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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rap , , , Feed PASTURE + HA Y+ LARRO Your cows need the extra nutrients supplied by dry rough- age and Larro Dairy Feed with pasture. Ask for free folder "More Profit From Cows on Pasture&apos;.' It fully describes the Larro Dairy Feeding System... gives construction details for easy-to-build hayrack...shows you how to avoid the usual summer slump and get more profit from your pasture. FEED DEPARTMENT LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Established 1895 I I I DAIRY FEEDS GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT Colonial House With These ' " Specials For Saturday O Strawlarry Bavarian Cream Cake (witll fresh strawberries) Chocolate Chili Cookies .... doz. 37¢ - 2 for 65¢ = Shelton Woman's Club Names New Officers At Meet New officers for the yea]" were named at the Shelton Woman's Club spring luncheon held May 17 at the Colonial House. The hmeh- con tables were attractively dec- orated with spyria, columbine, vi- olas and wax baskets. Named president was Mrs. Rob- ert C. Johnson, vice president, Mrs. Purl Jemison; secretary, Mrs. Norman Hulbert and treasurer Mrs. E. J. Dammann. Speaker at the meeting was Mrs. Laura K. Plumb, Shelton lib- rarian. Standing committees positions filled were: Program: Mrs. W. A. Witsiers, Mrs. H. E. Miller and Mrs. W. M. Elliot. Hospitality. M'rs. A. Alm- aden, Mrs. W. C. Batchelor and Mrs. O. E. Gonter. Publicity: Mrs. W, A. Witsiers, Mrs. O, R. Levin and Mrs. Norman Hulbert. Legis- lation: Mrs. Purl Jemison. Youth Conservation: Mrs. C. E. Run- acres. Membership: Mrs. G. C. Brewster, Mrs. Ray Bailey, Mrs. J. R. Howell. Education: Mrs. II. E. Millet'. International Relations: Mrs. Warren Lincoln. Fine Arts: Mrs. Robert Trenckmann. Ameri- can Home: Mrs. E. J. Dammann and Public Welfare: Mrs. Wayne Wright. The district Federation of We= melm' Clubs will be held at Alder- brook Inn on June I. Tickets for the luncheon should be purchased in advance ahd may be secured at the Shelton public library before May 28. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. William Cham- pagne of Shelton became parents of a daughter born May 20 at the Clinic Hospital. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ Velma Seat Directs Cooking School The highlight of the cooking school to be conducted here June 3 from 2 until 4 p.m. In the Memorial Hall, will be Velma Seat, Frigidaire home economist, shown above at a Frigidaire electric range. The school, spon- sored by the Shelton Garden Club and the Lum'aermen's Mercantile, will feature cooking and freezing techniques which will be of great interest to home- makers. Tickets are being sold by Garden Club members and at the Lumbermen's Mercantile for 35 cents. Formal Ceremony Unites Lillian Leeburg and Charles Dale, May 20 Before the calla lily decorated 4 altar of the Methodist' Clmrch, Lil- ter's maid of honor. Wearing an Crisp cookies rich with chocolate chips and nuts. A real treat foc kiddies---grown-ups love 'era, too! Old Fashioned Potato Salad ................ pint 35¢ Buns for Your Picnic ............................ doz. 35¢ A Variety of lPflls .............................. doz. 35¢ Danish Butterhorns ............................ each 10¢ THE COLONIAL HOUSE Ken Frank, Operator - Phone 480 lean Marie Leeburg, daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Leeburg, be- came the bride of Charles Eugene Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dale, Friday evening, May 20. The lovely bride, wearing a white brocade satin gown and a finger tip veil flowing from a crown of seed pearls, came down the aisle an the alan of he]" fa- tller. She carried a heart shaped bouquet of white rosebuds and pink carnations. At the end of each pew along the aisle were clusters of pink rhod)dendrons and white snowballs. The Reverend Wayne Wright performed the impressive double ring ceremony before a large group of the couple's friends and family. FOR MEMORIAL DAY Plant a Rose In Memory of Loved On Several thousand in pots and blooming available From 50¢ Up BELFAIR GARDENS 1000 feet north Allyn Canal Junction o "0) o 00¢DV003ted Shell Premium is the most powerful gasoline your cur can use! Activation makes the difference Sbdl splits n,.HeL-uh:s: hh¢ll t w,,- [isls take the hues] a,'ailablc ude --ag, tlVate tile molecules by splitting thrill arid rcarratt/ging tile att,lS according to Shell's iormula f.r a perfectly balanced gasolhic. "llie v.uh--Shcll Preilliillli, the lllll.%t IF0 e£lul g,l,olinc )'our cat k:ittl til f ES, mat,y of'today's engines have been stepped- up . . . they call for more powerful gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most powerful gasoline our car can use--Shell Premium--it's "activated." No other fuel can top its power iu )'our car! This is made possible by Shell's own, specially produced power components and by Shell's own blending methods! Actually, Shell spl/ts molecules to get more power for today's more powcrtul engines. So you get a g,]solJne that's "activated" 3 waysI I. Attivated for knoeklogt @owerl 2. Activated for fast "getaway," • . Activated for full mllaaga, Frances Leehtwg was he/; sis- attractive gown of pink taffeta, she carried a bouquet of pink an d white sweet peas. Attending the bride as brides: maids were Nadia Barrett, wear- ing peach satin; Madelaine Wol- den gowned in rose taffeta and Gloria Robinson who wore a gown of pale blue. Each glrl car- reed a bouquet of pink and white sweet peas. Carrying a white basket of sweet peas and wearing a pink taffeta dress, Janice Tiffany serv- ed as flower girl. Tle candles were lighted by Wanda Hunt and 'LeRoy Dale. Wantla's gown was of pale yellow and she wore a wristlet and head piece of pale blue iris. William Whaley served as best man and ushers were Ted I)alc,, Bob Ashley anti John LeBrush. Singing "Because" and "Thru the Years" Shirley Bailey was ac- companied by Mrs. Harvey Hill- man who played the organ. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Leebnrg wore an attractive grey st matched with a grey hat and accessories. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds and white gar- denias. Mrs. Dale chose a sn]art navy blue suit accented with a white hat and accessories for the ()cca- I sion. Her corsage was als0 of pinR rosebuds and white gardenias. Following a wedding' trip to California the couple will reside on Hillerest. Mrs. Dale is a grad- uate of Irene S. Reed High Sc.hool with the class of 1948. A gradu- ate of Mary M. Knight class of 1944, Mr. Dale is employed in $3.85 415 QUART $2.43 PINT • l tENDED WiTH GRAIN NEUTRALSPtRITS *GENUINE PRE-WAR QUALITY BLENOED WHISKEY, SS PROOF. THE STRAIGHT WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT ARE S YEARS OR MORE OLD. 3S% STRAIGHT WHISKEY. 65% GRAIN NEU. TRAL SPIRITS. $CHENLEY DISTILLERS CORP., N.Y.C. Orthopedic Show II To Feature Nylon II L!nieor}eStylesnt .i£i week to guests who will attend the Olympic Orthopedic Guild sponsored lingerie style siow and tea to be held June 10 at the Col- onial House. The showing entitled "A Peak Into Heaven" will featvre nylon slips, gowns and other lovely lin- gerie modeled by junior ortho- pedic girls. The first showing will be from 1:30 until 3 p.m. with the second showing from 3:30 until 5 p.m. Instead of tim usual speaking, all commentating will be musical. Morgan & Lumber 1324 OLYMPIC e@ Phone 656 for PITTSBURGH PAIN: !:, ee , HAULING BUILDING SUPPLII LOOK" WE'RE SPORTING A NEW From Now On Our Business Title Is .... ! SUCCESSOR TO CRANE'S APPAREL SHOPPI' This is the name we selected from the dozens our name contest for our new business title. OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. IMRA T. who suggested the winning name and so earns $10 Merchandise Prize. : OUR SINCERE APPRECIATION TO who attended our get-acquainted open house Friday urday. Your wonderful welcome was most enl heart-warming to a couple of newcomers to the of this community. We shall do our level best to to merit your consideration and will bend our every to fulfilling your satisfaction in better service and f] ne ity merchandise. Very Sincerely, MurielRhodes and Gladys Martin WHO WILL ALWAYS WELCOME YOU AT THE in the Angle Building, 403 Railroad Avenue Phone 886'"' OPEN WITH THESE PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Shelton with the P.U.D. Leaving.the church tile couple Standby, No. 22 Tin  "Holly Brand was showered with tile traditional s  -1    . rice, and drove amid horn honk- DILL PICKLES _.._ SUGAR .... 5 lb. ing and the rattle of tin cans, to ...... ' the home of the bridegroom's par- __: • ents,, where the bride changed to 100 Count Marcal White King a traveliTlg costunlc of a bhie •  S0 Age d, css and whitc <'oat a,, acres- Paper Napkins. 2 pkgs. 23* ap Powder. , .ories for the wedding trip. At the reception in thc church parlors, immediately following the • 125-Ft. Rolls Standby 40-Oz. Pkg, 12.0z. Package Doumak L "' ceremony, the wedding cake was MARSHMALLOW st, red by Sarah lo<*horgo, fro,l, WAX PAPER ..... roll 19' 43* the reception tahle adorned with a bouquet of pink carnations and ..... white; sweet peas. B e r n a d i n e Carl Jones poured and Mrs. Kelly Nutt All Brands CIGARETTES ............... package 17 ¢ - presided at the punch bowl. it- Roy Dale liad ehai'g'e of the guest WRIGLE 3 pkgs' tO', i Ti e D Food 3 book who, o about 0 g,,ost Y'S GUM mberlin og wrote their congratulations. ' • Among the out-of-town guests were Harry Leeburg of Portland and. M,'. and Mrs. Gvnward Lee- ;' Mrs. Daugherty  Gets Baby Shower  li i t at her home last Monday evening for a stirprise baby shower given . '"ty-h°n°r o r O,a,,es augh- F{F' ..... FLORIDA ORANGES.. erpink rhododendrons and pastel colored balloons decorated the 1 room where Mrs. Daugherty PURE PORK SAUSAGE ........ lb. O€ .......... opened her lovely gtfte which were presented in a pink and white PURE LARD ........................ 2 lbs. 25' .or HOUSE ..... decorated bassinet in which a tall stork stood. 'Later in tile evening SLICED LUNCII MEAT lb. 49 € Cucumbers refrehmcnte were served. " ....... Guests present inch|ded Mes- SKINLESS WEINERS lb. domett glroy Nelso,, Sydney An- ............ 49 ¢ ea. 23 ¢ dorson, Fred Archer, Florence Week, John Ellason, Howard Tender - Grown ,: Bartelme, Donn Nelson, John Byrd, COLORED FRYERS ............ lb. 53 ¢ ................ Jr:, John Arko and the hostess . . . and honored guest. Mrs. Robert AGED GOOD GRADE BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS Tnrner was unable to attend. AND STEAKS * RABBITS , COLORED FRYERS U.S. No. 1 Shafter White Fresh ORTHOPEDIC GUILD MEETING. Bulk Kraut - Pulk Pickles Tile Mane Bell Taylor guild New Potatoes met at the home of Mrs. hrnie John,on, Monday, May 23. 2# M At tibia last nmcting of the year, tOlb 37 2 penny drive Information was dis- S. €: cussed and plans were made for the 1950 program. ORDER MEAT BY PHONE,CALL FOR UNTIL7 P.M. GOOD WILL TRUCK Needham Food Shelton on Thursday, ,hme 2. Any- one wishing it to stop at their home is aked to call Mrs. Charles belt]z, 815-W. BABY GIRL BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY Mr, ald Mrs. Ro]lin Converse of 1603 San ]:'rmlcisco Street, ely,n- pia, beeante parents of a daughter MT. James K. ,,ee,,,,am, u .rov. VIEW NI Ah born May 20 at tim hcitun Gen- eral I-Ioepa. ']