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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 24, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 24, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Honoring Mason County's History Every Day By Honoring Alpine's Residents Alpine Way is proud to care for retired people from alllife, including veterans, as well as retired loggers and their families. Happy Memorial Day, May 28! Enjoy Forest Festival, June Ist- Thank you Alpine Way residents for making history. We honor each of you and the contributions you have made to our freedom and heritage. Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 8 m "er SHELl ONMAS?NCOUNTY RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE "Ask us about the ... AARW Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford ," !~i~i~ Find out more about the Special Benefits of The Hartford's ~'%~ : i~8, ~ Proqram for AARP members and our Competitive Rates! • :. ............... ::% . You'il also enjoy a Six-Point Claim Commitment - ii i[[' ~i:: designed to! your expectations front the ~ moment you report your clainT, to the moment yet Jr [his auto insurance is designed exclusively for Taylor Insurance Agency AARP members - and is now available through Call today for your FREE, no-obligation quote: Taylor Insurance Agency! 360-427-1989 o,o, ........ Taylor Insurance Agency 104 D $treeL #1 PO Box 549 Shelton, WA 98584 I~larlene@marlenetaylorinsurance.corn Arizona stick team to perform The Sun Valley Indian School (SVIS) Stick Team from Arizona will give a presentation at 7 p.m. Wednesday, at Hood Canal Community Church. Ex- perience a taste of Najaho culture through the perfor- mance of these students. The team is made up of sixth- through eighth- grade students who are willing to take their time to practice and participate in an important part of the ministry at SVIS. The ministry is two-fold -- to experience other parts of our country that otherwise would not be expe- rienced, and to build awareness and support for SVIS. The students come from all over the Navajo reser- vation, some from three hours away. They live with grandparents, aunts and uncles, and morns. The goal is to reach students for Jesus Christ and to give them a quality education that will prepare them to succeed in the world beyond the reservation. The stick team ministry program includes several Christian songs with stick movements using dowel rods or hand movement and a small taste of the Na- vajo culture through Navajo flute. Authorities gearing up for extra patrols Law enforcement agen- cies in Mason County on Friday and Saturday will conduct a special state- wide emphasis patrol to ensure all drivers and passengers are wearing their seat belts or are in approved child safety seats. The extra patrols are part of the National Click It or Ticket Program de- signed to ensure that ev- eryone is traveling safely during the Memorial Day weekend. Teen to participate in Seattle pageant Kaylin Smith of Shelton was recently selected to participate in the 2012 Miss Teen Seattle pageant competition that will take place on June 17. Smith compete for her share of thou- sands of dollars in prizes and specialty gifts that will be distributed to contes- tants. She will compete in divisions with young ladies aged 7 to 19. Smith will display her personality and interviewing skills while interviewing with this year's Seattle judging panel. Personality is the first aspect that each contestant is judged on during all phases of competition. If Smith were to win the title of Se- attle, she would represent Seattle and the surrounding communities at the na- tional competition that will take place in Orlando, Fla. Community businesses, organiza- tions and private individuals will as- sist Smith in participating in this year's competition by becoming her official sponsors. Through sponsorship, each contestant receives all the necessary training, re- hearsals and financial support. Any business, organization or pri- vate individual interested in becoming Smith's sponsor may contact the Se- attle pageant coordinator at 1'800-279- 0976 ...... Courtesy photo Shelton resident Kaylin Smith will take part in the 2012 Miss Teen Seattle pageant competition. Andrews files for county commissioner Darrel Andrews officially filed last week as a candidate for Mason County Commis- sioner representing District 3. He is running as No Party Preference. "For those who don't know me, let me take a minute to give you a short background," said Andrews. "I was born and raised in Mason County. I graduated from Shelton High School in 1965 and then at- tended Olympic College in Bremerton. I married my high school sweetheart in 1966. We now have eight grandchildren and one great grandson. Don't ~ let that be roots, selling cars. a concern,He and his wife have I'm still 49 owned and operated Olympic at heart."Motors in Shelton since 1987. A n Andrews has been in- drews' first volved with many activities in full- t im e the community, including the job was Mason County Forest Festi- with Simp-val where he served in many son Timbercapacities over the years and Darrel Company. was instrumental in bringing Andrews He worked the fireworks to the festival. s e v e r a 1Issues topping Andrews' years for a local new car deal- agenda are economic develop- ership. He later joined Man- ment, growth, public safety, ke Lumber Company in their recreation, balanced budget sales department, leaving af- and a better living experience ter ten years to go back to his for all Mason County residents. i Grace Baptist Church Contact us: iVhdlh g address: ... for the faith fftllc~ospd ~: P0 i/0:,1035, Shelt0n,WA 93584 ~!~ ~" Phone: (360) 462 1611 Times 0f Services: ~ ~:! ........E-mail: past0,'@~bcshdto, ii Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m. :'~'~: Listenon !:':: Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6p.m. ~)~J~'~ IOdASlO30AM I: :i~:: Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..,.. 7 p.m. "WJ~;~t SundaB 9 30-10 OOam Agate Grange Bldg, on Agate Loop Rd. ~;i? ~: * 9:30 a,m,, CrossPoint ServiceTraditional Service - A I)IOIC(OIIICI}I]IOF(I~y%cIVi(I' 6~ll)(}l(~ll'(RJ]{iOIhlINCIVi(O • : • 1 e~ s it 9'00 AM thai beginsdl "" ....... i: ...... I'tdi4t'Hd~ld " PldiS(' I(MIII 10:45 AM - (onlemlm~ d l y Me~4oge (heir Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM V =a. i. a. .... %-_ rh__ ~ 1212 Connection St iUtll tltll lilll U t; Shelton WA d Christ-centered Church ~7: (360) 426-8611 FSunday Morning Worship~ ~ k / Traditional-8:4Sa.m. / tC°ntemp°rary-11:00 a.m. J I~ ~\" Bible Study ;aaStt:; Str~ffne O~: .... Mt. Olive SHELTON FIRST BAPTIST Lutheran Church ............... ................... ' ....... Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue a~0 426-8461 • Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am Contemporary Servk'e .......... 830 a,m Sunday School (or all ages Christian Education ................. %45 a.m. • NightChurch 6 pm Traditional Worship ............... l]:00 a.m • Doraingo La Iglesia Bautista 6 pm Servicio en Espafiol Office 42@6353 • Wednesdays 6 pm l)aycare427-3165 Youth Church, AWANA K.6. Adult Classes www'mt°liveshelt°n'°rg • Jueves6pm Elgrupodeloshatino~Jovene8 SPRING ROAD CHAPEL St. David's of Wales FIRST CHURCH OF GOD EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are welcome 1113 E. Shdton Springs Road 324 W. Cedar St.. Shelton Shekon, WA 98584 SUNDAY SERVICES (360) 427-6998 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. ): 15 Conversational Bible Study Office phone: 426-8472 Morning Worship lh00 a.m. New Community Church of Union Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed Sunday Gatherings in Rivers of Grace (All are welcome/) NEW LOCATION WORSHIP SERVICES Alliance Church 8:30 and 10:30 2320 Washington St. at the Union Fire Hall Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 438-8531 360-898-7855 web site: www.thenccu~org Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 24, 2012