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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE RATES 15 woMe o1" Im-- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over llk • FOUR (4) insertions for the THREE ($). • Classified deadline: 3 p.m. Tueedey, /// e<% For Sale A RELAL NICE family stove .... 40-inch Frigidaire range; dou- ble oven; two broilers; tip- p 8pe. $s_5. Phone 426-2768. hone after o p.m. 5/1 tfn FOR SALE ..... Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eelis & Valley Appliance Cen- ter. 6/5 tfn A A A For Sale WOOD FOR SALE -- Any size or any type. Phone 426-1124. J 5/15-6/5 48" ROI-A-WAY bed with coil springs and spring filled mat- tress, good condition. $35. 426- 2148. P 5/15 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Clean Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14 tfn FOR SALE -- Good, effective ................................... and inexpensive advertising. CLOTHES DRYER, 7 years old, Just call Tile Journal, 426- in perfect condition, $50. Ph. 4412. 8/19 tfn 426-6659. W 5/22 For Sale WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom -made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction Is guaranteed. Free estimates You're always welcome at el- sen Furniture, 4th and Cots, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn UPRIGHT PIANO, fair condi- tion, good tone. $50.00. Call 426-8074. V 5/22 ............................................................................ reavement. SOUND LUMBER COMPANY Mrs. T. E. Deer sells quality building materials Theodore Deer Jr. of all kinds at competitive Jerrine Remsberg prices and gives prompt sere- Personal CARD OF THANKS May we extend to our many friends and neighbors and espe- cially to the Masons of Mt. Mo- riah Lodge, Amaranth, Eastern Star, Degree of Honor, Employ- ees of the City and Women of the Methodist Church, our deep thanks for the flowers and sym- pathies given us during our be- 5/22 ROUND OAK TABLE, roll top FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor ice. Call 426-4282. S 5/1-22 Pets, Livestock K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. CaD Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfn FOR RENT: Small fenced pas- ture with creek, 2 to 4 head. 426-2387. N 5/22 Real Estate FOR SALE --- 2 bedroom house, garage and work shop. Large fenced lot, view of Olympics. desk, other desks, stoves and or black/white with each roll .................................... CARD OF THANKS $6950. 426-3379. R 5/15 For Rent FOR RENT ..... 2 bedroom un- furnished apartment. Also 1 bedroom furnished apartment. Holly Hill Apartment. 426- 6593. 5/22 tfn Real Estate BEAUTIFUL LAKESIDE lot, perfect location on Lake Isa- bella, adjoining creek. Lot is partially cleared. 426-4884. M 5/22-29 LOT 6, Maple Beach Estates, Lake Isabella. Septic tank, well and meter base. $4,500.00. other items. After 4 p.m. 426- 8157. D 5/22 AUCTION SALE every Friday nile 7:30 p.m. Tropic Ballroom. 14 mi. east of Slelton Hiway 101. 352-5549. N 3/27 tfn DANISH WALNUT spinet piano. Must sell to save moving ex- pense. Bargain. Terms or cash. Phone Ajustor, BR 2-5282 Ta- coma. T 5/15-22 COLOR ............................................................ PRINTS, Jumbo, ..... from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Z i e g I e r' s Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17 tfn i PUBLIC FARM AUCTION SAT., MAY 24 I p.m. FARM MACHINERY and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Stan Johnson Dairy Farm 8 miles west of Shelton on Hiway 101 - turn left at Fish Hatchery and go one mile. Complete selection of farm equipment with 5 tractors in- cluding a John Deers 1010 with Industrial front end loader. 1957 Chev & ton pickup left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tfn Y-0uNG GRAIN f Steers 63¢ cut and wrapped. Expert cut- ting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S 3/27 tfn FOR SALE .... Black, chrome studded parade saddle. Will consider smaller saddle in trale. Phone 426.6152. F 5/15 tfn COMPLETE MOVIE, Bolex, $95 or trade for boat motor. Guitar and amplifier $65. White For- mica table $20. '46 Ford truck, runs good, $239. Young parrot with cage, $15. 877-5856 Hoods- port. F 5/22 MOBILE HOME FURNITUR We specialize In quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn CONTACT Sound Lumber Com- ber Company for competitive prices on Johns-Manville Qual- ity roofing material. Call 426- 4282. 5/1-22 CAR WASH, Junior Class of the High School. Friday 3 to 8 p.m., Saturday 8 to 11 A.M. Shaub-Elllson Co., Front & Grove. S 5/22 i555-5o5i- CAi4i'Er, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Oisen Fur- niture, 4th &Cota. 426-4702. 0 8/1 tfn FOR SALE or Trade .... Gas .:, Truck mounted fqed.boxes REPOSSESSED ..... 1 year 01d Stationary gas driwm engine, Lowrey piano $650. Cost new ]0 KW electric generator, $805. Johnny's Music Box, 205 3phase and lphase Cots. 426-4302. J 12/12 tfn 12,000 gallon fuel tank Cement mixer EXCEIENT, EFFICIENT, eco- 250 gal. serf contained milk nomtcal, that's Blue LUstre tank In good condition carpet and upholstery cleaner. Grain conveyor Rent electric shampooer, $1.00. Fertilizer spreader Coast to Coast. 5/22 Bale buster, plows, post hole digger and numerous other items ................ ..... HANKINS & JOHNSON - FINANCIAL CRISIS owners Makes possible FANTASTIC CASH DAY OF 8ALE SAVINGS on 28 new and used Merchandise can be inspected Singer, Pfaff, Morse, New Home, prior to sale. For inforhatlon etc. sewing machines. 9 new and contact used vacuum cleaners. No deal- Stan Johnson era. Call Olympia 357-7761 BKR for information. A 5/15-6/5 206-426-8974 She|ton at GLENN SHORT Used Cars AUCTION SERVICE ' 503-666-1265 '69 CHmVELLE station wagon. 1200 miles. Ideal family car. Gresham, Oregon Many extras. Financing avail- (CO|leOt) able. Sacrifice. 877-5498 Hoods- 5/15-22 port. W 5/1-22 " " .... MOVING TO GERMANY - Must sell 9 passenger Chevro- let V-8 Bel-Alr wagon, $1,595 or beet offer. 943-3742 or 352- TWO LOTS. 50x112 each, $2,- 550.00 for both. 941 Cascade. *J 5/22-6/12 SIMPLICITY MOWERS and till- ers. See now at Mike's McCul- Ioch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28 tfn 18 FT. GOOD SOLID BOAT, $90. Phone 426-8723• B 5/22-6/12 OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained me- chanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252. 4/3 tfn 270 pLrMP ACTION, 4 power tilting scope, $130.00. Like new. Phone 426-2824 after 10 a.m. L 5/22-29 On behalf of Evergreen P.T.A. GRAP:EviEw HOME, well built I wish to extend our apprecia- tion to the Shelton Merchants for their donations for our rummage sale. Karl Eaton, President 5/22 Real Estate HOOD CANAL 2 B.R. home completely furnish- ed, access to 200 ft. no bank wa- terfront, dock and club house, only $12,500 with terms. RIVERVIEW 3 B.R. home on 2 acres, w/w car- pet, remodelled in 1968, $17,750. Only $3,500 down, balance on 6% contract. Sporting Goods FOR SALE  16' ski boat, 75 h.p. motor, new trailer, like new. Phone 426-2229. W 5/8 tfn MIRRO-CRAFT SPORTSMAN ski boat, 14 ft., 28 h.p., Erie- rude motor, trailer pits skis and accessories. Like new. 426- 1225. S 5/22 TRAILMASTER I00 cc Yamaha, WATERFRONT 2100 miles excellent condition. 100 ft. on Hood Canal, 65 ft. deep Phone 426-2049 evenings, plus tidelands, level with high- B 11/28 tfn way, good beach, sweeping view, water system in. $150 per front foot, $3,750 down, balance on 6% contract. 90 ft. no bank beach, 100 ft. deep plus tidelands. $125 per front foot, $2,500 down. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite Uppy's Hood Canal Marina. Union 898-2252. 2/15 tfn PersOnal CONFIDENTIAL care tor un- wed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calla ac- cepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/29 tfn Mobile Homes 30 leT. ANGELES trailer. Ideal home for home away from home or construction workers. Phone 426-8764. C 5/22-8/12 Immediate Delivery 9736. D 5/22 1965 CUTLASS V-8 hardtop with 1968 CHEV EL CAMINO, 327  white bucket seats. Phone 426- V-8, power steering, power "6510. B 5/22 tfn brakes, turboglide trarmmls ................................................................................ slon. Driven only 15,000 one 1963 DODGE K ton, overloads, owner miles, Phone after 6 automatic, 318 motor, chstom p.m. 877-5262. H 5/22-29 cab, clean, $1,000.00. Union 1964 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, clean, 898-2323. B 5/22 HOTPOINT good mechanical condition, '57 STIC-K----SIIFT CHEV, good 10 Year slant six engine, stick shift, condition, $200 or trade for Can be yours for only $500.00 pickup. Phone 426-2091, Frank Free Raplaeement caAh. 426-8407. J 5/22 tfn Make. M 5/22 Warranty U W,ooD (:ARS '69 SCOUT 68 GALAXIE 4-Dr. H.T. WATI llFatTEB '66 FORD Country Sedan '67 PLYMOUTH H.T. Y etlmimt Cmstem Glssstlm '64 RAMBLER Classic 4-Dr. '66 MERCURY H.T. water heater pvls the elf/- mate ia satemetle, safe, effl- '63 T-BIRD YelloW '65 COMET Sedan • i,at elmrsUem, Am best ef all, '63 DODGE 6-Pass. Wagon '63 DODGE Sedan It b bmell by 10 yes tlme mplseemat warmly. '63 DODGE 4-Door '63 DODGE Wagon Valley  ,. VOLKSWAGEN Bus '63 GALAXIE XL Ellis & '62 CHEVY II Wagon '65 CHEV. IMPALA Appltanea Center '62 RAMBLER Wagon '63 GALAXIE 4.Doer 2nd & Cote St. '62 CADILLAC Fleetwood '83 SIMCA Phone 426-4863 (full power) '62 DODGE Wagon C@mpIote Home FBrnlshing '60 MERCURY Hardtop Center '60 FORD Station Wagon .... T .... TRUCKS ©oLos .v. '65 RANCHERO '56 DODGE Va-Ton '56 INT. 4 x 4 '51 INT. Pickup JIM PAULEY'S R. E. Exchanges FXCHANGE --- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger. 426-6592 8/18 ten Used Cars 1967 PONTIAC FIREBIRD, $1c 500.00, with trade. Call 426- 8065 or see at 235 So. 7th, fLhel- ton. M 5/22 HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 Union 868-2155 acres, 2 bedrooms down, room for 3 up, w/w carpeting, full basement, garage, fruit trees, and view. $24,000. Call Jerry Strittmatter, Triton Realty, 857-2131, evenings 857-4340. 5/22 426-8077. D 5/22 14 yr. old house approx. 4 ....................................................................... 1.3 .ACRES, some timber. Close to city limits, city water, 500 ft. frontage on paved road. 426-2897. H 5/22 HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT • . . With nice cabin, bulkhead- ed, tidelands, $13,500. Terms. 2 B.R. home, 3 large view lots, nice. $7,950. 2 B.R. home, fireplace, Potlatch. $7,950. $ $ * WATERFRONT HOME - Nice 3 B.R. older home with view, beach, tidelands. $27,500.00. WANTED -- 1 to 5 acres with or without buildings. Wanted  40 to 50 acres suitable for Christmas trees. $ $ • Cash for equity in home to $30,- 000. For Rent ..... 4 B.R. Near school. $95 month. Savage Services, Inc. Star Route 2, Box 189 Phone 426-8584 UNDER CONSTRUCTION .... BEDROOM HOMES All on 1 floor, fully carpeted, fireplace, attached garage, safe, clean eloctric heat, view. $17,000 $18,500. Very flexible terms and we'll take your trade. MANN REAL ESTATE 121 Railroad Ave. 426-6592  Anytime "LISTEN TO OUR ADS" I'M ,PRACTICALLY a new home with very large closets and loads of storage space. My owner isn't feeling too well so we're going to have to sep- arate. He took so much care in making my 2 bedrooms large, my 2-car garage warm and en- closed, my cabinets and built- ins are the best, and he even made sure all of my windows would open so I wouldn't get too warm in the summer. I'm a very cheerful home--so stop by and see me. I wouldn't even care if you walked all over my poured patio. OVE, R THE YEARS I have had some wonderfUl familie living with me. I'm getting a little old now but I'm cure my 4 bed- rooms would like to hear chin dren's voices again. When I think of how very, very large my rooms are I sure feel emp- ty without someone in the liv- ing room by the fireplace, or the smell of good cooking in the double kitchen. I guess I'll just have to let my fairly new heating system keep me warm for now. I hope the large wal- nut trees in big front yard don't decide to leave too. MY OWNER is a construction worker who .aoved during the heavy winter. I guess his Job . turned out too well for him to come baok for me. My 3 bed- rooms are empty now and hop- ing someone will move some furniture in and cover up my naked appearance. Sure seems etrange not to have kids on the swing in the back yard or no ear in the carport. It would only take about $550 to make me into a home again intead of a horse. MY BROTHER and I are 2 two bedroom homes l/ring on Moun- tain View. When we heard that our owner would let us go for , around $I000 down we were shocked, but our steady rent- ers didn't move an inch and said they would stay with us. You know, we heard that Mr. Dunn has 2 one bedroom girl houses for sale downtown. I wonder if we could move in- stead of Just changing hands. We would even drop our price Just to get even  come see us, don't talk to the owner. See at BOB --- BUS -- BILL Olsen Furniture 4th  Cot- 426702 5th & Railroad 426-8231 1 I I{ II i i Page 22 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 22, 1969 THE 4 OF US are all waiting out here at Fawn Lake to have a picnic. In fact, I'm one of the 2 that can offer a private beach for swimming or fish- leg. For such a serene setting, I personally think we're priced too low, but I guess that's up to the sellers. You' know our folks, MY. and Mrs. It, must like Mr. Dune because they gave him over 30 of our fam- ily in top recreation areas in Mason County to find new own- era for. It's no fun Just sit- ting around empty all of the time. Come on out to our place and do come camping. WITH THE Forest Festival coming again I can look out my front windows and watch the bands forming at the Ev- ergreen School. I like this time of year mce I can shut down my large fireplace and let the house stay cool. My master bedroom with a  bath has a good view of what's going on but the other 2 bedrooms and bath can't see a thing. They can hear much better than the emall 1 bedroom home out back though -- guess that's worth • ometh/ng. You know, that FHA man that said they would finance my sale sure enjoyed the small brook in my front yard. If you are going to drop by to see me, please don't dis- turb the painter that is going to make my face look young again, I don't want to take any chances that he won't get the Job done before my new family moves in. A. ROY DUNN 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evenings Calh DON BROWN - 426-6388 -- TOM TOWNSEND - 426-6697 A. ROY DUNN - 42B-44I JUST COMPLETED -- 3 B.R. ranch style with tiled bath, carpeting, birch cabinets, large utility, attached shop, patio and carport. Oil heat, insu- lated, rural setting, edge of town. $17,900. Call owner 426- 4379. A 5/22-29 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE be- ing remodeled. Large shop, drilled well. On 3 acres, two miles from Shelton on good road. Call 426-6769 after 4 p.m. E 5/22 tfn BY OWNER 3 bedroom home on Angleside. Two fireplaces, large rec room, carpeting and drapes included. Attached garage, beautifully landscaped with fenced yard, patio. Could assume 5£% FHA mortgage. 426-4512 J 5/15 tfn DANIEL00LTy 1618 Olympic Highway South 426-1600 COUNTRY LIVING AT THE BEST This lovely farm is all ready to move in, all remodeled inside-- carpeted living room and large family kitchen - fireplace - 1 bed- room and bath down - spiral stairway leads you to large bed- rooms and room for a bath - all carpeted - easy to heat - large utility room - 5 full acres for that pony or raise your own beef - $21,000 - terms - between Shel- ton and Olympia. ONE MILE FROM CITY A great investment for the per- son who wants to look ahead - small 2 bedroom house in need of repairs - but you get 5 beau- tiful acres with it . creek front- age - Come in and make us an offer on this one. ISLAND LAKE DRIVE Nestled among the trees is this 3 bedroom almost new home - hardwood floors - built-in stove - electric heat - fireplace - un- finished recreation room with fireplace - all the space you need. Ready to move in for $17,800. MT. VIEW LOCATION 4 bedrooms in this large family home - entertaining size living room with fireplace - fenced yard - electric heat - close to schools and stores - $19,000. FAWN LAKE Small down and monthly pay- ments and this lot is yours, $5500. CLOSE IN Brand new home with 3 bedrooms - 1 bath - kitchen - dining area - carpeted living room - kitchen with built-in stove - lots of stor- age - large lot - access to Fawn Lake- $16,500. WATERFRONT HOME This is excellent retirement home or second home - 2 small bed- rooms - living room with mas- siva fireplace - dining room - compact kitchen - 74 ft. water- front - close in - $20,000. DOWNTOWN LOCATION This is an older built home but )has lots of room with 3 bed- rooms - full basement - close to stores - nice. yard - $13,500. WANT A FARM? 5 aca'es of good ole rich Boil - 3 paneled bedrooms - large fa.dly kitchen - bath - extra large liv- ing room - outbuildings - close to city - $10,500. WOODLAND MANOR 2 bedrooms and a family room - living room - hardwood flooaw - kitchen has lots of cupboarde - patio - $15,500. SUE M. DANIELS, Broker 426.1600 VAGN SORENSEN 426-8402 WALTER GEORGE 4-MI0 For Rent VACATION CABINS, $75 in- cluding utilities. Large trailer house. $80 plUs utilities. Phone 426-4329. S 5/22 tin NICE SPOT 2 miles from Shel- ton, for mobile home for some- one who doesn't like the close- ness of park living. 426-6769. Please call after 4 p.m. E 5/22 tfn MASON LAKE 4 bedroom sum- mer cabin and dock. Phone 426-6902 or Seattle CHerry 3- 2997. R 5/22-6/12 ONE BEDROOM furnished wa- terfront home for lease. Adults, no pets. After 6 p.m. call 426- 4421. W 5/22 Real Estate For FURNISHED utilities only, 4895 or 2"BEDROO l peted, washer, Mann 4 borough 2544 pla. FOR RENT: room ances. 2691. Real MR. REALY STATE Says: Mason County Green... support the festival." PAUL BUNYAN That's a name that makes you think "big" mind a very nice listing of a 3 bedroom 4th bedroom in the basement, 2 firepla (big that is) family room on the big" price of $20,500 with excellent terms pointment to see it! SMOKEY THE BEAR He teaches us to appreciate the around us and we find this 4 bedroom view offers a chance to enjoy a way to miss. A very comfortable home is offered at $26,500. This type of really appreciate all it offers• LOGGER'S SPECIAL Spacious older, 4 bedroom home on a deaux School, practically new gas aarage, workshop, covered pats. on present mortgage at $85 per month. FIT FOR A QUEEN Here's an immaculate 3 bedroom home large family room, fenced back yard, and attached garage. And, it's only 950. BRING ON THE BAND-- YOU have room for everyone and some new quality-built home at larkwood. desires of today's hnme hunter. There's vate hath with the master bedroom, cabinets, gas service for economy woodsy 120' x 120' lot. Price of quaUty. MATCH TH 18-- This charming 3 bedroom home ia a small stream through the front house and a log cabin. You'll love and the charm this home has to offer appointment and we'll prove it to you. HAVE A PARADE Your family can parade all through this with its circular floor plan and enjoy living. There's even a fenced yard, of storage. It's conveniently agree the price  right at $16,950. RETIRED LOJGER$ -- Might enjoy living in this easy to care cozy 3 bedroom is Jttst right for the a great big hpme but still wants 3 fireplace, g and carport. Yours for the low inter&t loan you can assume. LITTLE LOGGER Here's a real jewel in a 2 bedroom home close to Mt. View School. There's a A home full of beautiful furniture and with this home too. MARCH RIGHT IN And you'll appreciate the spaciomme for years to come. Three bedroome, a fenced yard and much more. This iS a at the listed price of $21,500. KEEP YOUR FUTURE GREEN Invest in one of the fastest 20 acres of prime acreage in Agate. erty on 3 sides. One-third of area wooded. Just $3,000 down on a $2O,OOO. BUY A FOREST 5 acres of merchantable timber near secluded site Just off county road. $4,000. DONI " PLAY WITH MATCHES--- You would not want to take a chance beautiful acreage. 4 .res in large and about 2 acrss in young alder. a portion of the property. Excellen Shelton. $12,750. (CLOSED THIS HIMLIE REALTY, 1717 Olympic Highway N. EVENING8 CALL: DICK KNAUF 426-8110 DAVE THACHER 426-8tS  cARL J DICK BOLLING, CIoeing VINCE HIMLIE, Brker