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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Officers elected metiq mt III II I [ II I lly lillY, 8TEINKE North Mason Friends of the By MARGARET BARNARD New officers for the NorthLibrary will hold its spring board By LENNIA CATES -- CR 5-2245 Winners f_or, the low net MI~ ~ Wee Adult ~tion meeting at the high school library, -~ --_-_-=~-~:=-= =_-: >=- =-=-= :-=-=-=-=-~ contest on ladies day, May 15, at for'l 975-1976 are: pr~detlt, 7:30 p.m., on May 27. It will be Farmer's Alm;ia ,,, LakeLand Village for nine holes Don CorlM; secretary, Diana open to the public. Plans for anThe c callsshe li be better soon• o• . . . .. • The emil " were: nrst (a tie) Etenor r~napp Worms; treasurer, Pat leon; "experience auction" scheduled for warm weather this weekend• Huson f y got it all ......... ............... t-- "- " t S-turda-- when the" and tame rtarsraa; second (aLso a vi~e-pl©=ident, Herb Hea-tii;for September will be discussed hope tt is ngnt euz it LOOKS UKe a oge[ner ms a y y ....... athletic director,~uc-lStiee, and an updated review of land ....... d tie) Alice uavis ana uetty big•de ahead. What with Memorial surpnsed Wing with a b~rth ay ............. ......... N ne coul" remember Muogett ~ne l ~ noiers placeu as Numerous fund-raising and library plans will be uay neing cetenrateu a few Days party, o o . .. • ..... projectl for the c.x~ning monthspresented. Mary SLough of " " r "m lOnOWS• i, ratti ~chillinger; z, early and minus tides to boot, when one hadbeen held fo hi .... ~" ........ were discussed at the Mothers Timberland Regional Library will should see lateR folks out and beforebut they made his 74th •true t~nurcnm; ~, t.ols uur~e.o • - '- " f e~ Man L, DiE CiUU members nao a Club meeting with the largest ofattend, aoout one ne n not soon org t y ........... • " mo " W" " nm' evening DE gaLL touoweo them all to be the armusl Saturday morning at I0 a.m. re happles,mg. . ........ rummage sale the end of June. LOST A ...... F I°" nd me "You ny a pOtlUCK Droner In me the aoor opens at me ~anuya rum cue a , Rummnge is needed and further RHODODENDRON? f'urehall for a bake sale sponsored cannot live a perfect day without clubhouse on May 17. Eacn ............. doin- eth'n for someone golfer was permitted to use only details of this event will be A South Shore resident oy ~t. r~icnotas tmurcn, uet[er g sum I g ............. ..... w~- "'" ~e aHeto re-a- mree cm~s m me ~cotcn Dan published at a later date. reported May 19 that when she come earw as muse goomes .u wul never n o p y ....... ou " tournament. Lyle Markhart and Plans for the Pet Wee baseball opened her mailbox she found a umappear p~tt~l rest. • .... Y lla---" Memorial Da"n his partner, Beta Richlen, had low picnic have been made for early in rhododendron plant, apparently lnen ~aturaay mgnt, me ppy y- " N - " 24th the TLanu a t~ommunry .... gross• uuane eunauserana June. uprooted from a pot, in the box. . . She has planted it to keep it from Club' is holdingYtheir--'Spriing CARS TAKEN Co~ri:etHa.. r~taad~"" -- ~'" + ~"acot and Joan~'~"~:t 1" BIKE FOUND dying until the owner claims it. Flin2" dance It's a "brine vour A comvlaint of several old . t. .,. .• .... ~.~: .... - ~ . Bryant placed second and Russ A 10-speed bike was found in own tnmg to me ~prlng rung cars taken atom property on D ........... affair. Reservations are being Highway 3 north of Belfalr was ........ Belfair shopping center last week KEY FOUND ..... am ana LOtS uurKe mira. • . • , • ine ~pnng tWO-Man ~est gobbled up fast so if you plan to received in the sheriff s office ........... and turned over to the sheriff's A key on a ring was found in attend better call 275-3334 or May 15. D eput its are M~,aau-247 Tee-off- : for ~ournamem ~s,scneomeothemr department, a Belfair business May 16. 275-2245 today investigating y 4. time r n ..... . _" ..... ° " 18-hole tournament will be Lot- $ Cat HoulRock Bulldoze Larryana tenoR Jamleson • • between 8 and 9 a m. Defending drove into Tahuva last week and Ionorance discovered Fill Dirt sea .... "; ..... " _ . champs are: gross, Mick Determan , ppeu up metr aunts, me The more we study, the more we H,.,,a e,,h .... • l| ES:;°)P, :: d SiwS~.e~ed" " (th:mbe a::d discover our ignorance. ;c"h"illin'~ger'and ;~Iars'ta'a'. .... m i I e N. o f A I I y n. , The couple fell in love with , 1-year-old black short-hair [~ It Orphy when we kept her as a pet • ReDalr neutered male, 4 white and finally were able to get two -- feet & chest. Family pet. 275-2628. • Glass replacement • Custom storm sash & screens Hood Canal Glass 2~5-2623 Call any time BULLDOZING CR5-2195 CR5-2113 May 23, 24 & 25 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Freezer $150, 2 refrigerators $40 each. Sewing machine $40, lawn mowers and lots of other things. Corner No. Shore Rd. & Old Belfair Highway. North Bay Oxbow Custom ae JOHN C. DALBERG me The Finest In Oak Cabinets • 275-3109 ALLYN, WA. OeHogomooomeOelOgOgOOoOOmelOgOB~OmOlOOOgonenol O O Annual Bake Sale Sat., May 24th starting 9 a.m. at MASON BENSON LAKE FIREHALL Sponsored by Ladles Auxiliary CR5-2201 OHunting & Fishing License • Fishing Tackle • Frozen Herring • Ammunition Open everyday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, or later!f 5 Minutes from Belfair in Allyn Jo High school graduate, honor student, female, 18 years old, desires work. Quick to learn/ neat in appearance. Experienced waiting on public. Good typist. Has car. Reliable. Available immediately. 275-2232 or 275-6680. Ilelfalr Trading Post 'We honor those who gave their lives for our country." OPEN MEMORIAL DAY BELFAIR TRADING POST 9:30 to 5:30 Wed. thin Sunday 275-3525 Belfair fireplace Shop Special Glass Fire Screens • Free Standing Fireplaces • Custom Built Fireplaces 275-6165 NEXT TO BELFAIR HOME CENTER o nays 10 a.m. to 6p.m., Sundays 10 a.r,,. ;o 4p.m. UBilamlBWlBuullllUllm Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone CR5-6680 LOU DONNELL ..... ~--~-~,_u •...Editor CAROL WENTLANOT ........... AdvertMng Manager, CR54259 Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412. of their own. Naturally we've swapped stories about theirs and ours. One evening they had company and were entertaining them in the game room. After about an hour one of the guests went to the bathroom- what a shock. One of the raccoons had been quite busy. She'd taken all the t. tMue off the roll and had stuffed it into the toilet. Then she really had fun. The water-soaked tissue was then torn into pieces and had been thrown on the walls, the door, literally all over the room. Orphy had her moments with the tissue bit, but we learned early in the game to keep the door closed• They do, too - now. It reads, "He gave his best, can you do less?" Remember our Veterans of Foreign Wars and wear a buddy poppy - May 23 and 24. Pearl Allen is back from her trip to Japan which also incuded a two-week visit in Hawaii. Unfortunately, she picked up some sort of bug. Even her doctor can't tell what it is, but we hope "Hanover Shoes since. 1899" The greatest shoe value on e~xth! Charles R/H6efit Swap 'N Shop Kitsap Lake Drive- I n Theatre 6522 Kitsap Way Bremerton First Sunday of each month. Next one June 1st. • Swap • Sell • Buy • Trade. Space for sellers, parking for buyers. It's a Giant Garage Sale, Flea Market, Trade Show, Csmivai, Auction & Swap Meet rolled into one. Menu For North Mason Schools May 26 thru May 30 MONDAY: Holiday, Memorial Day. TUESDAY: Scalloped potatoes, BBQ weiners, hot roll/butter, mixed vegetables, fruit, milk• WEDNESDAY: Chili, coleslaw, cornbread, fruit, milk. THURSDAY: Meat balls in gravy, mashed potatoes, biscuit/butter, ice cream, milk. FRIDAY: Turkey in gravy over mashed potatoes, tossed salad, biscuit/butter, dessert, milk. et Sound A section of the Shetton-Maion County Journal. Ilffll ] _ ............... Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald sect,on ot bhelton-Mason County Journal - May 22, 1975 National Bank The hometown bank. • Remodel • New construction Call • Service in the area since 1968 PLUMBING State Certification A3195 If', : -% ; Vacuums your lawn as you mow. • Large capacity bag between the handles. • Self propelled 4 fi)rward speeds. • Tough, dependable. • Fingertip controls. • Instant depth adjustments. All Snapper mowers meet A NS I '~J'ew H'~clflcations. All Snapper mowt~rs meet A N S.I mfcty sr~Jcificadon~ S&R Engine Repair WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL. RIGHT IN BELFAIR Hours - Man. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 t,e STIHL 015 Antertca's ~ I VaI,Je irl a weekend chair) SaW R,,,.,) ~,,,, ,, $193 45 S TIHL's Woodcutters Special toe/odes: Relafl Price 1 STIHL 015 with 14" ~procket nose bar $15095 2 Handsome, duraMe carrying case 13.95 3 Extra 14"cutt,ng chain 15.95 4 Grease gun for sprocket nose bar 3 75 5 S,x pack of 8 ounce STIHL oil 300 6 File and handle for cutting chain 1 40 7 Combination bar wrench and screwdriver 345 8 Instruction manual with spare parts list 1 O0 Total $193 45 SAVE $30.00 Bnnq this coupon to the STIHL service dealer listed below and save $30 On the SrlHL 015 Woodcutters Special NAME SERIAL NO ()fte~ o)t() ¢~.'s May' 3~ 197~ or whde SUDDIv la~ls S & R Small Engine Repair RIGHT IN BELFAIR Hours - Man. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 , [ D & G TREE $ special interest to women libbers, ~, TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED is the fact that the two women FULLY INSURED getting closest to the pin on No. 5 and No. 8 in the tournament on ~ Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 tou Dobbs 1 May 3 were closer to the pin on ~" both h°les than the tw° men whc I , ~, A ~ won in the men's tournament. No. 5: June Connelly, 9'6"; ~//J Ran Burke, 13'2"; No. 8: Patti / "" 275-2080 Schillinger, 6'6"; Russ Dahl, 25'. L ~t~ /// . 275-2032 ~-7 I vJuttaoztn BELFAI R .Jree I I I • ...... - J , Hoop CANAL CUSTOM PAINTING I, jd Publkatius i~ Spray, brush, or roller. Interior and exterior eta10lflg$ ...."1 1 - I prefinishin9. L.owest cost ,reeestlmates insured' PRELIMINARY BUDGET tex S.N. Schouvilller HEARING AND SPECIAL I ~ ~;:~--~1-~ Star Rt. 1, Box 855 (Twanoh Falls) B el SCHOOL BOARD MEETING I 275-2807 Between 6 p.m. and 91 NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403, Telephone " ' ' ' '"'' ' ' ' ' " ' CRestview 5-2881, Belfair, *~---- - ~e..'..-~_--I ~k.-..Ik t~t/..I,.....m~a Washington 98528, 19 May 1975 | ~ " "--='" "*'~'t'': All citizens and patrons of North Mason School District No. I ~ ST HUGH'.S--ALLYN "--Sunday 9:!.5' 403, Mason County, WashingtonI~,!/ ST. NICHO AL S --- TAHUYA -- Sunday I 1: are hereby notified that the 1975-76 Preliminary Budget N,,J~' Come As You Are Hearing has been established to be held on Wednesday, May 28, ." .............. CLIP--------- 1975 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the school [l ,~~ district administration office | " located in the Belfair Elementary School and also at 7:30 p.m. in the Library of North Mason High School as a part of a Specml School Board Meeting scheduled SENIOR CITIZENS i for that evening. ' , Interested citizens may pick I ¢ ' up printed copies of the ,i 5 Off of preliminary budget proposal Each Gal. of Gas during regular office hours prior to the May 28th Special Meeting at the school district administration office or may appear at the May 28th meeting and at that time may speak for or against any or all portions of said proposed budget. Dave's Belfair Arco Station Clip coupon and bring in. Offer good Tues. & Thurs. only to June 1st. The agenda for this Special I Meeting include: i 275-3211 (1) Discussion and possible I adoption of the 1975-76 ~, Preliminary School Budget I (2) Discussion and possible I ratification of Teacher I ............. CLIP.. Negotiation items and other staff negotiable items (3) Policy allowing retirees to I beinsurance.COvered under district medical ~/BELFAIR (4) Other pertinent items regarding budget, finance, personnel, or program. This announcement hereby ~__~ LOCAL LICENSED ELE constitutes official notice being~ GUARANTEED WORK given as required by law and it is hoped the citizens of the school Wiring... Lighting... Electric heat district will attend and participate in the Special Meeting. HELPFUL ADVICE-- FREE Board of Directors -~ North Mason School District No. 403 SHOP HERE FIRST FOR YoUR carol Wentlandt, Chairman Attest:/s/Norman E. Sanders MAJOR APPLIANCES NORMAN E. SANDERS, Secretary/Clerk We are franchised General Electric Dealel 5/22-1t Special Pricing -- Factory Service Terms -- Free Delivery Exaggerated reports We take trade-ins. The reports of my death are 275-2020 greatly exaggerated, t/~ BLOCK NORTH OF THR IFTWAY Mark Twain EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Cre 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648 Bremerton, Tie Shelton' 1st 10 a.m. K ads Parade 10:30 a.m. Paul Bunyan's GIANT PARADE 2:00 p.m. Logging show at fairgrounds MaY~ Lots of the fair for tM We feature inspirational albums, stationery and ifts for any g Also 9-7 Weekdays' 9-8 Friday 275.616r