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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ANABEL ISBELL FLORENCE MARLER STAN CHINERY EDITH DWYER "1 couldn't have "Pushed around by pirates." "Better than declaring war." "It cost some lives." done differently." GARY L. BUSACK "Should have taught them a lesson." By DIANE EI1UCKS think he did. I think he handled it right to take our ships. And I warchomeman, Star Rt. 1, Boxlonger before taking military "Do you think President Fordas well as can be expected. I think don t think we should be paying 23A, Liiliwaup - I guess it was all action. If he had waited until handled the Mayaguez incident that they should have backed up for those tuna ships taken by right - better than declaring war. after diplomatic talk, thep I feel the Marines a little bit more with Ecuador. If he had taken other steps it he would have been justified• Pr°TPer/;?oth of the 14 persons air power, but that could have Jack Adair, retired could, have been worse - like Mrs. Jean Myers, housewife, who were asked that question in b e e n a b r e a k d o w n i n woodworker, Tacoma - 1 think sinking a lot of ships. It was Rt. 2, Box 204 - Yes, I do. I this week's Journal poll said yes. communications. But l think he he did as well as anyone could, l handled about as good as it could didn t want him to let it go like Many of those approving said that did a good job. think I would have done it. I be. another Pueblo. I just felt that we the President did as well as Gladys Manning, housewife, think it was a necessary thing to Von Wecker, child care needed to get our ship back anyone could have• Some felt that Rt. 1, Box 217B, Eima - I guess do. worker, Lake Limerick - I think the United States had to prove its strength. Four persons were not sure that Ford acted in the best way. One man felt the President should have waited longer until after diplomatic talk. /mlbd hd~ll, cook, 611 Birch - Yes, I really do. I don't think l could have done any differently. Darrell Klein, manager, Hy-Lond Retirement Inn - Yes, 1 he did the best to his knowledge. If they had gotten by with that ship, we would have been in worse shape than we are now. If they didn't rescue that ship, they would have gotten a lot more. Florence Mailer, housewife, Rt. 3, BOx 87 - I certainly do. That's about the first thing he's done that l approved of. You can't afford to be pushed around by little old pirates• They have no Stan Chinery, retired he should have waited a little Entries are being sought for the Paul Bunyan Junior Parade for the Forest Festival May 31. The parade starts at 10 a.m. that morning from the Lincoln Gym. Entrants are asked to be at the parade start site at 9 a.m. so they can be judged before the parade starts. Those interested can enter by sending in the entry blank below• I 1975 JR. PAUL BUNYAN PARADE ENTRY BLANK ! ! t i er~ [ Please enter me in the following category: [ Three car accidents were E Arnold, Star Rt 2, Box 323, I "low I • . " .. I.. ns reported by the Washington State Belfair, totaled his car after fathng | --------- ! Patrol thisweek, to make a left turn off the I Fantasy Frank Cooper, 71, Rt. 10, Elfendahl Pass Road 6.6 miles I ------ Box 303, Shelton, caused $450 west of Belfair. Arnold was! ___.---- Pets [ worth of damage to his car 5 p.m. traveling southbound when the ! , , I tJroups t name) Tuesday when he drove off the car failed to negotiate a left turn, I ...... I Dayton-Matlock Road and wentwent over a 50-foot embankment, | Individual (logger, cowboy/Indian, animal costume, I into a ditch. Cooper was driving and rolled one and one-half times I I westbound nine miles from onto its top Arnold was I other ! • | Shelton, went off the right side of uninjured I • • • . . , Bikes and Trikes I the road, hit a mailbox, and came Three Seattle girls were! , I to rest in a seven-foot ditch. He injured in an accident Wednesday [ __ Floats i ,was uninjured, at 1"30 aan 12 miles north of I ,, '" ~ " ' k • .......I "The Magic Tree ~." At 8:30 p.m. Tuesday GeraldShelton on the P~c ermg Road. I -------- " I i The car was headed eastboundI | and failed to make a left turn, I Name I struck a tree and rock after going I Address ------ ~s __ • 8 over an embankment, and landed I ...... : : Bl¢entennlal on its top. Driver Lori A. Baasett, ! Age _____---------------- Telephone [ ! pprova| 18, 9419 25th S.W., Seattle, ! ......... I incurred lacerations to the face I ! will will not _____ oe attenuing me t.nitoren s I t , .--.- . ~umT/~p~eTn dS.M~r.~.~i)tSln7ei [ Ppl:::m [ Two act vmes were given Bicentennial designation by the Mason County Bicentennial eturn completed entry blank to your local elementary Sharon L Vinson, 18, 8635 I school or mailto: Committee when it met Monday r~, ,filmy ~ W Seattle ~' ffered I Jr. Paul Bunyan Parade [ evenil~. ""'~-"7"" "% "' 7 -'~ .... I 506 Wvandotte, Shelton, WA 98584 I The Southside School May a broKen clavicle, lney were ; " , I Day Festival was approved on an taken to Mason General Hospital• '. ............................. d application submitted by Betty Wolfe, principal of the' school. The event has already been held. Also given designation was the Shelton High School Music Department production of "The Music Man" which will be presented during Forest Festival week. The committee voted to have one meeting a month as a program meeting at which some group or individual who has Bicentennial designation will make a presentation to the committee. The committee is seeking a group which would be interested in providing lighting at the Bicentennial Park planned at the Mason County fairgrounds. Choose now warranty on 70 THIS ,o,w co= WEEKS Shelton SPECIAL NEW LP FROM BTO (Backman - Turner Overdrive) LP & 8 track Four Wheel Drive (i Week Only)" OFF LIST PRICE from our complete selection. All sets have ful__ l- 1 all parts and labor. All sets 1975 models. Act now Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 22, 1975 selection is complete. year while eta before they thought that they could walk all over us. Brooke Giddings, licensed practical nurse, Rt. 5 - If it had been in international waters I can see going in and getting those guys out. But since those guys were wrong in going in so close to shore, I really can't say. We should have left those dummies in there if they were so dumb to go where they weren't supposed to. Dine Decicio, unemployed, 416 Bellevue - Yes. I would have done the same thing. If they had taken my ship, I would have gone over, and blasted them. They didn t have no reason to take it. Edith Dwyer, high school student, Rt. 2, BOx 935 - I think maybe he did, because he got the men back, but it also cost some lives. I think maybe he could have done it without losing so many. Mrs. Karl Lentz, account executive, Rt. 1, Box 128, Silverdale - I really think they keep so much from the American people it s hard to know whether he handled it right or wrong. They tell us what they want us to know when they want us to know it. Gary L, B~ack, mill worker, P.O. Box 1035 - Yes' He should have done it a long time ago and should have wasted the whole country in the process• We should have taught them a lesson. Dan Hartwdi, high school student, P.O. Box 74 - Yah, you bet. Send them in and bomb them out. People would think we were a bunch of chickens. Kordite E31580/2070 Leakproof plastic bag. Twist ties included. Sale Price Your Choice F 0 R Cot r atulatioq.s... for remernbedng all the graduates you know with Hallmark cards. When you care enough to send the very best. Graduation is ELECTRIC Safety cover & handle grip. Asst. colors. 5-cup UL Listed. J Assorted colors. Evergreen kltmm • 426-3456 • Shelton Natural moving air is one of the great pleasures in life, but sometimes we can help nature a little. An electric fan will improve summer comfort at little , Powered • • . Attic Spac cost. And, a window fan pushing hot ~ ~ "", ~ • " .~ Roof air out of one side of your home, but 95°/I ! "~i~ Ventilator drawing cooler air from the shady side, .-:" • • is particularly refreshing. ~ An attic ventilator enables an air conditioner to work better and use less 7e" I J 78" energy. If your home is not air condi- , If ! I ~', tioned, an attic ventilator helps keep i .A!r i,~ | Air ] % )~ runs ; / | Vi runs I you cooler at low cost. ; conditioner ~ I~ tconditionerI Summer temperatures in your attic, ] cont_i_nu=o_u_=ly I ~ J ] intermiitently ] without a ventilator, often rise to 135* t ~ ;BEFORE • ] ) | I AFTER I or 150°. This attic heat penetrates~ ~,-,.,--~ through ceilings (even if insulated) into the rooms below and puts a big load TYPICAL CHANGE when powered attic spbce ventilator comes to the aid of an air on your air conditioner. Power ventila- conditioner ~ saving in energy and tion can reduce this heat invasion by improving performance more than half, according to the Na- tional Bureau of Standards. kaw mat/= A powered attic space ventilator draws in outside air and power-exhausts hot attic air, providing positive attic venti- lation. Action of the fan's thermostat keeps the attic at about outdoor tem- peratures in hot weather, instead of 30* to 50* higher. A ventilator is usually placed on the rear slope of the roof, near the peak and centered, with air intakes at the eaves. This reaches all attic space efficiently. If roof location is not practical or de- sirable, a roof-type ventilator may be installed vertically on the gable side- wall or a gable fan with its own louvers can be used. A ventilator also protects against dam- age from excess attic moisture. This is particularly important during winte'r months, when moist air from the living area escapes into the attic. Condensed moisture can soak insu- lation, impairing its efficiency. It can stain or crumble ceilings, blister out- side paint. Frozen and thawed, it can damage roof boards and shingles. Edwin Taylor Harold W. Parker M. D. Parmtt Jerry Sample=, Manager ~** PRESENTED AS A CONStR4]~ ~t~'IC]E; BY YOUR ODl~l~tllldtl~ OWNED I~J~"FRIC ~