May 24, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
The Bluegrass Regulators, including Jake Dewhirsl on guitar, Josh Adkins
on bass, Molly Adldns on guitar, Luke Dewhirst on banjo and Martin
Stevens on mandolin, play at the Shelton Performing Arts Center at
Shelton High School last Sunday.
B1 said. "It kills me that they're
uegrass The Bluegrass Regula- playing The Beatles," festi-
Continued from page B-1 tors, another young Pacific val organizer Duane Wilson
Northwest bluegrass band, said. "I love The Beatles and
of Australia, who attended also played several shows at I love bluegrass."
the festival with his wife the festival, While most who come
Robyn. "I am a bluegrass During one of their shows to the festival have a great
fan. We go to bluegrass fes- at the festival's main stage time, Linder said it is al-
rivals in Australia." on the Shelton Performing ways hard to attract local
Mills said he was im- Arts Center, the band did a people.
pressed with the event, bluegrass rendition of The "It's still just getting peo-
"I like it, I think it was Beatles' "We Can Work Itple to realize the caliber of
very well organized," he Out." performatlce," he said.
Artists getting your work in the right place where
the right people will see it."
Continued from page B-1 Often, Benn said, he will end up at the
same art shows as Kathy Ross, another art-
of simple and straightforward, rustic, ist participating in the Harstine Island Art
she'll decorate her work with fine lines," Show.
Benn said. "We were joking about how we would
After spending hours and hours in the meet so far from home - too bad we couldn't
kiln, her creations often feature designs like have a show closer to home," he said.
butterflies and jellyfish. This weekend, Ross, Benn. Gallagher,
Gallagher also teaches ceramic and draw- and Jann and Bob Bonnett will open up
ing classes at South Puget Sound Commu- their studios to the public.
nity College, and Benn teaches some classes Kathy Ross is at KR3D Studios at 10 E.
in his studio. Ballow Road, John Benn and Colleen Gal-
While they get to spend much of their lagher are at Benn Pottery at 321 E. My-
time doing what they love, Benn and Gal- ers Lane and Bob and Jann Bonnett are at
lagher said marketing their unique work Harstine Island Design at 1610 E. South
could be a challenge. Island Drive.
"I like to make Japanese tea bowls. I have Signs will lead visitors from Pickering Road
to find out who wants them," Benn said. "It's to Harstine Island and the three studios.
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Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 24, 2012
stine eat even more. This fam-
r ily event will 'run from 5
Continued from page B-1 p.m. to 8 p.m. The cost is
only $6 for adults and $3
Community Club Spaghet- for children. There is no-
ti Dinner. Volunteers get where where you can eat
all dressed up in tradition- so much and so inexpen-
al Italian garb to serve you sively. So, bring your ap-
delicious spaghetti until petite and join the fun.
you are stuffed and can't Also, the Farmers Mar-
eat any more. Then, the ket will open on Satur-
Grange Club will offer you day. I'm sure as in years
some homemade desserts past there will be a great
that are scrumptious and group of local venders
irresistible and you will there to tempt you with
Lewls.Mason~Thurston Area Agency on Aging
Caring for someone with Dementia?
June 12 & 13, 2012 9AM to 4PM
Learn Dementia specific caregiving and
communication skills.
Create a home plan to manage stress
without distress.
For more information or to register call:
360-664-3162 ext. 102. $25 includes
lunch both days.
Funded by the Older Americans Act and the State of
their wares. We are lucky
here on the island to have
such a good market. There
is usually a line of people
wanting to buy fresh veg-
etables and warm sweet
concoctions as the doors
open. There is the tra-
ditional ring of the bell
at 10 a.m. when vendors
can begin to sell. Then
promptly at noon, the
bell signals the end of
business. I'm sure there
will be a community club
member reminding us
that club dues are due. I
believe they are $15
a year per person. So, if
you haven't mailed them
iri, this is your chance to
pay. The hall will soon
be 100 years old and is
always in need of repair
so the $15 means a lot to
keeping our historic build-
ing in good shape.
There will be one
more senior lunch this
month. They will serve up
an old fashioned barbecue
with baked beans, cole-
slaw and for dessert,
sherbet. You can find
all these good fixings at
the community hall on
Wednesday. The doors
will open a while before
noon, and food wil] be
served hot at noon. All
they ask is for a small $3
donation. All older than
50 and their friends are
Photos are still being
accepted for the Harstine
Island Community Club
(HICC) 2013 calendar. As
in the past, membership
will vote on the winning
submissions. The sub-
mission period ends May
31. Please send your pho-
tos to Bill Burrows at