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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 22, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 22, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Serving families in this community since 1909 5303 Kitsap Way Lester M. Lewis, Sr. FUNERAL CHAPEL / , $ i, h I I Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 Lester M. Lewis, Jr. SHOP TOWING LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 275-2861 Allyn & Belfair 426-1731 Shelton Snyder & Sons No job too small or too large Slabs, sidewalks, foundations curb & gutter Cit5.3325 Belfalr 61 carpets prolesslonally clean. New RINSE N MAC operates on the steam principle to get your carpets professionally clean. Portable and easy to operate--we'll show you how. RINSE N VAC is the powerhouse that cleans, rinses and vacuums out dirt and residues. RINSE N VAC cleans carpets cleaner .... keeps them cleaner longer, o ,°,, t,, ~ ~-., ,~ Rent for only $, 275-2031 ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. A '66 CHEV belonging to Jerry Schnell of Gig Harbor was cut in half, with the rear end turned upside down in a one-car accident north of the new PUD building on Highway 3 Monday evening. A power pole was severed as the car left the roadway and went over an embankment. Schnell, who works for Belfair Auto Parts, was in the Naval Hospital recovering from head injuries, facial laceration and a broken rib, in satisfactory condition on Tuesday. Critics are to be remembered by what they fail to understandt! Tidal Wave Beauty Shop CR5-2509 PL YWOODS, INC. OPEN bkl~ k, ~lt40 t,f-S~L'f" MON.-FR I. AND 7:30-S :30 ~1 p RIF.TFIL SATURDAYS "q#O~. aAM-12:00 HARDWOOD - DOORS - CASINGS Sunday Services 8:30 a.m .... Morning Worship 9:45 a.m ...... Sunday School ] 1:00 a.m... Morning Worship 5:00 p.m .......... B.Y.F. 6:15 p.m ......Junior Choir Practice 7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship BELFAIR P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone -- CR 5-6262 ES7-3355 OELIrAIR HIWAY WEST of GORST i i CHRIST LUTHERAN Church at Belfair Service of Worship & Sunday School 10 A.M. COME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided CR 5-3354 / 8 ft. 2x4 TOILETS A GRADE III _ 8 ft. 4x4 S4S .., ............. -s28° 8 ft. 2x4 S4S .o,............. 'O" 89' 6 ft. lx6 Dog Ear .o. 1 ........ eo. 82' 6 ft. lX4 Pickets .o.i ......... .66' 6 ft. lx4 Pickets ,o. 3 ....... .o. 34' 4 ft. lx3 Pickets ,o., ...... co. 29' 4 ft. lx3 Pickets ,o. 3 ........ ,o. 19' 3V2 ft. lx3Pickets,o.3 ..... ,o. 16' 3 ft. lx3 Pickets ,0. 3 ......... ,o. 13' 6 ft. lx3 Flat Top ,o. 2 ....... ,o. 29' 6 ft. | x4 Flat Top ,0.2 ...... ,. 41 Fence New mid Save at These Early Prkes ea. 10 ft. 2x4 ea. SPRUCE DECKING 5' to 14' 2x6 T & G Select Deck ld. It ...... SHEET ROCK V~ x4x8 u- u $ 89 EACH ........ Reg. $6.90 NOW 1 GALLON FREE WITH PURCHASE OF 4 GALLONS OF ANY COLORJ LIMITED TIME ONLY! ~wmmle'~ NOTE Speoally marked $4 off Roclwood Stain cans not include~ m tnts FREE otter Plastic Mahogany Interior Ready to set in place. NOW ONLY ......... ALL DOOR KNOBS Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - May 22, 1975 AIongoidtheBelfalr_- " Highway" - By ELEANORAcRFEDENKs.,.774 Bolfair !ele The NCWSA Community tiny white dog named Kyle in College Tennis Tournament their filling the mother role to hosted by Highline Community four newborn kittens. When the ~ ~ • 24 hour answering College during May 9-10 held a five-year-old pet of Galen ~ " • Wake-up service bit of local interest. Almost .the Manw~'ller became ho elesslo v ill" whole former North Mason girls' $ Use your after the birth of the kittens, Joan ~ A IVI tennis team that won the Olympic brought the babes to her own ...................... Leaguetr°phytw°yea~'inar°wh°me'Tenderl°vingcarelf~ [The~ t~ is now on the Olympic College included a formula feeding with team and took part in the meet.e y edroppers on an hourly ~r 5tl By the luck of the draw, Joni schedule. The gals take the kittens, I ~ ~ Slag!e and Jan Lackey, drew two back and forth according to their estaurant & ot the top seeded singles players w " _ orking schedules. andJeanl°St in theirFedenkfirst matCh.and partner Their care has the kittens on a heating pad in a box, wrapped in ] 4312 Kitsap Way, Bre~ Kathi David in first doubles won ~.~..,~.o ¢... r~=a; .... ~ [ w,~,,~,u~, ............ ~ ..... . .. ' . Lunch: 11 a m - 4:00 three out of five matches for a .... ~^~ ,.. ,,.~ ~:,,~. ~ ,. v. ~e i ' " " " fifth place among the 19 ~n;~Udol~ b~:b;tt~ot;l~s ,w~:~e Anthx~;~e:;;~ining Dinner:4p.m.-ll:30 In the "E " " " , Closed Sundays com rnumty, ,colleges represented finally found and have replaced ~ mner t~oom,' - " F.~ in me aoume enmmauon event, the eyedropper as the kittens' ~ organ & piano for your Kestauram: Kathy Krueger was seeded fourth in third singles. She won a trophy for her second place on the ladder. In the match for four-year and two-year colleges slated for playoff finals at the U of W on May 15-17, Kathy will be wearing the red and white of Olympic College. Congratulations from the home neck-of-the-woods to all of you gals for the team finish at sixth place of the 19. We are mighty proud of you. Last Saturday was a most difficult day with the hail, rain, thunder and lightning. Our hummingbird feeder was a total loss the day before the storm as there wasn't a bird in sight. When the air had cleared, the tiny moochers were back to the feeder for a fill-up. Ben and Pauline Polum were out on Mission Lake when the storm hit. They and some other boaters kept on trolling in spite of the downpour and had some nice size trout to show for their wet efforts. The John C. Haddenhams had a different and scary version of the storm. She was fixing dinner in the kitchen when she heard a sizzling sound and an unusual roar coming through the nearby open door of the utility room. With no hesitation she took off for the living room as Mr. Haddenham watched a huge ball of fire roll through the rooms of the house. There is no evident damage from the lightning striking their house other than in the utility room where an old refrigerator was planted with freshly watered tomato plants. The plants came through the ordeal in fine shape. Wonder what kind of tomatoes there will be on the Haddenham shock-proof plants this summer. It's all kinds of best wishes to Joan Shields, Sandy Leach and a appetites grow. Kyle watches when each one is fed and has his duty to wash and nuzzle each kitten. Last Thursday was another day that had the potential for not stirring out of the house. It started off with my folks needing help when their car conked out. Our car was on the way to give an assist and became Johnny-on-the-spot for first aid needed at a one-car accident in the watershed. The California-licensed car involved must have been like a bucking bronco in going out of control over the bank and nosing into the ditch. The driver rode it out and managed to get out of the wreckage in spite of severe face lacerations and a possible dislocated shoulder. There was a warm feeling for the loaded logging truck that parked close enough to protect the injured driver from traffic, and the pickup truck driver who was on the radio for needed help. When the WSP took over, our defensive driving was in high gear, watching for tailgating, cars over the center line and non-believers in stop signs. BREAK-IN REPORT A call to the sheriff's office May 13 reported that several youths were seen entering the Lynch Cove summer home of Dallas Beeson of Bremerton. They were gone when a deputy arrived but there were signs of entry although nothing appeared to be missing. evening entertainment. Inn: New three-bedroom rambler, 1Vz bathS, fireplace. Shake roof. Double garage. Close in. possession. $35,900. REID Belfair Sensual softneSS and the most prints to make look fantastic. in luxurious nylon some with lycra LOST ITEMS A passport and driver's license were reported lost somewhere between Bremerton and Belfair May 17 and a small black and white furry dog named Patches was lost in Belfair May 16. 275-2033 Belfair GENERAL ELECTRIC & FRIGIDAIRE INDICATIONS ARE: SHORTAGES AGAIN THIS SUMMER 0 OTHER APPLIANCE General Electric FRIGIDAIRE 2-door Refrigerator-Freezer Frost-Free F/ HEAVY-DUTY 2 CYCLE HEAVY-DUTY 2 CYCLE 2 DOOR AUTOMATIC DEFROST PORTABLE 30"FREE STANDING SOME ARE FLOOR MODELS OR ONE OF A KIND FROM THIS AREAS APPLIANCE SUPERMARKET