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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1975
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Mike Krona High School Spotlight "M usic -Man" is the-Shelton Iiigh School musical to be pre~ented in the school allditolium during Forest Festival. Mike Krona will appear in the h:ad. Mike, the son of Ray and ('laudette Krona, was bum in Shch,nl on April 10, 1957. His hr,,there and sister are Jeff, a lou~lh-grader, and Susan and (;dry. both attending sixth grade. lhe family lives in the ~tlnlly, and pets include a collie ~1~ named Lady, a flock of .hiukens and nine cats, two of whh:h have newborn litters. "Smokey is a very special honse cat," Mike says. "The rest chemistry, third year German and economics. He is a teacher's assistant for woodshop and sings with both swing choir and senior choir. Mike is employed by the Safeway Store. His hobbies MCCFA gives memberships include outdoor sports and activities. For three years he has to essay-contest winners Fifty local elementary school students participated in an essay contest sponsored by Mason County Citizens For Animals during National Be Kind to Animals Week. Entries were judged on May 13 and MCCFA memberships Scout leaders given awards Three outstanding scout leaders of the Tumwater Area Council were recognized last night at the Olympia Country and Golf Club with scouting's highest adult award. The Silver Beaver award was presented to William A. Bulley of were awarded to Lisa Ogden and to Mike Simms, winners in respective age groups. Lisa, nine years old, is the daughter of Mike and Alice Ogden. She is a third-grade student in Evergreen School. "'I like animals," she says, "especially my dog, Ginger. I'm glad there is a club to help all animals." Ten-year-old Mike Simms, son of Karen and Rex Gunter, is a fourth-grader in Evergreen School. His pets include two dogs, two cats and many tropical fish. "I want to help the club take care of animals," he states. Essays written by the youngsters appear beneath their photographs. Olympia, Bobble E. Stiles of Rochester, and Harold Lovgren of j i m Wys o n g Sheiton for distinguished service to boys. Making the presentations were Tom Pinnock, Don Miles and James Dolliver, all of Olympia and all are past Silver Beaver award recipients. The Silver Beaver award came into being in 1935 and since that time, 76 of scouting's finest citizens have received this award. Silver Stars hold parade practice and trail ride Silver Star Riders met last' Wednesday for a potluck, meeting and auction. Parade practice was held will speak on Sunday Jim Wysong, son of Pastor and Mrs. Lewis Wysong, is visiting in Shelton. He is a student at L.I.F.E. Bible College and is an employee of Union Bank of Los Angeles. He will speak in the Foursquare Church at the 11 a.m. service on Sunday. Parents of seniors Sunday at the Stickley-Tingvall Ranch and 18 riders participated ,G) I turned out for track and as a in the trail ride that followed. sophomore lettered in crosSDuring Memorial Day weekend country. He holds membership in Key Club, Honor Society, German Club and S Club, and as a tenth-grade student was active in American Field Service. He participates in Evergreen Christian Center. the riders will join other clubs for a campout at Tahuya River Camp. On May 31 Silver Stars will ride for their 15th year in the Forest Festival parade. On June 1 a poker trail ride will begin at noon at the Stickley-Tingvall Ranch on Wivell Road, six miles meeting All parents of members of the Shelton High School class of 1975 should attend a meeting slated for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the high school. Final plans and arrangements require more help and additional committee members. LISA OGDEN and her dog, Ginger• Dogs understand, tool By LISA OGDEN My dog's name is Ginger. She is a full-blooded Brittany. She's very special to me.-She understands me and I understand her. We tell each other secrets that nobody else knows but us. When I'm sad ! tell why and she is very understanding. Sometimes she licks me to comfort me. When l'm thinking about something important or a decision to make, the two of us will take a walk and think about it. Having Ginger is like having a friend that understands you in a special way. Those are some of the reasons why I love my pet. Gideon elects Imagene Lyon ,c.utdoorcats." "I hope to attend Washington out Lost Lake Road. Theridewas Shelton schools lmagene Lyon of Shelton was Auxiliary of the Gideons As A Shelton High School State University," he states, "to previously slated for Silver Star . t t. • ~ elected president of Washington International at the state ~,cniol Mike Krona studies study architecture•" arena. !'O De dismissed State and Northern Idaho Gideon convention held May 16 through ,~ntcmporary world problems, _ __ -- May 18 in Ocean Shores at 1.30 p.m. today Washington. __ __ . /I id~ji~: ~ ~ ~ Shelton schools will be .......... :: ................ .... Mrs. Lyon has been a member • . ..... o f G ideons I nternational dismissed about 1:30 p.m. today : so that teachers can participate in " . Auxiliary for 12 years and has ~i • : ^ _~ ..... a ..... t.~ served in the office of auxiliary van'ossu chools. " ~1 state chaprain Jot three years. She This in-service day was ~ has recently camp.luted a three year term as auxahary state ~,~. negotiated with the Shelton " :: vice president School Board by the Shelton ~::..~ ~: " Education Association on behalf Gldeons lnternation',d is an ......... association of Christian business or me teacnlng staTI• i~ ~ and professional eo le who ~::~::~' ~ " ..... It Is the only day set aside .... P P distribute the B~ble ~::~;;;~ ~ ~i:f~¢during the school year for the • ~:i~ :~ teachin~ staff to get toaether to ~ ~. ,~ ~ ~i"~ :i:i:. evaluate the education'program '~:" "~: ~ : and plan for the coming year, Bensons return ? ~, !~ according to SEA president Nola ~~;i: . arsons• from Iowa trip Elementary school teachers Ann an ...... - . . ~ :~~": O LIIII t enson, will meet on their respective ~rade ~ll~~ 1 ......... • .... ;,., % , ~inelton-area resloents, returneo levels, and me middle scnool Monda fro ...... teachers and high school teachers ., Y m a vmt to ~rs. ......... t~enson s mother in Dunlap, Iowa, wm meet on oepartment levels ..... ........... with a side trip to the Ute, Iowa ,~' lne teachers Will De lnvotveo , ~ , • • . . nome ol an uncle. in lanmng curriculum, makln . .. ~: ~ textbook selections, deciding on P • .. g On Saturday they attended ....... ~ :~: ::~ ~ the 25th alumni reunion of Mrs omer matermls and equipment -- .. ........ ~~~,~ ~ .... ~ lIFl/~li~neeaea In me classrooms etc~ ....... " ' " ~,magene Lyon graduaung ClasS. uenson s uuniap tlign ;~cnool / .... : True wealth { Let's update the Community Calendar! Will publicity people CYO OFF!CERS planning the Forest Festival Dance are, left to right, social chairperso- Kathleen Byrne, vice-president Jennie Cross, and president Mary The true wealth of a country lives ~ please call the Journal to verify or to correct meeting dates now Wittenberg. Club officers in the back row are Peter Francis, left, and John in its men and women. ~ appearing in the calendar? Vernon. , ..... Richard Aldington ~ .............................. ~_-- ............ _,=-- } Dance slated ] , y.,, do.', know. ] = The Forest Festival Dance to I - - "--' NOTICE be held from 9 p.m. until I #kmn • ,,,id,,ight at the fairgrounds on I I~gt4_l~lq#ll~ IIIII1~1 ]~i~'q[~ I May 30 will be sponsored by I u~ -- I ('aiholic Youth Organization I = ......... "~l~lll~Ll= I e anouv Mason ounty llrllens und'r the direction of the Forest I ~~ I ;OCIAI SECURITY RECIPIENTS F eslival Association. I=,.,. a-;---I- it's time to I LE IMMEDIATELY • ........... ,...... ........ • ! 11 , ~tar l~ana oi 3eattle wui play, I II;";%_~l=}J~l~:.~l~ I and all teenagers from grades nine I I I AVAILAB ,h,,,ogh 12 are welcome to I£tan I alte,d. [" / ~, As another service of FIRSTBANK, you can have your Social ('haperones will be Mr. and I Qround! ~JL~ "~" I Security check deposited directly by mail each month to M,~. t)oug Wright, Mr. and Mrs. I ~ I R~berl Geist, Mr. and Mrs• Steven I There is an organization that affords shelter and adoption for I your account at the Shelton FIRSTBANK Branch. ~ ..... h qh~ltonPolJceChJefFrank I homeless animals in our community. You can obtain a I "~": ..... ~ .... .;'" ,~ ..... I membership simply by filling out the form below. The fee is I ~ams S t Jim LFOSS ana mr ana [ " , g " " I nominal and the service is irreplaceable. Adults $5.00 per year, I NO WAITING -" NO WORRY -- NO CHARGE. Contact ~hs Dale Harlow I Juniors (under 14) $1.00 per year. Or, if you wish, a lifetime I FIRSTBANKnow or call 426-8295 for information. ~ " I membership is $100. I r- , ' " - " '" I' I Don't wait 'til it starts raining cats and, dogs. Fill it out now i l .-....~nrr-r I I and become an active member. Or if you d rather donate, you I / L.UKKIEt./ I I may do so by sending your gift to Mason County Citizens for J J FORMAL WEAR j j Animals Shelter Fund, P.O. Box 657, Shelton, WA 98584. I - ---"x /~ ~utL~ ~'ql -I .SEA TTI.~.FIR~T i I I I / Complete Tuxedo lit'" r .......................... ", J t SY .......... NATIONAL BANff Rental Service N I / " I I ame ................................................. I • It # .A; ill il SheltonBranch, Seattle-FiTst National Bank . Address .............................................................. t L [/~/tt 4 11' I Age ........... Type of membership wanted ............ I i MEMBER FDIC / """ 'J w.... / I I ~ Citizens for Animals, P.O. Box 657 Shelton | I DEPOSITS INSURED TO $40,000 / ,0..,.,.o,oII ...........................'1 i i Jill i ii iii m :~e 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 22, 1975 ......... !! ~: MIKE SIMMS and his do~ Why I love my pet By MIKE SIMMS I love my pet because he follows me to school Whenever I walk to school, he's always there no matter around the house. 1 also love my dog because he's always.there whe~l 1 Whenever something goes wrong I can always go to him. I love my pet also because he has long black curly long he can hardly even see. I have another pet, too. I love him became hq's big he is so big he can knock you over in one jump. If he you have to run pretty fast to catch him! Another reason ! love my pet is because you can give and he'll eat it. (As long as it's food!) l feed them both they act like they ve never eaten in their whole life. Installation of attic installation' of officers of sister who recently Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Beta Marysville. .. Sigma Phi was held at Robin Secret sisters ~' Hood Inn on Monday. special awards an Officers for the new year will were given, new be president, Sandy Jones; first were announced and vice-president, Liyn Byrd; second upcoming Bumbe~ vice-president, Sandy Danford; discussed. ~c extension officer, Marilyn Valley; An open ext, recording secretary, Linda Rose; meeting will be ~"~ cortes ondin secretar . Nanc W,'dnesdav at Sandy~ P g Y. Y ~ _ Leister; treasurer, Bobble Fuller. . Special guests included SusanStrange bedfellO Johanson, who will se;ve as Misery acquaints a chapter advisor for tlae coming strange bedfellowS- year, and Barbara Zimmerman, a graduate... /