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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. Phone 633 Rayonier Declares Quarterly Dividend Directors of Rayonicr Incor- porated have declared the regu- lar qudrtrly dividend of 50 cents per share on the $2 cum- ulative Preferred tock, pay- able July I, 1949, to stock- holders of record June I0, 1949. Center of Population The center of population is moving westward. It is pew on the western border of Indiana and 'will cross it by 1950, according to census experts• PLYWOOD INDUSTRY ! STARTS $1,000,000 ADVERTISING DRIVE The youthful Northwest ply- wood industry has dipped into the big chips and come up with a million dollar advertising program I to buih:l a greater market for the big panels. "DiMstic cuts in plywood prices have been made as a post-war readjustment," according to Ar- nold Koutonen of Olympia, presi- dent of Douglas Fir Plywood As- I sociation. "Since the readjustment of price levels has not been accompanied by a corresponding reduction of L DRILLING m n00oo00. explained, "producers must look to expanded sales volume to ward • off substantial losses." • Some 36 firms operating 44 sep- • Get sparkhng ater In abund, crate factories in 30 Washington, ance from your own well. Coolj Oregon and northern California ci- ,fresh, pure water at all times. JOHN WEBBER PHONE 413-W Evenings Route 1, Box 128, Shelton • ties and towns are subscribing the money to activate the nation's de- sire for plywood, already recog- nized as "the wood of 1,000 uses." Douglas fit" plywood production is currently running behind last year's record output of nearly two billion square feet, and with sev- en more plants the industry ca- pacity is somewhat greater. The Navy crew of the_...LTS CHIeOT turned "cowboy" when they delivered 140 calves and heifers to Guam from Hawaii. SHELTON-MASON Head.0n Collision Of Car and Truck Injures 3 Persons Three Shclton person: ;cccived cuts and bruises early la:;t Thtu's- day morning from a head-on col- lision of a car and a truck. The accident occurred on the Johns creek road two miles north of Shelton• Bill Russell, driver of the ear, was treated in a Sheltcn hospital for face lacerations and severe knee bruises. Dorothy Gosser, his passenger, had four teeth knocked out and cuts on her head ad knees. They were on their way to work. The driver of the one and a half ton flatbed truck, Leslie lillcr, received slight cuts and bruises. Using the road as a by-pass around the Bayshore highway where heavy construction is under- way, the two vehicles came to- gether at a nrl'ow corner where visibility was poor, Deputy Sher- iff Mel Hollis, investigating of- ricer, reported. The road swings over Capitol Hill and joins the highway at Johns creek bridge. The front of the car was mashed .in. and the windshield shattered, Hollis said, and damages were about $250. Damages to the truck came to about $125. COUNTY JOURNAL MACK PUSHES BILL ASKING MONEY FOR POSTOFFICE REPAIR Four Southwest post office building repair jobs which Con- gressman Russel V. Mack, Wash- ington, Republican, had hoped would be undertaken soon, are be- ing held up by failure of Congress to take action on a bill appropri- ating $30,000,000 for post office building repairs, the congressman said today. The bi!l approved by the House Public Works Committee, of which Rep. Mack is a member, is hehi up in the Rules Committee and "from present appearances it does not look as if the Rules Commit- tee would let it come to a vote this year," Rep. Mack said. Post office building's for which Rep. Mack had hope(l to get re- pair money this year are Long- view, Olympia, Aberdeen and Shel- ton. The repair jobs nre necessary due to increased volume of b'usi- ness and in some cases, Rep. Mack said, "will provide additional space for use of other agencies thereby saving rents now being paid by these agencies for space in private buildings." The slogan "A poppy on every coat--remembrance in c v e r y heart," is the "goal of the 1949 poppy drive. ¥ V F: W Buddy l year in which the V. F. W. Buddy ............ • , [Poppy has been sold nationally WILBERT S, CATTO P ppi G 0 t as a means of aiding" the needy o es 0 n ones who made sacrifices in our nation's wars. May 27 and 28 have been set as sale dates in Sale Tomorrow The Veterans of Foreign \\;Vats' observance of its 50th annivers- ary this year gives added signifi- cance to the annual sale of V• F. 'W. Buddy Poppies to be held in Washington State on Friday and Saturday, May 27 and 28. BUDDY POI'I'IES are the land- iwork of veterans who are still confined to government hospitals. The proceeds of tle sale are used entirely for veteran welfare in the following manner: About two-thirds of the funds raised will remain in Vashington to aid needy veterans and their dependents through Post Service Officers. A portion will be paid to the disabled veLerans who made the poppies. One cent, per poppy sold will be used to help maintain the V. F. W. National Home for war orphans and widows at Eaton Rapids, Michigan. One and one-half cents per pop- py will be used in maintaining the V. F. W. National Rehabilita- tion Service, a service dedicated to aiding all veterarm with their prohlems, and to acting as t means of contact between veterans and the Veterans Administration. This is the 28th consecutive Representative of Equitable Life ! ttlis state by proclamation of gov- Assurance Society ernor Arthur B. Langlie. Life Insurance IT l EXPF,(!T,'I) that a total [of 500,000 Buddy Poppies will be Retirements sold in Wa.hington. The price is Annuities whatever the contributor wishes term, low interest rate to give, but genel'ous contribu- tions are asked in order to carry Farm and Country out the great amount of veteran Home Loans welfare work necessary. Aldercroft Nursery ................................................ Phone 591-W Use Journal Want Ads FLOOR FURNACES , Oil Fire Air Condition Furnaces $385.00 Complete with Controls and Pressure Burner DI LORET0 FURNACE & SHEET METAL 415 SOUTH FIRST ST, PHONE 208 h FP'/Y-T/ACE,/ Stere Closed Monday. Memorial Day I ' Boys' • Sizes 2 to 6 Rayon Knit ': '1.69 Satin Lastex '2.00 Satin Lastex '3.00 Girls' Rayon Lastex Sizes 3 to 6 '3.00 ?.::> 7 , / ,O,/ Rayon Lastex Sizes 7 .to 14 :5.00 Satin Lastex Sizes 7 to 14 '6.00 KIDDIES KORNER "./ / f * Beautiful one-piece with a ....... :::::',::::.:  new Jantzen idea, in bra construction, cut from figure controlling Lastex Pique. The shtm'ed front panel and shirt is a hip-slimmer. s11.95 ©'°''.° ".i Cordo Lastex is a new Two Way Stretch, light. weight foundation type fabric that molds the figure. '9.95 Two Piece  Pliable Sharkskin Lastex. '9.95 READY TO WEAR DEPARTMENT Boys' SWIM TRUNKS Sizes 8 to 18 $2.50 to '3.95 MEN'S SHP 9 #* ,,aa.,,"f " .) , .a '''''P .,a v.w,, @ Jo'ntzen Established 1895 L ,. 0