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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 24, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 24, 2012
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Accredited Before & After School For information call 229-3240 or 426-4198 Attorneys and Counselors at Law • General Legal Services • Non-Profits • Small Businesses Hourly Rates starting at s50 360-552-2022 PO Box 657 Union, WA 98592 g when you advertise in ~'~ Shelton Mason County ]~ Phone (360) 426-4412 Four Stars The News Tribune r p Award-winning, nationally known Call fo arties, Chef×inhDwelley Meetings, Receptions FRESH A Wide Variety of & Special SH ELLFISHSeafood & Other Meat Dishes Occasion Lunches DAILY with Chef Xinh 1". Dwelley's Asian Twist (360) 427-8709 • Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday Downtown Shelton o Corner of 3rd and West Railroad i Don't miss a thing! It's easy to subscribe to the Journal! C all 426-4412 Shelton senior receives award for district Taylor Muenchow, Shelton High School senior, is the recipient of the H. Parry Jones Scholarship for 2012. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Muenchow of Shelton. Muenchow has participated in school activities such as Knowledge Bowl, Spanish Club, Climber Crew and Renaissance and has served this year as president of the Rotary Inter- act Club at SHS while taking honors level courses such as Honors Physics and Calculus. She is co-valedictorian for the class of 2012 with a cumulative GPA of 4.0. Her senior project focused on a community outreach program at Bor- deaux Elementary School. Teachers describe her as a superb student with drive and focus to suc- ceed in any given task. She plans to attend either Seattle University or Courtesy photo Taylor Muenchow, a Shelton High School senior, received the H. Parry Jones Scholar- ship for 2012. Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., where she will major in ultrasound technology and pre-med. She plans to pursue an M.D. degree in Radiol- ogy. The scholarship is provided by the family of Parry Jones who worked for many years in the grocery department of Lumbermen's Mercantile of down- town Shelton during the early 1900s. Parry Jones had two daughters, Do- ris and Margery who graduated from Irene S. Reed High School in 1926 and 1930 respectively. The Jones Family Trust wanted to give back to Shelton High School and the commu- nity by providing a scholarship worth $10,000 per year for four years to a student majoring in science, technol- ogy, mathematics or engineering. A minimum 3.0 GPA in high school and college is required of the recipient. This scholarship is the largest single community based award for the Shel- ton School District. Knight selected as CHOICE Student of the Month Nineteen-year-old James- Knight has been involved with on Knight of the Shelton's a multitude of sport activities CHOICE High School was se- including field hockey, basket- lected as Student of the Month ball, soccer, track and field and for April. He was recognized football. for the accomplishments in his He is looked upon as an im- school and was honored by the pressive leader and was elect- Shelton Lions Club at their ed the Choice High School ASB regular meeting on May 1. He president. He is also a repre- is the son of Shawnee Knight sentative of CHOICE High who is self employed. School for the Shelton School Jameson While attending CHOICE, District Foundation. Knight R:::hPutri:?stOih:n:[nHOOd Canal principal o , p ' iiiiiiiii:: principal of Hood Canal School, will be leaving the district for a new position as superintendent of the Meridian ::7~i::i~:ii School District in Bellingham. A reception will be held in his honor at 4 p.m. on June 12, in the school li- brary. The staff would like to encourage students, parents, and community members to attend. During Churchill's short time at Hood Canal he has inspired a great deal of change. There has been an adoption of a new math curriculum as well as new read- ing programs for grades kindergarten through eighth grade. He has been instrumental in both the passing of a technology levy as well as a maintenance and operations levy. Another major accomplishment was the refinancing of the construction bond which saved taxpayers over half Courtesy photo A reception for Hood Canal School District superintendent and principal Tom Churchill at 4 p.m. on June 12 at the school library. a million dollars. Churchill has been a leader in staff development and has greatly improved communications with parents. have fishing 427-9099 supplies/ Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) @ 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 il ii Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection Of Hwy. 101 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation SHS final choir concert scheduled The Shelton High School Choir Department will pres- ent "Remembrance and Reflection," its final choir concert of the school year at 7 p.m. on May 31, in the Shelton High School audi- torium. There is no admis- sion fee, but donations ave gladly accepted and will be used toward the production costs of an upcoming record- ing of our high school choirs. Awards will also be present- ed to selected students for exceptional efforts this year in the choir program. "Remembrance and Re- flection" features the Shel- ton High School Illusions jazz ensemble, the Shel- ton High School Concert Choir, and the Shelton High School Chamber Singers. Pieces will include a won- derful jazz arrangement of "My Favorite Things," the Scottish melody "Ye Banks and Braes O Bonnie Doon," and the Southern folk tune "Amazing Grace." Shelton High School to host career, technical showcase Shelton High School will host its first Career and Technical Education (CTE) Showcase from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, at Shelton High School. Fam- ily, friends and community members are encouraged to attend this free event where students have the opportu- nity to showcase their work from CTE classes with dis- plays, demonstrations, proj- ects, a car show, plant sale and much more. A short award ceremony will follow the showcase. For informa- tion contact Pat Cusack or Chris Nesmith at 426-4471. Shrimp Bait Here Now 3-piece Chicken & Jo 83.50 Coors & Coors ,~ SKOKOMISH r~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~11~ ||~IPARK~t;G~.,.II|| NOW OPEN NORTHFORK BAR & GRILL Bud & BudLight Marlb 18 pk. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 24, 2012