May 26, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 26, 1949 |
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A iii chests through the courtesy of Pie ment of the salon is in the hands Mrs. William Austin, Fred Lytle,
OY ' .Olsen. if they .will but call .aL.the. of Mrs. Reggy Roush ....... A-ndrew J.ohnso,,Lester Todd, F_,d- ..... - .....
oon Can You t
Olsen Furniture store at Fourth Before she left for Olympia last Schwartz, Mrs. A. O. Williams, "'
.... Well Drill
p,, ,, nd Cots streets, week, Mrs. Lanky hinted she will Vvaltcr Buesig and T. C. Thomas.
., • , C,'an : Apparel Shoppe ceased Chest" contest which opens at the Mr. Olsen has anmmlly pre- have a major announcement to ...........
(1' a ,(/. |uck? o exist by that name last Friday Lurabermen's Mercantile shoe de- sented the miniature cedar chests make when she returns and asks SHELTON GENERAL ,
h:ocnJng when MrS. Gladys Martin partment Saturday. to senior girls here. They wets. Mason county's feminine poI)uhtce Among those admitted to the
YOU'LL BE SURPRISED! aJl(l Mrs. MuHel Rhodes, its new An unkn;)wn sum of money will late in arriving this year but se- .to watch The Journal for this news Shelton General Hospital this week
24 Months To Pay owlcrs, offiuially posted their so- be buried in a pile of sand in one nior girls may get theirs now by m the near future, were Vcrn ,V. Miller, Leo LaCIair, Water Wells Test
lection of the popular women's of the store's display windows and calling at the furniture store. Thomas V¢oods, Leon Novatne,
,,,..,..-,.,,,.-..,,T..,...,..,,,, Earle Lindsey. and Edna Buck.
AT cuthir, g store's new title. the eight guesses closest to the * • •
That new name is RHO-MAR correct amount will bring prizes Elaine Laney, operating man- Hospital Notes .a,en discharged were Harold OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTE
Monson. Mrs. Grant Angle, Eliza-
BOB ERVt[N tionAPPARELof the SHOPPE,first yllablesa combina-of the to their submittera, ager of Elaine's Beauty Salon, has f,T,,,,, ........ ,,,. beth Whiteside, Norval Bina, Rose
J[OTOlS last names of the new partners The contest closes June 11. Full securedthe exclusive and much CLINIC HOSPITAL 'Jackson, Dale Van Valkenburg, Bedeil
(WE NEED USED CARS) suggested by Mrs. Imra Dickie of details may be perused in the L.M. coveted franchise for Shelton and Patients admitted to the Clinic Robert Jeffery, Jack Valley, Leon-
Arcadia Point. Mrs. Dickie won advertisement on page 15 of to- vicinity to the distinguished Merle Hospital for treatment this week ard Parrott, Myrtle Cameron,
tile $10 ::eT,'chandise prize offered day's Journal. Entrants must be Norman line of cosmetics, included Mrs. Charles Chase, Mrs. Keith Byrd and Robert Brown. LAURENCE BFJ)EIJ[,
for the winning name chosen by between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Mrs. Laney is now in the midst Minnie Walker, Mrs. C. A. Rosen-
$ * $
of an intensive three-week post- berg, Mrs. Alice Stotsbery, Mrs. Highest waterfall in the world (formerly D&vidson Drilling Co.)
Lne new store owners. Senior girls who graduate to- graduate training course in Olym- Chris Buckley, Ed Reynold and is Tueghl in Natal, Union of South Route 3. Box 101, 8helton
t ["[[SI(" '' A,moun':ement (,f the new name . ..
• ,,'m the opening featule of a two- night £roxn h'ene S. Reed high pin, learning proper techniques Charles Browner. A?rica, which thunders from a
Jay get-acquainted open house Fri- chool wiUl the class of 1949 will and uses of the Norman cosmetics. Among those discharged t h i s height of 2810 feet.
FUEl KIDS ,,,, ,,,,,, .,,,.,. .,.., w.,,. ......... _ .......
_ Mfrs. Rhode, a,d Mrs. Martin
: :rien:;s, pr¢.sented visitors w,]th ..->%.L: ...... " ::<-::._.. ......
oIklCE EVE(, OOP ,.ard,,ni,, corqage, yotmg:ters with
BUR.kJc "TO "THE EML, : h,os. ,
OUl FUEL OIL 6AVE. The respon,e to the open house A..?;"
,h\\;,itati,m was so excellent that .....
U be)E, FI| the new owners were pleasantV
"%/%j .u,'prised and highly encouraged. ..
• RLXL/ )/ I'r "Wv certainly wlh to express
f t---: . our appreciation for the wonderful
" li', , w,;lcom,, ghen our entry into the
" ' business world," the feminine part-
ver,'thinK ix] our power to dc]cr'e
{ . thb; trust." * * • ' ....
:>;:' Annther lnvitttion accepted with
un.xpcctt'd ,-nthusiasm last week- q q
woaent each visitor to the Olym- 1 # •
l<" Furniture store with a water
Take the pain out of chilly :hiller just for coming in and look-
lug at the new Phtlco refrigerators.
nights and mornings by putting The visitors were so numerous
cold to rout. We're ready to that Walt ran out of water cAll-
deliver a full tank of fuel oil at h'a's, had to send in a rush order
-°*- - SAFEWAY for their ned$
"'" Smart picnickers pick
Keep your tank3 full of oil and So, too, was the response to the
your home will always be warm. dolhr days at the Lumbermen's
Mercantile grocery department DENNISON'8, IN RICH TOMATO SAUCE. 15/z-OZ. CAN
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. PORK & BEANS ] zs=
............................................... Managcr Buck Mackey reported ' Guaranteed, parchment wrap
STORAGE 'I'ANK t,e was caught by mu'prisc at the FRESH BUTTER lb. 62¢
huge volume of advertised $1 items ...................................... Cans
50 to 1,000 Galtons for hey* bought during ,the, three, days. IMPROVED, BITE-SIZE, GRATED Washington Co-op, grade "AA"
.... "f i""-"i t°-:,- -- .................. E GS ............... 6½"OZ' "can 31; ! b :[PP" ': '-"-'-- c-r-u ;-;z. 15 €
GO 0 (,HURCll :: v.u'y ppflane center, i|i HfiDMU! lfflPO .rP _... ,, , ,-o=. c,,
It s a machine which is the "e z nllRIVlll rl,, n ',,ln PINEAPPLE "'" .... ""
SUNDAY ,,,mn,ton of 14 years of exp.r- ," ; laYitUlhiJ llgk/ . LIJI ........................ 14-Oz. ........
imcntation and reseBrc.l by the /. COOKED READY TO SERVE Town House, fancy quality. 46.Oz.
Hotpoint company, reports ::ge :¢ " GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 25¢
Valle who s)ent nil day M ay 1[ Trll[' IT'TI' mq,,=.
attcnchn , a Hot )omt (k tiers meet
a ingin Seattle (e!arningfact, about "'11'" ,,,Bit, L.[ UU BEE" .......... 12-Oz. tin 42= ,¢.;T:raft ,25-,b. $1.85, 1, ,1 2,,
. . - - the new mchine from the !aj:ion- r==r =. GARDENSIOE EARLY - NO 2 TIN -. ....................... JL-a. o,
al manage of the. Hotpomt mun- @-- -- -
• ' Royal Satin, All-purpose
dtv divLnhnL Lloyd Sweet, and of will be closed "- ...... SHORTE I
',. o'N NG 3-lb. 79¢
::::::: ::: :::::::::, ,,., ., ,, .,. . GAKDEN SWEET PEAS 3For 25
Cam I Lu ........
,[rxL ] J.]llln )J.ill:]' , one bern a ................ e, cky Strike, Old Gold (Ctn 1 69)
,$$1*IqL11=l'IOJlq:(q'PqlV] handsome Fh,e,tone .LcYC!e, awa.t . . .. . utu..TTES .......... ok=. 17€
;'[']]q'J:OJL[lJ.q*] Shelton and Mason C.ounty young- Memorial Day T J D I [I. J I) Y • a! ' -- --. .... , . . , -
w wream t¢ Nalley s, Tresn, crosp (4=/2 oz 23 )
stets who enter aie ' " ILl rtllP I1 /.I rift i111 -i "iE'¢ " - • €
: DH/# $RY ¢l#d $'' A LI U l I It l a 11 U ................. I-- For - POTATO CHIPS ...... 9-oz. 39¢
i _. I . tR I-lilt COlhWh , DeLuxe Glend. Package LB. O€
|' _ - • . $ i ru IIJIJLJL tUl I JLJL' Economy (1- b. 46¢) --PKG. ' *
I ' -- ]f, - :-- " -_ -i ,. ATD'IXAXT" t'-;Tnn:, Mild and Mellow Brazilian LB. llm "
• --. . i - [ -II I1i
i ,ooo2.ox79 ----,,-,,, /' ,. , - ----. . GetyourfavoriteatSafeway .... 1 € ddbottledeposit
] O;an: .., IS. ,, • a y a ca. to
. Ro:ra!aer C:a a $:a, sh" (add :eposi q , ''€ PALE EXP;RT r :Z: STYLE I,!
I . DILL PICKLES 1 (doo,', I ,ou,ooge,, aq[s'=s Beer... 11-oz. 10€ 1
i -- _ .'al m ' • Rose-Dale whole dills. I, ",..I I I " ( po " ) Case (24) $2.39 plus deposit ] }%
I :=----<= :::_ ' Y . 1 ' ,,=,.. Lll q 't¢ I Coca-Cola. 6 for 25 ¢ ,,.T .,,o,.,,, ,I
00.R .. & °' Beer 11-oz €
_ I ........ ' [ 12-Ounce.(add ,o,o.:.) • • 2/27
i.- o o., ,,,,, Pe sl-Cola 6for € c..o (.) ..o, p,.. ,o.,,
P Nu M d /ULVlI lll Ca,e of 12
I.,o.,. o, • I II II/111 i i - .., ,,.......o.,. | ...... ;
I '"°'' '"-°°° I II ---= I 11 III 111 4" I (Pint 33¢) el Easy to carry! (plus deposit) Cal. 'f ";]
I "" QUART JAR q * • * I
1 II I It lit lit I I ........ , o.
," LUCERNE GRADE A MILK MRS. WRIGHT S BREAD ,. 12-0Z. ¢an$ (2 for 37¢)
quarts total
icapa¢" Y. n a v - =- ,
, , I /IJ-----T--.I|] JIl I I SAMIWIg .PRgAI Homogenized or pasteur- QUART lV=-LB LOAF .lr-TIllll ]]D o.. i" i
I Ma-ic shelf-- I [t J I[ "11| t gll I I =,-, ,, --a== =,. =Mw ized. Richer in cream con- q d Try the new, improved qual- Ad a IO..'11JLJI.1/.J UL:JUaJI. Case ot = .!
I=..",..=bn.... ......... €.. I i] J ..... _L_ Jl J|J i q i ! Lunoh Box, delioious (Pt. 33¢) tent than the 8tare Law ( . ity better in every way, I;
I ]1 " .... , I [|1 IIII ' i . lp,, requires! 11 .tays fresh longer, gl
1 II il I f I °°*"" ................
J:o.o":o , ------- _ n,.... n, .^ ........... . , , . _
oo,..o ,oo00 i
• '., I II [ t ll';,='.L /ij ..., Baker. See =tore display .,... O.,,,,,,w., .o,-.,,o.. Fresh Ready.Drawn ,o.,o,.
-,,.,..., L I--___---:- :'"%,1 ! Fancy--us'Imperial Valley ' Read f.. ,i, ................
P a e.
. -- _M/ni Dutch Mill. American"mild, ....... ' .................. "" ..... q" ' ! O,¢ar Mayer,
s.yo,,,.. - : -- - - II cheddar rich. IIA Florldamney back (Cut 7F-€) ( I ., ..... I I ...... I ( ..... *N
'"'" /:: = ........... I WATERMELONS...... lb. 7' t t I 1'1(1( , II BA(I) I { _--,
_ - - - -- IeL U l q ( I Oscar Mayer, Raths | | "Gold Coin" SLICED, i ( .i
o Fffl' . D amend F " " Nouri=h
ATOm ......... lb. 4W, ,,
.,o,,,.., {F(YI'ATOES .......... lb. 41/2€! I ._ "a¢ / / .o. ==,l
= mJ in onel AA.,.t ( [ LB. [ .[ BACON , . LB. | ( ., .B CAN "'
.... ' ii ...... -IPI;; ( Looal, Large Solid Heads ]) ) ' ' 5 "'*'='
-- + - - _-= -- - -- I'. "" .... ^ ............ ' } T .W.qlvPITPW IK € ) U.S. Prime, Yearlings. '14 to a.m. ._-
• "-: .<.: " lJ ' .x x ur, ............. m. o" HEN TURKEYS.. .... lb. 45 ¢ . ,i
EVERYTHING! I; Campfire. 4 separate pkgl. PEAS pods ___ .lb 13½¢ $ ,ull:=l' IU2AI ........ llJ. O" ( _.."
i J- In onel A. € - - ) ) _ 12-OZ, ISU" "
T, rl,I zrlxrn£I) Io rwln l¢cru I!I LS eox ['7€ • CAULIFLOWEr, local, 15¢ ) Pork Roast, round bone shldr, lb. 45¢ } .
J]PlVlltlt)l IL' 1II1 IVlUI lll " ' ............ 1-, " "'.'.\\;- "]-.', { ¢ Link Sausage all ,rare ,-ork .... m g_, €
T "I " .... " . " ' ) 1 .......... au. u#.,
IITAlkT N II' Al%Jl Mt,qT LII_LII V. IJl { *DRY ONIONS, e' llow, mild ...... lb. 6¢ } Fresh S-Ira-- ..a u;.. ,h =. _..,,,h,
YY[I£f ll:l) Z-i111. -YlUk..l lllUlll.Jl mira ,, . [ $ _ .... .... . .., --- -,,.-s .............. .,..o, > u,,
A//I21VWVt DI21DI(!IDArPGtD , lil PDAPV'n2D IAPV } "k GRAPEFRUITeedlcss .. lb. 11¢ Fresh Itallbut, steak or roast ...... lb. 45¢ so ,x .d
z-xvvl:,n lX.u' J[I:I.'IIX..IJL,I,Z"I. IU'JI., IlI. blktiblkl JkU • • ¢ " .... ,, "'--" ............... "
TODAY nln Carame, o,t, popcorn "k BEET GREENS'reh 3 lbs. 10¢ ........ 14 OZ 0 "N'
i! I F r ;,h 't OC k . a / 4 p r ' ====================== " ' "
Be Sure Your Choice ls Kelvinator i;i s'.oz. BOX q/II "i. : _ _{ R'C.eS..E[[ECT[y.e^ .mp..v NV.S.aTUapAy, MAY 7 , 8, L
-,v ................. . _ - --u m. nrq,Jr.. IIU IoCR IN DHELTON, NO SALES TO
.............. -ii - ................ SORRY, WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.
• " ' ' ' ' 'TS ' "
IiI Vel Suds I Par Soap I Pa'mol'v I Sweethem t =- .
any waterl Contains Hello fourth bar. _
Vl¢il iMII IILMI t=/. ItI ] I I B m aeninm en-- ._
, , .... . ,,, € ooemmv
'F,,E ,,,N,T,,. ,'O, ,.. ,,O. il ..€ I .e¢ I ..,, ,,.o 2/23 I /€ , v
. ........ II 15-0Z. BOX .. a¢.E J 23-OZ, BOX .. -- I " I Bath Size 1/ ,
428 Cota t-vee ,arKing P'none lug. ql :