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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;"='""'"""'"""'""""""='""'""""'"""'"'"'"'"""" Jack Wr esigns From elton chool r-00cu NYE0000LmNG-t 00,wersettle00o- aTies Record; Spo00,00 Bancluef icJht R .S h High S Ify sUPPLY I In Dislricl I Jack Wright, wu'sityf()tb.llbasket- Superintendent of theis Evergr(enwho ThurstOnassistantdistrict which included The onlYbeenPOSt to be filled so -,.,.on. Se+ May 27 h.ll and assistanl coach l)istrict Ray latrick, was an ftxotball coaching as- far has Jays. where his Complete Building Supplies I ! I 'rh(, hi!.h s(.ho,,I Sl,rin Sr),'ls I,,ur years, announced his resig- Ion District in Itl,, early 1950's. Shelton coaching posts for four up to 1he varsity assignment. Phone 426-8224 ! Bm{it el ponored hV the Shelton i)ation Monday after accepting. Wrih! is lhe lhird wlrsily- yers. A decision on the football assign- • ' 1 " p' silion as vice prin(.il)al at sporl coach to resi/n at Shelton Steve Jay, ]Iighclimber wrest- ment is expected shortly ;is the Special prices on t ,I:I,c('('S will I(' held ]'[;l,v 7tl st;il'lin nt 6:?,0 t).m. ira M.untain l'Jvergreen High School. Van- high in the past few weeks. Var- ling coach the past lwo years, school board has be>n consider- Aluminum Windows I V'iow School. (,ouver. sit3' football coach Jerry Mills, had resigned lhat assignment ing a fieht of candidates origi- • Wright h'ld also been varsity who also was Wright's n.,sis- . , This banquet is a "first" as , .. ' . :' . ......... some weeks ago to furlher hm nally numbering over forty which & Doors ! ]HseO.lil COach BVO seasons nere lant in I)tsKerDlll, rC'Sl,necl sev- . • , , (du(dtmn lh had also been an lnehldmg assmtant eoa,h Bill il honors sprin_; Sl)orls: haseball, but had relinquished that l)osi- eral weeks ago and rcently de-  ' " ' "  '  "  '  "'" '" " Cole Road tr:lck, h.nnis ;rod veil. : III I , ix inclaes 'am'i the t "' , It ,)r he I31'iz(,r lion lhe past two years. (:el)ted a position in the North assistant football coach. Brickert. u_", IIm.m. . ' n he pole you f t .... ". Th(' speaker for the ev(qtin,g  .... t- tor 18 team He went lhe same height as will I)o Jerry Vernullion of St.  ; -' a_. I-'wis, but had more misses. M::rtins (?oll(e. Master of Cere- m o, ,00ooth0000 Blazers duplicated ,,,st monies for the banquet will be m ilt'e , .... .azels )n ,me year's record in that they went l',, An(ler,)n of the heltan I ,"lllall his "t nine Incnes undefeated through subdistric.l, Jav(,(,,s, IU e]vo. fo.T''_ ree?r,l .en lost to Hoquiam in the dis- Ti,.k,,ts .re .v;,il.h]o .t the |rl .lle Vault2ff',e. lnenes triet meel at Hoquiam. They hi;:h school and through the JC's. alSo l-'auut_slm, w°n" Beat eight other teams in the II v,m have any questions re- ..... . - to a Iourtl meet several of which the d L,l'ding till/dining a ticket please li, 11 which he won at sub- )( ' ' . :, 'Y ; " . ..... ratty beat ]n lhe regular sea- r(,ll ,I;c]':. Vt,bl)t.r aI -126-2(14. I son an(l again at sul)district.  I Rogerson Leads Climbers placed third two Jefferson he lost to at sub- Mark Witten- behind team- m the high hurdles, Dittmer got fifth in the meet over four l):)ints, 84- B and C t:earn dis(lUalilied, of disqualifica. ean Was ahead by s. Roquiam finished ra(,e and would Placing had ev(,nl whi(,h wBn lhe meet. for the loud rn(,et efferson and Cen- and 66 points re- ier was not far 's only win was in Where BOll Lund at (deVon feet. No r(c.t)rd,,(l for Ip:, he only thirds w' :'n in lhe 100 and The 180 was run has lied Ill(, lligh I'('cord of meet. lie als(i hmg jump. the Iilaz(,rs in lhe pole In Non-Qualifiers Mee÷ By ('llAIII, ES GAY All of tho trackmen in the non I Paul t{ogerson l)lacvd tits! in fimr even|s at ill(' OlymIdc leavuc non-qualifi(.rs meet at West llrem- erlon Tuesday. The ]liKheliml)ers took lhird as h'asl ;m,l Wes! I.r(,m(.rton took th<, lirs( 1we plaves, resl)eetively, The final tally was East II0 I£;, West 97 5/6, She]ton 96, Soulh Kits:q) 951,,',, C(,nlral Kil- sap 74, Norlh Kilsal) 29 and l>,ainbridge 22 1/3. Rogerson was first ill the 100 ;ll'(t (llsh, the lenin, jump, and ran on lho two Clirnber r('lay I();IFIIN |hill won. lte l'(in the fas(= est h,K (ff th(' mile relay leanl. I.arry Olli l>la(:(,(l ill four nlore ('vents for Shelton. lie go! fifth ill lhe high hurdles, sixth in the 440, tied for fourth in the high jump and got a second in lhe lril)le jump. (;eorge l=ernaI4i(' was the olher four-event l)la(:er for the Clim- bers. lie got fourth in the h)w hurdles, and third in the triple juml), as well ;is running legs (tn:)ifi('rs m(,r,l were Sol)homores (!XC(|)I ,Vt)rktllan. Th(' ;lwat'fls ass(,mbly for the tra(k le.m will be held in schtx)l n(.xl Tuesd;w. Th(. (;limbers arr s(,ndin/ lhree illen |o district ill f)llF ('V()NIs. This m(et was Ill(' final one for all of the aim- h{'rs ('xr('IH lhos() lhre{,. Tbt, fl()ll- (lualifie)'s m(,(,l is h('hl each year l(}r the boys wh,) (h} not qualify for the sub(listri(:t. Ih,r(, are I|l(? firs! place finish- (?S : I;r()ad jcunp- l{oKerson, 19'0" 100 - ]Logerson, I0.7 S8[) Rel;ty - 1:39,9 22O- l"hnlund, 24.5 Mih, Relay - :;:50.2 ALMOST 7O,O0O motor vehicles were involved in fatal highway (:rashes in 1968. LOWREY Organs & Pianos (t Settle in the of the two relay teams. Rent or Buy oll oanl got- • Chris Ii:lndun(l )';in Io ;t Ii]'sl .,. .. .'t his two firsts. Ken in the 220, then r n ,n ht relay .asy lerms ' l . " Year-long rival leanls. Ken Smilh I)lace(l fifth I '0,,t  ,,, hurd,es ,n ,,l ,.,.e run ,,,,. ,.e c,,m,,., Johnn s l U .a°P first in that and l)on Purvis threw the )avclin Y s Went t.,,g).} second, for a second place Warren Work- ta * R ",s .., "? ." y.rd dis- m.n pa(,ed second in )be shot MUSIC DOX 1 10WeCOn(,s, a tenlh of and Ran{ly Wiltman took fourth O-en 't 8"30 m t firstna n) his. season's bebind Purvis in the javelin, v • p. • the li n(, placed se- Mike Litth, completed (he re- ..... Wed. & Thurs. v Vault 'it nine i .. ...... , 2u t;ota 426-4302 • ) ; y ple£ure ior I11(2 L, unl i)ePs, (Ur board of directors makes many decisions towards improving our erVice, for Our friends. One of the decisions that they feel was most 'POrtant Wos establishing three types of savings programs that are the lolut e mast. Ask any of them about the programs. • • you'll ee! '  THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • OLYMPIA • LACEY • SHELTON Home Office Branch Branch Fifth 6, Cpitol Way 4131 Mocket Square ]1] Railrood Avcnua Lacoy Only: Hours  Mondey Throu|h Thursday 10 to 5 Friday 10 to 5:.0 $ Pkq. . 5olami Hyqra de Brand SCOTT Family Pak "llOrted Colors Roll Pkg. Stokely,s Brand "F/nest Quality,, 8 oz. Tin € € FRUIT COCKTAIL Sfokely's Brand 303 TIN t COTTAGE CHEESE Freshie Brand PINT CARTON € Sweet & Full of Juioe Coaohella Pinke For Only Cream Style or Whole Kernel 5/95 ¢ Sweef Corn °'' Moo,,, 303 tin STOKELY'SAppI esa.ce BRAND 303 tin 5/'1 CAMPFIRE MINIATURE 19 ¢ Mmshm00llows pkg, KRAFT SOFT PARKAY lb. 38 :* Margarine SWEET PEAS o, MONTE 303 tin 4/9P MANDARIN CANNED ORANGES .c,,,o r,o.. 11 OZ, tin =--€ 111 PICKLED BEETS o MONTE 303Slicedtin 2T ORE-IDA MASHED INSTANT POTATOES '..+°' 2/89 ¢ SOUP MIX ..s. ... ..c.o.,o. 8  1 !4"oz, pkg. MORTON'S SALT ,.,..O.oz.,.,....,.. 2/25  BANOUET DILLS ..., ....o 4s oz. Ja, All_j CUCUMBER CHIPS ..,,o.....a.. ,s ,,. j= 711_./ LUNCHEON MEAT Swlft's Prem oz ,,n VSO FOIL ,co, ,,,, w,o-r. , re,, 39' BLACK PEPPER c.,,c., .:o.o 39' 4 oz, tin (lb. tin 69¢) (3 lb. tin $1.g8) MJB COFFEE " °"'"°' .,. tin '1.35 (lb. tin 65/t) (3 Ib, tin tl,89) HIGHLAND COFFEE ""2 Grindslb. tin =1.28 WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES * WHYPAY MORE! * • LIMIT RIGHT8 RES£RVED • STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m.. 6 p,m. Friday: ........................ 9 ram.. 7 p.m. 8eturday. .................... 9 a.m.. 5 p.m., Thursday, May 22, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19 ]