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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rendering 2/27tfl Iterations, bul- (&apos;l't I¢!ll¢'l orde 1'. Pht,t)t! S,I/23 I fa tires. O.K 1/10if [hlbh, %VlltllPll i'oF ill ttl' ]llilllO. W PII21 lfn secretary. Ex- sht)rlliahd r,- tlp, rollle hi fin I ippily" llllir- li lel clr, For roll DE 3-0881 Aberdeen. B 5(7:2 8 sed furul, Phi,he K 5/7 tfn ...... 1.15 FEET WATERFRONT, on 11aln- eeled fir poles mersley Inlet, one lnile frolil tliwll, ole lind Piling fern' r(ioel house, hal.dWol,d l'hll)t.s, 3012, Tacol)la olevtt'ic lieut, tile hath lind Iih, kil- .ti16 tfn ('hen, $16.500. Phone HA 6-4772 or Wiii PaY --P-'°'-U'!x.237-'-. ShJlt-?n-" ......... It 5.(7-2t nt. Phone FOR SA'LE--Conifortalle two-1)e(lroom 2/26 _tfn boloe, new con,a'etc foondal ion, If you downtown, near schools, $6250. Phone Henry HA 6-4215. F4/23 tfn 2112 tfl FOR SALLY: 4-room Hiller€at home, large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. S- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m. El/27tfn clean exterior 704 Euclid. Carport. Fireplace. ttard- 6-4.q68. wood floors. Plastered walls. F.H.A. C 5/21. tfn Phone HA 6-3180, O 517 tfn YR--gh-g gi, n¥ -7-L- k-77-, i ;diiieT"-(lift: '50 SPecial, good light hasenlt!nt, 100 foot lake front- $120. Phone HA ago, electric heat. Pibonc HA 6-8948. D 5/21 1l/5-14-28 cub. Gaod 2 & 3 PIEDROOM homes 11,%, ton Shelton area. reasonable. 2318 South perfect Tacoma WAY. Phone GReenfield '2- B.x 24 4404. C 5/14-28 A 5/21 ANGLESIDE, 2 cleared lots, cuie 1 bedlr0olu house. Terrific view. Own- or will sacrifice his equity for only $800: Call Kurt Mann, Waterfront M4/9 tfn Realty, HA 6-8535, or ttA @-3228 eve- nings. 5/14 tfn '47 Nine-N Phone A IiDR- SXi.:--2-J+Tti-/774iT;--iTiiT[/{a-L-rik; E 11/14 tfn home. Drilled well. HA 6-t316. B 5114-614 4 tfn pick- an offer. Can Road, Donald k 6-8788. J 5/14 tfo -- Two Plastered room floor. Ia t 'a l!e. II 5/21-6/4 4 bedroom High. Low rent. Phone J 5/7 tfn from city well. Phon+ B4/$0 tfn SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Publishes ta "6hrisbmastown, • U.S.A.," lel.t, on, Wshi ,ttor ii REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ltllgf1,ELLAlIr II Appliealion No. 251t3{I • .J  a--JX.tlL]t I' NOTICE O,F NLE OIF TI'MBEE ....... " - i ON ½TA'I'I IAND FOR SAI,E: the H. W. tllelsey prop- M(tl)ERN 3 i)q.dt.l.llll heine 2 h:lths, t!Allll (}.'rlIANKN I Nolii'e is II¢.l',,tl', givl,n that on Tucs- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone tlil,l,h ]t:it(,h(,)l bllilt-in Fill)g#,, at- We wish 1.o tlliillK ltlll' lllally f'ielll S Idav 11, 2111 Iav i ' du ', 1959 c-n- . Union 4!1. .................... s6/stfn lat,h,,d 'aragt,. Ph(ll)e IrA ti-657.1, fi,r all the cards tioll I•l,we:'s s,,nt ill I hi:hi in'f' at len ''1 •( in it, f( renoon l'['IY PAY .ENT ll ¢'a viJu ('fin I)u) .......... N 5/1,1 lfn oat' motller, whih, sil,, wii io the hos- / Jl' '1 i dav ft' Jli|, ' 1 I  iain ql- a hilJlllhig iovathin with "a sill(ill yl?tl' t01 )1( AIE III al,rl,s near Arcadia )ital and fi)t" lill thl. b-litll iltll 'i /t 't ll • iI ,l' I  I ' ' till V ul il'l illllsc arinind Sll'Oalli a/Id gravity v¢iitl!t', l'.ioi. 11100 fir so,'dllllgS planti.d ill ¢li'fet'ing anti vintril)uthlns tll ti),' l in tile ('it,," ill' Shi.ll.n, (;lltlnly il' Ma- lllliV buildiag lilalOl'iliJ. [t cost Ii I!i7)7. $1.1)()11. Pllonl, IIA tl-18111. Canc,*i' Fund, and tile I)niny, lilliay t,x- I silo St:ill iff Wn:dlington, liv the little itlilro tit(ill cosl of drilling aod . N 511.i lfn I )ressiOOs el• syliillatby in ih. d .a'tll Jl'l(itli v All Iil r f s I i )l l'lt' t e fixt'tu'l's for (lvl, I) well. See ('l:ll•envl ' FOR SAIE -- liffodern one-i)edroom our bet.rod sol,thor, Allllll N,e. It I).i" till lit" "-II w ng t i.s(.' lil,(l state Mr'. al)d Mrs. L. .I. ](isSt'l or al)d will )' s, (t It I) II €' Ilih:tion to Wtvt'l. Wlllffill Wheel Molel, .i,7-21 i]l,ltlO, t'Jt'vlrh, and wilier healer und falniiy lllw highosl l)idder therefor, hi-wit; ............. Int'g'l. tili rln,nl, $4.500.. 1715 Hi)lnlli IPIIR SALE • 31) acre fai•nl, parlialiy SI. PI)one IIA 6-3454. .13/12 tfl. Mr. and Mr.. lqrnit, Alinl)ls I l'lniiL'tl'ea old .!dT0Wli) Ditlgias fir lllld son I  %•, ' (i'd W ih l'cd lags ci)lllpl'iS- ('h'ar*,d, wilh 5-bodl'olil)l h¢ltiit,. ,lqix I-t(]IMI] FOR SALE -- Two-bcdrlg6m$, Mr, and .Ml's, Edwal,(I V ,'V ling' al)IWllxiliiai(ly 72,li00 bd. ft.. lo- illiil':l fl'ottl Sl'l,']lilll (Dayton i'oad), line wilh l'ug; 23' x 15' living rooln, anti fnnnl)' " Icalod oi1 liai't NW i NW i , Sol,lion , Ph!,!l(]. H/k 6-6981. .......... fl.!/2',l tfn wnll to wall carpeting lnrge kitchen, Mrs. b'l'lillVi's Dc, ilz i T,JWnS ip 20 N,rIIL H.:lng,. 4 West, FOR ALE--4-bedi'oonl |loose al 1227 ph'nly built-ins dipette; cement lilt'. Wilhalll Nye %V.M., conhdning 10 av, r,'s, llllll•l! or Wvst Turnel'. Write 1,t18 So. t" e T.V fotlndalh)n and long ltriveway; glu'- 5/21 le,s. Port Angeles. II,tl23-5121 age: two 60' x ]frO' fenced lots. Tills ..... 7 -' " 7: .................. t " " nic.e hl)Tne at FHA appraisal $350 .... ' ....... ] Tilnher will he m,hl on a log scale SAr  oR TRADE -- li0-a('r,'  " A down i,t .......  -- "-- LOST AfllD FOUND I,,si.. •  ' r. .... ' ' t ' • - )..- ,'1 per n)ontn l-'none --  __  Mioin)ni)l accepliibie bid l)!t' ttlous- da '%' f r I 3o acl'es i tD ' t3 n- 1UfA I" Rr,7 ° ' 2. ...... • " .... W ' tO ---. -..a. M,1/ZSI £ID rid 'r sitiail atH'oaffi  in ti'a(ll,. I - " " i- .......................................... .land b 1. ft ;' 4 fi t'ti' Di,ulas fir and . IC. l?, Faht,,iag,.j-t Qnjh,j_?)c:. " 5/'1,J-2 I F(3R SAIJ,]--.I!,i acre 1, niile off Bay- LOST -- "twrlill h'iOi'(1 bl 11 calf - I$')00 'o ('t ' logs if lilly. FOR SAI E--546' x 60' wsterfront l)t I lJ'l,l'lal,nnMaaoneLake R/,)ad:.. For ih- PiloneWe°ks HA°ld6-3876.ailnlg BaYsliol.e r,,ad. I' "At tinie 'of .sale til p[irl'haser, n ust (ill T ..... tl ,n Sh res, $1,400. $400 down l n( n . ktA li-3aliS:LL ..... ............................ M 5/1,1-21 li)llke It dot)osil of ]005{, of the bid $30 llt,i' nlolllh. ,Wrilc B.x BX, c/o [ w3/z5 tla I OT" Party whl, lot dg " Ill ¢'I ! t 1 I pri¢,l! l)iisod in the t.l'tii,uo estiniale. The J(lllrnlll. .I,'1tt tfn I "'" .h .-,q*o tlal' Rt' i  .r,./:lll $320,I00 of ths deposit, plus It $5,00 ,:?>?"=d:" ............. x ";2' 2'l,,iii ,,7 sal,. f,.,.. ,,,. a t.tat el' $3,209.00, I . °..'_ + 7 .............. lii'l l liitlsi ill! it) thv forni of cash, nlolil'y LOST- PARAKEET h U' I'li]asi "t ¢,i'(tl#l', certified 'check or bank dratt. FOR SALE + I.l.,.v dots wll h i, ' "" wl..l T ' )shin(', of the, required depos t if I N'ic;i¢] 'c" Ann" Kne,,lanl "'{:;, 'allll'll lany l),',y t e paid by i) 'sonai he,'k. . ne ' t a a38  ' ; r.*l t Purlhaser must also ftn'alsb a surct.y ._' -- .....................  ,)it bond of $500.00 to guarantee conipli- 61G Acres, 2 bcdroom house, din- LOST" 16 ft. ¢.ed'u" stl i - ulhc n' alice with all t,,l'II)s of tim hill of ing room, furnace, hardwood I ..t' 'n-al area WilPr 7 .  sltie. All checks n onoy o 'del's, etc,, ,.'Pen iasid' Na! e J-lee H" o .,,' are to bt: niadl: l)ayabh; to thc Cml- fh)ors, insulated, carport. Also 3 ....... /'."', missioner of Public Lands. room cabin on property, $10,000, [ ., ,,/.1-. Tiule for removal will be six months. • * * I tw ,e,3mm,ul,a] ¢1'sw..l.,,.u Located approximately 4 niiles south 2 lots - 100 x 100 foot, 2 cabin I L, .JI'V|.jJ of Shelton. . . Accessibility: Via county roaa. chicken house and 2 other build- Complete contract specifications nlay CASCAD] OLYMPIC swimming pool. be exanllned at Shelton District Hoad ings on property, gravity water Privatc, cemnmntty, clubs and me-,quarters, County Auditor's oft'ice., and systero ..... $3,000.00, $50.00 per tols. Life ttme reinforced I:[ ncrote, Commissioncr of Public Lands, (.)lynl- month until $500.00 is paid as Two new pools fur inspectim, budg_ I et terms: sales; L(,sl e Y nlnglove, [ )is, down payment, then contract for HA 8-3603, Y 5/21-28-6/4 Said thnher on maid land will be ...... sold for not less than the appraised balance at $50.00 per month. RG-IS-2;ED ARABIAN -Stallion at lvahie, as appraised by the Conunis- • * * stud to approvedr mares. Dark ehest- stoner of Public Lands in the, man- 200 foot of waterfront by 450 foot nut. 4 stockings, blaze. Box 108 ner provided by law. a statement of depth, drilled well with large ! Matlock HA 6-5070, H3/19 tt'n which is now on file in tile office of pump house and work shop com- -SFt"T'ATMJTIN;rSai--m-y-"re. the Auditor of said county. BERT L. COLE bined, 3 car-carport. Beautiful idence near the L)we!, Skokomlsh I Commissioner of Public Lands, location in a Cove--$8,500.00. School. Call Trojan 7-5<i38 for ap- 4/30-5/7-12-19-26 5t polatment ttrda.y, unday. and I • * * Wedneaday. A..'. oppelr,. O4/18 tfn , -- --N-. 3-O'--'- .... 186 Foot of waterfront on Bay, 10 IAQODRDIO lllvat.. J,e|8ons lla-'y-0 NOTICE TO CRgDITORS aftPrf°re°°°nas oftheSatdmattrday, ,'an,°r abew)onheardthere-at acres more or less, niee creek on home. Staneato xlauonal School of (In Pllbal) ihe court room of the. above-entitled property, close to town--S4,500.00. Accordion. Mrs. Casaaa, phone HA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE court, in the Cotlrtioose in SheltoIt, • * * 6-8229. 1/1 tfn I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Mason C, univ, Wasliington, at whien 3 Bedroom house, living room and ?RES TOFF, triremes, remov¢. I THE COUNTY OF MASON tilue and place an)' person interested in said Estate may appear anl file oh- dining room combined, fireplace, Larry's Tree Burgeon lServiee. HA. i In the aiatter of the state of W. G, Jet(lens thereto sod ¢,onte tho same. oil furnace, plastered, I lot 60x -I 2/13t I POTTS. Dectlaed. Dated this lt day of My, 19f,9, 100 foot $13,650.00--will F.H.A. ARTIFICIAL BRIEDIN ll'vi ",.r I Notice is iteret)y given that the un- l dersigned lois |)etn appointed and has HARRY DEYEITI both dht'y II b , $ .04} cash. i]qualifie d am Eeeutor of the estate of Clck +if said Court FOR ALE --$45ooo down and closing costs, argeseh "Northweat Breeders, By: IRENE M,'UIRE cot' W. G. Potts, Deceased; that aU per- • * * Call WtlJ Turaer, Olympia,  sons having claims against said da- Deputy By Owner Spencer Like Waterfront -- 330 lect. FI 2-!t13. ceased are hereby required To serve LEWIS &, C%)RREA /oct at $25.00 per foot, low bank SEWIN ff.ANE RAIRS the salno duly vcrifie, d, on said execs- Attorneys, for Entate Three bedroom house, large . . • Expert work. Bonded epioyee, t.r or its attorneys of record at the Rell BlOt,, 121 South 4ttl St, Leave calls  Journal office, phons address below .tated, and fi the Sholton, Washington living room and kitchen, ap- 4 very large bedroom house, full HA. $-ai..Slaser ewmg tachlne sa!m, witil tim Clerk of said Court, to- (EAL, Mason Co. Sup, Ct.) proximately ,,/. acre. House basement, fireplace, dining room, C___o., 01, yita ll/22tfn 5/77-14.21-28 it gether with proof of such service with- in six tnonths after the date <,f first includes elec.tric range, Sicg- ver good condition, corner lot and ROOFING, lliowl! rock wool insula- publication of this :notice, or the same ler oil burnqr, two 9x12 rugs, inside lot'--$12,500.00, tion. Guareateed. Phone HA, 6-617, will be barred. • No, 2884 garden spot. Total cost $6950 • • • 6/0tfn Date of firstpublleation, May 7. 1959, NOTICE OF liEARINC FINAL includes Closing cost, insur- Practically new 3 bedroom house ....... by PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK REPORT AND FETIflPION ance, 1959 taxes. $450 down, on /V[t, View, dining room, nice Executor of said Estate FOR DISTRIBUTION $50 monthly. Call HA 6-6158 utility room, attached garage, SEPrrC TANK 9oo 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Wash. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE after 5 p.m. or anytime week- fireplace, all electric heat -- Terhune, Schlosatein & Riveland ehds. P 5/14 tfn $12,000.00. INSTALLATIONS Attorn,,ys for Estate, (In Prabate) 2003 Sndth Tower In the Matter of the Estate of MAR- * • * PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS Seattle, Wasil. 5/7-14-21 3t NOTICE IS HEREBY [VEN that "2 bedroom house, full basement 150-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal., No. 108 GLENN E. CORREA, AdmLnistrator €le furnace, 1 lot, $8,000.00, $500.00 750-gal. NOTICE I'O CEF1)ITOR, Imnis non, has filed in the office down payment. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE SHARER DIGGING SERVICE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR the Clerk of said Court a final and petition for, distribution, WALTER GEORGE ' Phone HA. 6-660 ASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of WIL- the Court to settle said report. utv the pr+iperty to the persons thereto Peal Estate 8-18tfn LIlMnd k. GRA 'I-LM, Dec, eased, ent tl.d aa(l discharge the petitioner W, Dick is the aopointed and as Administrator dc bonie non; mid 124 North First qualified Administrator of said estate, that said report and pelt(ion will be ' I.O.A.| • All persons having clahns against said heard <)n the 29th day of May, 1.959. at Office HA 6-6642- Res. HA 8-3530 tll Pubilelttionl deceased are required to serve the 10:00 o'clock in tile forenoa of said .. I sa!nc in duplicate, dlly verified, on day, or as soon thereafter as the mat- said Administrator or his attorney, ter cau bt, heard at the court room No. 3060 Robert L, Snydcr'at the address below of the above-entiih,d court, in the NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL stated, and file the same with the Courthouse in Shelton, Maion County, REPORT AND PETITIt)N FOR Clerk of said Court, together with Washinhqon, at which tinie and ple DiSTBIBUTION proof of such servi('+, within six any p(-rson interestcd In said Estlte FOR SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE months after the dste of first puhlica- may appear and file objt,ciiions thereto STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ,tion of this notice, or the santo will and contest the sanle. MASON COUNTY be, barred.. Dated this 24th day of April, 1959. TODAY'S SPECIAL TO In the Matter of the Estate <,f DATE of first publication: April 30, HARRY DEYETTE CLOSE AN ESTATE GEORGE G. SHACKLEFORD, deceas- 1959. Clerk of said Court. 4-room modern home with 2 bed- ed. CONDA W. DICK By: Irene McGuire, Deputy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Administrator LEWIS & CORREA rooms, good fenced yard and Carmelita O'Niill Shackleford, the Ex- Route 1, Box 447 ,,. Athwneys for Estate lawn. Located close-in on Ratl- ecutrix of the estate of George G. Shelt<m. 'Washington _.#ld BldK.--121 South dth St road Ave. Will make an I/lex. llackleford. deceased, has filed wi.h ROBERT L. NYDER ..... "t /Iton, Wshtngtt0iX ..... * .... pensive rental or home .with some the Clerk of said Court her final re- Att)rney at Law  (SEAL, Mason Co. Sup. Ct.) port and petition for distributiorL ask- Govey Building 4/30--5/7-14-21 4t repairs., Priced at $3000 cash. ing the Court to settle and approve the 4/30-++5/7-14-21 4t .......................................... • * * same, to distribute the property to the ............................... persorm tliereto entitled and to dis- 10 acres of good land with plenty charge said Executrix. NOTICE OF SAI,E No, 3098 of alder timber for wood alid lure- NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that OF STATE TIDE I,ANDS NOTICE OF SAI, E OF REAL PR(,)I)F, IITY AT PRIVATE NALE ber, 3 bedroom modern rebuilt said final report and petition for dim- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That IN TtIE SUPERIOR COtTRT OF THE trlbution will be heard oil Friday, the on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, 1959, STATE OF rASt-IIN(ITON FOR home. Located about 10 miles east L2th day of June, 1959, at the hour of commencing at ten o"ch)ck in the fore- MASON COUNTY of Shelton in Agate'district. Priced 10 o'chlck 1 the forenoon, at the noon of said day, in front of the main! In tl)o Itlatier of the Guardianshll of at $8500 with convenient terms for Courtroom of said Court in Shelton, entrance door to the Cunty Court BERTItA V, MUNSON, A Mentally In- Washington. House in the city of Shelton, county competent Person. a reliable party. DATED THIS 8th day of May, 1959, of Mason, State of Washington, by NOTICE IS FIEREBY GIVEN that • * * HARRY DEYETTE the County Auditor of said ounty, the undersigned, will, on or after the Can you use a 7 room home with 4 Mason County Clerk. the following described state tide 5th (lay of June 1959, offer for sale, By: IRENE IcGUIRE lands, together with the improvements and sell, the following described yeas bed rooms, storage reran, dining Depul Clerk siluated thereon, will  be sold at pub- property situated in Shelton, Maoon room, some hardwood fioor fire- ROBERT L. SN'DER lic auction to tile highest bidder there- County. Washiugton. to-wit: place, oil furnace, good basement Covey Building for. to-wit: The East five (5) feet of tit(' North with space for 2 cars. Liundry, 8helton, Washington NOTE--No one except citizens of the one hundred (1001 fret of Lot elev- Attorney for Exeutrix Untted States, or persons who have en (111, and Lot twelve (12), vxl:ept facilities in basement. This honle (SEAL) 5/14-2[-28-6/4 4t declared their intention to become the South fifty eil:'ht feet thereof; , -- ,,c l ,.,,- ..... ). .... *.,*e l "'" al In Block twenty three (23) Hill- is in good condition and is an ex ......... ,, ...................... ) , , ........... ,,, <west Addltton t¢ Slidt n, Wash- appuellll)..o aa cellent value at $8,760,00. F.H.A. &MENDED NOTICE OF WATER ... .+.,_,__._ . :t.Z .^. _. ,._. ington, according to the re<,t)rcid" RIGHT APPIIATN Na 14868 "'. L'u'*.nu"_u."_'t:.¢..(Lu". u. *P' 1)lat thor(,of tn the offic(, of the -- ownPI1 Dy die la.te OI Washington r +) ) + o balance can be assumed with, pay- STATE OF WIt4TON "OFFICE ..... : " " e ...... It' Au lit l'f(y Ma n .ugty, Walp ments about $61.00 per month ,-,= avrwx)¢acw ,w xa,v RE- situate in xront o[. aajac nt to vr act - ington, volume z ot flats page ,s Located on Hillcrest close to busi- m")r""O'YMPA / ...... ting upon the South 100 feet of the All ,ids must 'be n writing rna 'be ,vrxw. q'TOW... 'hm Robert A North 300 feet of Governmmt Lot 1. dqiverd to the undel gned guirdtan ........................ e hess district. Sloane of Sheltoli, Washington on Juno ectton 21.__T_qwnshlp 22 North; Rang= personally, may be delivered to the • * * 23, 1958 filed appUcation (or permit to x west, .W,M v with a zro,ilage ot .flit(, +if hs attorney. B, Franklin Nice 4 room modern home with 2 dvert the publi %0Aes of Cloqual- 1.55. lineal co-,as', more or less. ap- Houston. Angle Building. Shelto. bed rooms, utility porch and good lun* Creek tributary of Cbehalis River, praised at $50.00 per lineal chain or Washington. and may be filed in te in the amount of 1,21 second feet, sub-1577.50, office ,)f the Clerk of the shove en- garage with fruit room. Ideal jeet to existing rights, fronl April 15 i ,Excepting, therefrom, any tidelands tiiled Court, , home for small family or couple, to October 1 each year nor the pur-lof the second, clum convayed, to Thoa. The undersigned reserves the right Located within a few blocks of pele o lrvitg .ai. alid continuously or [O'Neill and A, L. McDonald, through to reject any l:lnd all bids, said .prop: oomestic supply; that the approximate[deed iesued December 1 1900 for the erty wl'q oe sere Ior cnsn, or casn anl Hillcrest trading center. A good point' of diversion is located witnln Icultivation of oysters in accordance ere(lit and shall he subicrt to the rail* StA, SEI 0f Section I5 and SWA, SW.., Iwlth Ch, .,-,,viicm n¢ Oh.;*., ;)' f('at ?n, eonflr aalh)n [n¢t approval of galue at $5000 with terllm to - of'6cfIon 14,' '0wiship 19 N, Range [Laws of  l'5."un(ier A'pnlic'a'n 1o th abQve entitled Court• r. (table party... . • 6 W W M in Maom County 13001*nd t. q" T:t +,o[L.a t...... oated this 3 day of May 19,19. .... e ccom stoles ...................  ........... H C ROTTER -AJly .obJectio.r m_tt.b a'._.p "e [deed ilmued Septenlbcr 15 1906 for l0 Gla.d an o the P+rsnn and 7 room mode home, with 5 bedb o a t o ao tar t .us) recor mg ,t, cultivation of o 'ste, l.s in' acc.ordance " ' " i or of Estate of th abote Nanud ld fll,lld wit their(ate Supeilvis I with the -reVision- of Chli-ter 24 .... " ' rooms and fair condition Has 41 ' ' "" : " (30) ' v • v . , Iluoinpet(ni Water Resources within uurty I Laws of or..,.,.i,.;. a,,,,licatlo n No ........ r ..,.-=,.,,-... acres more or liosa of eclllmlt da from May 28 1959. . I,m ....... ..- --w- • 9. rlrl, n--:).u,,, Wit esS my hand and official il Sat • property and good sprin p _ipl_ i ' • ' se .... Ai,orney this th d, of May 1959 [., w!n be l for not: lU} Anle lldg, Shelton, Waahlngton to home. Locall about 3  MG WALKER' iman me value aoove .Sfl..atea 5/21-286/4 St ok'.+" a ..... l.^. c • land upon the te, rms ana conuttlons -- outside ctty limits on AIdta ...... . ....... ,. 'followln .............. g : No. 2970 Wate lesourees road, Pliced at $7,000 nd owlmr .<,.** + ",,o, 23 2t] Not less than one-tenth of the pur- NOTI(I. OF IIIFARIN , 1FINA wishes cash. Might conider  I asp price must be paid at the tim i(!lflNT JINl lllqlllITlltli FOil , IOf sale. The purchaser, if he bs not Di,qTTM on smaller house as pari paymlml.  31&l |the owner of the improvements, rest IN_ATE m S _tE+[9 0SBT OF • • * x,v.  ,n. R [forthwith pay to the officer mllkig  .TA; QF _SI-tING'I!oN, FOR , tho s e e f 1 vt tor ut 'z. I i RI R COURT OF THE al th u I amount of the alp .' 16 acres of excellent cleared la TTAHTEESUP  ASHINGTON FORIpratsed "value of the improvement, as ,Int,Qn,r1t'..tae o with nice spot for building  xia f.h-irmv /above stated One:tenth of the mir. .nr zllxlsl llitw+ ll, tl- ............ ch ........ ceased. plenty of spring water. M  n'-te Matter of the Estate of RUS-/..ase price must be paid litmtiall NOTIr.E +m ,+ov vw, .,... t about 8 miles east of illmlton 0it IlliL J. RAE, Deceased . | ,r aner with interest on all @etlerred xio.t ,._.._ _ t, dmt,i, HELtiIIA F. RAE ie 'the appointellpayments at the rate of six per cen'- "' a'tt'  'l'ti,"tt'iirl" good hardtop road, Ownex wlll col _ana ullt(!ed Adminlraix of. iSlamiC[turn per annum: Provided, That .any= hal R'epSrt an i;etit on llo7 glst'ili U gider terms, estate All" lien!ions navlng cla lPUrcnaser may mate iUll payllent ot llon i'th ch. Ol..b .. ,h oh.., n,,.t against said deceased are requred t.({lll.incipal; interest and statuatory feei 2"_:." :;'-2":' 2"'. e' "7 ".'- ..... :l...., 12-acres of property with some -- "" .... "" vert " " .... -'' - __ unu "tnc court ts asKeo to settte sala serve me same in uupltcate, ouly . .-fat any time and oor.aln seed Toe account dlstrlhute th pronerty to the drilled well, 2 room modern house ¢.el ,w .... /lied by law from cutting or removing satd (,state, with garage. An emceltent piece o wtuk t.he Clsrk 9 t ea!d Court, tol n/any such timber or materiaL, without FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that er ttn rz ot sucn tmrvlee w 'ifirst ob ininubltcCO n the m ai '  ' " ' b ta ns0 t of . Co - S d accmmting and petition will be property located about 6 miles six months  after the date of first pu - mis he e o. south of Shelton on good hardtop ............................ me ' sloner of Lands, until the ] .ea'i'l.l th ab e court, at the urt-, L ....... " /full amount of the purchase price has Ih_fiulte ' tn Shelt9/l, Maspl!l . ulity, highway. Priced for quick sale at "'a,u"$'P;., ,.,,hli.ti+m. -.. 14 /been paid and deect issued, t.wasnlngton, on lrl0ay tne 19th day cash. " ag'a ........ * " .......  ........  ' | All sales of state, laiids are made [of June, 2959, at the hour of 10:00 ibm., • * * ..... HELENA F RAE [subject to the reservatloim of oils [,and .any. per:qona having objectffcm,$ Admlnistratl:lx |gases coal ores minerattl and fossil$i9 ere(° snouia preaen lliem at sale 15. acres of good land with fir, Star Route 1 Box 40B lOt every name, kind and description, (line ano place, . .... aid ( n( con HARRY DExr-£'m eedar and alder timber, 4' room <.,. °rms3alflcllap- m#dern home With "2 bedromlas ld ¢BERT,eltsyDW:t shlngt°n Iditlqt° ipesca?dpIti(naIet GARI ANClg+kAafLihNDab&'vB1TP(t utility room. 1Mcludes small saw- V{+nBUdal  -. o- /t'ha 'npeLw+of._L'sub,ect -- X+te,'+evs +o+ Estate " , IS llltKI, II i i OIQ J  • I.J F " mill and older Fordson tractor. X[orney for the Admlnlstratrlx /the terms, conditlona and reservatioas 5.zCic.P°S,T OCZ ADRES: Has good gravity water system, 5/14-2]-21-6/4 lof chapter 312 of the Session Laws ot Bremerton,.!.,. ...... . 1@27, relating to eaiements for rights- ................. 11/21-28 8/4 -r garilen land and fruit trees. A real :of-way and the carryilig of timber, " " country spot with plenty of possi- No. 30Sll I stone minerals and other prnducts over No. 29"/9 bilities. Located about 7 miles NOTIOEr OF HEARING ON FINAL the same, NOTI('F OF llEARING ON FINAL southeast of Shelton and a good REI'ItrRT, AND PET|TION FOR tlRT L. COLE REPORT AND PETITIDN FOR DI,tlTRIBUTION Commission(el of Plblic Lands. DISTRIBUTION r. value at $8500 .with a substantial IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 4/30-v/7-14-21-28 5t IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT ely THE down payment. Better see it at STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Na. 30Q9 " MASON COUNTY once as it will move quickly. In the Matter of the Estate of MARY NOTICE OF tEIG ON FINAI,I,#? N the Matter of tle Estate o£ ED= • * * "E. HT2"RST, deceased, REPORT AND r..TION FOR C. NELSON. Dreatled. 5-room modern home with 2 bed-I NOTICE IS HERWIBy GIVEN that DINTRIllUTIO N Virginia Charrter, Adrntliistratrix De [NOlle if,,. DeShlelds, Executrix of said IN THE SUPERIOR COUItT OF THE Bonis Non (if said estafe, haa fib,d In rooms down and large unfinished lellte, has filed with the Clerk of said STATE OF WASHbIGTObi FOR said Court her Final Rport And PeU- upstairs suitable for 2 more be& 14;ut her final report and petition for MASON COUNTY . , tion For Distribution askigll the Court rooms. Fireplace', floor furnace, Idtlibntlolh asking the Court to set- In the Matter of the Estate of ROY to settle said report, distrihutc tlte + [tie n4 approve the same, to distrib- F. HALL, deceased, pr.perty to lhP persons thereto enti- full basement with toilet, garage rute the property to the peraons there- Bessie Warren Hall, Administratrix tied and discharge said Adnllnistratrix. frnit room and work shop. Good I to entitled and to discharge said Exe- of said estate, has filed in said Court Said report and, petition will he hed e luLl:Aclean ]ilel.°a[tTh[lditiidriled nWl__tlLlild_lcuicx o. a r,ar  hr final report and petition hw dis-Juno 19, 1959, a! l0 a.m. In th burt- ' " " ' tributim, asking the Court to settle of .ltid Couri, In tim Mason said report, (stribute the property County Cour(house at ShPlton, Wasl- the person heret entitled and dis- lngton .... value in s • , .  charge sad Anlntstratrlx.. Said report [ bATED: May 15, 1959. ..... ^ ...*. ., hoto.tlol .^. ]10 o'clock a.m,, at the Courtroom of 2nd petion will be heard o 0 the 12th [ IRy DETETTI ..... Isald Court In helton. Wuhlnton,  of* JU!, 959, at I0 a,l., in the[ Mam Co Clerk REALTY payment. I D,t'EDtkl]IV, lisa. u _r-o. ot,uid Crt. i.n. me cotm-I By'. IR,NE McGUIRE • 1 _-.- _.t Deputy 0,el, HER.IRT ( &NGLI I llINlil' McI, UIP IPATIIID TltJF 7to aa]+ .ay, ,vv9, ROBERT L. SNYDER Aagl, mtdidn H_A.RRY_DEYET E , Govey Bulldlng [ ]iOiii lliili,"'i i , IZlOlll Colmty clerk, Shelton. Washlngton  lil(  . I_lll, ityllllil ' lltliltlilyit ROIIIRT L, II'DmR Att.lma for ll&=nimatrlixi= (01"ilul_1.dlnl . (SEAL) 5/3/,*I$/$-11 Ct t I€OL' t ' 'W'Uin4On Islelzon, wasmngton -- -- Attorn. Attoroe+ I o. Ad,utn+tratr,00 .... + ...... , .,,__..+ - (, 6/3b--6/4.1& 4t 5€14,-2£-2.6/, 4£.i.J.g o, Ovtllil¢li V¥ cllllh A'lLl FESTIVAL SPECIALS VE NEW 2 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . . . and it is so cozy, compact, and comfort- place, picture windows, and lovely fenced )wn, LOG HOME, FOR $2750 . . . and large modern 3 room home with fine 10 minutes from town. A dandy country place. SEDROOM HILLCREST HOME . . . COUple who want to get by very economically. -e to stores. $3500. tie OR SELL DOWNTOt/N. DUPLEX . . . aily wanting room for an inlaw. One unit other unit 1 bedroom . . . in addition both quarters. $10,750. VERy NICE 2 BEDROOM HOME... all plastered, and nicely decorated. Corn- 2 car garage, and in nice neighborhood With only $300 down. THIS HOME WITH 3 LOTS . . . yard, fruit trees, flowers, garden plot modest 3 bedroom home. Only $450 down MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL... this nice 2 bedroom home, you,' children can SChool grounds for play area. $5500 with $500 OF FINE WATERFRONT PROPERTIES OR PERMANENT LIVING. HOOD TOTTEN SHORES, ETC. BETTER A. ROY D UNN REALTOR 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bldg l%ferred Prope, t/ei ABLE 4 BEDROOM, HILLCREST . . . with full bsement. 'Some furniture price $8,950.00, terms. Come in and g in. IDE FOR DOWN PAYMENT... anything of approximately $500 value downtown home. Full price is md balance can be paid at $45,00 per interest. Call today. L FULL BASEMENT, $6,200.00.... on attractive corner lot this little home for the retired couple. Can be purchas- Call us about it today. DOWN . . . lots of room this 4 bedroom home recreation room, is just right for you. dishwasher, outdoor barbecue, are FHA appraised at $12,000. Don't big, well-located home at such a low a¢ 'gHAN AVERAGE BUY . • • ' bedroom plus, home just outside city living room, attractive dining room, an d utility, Floor furnace. Everything Only $7,950 with low down party. 2 BEDROOMS... home on corner lot for only $5,500, balance at only $40 per month, in- A real rent beater. Better call to- in tomorrow. )M HOME, 2 ACRES . . . raile from downtown, this attractive 2 is selling for only $7,500. Easily 3 bedroom. Acreage is all cleared and additional good size lots. Terms can CA.LL, HA S-035 ANYTI]M " 21# Nl Flrat • Pa 19 NO. 75112 No. 3111 NItMMON IIY l)lrllf,li'ATION N(IfrllCl.: T(I ('REIII'rOItS I T.r ,,.rt+. u,,r,,T.r,)D ()lTt)l ()ll li.Tii'! IIN THE SUPERIIOR CDURT (.IF THE I g ..... ..... <, ,,,.o,+,,,,,n,, ,, I STAq It, OF WASHIN(,T()N I fir ,0,a<,-- Vact, r P,l .tiff I,, the ,00atter of the Es,00at,. ,,f .,l+- • ,,  :, , FRED SELMER eRR. Di'<','fts('d. • , , + "'.'--  . - . I TtIERtgSA. OIR is the app Jinted IHld William .,. v:ln vflcl'er, l)eren(lani. Iq.ualified Admiuistl'litrix of said ,'sial(P, STATE I)l i' WASltlNGTON TO TEiE I Ail l)(;l'son. having eluJiiia agiiiat maid, SAID WlIAAAM A. VAN VACTER, I di#c('ttt#ed sire t'equired to serve llit I)EF'IqNI)ANT: salne in dul)licute, duly vorifte(I, on Yell :If'(" |li'r(!b,v stimmoned to appear said Ad¢)til!'i,tratrix or -her attorney, willlin sixty (tl01 days after the date Ibert L. Snyder at: the address be- [)t' the first pliblh,.tition of tills suln- |liw sta;tvd, slid file Lhc Slllie with the l)lons, to-wit, witilin sixty (60) days Cqerk i)f sakl Collrt, tog+,tiier with :lfter th++ 30ih day uf April, 1959, lll(| de1'ead the ab.v-entitled action in th+, ab(,ve-(!ntitled C.our|, and answer the COnll)laint el! the plaintiff, and sel've a (,i)py of y()ur answer npon tile unllersigatd attorney at his offh.e be- h)w stated; tllld in case of your fail- ure so to do, ju(Ignlent wil| be ren- ilot'od against you according to the d.nland of the conlplhint, witil'h lisa been filed witil tile clerk of said court. Ti!at. the cunse of action herein i for 1 divorce hetween the parties above nalllOd Wllerein Plaintiff alleges cruel trealltlent on tile part (If the defead- lint. GI.ENN E, CORREA, Altorney f(Jl" Plaintiff, Office and lmst-office address: Bell Building, 12] Sooth Fourth Street Shelton, Washington. 4/'30--.5/7-14-21-28--6/4 6t Na, 710 NOT/CE OF tIEARIN(i ON IFINA I' REPORT AND FETITION FOR DiST RliliIllllON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O TE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COIYNTY i la Probalt) pt'o+)f of such sl' t'vi('e, within ,..nix months nfter the date of first publica- tion ill tills noitce, l' the saiiic will be barred. DATE of first pubUeation: May 14, 1959. TIIERESA ORR RoUte 2, Eh)x 3't4 Shelton, Washington ROBERT I.. SNYDER i Attorne at Law Govey ,uil(l h!ff "" " li Fkd Imls an "New Testament Christltmltp Lewis E. Wliitlle] Mirdster Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STIll E ET Bible $cholt 9,:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m, Sh,,It,,n, Waslling'l,)n 5/I,I-21-2t-6/4 MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Baptist Chul'0h of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welcome Sainl David's Churl 4t (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets tlev. Robert Bonner Echoll, Vicar WHtTSUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. Holy Ctlmmunion. 9:45 a,m. Chnrch School Faro- In th+ Matter of the Estate of ANNI and 7.'00 ,m. to 8:00 p,m. morn Archdeacon McNeil. J. WILLIAMS, Deceased,. NOTICE IS HEFHgBY GI'VEN that . • I.OLA MAY SIMPSON', Executrix ...... ,,;i"  ') " ' Hie Will of Annie J. Williams, ily Service. 11:00 a.m. Eucharist and Ser- ceased has filed In the office ot e,I, Clerk of mtid (?curt a fhtal rt,illollt and ] L III•IIB'N IIII I llllr'l r114fllll 4)11111 II I pe.tition for distribution, askin the I" Illlill/lllllLlBllli lllIMlnll B-_Ullilli I Court to settle .luid r(,port, distributstl imlllRllilllllli • •lilill •illmuIlli I the pr(,perty to the persollS thereto en-lit .......... " ....... ---- v I.--. ,,. I tithed and to disehal'ge the petltionerll ill atm ue,, ,-,.,,.,.., ,, ,=..,.+ ............. I as Executrix; aud lhat said r, eport and II nmv+a. SllVVPli<rlllMl il'lll IPJIYIIL.¥ | potiti()n will< be heard on the .5th daYll ' ' , I of Juno, 1959. at 10:00 o'cbovk in the l P,CTURES W,LL BE SHOWN MaMa.y, Ky25 -: :30, lm. FillllSti00 CHURI]H 910 E. Dearlllrn , Sheltgn i ii i 1"i ? " i i L J , iiiii iii i1 Till =OHMIIIH ' Ith & Ptlnt -- Paxl)onllge 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 PLtLS T: HAT'IN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m .... nurcb Sahool &:45 a.m. Second Hion 11:00 a.m. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ...... r " J J J J  i [ +++ CHUlICil TItA L, JACOBS, Deceased. ':'=7= ..v o _u,. ,..,.,, 'I SU0000AY, 9:46 a.m. llnciay SohooL 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Let God Help You Win" 6:00 p.m. Youth Gllups. Four Departments. 7:00 p.m. Evening service. "Courage For Unfinisiled Tasks" FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH wmth & Franklin S, --J, Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor Junday School, 9:3'0 a.m,-Stmday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. MiQ-week Service--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. FBST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunda& Sool 9:.30 a.m. Clnireh 11 am. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room lacaied in church. Reading room hours 2 to '4 p.ra. MIn. & Fit, Wed, evening 8:45 to 7:45. i i _ i liT. VIEW ILLMCE CiMCH + Washington & J t. Eugene Breld, Pastor Sunday Sehoo! .................................................................... 9:45 a.m: Morning Worsiflp ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ................................................................................. 8:30 p,m, Evening Service .................................................................. 7:30 p.m., Mld-wk rvie [edday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME FISHEililEIrS ggB P,U.B. AllOIlIOIIIHiM • 3HRD & eMA SUNJtY, MAY 24--- 8:01 a.n. llceskfast at Shelton Hotel. 9:15 ll.m. Coffee sliellertirrm"--+ M.. Gerlle Hermss. "taitc!lh ]fldmie ,Lders" )41):05 lain. ililill It, "ltlim or Victor'* You , tile Sillw:iilm At the Friendly SHELTOH ASSEMBLY OF 600 t3Q Iat Ploe * Mlom olJllUnd, Pastor i dl 4 * * Ill * SilllilY. lilli!locl ........................................................  ............ 9:t5 a,n¥ i*ll wImp.; .................................. ... ......................... 11:0o a=i s  ........................................................ 6:00 p.nw l,ttll lerYlell .................................................................... 7:00 p.n i.lllen ti "]vliIme" gundlty, 0:30 p.m, KIRO li i i i i i i FIRi'lr IHI#RCkt OIF CHIIIIST, S¢IENTIIT, SItELTON, WASH, Cordially Invites Yoai, to Attend a Free Lecture on Christian Science IE rittiled 'llrlithin Science: Ciiistianity hi Aetion" Paul Stark Seeley, ,C. S. B. of Portland, Oregon IV[ember of the- Board' of.Lecturte,,#hip of The lWothm' Church The First Church of Christ. Seientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Monday, June 1, 1959 af8 p.m. Shelton Junior High School 12th snd Franklin Free Nurlery Provided Rendering 2/27tfl Iterations, bul- ('l't I¢!ll¢'l orde 1'. Pht,t)t! S,I/23 Ifa tires. O.K 1/10if [hlbh, %VlltllPll i'oF ill ttl' ]llilllO. W PII21 lfn secretary. Ex- sht)rlliahd r,- tlp, rollle hi fin I ippily" llllir- li lel clr, For roll DE 3-0881 Aberdeen. B 5(7:2 8 sed furul, Phi,he K 5/7 tfn ...... 1.15 FEET WATERFRONT, on 11aln- eeled fir poles mersley Inlet, one lnile frolil tliwll, ole lind Piling fern' r(ioel house, hal.dWol,d l'hll)t.s, 3012, Tacol)la olevtt'ic lieut, tile hath lind Iih, kil- .ti16 tfn ('hen, $16.500. Phone HA 6-4772 or Wiii PaY --P-'°'-U'!x.237-'-. ShJlt-?n-" ......... It 5.(7-2t nt. Phone FOR SA'LE--Conifortalle two-1)e(lroom 2/26 _tfn boloe, new con,a'etc foondal ion, If you downtown, near schools, $6250. Phone Henry HA 6-4215. F4/23 tfn 2112 tfl FOR SALLY: 4-room Hiller€at home, large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. S- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m. El/27tfn clean exterior 704 Euclid. Carport. Fireplace. ttard- 6-4.q68. wood floors. Plastered walls. F.H.A. C 5/21. tfn Phone HA 6-3180, O 517 tfn YR--gh-g gi, n¥ -7-L- k-77-, i ;diiieT"-(lift: '50 SPecial, good light hasenlt!nt, 100 foot lake front- $120. Phone HA ago, electric heat. Pibonc HA 6-8948. D 5/21 1l/5-14-28 cub. Gaod 2 & 3 PIEDROOM homes 11,%, ton Shelton area. reasonable. 2318 South perfect Tacoma WAY. Phone GReenfield '2- B.x 24 4404. C 5/14-28 A 5/21 ANGLESIDE, 2 cleared lots, cuie 1 bedlr0olu house. Terrific view. Own- or will sacrifice his equity for only $800: Call Kurt Mann, Waterfront M4/9 tfn Realty, HA 6-8535, or ttA @-3228 eve- nings. 5/14 tfn '47 Nine-N Phone A IiDR- SXi.:--2-J+Tti-/774iT;--iTiiT[/{a-L-rik; E 11/14 tfn home. Drilled well. HA 6-t316. B 5114-614 4 tfn pick- an offer. Can Road, Donald k 6-8788. J 5/14 tfo -- Two Plastered room floor. Ia t 'a l!e. II 5/21-6/4 4 bedroom High. Low rent. Phone J 5/7 tfn from city well. Phon+ B4/$0 tfn SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Publishes ta "6hrisbmastown, • U.S.A.," lel.t, on, Wshi ,ttor ii REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ltllgf1,ELLAlIr II Appliealion No. 251t3{I • .J  a--JX.tlL]t I' NOTICE O,F NLE OIF TI'MBEE ....... " - i ON ½TA'I'I IAND FOR SAI,E: the H. W. tllelsey prop- M(tl)ERN 3 i)q.dt.l.llll heine 2 h:lths, t!Allll (}.'rlIANKN I Nolii'e is II¢.l',,tl', givl,n that on Tucs- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone tlil,l,h ]t:it(,h(,)l bllilt-in Fill)g#,, at- We wish 1.o tlliillK ltlll' lllally f'ielll S Idav 11, 2111 Iav i ' du ', 1959 c-n- . Union 4!1. .................... s6/stfn lat,h,,d 'aragt,. Ph(ll)e IrA ti-657.1, fi,r all the cards tioll I•l,we:'s s,,nt ill I hi:hi in'f' at len ''1 •( in it, f( renoon l'['IY PAY .ENT ll ¢'a viJu ('fin I)u) .......... N 5/1,1 lfn oat' motller, whih, sil,, wii io the hos- / Jl' '1 i dav ft' Jli|, ' 1 I  iain ql- a hilJlllhig iovathin with "a sill(ill yl?tl' t01 )1( AIE III al,rl,s near Arcadia )ital and fi)t" lill thl. b-litll iltll 'i /t 't ll • iI ,l' I  I ' ' till V ul il'l illllsc arinind Sll'Oalli a/Id gravity v¢iitl!t', l'.ioi. 11100 fir so,'dllllgS planti.d ill ¢li'fet'ing anti vintril)uthlns tll ti),' l in tile ('it,," ill' Shi.ll.n, (;lltlnly il' Ma- lllliV buildiag lilalOl'iliJ. [t cost Ii I!i7)7. $1.1)()11. Pllonl, IIA tl-18111. Canc,*i' Fund, and tile I)niny, lilliay t,x- I silo St:ill iff Wn:dlington, liv the little itlilro tit(ill cosl of drilling aod . N 511.i lfn I )ressiOOs el• syliillatby in ih. d .a'tll Jl'l(itli v All Iil r f s I i )l l'lt' t e fixt'tu'l's for (lvl, I) well. See ('l:ll•envl ' FOR SAIE -- liffodern one-i)edroom our bet.rod sol,thor, Allllll N,e. It I).i" till lit" "-II w ng t i.s(.' lil,(l state Mr'. al)d Mrs. L. .I. ](isSt'l or al)d will )' s, (t It I) II €' Ilih:tion to Wtvt'l. Wlllffill Wheel Molel, .i,7-21 i]l,ltlO, t'Jt'vlrh, and wilier healer und falniiy lllw highosl l)idder therefor, hi-wit; ............. Int'g'l. tili rln,nl, $4.500.. 1715 Hi)lnlli IPIIR SALE • 31) acre fai•nl, parlialiy SI. PI)one IIA 6-3454. .13/12 tfl. Mr. and Mr.. lqrnit, Alinl)ls I l'lniiL'tl'ea old .!dT0Wli) Ditlgias fir lllld son I  %•, ' (i'd W ih l'cd lags ci)lllpl'iS- ('h'ar*,d, wilh 5-bodl'olil)l h¢ltiit,. ,lqix I-t(]IMI] FOR SALE -- Two-bcdrlg6m$, Mr, and .Ml's, Edwal,(I V ,'V ling' al)IWllxiliiai(ly 72,li00 bd. ft.. lo- illiil':l fl'ottl Sl'l,']lilll (Dayton i'oad), line wilh l'ug; 23' x 15' living rooln, anti fnnnl)' " Icalod oi1 liai't NW i NW i , Sol,lion , Ph!,!l(]. H/k 6-6981. .......... fl.!/2',l tfn wnll to wall carpeting lnrge kitchen, Mrs. b'l'lillVi's Dc, ilz i T,JWnS ip 20 N,rIIL H.:lng,. 4 West, FOR ALE--4-bedi'oonl |loose al 1227 ph'nly built-ins dipette; cement lilt'. Wilhalll Nye %V.M., conhdning 10 av, r,'s, llllll•l! or Wvst Turnel'. Write 1,t18 So. t" e T.V fotlndalh)n and long ltriveway; glu'- 5/21 le,s. Port Angeles. II,tl23-5121 age: two 60' x ]frO' fenced lots. Tills ..... 7 -' " 7: .................. t " " nic.e hl)Tne at FHA appraisal $350 .... ' ....... ] Tilnher will he m,hl on a log scale SAr  oR TRADE -- li0-a('r,'  " A down i,t .......  -- "-- LOST AfllD FOUND I,,si.. •  ' r. .... ' ' t ' • - )..- ,'1 per n)ontn l-'none --  __  Mioin)ni)l accepliibie bid l)!t' ttlous- da '%' f r I 3o acl'es i tD ' t3 n- 1UfA I" Rr,7 ° ' 2. ...... • " .... W ' tO ---. -..a. M,1/ZSI £ID rid 'r sitiail atH'oaffi  in ti'a(ll,. I - " " i- .......................................... .land b 1. ft ;' 4 fi t'ti' Di,ulas fir and . IC. l?, Faht,,iag,.j-t Qnjh,j_?)c:. " 5/'1,J-2 I F(3R SAIJ,]--.I!,i acre 1, niile off Bay- LOST -- "twrlill h'iOi'(1 bl 11 calf - I$')00 'o ('t ' logs if lilly. FOR SAI E--546' x 60' wsterfront l)t I lJ'l,l'lal,nnMaaoneLake R/,)ad:.. For ih- PiloneWe°ks HA°ld6-3876.ailnlg BaYsliol.e r,,ad. I' "At tinie 'of .sale til p[irl'haser, n ust (ill T ..... tl ,n Sh res, $1,400. $400 down l n( n . ktA li-3aliS:LL ..... ............................ M 5/1,1-21 li)llke It dot)osil of ]005{, of the bid $30 llt,i' nlolllh. ,Wrilc B.x BX, c/o [ w3/z5 tla I OT" Party whl, lot dg " Ill ¢'I ! t 1 I pri¢,l! l)iisod in the t.l'tii,uo estiniale. The J(lllrnlll. .I,'1tt tfn I "'" .h .-,q*o tlal' Rt' i  .r,./:lll $320,I00 of ths deposit, plus It $5,00 ,:?>?"=d:" ............. x ";2' 2'l,,iii ,,7 sal,. f,.,.. ,,,. a t.tat el' $3,209.00, I . °..'_ + 7 .............. lii'l l liitlsi ill! it) thv forni of cash, nlolil'y LOST- PARAKEET h U' I'li]asi "t ¢,i'(tl#l', certified 'check or bank dratt. FOR SALE + I.l.,.v dots wll h i, ' "" wl..l T ' )shin(', of the, required depos t if I N'ic;i¢] 'c" Ann" Kne,,lanl "'{:;, 'allll'll lany l),',y t e paid by i) 'sonai he,'k. . ne ' t a a38  ' ; r.*l t Purlhaser must also ftn'alsb a surct.y ._' -- .....................  ,)it bond of $500.00 to guarantee conipli- 61G Acres, 2 bcdroom house, din- LOST" 16 ft. ¢.ed'u" stl i - ulhc n' alice with all t,,l'II)s of tim hill of ing room, furnace, hardwood I ..t' 'n-al area WilPr 7 .  sltie. All checks n onoy o 'del's, etc,, ,.'Pen iasid' Na! e J-lee H" o .,,' are to bt: niadl: l)ayabh; to thc Cml- fh)ors, insulated, carport. Also 3 ....... /'."', missioner of Public Lands. room cabin on property, $10,000, [ ., ,,/.1-. Tiule for removal will be six months. • * * I tw ,e,3mm,ul,a] ¢1'sw..l.,,.u Located approximately 4 niiles south 2 lots - 100 x 100 foot, 2 cabin I L, .JI'V|.jJ of Shelton. . . Accessibility: Via county roaa. chicken house and 2 other build- Complete contract specifications nlay CASCAD] OLYMPIC swimming pool. be exanllned at Shelton District Hoad ings on property, gravity water Privatc, cemnmntty, clubs and me-,quarters, County Auditor's oft'ice., and systero ..... $3,000.00, $50.00 per tols. Life ttme reinforced I:[ ncrote, Commissioncr of Public Lands, (.)lynl- month until $500.00 is paid as Two new pools fur inspectim, budg_ I et terms: sales; L(,sl e Y nlnglove, [ )is, down payment, then contract for HA 8-3603, Y 5/21-28-6/4 Said thnher on maid land will be ...... sold for not less than the appraised balance at $50.00 per month. RG-IS-2;ED ARABIAN -Stallion at lvahie, as appraised by the Conunis- • * * stud to approvedr mares. Dark ehest- stoner of Public Lands in the, man- 200 foot of waterfront by 450 foot nut. 4 stockings, blaze. Box 108 ner provided by law. a statement of depth, drilled well with large ! Matlock HA 6-5070, H3/19 tt'n which is now on file in tile office of pump house and work shop com- -SFt"T'ATMJTIN;rSai--m-y-"re. the Auditor of said county. BERT L. COLE bined, 3 car-carport. Beautiful idence near the L)we!, Skokomlsh I Commissioner of Public Lands, location in a Cove--$8,500.00. School. Call Trojan 7-5<i38 for ap- 4/30-5/7-12-19-26 5t polatment ttrda.y, unday. and I • * * Wedneaday. A..'. oppelr,. O4/18 tfn , -- --N-. 3-O'--'- .... 186 Foot of waterfront on Bay, 10 IAQODRDIO lllvat.. J,e|8ons lla-'y-0 NOTICE TO CRgDITORS aftPrf°re°°°nas oftheSatdmattrday, ,'an,°r abew)onheardthere-at acres more or less, niee creek on home. Staneato xlauonal School of (In Pllbal) ihe court room of the. above-entitled property, close to town--S4,500.00. Accordion. Mrs. Casaaa, phone HA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE court, in the Cotlrtioose in SheltoIt, • * * 6-8229. 1/1 tfn I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Mason C, univ, Wasliington, at whien 3 Bedroom house, living room and ?RES TOFF, triremes, remov¢. I THE COUNTY OF MASON tilue and place an)' person interested in said Estate may appear anl file oh- dining room combined, fireplace, Larry's Tree Burgeon lServiee. HA. i In the aiatter of the state of W. G, Jet(lens thereto sod ¢,onte tho same. oil furnace, plastered, I lot 60x -I 2/13t I POTTS. Dectlaed. Dated this lt day of My, 19f,9, 100 foot $13,650.00--will F.H.A. ARTIFICIAL BRIEDIN ll'vi ",.r I Notice is iteret)y given that the un- l dersigned lois |)etn appointed and has HARRY DEYEITI both dht'y II b , $ .04} cash. i]qualifie d am Eeeutor of the estate of Clck +if said Court FOR ALE --$45ooo down and closing costs, argeseh "Northweat Breeders, By: IRENE M,'UIRE cot' W. G. Potts, Deceased; that aU per- • * * Call WtlJ Turaer, Olympia,  sons having claims against said da- Deputy By Owner Spencer Like Waterfront -- 330 lect. FI 2-!t13. ceased are hereby required To serve LEWIS &, C%)RREA /oct at $25.00 per foot, low bank SEWIN ff.ANE RAIRS the salno duly vcrifie, d, on said execs- Attorneys, for Entate Three bedroom house, large . . • Expert work. Bonded epioyee, t.r or its attorneys of record at the Rell BlOt,, 121 South 4ttl St, Leave calls  Journal office, phons address below .tated, and fi the Sholton, Washington living room and kitchen, ap- 4 very large bedroom house, full HA. $-ai..Slaser ewmg tachlne sa!m, witil tim Clerk of said Court, to- (EAL, Mason Co. Sup, Ct.) proximately ,,/. acre. House basement, fireplace, dining room, C___o., 01, yita ll/22tfn 5/77-14.21-28 it gether with proof of such service with- in six tnonths after the date <,f first includes elec.tric range, Sicg- ver good condition, corner lot and ROOFING, lliowl! rock wool insula- publication of this :notice, or the same ler oil burnqr, two 9x12 rugs, inside lot'--$12,500.00, tion. Guareateed. Phone HA, 6-617, will be barred. • No, 2884 garden spot. Total cost $6950 • • • 6/0tfn Date of firstpublleation, May 7. 1959, NOTICE OF liEARINC FINAL includes Closing cost, insur- Practically new 3 bedroom house ....... by PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK REPORT AND FETIflPION ance, 1959 taxes. $450 down, on /V[t, View, dining room, nice Executor of said Estate FOR DISTRIBUTION $50 monthly. Call HA 6-6158 utility room, attached garage, SEPrrC TANK 9oo 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Wash. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE after 5 p.m. or anytime week- fireplace, all electric heat -- Terhune, Schlosatein & Riveland ehds. P 5/14 tfn $12,000.00. INSTALLATIONS Attorn,,ys for Estate, (In Prabate) 2003 Sndth Tower In the Matter of the Estate of MAR- * • * PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS Seattle, Wasil. 5/7-14-21 3t NOTICE IS HEREBY [VEN that "2 bedroom house, full basement 150-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal., No. 108 GLENN E. CORREA, AdmLnistrator €le furnace, 1 lot, $8,000.00, $500.00 750-gal. NOTICE I'O CEF1)ITOR, Imnis non, has filed in the office down payment. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE SHARER DIGGING SERVICE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR the Clerk of said Court a final and petition for, distribution, WALTER GEORGE ' Phone HA. 6-660 ASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of WIL- the Court to settle said report. utv the pr+iperty to the persons thereto Peal Estate 8-18tfn LIlMnd k. GRA 'I-LM, Dec, eased, ent tl.d aa(l discharge the petitioner W, Dick is the aopointed and as Administrator dc bonie non; mid 124 North First qualified Administrator of said estate, that said report and pelt(ion will be ' I.O.A.| • All persons having clahns against said heard <)n the 29th day of May, 1.959. at Office HA 6-6642- Res. HA 8-3530 tll Pubilelttionl deceased are required to serve the 10:00 o'clock in tile forenoa of said .. I sa!nc in duplicate, dlly verified, on day, or as soon thereafter as the mat- said Administrator or his attorney, ter cau bt, heard at the court room No. 3060 Robert L, Snydcr'at the address below of the above-entiih,d court, in the NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL stated, and file the same with the Courthouse in Shelton, Maion County, REPORT AND PETITIt)N FOR Clerk of said Court, together with Washinhqon, at which tinie and ple DiSTBIBUTION proof of such servi('+, within six any p(-rson interestcd In said Estlte FOR SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE months after the dste of first puhlica- may appear and file objt,ciiions thereto STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ,tion of this notice, or the santo will and contest the sanle. MASON COUNTY be, barred.. Dated this 24th day of April, 1959. TODAY'S SPECIAL TO In the Matter of the Estate <,f DATE of first publication: April 30, HARRY DEYETTE CLOSE AN ESTATE GEORGE G. SHACKLEFORD, deceas- 1959. Clerk of said Court. 4-room modern home with 2 bed- ed. CONDA W. DICK By: Irene McGuire, Deputy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Administrator LEWIS & CORREA rooms, good fenced yard and Carmelita O'Niill Shackleford, the Ex- Route 1, Box 447 ,,. Athwneys for Estate lawn. Located close-in on Ratl- ecutrix of the estate of George G. Shelt<m. 'Washington _.#ld BldK.--121 South dth St road Ave. Will make an I/lex. llackleford. deceased, has filed wi.h ROBERT L. NYDER ..... "t /Iton, Wshtngtt0iX ..... * .... pensive rental or home .with some the Clerk of said Court her final re- Att)rney at Law  (SEAL, Mason Co. Sup. Ct.) port and petition for distributiorL ask- Govey Building 4/30--5/7-14-21 4t repairs., Priced at $3000 cash. ing the Court to settle and approve the 4/30-++5/7-14-21 4t .......................................... • * * same, to distribute the property to the ............................... persorm tliereto entitled and to dis- 10 acres of good land with plenty charge said Executrix. NOTICE OF SAI,E No, 3098 of alder timber for wood alid lure- NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that OF STATE TIDE I,ANDS NOTICE OF SAI, E OF REAL PR(,)I)F, IITY AT PRIVATE NALE ber, 3 bedroom modern rebuilt said final report and petition for dim- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That IN TtIE SUPERIOR COtTRT OF THE trlbution will be heard oil Friday, the on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, 1959, STATE OF rASt-IIN(ITON FOR home. Located about 10 miles east L2th day of June, 1959, at the hour of commencing at ten o"ch)ck in the fore- MASON COUNTY of Shelton in Agate'district. Priced 10 o'chlck 1 the forenoon, at the noon of said day, in front of the main! In tl)o Itlatier of the Guardianshll of at $8500 with convenient terms for Courtroom of said Court in Shelton, entrance door to the Cunty Court BERTItA V, MUNSON, A Mentally In- Washington. House in the city of Shelton, county competent Person. a reliable party. DATED THIS 8th day of May, 1959, of Mason, State of Washington, by NOTICE IS FIEREBY GIVEN that • * * HARRY DEYETTE the County Auditor of said ounty, the undersigned, will, on or after the Can you use a 7 room home with 4 Mason County Clerk. the following described state tide 5th (lay of June 1959, offer for sale, By: IRENE IcGUIRE lands, together with the improvements and sell, the following described yeas bed rooms, storage reran, dining Depul Clerk siluated thereon, will  be sold at pub- property situated in Shelton, Maoon room, some hardwood fioor fire- ROBERT L. SN'DER lic auction to tile highest bidder there- County. Washiugton. to-wit: place, oil furnace, good basement Covey Building for. to-wit: The East five (5) feet of tit(' North with space for 2 cars. Liundry, 8helton, Washington NOTE--No one except citizens of the one hundred (1001 fret of Lot elev- Attorney for Exeutrix Untted States, or persons who have en (111, and Lot twelve (12), vxl:ept facilities in basement. This honle (SEAL) 5/14-2[-28-6/4 4t declared their intention to become the South fifty eil:'ht feet thereof; , -- ,,c l ,.,,- ..... ). .... *.,*e l "'" al In Block twenty three (23) Hill- is in good condition and is an ex ......... ,, ...................... ) , , ........... ,,, <west Addltton t¢ Slidt n, Wash- appuellll)..o aa cellent value at $8,760,00. F.H.A. &MENDED NOTICE OF WATER ... .+.,_,__._ . :t.Z .^. _. ,._. ington, according to the re<,t)rcid" RIGHT APPIIATN Na 14868 "'. L'u'*.nu"_u."_'t:.¢..(Lu". u. *P' 1)lat thor(,of tn the offic(, of the -- ownPI1 Dy die la.te OI Washington r +) ) + o balance can be assumed with, pay- STATE OF WIt4TON "OFFICE ..... : " " e ...... It' Au lit l'f(y Ma n .ugty, Walp ments about $61.00 per month ,-,= avrwx)¢acw ,w xa,v RE- situate in xront o[. aajac nt to vr act - ington, volume z ot flats page ,s Located on Hillcrest close to busi- m")r""O'YMPA / ...... ting upon the South 100 feet of the All ,ids must 'be n writing rna 'be ,vrxw. q'TOW... 'hm Robert A North 300 feet of Governmmt Lot 1. dqiverd to the undel gned guirdtan ........................ e hess district. Sloane of Sheltoli, Washington on Juno ectton 21.__T_qwnshlp 22 North; Rang= personally, may be delivered to the • * * 23, 1958 filed appUcation (or permit to x west, .W,M v with a zro,ilage ot .flit(, +if hs attorney. B, Franklin Nice 4 room modern home with 2 dvert the publi %0Aes of Cloqual- 1.55. lineal co-,as', more or less. ap- Houston. Angle Building. Shelto. bed rooms, utility porch and good lun* Creek tributary of Cbehalis River, praised at $50.00 per lineal chain or Washington. and may be filed in te in the amount of 1,21 second feet, sub-1577.50, office ,)f the Clerk of the shove en- garage with fruit room. Ideal jeet to existing rights, fronl April 15 i ,Excepting, therefrom, any tidelands tiiled Court, , home for small family or couple, to October 1 each year nor the pur-lof the second, clum convayed, to Thoa. The undersigned reserves the right Located within a few blocks of pele o lrvitg .ai. alid continuously or [O'Neill and A, L. McDonald, through to reject any l:lnd all bids, said .prop: oomestic supply; that the approximate[deed iesued December 1 1900 for the erty wl'q oe sere Ior cnsn, or casn anl Hillcrest trading center. A good point' of diversion is located witnln Icultivation of oysters in accordance ere(lit and shall he subicrt to the rail* StA, SEI 0f Section I5 and SWA, SW.., Iwlth Ch, .,-,,viicm n¢ Oh.;*., ;)' f('at ?n, eonflr aalh)n [n¢t approval of galue at $5000 with terllm to - of'6cfIon 14,' '0wiship 19 N, Range [Laws of  l'5."un(ier A'pnlic'a'n 1o th abQve entitled Court• r. (table party... . • 6 W W M in Maom County 13001*nd t. q" T:t +,o[L.a t...... oated this 3 day of May 19,19. .... e ccom stoles ...................  ........... H C ROTTER -AJly .obJectio.r m_tt.b a'._.p "e [deed ilmued Septenlbcr 15 1906 for l0 Gla.d an o the P+rsnn and 7 room mode home, with 5 bedb o a t o ao tar t .us) recor mg ,t, cultivation of o 'ste, l.s in' acc.ordance " ' " i or of Estate of th abote Nanud ld fll,lld wit their(ate Supeilvis I with the -reVision- of Chli-ter 24 .... " ' rooms and fair condition Has 41 ' ' "" : " (30) ' v • v . , Iluoinpet(ni Water Resources within uurty I Laws of or..,.,.i,.;. a,,,,licatlo n No ........ r ..,.-=,.,,-... acres more or liosa of eclllmlt da from May 28 1959. . I,m ....... ..- --w- • 9. rlrl, n--:).u,,, Wit esS my hand and official il Sat • property and good sprin p _ipl_ i ' • ' se .... Ai,orney this th d, of May 1959 [., w!n be l for not: lU} Anle lldg, Shelton, Waahlngton to home. Locall about 3  MG WALKER' iman me value aoove .Sfl..atea 5/21-286/4 St ok'.+" a ..... l.^. c • land upon the te, rms ana conuttlons -- outside ctty limits on AIdta ...... . ....... ,. 'followln .............. g : No. 2970 Wate lesourees road, Pliced at $7,000 nd owlmr .<,.** + ",,o, 23 2t] Not less than one-tenth of the pur- NOTI(I. OF IIIFARIN , 1FINA wishes cash. Might conider  I asp price must be paid at the tim i(!lflNT JINl lllqlllITlltli FOil , IOf sale. The purchaser, if he bs not Di,qTTM on smaller house as pari paymlml.  31&l |the owner of the improvements, rest IN_ATE m S _tE+[9 0SBT OF • • * x,v.  ,n. R [forthwith pay to the officer mllkig  .TA; QF _SI-tING'I!oN, FOR , tho s e e f 1 vt tor ut 'z. I i RI R COURT OF THE al th u I amount of the alp .' 16 acres of excellent cleared la TTAHTEESUP  ASHINGTON FORIpratsed "value of the improvement, as ,Int,Qn,r1t'..tae o with nice spot for building  xia f.h-irmv /above stated One:tenth of the mir. .nr zllxlsl llitw+ ll, tl- ............ ch ........ ceased. plenty of spring water. M  n'-te Matter of the Estate of RUS-/..ase price must be paid litmtiall NOTIr.E +m ,+ov vw, .,... t about 8 miles east of illmlton 0it IlliL J. RAE, Deceased . | ,r aner with interest on all @etlerred xio.t ,._.._ _ t, dmt,i, HELtiIIA F. RAE ie 'the appointellpayments at the rate of six per cen'- "' a'tt'  'l'ti,"tt'iirl" good hardtop road, Ownex wlll col _ana ullt(!ed Adminlraix of. iSlamiC[turn per annum: Provided, That .any= hal R'epSrt an i;etit on llo7 glst'ili U gider terms, estate All" lien!ions navlng cla lPUrcnaser may mate iUll payllent ot llon i'th ch. Ol..b .. ,h oh.., n,,.t against said deceased are requred t.({lll.incipal; interest and statuatory feei 2"_:." :;'-2":' 2"'. e' "7 ".'- ..... :l...., 12-acres of property with some -- "" .... "" vert " " .... -'' - __ unu "tnc court ts asKeo to settte sala serve me same in uupltcate, ouly . .-fat any time and oor.aln seed Toe account dlstrlhute th pronerty to the drilled well, 2 room modern house ¢.el ,w .... /lied by law from cutting or removing satd (,state, with garage. An emceltent piece o wtuk t.he Clsrk 9 t ea!d Court, tol n/any such timber or materiaL, without FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that er ttn rz ot sucn tmrvlee w 'ifirst ob ininubltcCO n the m ai '  ' " ' b ta ns0 t of . Co - S d accmmting and petition will be property located about 6 miles six months  after the date of first pu - mis he e o. south of Shelton on good hardtop ............................ me ' sloner of Lands, until the ] .ea'i'l.l th ab e court, at the urt-, L ....... " /full amount of the purchase price has Ih_fiulte ' tn Shelt9/l, Maspl!l . ulity, highway. Priced for quick sale at "'a,u"$'P;., ,.,,hli.ti+m. -.. 14 /been paid and deect issued, t.wasnlngton, on lrl0ay tne 19th day cash. " ag'a ........ * " .......  ........  ' | All sales of state, laiids are made [of June, 2959, at the hour of 10:00 ibm., • * * ..... HELENA F RAE [subject to the reservatloim of oils [,and .any. per:qona having objectffcm,$ Admlnistratl:lx |gases coal ores minerattl and fossil$i9 ere(° snouia preaen lliem at sale 15. acres of good land with fir, Star Route 1 Box 40B lOt every name, kind and description, (line ano place, . .... aid ( n( con HARRY DExr-£'m eedar and alder timber, 4' room <.,. °rms3alflcllap- m#dern home With "2 bedromlas ld ¢BERT,eltsyDW:t shlngt°n Iditlqt° ipesca?dpIti(naIet GARI ANClg+kAafLihNDab&'vB1TP(t utility room. 1Mcludes small saw- V{+nBUdal  -. o- /t'ha 'npeLw+of._L'sub,ect -- X+te,'+evs +o+ Estate " , IS llltKI, II i i OIQ J  • I.J F " mill and older Fordson tractor. X[orney for the Admlnlstratrlx /the terms, conditlona and reservatioas 5.zCic.P°S,T OCZ ADRES: Has good gravity water system, 5/14-2]-21-6/4 lof chapter 312 of the Session Laws ot Bremerton,.!.,. ...... . 1@27, relating to eaiements for rights- ................. 11/21-28 8/4 -r garilen land and fruit trees. A real :of-way and the carryilig of timber, " " country spot with plenty of possi- No. 30Sll I stone minerals and other prnducts over No. 29"/9 bilities. Located about 7 miles NOTIOEr OF HEARING ON FINAL the same, NOTI('F OF llEARING ON FINAL southeast of Shelton and a good REI'ItrRT, AND PET|TION FOR tlRT L. COLE REPORT AND PETITIDN FOR DI,tlTRIBUTION Commission(el of Plblic Lands. DISTRIBUTION r. value at $8500 .with a substantial IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 4/30-v/7-14-21-28 5t IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT ely THE down payment. Better see it at STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Na. 30Q9 " MASON COUNTY once as it will move quickly. In the Matter of the Estate of MARY NOTICE OF tEIG ON FINAI,I,#? N the Matter of tle Estate o£ ED= • * * "E. HT2"RST, deceased, REPORT AND r..TION FOR C. NELSON. Dreatled. 5-room modern home with 2 bed-I NOTICE IS HERWIBy GIVEN that DINTRIllUTIO N Virginia Charrter, Adrntliistratrix De [NOlle if,,. DeShlelds, Executrix of said IN THE SUPERIOR COUItT OF THE Bonis Non (if said estafe, haa fib,d In rooms down and large unfinished lellte, has filed with the Clerk of said STATE OF WASHbIGTObi FOR said Court her Final Rport And PeU- upstairs suitable for 2 more be& 14;ut her final report and petition for MASON COUNTY . , tion For Distribution askigll the Court rooms. Fireplace', floor furnace, Idtlibntlolh asking the Court to set- In the Matter of the Estate of ROY to settle said report, distrihutc tlte + [tie n4 approve the same, to distrib- F. HALL, deceased, pr.perty to lhP persons thereto enti- full basement with toilet, garage rute the property to the peraons there- Bessie Warren Hall, Administratrix tied and discharge said Adnllnistratrix. frnit room and work shop. Good I to entitled and to discharge said Exe- of said estate, has filed in said Court Said report and, petition will he hed e luLl:Aclean ]ilel.°a[tTh[lditiidriled nWl__tlLlild_lcuicx o. a r,ar  hr final report and petition hw dis-Juno 19, 1959, a! l0 a.m. In th burt- ' " " ' tributim, asking the Court to settle of .ltid Couri, In tim Mason said report, (stribute the property County Cour(house at ShPlton, Wasl- the person heret entitled and dis- lngton .... value in s • , .  charge sad Anlntstratrlx.. Said report [ bATED: May 15, 1959. ..... ^ ...*. ., hoto.tlol .^. ]10 o'clock a.m,, at the Courtroom of 2nd petion will be heard o 0 the 12th [ IRy DETETTI ..... Isald Court In helton. Wuhlnton,  of* JU!, 959, at I0 a,l., in the[ Mam Co Clerk REALTY payment. I D,t'EDtkl]IV, lisa. u _r-o. ot,uid Crt. i.n. me cotm-I By'. IR,NE McGUIRE • 1 _-.- _.t Deputy 0,el, HER.IRT ( &NGLI I llINlil' McI, UIP IPATIIID TltJF 7to aa]+ .ay, ,vv9, ROBERT L. SNYDER Aagl, mtdidn H_A.RRY_DEYET E , Govey Bulldlng [ ]iOiii lliili,"'i i , IZlOlll Colmty clerk, Shelton. Washlngton  lil(  . I_lll, ityllllil ' lltliltlilyit ROIIIRT L, II'DmR Att.lma for ll&=nimatrlixi= (01"ilul_1.dlnl . (SEAL) 5/3/,*I$/$-11 Ct t I€OL' t ' 'W'Uin4On Islelzon, wasmngton -- -- Attorn. Attoroe+ I o. Ad,utn+tratr,00 .... + ...... , .,,__..+ - (, 6/3b--6/4.1& 4t 5€14,-2£-2.6/, 4£.i.J.g o, Ovtllil¢li V¥ cllllh A'lLl FESTIVAL SPECIALS VE NEW 2 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . . . and it is so cozy, compact, and comfort- place, picture windows, and lovely fenced )wn, LOG HOME, FOR $2750 . . . and large modern 3 room home with fine 10 minutes from town. A dandy country place. SEDROOM HILLCREST HOME . . . COUple who want to get by very economically. -e to stores. $3500. tie OR SELL DOWNTOt/N. DUPLEX . . . aily wanting room for an inlaw. One unit other unit 1 bedroom . . . in addition both quarters. $10,750. VERy NICE 2 BEDROOM HOME... all plastered, and nicely decorated. Corn- 2 car garage, and in nice neighborhood With only $300 down. THIS HOME WITH 3 LOTS . . . yard, fruit trees, flowers, garden plot modest 3 bedroom home. Only $450 down MOUNTAIN VIEW SCHOOL... this nice 2 bedroom home, you,' children can SChool grounds for play area. $5500 with $500 OF FINE WATERFRONT PROPERTIES OR PERMANENT LIVING. HOOD TOTTEN SHORES, ETC. BETTER A. ROY D UNN REALTOR 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bldg l%ferred Prope, t/ei ABLE 4 BEDROOM, HILLCREST . . . with full bsement. 'Some furniture price $8,950.00, terms. Come in and g in. IDE FOR DOWN PAYMENT... anything of approximately $500 value downtown home. Full price is md balance can be paid at $45,00 per interest. Call today. L FULL BASEMENT, $6,200.00.... on attractive corner lot this little home for the retired couple. Can be purchas- Call us about it today. DOWN . . . lots of room this 4 bedroom home recreation room, is just right for you. dishwasher, outdoor barbecue, are FHA appraised at $12,000. Don't big, well-located home at such a low a¢ 'gHAN AVERAGE BUY . • • ' bedroom plus, home just outside city living room, attractive dining room, an d utility, Floor furnace. Everything Only $7,950 with low down party. 2 BEDROOMS... home on corner lot for only $5,500, balance at only $40 per month, in- A real rent beater. Better call to- in tomorrow. )M HOME, 2 ACRES . . . raile from downtown, this attractive 2 is selling for only $7,500. Easily 3 bedroom. Acreage is all cleared and additional good size lots. Terms can CA.LL, HA S-035 ANYTI]M " 21# Nl Flrat • Pa 19 NO. 75112 No. 3111 NItMMON IIY l)lrllf,li'ATION N(IfrllCl.: T(I ('REIII'rOItS I T.r ,,.rt+. u,,r,,T.r,)D ()lTt)l ()ll li.Tii'! IIN THE SUPERIIOR CDURT (.IF THE I g ..... ..... <, ,,,.o,+,,,,,n,, ,, I STAq It, OF WASHIN(,T()N I fir ,0,a<,-- Vact, r P,l .tiff I,, the ,00atter of the Es,00at,. ,,f .,l+- • ,,  :, , FRED SELMER eRR. Di'<','fts('d. • , , + "'.'--  . - . I TtIERtgSA. OIR is the app Jinted IHld William .,. v:ln vflcl'er, l)eren(lani. Iq.ualified Admiuistl'litrix of said ,'sial(P, STATE I)l i' WASltlNGTON TO TEiE I Ail l)(;l'son. having eluJiiia agiiiat maid, SAID WlIAAAM A. VAN VACTER, I di#c('ttt#ed sire t'equired to serve llit I)EF'IqNI)ANT: salne in dul)licute, duly vorifte(I, on Yell :If'(" |li'r(!b,v stimmoned to appear said Ad¢)til!'i,tratrix or -her attorney, willlin sixty (tl01 days after the date Ibert L. Snyder at: the address be- [)t' the first pliblh,.tition of tills suln- |liw sta;tvd, slid file Lhc Slllie with the l)lons, to-wit, witilin sixty (60) days Cqerk i)f sakl Collrt, tog+,tiier with :lfter th++ 30ih day uf April, 1959, lll(| de1'ead the ab.v-entitled action in th+, ab(,ve-(!ntitled C.our|, and answer the COnll)laint el! the plaintiff, and sel've a (,i)py of y()ur answer npon tile unllersigatd attorney at his offh.e be- h)w stated; tllld in case of your fail- ure so to do, ju(Ignlent wil| be ren- ilot'od against you according to the d.nland of the conlplhint, witil'h lisa been filed witil tile clerk of said court. Ti!at. the cunse of action herein i for 1 divorce hetween the parties above nalllOd Wllerein Plaintiff alleges cruel trealltlent on tile part (If the defead- lint. GI.ENN E, CORREA, Altorney f(Jl" Plaintiff, Office and lmst-office address: Bell Building, 12] Sooth Fourth Street Shelton, Washington. 4/'30--.5/7-14-21-28--6/4 6t Na, 710 NOT/CE OF tIEARIN(i ON IFINA I' REPORT AND FETITION FOR DiST RliliIllllON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O TE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COIYNTY i la Probalt) pt'o+)f of such sl' t'vi('e, within ,..nix months nfter the date of first publica- tion ill tills noitce, l' the saiiic will be barred. DATE of first pubUeation: May 14, 1959. TIIERESA ORR RoUte 2, Eh)x 3't4 Shelton, Washington ROBERT I.. SNYDER i Attorne at Law Govey ,uil(l h!ff "" " li Fkd Imls an "New Testament Christltmltp Lewis E. Wliitlle] Mirdster Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STIll E ET Bible $cholt 9,:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m, Sh,,It,,n, Waslling'l,)n 5/I,I-21-2t-6/4 MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Baptist Chul'0h of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welcome Sainl David's Churl 4t (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets tlev. Robert Bonner Echoll, Vicar WHtTSUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. Holy Ctlmmunion. 9:45 a,m. Chnrch School Faro- In th+ Matter of the Estate of ANNI and 7.'00 ,m. to 8:00 p,m. morn Archdeacon McNeil. J. WILLIAMS, Deceased,. NOTICE IS HEFHgBY GI'VEN that . • I.OLA MAY SIMPSON', Executrix ...... ,,;i"  ') " ' Hie Will of Annie J. Williams, ily Service. 11:00 a.m. Eucharist and Ser- ceased has filed In the office ot e,I, Clerk of mtid (?curt a fhtal rt,illollt and ] L III•IIB'N IIII I llllr'l r114fllll 4)11111 II I pe.tition for distribution, askin the I" Illlill/lllllLlBllli lllIMlnll B-_Ullilli I Court to settle .luid r(,port, distributstl imlllRllilllllli • •lilill •illmuIlli I the pr(,perty to the persollS thereto en-lit .......... " ....... ---- v I.--. ,,. I tithed and to disehal'ge the petltionerll ill atm ue,, ,-,.,,.,.., ,, ,=..,.+ ............. I as Executrix; aud lhat said r, eport and II nmv+a. SllVVPli<rlllMl il'lll IPJIYIIL.¥ | potiti()n will< be heard on the .5th daYll ' ' , I of Juno, 1959. at 10:00 o'cbovk in the l P,CTURES W,LL BE SHOWN MaMa.y, Ky25 -: :30, lm. FillllSti00 CHURI]H 910 E. Dearlllrn , Sheltgn i ii i 1"i ? " i i L J , iiiii iii i1 Till =OHMIIIH ' Ith & Ptlnt -- Paxl)onllge 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 PLtLS T: HAT'IN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m .... nurcb Sahool &:45 a.m. Second Hion 11:00 a.m. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ...... r " J J J J  i [ +++ CHUlICil TItA L, JACOBS, Deceased. ':'=7= ..v o _u,. ,..,.,, 'I SU0000AY, 9:46 a.m. llnciay SohooL 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Let God Help You Win" 6:00 p.m. Youth Gllups. Four Departments. 7:00 p.m. Evening service. "Courage For Unfinisiled Tasks" FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH wmth & Franklin S, --J, Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor Junday School, 9:3'0 a.m,-Stmday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. MiQ-week Service--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. FBST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunda& Sool 9:.30 a.m. Clnireh 11 am. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room lacaied in church. Reading room hours 2 to '4 p.ra. MIn. & Fit, Wed, evening 8:45 to 7:45. i i _ i liT. VIEW ILLMCE CiMCH + Washington & J t. Eugene Breld, Pastor Sunday Sehoo! .................................................................... 9:45 a.m: Morning Worsiflp ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ................................................................................. 8:30 p,m, Evening Service .................................................................. 7:30 p.m., Mld-wk rvie [edday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME FISHEililEIrS ggB P,U.B. AllOIlIOIIIHiM • 3HRD & eMA SUNJtY, MAY 24--- 8:01 a.n. llceskfast at Shelton Hotel. 9:15 ll.m. Coffee sliellertirrm"--+ M.. Gerlle Hermss. "taitc!lh ]fldmie ,Lders" )41):05 lain. ililill It, "ltlim or Victor'* You , tile Sillw:iilm At the Friendly SHELTOH ASSEMBLY OF 600 t3Q Iat Ploe * Mlom olJllUnd, Pastor i dl 4 * * Ill * SilllilY. lilli!locl ........................................................  ............ 9:t5 a,n¥ i*ll wImp.; .................................. ... ......................... 11:0o a=i s  ........................................................ 6:00 p.nw l,ttll lerYlell .................................................................... 7:00 p.n i.lllen ti "]vliIme" gundlty, 0:30 p.m, KIRO li i i i i i i FIRi'lr IHI#RCkt OIF CHIIIIST, S¢IENTIIT, SItELTON, WASH, Cordially Invites Yoai, to Attend a Free Lecture on Christian Science IE rittiled 'llrlithin Science: Ciiistianity hi Aetion" Paul Stark Seeley, ,C. S. B. of Portland, Oregon IV[ember of the- Board' of.Lecturte,,#hip of The lWothm' Church The First Church of Christ. Seientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Monday, June 1, 1959 af8 p.m. Shelton Junior High School 12th snd Franklin Free Nurlery Provided