May 22, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 22, 1969 |
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i .... Rife f Held For Helen Gosser, 54 Mervin Hooker Maj.Chas.Cowan
County-Oty Record Dave Delph, 55 Taken By Death Succumbs At 33 Taken By Death
• Dave D. Delph, Route 1 Box I Helen June Gosser, 54, died • Mervin C. Hooker, 33, died • Some of he gaiety of this
566, died at 55 years of age May Sunday in a Tacoma hospital. Sunday in Stanford Medical year's Forest Festival will be
• 14 in Mason General Hospital. She made her home at Route Center, Pale Alto, Calif. A former dampened for those who knew
, tie was born Dec. 23, 1913 in 2 Box 946 and had been a Mason employee of the Shelton Post Of- and remember Major Charles
MASON COUNTY j,il. .USlmed,'d. Dawson, Neb. Mr. Delph was a county resident for 35 years, fire, he was born Jan. 12, 1936 Cowan, a frequent attender of
• Appearing on the docket ill
Mason County Just ce Court he-
fore Judge Glenn Correa durint
the past week were:
Wlmhington State Ptrol
John Aaro, P.O. Box 25, Lilli-
waup, speeding, $13 forfcil; Vic-
tor DeLon, 305 F, Fourth, Port
Angeles, failure 1o keep right tff
center line, $13 forfeit: John Geh-
man, 7058 24th Ave,, NW, Seattle,
speeding, $13 forfeit; (Jrl Glee-
son, P.O. Box 7, Hoodslx)rl,
speeding, $13 forfeit.
Rodney Hamilton, 1540 Olympic
Ave., Bremer.on, speeding, fail-
ure to keep right of center line,
523 forfeit; R.eid McIh'oy, 4554
167th SE, Issaquah. failure to stay
right of cenler line, $li forfeit;
Louis Pfeffer, Rt, 8, Box 91.4, Plea-
sant Hill, Ore., failure to slop at
stop sign, $13 forfeit; Gerald
Power, 2460 Third Ave. NE, 1.31-
mends, speeding, $13 forhdt
Thomas SawLge, St. R. 2, timex
189, Shelton, failure to keep right
of center line, $13 forfeit; Russ(d]
C. Viger Jr., 627 Railroad, Shel-
ton, failure to sto l) ;it Mop sigrL
513 forf(dt; Maurice tIershey,
Aberdeen, over legal weight, over
scale weight, $31 forfeit; John
Huson, St. Rt. 2, Fk)x 444, Btdfair,
no vehicle license or in transit
permit, no operator's license tm
person, operating motor vehicle
while license suspended, $10?, fine;
LepJard Ball, !8()g l,:lizaheth,
Olympia, failure to stop at stop
sign, $13 forfeit; Harvey l,'arri-
mend, Rt. 3, Box 364A, Shelton,
defective equipment, $13 fine;
John Moskeland, 2242 King St.,
Shelton, failure to slt)I) al Mop
sign, 513 forfeit; Edgar Hughes,
3244 S. 291st, Auburn, shopliftinl.,
5100 fine, 10 days in jail.
Jennings Rirh, 1143 Audrey
Ave. Brenmrt(}n, improper park-
ing, $41 forfeit; l)onna I(ir.h, 11,12
Audrey Ave., Bremerton, impro-
per parkilz,, $41 forfeit; eve
Hagrup, Hidden ttaven Trailer
Court, Shelton, faihn'e to yh']d
right-of-way, $18 forfeit; Donahi
Pawl, Shelton, spe,ding, $36 for-
fell; Patrick Sergeant, Shelh)n,
failure to change vehicle regislra-
(ion; $13 forfeit.
Patrick Streeter, 926 N. Pearl,
Tacoma, impr()lHr passing:, $13
forfeit; George M. F'rye, 1308 141h
Port Townsend, sIx.eding , $13 for-
feit; Kurt Gruhb, p.o. Box 68,
Hcx)dsvort. speeding, $.1"] f,r[eit;
George Brosam, 502 Fairmont,
lmoroimr passing, $1.3 for-
felt; Jam, lvans, 22,", E. F ,qty.,
Shelton, J'ipro/Jer p;vssing, $'13
fortY, it; /)avid (h;qnn:m, I.illi-
waup, drunk in l)uhlic, $15 fine.
Rol)ert Erickson, Wivell C)urt,
Shelton, failure to dim headlights,
$13 forfeit; Thomas James, PP.
Box 9, Lilliwaup, driving while
lntoxicated, 5115 fine, five days
in jail, suspended, license st-
pended 30 days; Dallas Wells.
P.O. Box 609, Shelion, driving
while intoxicated, $2:]0 fine, 30
days in jail, license suspended
60 days; Mary C. Ihll, tLO. Box
318, Bel/air, speeding, $13 for-
Thomas BetL% 3210 S. 94th, Ta-
coma, no operator's license on
person, $1: h)rfeit; Thomas Haw-
kirm, (;rove Trailer Court, I-l(ruts-
port, failure to dim headlights,
failure to stay right: of center
line, $26 forfeit; William Miller,
Rt. 1, Box 324, Shclton, driving
while intoxicated, $115 fine, five
days in jail, suspended, license
suspended 30 days.
David Sage, 126 N. Cushing,
Olympia, following too closely,
$13 forfeit; I,e Seymour, 7919
34th SW, Seattle, driving while
intoxicated, $115 fine, five (lays
in jail, suspendi, license sus-
pended 30 de.w; Gerald Van
Cleave, 12.38 Laurel, Shelton, neg-
ligent driving, $31 forfeit:.
tienry C. Wood, Rt. 1, Box
188C, Shelton, no operator's lic-
ense on person, $13 forfeit; Ro-
bert L. Bacon, Rt. 2, Box 415,
Belfair, no operator's license on
person, driving while license sus-
petaled, $100 fine, 10 days in
OF ANY COLOR.000000"RO00
Appearing :n the (locket in
Shelton Police Court before Judge
lhdla tlalbert Monday night were
Roberts Lewis, 1324 Ridgeroad,
Shel|o:, driving while intoxicated,
$150 lorfeit; Neal Erickson, Rt.
1, l]ox 321;, Shells, negligent
driving, $30 forfeit; Larry Swan-
lak, tit. 1, Box 157, Shelton, fail-
ure to operale mnt(:r vehicle in
safe mitt prudent manner, $20
Shtnley Lukascik, 1600 E. Drive,
Olynpia, driving while intoxica-
ted, $97.50 fine, $250 costs, five
(la¢s in jail, susIended; Clyde
l(thh']l, St. let. 2, I)X :;l, Shel-
hm, speeding, $31 forfeit; Billy
l). Warner, 1929 Washington St.,
failure to yic'.d right-of-way, $20
JOSel)h Andrews Jr., St. Rt. 1,
E.x 174, Shell(m, disorderly con-
(hit:l, $511 forfeit; Lawrene.e I)eem-
,,r, 1718 Jones Rd,, Shelhm, new
li.,en! dirving, minor consuming
liqu)r. $53.511 fin(!. $2.50 rosts;
I'ich:rd I,uffing?on, RI. 1, Box
73, (;r.Ieview, failur(, Io ()lit'rate
¢)tt)l • vtqdcle in safe and I)rtl -
(hml marmer, $20 forfeit.
thhhlin:, pernlils ;)i)l)rove(l hy
tl,' Mason County Planner's Of-
li(:(, during the past week were to
lhh(,rt Ih)rnl)y, storage outhuJld-
is',, $5()(); Whitley Evergreen, ad-
ditim ) shed, $1,200; James tiill,
sumt'r cabin, $2,503; AI Vinson,
summer cahin, $3,500; Harold
l((.ilz, (:el)in, $2,80[); Rohert Put-
nmn, re(alien ('abin, $3,500; Kath-
ryn I)w.head, residence, $18,500;
Thomas Ma rinkovich, wcation
(:shin, $4 ,(R)/).
llarry Coh's rel)orted an out-
hoard llloi()r |;iket|.
John N(,rtll;(ll reported four
Hres and wheels hken from a
(:.r at the sh,cl bridge on the
An eiglhfoot pram was report-
0(I f()tl|'ld,
A Mr. Moran r(,porh'd a car
()n his fron! lawn.
lhu'k Al•lnsirong rel)orted van-
dalism Io a house.
,lel'l'y Wa|tel's |'eported a rail-
road crossing sign knocked down.
Windows w(,re reported broken
ng el Hle Lower Skokomish
John Miber tel)erred a cabin
hr)keo into.
l)anny l.larlr reported h i S
wife lost: her watch 'at Twanoh
State Park .....
IX'If !McMahan rel)orhd cloth-
in, taken from a raih'oad sleep-
inV, car.
Gordon Egbert reported an out-
tx)arti ino|or taken.
Mr. Butterfield re[x)rted stables
broken into.
A stop sign was reported gone
at the intersection of Northeliff
Road and 13th St.
Boh Batey reported a tape deck
Building permits approved by
lilt' city of Shelton (luring the
past week were to L. R. Smith,
utility building, $1,440; Paul For-
dyce, add to residence and fence,
$6,,180 and $280; Virgil Vestal,
I)atk}, $960.
, I ! IqqRIOll (,'OUIT
New Cases
Lloyd Miller against Depart-
sent of Labor and Industries,
industrial insurance appeal.
' Stale Tax Commission against
Roger Gcxodro, doing business as
Bclfair Auto Wrecking, unpaid
Scientist Services
' "Beloved, I wish above all
things that thou mayest prosper
and be in health, even as thy
soul prospereth."
At. the Shelton First Church,
302 Alder, services begin at
11 a.m.
OLgo00P ,l I: !00ln
carrier driver for Simpson Tim-
ber Co. He was a veteran of
World War II and had lived in
Mason county the past 24 years.
He is survived by his wife,
Grace, of the home; one son,
David Keith Dell)h, San Raphael,
Celt f•; and four sisters•
The funeral service was con-
ducted at 11 a.m. Monday by
Rev. Horace Mounts in the Bat-
stone Funeral Home. Burial
was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery,
l(umbolt, Neb.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harry L, Thomp-
son, 1621 No. Adams Street, a
girl, May 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Brown
,It'., P. O. Box 192, a boy, May
Mr. anti Mrs. William P. Chal-
/ender, P. O. Box 732, a girl,
May 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Bell,
Route 1 Box 329-4, Olympia, a girl,
May 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Dishon,
1022 Ellinor Street, a boy, May
Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Hellman,
1331 W. Cedar Street, a hey,
May 20.
Mrs, Oosser was born July 19,
1914 in Olympia.
She is survived by her hus-
band, Edward E. Gosser, Shel-
ton, three sons, Donald L,, Win-
lock, Edwin L., Onalaska, and
Frank W,, of Olympia; three
daughters, Mrs, Elinor Boxdorfel,
Mrs. Sandra Shurwalter and Mrs,
Judy Olson, all of Olympia; her
mother, Mrs, Mimi Ginter, Olym-
pia; 28 grandchildren; two broth-
ers, Bud Barnes and Forrest Gin-
ter, both of Olympia; and one
in Shelton and lived h e r e until
moving to San Jose, Calif. three
years ago.
He is survived by his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Hooker,
Shelton; his sister, Mrs. Pearl
Poellot, of New York: a brother,
Jim Hooker, Seattle; and his
grandparents. Mrs. Edith Moore,
Shelton, and Mrs. Pearl Hooker,
San Luis Obispo, Calif.
The funeral service will be
held at 2 p.m. Friday in the First
Baptist Church with Rev. Art
Festival events and several times
speaker at Queen's banquet pro-
Major Cowan died last week.
A retired British Air Force of-
ficer, he had been active in the
Keep Green movement and for-
est conservaton work for three
decades and was well known and
highly respected by loggers and
foresters throughout the industry.
sister, Mrs. Frances Phillips, Beals and Rex', Lewis Wysong of-
Olympia. ficiafing. Burial will be in Shel-Weather
The funeral service wilt be held ton Memorial Park.
at 1 p.m. today in the Batstone
Funeral Home with Rev. John
Hard( officiating. Burial will be " --'boa(tie Man
in Shelton Memorial Park, M:(y 1 H6h Lv58 Precip
Succumbs Here
Lucille Dailey
Dies In Bellevue
• Lucille V• Dailey, Route 3
Box 332, died last Thursday in
a hospital in Bellevue at 56 years
of age. Born March 31, 1913 in
Pequot Lakes, Minn., Mrs. Daft-
ey moved to Renton 18 years ago
where she lived for 12 years be-
fore moving to Shelton. She was
a member of the Internatonal
Order of Foresters.
She is survived by her hus-
band, Kenneth L. Dalley, Shelton;
two sisters, Mrs. Esther Niemey-
er, Maple Valley, and Mrs. Mar-
garet Anderson, Anacortes; and
two brothers, Richard Anderson,
San Francisco, and Clarence E.
Anderson, Renton.
May 17 69 45
• John R. (Bud) Johnson, Seat- May 18 79 45 --
fie, died Monday in Mason Gen- May 19 75 41 .01
eral Hospital, He was born Fell. May 20 67 50
3, 1920 in Minnesota and was May 21 69 45 --
a building contractor in Seattle. Readings are for a 24-hour per-
He is survived by his wife, iod ending at 8 a.m. as reported
IRuth, of the home; one son, by the 1TT Rayonier Inc. weather
Rick, of the home; two brothers station.
and one sister.
A memorial service will be FIVE-DAY FORECAST
held at 2 p.m. Friday in the
Fauntleroy Community Church Temperatures Thursday thru
in Seattle with Rev. Otto Jonas Monday to average 4 degrees
above the normal high of 69 and
officiating, low of 43 degrees• A few showers
expected, possibly Sunday or
The funeral service-was held
M ; at Stokes Chapel in Renton at
arr, age :, p•m, Saturday. Burial was in
Greenwood Memorial Park, Ren-
Former Shel+on
• Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason county auditor's of-
rice this past week were:
Gerald Carlsen, 42, Shelton,
and Luella Young, 49, Shelton.
Kelth Hildebrandt, 22, Shelton,
and Margaret Southmayd, 20,
George Mathews, 21, Port An-
geles, and Donna Johnson, 20,
Thomas J. Kunkle, 23, Shelton,
and Vara LaErL 18, Sheldon.
W. D, Henningsen, 28, Belfair,
and Mary McLean, 21, Allyn.
Norman Hargrove, 29, Bremer-
ton, and Patricia Ragsdale, 42,
Man Succumbs
Frank J. Ford died March
26 in Swainsboro, Ga. where he
had a business as a civil engi-
neer. He came to Shelton in the
1920s a an engineer when the
Northern Pacific Railways was
being put in. He later worked
for Simpson Timber (3o. and
Rayonier, Inc.
He is survived by his wife,
Charlotte, of the home; a daugh -
ter, Marcia Jean Smith, Shelo
ton; a son, Frank, of the home;
a stepson in the service; and a
stepdaughter, Becky, of the home.
Featunng 29' Burgers
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PagB 6° Sheltosor (0untyJou-;nal - Thursday, May 22, 1969
5ave NoM Low
Big 5election[
69 Impala Sport Coupe
300 h.p., Turbo, Steering, Whites, T GlSn Ill
Top & Trim
68 Impala Wagon
Comfortron Air, Turbo, Steering, Dlso
Power Windows, 6-Way Seat, Lugg sge
Wheel, FM Radio, 396 V8
67 Impala Wagon ..i
275 h.l, Power Rear Windows, steering,
Transferable Lifetime Warranty
67 Caprice Sedan
Air, 396 V8, Turbo, Steering, BrakeS,
Strato Seat, Radial Tires, Tilt Wheel,
N.C. Warranty
Malibu SS396
'Coupe, 350 h.p., 4-speed, Buckets, conlle,
Red Stripe& N.C. Warranty
6S Chevelle Wagon
62 Monza 4.speed •
6t Blscayne4 oo,r, vs, p.Glide
62 Chevy II
4-Door, P-Gilde
63 Bel Air
4-Door, P-Glide
6S Nova
4-Door P-Glide
$3 Bel Air
64 Olds Super 88
4-Door, Radio, Hydra, Steering, BrakSs
66 Buick Custom LeSabre ..
Cpe., Dyna, Steering, Brakes, Tilt Wheel, FM
63 Buick Skylark
Sport Coupe, Buckets, Steering, Dyna, P'
65 Pontiac Catalina
2- Door
66 Futura 4-Door
V-8, Crulsomatic, Radio
66 Custom 500 4-door R,o
352 V8, Cruisomatic, Steering,
63 Fairlane 4-Door
V8, Auto, Steering
65 Rambler 330 4.Door
Radio, Automatic
61 Mercury Htp.
V8, Steering, Automatl
61 Dodge Lancer Htp,
61 Cadillac Htp.
Cpe., Power WindoWS, seat
60 Mercury 2-Door • '
6S Barracuda Htp.
V8, 4-Speed, Radio
68 Road Runner Htp. _..t
4-Speed, Radio, N.C. wsr
63 VW Camper r
Roady for the SU rams
0hev PickuPS
68 El Camino Custom -t
13.000 mllos, N.C. WSrrsn
! :
¾-Ton Fleetside ,#
327 VII, Turbo, Radio, with tff i',
• * I
66 ½.Ton Pickup . • '
64 ½-Ton Pickup . • '
64 Dodge ½-Ton PickUP
66 Ford ½-Ton
352 V8, Automtla
13 Pickups from $4k