May 22, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 22, 1975 |
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Manke I mmm|Im|l|||||Immm.lllm..m|||l.m||llm|immmmm||m|m.mmm.mmmmHl
I Little League
I i 6:00 PM (1,Sat.. W-5 , [ RmemSdaUm,!,,t ml ,, S,!,amnmdi
. S a t i • li111111111111111111111111111111i111111~
i Gale McGrath, the ~ 7:00PM [ May 23, 24& 25, 1975
! the highlights of flame-throwing right-hander from Pop's t .1 J MAJOR DIVISION SENIOR DIVISION
! softball season getsOlympia, will be here. A member Fri,~1 [ W-] 5
i riday night at 7 p.m. of the Pak's mound corps last ~ l 5) / May i5 May 13
i lton Invitational, one season, McGrath can beat anyone 7:30 PM (2)1 Sa t. I [ [ t ee ht°ld 60 2 Shaub 0 Versapanel 8
~rthwest's best, is a on a given night. He throws [ SRA 4 Moose 8 Lumb. 8 Petty's 1
i Local 276 5 Miklethun 12 May 15
favorite of the bestsmoke. Lemons J • W-6 ] Sun.
~,etion of the country Petschl's Meats of Seattle will 2:30PM , / May 19 PSNB, 10 Shaub 2
J Moose 1 1 Bechtold9 Petty s 0 A&W 7
let,, the most notable be down. Over the years they Jess s
~k"Me s isnati°nally'rankedawesome. They haveThelOCked,75 hornSeditionWithdoesthe indeedPak in Lacey " " ( 20 ) W-20 ] / IWA 3 Mell 12 May 16
j J SRA 3 Local 276 13 Versananel 0 JX 2
some classic battles. Fri. oeYns / M,klethun5 Gott 3 Mank~ 3 Lumb. 7
(,3) Sat. J l.l 7 l The Deacons " | ik e )h n 45 21 Petty's 5 Shaub 14
Ill~-nber one thrower in shape up as one of the best yet.7:30 PM I Twin City / Standings: Won Lost May 19
)ickChristensen. When Petschl s [ 1 :OOPM (7)I "-"
~lOVing, upordown, he Alderbrook Twin c~;J'i Sat I Value Villie | Bechtold 4 2 A&W 1 PSNB 6
I Pop' S | Local 276 4 2 Standings: Won Lost
Untouchable. Barring .~ • [ Moose 4 2 A&W 3 1
Will leave quite a few Value Villie 9:00PM I [ Pay & Pak / MellChev. 2 4 .IY
I S RA 0 6 Lumbermen's 3 I
dlng at the plate, golfers (a6)j w-16 I Petschl's _,. 3 1
, . -'------- J Peterbil t PSNB 3 i
~do get wood on the
~s infield has three host meet 9:00 PM, (4)I. sac." ' [ [ Manke & Sons I May l2 " Versapanel 2 2
"Americans who might des ss I 2:30PM (8)l W-8 J [ C.B. Hawks l Elks 34 Pauley 7 Manke, 0 4
it. George Nokes is Alderbrook Golf and Yacht T~ / j Verle's 30 Ellingson12 Petty s 0 4
J Endicott 18 Evergreen15
tend equal around the Club entertained the Dungeness | ITT Ray. 17 MaCoStat 10 ,
t base A pesky hitter, Golf Club in a Home and Home [ May 15 GIRLS DIVISION I
to get thePakoffto on Sunday, May 18, with 81 l Elks 29 Evergreen 16 May 14
,?n°~Saers have'i?'g ~g°" getto look at scoredg°lfers competing. ,The40½ Alderb rOOkpoints to mens27½ pointsteam L-] Sunday5" 30 PMI" ..... 7"00 PM "-] " Ill MaC°Stat 35 Pauley 14 Dairy Q 9 Brush 161TTEndicottRay. 2813 Verle'SEllingson 38 WestLes Fields 1112 Brad'sBeCht°ld 2123
Sunday ,_..,! .._ • Mel's 8 Xmastown 16
'there-at-the-right-time for Dungeness. Kerm Bacon, Sat. [ (ZZ) re3
[ F- " | Mayl9 Rotary 3 Binders 5
.ROger Bledsoe. Like Alderbrook, had an eagle on the 10:00AM(9) W-9 _ | MaCoStat16 Verle's 12
I(~ [ l Evergreen 19 Ellingson 18 Standings; Won Lost
(lsoe is a choppy hitter double dog leg eighth hole - 534 / Endicott29 Pauley 5 Brad s 5 0
~ely quick base-to-base yards from the white tees. His I--3 / ~'e._..__ I | ITT Ray. 16 Elks 7 Xmastown 4 2
third shot hit a tree, bounced to Sat. (l 3t W-I 3 i I Standings: Won Lost B.rus.h 4 - 2
" - umaers 3 II 3
are the times that the green and ended up holed out. L-2 ____3:00 PM W 17 / ...... DairyQ 2 2
,att, the Pak's third All Low gross for the field was Ca llahan / /TTicRoaY" 7 ~ Bechtold 3 3
/ MaLoStat o - West 2
: sees the bags empty. If won by Heinie Hilderman with 79 Elks 5 2 -'
"S~lt-- J W-lO ]~0~00(AM7t-----"-" [ Loop G-l Fri. 6:00 | .... LesFields 2 3
/ vene's o q Mel's 1 A
d~ne swing of his bat and low net - Bill Hughes, II :30AM (lO ! G-2 Fri. 7:30 I Evergreen 2 5 .. - - -' '
Oarun atthasthe Iderbroo ,69. L-4 1
[ Pauley Ford 1 6 t~ozary u 4
~end it all with one Bill Cady, Alderbrook team
lc 7 30 G-4 Fri 9"00
bun tu-~ .., . ~ : • " J Ellingson 0 7
captain, and Roy Moffitt,
elPecially at Callanan " 1 G-5 Sat.lO:O0
1:00 PM W-19____, l G-6 Sat.ll :30 | COAST LEAGUE
Dungeness captain, arranged the
~eattle club is anmatch. Alderbrook will journey (19 d p G-9 Sat 10:00 G-7 Sat. 1:00
lag favorite to capture to Dungeness on ,September 21. Sat ----I Sun. G-10Satlll :30 G-8 Sat. 2:30 / H m.e 3 Merv's May |a
iSEFCU 23 Jarvis 8 SRA 17 Bob's 16
A&S 19 MCFCU 16
IlVitational. . In the womens division, low I:00PM (11 - W-11 4:00 PM IG-11 :' 1:00 G-12 Sat. 4:00 [Morgan 20 K,wanis 18 SITE 15 Petty's 12
OK,~ if: ShoUldadvancetheinlOCalthe Estiegr°ss forL uehrs,Alderbr°°k90; WaSand wOnRustyby L-6 ._j ] ---J G-13 ' 3:00 G-14 Sat. 5:30 • Himlie 15 IWA 20
May 16 May 16
bracket (almost a Galles, with 81, won for Sat. (]4)[ W-14 G-15 Sat. 7:00 [Jarvis 12 Kiwanis 11 Bob's 13 Himlie 19
here Pav-n-Pak will Dungeness. G-16 Sat. 9:00 IMCFCU 12 Himlie 11 SITE 11 SRA 10
~eNorth'west'sclassic Low net for Alderbrook was a L-7 5:30 PM lSun. [ G-17 Su..10=00 m r'Sstone]53 S%rFCsU ~5 Petty's 23 Kidd 10
td battles could take tie between Ruth Jenkins and Ill:30 AN| G-J8 Sun.l]:30
W-18_ G-19 Sun. 1:00 [Standings: Won Lost Tie SRA 13 Petty's 12
Dottie Hilderman, 77. For 4:00P" (lzl .-12 I (18)1 Maygeorrection
/let, Jess' big bat, has Dungeness - Marge Gilliam won G-20 Sun. 2:30 lGrayst°ne 5 1 0
hitting Christensenlow net with 73. L-8 i L-I 5 _1 G-2] Sun. 4:00 lSEFcUlJarvis 45 22 O0 SITEStandingsWon5 oL°St
lMerv's 4 2 O SRA 4 1
it few seasons. Should In the competition for putts G-22 Sun. 5:30 |Morgan 3 2 1 Himlie 3 2
up Somewhere in the - Evalyn Stirling, Alderbrook, G-23 Sun. 7:00 l ,/mhe ~ (~ Kidd' 2 3
k for one of the won with 30 putts. MargeGilliam . . Petty s 3 3
IMCFCU 2 5 0 IWA 1 4
andin softball.°ne of the most Dtmgenessand RuStYwithGalles31. tied for [Kiwanis 0 6 0 Bob's 0 5
some camps
facilities, campfire facilities,
reasonable visitor protection, and
where uniform fee collection can
be assured. At sites offering
these services, a fee will be
charged independent of the time
of year.
Fees will range from $1 to $3
15er day, with most charge sites
requiring a $2 fee. Payment will
be made at the campground,
either at the entrance station or
by means of an envelope system
in the campground.
Persons 62 years or older are
You're always safe with
~ill be charged, this
Use of some campsites
Forests of Oregon
is being used
more than 1,200
in the National
Pacific N()rthwest,
said fees will be
:ampgrounds that
tent or trailer
water, access
containers, toilet
entitled to use campground
facilities at one-half the regular
fee, either by showing a Golden
Age Passport or proof of age. The
passports are available at most
Forest Service offices.
No charge will be made for
use of National Forest picnic
areas or boat ramps. In addition,
no charge will be made singly or
in combination for use of
drinking water, wayside exhibits,
viewpoints, visitor centers, scenic
drives, or toilet facilities.
Top: Ray Casey -- Third year as a
coach for Gott Oil, fourth year in
Mason County Little League. Ray is
employed by the U.S. Forest
Service. He and his wife, Helen, and
children reside on Angles|de. Ray
has primary responsibility for
coaching the infielders.
Middle Left: Eric Putvin -- 12 years
old, first year with the Gott Oil
team. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Putvin and attends Mt. View
School. Eric has been playing the
outfield for Gott Oil so far this
Bottom Left: Steve White -- 10
years old. First year with Gott Oil
team. Steve is the son of Dr. and
Mrs. Lynn White. He plays in the
outfield and is another who gives
110% effort.
Top Right: Mark Edmison -- 11
years old. Second year with the
Gott Oil team. He is the son of Dr.
Glen and Kathy Edmison. Mark has
been used extensively as a third
baseman and catcher. He is
frequently the team lead-off batter
and is recognized for his speed and
"good stick."
Bottom Right: Gary Howe-- 11
years old. First year with the Gott
Oil team. Son of "Skeets" and
"Ginny" Howe. He attends Mt.
View School and has been used as
an outfielder this season. He shows
considerable promise.
FR78-1 4
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Sug ,ested Sale Price
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93.00 65.10
You're dollars ahead with these
Radial Headquarters Super Values!
All Sizes On Sale
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Save now!
All Four Stars
Put a man with Spirit on your side...
The Spirit of '76!
332 South First
TI,, .... ,.4-.,, I~A , ")") 1C~"/r-, CI~,-,I,I,.~.. ~,A ....~ .... *,. = ...... i r~___ ~ r