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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Shelton senior Indi Endicott falls to the mat after
Central District III Championship at Mt. Tahoma.
personal record.
Courtesy of Doug Sells
clearing the bar in the pole vault on Saturday at the 4A West
Endicott took second place with a cleared height of 13'6", a new
Seniors representing Shelton at Mt.
Tahoma today, tomorrow and Saturday
By EMILY HANSON ing ninth by 1/1000th of a second."
emi/,, For the girls' team, senior Lolly Jones
took fourth in the discus.
"Lolly competed very well," Sells said.
After two days of competition, three "We finally saw some of the intensity that
Shelton track and field athletes placed high Lolly was capable of and it came at the right
enough to advance to state last week.time. Lolly set a personal best of 113'10" for
On Friday and Saturday, three seniorsfourth place. This was really great to see.
placed in the top eight of two events at the She had a huge smile on her face."
4A West Central District III Championship He said that Jones' teammate, sopho-
at Mr. Tahoma. more Liz Brandenburg, also competed in
Indi Endicott and Bryton Rodgers tookthe discus.
third and sixth, respectively, in the boys' "I think Liz had a good day," Sells said.
pole vault. "She came into the meet ranked 16th and
"Rodgers ended up in sixth place with a worked her way up to an 11th place finish,
12'6" jump and Endicott set a personal best throwing 97'1r'."
of 13'3" for third place," SHS head track Shelton also sent the girls' 800-meter re-
and field coach Doug Sells said. "Both boys lay team of Natalie Andrewski, Niko Zorn,
competed well. Our pole vault coach, Cathy Madisen Striplin and Kandyce Bragg.
Cole, and I both told them that the most ira- "The girls faced very fast competition
portant thing today was to make a height and placed 12th, after coming in ranked
and qualify in the top eight to move on to 16th," Sells said. "These girls worked really
state." hard to get where they did and I am very
Both vaulters accomplished that goal and proud of them."
Sells said it was nice to see two pole vault- Bragg also competed in the 200-meter
ers going on to represent Shelton at the 4A dash, moving up to 15th after entering the
WIAA State Championship this weekend,championships in 16th.
"You don't see that often," he said. Freshman Hannah Womer and junior
At the district meet, Endicott also com- Courtney Hansen also competed at districts
peted in the 110-meter hurdles and the for Shelton.
300-meter hurdles. "Womer got her first taste of big competi-
"It's pretty rare to see an athlete qualify tion on Friday," Sells said. "She competed
for districts in so many events," Sells said. very well and matched her personal record
"Indi had a pretty good race in the 110-me- (in the high jump) of 4'10". I'm glad she got
ter hurdles, placing 10th. The 300-meter to compete. She has a bright future with
hurdle race was a close one. Indi appeared Shelton track."
to tie for eighth place. The photo finish crew Sells said Hansen had a good day, throw-
actually had to take some extra time to ana-
lyze the finish which resulted in Indi finish- See Track on page C-4
Shelton senior Bryton Rodgers places
his pole before vaulting over the bar on
Saturday at the 4A West Central District
III Championship at Mt. Tahoma.
Rodgers took sixth place with a cleared
height of 12'6".
Shelton U13 boys
The Sriking
Cobras' Coby
Bogh, right,
holds an
Olympia Stryker
player off
while heading
toward the
goal during the
Shelton boys'
U13 team's game
on Saturdayat
the Regional
Complex in
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
By EMILY HANSON was the best I've seen all year." With this victory, the Striking Co-
bras ended their spring season unde-
feated. The team tied with the Olym-
The Shelton boys' U13 team struckpia Strykers earlier this spring.
back against the Olympia boys' for "Coby Bogh was probably the
the league championship victory on player of the game," Riordan said.
Saturday. He said the team's defense was
The Shelton Striking Cobras sound throughout the season, with
(12-0-1) of the South Mason Coun-Sergio Velazquez snatching up
ty Youth Soccer Club defeated thegoals as keeper for the Striking Co-
Olympia Strykers (11-1-1) from the bras.
Thurston County Youth Soccer Club"We started out as a slower
3-1 at the Regional Athletic Complex team with some easier games at
in Lacey. the beginning of the season," Rior-
"This was our best game of the dan said. "Then, we progressed to
season," Striking Cobras head coach harder games and we gradually ira-
Kelly Riordan said. "The refereeing proved."
Shelton-Mason county Journal
The winter recipient of
the Shelton High School
Rudy Award not only m-
spired his teammates this
past season, but is also con-
sidered to be one of the best
wrestlers in SHS history.
"This season, the Rudy
Award is being awarded to
one of the greatest wreslers
in Shelton
SHS head
Chris Lacy
said dur-
ing the
sports as-
Ty sembly
in April.
McCullough ,, T h i s
dedication. His daily rou-
tine is best described by his
own words:
I train to win.
I expect to win.
Seven days a week is
what I put in.
Hours a day of
Sweat dripping so
much, it's pretty
much raining.
Senior Ty McCullough
was awarded with the Rudy
Award, which is given to one
athlete each season who in-
spired his or her teammates.
Lacy said that in Mc-
Cullough's three years as a
Shelton varsity wrestler, he
won three league champion-
ships, qualified for the Mat
Classic three times and set
four school records.
"However, the Rudy
Award is not given for dedi-
cation and excellence," Lacy
said. "The Rudy Award is
given to those who inspire
the rest of us to achieve
more than we could alone.
Many wrestlers inspire
their teammates, coaches
and fans. At SHS, Ty Mc-
Cullough has been our in-
spiriational foundation for
the last three years."
McCullough, 17, said he
thought it was "awesome"
that his hard work paid off
with his receiving the Rudy
"Coach Lacy told me he
nominated me," McCullough
said. "I didn't think I'd win
but I always wanted to win
it because I know I work
hard and I wanted to be rec-
ognized for it."
Wrestling was the only
sport McCullough took part
in during his time at SHS.
He has wrestled for a total
of seven years.
"It's fun and I was pretty
good at it," he said. "I liked
the people on my team and
got along with them real
McCullough, who is grad-
fiating next month, said he
does not think he'll wrestle
after high school.
"I'm doing an appren-
ticeship program for fiber
optics through the National
Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers," he said. "My dad
used to (work with fiber op-
tics) and his best friend does
it. He was able to get me a
job with the Brotherhood.
It's pretty cool because you
See Athlete on page C-3
- Thursday, May 24, 2012 - Page C-1