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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CONNOLLY FRANCES RICE Shelton VALERIE BULLARD Montesano , i I ;/il I Mo( ,ary S STEVEoNteWnAL K E R , ,. here Cited For Relations Program Hospital, has fort and morale. excellence of Twelve Hospitals will receive Pro, gram by awards in the seventh annual newsletter, competition. Final judging, by Relations." a panel of authorities in the hos- has been accept- pital field, is scheduled for June, 1969. Awards will be made in for National three categories: 1) Best Hospital PULSE Pat- Nursing Project; 2) Best IOaspital rds Program. Public Relations Project; and to honor "l) Best Hospital newsletter. Four which winners will he selected in each contri- category according to size of hos- Patient corn- pital. STEVEN LOONEY BRUCE EDSON DOUGLAS SPENCER R. SCOTT PUHN SHARI GRUVER Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton JUDITH SPRINGER Matlock Simpson Names Winners Of Scholarships II Seven Shelton students are among 31 students from across the nation selected this week to receive approximately $22,000 in 196.9-70 Mark E. Reed Scholar- ships sponsored by Simpson Tim- ber Company. D :uglas F. Spencer, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, l:X)6 Center St. in Shelton, is one of five college students awarded $1,000 special category grants. Spencer attends Oregon College of Education where he is major- ing in both general studies and business education. He is prepar- ing for a career in the forest products industry. Six other Shelton recipients jlave been awarded $750 grants. They are among 22 students sim- iliarly recognized in the 23rd VA Reminds Of Requirement I John B. Kirsch, Manager of the Seattle Veterans Administra- tion Regional Office, today urged the 8,140 veterans and servicemen now enrolled in Washington col- leges and universities under the Post-Korean G.I. Bill to complete and return the VA certification of attendance cards as soon as pos- sible. Now sent to college-level G.I. Bill trainees only once during each enrollment period, the certi- fication was formerly required monthly in order for the veteran or serviceman to be paid his monthly VA educational assist- ance allowance. The veteran or serviceman is asked to indicate if there has been a change in his enrollment as shown on the card, or if he terminated enrollment, Kitsch said. To help the VA anticipate his future educational assistance needs, he is also asked to check whether he will enroll in the same program and school for the next period. On the back of the card is a reminder that if the veteran or serviceman fails to complete and return the card to the VA office indicated on he card, he will receive no further payment from the VA. ALWAYS FIRST! Drawing by Beauchamp nn Real Estate year of the Reed Scholarship program. Four other scholarship alternates were given $100 merit awards. Shelton recipients of the $7,50 scholarships are Patricia Connol- ly, 19; Frances Rice, 17; Steven Ix)ney, 20; Bruce Edson, 19; R. Scott Puhn, 18; and Shari (;ruver, 18. I_x)oney, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Looney, also was a 1967-'68 Reed Scholar. IIe is a sophomore accounting major at the University of Washington. Ed- son, also a Reed scholarshi I) re- cipient last year, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Edson. Ite is completing his freshman year as a mathematics and philosophy major at Washington State Uni- versity. Miss Cormolly, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. James Connolly, plans to study commercial education at the UW. Miss Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Rice, will study literature and languages at Western Washing- ton State College. Puhn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert O. Puhn, will major in engineering at the UW. Miss Gruver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gruver, will major in engineering at Stanford University. All four are gr;,dua- ting seniors at Shelton High School. A fifth student from Shelton's class of '69 is alternate for the $750 scholarshiI) anti recipient of the $100 merit award. He is Elliot Carlsen, 18, son of The Rcv. md Mrs. C. ,I. Carlscn. tic will major in l)Sychology al Pac- if it: Lutheran University. Other area winners of the $750 strholarships are Judith Springer, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sprin*r of Mattock and a grathmting senir of Mary M. Knight lligh School; Ronahl Rey- nolds, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie P,ynolds of McCleaT and a graduating senior at Elma High School and Steven Walker, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker of Montesano and Valerie Bullard, 18, daugffter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bullard, also of Mon- tesano, t)th Walker and Miss Bullard are graduating seniors ;tt Monlesano High School. A former Shelton resident also is receiving a $750 Reed grant. She: is Jill Haney, 18, daughter of Mr+ and Mrs. Jack ttaney of Portland. She will begin liberal arts studies at Oregon State Uni- versity next fall. You'vo seen thb cover on Sealq's/am o us s79 Sealy's Anniversary Sale Best Guard... at onlq f ]I :i !:!:i : /' Y'" v 95 Sow this same costly fabnc is used on Twin or full size Each piece The elegant look of a $79 Sealy is only one of many costly benefits built-in to this outstanding value. You also get the same firm Dura-Gard innerspring coils that were used in Sealy's $59 mattress. Plus exclusive reinforced edge support. Shop and compare: you won't find better comfort for anywhere near this low price l !i:: Sealy Posturepedic00 very best value in our Sleep Shop 2 kinds of comfort in 11 Elegant damask cover is deep-quilted to exclusive Dura-Lux cushioning for gently firm surface over extra firm inner construction. Designed in coop- eration with orthopedic surgeons for firm support. No morning backache from sleep- ing on a too-soft mattress. 8 full or twin each piece BB BBB ,0 ,.co= s,.., APPLIANCES • TV • STEREO • FURNITURE I II IIII II I I IIII I I I II Phone 426-463 I I I I Thursday, May 22, 1969- Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 9 J