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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 21, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 21, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2O SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Chrstmastown, U.KA.," She ton, Washin Dance Planned At Dayton Hall Friday Night It DAYTON -- The public is invit- ed to the Dayton Hall to dance on Saturday, May 23 from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. The Holloway orchestra ]ill provide the music. LADIES&apos; CIAJB met on Wednes- (ay, May 13 with Mrs. Pete Rob- ¢'ts as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. Edward Bunnell was observ- Next Ladies Club meeting will e on Wednesday, May 27 with rlre. Perry Rose Sr. as hostess. It has been decided to have one gust. Last Friday was the birthday of Mrs. Darl Goldy and in tile eve- ning Mr, and Mrs. Robert Goldy and Jake and Mr and Mrs; AI Chappell and Yvonne dropped in to wish her many happy returns of the day. Mr. Charles Nichols of Wen- atchee spent the weekend in the home of his sister Mrs. Gertrude Scott. i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Schur were Mr. and leeting the third week of June Mrs. Eldon Turner and children of and the third week of July and a L(mg Branch. eeting the second week of As- GARY COMBS, Dan McHenry land Darrell Cochran participated ,i  the District 'Pra(k Meet l]eld in IVtrlct)uver on ;a, tur(hLy. They are [members of the Jr. High Track Team. Barbara Thais Rishel spent the weekend at home and returned on Sunday to St. Marys Academy at Toledo. On Sunday, ]Ir. Bill Kidd and Mrs. Marian Valley and Mrs. Esther Kidd of Shelton called on Mr .and Mrs. Charles Churchill on the canal and on Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rebman of Skokomish VaN Icy. ON SATURDAY evening, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell and Mr. I Road. and Mrs. A1 C]mppell helped to I Fre,'t and Jim Lamont of SheHon chivaree the ne,lyweds, Mr. and spent SurMay afic+'m)(m with Mrs. Robert Mendcnhall m their ltiiehard sYl(t B/it Roh,+'t+. new home at Lake 1Nahw,ltzel. I Mr. 'rod Mrs J. iX' At(++u+c ,,t,: Mr+ and hire, J+ C. 'FJbbilts lc'.-SaLlll'('lay oett+i):itt ?jio::l:+ ,f Mr. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Dick l.'tlld Mrs. Earl l(m;' of I'aul;:l<). ()n Aschoff of Olympia attbnded the i tiaeir way ht)lllt Stlnl]av, thpv vi.q- Safeway banquet on Sunday hcht ile(t in l?,r(m'lerton wi{h hh:. and at Steres in Tacoma. Mrs. Fred McGloth]m. Barbara Bloomlield of Kamih:he Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Point spent the weekend with Gertrttd( Scott were " we,q:(md Bobbi Dillenberg. Iguest, Mr. Charles Ni(.lu)ls of Recent visitors in the home of ]Wenatchee, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Marriages ..l:i:ly!ng for marriage lieenses i I!/,, M;ts,)n county auditor's of- i€' 1}lis 1):tst wt'ek v¢cl"e: Gilbert C}tvtill:ltlg|l, 6:1, Belfair, :tll3 Fdith L. Hartley, 50, Relish'. William H. Ells, 33, Shelton, altd Mary L. Petty, 32. Shelton. Charles A. Willis, 27, Shelton, and Edith Kirk, 17, Shelton. Michael E. Farrow, 26, Brem- ,rt, m, an Eva M. Conner, 23, Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were i Scott and children of Shcllcm ,wl 13rrmerton: Shelton.Mr .and Mrs. Bill Von Bargen of I Mr.chihh.en.and Mrs. Carrol Mctfenry and io f Mrs. Will/are M. Brown were Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown On Friday, Mrs. Darl Gohtv tnd :Ml'S. Walter Chappell and children. and children visited on Sunday d Mrs. A1 Chappell spent the day m i ANI)REA BROWN recently at- evening in the home of Mr. and Aberdeen shopping, i tended the birthday party of Beck/ Mrs. T H. Robertson on Arcadia Luncheon guests on Wedne,+day tlolland of Shelton. Webber John Phone HA Jacuzzi Sales & Route 1, Box 8, PRICES EFFECTIVE Noon Thurs., Fri. & Sat., 'MAY 21 • 22- 23 SKY HIGH QUALITY... Forest Festival SPECIALS! oow,,o ScotT AT THRIFT WAY! 4 " Paxk KRAFT Velveeta CHEESE SPREAD 2.LB. LOAF € Right to Limit Quantities Reserved I i SHURFIN EVAPORATED MI[ TALL $ / TINS i i i, I IIII II BETTY CROCKER Bisquick BAKING MIX 40 OZ. ¢ PK6, 400 Count Cut- 125-ft. 111 Waxed  ScotT '_, GIANT Scott Family White or Assorted 60-Count Pkgs ...... Thriftway Meat Values! James Henry Brand Skinless Wiener ,,49 c Whole, Drawn, Loeally.Grown and Processed Stewing ++He. ,,29 c i i i i NALLEY'S TANG WILLIAMS i Ii i FOLGER'S COFFEE 2-LB. CAN , $1.37 1-LB. FOR € WHITE STAR TUN CHUNK STYLE NO. ½ CAN SALAD DRESSING POTATO CHIPS MARGARINE SWEET PEAS FRUIT '+"+'+ 49€ lO-oz. Picnic Box 49€ 4/89' 2/29 € Jar .................................. ++ Regulax or Dip ............ Blue Del Pet-Ritz ..... • f , Bonnet Monte Apple or l-lb. Pkgs... 303 Cans... Cherry .... , ... LUNCH MEAT SHU Well Filled Ears of Fresh Coachella Valley CORN ON THE COB :6 39 c CUCUMBERS New Shafter, U.S. No. 1 • Fresh, Crisp, Large, Green WHITE POTATOES Size A SPASM 2 19' ,,.oz.+ Fo, OAN € P00EA FROZEN - lO-OZ, pKGS. / Fresh, Local - Last Call for Canning or Freezing RHUBARB Full 20-lb. box or over... 89¢ ,, 5' ZOth On H/I/crest 2O SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Chrstmastown, U.KA.," She ton, Washin Dance Planned At Dayton Hall Friday Night It DAYTON -- The public is invit- ed to the Dayton Hall to dance on Saturday, May 23 from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. The Holloway orchestra ]ill provide the music. LADIES' CIAJB met on Wednes- (ay, May 13 with Mrs. Pete Rob- ¢'ts as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. Edward Bunnell was observ- Next Ladies Club meeting will e on Wednesday, May 27 with rlre. Perry Rose Sr. as hostess. It has been decided to have one gust. Last Friday was the birthday of Mrs. Darl Goldy and in tile eve- ning Mr, and Mrs. Robert Goldy and Jake and Mr and Mrs; AI Chappell and Yvonne dropped in to wish her many happy returns of the day. Mr. Charles Nichols of Wen- atchee spent the weekend in the home of his sister Mrs. Gertrude Scott. i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Schur were Mr. and leeting the third week of June Mrs. Eldon Turner and children of and the third week of July and a L(mg Branch. eeting the second week of As- GARY COMBS, Dan McHenry land Darrell Cochran participated ,i  the District 'Pra(k Meet l]eld in IVtrlct)uver on ;a, tur(hLy. They are [members of the Jr. High Track Team. Barbara Thais Rishel spent the weekend at home and returned on Sunday to St. Marys Academy at Toledo. On Sunday, ]Ir. Bill Kidd and Mrs. Marian Valley and Mrs. Esther Kidd of Shelton called on Mr .and Mrs. Charles Churchill on the canal and on Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rebman of Skokomish VaN Icy. ON SATURDAY evening, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell and Mr. I Road. and Mrs. A1 C]mppell helped to I Fre,'t and Jim Lamont of SheHon chivaree the ne,lyweds, Mr. and spent SurMay afic+'m)(m with Mrs. Robert Mendcnhall m their ltiiehard sYl(t B/it Roh,+'t+. new home at Lake 1Nahw,ltzel. I Mr. 'rod Mrs J. iX' At(++u+c ,,t,: Mr+ and hire, J+ C. 'FJbbilts lc'.-SaLlll'('lay oett+i):itt ?jio::l:+ ,f Mr. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Dick l.'tlld Mrs. Earl l(m;' of I'aul;:l<). ()n Aschoff of Olympia attbnded the i tiaeir way ht)lllt Stlnl]av, thpv vi.q- Safeway banquet on Sunday hcht ile(t in l?,r(m'lerton wi{h hh:. and at Steres in Tacoma. Mrs. Fred McGloth]m. Barbara Bloomlield of Kamih:he Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Point spent the weekend with Gertrttd( Scott were " we,q:(md Bobbi Dillenberg. Iguest, Mr. Charles Ni(.lu)ls of Recent visitors in the home of ]Wenatchee, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Marriages ..l:i:ly!ng for marriage lieenses i I!/,, M;ts,)n county auditor's of- i€' 1}lis 1):tst wt'ek v¢cl"e: Gilbert C}tvtill:ltlg|l, 6:1, Belfair, :tll3 Fdith L. Hartley, 50, Relish'. William H. Ells, 33, Shelton, altd Mary L. Petty, 32. Shelton. Charles A. Willis, 27, Shelton, and Edith Kirk, 17, Shelton. Michael E. Farrow, 26, Brem- ,rt, m, an Eva M. Conner, 23, Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were i Scott and children of Shcllcm ,wl 13rrmerton: Shelton.Mr .and Mrs. Bill Von Bargen of I Mr.chihh.en.and Mrs. Carrol Mctfenry and io f Mrs. Will/are M. Brown were Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown On Friday, Mrs. Darl Gohtv tnd :Ml'S. Walter Chappell and children. and children visited on Sunday d Mrs. A1 Chappell spent the day m i ANI)REA BROWN recently at- evening in the home of Mr. and Aberdeen shopping, i tended the birthday party of Beck/ Mrs. T H. Robertson on Arcadia Luncheon guests on Wedne,+day tlolland of Shelton. Webber John Phone HA Jacuzzi Sales & Route 1, Box 8, PRICES EFFECTIVE Noon Thurs., Fri. & Sat., 'MAY 21 • 22- 23 SKY HIGH QUALITY... Forest Festival SPECIALS! oow,,o ScotT AT THRIFT WAY! 4 " Paxk KRAFT Velveeta CHEESE SPREAD 2.LB. LOAF € Right to Limit Quantities Reserved I i SHURFIN EVAPORATED MI[ TALL $ / TINS i i i, I IIII II BETTY CROCKER Bisquick BAKING MIX 40 OZ. ¢ PK6, 400 Count Cut- 125-ft. 111 Waxed  ScotT '_, GIANT Scott Family White or Assorted 60-Count Pkgs ...... Thriftway Meat Values! James Henry Brand Skinless Wiener ,,49 c Whole, Drawn, Loeally.Grown and Processed Stewing ++He. ,,29 c i i i i NALLEY'S TANG WILLIAMS i Ii i FOLGER'S COFFEE 2-LB. CAN , $1.37 1-LB. FOR € WHITE STAR TUN CHUNK STYLE NO. ½ CAN SALAD DRESSING POTATO CHIPS MARGARINE SWEET PEAS FRUIT '+"+'+ 49€ lO-oz. Picnic Box 49€ 4/89' 2/29 € Jar .................................. ++ Regulax or Dip ............ Blue Del Pet-Ritz ..... • f , Bonnet Monte Apple or l-lb. Pkgs... 303 Cans... Cherry .... , ... LUNCH MEAT SHU Well Filled Ears of Fresh Coachella Valley CORN ON THE COB :6 39 c CUCUMBERS New Shafter, U.S. No. 1 • Fresh, Crisp, Large, Green WHITE POTATOES Size A SPASM 2 19' ,,.oz.+ Fo, OAN € P00EA FROZEN - lO-OZ, pKGS. / Fresh, Local - Last Call for Canning or Freezing RHUBARB Full 20-lb. box or over... 89¢ ,, 5' ZOth On H/I/crest