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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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u , 1800 A. M. 984 Burnett Divorces One finnl decree of divm'ce \\;vn. signed May 20 in the Superior Com'l of ,ludKe Charles T. WriKhl ill 1110 e'i.e- of [toy (). Jill%VIII:Ill VS. l'loron(e Mac lo\\;vlluIn. .... i ............... BOY BORN Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simpson, 420 ,%ruth First Street, became l):u'ent. of a son born May 20 at the Shcl- loll General Hospital. Do your hqrgnin hunting at home with the classifieds. ]'hone 100. A pnlhmk su per Satnrdav night l at Shclton (;range hall v;as en- .h,ycd by senit 40 ])el'SOIlS. Tile quil| dormtcd by %Valter Cooke h) lh(' l{()lllO ]C()lIOl/liC.q (!Jill) was v(m hy Lvh Lind/)la(l of Seattle. Tlino'an(i ldnOtqlh" W('I'' phlyod din'in ° the evening. The lhird W' of l,he mmltll the ladies of the Shelton Valley ('.omm|lnity meets at Echo SItELTON VALLEY IIALL SCENE ()F GRANGE SUPPER SATURDAY to By Siqne Kneeland ]ranclt Anyone having a qnilt l,e tied or other problems to be I aircd is welcome to meet with the ladies. Lunch in at llOOn, W. Cooke and A. Haekard wont 1o Olympia Wednc.qday afternoon Oll hllSilloSS. Miss Peggy Slater accnm nied J. 'Keith Bennett and iris motller to Portland, Oregon. They left Saturday morning and got back Sunday night. Mrs. Rutl Spilseth and Mrs. Ralph Paulson gave a baby show- er for Mrs. Wayne Glover and Mrs. Joe Kneeland at the former's home Monday evening of lastJ week. . . ] Mrs. Joe Kneeland called at the] home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Levette] to see their new baby girl just t home from the hospital Friday. [ Mr. and Mrs. E. McAfferty and Mrs. Frank Warren called on C.I L. Collins of Hillcrest Wednesday[ afternoon. ] Visitors to the Highlands gun-] day were Mrs. Alan Johnston and] Mrs. Gene Townsend and her chin drcn, slim'on andl Billy, of Capitol Hill and Mrs. Joe Townsend nf Angleside, John' Kneeland 'and children, Edward and Marie, of Mountain View. Tommy Kneland of Mountain View stayed with his cousins, Mike and Dave, Friday night. ffm Vandcrmay of Shelton Val- ley had the good fortune of miss- ing hitting a boy on a bicycle when tim boy swerved in front of his car. Some damage was done to the Vandermay car however. Hewttt Slater, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slater, is being grad- ted with the '49 class this ursday. Mrs. J. Kneeland and son, Ron- old, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean of Shelton Thursday. Accompanied by Mrs. McLean and their son, Ronald Brucq, they drove over to Hoods-i port for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vail in the afternoon. SON BORN' Mr. and Mrs.' Cecil IIcnderson, Box 136, Hoodsport, became par- ents of u son born May 2t at tht Shelton General Hospital. OPENING SATURDAY RATULATIONS TO S HELTON A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL RODEO We All Enjoyed the Large Crowd at the Dance BARN DANCE AT THE TROPIC3 May 28--For Summer Season Midway between Shelton and Olympia on the Main Highway OAKIE AND HIS U. E. CHAMBERLAIN COWBOYS 12 RODEO MUSICIANS AND SINGERS Radio Station KGY, Olympia Radio Station KELA, Centralia And Now -- Every Monday --10 to 10:30 P.M. On KING, Seattle, 50,000 Watts EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9:30. P.m. to 2:00 a.m. -- Admission 80(', plus tax 16 MILES FROM SHELTON ON HOOD CANAU NEAR UNION Drive Out for Luncheon or Dinner Excellent Fo(Ht Served Every Day P Deluxe Cottages and American-Plan Cottage Rooms PHONE UNION 231 GRAP.EViE-WlTE BERT-MITCHELL [ -" " .... =-- MAKLS NATIONAL SPEECH TOUR I By Lydia Wren was a recent Grapeview xlsltor, ts t Under the auspices of American in n. Seattle hospital mffferingl Friends Service Committee, Qnak- fr:)m a. throat ailment, i ers, and tb Institute of Interna- tional Relations, Bert Mitchell, formerly a resident of Grapeview, has several speaking engagements during the summer. He has been invited to speak at Inmitute of International Relations at Univer- sity of Kansas City, and at Eran- dcis University at Waltham, Mass. He will make several other speeches in various states. DURING THIS trip Mitchell will visit his Alma Mater, Park College, Parksville, Me., his broth- er, Rev. Rex A. Mitchell at Han- nibal, Me., a sister, :Mrs. Marion D. Hopkins at Chicago. Mitchell will return to Seattle to resume his teaching at the Summer term of the Y.M.C.A. Technical sclmol in Seattle. Mitclell spent two year in Hungary working with the Amer- ican Friends Service Committee. Mrs. Verna 3chanson and M¢.. Lyda Wren attended the Rhodo- dendron Festival at Port Town- send last Saturday. Gerald Finger is working in Se- attle with Western Air Lines as meteorologist. Dale Van Valkenburg has been quite ill at a Shelton hospital hut we are glad to report that he is home again much improved in health. FRED SCHWINN, Gene Eldred and Paul Wren, graduating se- nior, attended the baccalaureate services at Shelton high school last Sunday evening. Wayne Palms will also graduate at this time. The community picnic was held at Twanoh park last Sunday in- stead of Saturday as reported in last week's column. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leevers are the proud owners of a new Criscraft boat. Don't know the technical name but it looks like a speed boat to us. This is the final week at nut local school. There are no grad- uates as we have only up to the ixth grade. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell of Seattle visited their daughter, Mrs. Louise Spooner, over Sunday. With them came a very charming lady from England, a Miss Phyllis Lowe, who is teaching at Seattle Y.W.C.A. on invitation from the American National Y.W.C.A. Henry Peterson of Seattle, who G,ve Service SARAH ECKERT Orthopedic Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Win. Spooner Fridrty afternoon, May 20. Plans w,ro made for picnic to be held at Twanoh Parl July 2,1. "My Sister Eileen" will he presented June 17 under the joint direetion of Murial Somers and Adele Lutlmr. The school :tage has ,,already been widened four feet to facilitate the staging of this play. Fair Harbor Grange met at the school house ay 16. Members decided to hold only one meeting a month during June, July and August. ,The next meeting on June 20 will be open, with the public cordially invited to attend. Young Robbie Spooner decided to take a hike all by himself one day last week. Someone spoiled all Iris plans, seeing the little fel- low all by lfimself on the main road and returned him to his moth- er. CAMPFIRE NEWS. At an elec- tion held recently, Patricia Palms is the new president, Betty Haw- son, vice president, Sandra Rice, secretary, Carol Burkhart, treas- urer. Scribe Sandra Reed. AT YOUR CALL! i Phone--and we'll immediately take care of any Transfer need. You will find us prompt to call for any artiele---and equally punctual delivering it atthe othe:r end! We are careful. Not only in handling thc goods we Transfer for you ..... but in the rates we charge! A Transfer service planned to satis- f.y ..... YOU. Shelton " Transfer, Inc. 221 S. 2nd St. - Phone 66 i iiii i i Iii FROM the OCEAN TO YOU... From-the ocean, to our chef, to ,you . . . all in a matter of hours. [ That's why our seafood has such an excellent flavor. You!II thrill to the taste of our fine seafood dinners. GO TO CHURCH SUNNY HEINIE HILDERMAN'S CHATTERBOX CAFE i; ¸ ';": .... Scarfs ......... .-. $2.25 Glove,s $1.19 t ""- ,2t.;5 Scatter ..II ,.,..  PANTIES Palln and Fancy $1.00 to '2.95 ' '," PAJAMAS $i.00 " : " :' .... "  3.50 8.50 In Cotton, Seereucker, Knit, ffII 2ropleal elegance, vitli.fuhion-right  Plunging neckhae--a slip laden with rich Val .Aleneon type lace, ia ltXuriant "Bur-Mil raultifilament erep$. s4.50 (WS . "- "-" - -" " >" ..... • :,. w,th colors fresh from sun- d I Blip onone of these bright 10ut yourself ir the o0d for fun: e for fahionl Pearls '1.00 to $8.95 blueTellow'jasnIneA ..... , easpra, green, white e0ral, ACCESSORIES AND LINGERIE DEPARTMENT f By Interwove 55 € to $3.00 Lounger Sex By Fox River , '2,95 :, Men's Toiletries • By. Courtley Sweaters Wash them as often as you please! That's the good word on these ne McGregor Sweaters. They're knit of 100% virgin wool pro- ceased by Kroy to take the shrink out before it Is spun Into yarn. Yes, wash them as often as you please--they won't shrink below knitted slzel '8150 and '8.9'5 Ties By Fashion Craft '1.50 - $2.00 - '2.50 Handkerchiefs By Arrow 50€ ,o 'I .00 I\\; MEN'S SHOP ii, i i 1 tale Established 1895