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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.m II,*IR 4 \\; J I I N COUNTY I,'()resT Festival Royal l(ayonier en,lmer, shows tile girls the float, and t(mre(I tile (.(nnl)any's laboratory here dur- PreView this week of the float on Ihmnett is (lirt,('ting the ('otlstrllt:tion of the ing their visit. I.eft to right are Bennett, Queen II he ri(ling ill lhe Forest Festival fh)at, whi(.h is I)uilt annually hy the firm. The ,lalli('e Wittenlmrg, and l'rineesses Fran Trimble, ay. Ihq.e, .Iohn W. l}ennett, ITT girls were also guests of ITT Rayonier for ltm('h Sandy Fhury, Kathy I)i('.kinson and Rita Nutt.  Shel÷on Forest Festival Value Days! SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. ,;All our 3.98 Towncraft Sport shirts reduced to FOR TOWNCRAFT MOCK TURTLES Nlver "ran ' 'th ' Penn-Presb polyester/cotton knits [0armgtoll stripe and embroider and Ban- • 'n ' . Y ylon sohds. Sizes S-M-L-XL TOWNCRAFT WOVEN SHIRTS ;l°nd°wns in solids and plaids Re ular at em ' " g Pnn.a hro,dered solids and pastel solids. rrest polyester/cotton. Reduced fhru Friday only! MINI SHIFTS AND PANT SETS  m 6X''EG" S' 2NOW FO :5 FO:7 Pretty flower prints and appliques, breezy checks with fancy trims, and morel Mom'll like these terrific Penney prices . . . not to mention that these crisp cottons have the never-lron plus of Penn-Prestl Get her a summer's worth. Like it... charge itl ÷his Friday Ni÷e 'ill 8:30 p.m. Women's Canvas Shoes White cotton duck ze / ,o 1.66 SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Women's Panti Hose Point despirit pattern 0 pr. SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Boys' Short Sleeve Shirts PENNPREST in wovens & solids  6 to 16 for $5 SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Beach Towels Fine terry in mode colors Full size 1.99 SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Women's Dresses Reduced ,.._ H,, 3.88 4.88 5.88 sizes . . . now . . . " " SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Styrofoam Wig Forms with base & extra light weight SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Stainless Flatware 56 pcs. service for 8 Excellent quality 34.88 SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Jacquard Towel Ensemble 3 colors, rich terry I Hand towel 68¢- Washcloth 38¢ Bath II e L-l- SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Rayon & Nylon Blend Blankets Full 72x90 4 O0 2 colors, washable • SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P,M, Women's 2-pc. Jamaica Sets 100% nylon top & Jamaicas 3 99 in solid colors, 10-18 • SHOP FRI. 'TIL 8:30 P.M. Girls' Dresses Reduced 3-6X & 7-14 in regular 2.88 1 3.88 & PennPrest finishes :LOSED SATU ,I 24 Belfair Jobies Install New Officers Last Week The International Order of Job's l)aughters, Behel No. 4"L Bellair. heht installation of officers last Sunday, May 18. Miss Nancy Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. Jo- seph Dinovi, Belfair, and [.,t. Com- mander B. J. Reynohis of Nor- folk, Va., was installed as Honor- ed Queen. Miss Reynolds, a jun- ior at North Mason High School. chose the theme, "Nearer My G(xi to Thee" and carried it out in shades of pink, green and silver. Miss Penny Bishop, junior Past Honored Queen, l)reside(l as installing officer. Other officers include: Chert Peterson, Senior Princess; Sue Reynolds, Junior Princess; Bob- hie Smith, Guide: Diane Dinovi, Marshall; Jodene Hagen, ChaI)- lain: Del)bie Milner, Recorder; Kim MeDerios, Treasurer; D)- lores Wynn, IJbrarian; Karen Wolle, Junior Custodian; Cindy Cone, Senior Custodian: Debbie Squires, Inner Guard; Denis(. Wynn, First Messenger; Penny Bishop- Second Messenger: Le- Ann Hagen, Third Messenger: Gayle Enoche, Fourth Messen- ger, and Pinky Allison, Fifth Messenger. Miss Reynohls will hold her NY£ BUILDING- SUPPLY Complete Building Supplies Phone 426-g224 Special prices on Aluminum Windows first meeting as Honored Queen iI & Doors June 2. One of the summer act- I ivities will include a trip to the I Cole Head ocean in August • * L_ ..... Forest Festival DANCE May 24th -- 9-12 Lieben Enterprises Featuring the "BARDS" R TTIVA L Shelton Armory Admission $2.00 per person policed and chaperoned i all purpose vinyl gloves ]Perfect protection for houseclelm. ing, painting, halt care, waxing, dish washing, wet gardening, and many other uses. Inexpensive enough to wear once and throw away. Strong enough to reuse. Light weight, seamleu . . . and they fit either handl Sizes for women and men. Reg. $1.49 59' Reg. $ZeTS Fet,{ ...... : remove,,; %t hands elhov,: le /e O O Famous Minute Se00' 18roller, Electric Hairsetter: .L.; 2 v/ • -- $1 " Giant 18 roller w o,,, • spec, o0,o ( EXTRA ROLLERS IN THIS BOXl REGULARLY S R $14,95 And with proven features like these, youl:l expect to pay a lot more! • Now you can create any har style in only minutes. • Stmple to use Just roll hair Leave rollers ,n 5 minutes for a loose setting t0 minutes for a mechum SMtmg and t 5 minutes for a light setting Then, comb out ,nto your favorfle ha,r style • No messy chemec&Is, no sprays and no wMer ever touch your tmlr. • Temperature control is tully automat#c. Complete UL approved safety. ,n any electrical outlet. AC or DC • Comes complete wtth rollers and unbreakable clips in a purse-size. hautiful mad vinyl case • We've tried them all. And weve found out that MinuteSet ,s an outstanding value that really works O!n. 9:80.12:30 Saturday vet'green Evergreen Square • Thu,rsday, May 22, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5