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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NAVY LT. (JG) DENNIS L. SANDVIG, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sandvig (,f lloodsl)(n&apos;t, was presented with his Naval Aviator's wings al ceremonies at (!()rims Christi. Tex., re- cently. Mary M. Knight School: Belfalr: Vote On School Special Levy May 27 By EMILY MEYFR 21.62 mills, Central Kitsap, 17.0 ing early registrations to assist MISS FLUERY TO WED • BIqLFAIR -- May 27, North Mason voter's will be asked to east their ballot concerning a 18.4 mill levy to pay part of the exltenses of rnaintainance and operation of the North Mason 1969-70 school ycar. This special election wotlht replace last: year's special levy and provide tim need- ed funds to keep the present school system in ol)eration another year. The huilding hond issue approved in January was for building puri)oses only and no part of the I)ond issue funds can Ix used for teacher's sahuies or other nlaintenan('e Hnd oiler- ;ilion exllenses. If this levy fails, it will tire - hably lie resubmitted to the vot- ers in Septeml)er, If it fails a se- con(t time, lhe district risks l*x,- ing annexed to a larger district an(t hflving t() ;ISSIln]( s(lnle of their education costs as well as our own, Mrs. h-ene Davis, President of the Citizen's Committee for Edu- cation has lhis comment about mills, South Kitsap, 3,t,44 mills, Brenmrlon, 12.?' mills, and Bain- bridge, 23.0 mills. To date this year in the state, 138 school dis- triers have passe(t special levies, ;tvcraging 19.64 mills. This past sch()ul year 90 l/ercent of the slaie's school children were edu- cated with the help of special levies. Nollh Mason School district is asking voters to approve a levy of aI)proximately 18..tq mills to raise $197,000 needed i() meet the hut(get for the ('olnillK school yea r. This is how it will he used: 13.55 mills: Io replace last ye;lr's h'vy. hec;ttlSe of lhe sial(, le/islature's failure to prey(tie suf- ficien funds. 2.50 mills: needed to l)Urchase ;1 110%%' bUS 2.28 mills: ne0(h,d to hire llu'eo mhtitioiml l(,lchers und (mother leacher'.',; aid 1o like (!art, (f ad- diional pupils .07 mills', neetlod tO do ;l(i(li- ti(Jna] sunnlltq' nlllilil(,nlln(.e \\;vork 1S,,itJ mills hil;d. i)lanning of handicraft and volun- leer stuff rieeds. Training sessions will be an- n(Junced for volunteer adults and l)rovisions nm(te for care of vohm- teer's children too young to be left at 17oine. Registration forms may he filled in accordingly and maih,(l to lhe Re!gistrar with the fee for girls attendance. Camp fohlors may he requested from the Brownie and Girl Scout leaders if not received. All needs for attendance are listed in tile lhe folder. GRADUATION ANNOITNCTD North MaSOll High School will ('onduct 14raduation ceremonies in the hih school gym May 28 at 8 p,m. Ray Kronquist, Chair- lnall tif the Nortt Mason School Directors, will t)resent tligh School dillhmms. N.rlh Mason Grade School gradu;llhin ex(.,rciscs will he held Jun(? l0 lit 7::{0 I).ln. i11 tie High St'heel (lyre. Rev. Vtend;lll Hard- er, rlerk of the Norlh Mason Mr. and Mrs. Grover Fleury have announced the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Marie, to Pfc. Ronald Edward ttouse of Bremerton. Sandi graduates from North Mason High School May 28 where she is the Rally Squad Queen She is also active in the tIonor Society and was elected to the tIomeconfing Court and is North 5hlson's Princess for the Forest Festiwd. Ron is stationed at Camp Pen- dleton, Calif. with the U. S. Marine Corps. A June wedding is planned. SCltOOL BOARD At a r('cent meeting of the North Mason School Directors, May 21 was selected as the date to open bids on contracts to build ;L new bus garage and an addi.. tion to the high school gymnas- ium. Tile projects are part of the $680.000 bond issue which was p;issed in January of this year. T The past I_gislature mandated that local districts be combined into Intermediate School districts for the purposes of pooling spec- ial educational services such as visual aids and psychological ser- vices, for the good of all partici- l);lting school districts. The second choice of the school directors would be to combine all of Mason, Kitsap, Jefferson, and Chdlam counties. The finM decision will be tip to the Stale Board of Education when a for- real hearing on forming the dis- tricts will be held May 26. WED.. 7 to g Night FRI, - 7:30 to Sat.. 11 a.m.'l-- LearnerJ 1:30 p.m. - 4 8 p.m. - 11 p.m,, 8U, N. - 1:30 p,m, MitlnN SI Olympia • for I New EVERYDAY low-low discount Kodacolor prints and processing at the special levy: To v;tli(hite Ill(' eh,clion 5:18 chool I)ireclors will presenl The I)huls for I)olh llrojecls have PIe _ l _ II v A ,,,o, to J. W. Good- votes ;it-<, needed ;,nd 60 i,,'r,'ent S,'IIOLAIiSlIIP AWARDED heen conq)leted and the site for resents a i s p;,sier, Ma()n County Superin- of the totaling voting must vote the .us has b,,n <,t\