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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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City Recreation Program Plans Told b The e- , ?."_:er recreatlon It'%lmram is scheduled were StX' J_le 30 and continue ., Park BOard Chair- ",u-" Fox told the at. y, t0a at its meeting Tue the bus schedule same as last see if some financial savings possible. City Engineer Howard Godat said the number of petitions which have been circulated for street improvement indicate the city will be able to have a pro- gram this summer. He urged those who have pet- he city com- participa- ul and improv- courts on c,ty Marijuana To Be Field. the Park and had $1,- Meeting Subject for the work, of turn- making three of four was be- which also WOuld be will- m part of the that in order courts, it Marijuana and other drugs will be displayed and their ef- fects described in a program in the Hood Canal Junior High school gym at 10 a.m. next Wed- nesday. Any intereste(l persons are in- vit.ed to attend and watch the program with the students. Dave itions out to get them in as soon as possible st) work on preparao tions for the project can be start- (,(]. City Clerk Alma Catto said a quit claim deed had been re- ceived from the group planning the construction of a profession- al center across from the new hospital for a street right-of-way. The property is a strip 30 feet wide and 114 feet long and will be used for an extension of 12th Street. The commission received a pet- ition from the Mason County llomemakers's Association ask- ing the city to do something d)out putting a walkway along the highway up Hillerest. Godat was asked to eontact the State Highway Department again to see if they would do some- thing about the path which was taken out when work was done on the highway last summer. The commission voted to block Prices Good Until Memorial Day! ill iii ii So our employees may enjoy the Forest Festival --- 1 We will be closed Saturday, May 24 i all additional $300 Stutton B.T.C., U. S .Navy, and off one block of N. 13th St. be- Sgt. Shaw of the Tumwater Po- |tel ..^, lice Deoartment will p I e s e n t tween Highway 101 and Jeffer- accessories _' aked Sheet • " " on to vehicular traffic. The com- ,b T the information )- ample to ' mission had eonsidered the pro- & lingerie ed project to lluuuuluuullltlltlltlllttl{tllltllttllttlltl{ll p(ksal previously and had waited to see if there was any public demand that the street be kept LADLES W W bb Di o.oo :::s . e es A+, HANDBAGS Af Union Las÷ Week Mulfi-Servi©e . .. One group. Regu,ar,y ..00 Webb, 88, a ........ md PUD 3 cam- at his home last Aug. 30, ;: lived in , , of his life. IIe ' home, at the C was at St. Rt. f0ur-year term, 4 ,, _L commissioner  ) \\; of 1942 to : held a Fun- Rev. Wesley was in a two nieces, Olympia, and LeHambra, nephew, I.on Had More Position Open I Application will be accepted through June 1 by the Mason- Thurston Community Action Coun- cil, Inc. for the position of Multi- Service Center Director at the Shelton Center. Further informa- tion may be obtained by apply- ing in person at 202 Capitol Theatre Building in Olympia or by obtaining an aplication at the Shelton Center, 2nd and Grove Streets. Applications should all be sent to the Olympia office, 202 Capitol Theatre Building. " PeEII Royalty To Visit Here Pe Ell Homecoming Royalty Thomas W. Webb will be at)pearing in the Paul Bunyan parade at the Mason County Forest Festival satur- Foursquare To day, Mrs. John Gudyka, Jr., Queen arrangements chairman, announced. Hear Singers Miss Terri Mullenix, 1968 Home- coming Queen and 1969 Princes- The Ambassador Quartet, well- es, Misses Becky Sienko, Kath- known male quartet, will be at leon Muller, and ZoArm Dusen- the service May 25 in the Shelton berry, will ride in a convertible b'ours(lu;r[, Churt,h ;It 7 p.m. The arranged for hy Mr. Val Slenko, quarlct has sung throughout the of Sh(,lton, a former Pe FI1 re- Northwest presenting the gospel sider, t, ffhe Pe Ell Royalty will in song and testimony. They re- be accompanied by Mr. Patrick present five churches and four Zock, a member of the Queen demoninations, arrangements committee. County ; Voiture 135, 'o,-. Norfh Mason Thinclads Lry Club, at l)resented in honor of Win Grade School Meet as the Senior ] North Mason grade school C Broad jump - Roger Arndt, alhletes won the annual (aunty Southside school track meet held recently. B High jump - Paul Jaznes, The)' scored 113 1/3 points 1o Southside their nearest riwfl Hood Canal C High jump - Mike Barber, grade school with 88 5/6 points. North Mason Other scores were Southside A Chinning Gary Stevens, 61:., Mary M. Knight 50, Pioneer James Van Horn and Dave Dix- 39U., Kamilche 25, and Grape- on (hitter two from North Mason} view 8 5/6. all tied for first First lflace boy's winners fol- B Chinning - Mike Davis, North lows : Mas, m A 50 - Gary Stevens, Ho(xi C Chinning - Bill McKasson, Canal }toad Canal B 50 - Paul James, Southside Shot - Buck Petty, Hood Canal C 50 - Curtis Autson, Mary M. 200 relay - North Mason Knight 400 relay - North Mason A 75 - Mike Wilson, Hood Girls first placers are as tel- Canal lows : B 75- Paul Jlames, Southside A 50 - Kathy Maple, North C 100 - Gerald Hunter, North Mason Mason B 50 - Kathy BaiIley, Southside A Baseball throw - Scott Per- C 75 - Vickie Christian, Hood ino, North Mason Canal B Baseball throw - Delbert 200 relay - Hood Canal Miller, Hood Canal C Baseball throw - Richard A Baseball throw - Gayle Thor- Lillie, Mary M. Knight neck, Pioneer A Broad jump - Rabble Coker, B Baseball throw - Pam Velez, Kamilche Hood Canal B Broad jtunp - Mike Davis, C Baseball throw - Roberts North Mason Petty, Hood Canal l e League esults & ! ive Troy was Citizen of of four or- Counci I this week. his se- at the the Metho- group which was also no- TERRY SWARTOS, Kent Anderson and Todd Anderson are all ready for the Paul Bunyan Junior Parade Satur, day morning as they model the costumes they will be wearing. Youngsters should all be lined up by 9:15 a.m. for the pro-Judging before the parade starts at 10 a.m, S IQI3E IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIitl STANDINGS Won 4 1 :lt e 4 a 4 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 4 4 0 5 8 4 Nell Chev. etrle 8 Shaub-Elli. 6 IWA7 5 3 Won 4 1 3 1 3 , I 5 0 Simpson II 6 s Irecap 5 gae aZlGs on Lost 4 1 4 1 4 1 3 3 0 5 0 5 14 18 LADLES SLIPPERS One group, Regularly $5.00 and $6.00 Values. ONE TABLE LINGERIE Table includes robes, pajamas, slips, etc. V= PRICE PANTI HOSE 99 € pair COTTON LOUNGING PAJAMAS Ladles, regularly $10.99 s6.99 children CHILDREN'S SLUMBER BAGS Solid color flannel lining with cotton print cover. Quilted with heavy duty zipper. A $12.00 value. s7.99 SPECIAL GROUP Includes infants and children's wear. REDUCED 1/3 - 1/2 PRICE BOYS SHORT SETS 2-piece in sizes 4 to 7. Knit stripe shirt with solid color shorts. Regularly $4.00. Sl.88 CHILDRENS JACKETS Nylon with zipper In sizes 3 to 7. Regularly $2.98 Sl.88 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 4 to 7 in short or long sleeve. Plain color and assorted plaid Regularly $3.00 to $3.25. Sl.88 SHIFTS & PANT DRESSES Girls, in sizes 3-6x and 7-14. Plain colors and as- sorted prints. Values to $4.00. s2.88 GIRLS' COTTON TOPS White background with colorful screen print design. Sleeveless in sizes 7-14. Sl.49 GIRLS' JAMAICA SETS Sleeveless top with solid color shorts. Regularly $4.00. $1.88. ladies LADLES' SPORTSWEAR By Tami, The navy and white polka-dot group in- cludes pants, skirts, jackets and pant dress. Regu- larly $9.00 to $13.00. 20% Off LADLES' JAMAICAS In assorted styles and fabrics. Sizes 7/8 to 15/16. Regularly $2.88. Sl.99 LADLES' PANT SKIRTS In assorted colors of print, plain or plaid. Sizes 9/10 to 15/16. Regularly $4.88. s3.66 LADLES HIP-HUGGERS 14 Only. Sell-bottom 15/16. Regularly $5.00. in denim. Sizes 11/12 and s2.66 or 2/s5.00 LADLES' NYLON SHELLS Sleeveless print in a 3 color combination. Sizes small and medium. Regularly $5.00. s2.66 or 2/s5.00 V-NECK ACRYLIC SWEATERS Ladies, and light weight in green, pink, white in sizes small and medium. Regularly $5.98. s3.66 LADLES' PANT SUITS 2-piece in four styles. Colors of yellow, beige, aqua and navy. Sizes 8 to 16. Regularly $15.88. ES SWIMSUITS One and 2-piece, in assorted fabrics. Sizes S-15. 007.99 SUMMER DRESSES Just arrived, misses, junior and half-size dresses in summer fabrics, with sleeves or sleeveleu, Values to $10.00. s6.00 LADLES' SPORTSWEAR One group of odds and dl of spring sportswear reduced from regular prlc&' New Items added every day. 20=/0 to 75% Off LADLES' CARDIGAN SWEATERS Available in assorted color= In sizes small, medium and large. Regularly $8.00. s6.88 men and boys MEN'S SWEAT SHIRTS Available in long and short sleeve. Great for work or play. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Large assortment of col- ors. Made of 50% cotton and 50% acrylic. Values to $2.98. Long sleeve, $2.29. Short sleeve, $1.89. Sl.89 and s2 SWIM WEAR Large assortment of colors and patterns. Materials range from 100% cotton to all stretch nylons. Values to $4.00. Men's, s2.88 Boys', Sl.88 KNIT SWEATER SHIRTS Men's, made of 100% 2-ply acrylic. Available in sol- ids and stripes. Sizes S-M-L-XL. A regular $6.00 value. s4.59 or 3/s12.00 men and women MEN'S & WOMEN'S Luggage by Samsonite Start a set or add to it now at BIG SAVINGS. This is the famous luggage that keeps its "first trip" look . . . and has the classic de- sign that's always in style. You'll really ap- preciate the long-wearing scuff resistant vi- nyl coverings • • . they wipe clean with a damp cloth. Women's in shades of blue, raw- hide and tan. Men's in shades of tan or brown, * Beauty case or hat box .., 10.88 • Woman's overnite case Reg, 16.95 12.88 • Woman's wardrobe ,.,. 16.88 • Woman's pullman ,e,. 17.88 • Man's companion case ,.,. 12.88 • Man's +wo-suiter Reg. 24.95 16.88 "For Va/.e it's :?r¢] & Ra!]road:: Thursday, May 22, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pqe 3