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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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May 24 - ..._ :.._ :_ :_. ,_ ................ . .......................................... ., Legal Publkati0ns Legal Publkati0ns ,I I at Sheppard Air Asphalt Concrete Class B 1,630 NOTICE TO CREDITORS timber bounded by right of way; is, has announcedTons. NO. 4585 boundary tags on parts of the I | hono of P,ans and specifications may ,N THE SUPER,OR COURT OF fo,,ow ng: SE'/,NE'/, of Section.; Just fill in this easy-to-use order form and then mail to the Shelton-Mason! |Chard L Bacon~ be obtained in the office of the THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 22, SW1/4NW%, NW]/4SW]/, of :)111 me U. S. AirCounty Engineer in Shelton, FOR MASON COUNTY IN Section 23, all in Township 23 1 County Journal, Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584. '! Washington. Each bid must bePROBATE North, Range 2 West, W.M., containing 58 acres, more or less, arnunications wiring accompanied by a bid bond or IN THE MATTER OF THE | ! I cashier's check in the amount of ESTATES OF DOROTHY A. comprising890,000 bd. ft.appr°ximatelYof Douglas fir, C0mmand.'rse conducted by the bid.five per cent (5%) of the proposed BRENNAN and JOSEPH W. 250,000 bd. ft. of Iodgepole and I • I i lacon, son of Mr. andMason County reserves theBRENNAN, Both Deceased. white pine, and 5,000 bd. ft. of i JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ORDER l Bacon, hemlock, cedar add hardwoods, deemedright to tomakebe inawardsthe bestaS interestsmay be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN or a total of 1,145,000 bd. ft. I -- [~ Services r---] Want To Rent Sh01ton, ! was that the undersigned has been Minimum acceptable bid: r--I For Sale ~] Pets, Livestock D Personals ['-'1 Work Wanted D For Rent I KeEl commurdcationsof the County, or to reject any or appointed and has qualified as the )lee, and to assemble all bids. personal representative of the $93,422.50.Timber will be sold on a cash I D Cars Used D Sporting Goods D instruction . [--] Business Opportunities [--] Real Estate Wanted I DATED at Shelt°n' Estate °f DOROTHY A" °r installment plan basis" Timber I D Wanted U Mobile Homes I---]Help Wanted r--] Lost & Found [---]Real Estate I ~towers. CompletionWashington this 12th day of May, BRENNAN and JOSEPH W. must be removed prior to May 31 ~e enables him to 1975. ' BRENNAN, deceased; that all 1978. . ' '~c credits through BOARDOF COUNTY persons having claims against saidOn or before May 27, 1975, I ! i tyCollege of the AirCOMMISSIONERS OF deceased are hereby required toat 10:00 a.m., each bidder must MASON COUNTY, serve the same, duly verified, on make a minimum deposit of|!' Name Date ~ ~ , 197_~_ |11 " airman is being WASHINGTON the undersigned or his attorney of $9,342.25 in the form of cash, Griffiss Air Force /s/Ruth E. Boysen record at the address below stated money order or certified check. i i and file the same with the Clerk Said deposit shall constitute an ; Address _ Phone ~ ~ ! irk. Clerk of the Board 5/15-22-2t of the said court, together with opening bid at the appraised proof of such service within four price. Upon award of this sale, the " ! . I | (4) months after the date of f rst respective, deposits shall be NOTICE TO CREDITORS publication of this notice or the returned to the unsuccessful II ONE WORD , iN I EACH sPAcE No. 4588 same will be barred, bidders. On the day of sale, the i purchaser must pay the balance I Pddkatians IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Date of first publication: May between the bid deposit and the I I THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 8, 1975. FOR MASON COUNTY Zs/TOD F. CARTER full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of I i WALTERIn the MatterH E NDR ICKS,°f the Estate of Personal Representative sale fee, or may, if the purchaser I IFbOR B~DS I GLENN E. CORREA so elects at the time of sale, pay | UNTy HIGHWAY Deceased. an additional amount, to bring ENT, SHELTON The undersigned is the Attorney for Estate I Bell Building the total amount of the deposit, I ! aS PROJECT appointed and qualified Personal 121 South Fourth Street exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of EVISED) • .i Representative of said estate.Shelton, Washington the full bid price based on the ! I I SWill be receive(} by Persons having claims against the 5/8-15-22-3t cruise estimate. This balance may Unty Commissioners deceased must serve the claim on be paid by personal check. I I the undersigned, or the attorney 'l,n the Courthouse, Purchaser must also furnish I l.So 1 ington, until 2:00of record, at the address stated within 30 days of date of sale a I I I I , uune 2, 1975, for below and must file an executed surety bond of $13,000.00 to ! I copy of the claim with the Clerk guarantee compliance with all ~ig. County Road NOTICE OF SALE OF i ICl~ time they will of the Court within four months VALUABLE MATERIAL ON terms of the bill of sale. All ,ened and read. after the date of first publication STATELAND checks, money orders, etc. aretoI o I o/ ol,o dO , °,Grade, Drainand of this notice or within four STATE OF WASHINGTON, be made payable to the With Asphalt Classmonths after the date of the filing DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL Commissioner of Public Lands. I ! Jrainage 052 milesof a copy of this notice or theRESOURCES, Bert L Coe, A C C E S S R O A D ISERoad:R°ad 'N°" 5081' claim will be barred' except under C°mmissi°ner °f Public Lands REVOLVING FUND: $1'020"00those provisions included in RCW on to be paid on day of sale. , I 2.20 t I Tuesday the 27th day of May, I Notice is hereby given that ~ 2.10 2.30 2.40 2 50 ..Xcavation 6,447 11.40.011. Accessibility: Via Department uase 2 890 C.Y.; Date of filing copy of notice 1975, commencing at ten o'clock of Natural Resources access. I ! a~n~ Top Course to creditors: Mayg, 1975. in the forenoon ofsaidday, atthe Complete contract and ~~'"" urain 204 L.F.; 15,/s/BeverlyDate1975" of firstA, publication:Rank May Enumclaw,S°UthHeadquarters' located at South Puget Sound Area IPugetcounty SoUndof King, Areastate specificationSHeadquartersmay belocatedeXamined atat • 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 • 3.00 II rlQh Lodgl BEVERLY A. RANK of Washington, by the AreaEnumclaw, County Auditors I Enclose check or money order for correct amount. The minimum charge is I Personal RepresentativeManager of said Area, the timber office, and office of the c/o Robert L. Snyder on the following eescribed state Commissioner of Public Lands, I No. 11 AttorneY1251k N. 5th Streetat law land will be sold at public auction Olympia.To to the highest bidder, towit: be sold at South Puget |$1,50 for the first 15 words. Additional words are 10 cents apiece - the I Shelton, Washington 98584 MASON COUNTY Sound Area Headquarters I~" & A.M. 5/15-22-29-3t Application No. 36836 (Enumclaw), on Tuesday, May i amount for the total ad is printed below each additional space. ,I ; Goat Ranch Pond located 27, 1975, at 10 o'clock a.m. approximately 6 miles by road Additional information on | | northwest of Belfair. The sale is terms and'procedures of sale are I ~i am m m m mmm mmmm ammmammlimmimimmm limmlmmmm m milm mlmmlllam mmlmlalminimmmmaammeem m mamimme mm m m ~..ill composed of all timber bounded contained in the "Public Auction Coles, W.M. Secretary Overhauls & Ignition & Tune-ups 426-1212 nstallations & Licensed 426-3073 426-8896 ts Switches ~n Cosmetics SALON 426-4582 • Remodeling 426-3657 Grapeview Call 1691 )ncrete rts & Blocks & Stone & Tools (if SHELTON 426-3344 Ibinstein i(~ns COsmetics bh" 426-3327 • in9 tpPing eezi ng SERVICE by clearcut boundary tags in Unit No. 1 on part NEV4 of Section 22, Dart W½NWV4 of Section 23; in Unit No. 2 on part SE%NEV4, part NE%SEV4 of Section 22; in Unit No. 3 on part SWV4NW%, part NW¥4SWV4 of Section 23; all ,j , ~gt ' - r Floor Covering -- Linoleum -- Tile -- Carpeting -- Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Furniture Repail * Paintings * Photo Art * Gifts * Jewelry Boxes * Custom made Furniture * Handmade Picture Frames * Specialty Antique Restoration Shelton Furniture Repair and Art Studio Rt. 1, Box 168 426-1858 i Painting Painting Wall Paperin9 . Signs Prehung Prefinished Doors & Woodwork Licensed & Bonded Free Estin~ates Heinitz Painting Co. Gifts Mexican Imports, Pottery, Leather Goods, Ceramics, Wrought Iron 1 1 1 ~N. Cote 426-9205 Shelton Chuck Heinitz 426-4841 Plumbing --- • New construction • Remodeling • Service KIEBURTZ PLUMBING Insurance I ired of shopping? Let us do it for you! Auto-Home-Boat-Life-Health Business-Preferred Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insurance is our only business. ARNOLD & SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY 117 E. Cote 426-3317 Landscaping Landscape Design Shrubs • Rock • Waterfalls Lawn Sod or Seed HERB BAZE LANDSCAPING 426-4718 426-3108 licensed, bonded - insured Refrigeration Masonry * Fireplaces * Block Foundations * Anything with Masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Expert Service • G.E. • Frigidaire • Gibson • Hotpoin( • Whirlpool • Coldspot OLYMPIC REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE ..--- 426-5108 Rentals- • Trailers • Lawn & Garden Tools • Complete Painting Equip. & more Open every day 8:co to 5:3e Music Mike Gibson OWNER I r)r~ At.t. YOUt~ NI i (JS IN MIJ%I(. 42h-4302 ental Service Almost Anything Anywher# Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, etc. LEW RENTS 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Septic Tanks Light cat work Gravel collect for estimate Call B AND D COMPANY 482-3153 426-1643 Music Lessons "1 Window Washing 1 I e Piano • Classical Guitar i I ~\ • Commercial I I • Accord|an • Music Theory / I II ....... ~] •Residential , ! e Oriental Rhythms ' / l Woko's r I o,.oo,,,=..ov / ~ ~7 W,n,owSe-,~ I30 years experience 426-1858J L'I \ 426-1.,426"94'4 Sale" pamphlet. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, and in the office of the Area Manager of South Puget Sound Area. /s/Bert L. Cole BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 5/1-8-15-22-4t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That CLIFFORD C. JOHNSON of Seattle, Washington on January 31, 1975 under Application No. S 2-23707 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from Benson Lake in the amount of 0.01 cubic feet per second, continuously each year, for domestic supply. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within Tract 35 of Benson Lake No. 2 of Section 3, Township 21 N., Range 2 W. W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from May 22, 1975. 5/15-22-2t Guard your home with Mutual of Enumclaw's Rainbow of Pro- tection! A Homeowners policy with many extras, such as credit card coverage and liability for un- registered recreational vehicles. See your M of E agent today. Insurance by MUTUAL OF ENUMCLAW Enumclow, Washington ARNOLD & SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY 117 E. Cote St., Shelton Phone: 426-3317 Call 426-5336 or write: Box 884 . . ~ ii i FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sth and Cota downtown Shelton May 25, 1975 A.M. "Abel, Enoch & Noah" P.M. Message by Tom Barwick 9:30 a.m ....... Sunday School • 11:00 a.m... Morning Worship 7:00 P.m.. Evening Gospel Hour Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible study & prayer meeting *The Morning Worship is broadcast live over KMAS, 1280 kc. Northside Baptist Church 123 W. "C" Street Interim Pastor Dave Be.amy 426-1027 Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..... 11:00 a.m. Evenit'~j WOrsl~p; ;.,; ; ; .G:~O p;m;, Jesus loves you -- we do, too! S.B.C. Shelton Church of the Nazarene Fairmont & Holman Carl C. Green, Pastor 426.1298 Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ... 11:00 a.m. Youth Choir .......5:30 p.m. Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Mt. View Alliance Church Washington & "J" Sts. Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. Evening Service .... 6:00 p.m. Prayer Hours (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... 7:00 p.m. EARL EVERS, Pastor Have you been baptized right? If you have not been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you have not been baptized scripturally. See Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, Hem. 6:1-5, Col. 2:12, Gal. 3:27. For more information Call 426-5390 First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDE~L ST ........... SHELTON~ WA. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.- Church 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Reading Room --- 107 S. 2nd Hours: 12 to 5 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday Child care provided during services Word of Life Fellowship Services: 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Location: Parish Hall, St. David's Episcopal Church, 4th & Cedar Pastor Dennis Teague, 426-2758 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Minister Bible School ..... '. 9:45 a.m. Family Service ..... 7:00 p.m. Worship ......... 11:00 a.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service G UNITED METHODIST CHURCH and King Streets HEM. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Church School -- 9:00 a.m. Worship Service -- 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups- 7 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Connection & 12th Sts., Phone 426-2805 Priesthood Meeting ............................ 9:15 a.m. Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting ............................ 5:00 p.m. Seventh-Day Adventist Church SIXTH AND RAILROAD Saturday - 9:30 a.m. -- Sabbath School 11:00 a.m. -- Hour of Worship Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer GARETH ELLIS, PASTOR 426-3508 MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 206 E. Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, Pastor Episcopal Church Welcomes You St. David's - 4th & Cedar, Shelton, Sunday 8 & 10 a.m. St. Andrew's House - Union, 2:00 p.m. COME AS YOU ARE , Sunday, May 25, 1975 Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a.m.- Services 10:30 a.m. THE FRIENDLY CHURCH SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1521 Monroe Street M. A. Younglund, Pastor Dale Sutter, Assistant Sunday School (Classes for all ages) ............... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship (Pastor Sutter speaking) ......... 10:55 a.m. Youth Night (Pastor Sutter speaking) ............. 6"00 p m Tuesday, C.A. s (Youtt~ ....................... ~ 7;nn n'm" Wednesday Share and rayer ..... 9-()()~m" Family Night .............................. 7:00 p.m. St. Edward's Catholic Church Father Michael Feeney 3rd and Cedar -- Masses -- Saturday ................................ 7 p.m. Sunday .................... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Summer Mass at Potlatch May 25-Aug. 30 -- Clubhouse -- 6 p.m. Faith Lutheran Church 7th and Franklin Family Worship -- 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Parish Education Classes -- 9:00 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service Kenneth Robinson, Pastor . Phone 426-8611 FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 East Dearborn Pastor Lewis Wysong 11:00 Morning Worship- Jim Wysong, speaker 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 Evening Service 10:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer Mtg. 7:00 Wed. Bible Study Coming: Daily Vacation Bible School June 23-27, 1975 The church that preaches what the Bible teaches. THE UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF SHELTON Our new church meets in its brand-new location at Lake Firehall every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. COME WORSHIP THE LORD WITH US IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH The whole gospel to the whole world. Lewey R. Ferris, Director 426-5390 the Island Thursday, May 22, 1975 - Shelton-Mason ly Journal ge 29