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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
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A FORUM ABOUT MATURE WOMEN THE ROUTINE Dear Miss Brooktleld: My children are ready for col- lege anti I would like to return to business. I am looking ahead because I want to eliminate the problem of being at home alone, and also to help out financially. I am over 40 and have not work- ed in almost 20 years. Are ma- ture women really being hired? Would a I)osiness college course be a good idea? I would appreci- ate any helpful hints you can offer. L.B., Metropolis, Ill. Dear L.B. : You're very smart to plan ahead. Consequently, I think you will be successful in your quest for a job. Yes, it's true that mature wom,m ,ire being hil'ed Millions of wives who fact your dilemma- the empty nest anti a desire to supplement the family income - are now part of he female labor force. Many start( with a part-time jolt so they tmld mesh the responsibili- ties of their jobs and their house- holds. After establishing a rou- tine for the household chores, they accepted full-time employ- ment. You might consider the benefits of such a course. Another factor in your favor is your undet.'standing that you will need courses to refresh old skills or to acquire new ones that will make you ,in asset in the job market. Once you have prepar- ed yourself with courses, use every source that can t help- ful in tf i n d i n g emlloyment : friends and acquaintances, help- wanted advertisements in your local newspapers, .tate employ- ment services and private agen- cies. Approach your interviews with confidence and a lsitive atitude. Employment counselors say: IXm't worry about your age but emphasize how you have up- II dated your skills. And they add: Don't burden the interviewer with detlils about the exeelle organ- ization of your household. If you are seeking employment, it is understood that these chores will not interfere with your work. Gtd luck to you! "KIN 8POT.,q Itlr Margaret : Is 'there any cream or prepara- tion known that will premanently fade the brown spots on the back of my hands? I am 43, I have tried a number of preparations on the market but nothing seems to help. Perhaps I should not be s: concerned, but I am. W.T., Crystal Bay, Nevada Dear W.T. : Although these brown spots are often associated with age, the real culprit is usually sunlight. These spots that appear on the exlxsed areas of the skin such as the back of the hands or the face and neck of older people are the result of years of exposure to sun and wind. While prepara- tions on the market may either lighten or bleach them, nothing - unfortunately . will remove them Ixrmanently. You can, however, avoid further irritation by elim, inating extreme exposure to sun- litht. Protective skin creams u- cd during the summer months will be helpful in slowing down the appearance of more spots. ()n special, dress-up occasions, if you find that these spots are of particular concern, try masking tltem with make-up. Have you a problem as a mature woman, or with one? For advice and help write to Margaret Brook. fiehi, Inhn'matlon Center on the Mature Woman, 3 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. 10019. CASH For Your PROPE]TTY Write: P. O. Box 764, ehelton Washington 011584 on ! Southside: H arstine: SAVE 8 0000qu00l.mxM. that hag your work" Save now on Wallhide Latex Wall Paint at this never- before low. low price I It's the one.coat flat wall paint. No scrubbing, priming or sanding walls beforehand. No offensive odor. Dries in minutes. Wash up with soap and water. Choose from rich, exciting colors. RegularPrice Z97gaL SPRING SALE PRICE "Mfr'$ suggested retail price  V GALtO REG. 116,67" REDWOOD REZ ® Exterior - interior stein finish REZ, the most popular name in redwood finishes, enhances the natural beauty and texture of wood Seals and preserves the wood. 4-H Club Holds Meefincj Islanders Finding Road Chancjing Rapidly In Goldsby Home Last week By MlgS. RAY KIgATCA brandt, Tom and Betty Moran, I SOUTHSIDE -- The Live Wires 4-H Club held its meeting at the home of Dabble Goldsby May 15. President Sharon Johmon call- ed th emeeting to order and also led the 4-H pledge and flag sa- lute. Roll call was taken and each 4-H member answered with some- thing they had done in their own project. The minutes from the last meet- ing were read by secretary Lori GoMsby. The theme for 4-H Camp this year "Fairy Tales" was discuss- cd for old business. The "Three Wishes" was chos- en lor the clubs theme. A swimming party at Mason l,ake after school is out was also The meeting was closed and refreshments were served by the Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gib Lord received a long distance call from their son Gary of Maryland for Mothers Day. Mrs. Gib Lord and Connie were Mr. and Mrs. Aub-ey Vaughn of Elma and Mr. and Mrs. Iver Tomason of Elma. Silver Star Riding Club met Wednesday evening at the PUP They fin;shed their plans for the Forest Festival parade. Those who attended were Julie Ziegler, Floyd Fowler, Shirley Brown, Mike an dC.elia Scott, Jenny Hildebrandt, Bonnie Boelk, tIap Braey, Phil Hardie, Caolyn Brewer, Al and Doris Jones, Ed, Larry anti Kathy, Kay Geist, Bill Rea, Shelley and Tracy Brown, Julia Olli, Alice and Bud Hilde- Leo Bishop, Judy Johnson, Mary Hansen, Bud Eveleth, John Cock- ran, Carol Cowling, Dick Shrum, Jackie Cruickshank, Karen Dale, Dec and Bonnie Tibbits, Jay Umphenour and Charles and Mrs. Ed Wetmore had a birth- day dinner for Ed Wetmore last Lunday with ten guests attend- ing. They had a 24 pound sal- mon that was cought by Mr. Meeting at he home of Clara Stuck Thursday was the past pre- sidents of the Eagles Auxiliary, with Bertha Lord, Gertrude West- cott, Alice Herzog, Agnes Barteh, Virginia Dundas and hostess Cla- ra Stuck attending. The Acticns 4-H group had a business meeting May 19 at the home of Toni Matson, leader. The meeting was called to re- tier by Tracy DeMeiro president. Lennie Christensen led he flag salute anti 4-H pledge. Chris Rickards secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. Teresa Murray called for dues and gave the treasurer's report. Chris Rickards adjourned the meeting and served treats. Those attending were Carol Christenscn. Dana Christensen, Lennie Christensen, Marilee Mat- son, Mike Matson, Desilee Clay- ton, Salina Clayton, Kimmy Car- son, Mary Sue Carson, Christy Bacon, Chris Rickards, Teresa Murray, Bobi DeMeiro, Tracy DeMeiro, Karen Lund, Ricki Sal- lee anti Martha Sewell. Miss Jackie Cookson spent Fri- day and stayed over night with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krateha. Matlock: By CARMEN YATE8 II HARSTINE -- Islanders, part- icularly those using the Low Road route to the ferry, during the past few weeks have no doubt learned to allow an extra few minutes when planning to catch a ferry. Some days the short piece of road where the work is being done for the bridge ap- proach changes so often, the workmen, even seem to have a hard time keeping the detour arrows pointing in the right di- rection. Those using one part- icular detour on the way to the ferry for a quick trip to town may discover upon his return trip home that the road he'd used a brief time before now has a eight or ten foot dropoff in the middle and there's now another route through the con- struction area. Yet, in spite of an over abundance of blue clay in one portion of new road, brief delays while traffic gingerly picks its way slowly through the area following the everchanging detour signs, etc. the contractors are progressing very well, in- deed, on the new piece of road. Anti if the residents think keep- in up with a changing road is diffrent, then they should trade places with our faithful mailman, Gene Townsend, who plays hide and seek each dab, with the three or four mailboxes, located (somewhere) in the construction zone. That's really different. The regular May meeting of the Harstine Grange was held last Friday evening. Three guests were present for the meeting and joined the members for the pre-meeting potluck s u p per. The guests were Mrs. Jessie Jones, her son, Al and his wife, Doris all from the Agate Grange. AI and Doris also belong to the Silver Stars Riding Club which has requested permission to be a part of the dedication of the Yates home their daughter Thel- ma Freshour and her husband and son, Gary are presently spending a week's vacation with Thelma's folks; the week before the YaWs son, Warren and his wife, Bonnie and the Yates great- granddaughter, Stephie Wiles, all of Auburn called on the Yates overnight . . . The Nesses recently made some improvenaents at the Marina so that they can accommodate trail- ors and campers in the near fu- ture . . . Following the project at the Marina John Budd has been quite busy installing septic tanks both tit Island Shores and at the Hole-in-the-Wall develop ments; one at Island Shores for Johnnie and Lucille Johnson on the second addition and another at lot 17-B for the Preston fam- il.v from Auburn and a couple at the lhfle-in-the-Wall . . . Those attending the Nimrod Party include George and Max- ine Waite, Bill and Cindy Bing- ham, Gene Seward and Buddy Budd . . . And those attending the benefit dance at Shelton Val- ley for Perry Rose were Donette and Bud Glaser . . . The John llitchcock's daughter-in-law, Mar- lene Ititcheock underwent surgery recently in Olympia and is now back home getting along very well . A chimney fire at the Jim McAuliffe home last week on Monday gave Ella quite a scare; coming to her rescue when Jim and Dan were off the Is- hind .for the day were Chuck Bridges, Charlie Allison and Pal- mer Olson. The fire was extin- guished without any damage to the premises, the only disaster area being Ella's badly jangled nerves . . . At the Wayne Browning home their son, Dale anti his wife and three youngsters from Lake Stev- en near Everett were down for a visit over the weekend . . . father, A1 Johnson and his wife Beulah, of Sicamous, B. C. as their weekend guests. The Camp- bells gave them a red carpet tour of the Island during their stay . . After many weeks of training the Gar William's new addition to racing, Island Guest, participated in a practice session this last weekend at the train- ing site . . . Charlie Stevens and his wife recently made a trip to Idaho to visit their daughter . . . Down at Pt. Wilson the Wangelins en- joyed a two day visit with Mar- garet's folks, the Ashburn Cran- dalls from radar, the first of last week . . . A couple of weeks ago the Brignones enjoyed a visit with their son, Joe and his wife, Sharon from Fife • . . The Goodwins at BaUow were seen busily trying to catch up on the flower beds last Saturday so they could enjoy a few hours of beat- ing with a clear conscience, for a few hours that evening . . . And speaking of boats we hear that Joe and Dick Glaser had a bit of good luck when they went fishing a couple of weeks ago. Bet they tasted good, too . . Down at Sunset acres m the west side of the Ish-md hammers have been flying all last week and we now note a new roof line on the horizon next door to the Goodman cabin Ber- nice Schnable and her three child- ran recently spent the weeknd visiting her morn, Esther Gortz • . . Three of the Marvin Bangles- No protective the only nat and keratin na or. U. S, patent For beautiful, I just two weekS,, on rrp once de= veto splitting,  ing. chipping:_,= Not a heros,, a Formaldehyde only patented formttla. NatUfiW anti beautifies gt,aranleed or your mol'*v b el' dorf family came for a weekend visit. They were Marve and Carol, and son John• Daughter, Susan was attending a Girl Scout camp out and Mary's folks stayed in . Tacoma to keep the home fires burning. They visited both the Dale Peughs and Glenn Yates. Saturday evening all gathered at , the Peugh home for dinner to- gether . . . .. bridge. Dorothy Barnett bn)ught Dr. Ray- di H H°wever' the main reas°n the m°nd Waid t° the Island f°r an La es Club olds Meeting, ,_= appeared at the meeting afternoon outing fromtheFir "Lane i}ey Went Terrace Rest Home where Dr. WSU Students In Honor Society Host Riverside Group Where ,ou can have s Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent It, Two Shelttm students attend- ing Washington State University were initaited into Phi Kappa Phi, n;ltiorml honor sociey, re- cvttly. To l' eligible members must rank in the top 10 per cent of their graduating class. Initiattl were graduate student Harhtnd Salisbury, an edueation rtajor; and Daniel lrrom, a junior majoring in chemical en- gineering. | 79 IIIIIII II GALLON SATINHIDE  Easy to apply. Washes out of your brush and roller with soaO and water. REG. $3,23" SPRING SALE PRICE PPG Special Roller and Tray Combination Top-quality 9- inch roller and tray set. Long.wearing lint-free cover just right for WALLHIDE or SATINHIDE. A t;2.00 value. SPRING SALE PRICE 99¢ Eacrett Lumber Co. 1332 Olympic Hwy. So 426-4S22 -- ii iiiiii I ii i, mll iiii I II By DORA HEARING MATI.ZK -- Matlock Ladles Club held its meeting last week Wednesday with Mrs. Kenneth Howard and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier hostesses. They entertained the Riverside Club Ladies. All enjoy- ed the s'ides Mrs. Louis Asche showed of Utah, The Pinochle Club met at the Grange Hall Saturday night with the weekend at Auburn with their :folks the O, W. Walker's. Sun- day afternoon they visited Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walker of Seattle. Mrs. Herbert Helins pupils from , here who attended her piano recital at the First Christian Church last Sunday afternoon in Elma were, Becky and Bonnie Crabtree, Susan Tupper, Margu- Mr. and Mrs, FAvln Hearing, rette Howard, Diana Cook, Shel- host and htmte, High scare went ]'y Case, Lance and Lori Trimble, to 3me 'Etootl and Rachel V* Teresa and Coleen Graham and ley, Pinochle to Ira Ford and Fran and Teresa Trimble. Rachel VaUey. Low score to Judy Walker and Ira Ford. This was the last Pinochle party until September. Mr. and Mrs. James Roasmaier and Brenda and Lisa were Wed- nesday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Augusta PoHznan and Carl P. The Mary M. Knlght PTO three act play "Bolts and Nuts" was put on last Friday and Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walke( and David spent Thursday evening and Frkiay at the Neal Davta home in Tacoma. e Pauley Dodge 1967 CHEVY II Nays 2-Door Hardtop, Like New $1695 1967 CHEVELLE 4-Door .... $1395 1964 DART See the 1922 DODGE ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM[ S M at Front & Railroad H I I Matlock Grange took in five new members Friday night when Master Lud Rossmaier gave the obligation to Mr. anti Mrs. Steve Dudlcs, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ja- cobs and Mrs. Violet Brazeau. My. and Mrs. I. C. Ford were Sunday dianer guest of the Her- bert Brehmeyer Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaler visited the Carl Emsley family of Southaide Sunday. Now On Display L=wn Boy • MOWERS and • EDGERS Available in 18" - 19" - 21" widths • Quick to Start • Quick on the Go "" '79" Low As FREE Demonstrator Available NO OBLIGATION 8top In Soon At SAEGER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST • 42tl-4602 i was to offer the use of a horse and buggy, the Riding Club has at its disposal, for use in the Dedication Ceremony. A report was also given stat- ing asof the past Monday the completion of the bridge had been moved up a bit as was the opening ceremony. Master Phil Chapman appoint- ed two ladies, Beulah Hitchcock and Carmen Yates to join with the other two Island organiza- tions in the plans for an Open House at the Hall following the Bridge Opening. Herewith we'll give you all a few short notes from all around the Island: Dan McAuliffe is sporting a new beige car . . .At the Stan Waid has been confined since last fall. They visited both the Bar- nett home here and his own pro- perty on the east side of the Island . . . Down at he State Park six or eigh¢ boats from the Portland Boat Club spent the weekend which is an annual custom . . . The Chuck Bridges family min- us one spent the weekend with some of the other members of the Saddle Club they belong to camping in the Sherman Forest Imrt of the Capitol Forest Camp- ground. Their daughtmr Pare was the weekend guest of Julie Sagmelller and her family of Bayshore . . .The Campbells were delighted to have Grace's NO t Windshield ToOl • Grimes & MCi 3rd & GroVe "Where Your is Guaranteed Not to Be careful witk fire when you go on a picnic or a hike in the woods. Remember: the forest is full of living thlngs---birds, animals, trees, flowers, ferns. The forest is a pleasant place and a happy place when it's green. Please do your part to keep it that way. Be careful with matches, €igareffes, pipe heels end campfires in or near the woods. Help Keep Mason County Green "Live Better Electrically" Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 22, 1969