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SHERI PETERSON and Frank Roush will wed on June 7 in
St. Edward's Catholic Church. The bride-elect, a member of
the Shelton High School class of 1975, is the daughter of
Francis Peterson Sr. and the late Hazel Peterson. Her fiance,
son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Roush, attended Shelton High
School. All are of Shelton.
trip to
Friday, beginning in the very
wee hours of the morning, the
long-anticipated day will arrive
for Pioneer's sixth grade. For this
is the culmination of all the
bottles and cans and bake sales
and fund-raising projects that
have made these next two days
possible. At 4 a.m. sharp a
busload of happy but sleepy
parents and students will be on its
way to an overnight trip to
Victoria, B.C.
Don't forget that this
weekend is also a three-day
holiday, with Monday being
slated at the Memorial Day
weekend for Pioneer School.
The regular meeting of the
school board was held on
Wednesday night of this week.
The fifth grade room recently
became very overpopulated...
that is if one goes by numbers.
The new visitors are so numerous
that counting them is completely
impossible. The colony of
hymenoptera is presently
rearranging the world in the fifth
grade room. Perhaps the new
visitors are more easily recognized
as "red-headed ants.'" Two young
men, Willard Nelson and Mike
LaMent, are to be awarded a
whole hat full of brownie points
for the project. The visitors
showed their thanks for their new
The Washington State
Invitational Forestry Contest held
at Panhandle Lake May 17 was
attended by four 4-H'ers from
Hood Canal. The skills
competition was in three parts
wRh a maximum of 100 points
per event. Forestry skills included
compassing and pacing on an
open traverse course of five sides,
identification of 33 trees and
shrubs, and a 50-question written
natural resource knowledge quiz.
Richard Drake was the junior
skills champion with a total of
253.2 points out of a possible 300
points. He was awarded an axe.
Kirk Richert scored 229.6 points
and received a saw for high junior
in one division. Kris Kenning
scored 203.6 points and also
received a bow saw for high junior
in one division. Ken Drake, a
senior 4-H'er, scored a total of
246.8 points. The awards were
through the courtesy of Simpson
Timber Company. There were 63
participants in the skills
Soldier of Year
A former Skokomish Valley
man, Army Specialist 5 Richard
S. Biehl, 24, was named
Outstanding Soldier of the Year
at Fort Ord, California. The son
of Mrs. Virginia M. Householder
of Benton City and the late
Harvey Biehl, he was selected for
his soldierly appearance,
knowledge, and performance of
duties and military courtesy.
Spec. Biehl received the honor
while assigned with Headquarters
Company, United States Army
Training Center, Fort Ord. His
wife, Linda, was at the
Golf Clubs Play
The Lake Cushman men's and
women's golf clubs played mixed
foursomes Sunday. The winner
for men's long drive was Pete
Leonard. There were two women
winners for the long drive, Connie
Tuson and Vera Daniels.
The closest to the pin for
women was Mary Elaine
Dickinson and for men was .lack
home by biting their benefactor~ Swanson. First low gross was
fn.~~ '~ i~ ,Gloria~ Ma~, attd Stan Trimble.
numerous .
Second low gross was Arline
Baker and Bob Wotten. First low
net was. Shelly Brown and R.
Montgomery. Second low net was
Mary Elaine Dickinson and Roy
Clinton. Least number of putts
was Vi Leonard and Jack
Potluck dinner was furnished
by the Women's Golf Club. The
next meeting of the Lake
Cushman Women's Golf Club will
be Wednesday instead of Monday,
which falls on the Memorial Day
holiday. That meeting day will be
a medal play.
Trip to Pullman
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dugger
traveled over to Pullman last
Friday for a visit with their son,
Carl, and family. Saturday Carl
took everyone on a field trip
along the Snake River. They
enjoyed a picnic lunch at Boyer
Park on Bryan Lake. Enroute
home on Sunday, Claud and
Anita stopped by Benton City for
lunch with Virginia Householder
and son Mike Biehl.
California Trip
The Ben Guthrie family went
on a ten-day vacation to
California. While visiting in the
Fountain Valley area they visited
interesting attractions including a
tour of the Queen Mary, which is
highlighted with a living sea
exhibit by Jacques Cousteau.
Under New Leadership
Ben Guthrie is the new Cub
Scoutmaster for Cub Scout Pack
I 1. Jim Brice of Union is the
committee chairman. Den 1 is
now under the joint leadership of
John and Torchy Hays. Leader
for Den 2 is Nancy Brice.
Teachers Back
Beverlee Beckwith had her
tonsils cut at St. Peter Hospital
May 12. Mrs. Lucille Livingston
substituted for her until she
returned to school May 19.
Mrs. 'Jean Womer is back to
school now after recent
No doubt it will be chicken
and dumpling time at Mrs. Jean
Moore's home soon as she can
ever catch up with Big Redd. Jean
was laid up with blood poisoning
after being spurred by her pet
Youngster has Accident
Jeff Turner, a fifth grade
student, was injured May 12 when
he collided with a pole while
running at school. Jeff received
five stitches under his eye and
suffered a concussion. He was
able to return to school on the
following Wednesday.
Randy Gearhart fractured his
leg in five places as he slid into
home plate, completing a home
run for the Himlie Realty Little
League team in a ball game held
May 10.
Little League Teams
The SITE Girls Little League
team managed by Pat Hawk has
been undefeated in all games they
have played during this first half.
Last Friday the SITE team played
SPA in a close game tied up until
the seventh and final inning. SITE
beat the formerly-undefeated
SRA team with a score of 11 to
10. The SITE team is made up of
seven Hood Canal girls and five
Shelton girls, all ages 13 to 15
years old.
The Jarvis Oil boys Little
League team managed by Johnny
Hawk has won five of its seven
games. The 13-member team is
made up of all Hood Canal boys
ages 10, 11 and 12 years old.
JOM Meeting
Flyers will go out next week
for the JOM Title 4 meeting
which will include election of
Visits to Canal
Diane Hansen's brother, Dr.
Carl Jepsen from Coronado,
California, visited with the Joe
Hansen family Saturday. Dr.
Jepsen was up for his tenth year
class reunion from the University
of Washington Dental School.
While here he took his nephews
fishing at a trout farm in
Mrs. Leota Cook drove from
Tacoma to be with llene Ager on
Mother's Day and Monday.
Tuesday other friends from
Tacoma were Mrs. Mildred Nelson
and Mrs. Margaret Peterson with
the latter's sister-in-law from
McKenna. Wednesday, Miss Ema
Jorgensen arrived from Seattle to
join Ilene and continued to Eldon
for a noon dinner at the home of
Mrs. Millie Diesen. Other guests
there were Mrs. Anne Webb and
Mrs. Frances Moake.
Citizenship Board
Fifth and sixth graders named
to the sixth Hood Canal
Citizenship Board are Angel
Allen, Robert Allen, Cynthia
Barger, Debbie Brice, Renee
Bunch, Nancy Card, Jim Carney,
Laurie Clarey, Mary Culik,
Richard Drake, Nick Earsley,
Duane Edwards, Richie Giles,
Pare Gray, Stormy Hawk, Paul
Hunter, Kris Kenning, Jerry King,
Shannon Kirk, Pare Krause,
Heather Laney, Jerilyn Laramie,
Scott Lindgren, Tami McClure,
Andy Oberbillig, Jani Pearce,
David Perkins, Kirk Richert,
Tracy Roberts, Shannon Sharpes,
Lori Roberts, Julie Simmons,
Richard Smith, Donna Spear and
David Winget.
The group took sack lunches
and picnicked and played baseball
at Callanan Park May 16.
Stream Fishing Opens
Stream fishing opens this
Saturday. The Washington State
Department of Game has planted
Brown's Creek and Vance Creek
in the Skokomish River drainage
and the Duwatto River with eight
to ten-inch sea-run cutthroat.
Summer-run steelhead have been
planted in the Skokomish River
for the past three years. Thirty
thousand were planted
season. Some of the
are expected back this
and the Washington
Department of Game
to hear from
steelhead in the
You may call the
Valley Trout HatcherY.
All alpine lakes are
and frozen over at this t
snow level has receded
2,000 feet in most ar~
little higher on s~
Staircase and
campgrounds are 0p
receiving moderate use
weekends. Seventeen
were noted at the
Lake trail head over the ~
~ • ~• i:¸
thru Frid
4:15 p.m.
(Admission by Forest Festival Button)
Adults $1.50
High School and under, 75 cents
Parachute jump team from Fort Lewis
Speed climb the 100-ft. spar poles- Ron Downing, Dwight Carpenter
Truck driving contest - speed and skill driving big rigs
Gene Roessell, Dick Wood, Curt Hunter, John Weatherbie.
Alder log chopping contest - "Watch the Chips Fly"
Lon Deyette, Charles Chappell, Lucky Rutledge, George Pauley.
Hap Johnson - fooling around on the tall spars
Keg toss- third annual Rainier keg toss
Jim Mitchell, Rob Settle, Steve Torgesen, Larry Chappell.
Small saw bucking contest - under 5 cubic inches
Rocky Howard, Walt Bloomfield, Pete Harvey, Rick Deyette.
Skidder driving contest - a lot of quick moving and fast thinking
Bruce Hoppins, Don Craig, Dennis Haase, Lucky Rutledge.
I .
9. Sprmg board climb - with Hap Johnson
Hydraulic tree shearer - local logger Chris Nilsen
Big saw competition - over 5 cubic inches
Mike McKee, Walt Bloomfield, Gene Anderson, Mike Jonas.
Clowning around on top of the spar - Mel Harper
New event - putting load wrappers and binders on loaded log truck
Curt Hunter, John Weatherbie, Tom Coleman, Ross Deyette.
Axe toss - how to put an axe in bulrs-eye
Russ Deyette, Larry Chappell, Steve Torgesen, Lucky Rutledge.
Topping tall spars - Ron Downing and Dwight Carpenter
High ground choker setting contest- big chokers for big logs
Drew Eken, Jim Mitchell, Tom Coleman, Shorty Chappell.
Obstacle bucking - care and caution gets the job done
Mike McKee, Jim Rutledge, Tom Coleman, Eric Russell.
Fallingthe spars to close the show
(This space courtesy Manke and Sons)
Wednesday, May 28
At the fairgrounds
Logging equipment
3 days
At fairgrounds
Thursday, May 29
At the fairgrounds
"Music Man"
Shelton High
At the high school
Friday, May 30
"The *Stars"
At the fairgrounds
"Music Man"
At the high school
Saturday, May 31
Parade 10 a.m.
Bunyan Parade 10:30 Entertainment
In downtown Shelton
Sport Show 2:00
at the Mason County
• ,, " ontrol"
featuring Ouda-C .rid'
• 01#"
at the fa~rgr
at the hi
Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 22, 1975