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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18 Th! SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin \\;\U xd l,,b 111 " A,t I,/, n// m " FOR SAL00 FOR SALE FOR RENT mu SHRtTB-.-Good supply on hand, fruit SOYSF, N PAINT--sJI types and kinds, FOR E OR RENT--Professional Classified Advertising BmWSF AROUND at Bar-Din. There SINGER SLANT- NEEDLE. Repos- $25 A MONTH unfurnished l-bedroom , ) trees, large well branched trees, choice of 18 colors. L.M. DEOOR- rug, upholster, equipment, supPll. Rates ,, sure h, be som,,thing you will ] sessed. Take over payments o: $6.00 apt. Neat, clean, completely modern, hours. Wagoner Feed Co., 219 So. First. ATING CieNTIR, 821 Railroad. L. M. I:ooraung Jenter, 821 "Rail- want ,dther in the Thrift department  per month or Pay off balance of Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- 2-bedroom Phone HA 6-4592. S/12 tin 1129 tta road Avenue. 2IN tin 15 word8 or |e (minirflnm or tile Gift and Hobby Shop where [ $56.60. Equipped to zig zag, over- nished apts. at slit-,dhtly higher rates, or, dryer. there arc arlificial flower arrange-[ cast, blind hem, do decorative Sportmen's Apartment Motel, HA 6- Carte, ONE R-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carco MONO CHAIN SAWS, Slr h dirge BOATS, MemoIRs, TRdk.II.P, e¢lull, clmFge) $1.00 single insertion, ments ,ff every kind and size. Bar- stitches, etc. For further informa- 3772. A4/9 tin weekends arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading drive, $.50, 18-lnc chalk9., memt  Waif's Xarine 8plF, om _D_in. opposite the Arnmry. 5/21 tin t.i,)n call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- lines, bloeks, shackles, chokers; 1944 Hillerest Hardware. II/1S tin buTt  Hood lmd. Phone H¢lf  $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for .............................. time. 4/28 tin FORelectricRENT--Modernrange and tank.furnishedwaterCabln'free. FOR- Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. port 7-f. 1 three insertions. Additional in- ARTIFICIAL FLowERs for Decors-  FT. SEMI cc'-uise-'-" with 22 hp. Reasonable. Pitons HA 6-4841. .... ' Call HA 6-8448 or HA 6-3086. 4/9 tin FOR SAI.; large lon of re- - • SELIING OUT all general" hardware rtion• 25¢ each. Rates for tics Day--potted ur in sprays. Bar- Din Thrift, Itobby and Gift Shot), 520 Gray Marine motor or will trade for C1/8.. tin George. conditioned rm=ges, refvigeralorl, ",O/.,OR IILK processing, direct  washers, dryerl. ]Sells & Valle  Items. 25% discount. See our ad ierger adl on request. Franklin, opposite Armory. smaller boat and trailer. Phone HA ier0 fter, more efflcienL Also - plignce Center. l/ elsewhere in Journal. Shelton Marine L B 5/21-28 6-6779. L 517 tin CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, ny day or hour photo finishing. Try m. Zleg- Supply (formerly Hillcrest Hard- Card of thanks $1.50 Read- + ................... week. Cameron Hotel 2/8tln FOR RENT: 1 ler's Stud 1 No. nd, HA. 6-1, TORO 19-inch Whirlwind power tawj e / au m" nntt  wor minimum, FOR SALE' Two second-hand Built- SMALL UPRIGHT piano for sale, ........... - ........ C__ 15 d .... ) g.od condition, reasonably priced. FOR RENT -- Attractive waterfront 718 No. 6t11, tRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS!S/I$UnAr- ware.meTer' $89.95, Terms. Sheltons/21.2Hard- FOR--dkI.E--t re.Head a I 1958 ,Pl.v_+ v+¢'l"m,..v° ..... tll ',..''h  t !inch..  m andWell. $5950davenp°rt. • ;4 .... Bambooand chairshades sets;4 . $49,5(to. 12. Pbonc HA 6-4819 evenings, U 5/721 home,lences, 101ZamlleabedroomS'from town.Cit: Callc°nvev' 5 model IS h,p. Evlnrude outboard IPa. .u a1.-o.,#, .. v  .... t. TICS. none HA 6-.411, 1. o/2 -' d-3641. G1/15 tf FOI ragmenU for all tours, trapof ROOFING and all olel, hulid ms- tore at'greaUy ted pricee. Ilill- $1.0 per insertion. iTE-lS--sio-w_-wciiand'd:(..,eiiwa: (;COD SELECT4ON of used powe.r v--abh three room tatio and reervations, at ao addi- terlala, Dothtnl down, N on t- to crt dware. 1/1 tin an o,=4€=, o,,,o,,H=elt  ' ter pumps. 10% off durlxg May at mower., all over-hauled and in A-1 Adults. No tlonal ccitt to you. Clara Bell Angle° pay under  terms now available - ,+   .,a,,a* , .......... 8 condition. Priced from $27.50. guar- At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4tx,, bage 6/tfa _phons HA. 6-4808. {$161 B l en,i mtmt be paid in advance. Ads |1 anteed. For Sate. Sleysters Bike & FOoom apt., completel) Fixit Shop. S 5/21-6/I1 furnished. Phone HA 6-65% 1/s t. SKINDIVERS- Used aqua mnp, nsw TOP SOIL, gravel, fill d,rt. F.E.  ,.'a-lTo $.F-'] .t.akem.over the telephone .m.tll wood, $10"a cord. ]TA 6-4127. - ..................................... surplus €4-in. Neoprene wet suite, Ogden. HA 8-8158. $/15. tin lers ro 'Crmmnter, i Nort e pato ezore me ena o the |1 C/12tfn CONCERT ELECTRIC chord organ. tailored 4-1n. sklrdving and water WZ Btr YoUR I/'P, or will dl ]Plrnt. ...... $/tLD. month. An. extra charge of 10€ |[5-R S--a-k-(7--$-2.:s.--;i: Converts to portable. Easy to play. FOR RNT--Furnlghed cottages and $199.95 see at Johnnys Music Box. trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 Un HAIR DRESS UP THAT.wood shed for For- I will be made when billing t[[ ia Perkms, Rt. 3, Box 248. CltY. 5.Ol 5/7 tin ing. 520 skiing sulls or kits Newest In skin- on com|ignment, Your bost moto, eat Featlvm week ena. we nave an l ,,,o. • I r , /. MinxdiVing' foreqUipment'se. I-'imne1951HA Hillman6.6877. trailer& etc Hlllert Hsr4/p a Inexpensive, but fair quality, white[ ..... J" [[L/kT +-------VTn-: • F--(Y-l SALE: Piano, Baldwin Acrosontc IODERNnished apt.S'r°°msteamgr°undheat electriqfl°°r fur-kit. WORK WANT outside paint for your use. Only $2.10] I _ [+.rli.a].m uiil.Wsrt slaWS. ,5 t spinet, Cash, Call after 5:00 p.m. HA cleaning Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles  6-4227. P 5/14-28 chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tin 1flPR 8A,I0: wlsd st10 piat• pll+: per gallon In 4 gallon quantities or I . ;7  .. ......  *_ ;..7 ." sitting more [ 11r1 .(A1".i.' rnone A 6-sa. J a/t ua IE-W Ii)QPR-I-(E--l-hwn---m-owerh.gai ;2 stoned lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone .......................................................... pulleys d shafts, All ,ty Slo 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tin IS Yi,UR LAWN ready fl,r the Forest vge. Shelto Junk .Co,, lurer a Oray;toa o Slwtoa 5/7.14 t .'vJtW **.=.a ,,." B-IN--V-Hea,y- den teens and hose. Lunafords Fire- stone store, 317 Raih'oad. 5/11 tin I-ROOM FURNISHED apt., 2 bed- WANTED: large -- ack :-el. cartons 97 cents, gel- timber. Cash. tilJ.zer,Fetival?theGalbraitherganlc GOlflawnGreenfertilizer,,Fer- M.fll, phone ]flA. 6-888. , , 9'45 "t" ]gV'/.RUD] OLPAR]D M.OTOR SsHm] GOLDFISH for :dle. 35 e o.tseach, reins $1.7 rooms, our , 2&-gallons $3.97. Fess- A-:R--CoOLEi)---'()UTBOAR-b--$'i09§-5 washer, dryer, refrigerator, wffl give you a heautiful gre+m lawn -- for walls, windows, gmo ee at ll|-et H&rd [ 688 Arcadia, pnone lA e-4/ } tin ler's Ice Cream Center. 422 North with carrier $119.95. Lumsfox'ds Fire- electric range, trash burner, oil heat- Co.; stone, er. Water and garbage included. floors. Paint t wallpaper, drape. , k,, n I First, 6/9 tin 317 Railroad. 5/11 tin for early summer. We have spreaders rugs, tile, yartlgoods. .M. D]OR- for your .e. Graystom: o1" ShelteR. 5/7-14 ATINI C'ETR, SPI Railroad. -6R SALE---------l4--fBl-cft- biat Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 -- ................................................ lf  good condition. $50. Phone HA 6-3210. -OR RFT 5th & Pins. B2/26 tin WANTED: "CRIA," rubber [COW FERTILIZER for sale in two stsnip for sale it tl Jollrlll, $1.1[ yard load, $9 delivery in Sheltf . large enough FOR SALE--two plywood boat L-----'oil'" trailer, 13, 2  $  4tI lL'l/llil[ Phone HA 6-6077. L_4_/_o un Mc 5/21-28 BEDROOM apt,, heat furnished. 6-6217. bottom. tdes and deck. snltd ft., shower bath, Priced for quick K)P. ILkI-whel ter, oo4 o-[BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- FOR SALE: Holstein and Guernsey RENT---One.bedroom heated fur- Inquire 1119 Franklin or phone HA wtthany transmnlifting andbandies.framing,tranom sale. $422 Washington St. Phone HA Hn r}n , ¢..a ,,7,mblv ] pany sales and service. Local repre- cow. Milking 4 gallons per day. Rt. nlshed apartment. Adults only. 311 6-6496. B 5/7 tin WILL DO ironieS, and drain 6lug. 6-3209, T 5/7*28 --Y-'..-'"#'" , , .. th HA-800I A4/S0 tin S-E-'LLi'NG--()lJT--al+i-genera-lh'arc[war(: D-SBORO0-G-H- TRAII.R PARK. 6-2070. Photo; HA -B977, , ..... - *')- ] sentative Tally Anderson. Phone 1, Box 281 or HA 6-6995. B 5/21 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tin FOR RENT WITH LEASE -- arge cents hour. 121 " ltn. Me 4-61181 ,TOHIN DOW2/,  montl to IY AC(()RDION. I0B, like new. Mttt re-] .. _ ..... waterfront borne. Beautiful view. lmder I.H,A. te on ifll bulll items. 25% discount. See our ad Convenient to mills mad downtown Suitable for family with 3 or 4 ehil- WANTED: Will .......................................... I , ' FOR 8ALE--Reasonabl, p I d - elsewhere Journal. Shelton Marine stores. Ci, ty sewer and water. At dren. $75 per too. Call Mr. Mann,Wa- or mine. SELLING OUT all gem ral hardware  Ittppll, Tump it all tnler @ L rts. Bargain for balance due  e ol e Here in e Bo H, Journal. 114- ford Bull. No papers but full Supply (formerly Hillcrest Hard- S4/4ta terfront Realty HA 6-8535. tin 23rd. HA items. 25+ diseounf. See our adl on lr-r, 4{} .  Mr. I:N highway orldge. 5/7 elsewhere in Journal. Sbelton Marine HA. 6-4. /SU ] n .. blooded. Coming 4 years old. Phone wax,(;). 5/21-28 FOR BNT: light housekeeping room. HOUSE FOR RENT or lease available WANTED; Home Sol, ply (formerly Hillcrest Hard- .€I[:I BIMC 'IOP [SOIL, _fl dilt HA 6-6850. $4/30-5/14 3t H'p.SALEooled 13 ft. cabin boat8 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. June 6. No pets.. Also 2 bedroom old; : part 1 Wisconsin motor and Rd/l&t.fn house for sale. Inquire 1419 Cota 6-2136. wareL 5/21-25 dr°od irr&wol,mld filldrtmsgwel,.LSTl4  BOO $OAT$,torl| at 'lqTeAIHlllerut HArdware.and outboard$/t.fllmo- Boatelutch?iXnCWHousc. paint,Hoodspor t,$295' Restwash.While i() =-T(-)e--e-edoot-:---t,-u:ih,; across the bridge, h 5/7-28 BAR-DIN MARINA and Power Ms- grave] f CONSTRUCTION CO. T'--I:X-T--TiM-E'-+you'+-Pa--s'--bY "-l-r J 5/14 tin all-electric house, Phone HA 6-4644. -- ............................ WANTED: He chtnery. Remington chain saws, Zeus ersola, phone  {155. John's $5/7 tin FOR RENT. Rug and upholstery two nursing geJu+raiors, portal, h, power. 1916 Creek Il,  Oriwel..4k,t Olympia Highway No. B 5/14 tin HOI.IE0 OD, ll$]Pl:) plant stop and see some of our un- 'I-ii'MS---{)%--al;a]iab-lo--on-afl iS(-)R--llNT'or-'-al---2-o'r-I--btdrti0n cleaning equipment and supplies. LM kilh,rs for 11 +OA.ON  usualcolors, steppingAn inexpensiveSt°ne waydesignSto makead lmnpbulldingconstructionmaterials cotsall°WSunderY°U one:t°' u,ffurnishcd house. Garage. Phone Decorating Center. 321 Raih.oad.5/7 tin Also one house - ' '' USED Reo/ Typo Power Mower---20" HA. {$-441 a walk way to your outside clothes btU. For informatioa inquire at HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P 5/7 tin ................................... cut -- useo very Ilttls and in perfect /27111 line. 7th and Park sts. Iwton Lumbsr,40 . 1st t. Phono F-(3R--R-]NT---3--1-oo]i{-ho-ds(/--neWly FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom unfurnished WANTED: BILL'S SEPTIC TANK operating condition- basket includ- _ - Graystone of Shelter 5/7-14 HA. 6-40. 6/Stir decorated, stoves furnished. Reason- house. $50.00 per montil. Phone HA h,r ed  Prlce $80. , i. ]Pulk, Rt. 2, ................... able. Call HA 6-8550 evenings. 6-8486. Angleside. M 5/7 tin SERVICE Be, 699, ShelteR, F 5/14-21 ", FOR 8ALE --- 20 foot day cruiser, A-1 FSis--IE-----N](-.'-,7-Ra -B::t:l-t;cifer ............................................................ aud mineral shape thruout, convertible top and and rabbit fertilizer. By sack or ....... G 5/7 tin FOR RENT -- 3 room furnished horse the Nutri-i cockpit fly, excellent built-in stor- trailer h)sd. Mrs. E. M. McCowan. FOR"--RE-NT-'--2--be'.dz')o'n-})me PaP{IY on R.R. Ave. Phone 6-8638 or I-IA a PEEDY VAC'UU'M CLANLNO , , ,t " " FIR SLAB WOOD age, galley. Sleeps 2. $2000 Includes Phone HA 6-3626. Mc 5/21-28 fnrn shed. near the mills. Phone 6-8146.. H 5/14-28 Nu Risk plan ................................................. Life Ma tzine, boathouse. Don McCuiston, phone H]GH-P-()+V-E-R-'I,{-ghte.-4W}ITgb{-! Fast- HA 6-3477. 5/7-14 FOR RENT: 3 1),droom house. 707 Jack Poell Id Phone HA 6-2442 erda -- 15 - 20 Inch HA 6-3863. 5/7-21 (.st cuttin al highest power Rem- F-(Jii-RENT'3:room-ait'_'l*urnisled, 5th Ellinor. Inquire 629 Cota. HA 6-6663. inl'omoathm. 5/7-tin SEASWIFT MARIN $16 PIR IJ0D O-L-DR--O"Thone ington Saws. Bar-Pin's Marina, andCedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tin C 5/14-21-28-6/4 WORK-WANTi Mountain View. B 5/14 tin DOWNTOWI+APARTMENTS fox" rent. FOR RENT - 3 b,drootll botlse, sick, house c] , , ..... ,,,, ,   , elton and Vlcinty HA 6-4010. P 5/7-6/4 -)i-i---SAi./+j--.Z-][i)iWi---pl;ui+;,.-ex(;+q: en. Also attractlvely furnished one ler and gai'l)ag't. Iuid, fem'-d in back or will babY e ' CONSTRUCTION P][E  -211 FOR SAE l.astn'anS-nn movie cam- h,nt condition, bench included, beau- bedroom apartments. All utUities yard $45, 226,5 So. 71h. Plum,+ HA Durand, phons KNTI-I F. COX era lJ7 good as new worih $99.50. iiful tme. $250. Phone HA 6-6158 aft- furnished except llght. Reasonable. 6-8579. G 5/14-21 3323. Will sacrifice for $35. Phone HA er 5 p.m, or anytime weekends. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-81/7. '-(-)P'--iRFJhl'=2--b%}lrt-;;m--unftlrnished IJ-RNACI!I-- BELFAIR GARDENS -l-Un 6-2464. J 5/7-:]8 ..................... P 5(14 tin 12/4 tfn bouse, nicely decorat,:d, across front stallations, 4--14 X 5' 10" V-Bottom Run ................. O-'NS YEAR GI:XR-ANIng: THE WELL KEPT CARPET slmws ONE AND TWO bearoom unfurnished Golf Court, $55 per me. Phone HA Furnace o. - the results of regular Bhu, Lustre apartments, hot water heat, range, 6-4000. B4/30 tin 6-61.21. Come and see Mother Nature abouts from ......... $200 to $S75 tou saw, 60 days guaranteed chain, slmt cb,aning. Lumbermcn's MortaR- refrigerator included. Holly Hill 6Nl--B-Ei:iP,(0M--apai:imeT't--for-"/ht ¢-l}+--Ft ,---'} putting life and color into all Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- tile Co. 5/21 Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, with fireplace, downtown. Utilities tmr plants. Roses in bud, and chtnery. See them!! B 5/14 tin ......... -I,)]'-SA-II, .......... manager, Apt. S. Phons HA. 6-8088 paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. available o some blooming. Late Azalias 1--16x6' 3" V-Bottom ........ $400 HIGHEST CASH PAID 7, s,,d daveno and Chair $39.50; Used or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn Furnished. " $1/22 tin are better Dares, $20.00: Dav,np¢)rt and chain' F-0"Fi.--RE'5iT22iu'i:iee-dr-o-6- ONE who is wills beginning to bloom; Ever- For Timber Stumpage Custom Tractor Work ,395o: Overstuffed chair $20.00; 3-ROOM apartment at Watkins Floor lamp $5.00: Drop h,af dlncue duplex apartment, washing facilities, reduced rent. Will take one small extract. are greens breaking into new col 1--16 x 7' 5" Lapatroke Con- and I.nds Rotovattg or regular plowing, 706 Cota. P1/29 tin sol and 4 chais $39.50; 96" Mane- child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA dies Houu or; plus many other plants of vertible top and steering $925 any drop h,af table $75.00; Formwa FOR RENT -- 3-room furnished apL, 6-2228. La12/4 tin equal beauty and well worth Iterestid parties diseing and harrowing, excavating, top drop leaf table $39.50; Wood cook washing facilities, carport, adults seeing, call evening8 collect, blade leveling, road grading, road stove $20.00; Crib and mattress only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- Products, All Above- New Construction gravel. Well-aged imwdust. Work $15.00: Round labe and 4 ('hairs R4/16 tin plex. Electric heat, garage utility erton. W BELFAIR GARDENS Bar-Din Enterprises by hour single-handed. Jerome $22.50; Vanity and plate mirr.r $22.- 2i;E---ER-(i-i}+-r-n}-S-}i;d-aP}t).t" room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tin 7-5661, 50; SI)imlle b-d $12.50; Mt)ntag sir- mcnt for rent. Inquire Shelter Shoc FOI{-REIIT L2-+Snit-ll-furn]she-d- hgi]s(i Star Rt. 1, Box 55. Belfair, Wash. FORT PRODUCTS Burke, HA 6-3678. culator, wood, $60, Kelley's Furni- Rel)air or call HA 6-6544 after 6 p.m. H (rt st, au tab  for [n . Two b(d-' Across from Belfair P.U.D. Phone HA 6-4652 star RL 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn, ture. 625 So. 1st. Piton,' llA 6-2.111 5/14 r(,(,In wah:rfront (:ottae, Agalc. MAN OR - .................................................. Phone HA 6-4.128. J 5/14-28 kins locality LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., hours of TeJephone HA. 6-683T , heat and hot water furnished, Phone 2315 OLYMPI@ HIWAY NO. HA 6-3084. $3/19 tin ..... ,, ........ Ethel M, Barton  John . Dinning Phone HA. 8-4292 ' OPENING: For local married FOR RENT--Partly r-n-}-s-d apt. 2 ON large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. A. '" 111h St., B1 '' ' ..... , ' .... COMMEtC'IAL & RESIDENTIAL, man, age 30 or older preferr, furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 HOOD CAN call ESsex APPLIANCES New and Remodeling Interested in making a permanent p.m. K2/26 tin a.lll. connection with national concern FOR RENT--Rent. lease or sell iai;g-e Beach frontage with tide lands. AUTO FOR RENT USED FURNITURE Enjoy Summer outdoors Tidewater Construction having background of 44 years building, 22O wiring, close to stores on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for Low bank, level lots at Pleasant paint houseS, Your Local Builders stzccessful business. Unusual op- cabinet shop or business or home Harbor. mates phone Clark Elstrtc lO, oor ander We CHAISE LOUNGE o Job too large or too snail, portunity for advancement and in- or both or tear down if sold. Phone 1202 Cota Sterling FAectrie Portable Shelton, Washington come. Sales experience helpful, HA 6-4297. 5 E. Pine. K3/5 tin I-)vely residence at Triton Cove. WILL DJ:) ] Hand Sana,rs Buy and Sell and 2 matching 11-20 tin not essential. Full informational RESORTS • BUSINESSES the hour. Rogin& lectrle ]floor or contrasting schooling and training given. High l erenccs. Poliaher SEE US FIRST , ' , commissions, outstanding bonus FOR LEASE: 771 acres of brush BYRON E. BROCK, wE BuY eraP Hou Ja. COLOR CHAIRS ** plan Drawing account. Personal land in Mason and Kitsap Coun- interview with manager in charge, ties at 50¢ acre; 40 acres of brush Realty Streets. LAWTON LUMBER BUDGET SHOP 3 pcs. $27.95 DRY SLAB WOOD Car essential. Write qualificatious, land in Mason Co. at 60¢ acre by HAMA HAMA LODGE, Eldon • * " address and phone number to Dan Commissioner of Public Lands. Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5322 lawns, 14 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6.4303 321 R. R. Ave $20.00 Load N. Gudgel, Box 1341, Dallas, Public auction 10 a.m., May 22, at 6847.. .10t.  HA 6-433 Olsen Furniture Texas. 5-21-1t Ma)n and Kitsap County Court- - .... , ..... 5/7-tin 328 Cota HA. 6-4702 Phone HA 6-6463 houses. 5/21-1t CHAIN SAW ,, , accurate C'11"20-t In  u __JJ _= I " ----- - -[ H i[[L [ ' i i i [ I FOR SALE - • , - Owner Transferred USED FURNITURE Bar-Din Boats *USED APPLIANCES BAR-0|N' MAR|NA  POWER MAH|NERY SEE THIS -ROOM Northcliff Home P.O.Box 5 Davenoee ........................ $15.00 up 1,, our ,--E.. Spin.dry 00sho00, The Garden Shop m Phone HA 6-422? ater 5:00 p.m. 3 cffa & Carg ............. $45,00 up Any size or style 5oAt on order like new $,50 923 Roy Blvd. 3-Pc. Sectional $39.00 W IIPISS ............................ ROITI 1, BOX 48  P 5/14-28 ..................... 3--re-cond/tioned TV sets, just Phone HA 6-3710 Range, Elec ......................... $49.00 Fishermen and duck hunters, right for summer cabin $59,50 3 Refrigerators ............ $39.50 ca. eo us before you buy 2--40-inch electric Ale .......... Ea. $1.75 Used 2 Din. Sets .................... $29.50 ca. ranges ................................ $45.00 Flame, yellow, lavender, Chrome Set ........................... $39.50 Bar-Din Enterprises Oil heaters ............ $25 and up heavily budded, RE ----------'--- 00000000JMiN00TON USED Will BtlY swing mk+r ..................... $1.0 Forest Products z--incinerators .................... $da.0o Rhododendrons CABIN FURNITURE ev's Oct. Table $6.50 1916 Olympic Hlgltway N l--large tricycle .................... $12,50 Iu'ge plant, budded. HA IFloor Lamps ................... $9.00 ea, Telephone HK 6-6837 2wood ranges .................... $35.00 .50 & $4.50 Ea. • BARGAIN PRICES VnJty w/mirror ................ $19.50 formerly Maxtin's ot hop 2--wood heaters .................... $35.00 ild's Table & Chrs ......... $6.00 " t 1--Rexaire vacuum cleaner Clematis POWER SAWS • GOOD SELECTION with attachments .......... $18.00 Ten colors, laxge flowered blues, 5 h.p. and 7 h.p. direct drive, 7 h.p. gear driven DICK'S ° NEW FURNITURE BATTERIES - rIRES 1--Royal upright vacuum purples, pinks, reds and white BUDGET SHOP cleaner with attach ..... $15.00 Also evergreen. 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 and Elarged Stock for Immllte 2--GE steam irons, like new $9.00 $1.75 & $2.00 Ea. i Across from Evergreen :  CSIst, finished .................... $14.95 Delivery -  Cot per 1--Dexter wringer washer, .(atton Mattre .................. $13.95 month for Nationally good condition $41}.50 Magnolias ...... Ea. 3,00 Square) PH0 ° : Swlng Rockers .................... $51}.00 Advertised Tyrex Cord ................ Blooming plants. Day :t. s, .................. $124.,5 ^lltat+ m,t Culon Wr. Olsen Furniture RED ...... ,00.0o Finest Te/evision :  Daveno" ................................... $79,50 FRI] TIR MOUNTING 328, Cota .... HA. 6-4702 ROSIS .......................... $1.00 EA. AGENT- 2J+;Cu. Ft. Upr, l'eezer ...... $369,95 +' , " Sears Ctlog SRles It in P[ I ' [ ' [' IT ......... Warehouse Specials: BUDGET SHOP Office 16' Upright Dcluxe Coldspet Acro from Evergreen Square Evergrn Bquare " Freezer--- Shelto Ph, HA.. 6-$201 The TRIMFORM is especially designed for big people, Was $364.95 '.: ...... Now $299.95 Oraln field#, ..... .... ........ nH' tall people -- people with real weight, posture, circu- Kenmore Comb. Washer-Dryer lation problcm. Made so well that the guarantee is Was $399.95 ........ Now $339.95 not placed in jeopardy if machine is used for commero 24" Mahogany TV Console Ph. HA. ctal purposes. A complete don't have to Was $279.95 ........ Now $229.95 If no See FRIGIDAIRE First ftnd usacttgtomer|nordertowinthenecessaryequip. Hi-Fi Stez'eo-- ment.--Trimform already has it! The most beautiful Was $264.95 ........ Now $239.95 slenderizing machine on the market, and the best made. Hi-Fi Stereo Speaker-.- No be, lt to slip or make ncse. Same price as ordinary ' Was $50.95 ............ Now $,i4.95 • REFRIGERATORS machines. Free home demonstration. Trlmform of Shelton, HA 6-6889, (Formerly Horton.Stauffer Agency,) Sears Catalog Sales O RANGES 5/21 Office Shclton - Phone HA 6-8201 • w00s.F00S .' Rated First ,, tin • DRYERS BABY CroCKS! .. CONSUMERS REPORT FARM EQUIPMENT alao for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT New Hampahir Sharp I)icturc, high quality tonc, unnlatchcd cabinet, OC-4 Crawlcr - diesel - with blade, drum, & APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE White Leghorn  carefree rvice. Only 5 months old - just like new.. ...................... TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 White Reeks {meat 2 Cletracs, Diesel, gas, with blade & drum, • type) "ASK ANY ZENITH OWNER" Caterpillar "30" with bladc 8N Ford Tractor. ....................................................... : We Sell and Service Zenith Cub Tractor with plow, blade, buzz saw ................ "  W&gener Feed Co. --'sen Furniture o,, Tractor with loader . ........................................  l)ading - Bay City 58 yard - for Shovel 219 So. First St. VI hovel front, excellent condition I00¢AIfTILg Rear Blades- Discs- Mowers ° M  . PHONE HA. 6-4532 328 Cota ' Phone HA 6-4702 Montesano Feed & Seed + 424 Fleet St., S., Telephone 151, MontesarO, 18 Th! SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin \\;\U xd l,,b 111 " A,t I,/, n// m " FOR SAL00 FOR SALE FOR RENT mu SHRtTB-.-Good supply on hand, fruit SOYSF, N PAINT--sJI types and kinds, FOR E OR RENT--Professional Classified Advertising BmWSF AROUND at Bar-Din. There SINGER SLANT- NEEDLE. Repos- $25 A MONTH unfurnished l-bedroom , ) trees, large well branched trees, choice of 18 colors. L.M. DEOOR- rug, upholster, equipment, supPll. Rates ,, sure h, be som,,thing you will ] sessed. Take over payments o: $6.00 apt. Neat, clean, completely modern, hours. Wagoner Feed Co., 219 So. First. ATING CieNTIR, 821 Railroad. L. M. I:ooraung Jenter, 821 "Rail- want ,dther in the Thrift department  per month or Pay off balance of Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- 2-bedroom Phone HA 6-4592. S/12 tin 1129 tta road Avenue. 2IN tin 15 word8 or |e (minirflnm or tile Gift and Hobby Shop where [ $56.60. Equipped to zig zag, over- nished apts. at slit-,dhtly higher rates, or, dryer. there arc arlificial flower arrange-[ cast, blind hem, do decorative Sportmen's Apartment Motel, HA 6- Carte, ONE R-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carco MONO CHAIN SAWS, Slr h dirge BOATS, MemoIRs, TRdk.II.P, e¢lull, clmFge) $1.00 single insertion, ments ,ff every kind and size. Bar- stitches, etc. For further informa- 3772. A4/9 tin weekends arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading drive, $.50, 18-lnc chalk9., memt  Waif's Xarine 8plF, om _D_in. opposite the Arnmry. 5/21 tin t.i,)n call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- lines, bloeks, shackles, chokers; 1944 Hillerest Hardware. II/1S tin buTt  Hood lmd. Phone H¢lf  $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for .............................. time. 4/28 tin FORelectricRENT--Modernrange and tank.furnishedwaterCabln'free. FOR- Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. port 7-f. 1 three insertions. Additional in- ARTIFICIAL FLowERs for Decors-  FT. SEMI cc'-uise-'-" with 22 hp. Reasonable. Pitons HA 6-4841. .... ' Call HA 6-8448 or HA 6-3086. 4/9 tin FOR SAI.; large lon of re- - • SELIING OUT all general" hardware rtion• 25¢ each. Rates for tics Day--potted ur in sprays. Bar- Din Thrift, Itobby and Gift Shot), 520 Gray Marine motor or will trade for C1/8.. tin George. conditioned rm=ges, refvigeralorl, ",O/.,OR IILK processing, direct  washers, dryerl. ]Sells & Valle  Items. 25% discount. See our ad ierger adl on request. Franklin, opposite Armory. smaller boat and trailer. Phone HA ier0 fter, more efflcienL Also - plignce Center. l/ elsewhere in Journal. Shelton Marine L B 5/21-28 6-6779. L 517 tin CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, ny day or hour photo finishing. Try m. Zleg- Supply (formerly Hillcrest Hard- Card of thanks $1.50 Read- + ................... week. Cameron Hotel 2/8tln FOR RENT: 1 ler's Stud 1 No. nd, HA. 6-1, TORO 19-inch Whirlwind power tawj e / au m" nntt  wor minimum, FOR SALE' Two second-hand Built- SMALL UPRIGHT piano for sale, ........... - ........ C__ 15 d .... ) g.od condition, reasonably priced. FOR RENT -- Attractive waterfront 718 No. 6t11, tRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS!S/I$UnAr- ware.meTer' $89.95, Terms. Sheltons/21.2Hard- FOR--dkI.E--t re.Head a I 1958 ,Pl.v_+ v+¢'l"m,..v° ..... tll ',..''h  t !inch..  m andWell. $5950davenp°rt. • ;4 .... Bambooand chairshades sets;4 . $49,5(to. 12. Pbonc HA 6-4819 evenings, U 5/721 home,lences, 101ZamlleabedroomS'from town.Cit: Callc°nvev' 5 model IS h,p. Evlnrude outboard IPa. .u a1.-o.,#, .. v  .... t. TICS. none HA 6-.411, 1. o/2 -' d-3641. G1/15 tf FOI ragmenU for all tours, trapof ROOFING and all olel, hulid ms- tore at'greaUy ted pricee. Ilill- $1.0 per insertion. iTE-lS--sio-w_-wciiand'd:(..,eiiwa: (;COD SELECT4ON of used powe.r v--abh three room tatio and reervations, at ao addi- terlala, Dothtnl down, N on t- to crt dware. 1/1 tin an o,=4€=, o,,,o,,H=elt  ' ter pumps. 10% off durlxg May at mower., all over-hauled and in A-1 Adults. No tlonal ccitt to you. Clara Bell Angle° pay under  terms now available - ,+   .,a,,a* , .......... 8 condition. Priced from $27.50. guar- At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4tx,, bage 6/tfa _phons HA. 6-4808. {$161 B l en,i mtmt be paid in advance. Ads |1 anteed. For Sate. Sleysters Bike & FOoom apt., completel) Fixit Shop. S 5/21-6/I1 furnished. Phone HA 6-65% 1/s t. SKINDIVERS- Used aqua mnp, nsw TOP SOIL, gravel, fill d,rt. F.E.  ,.'a-lTo $.F-'] .t.akem.over the telephone .m.tll wood, $10"a cord. ]TA 6-4127. - ..................................... surplus €4-in. Neoprene wet suite, Ogden. HA 8-8158. $/15. tin lers ro 'Crmmnter, i Nort e pato ezore me ena o the |1 C/12tfn CONCERT ELECTRIC chord organ. tailored 4-1n. sklrdving and water WZ Btr YoUR I/'P, or will dl ]Plrnt. ...... $/tLD. month. An. extra charge of 10€ |[5-R S--a-k-(7--$-2.:s.--;i: Converts to portable. Easy to play. FOR RNT--Furnlghed cottages and $199.95 see at Johnnys Music Box. trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 Un HAIR DRESS UP THAT.wood shed for For- I will be made when billing t[[ ia Perkms, Rt. 3, Box 248. CltY. 5.Ol 5/7 tin ing. 520 skiing sulls or kits Newest In skin- on com|ignment, Your bost moto, eat Featlvm week ena. we nave an l ,,,o. • I r , /. MinxdiVing' foreqUipment'se. I-'imne1951HA Hillman6.6877. trailer& etc Hlllert Hsr4/p a Inexpensive, but fair quality, white[ ..... J" [[L/kT +-------VTn-: • F--(Y-l SALE: Piano, Baldwin Acrosontc IODERNnished apt.S'r°°msteamgr°undheat electriqfl°°r fur-kit. WORK WANT outside paint for your use. Only $2.10] I _ [+.rli.a].m uiil.Wsrt slaWS. ,5 t spinet, Cash, Call after 5:00 p.m. HA cleaning Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles  6-4227. P 5/14-28 chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- East Arcadia Road. 8/19 tin 1flPR 8A,I0: wlsd st10 piat• pll+: per gallon In 4 gallon quantities or I . ;7  .. ......  *_ ;..7 ." sitting more [ 11r1 .(A1".i.' rnone A 6-sa. J a/t ua IE-W Ii)QPR-I-(E--l-hwn---m-owerh.gai ;2 stoned lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone .......................................................... pulleys d shafts, All ,ty Slo 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tin IS Yi,UR LAWN ready fl,r the Forest vge. Shelto Junk .Co,, lurer a Oray;toa o Slwtoa 5/7.14 t .'vJtW **.=.a ,,." B-IN--V-Hea,y- den teens and hose. Lunafords Fire- stone store, 317 Raih'oad. 5/11 tin I-ROOM FURNISHED apt., 2 bed- WANTED: large -- ack :-el. cartons 97 cents, gel- timber. Cash. tilJ.zer,Fetival?theGalbraitherganlc GOlflawnGreenfertilizer,,Fer- M.fll, phone ]flA. 6-888. , , 9'45 "t" ]gV'/.RUD] OLPAR]D M.OTOR SsHm] GOLDFISH for :dle. 35 e o.tseach, reins $1.7 rooms, our , 2&-gallons $3.97. Fess- A-:R--CoOLEi)---'()UTBOAR-b--$'i09§-5 washer, dryer, refrigerator, wffl give you a heautiful gre+m lawn -- for walls, windows, gmo ee at ll|-et H&rd [ 688 Arcadia, pnone lA e-4/ } tin ler's Ice Cream Center. 422 North with carrier $119.95. Lumsfox'ds Fire- electric range, trash burner, oil heat- Co.; stone, er. Water and garbage included. floors. Paint t wallpaper, drape. , k,, n I First, 6/9 tin 317 Railroad. 5/11 tin for early summer. We have spreaders rugs, tile, yartlgoods. .M. D]OR- for your .e. Graystom: o1" ShelteR. 5/7-14 ATINI C'ETR, SPI Railroad. -6R SALE---------l4--fBl-cft- biat Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 -- ................................................ lf  good condition. $50. Phone HA 6-3210. -OR RFT 5th & Pins. B2/26 tin WANTED: "CRIA," rubber [COW FERTILIZER for sale in two stsnip for sale it tl Jollrlll, $1.1[ yard load, $9 delivery in Sheltf . large enough FOR SALE--two plywood boat L-----'oil'" trailer, 13, 2  $  4tI lL'l/llil[ Phone HA 6-6077. L_4_/_o un Mc 5/21-28 BEDROOM apt,, heat furnished. 6-6217. bottom. tdes and deck. snltd ft., shower bath, Priced for quick K)P. ILkI-whel ter, oo4 o-[BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- FOR SALE: Holstein and Guernsey RENT---One.bedroom heated fur- Inquire 1119 Franklin or phone HA wtthany transmnlifting andbandies.framing,tranom sale. $422 Washington St. Phone HA Hn r}n , ¢..a ,,7,mblv ] pany sales and service. Local repre- cow. Milking 4 gallons per day. Rt. nlshed apartment. Adults only. 311 6-6496. B 5/7 tin WILL DO ironieS, and drain 6lug. 6-3209, T 5/7*28 --Y-'..-'"#'" , , .. th HA-800I A4/S0 tin S-E-'LLi'NG--()lJT--al+i-genera-lh'arc[war(: D-SBORO0-G-H- TRAII.R PARK. 6-2070. Photo; HA -B977, , ..... - *')- ] sentative Tally Anderson. Phone 1, Box 281 or HA 6-6995. B 5/21 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tin FOR RENT WITH LEASE -- arge cents hour. 121 " ltn. Me 4-61181 ,TOHIN DOW2/,  montl to IY AC(()RDION. I0B, like new. Mttt re-] .. _ ..... waterfront borne. Beautiful view. lmder I.H,A. te on ifll bulll items. 25% discount. See our ad Convenient to mills mad downtown Suitable for family with 3 or 4 ehil- WANTED: Will .......................................... I , ' FOR 8ALE--Reasonabl, p I d - elsewhere Journal. Shelton Marine stores. Ci, ty sewer and water. At dren. $75 per too. Call Mr. Mann,Wa- or mine. SELLING OUT all gem ral hardware  Ittppll, Tump it all tnler @ L rts. Bargain for balance due  e ol e Here in e Bo H, Journal. 114- ford Bull. No papers but full Supply (formerly Hillcrest Hard- S4/4ta terfront Realty HA 6-8535. tin 23rd. HA items. 25+ diseounf. See our adl on lr-r, 4{} .  Mr. I:N highway orldge. 5/7 elsewhere in Journal. Sbelton Marine HA. 6-4. /SU ] n .. blooded. Coming 4 years old. Phone wax,(;). 5/21-28 FOR BNT: light housekeeping room. HOUSE FOR RENT or lease available WANTED; Home Sol, ply (formerly Hillcrest Hard- .€I[:I BIMC 'IOP [SOIL, _fl dilt HA 6-6850. $4/30-5/14 3t H'p.SALEooled 13 ft. cabin boat8 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. June 6. No pets.. Also 2 bedroom old; : part 1 Wisconsin motor and Rd/l&t.fn house for sale. Inquire 1419 Cota 6-2136. wareL 5/21-25 dr°od irr&wol,mld filldrtmsgwel,.LSTl4  BOO $OAT$,torl| at 'lqTeAIHlllerut HArdware.and outboard$/t.fllmo- Boatelutch?iXnCWHousc. paint,Hoodspor t,$295' Restwash.While i() =-T(-)e--e-edoot-:---t,-u:ih,; across the bridge, h 5/7-28 BAR-DIN MARINA and Power Ms- grave] f CONSTRUCTION CO. T'--I:X-T--TiM-E'-+you'+-Pa--s'--bY "-l-r J 5/14 tin all-electric house, Phone HA 6-4644. -- ............................ WANTED: He chtnery. Remington chain saws, Zeus ersola, phone  {155. John's $5/7 tin FOR RENT. Rug and upholstery two nursing geJu+raiors, portal, h, power. 1916 Creek Il,  Oriwel..4k,t Olympia Highway No. B 5/14 tin HOI.IE0 OD, ll$]Pl:) plant stop and see some of our un- 'I-ii'MS---{)%--al;a]iab-lo--on-afl iS(-)R--llNT'or-'-al---2-o'r-I--btdrti0n cleaning equipment and supplies. LM kilh,rs for 11 +OA.ON  usualcolors, steppingAn inexpensiveSt°ne waydesignSto makead lmnpbulldingconstructionmaterials cotsall°WSunderY°U one:t°' u,ffurnishcd house. Garage. Phone Decorating Center. 321 Raih.oad.5/7 tin Also one house - ' '' USED Reo/ Typo Power Mower---20" HA. {$-441 a walk way to your outside clothes btU. For informatioa inquire at HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P 5/7 tin ................................... cut -- useo very Ilttls and in perfect /27111 line. 7th and Park sts. Iwton Lumbsr,40 . 1st t. Phono F-(3R--R-]NT---3--1-oo]i{-ho-ds(/--neWly FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom unfurnished WANTED: BILL'S SEPTIC TANK operating condition- basket includ- _ - Graystone of Shelter 5/7-14 HA. 6-40. 6/Stir decorated, stoves furnished. Reason- house. $50.00 per montil. Phone HA h,r ed  Prlce $80. , i. ]Pulk, Rt. 2, ................... able. Call HA 6-8550 evenings. 6-8486. Angleside. M 5/7 tin SERVICE Be, 699, ShelteR, F 5/14-21 ", FOR 8ALE --- 20 foot day cruiser, A-1 FSis--IE-----N](-.'-,7-Ra -B::t:l-t;cifer ............................................................ aud mineral shape thruout, convertible top and and rabbit fertilizer. By sack or ....... G 5/7 tin FOR RENT -- 3 room furnished horse the Nutri-i cockpit fly, excellent built-in stor- trailer h)sd. Mrs. E. M. McCowan. FOR"--RE-NT-'--2--be'.dz')o'n-})me PaP{IY on R.R. Ave. Phone 6-8638 or I-IA a PEEDY VAC'UU'M CLANLNO , , ,t " " FIR SLAB WOOD age, galley. Sleeps 2. $2000 Includes Phone HA 6-3626. Mc 5/21-28 fnrn shed. near the mills. Phone 6-8146.. H 5/14-28 Nu Risk plan ................................................. Life Ma tzine, boathouse. Don McCuiston, phone H]GH-P-()+V-E-R-'I,{-ghte.-4W}ITgb{-! Fast- HA 6-3477. 5/7-14 FOR RENT: 3 1),droom house. 707 Jack Poell Id Phone HA 6-2442 erda -- 15 - 20 Inch HA 6-3863. 5/7-21 (.st cuttin al highest power Rem- F-(Jii-RENT'3:room-ait'_'l*urnisled, 5th Ellinor. Inquire 629 Cota. HA 6-6663. inl'omoathm. 5/7-tin SEASWIFT MARIN $16 PIR IJ0D O-L-DR--O"Thone ington Saws. Bar-Pin's Marina, andCedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tin C 5/14-21-28-6/4 WORK-WANTi Mountain View. B 5/14 tin DOWNTOWI+APARTMENTS fox" rent. FOR RENT - 3 b,drootll botlse, sick, house c] , , ..... ,,,, ,   , elton and Vlcinty HA 6-4010. P 5/7-6/4 -)i-i---SAi./+j--.Z-][i)iWi---pl;ui+;,.-ex(;+q: en. Also attractlvely furnished one ler and gai'l)ag't. Iuid, fem'-d in back or will babY e ' CONSTRUCTION P][E  -211 FOR SAE l.astn'anS-nn movie cam- h,nt condition, bench included, beau- bedroom apartments. All utUities yard $45, 226,5 So. 71h. Plum,+ HA Durand, phons KNTI-I F. COX era lJ7 good as new worih $99.50. iiful tme. $250. Phone HA 6-6158 aft- furnished except llght. Reasonable. 6-8579. G 5/14-21 3323. Will sacrifice for $35. Phone HA er 5 p.m, or anytime weekends. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-81/7. '-(-)P'--iRFJhl'=2--b%}lrt-;;m--unftlrnished IJ-RNACI!I-- BELFAIR GARDENS -l-Un 6-2464. J 5/7-:]8 ..................... P 5(14 tin 12/4 tfn bouse, nicely decorat,:d, across front stallations, 4--14 X 5' 10" V-Bottom Run ................. O-'NS YEAR GI:XR-ANIng: THE WELL KEPT CARPET slmws ONE AND TWO bearoom unfurnished Golf Court, $55 per me. Phone HA Furnace o. - the results of regular Bhu, Lustre apartments, hot water heat, range, 6-4000. B4/30 tin 6-61.21. Come and see Mother Nature abouts from ......... $200 to $S75 tou saw, 60 days guaranteed chain, slmt cb,aning. Lumbermcn's MortaR- refrigerator included. Holly Hill 6Nl--B-Ei:iP,(0M--apai:imeT't--for-"/ht ¢-l}+--Ft ,---'} putting life and color into all Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- tile Co. 5/21 Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, with fireplace, downtown. Utilities tmr plants. Roses in bud, and chtnery. See them!! B 5/14 tin ......... -I,)]'-SA-II, .......... manager, Apt. S. Phons HA. 6-8088 paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. available o some blooming. Late Azalias 1--16x6' 3" V-Bottom ........ $400 HIGHEST CASH PAID 7, s,,d daveno and Chair $39.50; Used or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn Furnished. " $1/22 tin are better Dares, $20.00: Dav,np¢)rt and chain' F-0"Fi.--RE'5iT22iu'i:iee-dr-o-6- ONE who is wills beginning to bloom; Ever- For Timber Stumpage Custom Tractor Work ,395o: Overstuffed chair $20.00; 3-ROOM apartment at Watkins Floor lamp $5.00: Drop h,af dlncue duplex apartment, washing facilities, reduced rent. Will take one small extract. are greens breaking into new col 1--16 x 7' 5" Lapatroke Con- and I.nds Rotovattg or regular plowing, 706 Cota. P1/29 tin sol and 4 chais $39.50; 96" Mane- child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA dies Houu or; plus many other plants of vertible top and steering $925 any drop h,af table $75.00; Formwa FOR RENT -- 3-room furnished apL, 6-2228. La12/4 tin equal beauty and well worth Iterestid parties diseing and harrowing, excavating, top drop leaf table $39.50; Wood cook washing facilities, carport, adults seeing, call evening8 collect, blade leveling, road grading, road stove $20.00; Crib and mattress only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- Products, All Above- New Construction gravel. Well-aged imwdust. Work $15.00: Round labe and 4 ('hairs R4/16 tin plex. Electric heat, garage utility erton. W BELFAIR GARDENS Bar-Din Enterprises by hour single-handed. Jerome $22.50; Vanity and plate mirr.r $22.- 2i;E---ER-(i-i}+-r-n}-S-}i;d-aP}t).t" room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tin 7-5661, 50; SI)imlle b-d $12.50; Mt)ntag sir- mcnt for rent. Inquire Shelter Shoc FOI{-REIIT L2-+Snit-ll-furn]she-d- hgi]s(i Star Rt. 1, Box 55. Belfair, Wash. FORT PRODUCTS Burke, HA 6-3678. culator, wood, $60, Kelley's Furni- Rel)air or call HA 6-6544 after 6 p.m. H (rt st, au tab  for [n . Two b(d-' Across from Belfair P.U.D. Phone HA 6-4652 star RL 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn, ture. 625 So. 1st. Piton,' llA 6-2.111 5/14 r(,(,In wah:rfront (:ottae, Agalc. MAN OR - .................................................. Phone HA 6-4.128. J 5/14-28 kins locality LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., hours of TeJephone HA. 6-683T , heat and hot water furnished, Phone 2315 OLYMPI@ HIWAY NO. HA 6-3084. $3/19 tin ..... ,, ........ Ethel M, Barton  John . Dinning Phone HA. 8-4292 ' OPENING: For local married FOR RENT--Partly r-n-}-s-d apt. 2 ON large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. A. '" 111h St., B1 '' ' ..... , ' .... COMMEtC'IAL & RESIDENTIAL, man, age 30 or older preferr, furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 HOOD CAN call ESsex APPLIANCES New and Remodeling Interested in making a permanent p.m. K2/26 tin a.lll. connection with national concern FOR RENT--Rent. lease or sell iai;g-e Beach frontage with tide lands. AUTO FOR RENT USED FURNITURE Enjoy Summer outdoors Tidewater Construction having background of 44 years building, 22O wiring, close to stores on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for Low bank, level lots at Pleasant paint houseS, Your Local Builders stzccessful business. Unusual op- cabinet shop or business or home Harbor. mates phone Clark Elstrtc lO, oor ander We CHAISE LOUNGE o Job too large or too snail, portunity for advancement and in- or both or tear down if sold. Phone 1202 Cota Sterling FAectrie Portable Shelton, Washington come. Sales experience helpful, HA 6-4297. 5 E. Pine. K3/5 tin I-)vely residence at Triton Cove. WILL DJ:) ] Hand Sana,rs Buy and Sell and 2 matching 11-20 tin not essential. Full informational RESORTS • BUSINESSES the hour. Rogin& lectrle ]floor or contrasting schooling and training given. High l erenccs. Poliaher SEE US FIRST , ' , commissions, outstanding bonus FOR LEASE: 771 acres of brush BYRON E. BROCK, wE BuY eraP Hou Ja. COLOR CHAIRS ** plan Drawing account. Personal land in Mason and Kitsap Coun- interview with manager in charge, ties at 50¢ acre; 40 acres of brush Realty Streets. LAWTON LUMBER BUDGET SHOP 3 pcs. $27.95 DRY SLAB WOOD Car essential. Write qualificatious, land in Mason Co. at 60¢ acre by HAMA HAMA LODGE, Eldon • * " address and phone number to Dan Commissioner of Public Lands. Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5322 lawns, 14 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6.4303 321 R. R. Ave $20.00 Load N. Gudgel, Box 1341, Dallas, Public auction 10 a.m., May 22, at 6847.. .10t.  HA 6-433 Olsen Furniture Texas. 5-21-1t Ma)n and Kitsap County Court- - .... , ..... 5/7-tin 328 Cota HA. 6-4702 Phone HA 6-6463 houses. 5/21-1t CHAIN SAW ,, , accurate C'11"20-t In  u __JJ _= I " ----- - -[ H i[[L [ ' i i i [ I FOR SALE - • , - Owner Transferred USED FURNITURE Bar-Din Boats *USED APPLIANCES BAR-0|N' MAR|NA  POWER MAH|NERY SEE THIS -ROOM Northcliff Home P.O.Box 5 Davenoee ........................ $15.00 up 1,, our ,--E.. Spin.dry 00sho00, The Garden Shop m Phone HA 6-422? ater 5:00 p.m. 3 cffa & Carg ............. $45,00 up Any size or style 5oAt on order like new $,50 923 Roy Blvd. 3-Pc. Sectional $39.00 W IIPISS ............................ ROITI 1, BOX 48  P 5/14-28 ..................... 3--re-cond/tioned TV sets, just Phone HA 6-3710 Range, Elec ......................... $49.00 Fishermen and duck hunters, right for summer cabin $59,50 3 Refrigerators ............ $39.50 ca. eo us before you buy 2--40-inch electric Ale .......... Ea. $1.75 Used 2 Din. Sets .................... $29.50 ca. ranges ................................ $45.00 Flame, yellow, lavender, Chrome Set ........................... $39.50 Bar-Din Enterprises Oil heaters ............ $25 and up heavily budded, RE ----------'--- 00000000JMiN00TON USED Will BtlY swing mk+r ..................... $1.0 Forest Products z--incinerators .................... $da.0o Rhododendrons CABIN FURNITURE ev's Oct. Table $6.50 1916 Olympic Hlgltway N l--large tricycle .................... $12,50 Iu'ge plant, budded. HA IFloor Lamps ................... $9.00 ea, Telephone HK 6-6837 2wood ranges .................... $35.00 .50 & $4.50 Ea. • BARGAIN PRICES VnJty w/mirror ................ $19.50 formerly Maxtin's ot hop 2--wood heaters .................... $35.00 ild's Table & Chrs ......... $6.00 " t 1--Rexaire vacuum cleaner Clematis POWER SAWS • GOOD SELECTION with attachments .......... $18.00 Ten colors, laxge flowered blues, 5 h.p. and 7 h.p. direct drive, 7 h.p. gear driven DICK'S ° NEW FURNITURE BATTERIES - rIRES 1--Royal upright vacuum purples, pinks, reds and white BUDGET SHOP cleaner with attach ..... $15.00 Also evergreen. 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 and Elarged Stock for Immllte 2--GE steam irons, like new $9.00 $1.75 & $2.00 Ea. i Across from Evergreen :  CSIst, finished .................... $14.95 Delivery -  Cot per 1--Dexter wringer washer, .(atton Mattre .................. $13.95 month for Nationally good condition $41}.50 Magnolias ...... Ea. 3,00 Square) PH0 ° : Swlng Rockers .................... $51}.00 Advertised Tyrex Cord ................ Blooming plants. Day :t. s, .................. $124.,5 ^lltat+ m,t Culon Wr. Olsen Furniture RED ...... ,00.0o Finest Te/evision :  Daveno" ................................... $79,50 FRI] TIR MOUNTING 328, Cota .... HA. 6-4702 ROSIS .......................... $1.00 EA. AGENT- 2J+;Cu. Ft. Upr, l'eezer ...... $369,95 +' , " Sears Ctlog SRles It in P[ I ' [ ' [' IT ......... Warehouse Specials: BUDGET SHOP Office 16' Upright Dcluxe Coldspet Acro from Evergreen Square Evergrn Bquare " Freezer--- Shelto Ph, HA.. 6-$201 The TRIMFORM is especially designed for big people, Was $364.95 '.: ...... Now $299.95 Oraln field#, ..... .... ........ nH' tall people -- people with real weight, posture, circu- Kenmore Comb. Washer-Dryer lation problcm. Made so well that the guarantee is Was $399.95 ........ Now $339.95 not placed in jeopardy if machine is used for commero 24" Mahogany TV Console Ph. HA. ctal purposes. A complete don't have to Was $279.95 ........ Now $229.95 If no See FRIGIDAIRE First ftnd usacttgtomer|nordertowinthenecessaryequip. Hi-Fi Stez'eo-- ment.--Trimform already has it! The most beautiful Was $264.95 ........ Now $239.95 slenderizing machine on the market, and the best made. Hi-Fi Stereo Speaker-.- No be, lt to slip or make ncse. Same price as ordinary ' Was $50.95 ............ Now $,i4.95 • REFRIGERATORS machines. Free home demonstration. Trlmform of Shelton, HA 6-6889, (Formerly Horton.Stauffer Agency,) Sears Catalog Sales O RANGES 5/21 Office Shclton - Phone HA 6-8201 • w00s.F00S .' Rated First ,, tin • DRYERS BABY CroCKS! .. CONSUMERS REPORT FARM EQUIPMENT alao for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT New Hampahir Sharp I)icturc, high quality tonc, unnlatchcd cabinet, OC-4 Crawlcr - diesel - with blade, drum, & APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE White Leghorn  carefree rvice. Only 5 months old - just like new.. ...................... TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 White Reeks {meat 2 Cletracs, Diesel, gas, with blade & drum, • type) "ASK ANY ZENITH OWNER" Caterpillar "30" with bladc 8N Ford Tractor. ....................................................... : We Sell and Service Zenith Cub Tractor with plow, blade, buzz saw ................ "  W&gener Feed Co. --'sen Furniture o,, Tractor with loader . ........................................  l)ading - Bay City 58 yard - for Shovel 219 So. First St. VI hovel front, excellent condition I00¢AIfTILg Rear Blades- Discs- Mowers ° M  . PHONE HA. 6-4532 328 Cota ' Phone HA 6-4702 Montesano Feed & Seed + 424 Fleet St., S., Telephone 151, MontesarO,