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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 3956 In the Superior Court of Wash- ington for Mason CoUnty. In the Matter of the lte of ALl.tED A, BECK, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of this estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to sorve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attor- ney of record at the address stated below end file the same with the Clerk of this Court, to- gether with proof of such service within four months after the 22nd of May, 1969, or the same will be farever barred. RONALD F. SANFORD, Personal Representative. JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Estate Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington 98584 5/22-29-6/5 3t NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 10189 State of Washington Department of Water Resources Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That JOHN A, SELLS, of Shelton, Washing- ton on May 12, 1969, filed appli- cation for permit to withdraw public ground waters through a well situated within Government Lt 4 of Section 1, ownship 19 N., Range 3 W., W.M,, in Mason County, in the amount of 100 gallons per minute, subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of commu- nity domestic supply. Any objections must be accom- panied by a two dollar ($2.00) re- cording fee and filed with the De- partment of Water Re)urces within thirty {30) days from May 29, 1969. Witness my hand and official seal this 13th day of May, 1969. GLEN H. FIEDLER Asistant Director Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources (SEAL) 5/2"2-29 21 NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 21533 State of Washington Department of Water Resources Olympia TAKE NOffqCE: That CAL- VIN JOHN MORAN of Shelton, Washington on April 10, 1969, filed application for permit to di- vert the public waters of an un- named stream tributary of Cran- ber-’ Creek, in the amount of 0.1:1 cubic f(Χ)t per second, mb- ject to existing rights, contin- uously each year for the pur- pose of domestic supply; during irrigation season for irrigation that the approximate point of di- version is located within SE SW A of Section 26, Township 21 N., Range 3 W., W,M., in Ma- set County. Legal Publications Any objections must be aecom- , partied by a two dollar ($2.00) • recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from May 29, 1969. Witness my hand and official seal this 21st day of April, 1969. GLEN H• FIEDLER Assistant Director Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources (SEAL) 5/22-29 2t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Planning Commis- sion of the City of Shelton, Wash- ington will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 3, 1969 on an application for a zone change from R-1 to C-1 on Lots 6, 7 & 8 Block 29, Mt. View Addition to the City of Shelton. This is in accordance with zon- ing ordinance No. 682 of the City of Shelton. PURL JEMISON, Chairman Planning Commission. 5/22-29 2t NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 10155 State of Washington Department of Water Resources Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That HAR- OLd_) E. WENZEL of Aberdeen, Washington on April 24, 1969, filed application for peL':nit to withdraw public ground waters thzxmgh a well situated within Lot 10, Plat of Lake Nahwatzel- Olympic View of Section 8, Township 20 N., Range 3 W, W.M., in Mason County, in the amount of 100 gallons per min- ute, subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of community domestic supply. Any objections must be accom- panied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of "vatcr Resources within thirty (30) days from May 29, 1969. Witness my hand and official eai this 9th day of May, 1969, GLEN H. FIEDLER Assistant Director Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources 5/22-29 2t NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET HEARING Pursuant to law notice is here- by given that the school directors of Mary M. Knight School Dis- trict :ill will hold a public hear- ing in said school district on the 29th day of May, 1969 at 8 p.m. for Imrtmsc of Preliminary Budg- et. All interested taxpayers are invited. Clerk Joann Tupper 5/22-29 2t Smokey Says: 0nly You Can Prevent Forest Firesl II I II I / Lake Cushman: Local People Attend Mossyrock IDGI00 LAKE CUSIIMAN -- Where to start, what with the big "blast off" to the moon, and the "big splash", down at Mossyrock, it's pretty difficult to come up with anything spectacular, so it's back to earth and "right around home" for us ! Mrs. Steve Packer drove to Mossyrock to join her husband for the dedication of the new dam and hydroelectric plant, Mrs. Packer reports that the ceremony was most impressive, and the wcalher was perfect. Packer is the now supervisor at Mossyrock• Mr. and Mrs. Curly Donaven left for a trailer wlcation to Colo- rado by way of Boise, Idaho. They plan to visit relatives along the way and are particularly in- terested in the Mesa Verde Nat- tonal Park which contains anci- ent cliff dwellings, pueblos, and pit dwellings of the first Pueblo Indians• The Donaven family enjoyed a birthday gathering be- fore they left, which brought their daughters, Pat and Donna and granddaughter Shiela from Seat- tle and Mrs. Flossic Wheldcn of Shelton to their home for the ] weekend. The Lcs Sandvigs drove to Bell- ingham to attend the reunion of the Class of '29 from Fairhav- en High School. The first, and hopefully not the last reunion after 40 years, gathered former classmates from Alka to Texas and points east ,and west, ,and surprisingly a few of the former graduates. All arc at.tire in their present profession, some are con- sidering an early retirement. The college professor, the noted ar- tist, the engineers, teachers, con- tractors, famners or "profession- al housewife", whatever their walk of life, share the precious memories of their years at Fair- haven• The trip to Bellingham was also to visit Los' mother, Mrs. Anna Sandvig on her eighty third birthday and to wish her a plea- sant jet flight to California, her first "air adventure". Some of our Cushmanites drove to Bremerton to visit the ships and the Nax" yard during the BAHA'I FAITH "Lay not on any soul a load which ye would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for any one the things ye would not desire for your- selves. This is My best counsel unto you, did ye but observe it." Baha'u'llah Interested ? Call 426-6473 or 426-6630 Armed Forces Jack Jonson tercsted obserrL to have a Dad terested. of one day sunburn, so "tans and burrS, son of wwicolor of all shapes Supterintendent Bennett T. Gale of Olympic National Park an- nounced this week. Maintenance crews checked water and sewer systems and "de-winterizing" buildings. The vehicle bridge across the l I iCH RISTIAN  RADIO "What I  Offer Pe0# KGY Radio 10:15 a.m. "FOURSQUARE CH 910 E. Dearborn Pastor LeWlII 11:00 a.m. Pastor Speaking "The Greatness of Pentecost" 7:00 p.m. THE AMBASSADOR Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Youth M tPI faculty. Les was happy to meet so many friends from high school The Church where no one is a days, many of the graduates have remained or have returned to the , " ,Bellingham area, and more than ' • , / one half of the class art+ college Mt, View ,   .z/7/)7./q]///(f: Alliance Church Bapt'st 1123 w. c st.,' CLIVE TROY, h.ft, ('hats with one of the zens at the (,, rite,' was an open ]louse to /$/'F.j/] ' Sunday School ......... 9:45 a.m. many welhvishers who (,ame to honor hinl honor Troy on his sele(,tion as Mason j'L4111f4p=,.:. Morning Worship .... ll:0O a.m. Sunday . - • Worship 11 $' ; at the M,ilti-Ser,'i(,e Center last Friday aft- CSunty's Senior Citizen of the Year. . ,."..P'_i A.Y. F ................. 6:00 p.m. Trainln9  Evening Service . ..... 7:00 p.m. Midweek 8 #r'" ernoon. The weekly party for senior citl- " • Prayer Hour (Ved.) 7:30 p.m. Travis H. #  ,f-.'X Mason CounCy ' EAR" EVERS, Pastor __._.... Stoircase C,mpground (YOUR'00 Firs, Church of Chris,, '[1 Op dF 302 AlderSt., Shelton, Wash. Is ene or The Season SundaySchoolll:00a.m  Chu,'chtl,.00J %V,.,dnt,shty evening testimony meetings [ The Staircase campground north fork of the Skokomish Riv- lltading roonl loc;ttod in church. Reading t6 opened for pub l,( use May 17 s s ,  C C  •  • " , er wa severely damaged by win- . 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon.& Fri. Wed. eveni Over '25OO in prizes| OPEN HOUSE & ,,..T SALE First prize is $1000 in merchandise. You also can win a $500 kitchen cabinet, a trip to Europe, or many other prizes. SUNDAY ter snows. It is being repaired to permit foot travel to the trails which start from the other side of the river. The bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic until it is replaced by a new one. lto5 P.M. ALL CARPETING & LINOLEUM 50% OFF FORMICA REMNANTS SPECIAL PRICES SATURDAY.,. to, P.M. i May 22, 1969 80,000 SQ. FT. BIGHORN TRUCKLOAD SALE PLASTER BOARD BUY OFF RAIL CAR By Piece Per 1000 sq. ft. . . . 1.S9 4S.00 INSULATION . 1.69 46.00 • ". : 2.S9 46.00 • . . 2.S9 71.00 OWENS-CORNING FIBRE-GLASS FOIL Sq. Ft. Per M 1-7/S" Standard . • 4’ 39,00 2-1/2" Medium . . 5€ 49.00 3-1/2" Full Thick . . 6’ 59.00 6"Super • • . . 11½€ 112.00 Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. Sth & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Drugs • Helena Rubinstein • CosmeUes • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic CoseUcs NEIL'B PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 Auto Parts * Automotive Machine Shop * Parts for all cars and trucks * 24-Hr. Service on Parts Lea Fields Auto Parts, Inc. 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 m, t Auto Radiators • Repaired and Rod Out • Auto Glass Installation • Body & Fender Repairing and Painting WHITEY'S AUTO BODY (behind Kimbel Motors) 707Va 8. 1st 426-3604 Floor Coverings • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Auto Repairing • Major Overhauls • Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'B SERVICE 219 8o. 1st 426.1212 Masonry • Flreplam • All Brick and • Block Work MA8ON'8 MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Beauty $ Complete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Building Supplies J • Lumber • 8herwin-Wllliams Paint I (Kem-Tone & Kem-GIo) ] • Cabinet Hardware i GRANT LUMBER CO. 1607 B. Ist 426-6612 Paint C and C Paints Co'-Ca-Wall • Co'-Ca-Namsl A-Plex • Brella-Plex GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426.3344 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 u. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Chain Saws New and Used • Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily Mike's MoCullooh Shop 2215 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-4S89 'Custom Cabinets-- Quality Built 'Custom Cabinets Bank Terms Available John and Jerry Bunko Better Built Cabinets by B & B CABINET SHOP Taylor Towns 428-2042 Travel I • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426.4134 TV Service • Ractio - • Phonograpl • CB 2-way Radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 H t Building Supplies "-'1 Insm'ance ' ' • Sherwin-Willlams / [ "'IESTER VAJ.J.Y ' Paints-Caxpet-Wallpaper | | ' Representative • Complete Bulkiing Supplies [ [ GRANGE INSURANCE ASSN • Plastering & Supplies [: I Fire - Auto - Casualty Nye Co. Building Supply |; I Phone 426-6/58 lree Delivery l [ Star Rt, I, Box 84, Shelton _ 426-8224 On, Cole Road | ..... -- - ..... -Signs" .... I; ....... '- 3-D Magnetic Car and Truck Signs W. A. LELMBACK Hoodsport Phone 877-5733 _ . " I, I ,i /l Arcadi:t u(l Lake Boulevard ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister .- Bible chool .......... 9:45 a.m. Family Servt Worship ............. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday .......... Bible Study and l'rayer Child Care Service Available at 11: S+. David's Epi!;copal Fourth & Cedar, Shclton, Washil The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, The Church is always open for meditat io"; 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. --- Church School & Adult Bible Class 11:00 A M ..... Divine Worshi Uniχed Methodist (" G and King Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, 9:00 and ll:O0 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages ..... 6 MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD EDWIN C. Z 206 E. Wyandotte i SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1969 Divine Services 10:30 Sunday School and Bible Class 91 ::i Divine Services 8:15 and Theme: ,,CONFIRMATION Firsχ Bapc+oiS+ C,! ,, Fifth & Cots Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson, TH. t Sunday, May 25, 1969 =' 9:30 a.m. Bible School .... 11:00 a.m. "MEN LOVE DARKNESS" John 3:19-21 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups I'. 7:00 p.m. "APPROVED UNTO GOD" " Fishermen's ('lub., P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd A Cota From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 &.m. every Sunday SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1969 Bible Study: REV. JOHN HARDT Program: To Be Announced Faith Lutheran (;IW 7th and Franklin 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. -- Worship Se 9:30 a.m.  Sunday School for all! #'ld Christian Worship, Education, Fellowship, ! i CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor f The Friendly Church SHELTON ASSEMBLY* | 1521 Monroe Street MasO"  HEAR, MISS ELIZABETH I • Missionary to the L " Sunday, May 25, 7:00 pn Sunday School .......................................................... , Morning Worship ................................................. Chrtst's Ambassadors ........................................ ;'" . Wednesday, Family Night ................................ " "OLYMPIA SUILOINO SUPPLY €INTIIt" PLYWOOD 4x8- 3/8 4x8- 112 4x12- 1/2 4x8 - S/8 net F.O.B. oar BUY DIRECT FROM SEMI-TRUCK DIRECT FACTORY SHIPMENT SANDED SHOP- NO BLOWS OR POP8 4x8-1/4 . . • • . . . 2.50 4x8-318 . • • • • • . 3.20 4xS-1/2Exterior • • • . 4,$t) 4x8-3/4 . . • • • • • SeSO ,I I I PARTICLE BOARD S/$. 4x4 . . . . . $2.30 18 Shelton-Mason lout |