May 22, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 22, 1969 |
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83rd Year No. 21 Nntered as second class matter at the pt office at Shelton, Washington 985 ' -- 10 Ce][lt per Copy
under act of March S. 1879. Published at 2@7 West Cota.
Thursday, May 22, 1969 t'uDllhl in "Chtw, stom, U.S.A.", Sheltn, Wuhing. 3 Sections 24 Pages
It's Forest Festival Tim00 In Mason County
Activities for the 25th Mason
County Forest Festival .got under-
way officially Wednesday night
with the coronation of Queen
Janice Wittenberg at the Queen's
Banquet in Mt. View School
multi-purpose room.
Thursday and Friday will see
School Lets CoaSts
For Mr. View Addition
The Shelm School Board, at
special meeting Tuesday night,
voted to award contracts to the
low bidders for construction of
the four-room addition to Mr.
View school.
The General Contract was
awarded to D-A Construction,
Union, whose bid of $84,389 was
low of seven received.
The electrical contract was
awarded to Thackery Electric,
Shelton, for $12,636 and mech-
anical contract to Kitsap Mech-
anical Corp., Sllverdale, for $29¢
performances of the Shelton High
School Music Department's pro-
duction of "Oklahoma" at 8 p.m.
each evening in the Junior High
Also scheduled for Friday
night is the CYO Teenage Dance.
Saturdw will be the big day
with the Paul Bunyan Junior
Parade for the yotmgsters lead.
ing off the events at 10 a.m.
This will be followed by the
Paul Bunyan Parade with its
more than 90 entries of bands,
floats, marching units and other
Action will center et Loop
Field Saturday afternoon when
the Logger's Sport Show gets un-
derway at 2 p.m.
The show will feature' speed
Club Junior High Princess Mic-
helle Lee and county princesses
Lynn HasBrouck, Cindy Donnell,
Nancy Eveleth, Kerri Stoehr,
Carmen Rothrock and Debbie
Guest speaker for the program
was Charles Connaughton, region-
al forester for the U.S. Forest
Service in Portland.
Dr. Judson Holloway, president
of the Chamber of Commerce,
was master of ceremonies for he
program and John Flower, from
the Shelton High School Key Cub
was master of ceremonies for the
coronation ceremoney.
Special award presentations
were made by Rocky Hembroff,
President of the Forest Festival
Association, and Dennis Colvtn
on behalf of the Shelton Jaycees.
The carnival was set up on
the grounds at Seventh and Cota
Wednesday and food and concess-
ion booths operated by various
local grou have also been plac-
ed in the same area.
The parade will follow Rs us-
ual route, up Railroad Ave. and
over to Cota and down Cota to
Parade chairman Darrell Cleve-
land said the parade will end at
Fourth and Cota.
For those who are visiting the
downown area, about 35 win-
dows have been decorated by
various individuals and groups
with some interesting displays.
J y T total of the three bids is climbing by Dwight Carpenter Frank Heuston Resigns
ur erm and Ron Downing, a springboard
The board also voted ) hold climbing demonstration by Hap
T R the right to re-instate one alter-Johnson, birllng by Russ Ell/- School--- Board
o esume nate, for cabinet work, in the son and his daughter, Diane Elli-
general contract. The work, s onRowe, log bucking and chop- From
• The Mason County Superior which was submitted as an alter- ping by the father-son team of
Court jury term gets underway nate, is $8,623 in the D-A bid. Max and Paul Searls, and the
again June 2, with a criminal
case, that of Frank Anderson,
scheduled first on the docket.
Anderson was scheduled for
trial at the start of the jury
term last February, but, did not
appear on the trial date. He had
been released earlier on person-
al recognizance by Judge Charles
After Anderson's failure to ap-
pear, Judge Wright issued a
bench warrant for his arrest and
he was arrested in Olympia sev-
eral weeks ago. He has been
held in Mason County Jall in
lleu of bail since his arrest.
Anderson is charged with three
counts of burglary and three of
grand larceny involving Tupper's
Resort; J and J Service a n d
Gott Oil Co.
Another criminal trial schedul-
ed for June session is the trial
of Archie Burfoot on charges of
grand larceny.
The contract prices do not in-
clude sales tax and architects
fees for the project.
The building project is being
financed through a special levy
approved by the voters of he
district in November.
Other bidders on the general
contract were Crowtree Corp.,
Olympia; Freigang Construction
Co., Tacoma; Howard Peck Cus-
ton Builder, Seattle; C. E. Skin-
ner, Orting; Gray Construction,
Shelton, and Norman McCalflin,
Other electrical bidders were
Smith Electric, Shelton, and Ar-
cada Electric, SheIWn.
Other bidders on the mechani-
cal contract were Mitcalf-Grimm,
Cascade Heating and Plumbing,
Olympia;'Paulson Plumbing and
Heating, Olympia; Standard
Plumbing and Heating, Bremer-
ton; Laelin Plumbing and Heat-
ing, Tacoma, and Pease and Sons,
comedy antics of Malcomb Har-
Also featured will be a demon-
stration of precision horseback
riding by the Thurston County
Mounted Posse and a trampoline
act by Curtis Sweet and a group
of University of Washington stu-
Admission to the Logging show
is by Forest Festival Button.
Saturday's activites will con-
clude with the final performance
of "Oklahoma" by the SHS Mu-
sic Department at 8 p.m. in he
Junior High Auditorium, an ama-
teur boxing card in the Lincoln
Gym, also at 8 p.m. and a teen-
age dance in the armory spon-
sored by Lleben Enterprises.
Queen Janlce and her royal
court, Princesses Kathy Dicldn-
son, Sandra Fleury, R/ta Nutt
and Fan Trimble, were honored
at the Queen's Banquet Wednes-
day night.
Also honored were the Lio
Shelton Attorney B. Franklin
Heuston has submitted his resig-
nation as a member of the Shel.
ton School Board effective May
Heuston sent a letter to Board
Chairman Dr. Herbert Hergert in-
forming him of his resignation.
The letter said in pert "It has
indeed been an honor and a plea-
sure to serve the community with
you and the other members of
the hoard. I regret the neces-
sity of this step, but my personal
cireumsmces dictate it."
Heuston has served on the
school board eight years.
No action has been takerP c
naming a successor to Heuton
on the hoard.
The remaining four members
of the hoard will make a recom-
mendation to County Superinten-
dent J. W. Goodpaster who will
name someone to fill the vac-
B, Frmklin Heuton