb Air Force Base, Tex., and has been reassign- ed to one of the United States Air MATLOCK By Dora Hearing There will be a dance at Mat- lock Grange hall this Saturday night, May 23rd. Congratulations go to the Mary I M. Knight boys baseball team and their coach, John Hogben. They took first place in the Tri-Coun- ty League this season, and Mary M. Knight got second place • aL the track meet In Shelton Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Gen were Sunday dinner guests of the letter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Eickhoff of Olympia, and their uncle and aunt from California were also there. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Roasmamr and daughters, Margaret and Mrs. Luvern Goodburn, and baby, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. ahd Mrs. Eugene Psamaier of Black Lake. Mrs. Luvern Goodburn and baby left Sunday for her home at L)ng Beach, Calif., after ,upending two weeks with her folks here. Jeanne and Sandra Calkins ap- peared in Mrs. Violet Helin's l)iano recital Stmday afternoon which w,u held at the First Christian Church in EMma. Mrs. Hattie Bateman and Mrs. P. M. Farrell of Montesano spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Calkins en- Joyed a weekend from the latter's father of San Diego, Calif. Matlock Grange held tbeir reg- ular meeting Friday night and the chaplain, Dora Hearing, put on the Memorial selwices. The Mat- lock Grange also decorated a win- dow at Eells & Valleys in Shel- ton for the Forest Festival, "An Old Fashioned Kitchen." Mr. and Mrm Kenneth Widner and children of Montesano spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Valley. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. Boney Loertscher of Cloquallum. The Junior-Senior Banquet was held May 12th at Lhe Cohmial House in Shelton. The mastec of ceremonies was Sharon Kemery Who also gave the welcome add- ress. James Avery gave the re- sponse. Lydia Filyaw told of her experience as Forest Festiwd princess. There were 23 present in'eluding class advisors, Mr. Hog- ben and Superintendent Lee Gun- devsen. The thome ch0sen for the banqtlet was "Tomorrow." The Mary M. Knight athletic banquet was held May 15th in hnor of the lettermen. The guest of honor was Edward Lind. There were about 80 present. Mr. Lind Boreson Draws Large Crowd Stan Boreson and his dog No- Mo drPw an excited crowd of over 500 ut his show in lhe Mas, m Counly Memorial Armory Salm'- day. ° 'Phe KING-'iv star drew entlm- siastie applallse fronl him aliliellt!O dLIring the one-h(alr show, and sev- eral Shelton children were on stage with him at various times. Bill Hartman, SRA Skin Diving Club president, wbich is handling Forest Festival button sates and was instrumenlal in getting Bore- son here, expressed thanks to the following local merchants for their financial assistance: Jim I-'auley Motors, J. C. Penney Co., Earl Jagnow, Beckwith Jew- elry, Angle Agency, Eells and Valley Appliance Center,'Sheit,m Printing and Stationery Co., We. teffront Realty, Cota Grill, Spud- nut Shop, M 8,- S Food Store and Ritner's Care. and Mr. Hogben spoke to the group. The letter.,t were given by Mr. Boydston and Mr. Hogben. David Kelley won the "Upton Shaw" trophy. Bernal Bmce of Seat:tle is spending this weeks vacation witl the Blain Bunce family. Gene Brown returned Monday by plane from a two weeks wca- tion in Hawaii. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boydst0n and children spent the weekend in Renton. The U.S. Navy's newest air-sea base, now under development aL Rots, Spain, is 60 air miles west of the historic Rock of Gibraltar. Pa PREFAB HOMES Delivered To Your Lot Complete with pier foundation, wiring, plumbing and fixtures, roofing, insulation, eleotri range, refrigerator and hot wa- ter tank. TO SHELTON FOR 2 B.R. - 24'x26' 3 B.R. - 24'x34' 3 B.R. - 24'x5()' 4 B.R. - 24'x52' WRITE NOW BUDGET Housing Co. 2200 Simpson Ave. HOQUIAM, WASH. Phone GE 9-1280 $1 $1608 $2885 HI, HOHEY! TH[ SALES TRIP IS CO IRE. BUT I SU 0 THE LL IRL IT'S GREAT TO VISIT HOME BY LONG DISTANCE AND THE COST IS SO SMALL! Pacific T00tephone --IN SHELTON Gomplete Line Force's tactical units for duty. CAMPING o MMING o e of 1'/ major air comands into g which the United States Air Force TO MAKE ROOM for lhis Fine Merchandise-- is divided. ATC iv responsible for: all recruiting and training of air force personnel. We Are OLEARIN OUT OUR OLD UNES AT The lieutenant is married to the EQUIPHEHT -- SUPPUES Chris Craft Boats -- Bryant Boats -- Whitehouse Boats Little Dude Boat Trailers -- Evinrude Motors Glasspar Boats ,-- Hoiselaw Trailers -- Z-Spar Paints Marine Hrdre --,Water Skis, Tow Ropes AND McCulloeh Chain Saws -- Simplicity Tillers and Tractors -- Jacobsen Power Mowers former Miss Vera Hart, who parents live in ValleJo, Calif. He is G DANCING a graduate 0f tbe contract prt. NICKIN 000000]Base,coo00flYingTexaS.6uerdSCb°°l ioersat :Moore Air Here Every Tuesday t '  t Balh Houses & Dressing Rooms • New, Modern, Clean Reslrooms 25% discount On all General Hardware, Plumbing Supplies, Garden Sup- plies, Pipe Fittings, Shovels, Garden Hoses, Rakes, Electrical Supplies, Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipes, Paints, Nails, Grass Seed, Weather Stripping, and Many Others. Anyone bringing In this ad will receive one dollar in credit toward any purchase of five dollars or more. Limit one ad per customer. Shelton Marine, Supply (Formerly Hillcrest Hardware) 1209 Olympic Highway South, Shelton 'Dial HA 6-8163 n, Protected Swimming Area  Playfield, Game, Area Outdoor Kitchen and Eating Area  Indian Nature Trail Open-air Dance Pavilion and Snack Bar (10:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.) ALL IN A LOVELY SYLVAN SETTING FOR RESTFUL RELAXATION U.S. Coast Guard recruiting of- ricers will be in Shelton every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Shelton hotel to interview high school seniors interested in service with that organization. Those who would like addition- al information on the opportuni- ties offered in the Coast Guard should contact the recruiting of- rice in Tacoma. The phone number to call is MArket '/-5454. It takes at least a full year aboard an active submarine for an officer to become eligible to pin on his "dolphins" and become a full-fledged bubmariner. 21, 1959 Farm Saw as SO* #lw I[LITE e GER • SHOP :REST 6-4602 ItELTON-MA,0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publinhed in LAKE NAHWATZEL By Mary Dawson I,AI{IC NAI IWATZEb. The nexl few (l:ys will I)e Imsy ,)nes al ou'r Mary M. Knight school. Th,. "cah!ndnr I',r this we*'k Iilld /14'Nt is as fldi(ws: llndl|y, ]M:ly 21th, lm('cahm'eatc seI'vi('vs will Im held at the school Hn(h"r th(! (lirc, clion (*t' the Hey. Eugen,' l?,ried )1' the Mt. View Alliance church .f Sht'lt,m, Tho lime i. S p.m. Tuesday, May 26th, will I). llw last day h()l hlllehcs will be served aL schaol. Wc(h]esday, May 271h, nl 8 p.m., at the school, gl.a(hla.- tioll ,'Xel'Cises will I)e held for (lllr NeVPII sPni()I' ll(t also fol' tilt, eighth grafh's. Dr. A. M. Phil- ips, rgistr;tr (if the Grays ttar- bur Jltnior College, will h(' uest speaker. Thursday, May 28th, the school picnic will bc lwld at S('hafcr Sti:lte Park, and on l,'ri- day, the 29th, after an tram' at schorfl, students and teachers will start their sUnllller vacation. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Miss lei!y Kelly wns the. week- ,,ml guest ff Miss Judy Iron(Its. Tom Kelly of Shelton calh.,(t oll ,un(tay nl the hmnc of his breath- er and f;Jmily, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ar- -hie Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Stan (-lwim'lte of Simpson Fish Hatchery spent last we*'keml al th,ntm visit ink lrima(Is and ]'elalivcs. Mrs. l)ennis t'{eed visited a ('ou- t',h' (lay. last week at 'l'(mlle, \\;Vash,. wilh Mr, and Mrs. Mar: \\;Vhylc and family. I Mr. ;tn(l Mrs. AI ,loses left Sat- urthtv for Emmett, Idaho, to at- I l(m(l'th(, services for Mrs. Jones' I mother, Mr:< William Hall, who I died rec.ntly. We all exb!nd (mr] most sincere sympathy to her ,t I the loss (ff her loved one. J Sunday callers of M1s. Edrie l{al{!naall slid Mrs, Myrtle Camer- on were Mrs. Geo. Shmn and her father, Mr. J. Day of Gig Harbor. Fishing was quite good over the Measles are still with the Allan I-Iickson family. Most recent vice weekend (lespite the cold and raill. Jimmy Bcmiett, young grandson tiros are Betty and John. of Dewey Bennett of Shelt(m, Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jake Trimble of the Simpson Fish snagged a big 17-inch rainbow Hatchery and Mr. and Mrs. James that weighed 2 Ibs. 4 ounces. Hickson of Dayton called on Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer of and Mrs. Allan Hiekson. On Sat- IJrinnon were Sunday dinner urday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirk of guests here at the home of Mr. Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Bill PAULEY MOTORS NG S Seal of the Arcadia district vis- ited the Hicksons. Mrs. Vernon Havens and non and Mrs. Don Johnson of Shelton visited last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Lee E. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sellers of Seattle was a Sunday and Monday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette. Mrs. Ralph Killough's home ec- onomies class gave a surprise baby shower Tuesday, May 13, for their former teacher, Mrs. Joe Crites. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Mrs. Garth Calkins, Mrs. Lee Gunderson, Mrs. John Itogben, Mrs. Wayne Evers, Mrs. Earl Lan- dis and Mrs. Lee Dawson were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bishop and son of Shclton called on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson Monday evening. Doug and Lee Eddie opened the swimming season with a dip in the lake. Brrr. About twenty friends and reln- tives gathered here Saturday night it(:) clnvarari the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mendenhall (Mary Ann Kuhnle). A very en- ioyable evening was had by all. Harley Franklin and Art Dris- sel of Spanaway were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roe ranklin. TEMPERANCE INSURANCE EXCHANGE AND PLYMOUTH NEW CARS THESE CARS IN STOCK ars in Stock Total Price Fury 4 door .................... $3451.00 Belvedere 4 door .......... $318.00 Station Wago!! ............ $3433.00 Coronet 4 door .................... $3309.00 (2) ........................................ $2295.00 4 door ................................ $2029.09 Automatic Push Button Transmission (except al have Power Steering and Radios. Good Low Cost Used Cars radio, heater, 4. new tires ....................... $495 radio - heater ......................................... $645  Standard transmission ...................................... $245 UTH CLUB CPE ................................................ $445 FIRE • AUTO • CASUALTY Robed Sloano 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 TOH FOR HILLMAN MINX i I)onVerlible In Salurday's Parade [ I | | Highest Trade-In Prices  See BUD PAULEY ey Motors "Oll rbfmastown: U.R.A ,," Shelton, Dodge. Plymouth Agency AND RAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-8183 Opening Next Sunday, May 24 ON BEAUTIFUL, CLOSE.IN ' ,,o,, ,AvcA, HOODSPORT ..... The eighty- !ourth birthday of Mrs. Timothy Ryan was celebrated at a hmch- con held in the home of her daugh- ter Mrs. Stephen Hale. Mrs. Mark Ryan was co-hostess. Table decor- ations featured a lovely center- )iece of spring flowers arranged by Mrs. Joste Peterson. Guests from Tacoma were Mrs. Frank Chevalier, Mrs. Lida Brenninger, Mrs. James O'Brien, Mrs. Charles McAllister, and Mrs. Albert Bren- ninger. Mrs. Charles Elson, of Hoodsport also was a gmst. RECENT GUESTS in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Arnold were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nelson, and Marie Jorgensen of Seattle. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nornmn Simons and Pam, of Longmire, and Mr and Mrs. Warren Simons and sons, of Yelm. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gilmore spent several days in Walla Walla where they attended a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wheatly, of New Mexico, have returned to the canal for the smmner months and were welcomed by their daughter and family, Mr. ant Mrs. F. O. MeDowell. The Salty Sashayers, the Hood Canal Square Dance group, will hold a birthday dance, Saturday, May 23, in the Hood Canal Wom- en's Club House. Mr. Dodge, of Tacoma, will be caller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and girls were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray, and Mrs. Virginia Wallin. Members of the first and sec- ond graders in Mrs. Esther Chris- tensen's room enjoyed an afternoon picnic which was given in honor of the chilch'en with birthdays in the month of May, June, July and August. GllM)UATION exercises for the eighth grade students of Hood Cared Consolidated School District 404will be held in the Hoodsport Marvin E. Carls(m, ETNSN, USN, s.n of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Carlson, 125 W. Arcadia Ave., Shelton, has been selected for the Naval Aviation Cadet Trainng Program (NAVCAD), with training scheduled to eomnwnce at Pensacola, l,'h)rida, on July 18. UI )on con]l)lelion of the eighteen-month l)rogranl, (al'Json will be contnlissioned all officer in the United States Navy m' Marine Corps. Selection for the NAVCA1) program is highly competitive through(rot the service, with thousalds of young men applying fin' the (.oveted t)osilions annually. The applicant must l)ass rigid physical and mental examinations, and at least two y(!ars of college training are required. Carlson, 20, attended Irene S. Reed high scho(1, Centralia junior college, an(t the University of Cal- ifornia at Berkeley prior to entering the nawd ervice. tte is presently serving on board the USS HELENA (CA-75), serving with the Pacific Fleet. Upon dctachmUnt on Juue 12, he l)lans a inonth of leave at hiu home in Shelton. Mrs. Timothy Ryan Honored at S4th i Birthday Party at Hoodsport By Merlo Smith Gymnasium on vVednesday eve- ning, May 27, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Following the graduation, a party will be given for the stu- dents at Holiday Beach Clubhouse. Several of the local students who are members of the Shelton High school band traveled to Bremerton to participate in the Armed Forces Day parade. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan, of Cushman, are enjoying their love- ly new blue cat'. The Preschool Art Show, given by the Kindergarten children for their mothers, featured a lion by the name of Lassie, owned by Si Laramie, anti a black panther, Sam, owned by teacher, Mrs. Em- ery Winters. Other features of the show included paper animals made by the children and an aquarium containing guppies brought bY Jerry Smith, a turtle, and goldfish. Crayon and clay work was also on display. Mrs. Flora Lockwood is home after spending several days in a Shelton hospital recovering from a bout with the flu. Sandra Bor- ovesky has also returned to her home after measles and pneumonia onfined her to the hospital. :Mr. and Mrs. John Laramie and family were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Nell Laramie, of Shelton, on Sunday. Many Hoodsport and Potlatch children attended the Start Bore- son show in Shelton and came home carrying their prize, an au- tographed picture. VOTERS, don't forget the school levy election which will be held May 25, between one and eight p.m. Polling places will be open at the Itoodsport school, Lower Skokomish school, Middle Sko- Romish school and Union school. Mrs. Robert Gray, Mrs. Vh'ginia Wallin and Mrs. Robert Sm|th represented the Hood Canal Am- erican Legion Auxiliary Unit 230 at the Fourth District Spring Con- ferenee held in the I-lhodes Post in Tacoma. The proposed ocean trip for the eighth grade class planned for last Saturday was rained out, bu}class members are hoping they can still have it at a later date. Dale Sessions and friends, of Tacoma, spent the weekend with the. Howard Lockwood's. About 35 young people attended i a Young Life party held in the i beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Sund. The group enjoyed an evening of dinner and games. Iderb Dickinson is now recuper- ating from a recent .peration in a Shelton hospital. He had been moved here from Seattle. THE KING'S Garden truck will be at the Hood Canal Community Church on Thursday afternoon, May 28, to pick up used clothing or other articles. The church will be open all day for the convert- ienee of people wishing to leave Lake I abella articles for the tmlct(. Proceeds ,t of this work help maitaln King's Garden. The church women have need o old wool blankets for fillers for baby blankets and old sheets that • may be used for bandages. Tlley OPERATED BY LeRoy-Bill BOAD 3 MILES SOUTH OF SHELTON ON SHELTON. OLYMPIA HIGHWAY When It's Time for Family fun, You'll find the Answer at Maple Beach may be given to Mrs. Andy ScOtt. John Henderson From Flight School Second Lieutenant Jolan R. Hen- derson, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam G. Henderson of Shelton, Wash., has been graduated from basic school at Webb Air Force Base, Tex., and has been reassign- ed to one of the United States Air MATLOCK By Dora Hearing There will be a dance at Mat- lock Grange hall this Saturday night, May 23rd. Congratulations go to the Mary I M. Knight boys baseball team and their coach, John Hogben. They took first place in the Tri-Coun- ty League this season, and Mary M. Knight got second place • aL the track meet In Shelton Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Gen were Sunday dinner guests of the letter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Eickhoff of Olympia, and their uncle and aunt from California were also there. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Roasmamr and daughters, Margaret and Mrs. Luvern Goodburn, and baby, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. ahd Mrs. Eugene Psamaier of Black Lake. Mrs. Luvern Goodburn and baby left Sunday for her home at L)ng Beach, Calif., after ,upending two weeks with her folks here. Jeanne and Sandra Calkins ap- peared in Mrs. Violet Helin's l)iano recital Stmday afternoon which w,u held at the First Christian Church in EMma. Mrs. Hattie Bateman and Mrs. P. M. Farrell of Montesano spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Calkins en- Joyed a weekend from the latter's father of San Diego, Calif. Matlock Grange held tbeir reg- ular meeting Friday night and the chaplain, Dora Hearing, put on the Memorial selwices. The Mat- lock Grange also decorated a win- dow at Eells & Valleys in Shel- ton for the Forest Festival, "An Old Fashioned Kitchen." Mr. and Mrm Kenneth Widner and children of Montesano spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Valley. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. Boney Loertscher of Cloquallum. The Junior-Senior Banquet was held May 12th at Lhe Cohmial House in Shelton. The mastec of ceremonies was Sharon Kemery Who also gave the welcome add- ress. James Avery gave the re- sponse. Lydia Filyaw told of her experience as Forest Festiwd princess. There were 23 present in'eluding class advisors, Mr. Hog- ben and Superintendent Lee Gun- devsen. The thome ch0sen for the banqtlet was "Tomorrow." The Mary M. Knight athletic banquet was held May 15th in hnor of the lettermen. The guest of honor was Edward Lind. There were about 80 present. Mr. Lind Boreson Draws Large Crowd Stan Boreson and his dog No- Mo drPw an excited crowd of over 500 ut his show in lhe Mas, m Counly Memorial Armory Salm'- day. ° 'Phe KING-'iv star drew entlm- siastie applallse fronl him aliliellt!O dLIring the one-h(alr show, and sev- eral Shelton children were on stage with him at various times. Bill Hartman, SRA Skin Diving Club president, wbich is handling Forest Festival button sates and was instrumenlal in getting Bore- son here, expressed thanks to the following local merchants for their financial assistance: Jim I-'auley Motors, J. C. Penney Co., Earl Jagnow, Beckwith Jew- elry, Angle Agency, Eells and Valley Appliance Center,'Sheit,m Printing and Stationery Co., We. teffront Realty, Cota Grill, Spud- nut Shop, M 8,- S Food Store and Ritner's Care. and Mr. Hogben spoke to the group. The letter.,t were given by Mr. Boydston and Mr. Hogben. David Kelley won the "Upton Shaw" trophy. Bernal Bmce of Seat:tle is spending this weeks vacation witl the Blain Bunce family. Gene Brown returned Monday by plane from a two weeks wca- tion in Hawaii. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boydst0n and children spent the weekend in Renton. The U.S. Navy's newest air-sea base, now under development aL Rots, Spain, is 60 air miles west of the historic Rock of Gibraltar. Pa PREFAB HOMES Delivered To Your Lot Complete with pier foundation, wiring, plumbing and fixtures, roofing, insulation, eleotri range, refrigerator and hot wa- ter tank. TO SHELTON FOR 2 B.R. - 24'x26' 3 B.R. - 24'x34' 3 B.R. - 24'x5()' 4 B.R. - 24'x52' WRITE NOW BUDGET Housing Co. 2200 Simpson Ave. HOQUIAM, WASH. Phone GE 9-1280 $1 $1608 $2885 HI, HOHEY! TH[ SALES TRIP IS CO IRE. BUT I SU 0 THE LL IRL IT'S GREAT TO VISIT HOME BY LONG DISTANCE AND THE COST IS SO SMALL! Pacific T00tephone --IN SHELTON Gomplete Line Force's tactical units for duty. CAMPING o MMING o e of 1'/ major air comands into g which the United States Air Force TO MAKE ROOM for lhis Fine Merchandise-- is divided. ATC iv responsible for: all recruiting and training of air force personnel. We Are OLEARIN OUT OUR OLD UNES AT The lieutenant is married to the EQUIPHEHT -- SUPPUES Chris Craft Boats -- Bryant Boats -- Whitehouse Boats Little Dude Boat Trailers -- Evinrude Motors Glasspar Boats ,-- Hoiselaw Trailers -- Z-Spar Paints Marine Hrdre --,Water Skis, Tow Ropes AND McCulloeh Chain Saws -- Simplicity Tillers and Tractors -- Jacobsen Power Mowers former Miss Vera Hart, who parents live in ValleJo, Calif. He is G DANCING a graduate 0f tbe contract prt. NICKIN 000000]Base,coo00flYingTexaS.6uerdSCb°°l ioersat :Moore Air Here Every Tuesday t '  t Balh Houses & Dressing Rooms • New, Modern, Clean Reslrooms 25% discount On all General Hardware, Plumbing Supplies, Garden Sup- plies, Pipe Fittings, Shovels, Garden Hoses, Rakes, Electrical Supplies, Air Tight Heaters, Stove Pipes, Paints, Nails, Grass Seed, Weather Stripping, and Many Others. Anyone bringing In this ad will receive one dollar in credit toward any purchase of five dollars or more. Limit one ad per customer. Shelton Marine, Supply (Formerly Hillcrest Hardware) 1209 Olympic Highway South, Shelton 'Dial HA 6-8163 n, Protected Swimming Area  Playfield, Game, Area Outdoor Kitchen and Eating Area  Indian Nature Trail Open-air Dance Pavilion and Snack Bar (10:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.) ALL IN A LOVELY SYLVAN SETTING FOR RESTFUL RELAXATION U.S. Coast Guard recruiting of- ricers will be in Shelton every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Shelton hotel to interview high school seniors interested in service with that organization. Those who would like addition- al information on the opportuni- ties offered in the Coast Guard should contact the recruiting of- rice in Tacoma. The phone number to call is MArket '/-5454. It takes at least a full year aboard an active submarine for an officer to become eligible to pin on his "dolphins" and become a full-fledged bubmariner.