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afternoon is the birling. Here, Russ Elli-
aacl his daughter, Diane Ellison Rowe, demon-
strate the art of staying upright on a log whirling in the
water. They will be appearing at tile Loggers Show.
Connolly Writes Of Experiences In The Netherlands
l%tary Club re-
this letter from
daughter of Mr.
a year in
Under the Ro-
lls-- program.
aVersum, 4-30-69
holiday be-
is celebrat-
! Even if one
ct it is obvious
is a special
is a flag fly-
every home
all patriotic
belongs to
I Watch--
the in
stood on the
bands played
walked by
many flowers
literally coy-
though it
it was
Prince Wil-
Stole the show
you, I've
to Swit-
ski vacation
the in 't
for a week.
Was organized
for all 17 ex-
change students and we travelled
by bus. Our guide kept us busy
every minute showing us such
things as the Eiffel Tower, Notre
Dame, Versailles, and Montmar-
tre. The Paris Rotary invited
us for lunch and a Shelton' Ro-
tary flag now hangs on their
wall. Our evenings were also
filled with dancing, attending the
opera and seeing the Follies Ber-
gere! Paris is so romantic and
,majestic - I hope to go back some
Last week I had the opportun-
ity to go to a wedding. A Dutch
wedding is really s()mething to
see. Instead of using cars, most
bridal €ouples ride in horse-
drawn coaches. The i,q'tx)m rides
alone to the bride's home and
presents her with the bridal bou-
quet (he chooses it). Then every-
one boards the coaches. Usually
the procession consists of five
black coaches in which members
of the family and close friends
ride anti a white carriage (the
inside is lined with red velvel)
drawn by white horses for the
bridal pair and flower girls. The
first stop is the city hall. The
couple has reserved the day and
hour three weeks before, so the
red carpet is already rolled out
when they arrive! Here the civil
ceremony takes place (it is obli-
gatory in Holland) and the couple
receives a marriage book with
Windows Decorafed
stival Ac÷ivi÷ies
this oral Cub, Mode O'Day; Shelton
Forest Art Group, J. C. Penney; Turn-
con- water Art Group, Eells and Val-
ley; Shelton-Mason County Zon-
contest ta (not competing), Shelton Elec-
of the Zon- tric, and Trailblazers, Hedrtcks.
Ruby Horn- JUNIOR CLUBS: Boy Scout
of the pro- Troop 112, Miller's Men's Depart-
ment and Girl Scouts, Cascade
are being Natural Ga.
group or in- ANTIQUES: Dot Hllderman,
are: IIeinie's Broiler; Kay Got, Kay's
;srRY: U. Draperies and G. W. Palmer,
large Thackeray Electric.
of Wash- GRANGES: Southide, Lloyds
of Natural and Shelton Valley, Angle Insur-
ty Say- ance.
Haynes In- son, Johnny's Music Box and
West- L. Stevens, Polka Dot.
Prepp's JUNIOR HOBBIES: Cathy But-
Rio- ler, Shelton Stationery.
Valley and POP ART: Irvin McArthur,
aux School, Cliftons.
SPECIAL: Clive Troy, BoWs
Griggs, Shoe Tree: Willow Creek Game
Graves 'arm, Shelton Hardware; Alcoho-
of Ms- lies Information and Referral
Enoch Center, Capital Savings a n d
Mann, Loan; Merle VanderWal, Ham-
and Mrs. lins; Multi-Service Center, Multi-
Olym- Service Center; Queens' Window,
(no contest), Miller's, Poster
Hood Canal Window, (no contest), Miller's
County and State Poster Winners, Jim
Mln- Pauley Inc.
WAGON 4-Door, V-200
model, white with blue cloth
8 vinyl trim. v-g, P.S., Lulg-
gage rack, Torque-fllte, Radio,
white walls. Ready to roll
Only $1595.00
Klmbel Motors
Chrysler - Plymouth
I ntornational
707 S. 1st
Days 426-3433, Eves. 428-4750
their names, date of marriage,
etc. in it and also twelve blank
spaces for the names of the child-
ren trom the marriage (it is not
obligatory to fill all 12 spaces)
Most couples ch(x)se to have a
church ceremony, too, and here
they receive a Bible. Following
is a reception and generally there
is also a dinner later for the
family and close friends. Then,
()f course, is the honeymoon.
Although I don't attend the Ro-
tary meetings weekly I still have
contact with them. The Rotary
in Europe has youth exchanges
belween countries for one or two
weeks and in March the Hilver-
sum club was the host for a
group of German girls who were
interested in seeing art and I
was invited along. I really had
a great time meeting the girls
and getting to know more Ro-
tartans. Since I don't speak Ger-
man, the girls and I spoke Eng-
lish with each other. But Ger-
man and Dutch are very similar
and at the end of the week a
Dutch Rotarian made a speech
in German and I understood all
of it! So while I was busy pat-
ting myself on the back a Ger-
man Rotarian made a speech
in what seemed like Greek to
me. That's life, I guess.
I have also visited Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. H. Teenstra who live
just a few blocks away. Ite is
past president of Rotary Inter-
national and has been a member
of the European Board of Stu-
dent Exchange for many years.
They let me see their "museum".
During his year as International
president they travelled all over
the world and received so many
presents that they ran out of
places to display them. So they
put a good share of them in one
room together instead of packing
them away. There are beautiful-
ly carved wooden figures, silver
pieces, and glassware. So you
can imagine how I laughed when
I saw a Mlckey Mouse hat sitting
amongst them !
Best wishes for a fabulous For-
est Festival.
Prloes good Thursday through Saturday Only.
Daily iron supplement ( =l il I
for women -I • •
Pristeen Feminine Spray
Regularly $1.98 , NOW 98 ¢
Regularly $1.49 NOW 89 ¢
Reg. 79c NOW
Neil's Pharmacy
5tll & Franklin 426-3327
DAWN RHODES, left, and Kim Wolden,
display the t,'ol)hy the Mas(m Collnty Rob-
binettes twirling group won for second
place in the Armed Fort'es Day Imrade in
"All-Weather liE'" Tires
• Clean sidewall design, radial darts on shoulder
• Triple-tempered nylon cord construction
e-Buy now at these low prices
Bremerton Saturday. The two girls are co-
leaders of the group. They will be appear-
ing in the Paul Bunyan Parade Saturday
0 (L0 x 13 blsckwall
tubeless plus Fed. Ex.
Tex $1,79 per tire and
four old tires
4 for s5100...
Plus $2.20 to $,1.36 Fed. Ex. Tax per tire
(depending on size) and four old tires
Get your nt today/
Shelton Junior Class Car Wash
Thursday, May 22, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page t7