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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
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..... led the first bilthday party of the Vteleonle night at tile Shelton Yacht Club. above are, left to right, l(uby Hopper, and Oail Stillwell. Club with the Shelton even- d and drift- ecorations. WC re enter- the form Lu- Ruby t President, a large member was intro- (:lull are in the 202(I 208, at will P.m. in cher, ,%4 will PUrchas- at , qhelton, Md Dan- the unit, Flakus the year ! It's val and year. nquet on Sh(w festival plan- will after the COurse, to to be- Festi- Stores. Sales Bud many So don't ilUe 'bay' s are mil.hty import;mr so Manager Clint t[arrington has really gone all out to bring you some of the best t)uys (,[ the year . . Chu(:k Adams, owner of WESTERN AITFO is celebrating two things this year. 'rh(, (:off]- pany's 6{)th anniv(,rsary and Valu Days, s,) he has really some spectacular items and some low, h)w prices, so hurry on in today .. . Ken Chapman, owner of EVERGREEN DRUG ('ENTER, has really l)ulh,d s,)me t,)  -'*,'h ih,ms from the shelves and slash- e(l the [irices on 'era, an(l fill just for Valu l)ays. So t)etter run on in today . . . ItOIVS SItOE TREE is another subscril)('r of Valu l)ayS, and just for the event, Bol) Walton h;ls cut the l)rice on a fabulously styled ladies pump. For more info. on this you shouhl rim not walk ov(,r to the st,we . . . Need a sp('cial gift for lhat graduate in June? Then stop into M()NDEY SAVER today. You'll find a complete selection of items, from t)ortable television and stereo to stationery, and all for everyday low, low price . . . See the "furniture kings" the next time you furnish your house. B AND R SALFS on Mt. View has a top notch dislflay of early American furniture and for Valu Days, they've slashed prices to rock bottom, so make this a must on your shopping tour . . . Nell Evander, owner of NELL'S PHARMACY, has some tot) notch specials every weekend an(l this week is no exception. For your shopping dollar, spend it wisely with Nell . . . Need a good night's sleep? Well stop in at EELL AND VAL- LEY APPLIANCE CENTER and let George Valley, owner, fix you up with one of the finest mattresses this side of heaven . . and for a ridiculously low price too . . . That's --30-- for tiffs week, but remember to enjoy the festival program in it's entirety, includ- ing "Okhlhoma." These kids wo-' fo,'rifically hard on t:hese productions each year, and ae- cording to all reports, this year even surpasses last. Tickets are available at many stores through- .out the city. Enjoy yourself. --DL WITH 4 C41.LONS TAIn "Building Mason County" Bhalton • 426-2611 Mrs. Hansen Asks Service Academy Applkants I Rep. Julia Butler Hansen this vice academies are similar that week urged high school juniors and other third district youth in- terested in attending a military academy to write to her before June 1. Boys, ages 17 to 21, interested Navy or Merchant Marine Aca- demies must take competitive tests. These will be held July 8 in Aberdeen, Vancouver, Long- view, Olympia and CentraUa. The J'une 1 deadline for con- tacting the Congresswoman was set to allow processing time for applicants interested in enrolling /or the fall semester of 1970. "We will nominate our candid- ate as soon as possible," Rep. Hansen said, "so the selections by the Academies may he made and the students will know at the earliest possihle date if they have been accepted." Rep. I[ansen suggested that youth who have not decided de- finitely if they want to attend an academy should apply, She pointed out that they can with draw their al)pUcations later if they form other plans. "The important thing is that ;ill (:an(tidates get fair and equal consideration," Rep. Hansen said. "The h,sts, school records and past a(:hievements are important factors in my nominations." In writing Rep. Hansen, Room 2(}I Cannon HOB, WashinKton, D. C., the student should litf his i)rrf('r(,nres in whi(.h academy hi, wollld prefer. She notc(l that while most qualifications for ser- ('ORN FI.L SECURITY PA'I'I(OI. 10 YEARS OLD Corne]l Security Patrol recent- ly complet(d 10 years of service to Shelt(m businesses, owner Clar- ence Cornell said. He commented that during the years he had had the business he has seen many changes and improvements in the Shelton bus- iness district. Cornell said he is looking for- ward to many more years of service to businessmen here. DUANE H. WRIGHT WINS AUTO AWARD b" Duane H. Wright, service man- "ager at Jim Pauley, Inc., Shel- ton, has been anmed a bronze medallion awar(I manager in the Autolite-Ford Parts Division pro- l;ram of recognition for parts and .ervice managers in Ford and Lincoln Mercury dealerships throughout the country. a youth may qualify for one while being unable to gain a nomination to another. Scholarship, health, leadership and a desire for a military ca- reer are major qualifying factors for he academies, a military for the academies, a military spokesman said.  -=v" =" = ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NEED A NEW busines loca- tinn? We have an excellent 2-story brick commercial build- ing with 1500 square feet of space on each floor. In main business district. $20,500. A. Roy Dunn, Realtor, 426-4447, 5/22 1969 CARVAL 11' Camper, used less than 1 month. Very rea- sonably priced. Phone 426- 4161. W 5/22-29 Legal Publications NO. 4019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County of Mason In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES V. ME'rTLER, De- ceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appeinted and has qualified as Executor of the above entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required ,to serve the same, duly verified, on said Executor or its attorneys of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: May 22, 1969. Executor of said Estate THE BANK OF CALIFOR- NIA, N. A. Address: Tacoma, Washington Conrad, Kane & Vandeberg Attorneys for Estate 600 Rust Building Tacoma, Washington 98402 5/22-29-6/5 :It NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of a public hearing on the preliminary budget of the Kamilche Valley School District No. 401. The hearing will be held at 8:00 p.m. on May 29, 1969. Clerk of Board Dave Whitener 5/22-29 2t Forest Festival ALUE DAYS Featuring the Fashion Pump of Today! the Curvey Louis Heel by Miss Wonderful Miss Wonderful shoes are known for comfort and longer wear, and the Curvey Louis Heel is no exception, This superb style is available in Cham- pagne Iridescent Patent and Bltte Iridescent Pat- ent. Regularly $15.99 $8 95 , the family OIlS shoe store" 107 S. 4th Shelton Closed Saturday Toshiba Rectangular Color Portable TV. UHF-VHF. Tho Spectrum II. Model C2A. 69 square inches. New *'Spectronic" color picture tube for incredible clarity, detail. TintMaster slide rule Color tuning. A snappy 39 lb. take-along. "Powtabullt" to take the jolts and Jars, Precision-crafted copper etched circuitry. Auto. matic degaussing. Charcoal linen- textured vinyl finish, trim. (Also as The Spectrum III C3A. In Cocoa vinyl finish, trim.) Regularly $279.95 NC,W Toshiba 11 Transistor FM/AM Table Radio. The Milan. Model 11H-S40F. exclusive "Fasib 400" free air suspension infinite baffle speaker• Wide range frequency response. Studio sound. Perfect start for system. Precision tuning, automatic frequency control. ; rluine walnut voaee cabinet. hrome trim. urowfl or Toshiba Solid State Battery/Plug-in Portable TV. UHF-VHF. The Surfer. Model T2W.* The Koanywhere TV with 37 square inches of unmatched picture fidel. ity. Toshiba "Portabuilt" to withstand jolts and jars. 41 solid state devices. '%teelguard" picture tube. Copper etched circuitry. Walnut ve neer. gold-look trim. The Surfer T2T.* Genuine teak veneer, gold-look trim. *Battery pack optional, extra. blue/green grille, ONLY ,.:: :.:, s 4 9s0 ,,_ S l 19,s Toshiba 24 Transistor FM/AM/FM Stereo Table Radio. The Venice. Model 550C. For the office, studio, home. Excluswe 4" dual "Fasib 400" free air suspension infinite baffle speakers for exceptional response. "Black Light" Control Central panel. "Tar, get Beam" FM stereo indicator light for perfect tuning. Jacks for cam. ponent input and outputs. Genuine walnut veneer cabinetry. Ebony and chrome trim. Regularly $119.50 ONLY Toshiba Solid State 19 Trans- tor 7-bend 2-1n-l. Model 19L- 825F. Battery or AC. Receives AM. FM, shortwave, FAA weath. or.navigation, marine weather, amateur shortwave. Operates ship to ship ship to shore, t,800 MW power, AFC. 2 speak. ors. 5 antennas. Toshiba push. button control. Striking black with silver eccents and teakwood panelling. s99so '::.o00|599s New for '69 from ,, "THE LARK" 7 Transistor Solid Stats AM Portable. "The Lark" from Toshiba will be the biggest Toshiba Big Screen Portable TV. UHF-VHF. The Citadel. Model VS. Full 180 squ.,re Ulch rectnnb,tlhr picture. BI t'orsole quality with Ilrecl.Jo{I.crilfted componeots. "F)ortabudt '' to take the iolfs ,rod "Steel- guard" l)cture tube and copper etched circuitry. PI =vats oar. phone. Grey hlt'h inlpact cat)met with , silver.chr onle trim. Reg. $149,50 ONLY Toshiba Sun Screen Portable TV. UHF-VHF. The Sun Valley, Model V4. Striking new Toshiba snap.on "Sun Screen" filter for Rlare proof outdoor viewing. 75 suare inch rectangular picture• "Portabuilt" to wRhstand iolts and jars. "Steelguard" picture tube. Copper etched circuitry. private earphone. Charcoal high Imp,:* ct cabinet with silver- chrome trim. Reg. $99.50 ONLY Other Graduation Specials WALLETS Genuine Cowhide $1.79 Reg. $2.50 -- NOW WINDBREAKERS 100% Nylon - In sizes S-M-L-XL  NOW THIN-FOLD WALLETS Regularly $3.98 $2,79 NOW WALTHAM WATCHES ":'' LI : v.,ues ,o .,0o ,O"OeaO Assorted NOW INSTANT HAIR SETTER Clairol 24 -- Reg. $34.95 NOW '26.% IMPORTED GLASSWARE DECO.ATlVE-- 99* tJSR8 Large Assortment only STATIONERY P,att, Austin U¢ Reg. $1.59 box, Now TRAVEL KIT" Reg. $3.95  NOW '2.77 SPORT BAGS Great for ..oh or travel ,n a,o,ed oo,or,-- ' 49 Reg. $1.98 -- NOW 1. MENNEN SKIN BRACER Or. L,m. or W,,, .o. 97 ¢ Reg. $1.25  NOW HAl KARATE o,,T S,T , m Reg. $3.75---NOW 4kell TOWEL SET OECO,*TlVE $1.49 FRINGEONLY ZIPPO LIGHTERS "'°" "'" NOW '2o(lJ Reg. $4.95,OW 3.97 ..g. ,.SNow S4.T/ ----- Drug Specials ---- GLEEM TOOTHPASTE New Super-Aotlon, Family Size P€ Reg. 11.05  NOW PRIVINE NOSE DROPS "' %1°°.ow 69* blast on the beach this year. Stings Dig sound back to rid o w th o ,u., ,wow.. power MOUTHWASH Table radiO SiZe, yet light and SCOPE "THE STAG" Car 8-Track Stereo Tape Cartridge rugged_for easy take-along, FeB- Player. A complete stereo tape system, ready tures loshibs "Mono-Guerd" ((€ to be installed in your car. Plays your favorite automatic gain control...hlsh. Large Size impact "Ouranyl' csblnet...snd Reg. %1.15  NOW choice of three music on easy-to-use 8-track stereo tape cart- ridges. Enjoy up to 80 minutes of continuous colors. A real Portable !istening with concert hall real- .,.v peole,..,,,p'..s', ANAClN 0 t.. mm...Years OT power-packed per- ,--,..r Modal __ Reg. 65¢ -- NOW 1 formance with Toshiba solid statell   I 1 I1 IIIQ  devices-12 transistors and 8 di-.'11t Ji l'; ONLY 111 •JI 1, odes. Includes speakers, con -"r" .  --• -- SCATTER PERM nectingwires,.mountinE brackets.  ' I , by Toni -- With shapers Model KT-82C Regularly %3.75 -- NOW $ar=Tql j& - it-/ DISCOUNT 120 COTA ° SHELTON S T O RE • Open Dally ,,30 a.m. . 4 ,.11111. • i I i i IH i I i i Thursday, May 22, 1969 - Shelton.,lasan'County Journal - Page 7