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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHLLTON WINS TITLE AS BEARS LOSE TO CHEHALIS; TOBEY ENDS CAREER IN AUSPICIOUS MANNER i'l{lqP I|ASEBALL TANDIN(I The Eagles soared to a three W I, rf ra. run lead in the sixth when Hawk' Walter L. Marble Representing the METROPOLITAN INSURANCE COMPANY Life and Personal Accident and Health Insurance 1904 Stevens Phone $54 Shelton Lodee No. 1684 LOYAL ORDEI OF MOOSE MEETINGS HELD EACH 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m.--Eagles Hall Marvin Leman, Governor W, D. Coburn, Seorttary SHELTON ................. 5 l 46 12 lost control to wall( three in a i 00YAL ORDE00 li 00OSE 6, Shelton 4 Vasb nder Miller tossed in an in- ' MEETINGS HELD EACH (entralia I, C'hehalis 0 fiel( sin le to lu:,e) the arade Oly,,00pi00, ,, 0000.t,ns o Well; Ls00ed tl'; | 1st and3rdTuesdays ' , .............  ,, 'goltlen opportunity hy trying .to I o2he Month - IlARMONI( NOTE toned tile 11 (,or , On a SItoI't "pas.ed lall and end of one of Shelton's most nn- was thrown o t by 20 feet | 8 p.m?--Eagles Hall tortunate lugil school baseball t Elms added an extra unearned I htarvln Lema Governor seasons last week with the lligh- i run in the seventh off Don Cleve- !climbers clutching their fourth land on three walks anti Prisz- I,! W, D. Coburn,. 8rttary. ", consecutive division title and sweet ! ner, s ba'd plaice-off th'ow at third Chehalis 3, Olylnpia 2 Shelton 3, Silverdale 2 Olympia .................... 3 2 28 15irow between singles t)y Watkins Chehalis .................. 2 . 4 24 28  and Russ Ripp. Centralia ................... ii 4 6 49 Tlli,] ('I,IMBEIIN cnnle back two in their half as Ripp qlso lost the range, walking Swift l with and Loop and hitting Wells and : victory in their final game. ' [ Ten seniors eded their prep : The division championship eame ldianmnd careers with last week- - to the Highelimi)ers unshared bye AIRPO • - Clary coml,,eted i l,e season--the 'ments of the Chchslis Bearcai.s. J list including Herb Loop, Gene Olympia could have tied for the t lille by winning the rest of its l \\;VeIls' Bob Tobey, John Millet', Toby Vasbinder, Floyd Priszner, games, but Chehalis stuck a 31Jim" Hopper, Larry Swift, Chuck to 2 defeat on the Bem, at Che- IGrigg s and, Dolcg Cole. halls last week to hand the gon-I The box scores: I NOW OPEN  i i falon to Shelton wtthont any[ Sih'erdale ah r h o a e | .sharecropping. The HighclimberslK ' Berg, ss .... 4 0 0 0 4 2 DALLY ihad completed their league play ]Johnson, 2b .......... 3 0 1 3 2 0 [ Short J |1 ia week earlier. IReese,', cf ....... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Then Satnrday night the ttigh-IA. Peterson. If .... 4 0 0 2 0 0 i Orders "---- I climbers snapped a fulw-gaole los-IF. Berg, ]b ........ 4 () 0 9 0 0 [ .h I tng streak re°re defeats than ' Baldwin, c ...... ......... 2 1 a 3 1 0 Lunc es most Shelton teams suffer in R lWoodard ' rf ..... 2 0 0 0 0 0 I I I). Peterson, 3b 2 1 0 0 1 0 full season .--by edging' Central I Pies- Cakes Kitsap of Silverdale, 3 to 2, as lHiatt ' p ............ 2 0 1 0 1 0 Bob Tohey pitched his fir,d: corn- } Soft Dr|nks " J phqe game since the °pening ult lot Tthe season., ,  . ,Loop,Shelt°nT0tals21) ......... ........ ab27 2 3 I8 9 2:1 0r hl Ol al 0e Bertha Phillips, Prop. ()BEY GAVE Central KltsaPlGriggs, If ........ 2 0 0 2 0 0 At Mason County Airport [ I just three hits even thougll it was!Tobey ' p ........ 3 1 2 0 1 1 old stuff. He fanned 12 and hag- Vasbintler, 3b .... 3 0 0 0 2 2 , , , gad two hits one a triple on which Wells, cf ........... 3 ] 2 1 0 0 . ., he later scored the winning run, i ' - to close lis brilliant three-year Hopper, lb ........ 3 0 0 3 1 0 Priszner, c .... 3 1 1 13 0 1 prep diamond career in fitting fa- ,q .. ,wfft, ss ........ 3 0 1 1 1 1 Sem bi0nal shion. Totals ........ 26372165 To ntake it even more appro-. e, ore hy Innings J priate, I,he veteran Highclimber Silverdale ................ 000 020 02 southpaw whiffed the last two .... hits .2 ............. 100 020 0--.3 batters to face him to end the Shelton ...................... 021 000 x---3 ,ft f,,, game as Silvertlah, runners jam- hits ................ ]31 101 x--.7 IL00W mad thc bases with only one out. SUMMARY: 3-bAse hit--.Tobey. A pair of walks and an error bad  Sacrifice hit---Griggs. Runs batted gltY A V.F.W. BUDDY POPPY loaded the sacks, in -Priszner, Swift, Baldwin, D. Tobey's brilliant pitching per- Peterson. Struck out-.-Tobey 12, forrnanvc, the f/rst complete game Hiatt 3. Walks--Tobey 1, Wild be has ptt('hed since he beat pitch-Hiatt, Tobey. Runs respon- Bremerton in the season opener o  t 1= sible for....-.Tobey 1, Hiat 2, Stolen Bt BreillevtoYl, .5 tO .), av(.nged  o, hases---Wells 2, Resser. to 2 defeat the Silverdalc (,luh iEImt ab r It o a e had plasteretl on Shelton just :t Clark, cf ............ 4 week earlier at Sih'er(tale. Cravatt, c ........ 3 NIIEIJr(}N IAD .;core(I twice in O the second on Gene Wells' single _.atterhn. If .... 3 Watkins, lb ... 3 ntnl steal, singles by Floyd Prisz- Travers. 2b ....... ] net and Larry Swill and a wild Roser, 31) ..... 1 pitch. Tobey's triple to open the FaWbllsh ss .. ,'] Prante. rf 1 HONOR THE DEAD BY H[LPIN6 THE LIVING third led LO the winning run two (')tlI.l later on HI1 e, lTor. Sih'evdalc's two sPOreS eanle in tho fifth on singles by Baldwin and ttiatt, a walk u) Dave Peter- son, tntl Swift's errt)v on Johnson's roller. The night before the Highclimb- ers had lost their fourth straight game and their fifth of the sea- son to the Elma Eagles, 6 to 4. Sophomore Len Hawk pitched pretty decent ball but; a home run b.,ams Watkins followin a Wk ffVe the laglef a tworn st,rt in the first, rhe Highclimbers squared it with single tallies in the fh'st as Wells doubled and Toby Vasbinder singled and in tim third as Johnny Millet' tripled be- hind Tobey's single. May 27-28 THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY fN EHALF OF THE VETERANS OF FOREICH WARS OF THE UNITED STATES 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 2 10 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 l 2 0 0 ] o 0 Ripp, p-rf ........ 3 0 l 0 6 0 Michahik, rf-p .... l 0 0 0 0 0 Williams. rf .... ] 0 0 0 0 0 Thompson, 3b .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ....... 24 6 4 21 10 4 Shelton ab r h o , e Loop, 2b ............ I ] ] 0 1 1 Wells, cf ............ 2 l 1 0 0 0 Tobey, If ........ 4 1 1 2 0 0 Millet', rf ...... 4 0 2 0 1 1 Vasbinder, 3b .... "l 0 1 0 0 0 Priszner, c ........ 3 0 1 8 1 1 ITIooper. lb .... 4 0 0 8 0 o Ihwk, p .... : o o (/ "2 o Swift, ss . 1 ] 0 3 3 0 Cleveland. p .... 1 0 o 0 1 0 Totals ........ 26 4 7 21 9 3 Score by Innings Elms ....................... 200 003 I---6 hits ............... 100 102- 0--4 Shclton .................... 101 002 0--4 hits ................ 302 011 0--7 SUMMARY: Home run. Wat- kins a-base hit---Miller. 2-base hit--Wells, Sacrifice hits--Ldop 2. Runs batted in--Miller 2, binder 2, Watkins 2, Rlpp 2. Faw- bush 1.. Struck out- Hawk 8. Ripp 2. Michalak 2. %Valks-:Hawk 6, Cleveland 3, Ripp 5. Wihl pitch-- Cleveland. HiL batters--Vasbind- er, Wells by Ripp. Inhing's pitch- led •.Hawk 52/3. Ripp 5 2/3. Win- sing pitcher-. Ripp. Losing pitch- er Hawk. Runs responsihle for .... Hawk o. = Ripp 3,,, By Ted Kesting A human weasel is a shifty, slinking, chinless weakling who takes by unlawful craftiness what he cannot gain by intelligence, pluck, hard work and personal integrity. All of this describes not the real weasel, but his com- plete antitlmsis. There is nothing shifty abont the weasel. He is as direct as a bullet. Yet you never heal; any- one speak a kind word in his 'behalf. This small caxnivore is always pictured as a vile satanic killer, sly, sneaky, without morals, scruples or self respect. But to Byron Dalrymple, once a trapper, the weasel has many characteristics of which humans could be very proud, if they had them to his degree. He is equipped with a high-speed meta- bolism which keeps him constantly restive, always on the move. Coupled with this tremendous en- ergy arc one of the most alert and agile intelligence in wildlife. matchless fearlessness and deter- ruination, lightning physical agil- ity, and the most amazing strength per unit of weight you will find in mammals. The weasel is one of the world's smallest carnivores, yet probably nature's most efficient killer. In his every daily act he is, next to the shrew, the most intense of all mammals. We call this intensity of movement and purpose ferocity, but from the weasel's viewpoint, it is nothing more than a superior development in relation to condi- tions of his environment. --Iis unusual strength, plus his ot?Ier qualities enable him to cope with creatures outweighing him 20 and more times. To muscular power he adds an expert surgeon's knowledge of the most deadly holds known to any rough-and- tumble fighter. Artery holds. And, knowing these, he never gambles on using less effective ones. The weasel must dart in and sink his razor-sbarp de@tal scal- pels in the fatal place with one I lightning thrust. And he must know the physiology and anato- Diamond Pennants Won by Morton, SK, Shelton Prep Nines Baseball titles wee setLled in several Southwest Washington and neighboring area high school leagues last week as schedules chined or neared their ends. Chehalis handed the central di- vision Southwest 'ashington title to Shelton by surprising Olympia, TOBEY HOGS HICLIMBER BATTING HONORS, HITS .600 IN LEAGUE Virtually every batting honor of the Highclimber baseball season fell to Bob Tobey, senior left- handed pitcher who by force of cil'cuulstances spent nlosL of his time in the outfield this year. Tobey topped all three average divisions---for leagtle games," non- conference games, and for total Griggs ........ 6 1 :1 0 .167 Wells ......... 14 2 2 2 .143 Loop ........... 8 3 1 0 .125 Hooper . ....... 10 3 0 0 .000 Swift .......... 9 1 0 0 .000 Cleveland .... 3 0 0 0 .000 Valley ........ 2 1 0 0 .00u Brown ........ ] 0 t) 0 *.000 Cole ........... 1 0 0 0 .000 gantes -- bagged the most hits, Tabor . ......... 1 0 0 0 .000 'and tied for most runs scored and 3 to 2, with Outfielder Eckart most runs driven in. The onl * * * Toy slashing out a two-run triple  department where he wasn't first in the sixth inning for the winning t was in official times at bat. There margin. It was Shelton's fourth consecutive division title. Hoquiam forced the northern division Southwest Washington diamond title into a tie by hand- ing Aberdeen its first loss of the league schedule, 6 to 1. A play- Millet" . ......... 1 0 0 0 .000 Toby Vasbinder led the field, but Tobey was second. Wayne Clary attd Johnny Mil- let" tied Tobey for the runs-batted- in title, all having eleven for tha season, and Clary shared the runs )i scored lead with Tobey, each witt Priszner . ..... 12 ,t -i 2 .333 off game scheduled for last Fri- eleven. Wells .......... 23 2 6 0 .261 @ day night was rained out and will I Tobey had a fat 476 season's Loop .......... 17 0 4 0 235 be re-slated this week. j average, hit a torrid .600 in six Cleveland .... 19 2 ,1 4 121i In neighboring Kitsap connty. [league games, with a nifty .409 Hawk .......... 5 0 1 0 .2()() ;South Kitsap won the Olympic i in non-conferenee games. Vasbinder 29 3 5 4 172 ] AMI:@IfAN lUI:MI$1 Peninsula league championship by] Clary and Miller trailed second Griggs i" ..... 12 3 2 () :i67 r,, r.......u.r,,, ,,d.,,w.-- defeating Norti Kitsap, 3 to 2, ]and third in the all-season aver- Tabor . ......... 13 0 2 0 .154 r'---  in ten innings• ages at •314 and .309 respectively, Swift .......... 1;1 2 1 1 .077 I 4/$ QUART PINT I Morton closed an nndefeated i tslary was secona in tne non- Hopper . 8 0 0 0 000 / / season in league play by winning / -- " ....... the Lewis County title, defeating l leagueames at .353, and sopho- Brown ........ 4 0 0 0 .000 i SS.S7 $2.26 I more ob Eacrett was seeonct in Dale 3 0 0 1 .000 L-.------..----._ Adna, 8 to 2, in the finals of the i league-game averages at .385. Cole :::::::::::: 3 0 0 0 .000 four team play-off. Morton won The averages for the complete Miller 1 0 0 0 000 the eastern division, Adna the season, dnring which the High- .-.::-. :: --: ......................... ' cOaST'S II$1RVl ILINDII western division. Morton elimin- t climbers won nine games and lost ,IUNIOR IlIGH BASEBALl, 86 PROOF • 684% GRAIN N| ated Ryderwood smtthern division i five: Shelton 11, Olympia 7 ............  .... flED' P champion, in the semi-finals, and i ab r h rhl .ave South Kitsap 3, Dewey 1 ,^o. ,.^. , .. u,.. Adna ousted Oakville, northern di- [ Tobey ........ 42 11 20 ]1 .476 Coontz 9, Central Kitsap 0 vision winner, before the titular ] Clary .......... 35 11 11 11 .314 ,  game• lMiller . ......... 39 4 ]2 11 •309 . -  -   -- South Kitsap won the Kitsap, Priszner . ..... 25 9 7 7 .280 "' 1 J ' "If  iT 1lEe • 11' county junior hfgh SChool el'oven Elacrett ...... 18 6 5 2 7 II/l=i" 1 I I law Miracle 1 by whipping Dewey of Bremerton, I Hawk 8 2 2 1 250 :3 to 1. Wells _1:2:: 7 4 s ' :222 lll I l/I i lll'l 1 1 Vasbinder ..469105,218 llU±il IHIUIL00 Wall Woodwork Loop .......... 25 3 5 0 .200 i PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Cleveland .. 22 2 4 4 .182 I W.L. l'ct. *GBL Griggs ........ 18 4 3 0 .167 1 iHonywood ........ 34 22 .607 ...... Tabor. ......... ]402'0 .143[ lOoK WA$#[$LIKE BAKED i San Diego ........ 30 24 .556 3 Dale .......... 8 2 1 2 .125 i Oakland .......... 28 27 .509 5b Swift .: ........ 22 3 1 1 .045 ANO :San Francisco.. 28 27 .509 5, Hopper. ....... 18 3 0 0 .000 ;SEATTLE ........ 27 29 .482 7 Brown ........ 5 0 0 0 .000 ] Sacramento .... 25 27 .481 7 Cole ............ 4 0 0 0 .000 [ 'Los Angeles .... 25 29 .463 8 Valley ........ 2 1 0 0 .000 Portland ............ 20 32 .385 12 Jim Miller .. 2 1 0 0 .000 * Games behind leader. , t, * How Series Ended In six league games, of which Hollywood .... 4 SEATTLE .... 3 Shelton won five, the Averages San Diego .... 4 San Francisco 2 Oakland ........ 2 Portland ...... 3 Sacramento .... 3 Los Angeles.. 2 (]ames This Week SEATTLE at Oakland San Francisco at Sacramento Los Angeles at San Diego Portland at Hollywood. were as follows; ab r h rbi .ave Tobey .......... 15 4 9 5 .600 Eacrett ...... 13 5 5 2 .385 Hawk .......... 3 2 1 1 .333 Vasbinder .. 17 6 5 1 .299 Clary .......... 18 7 5 7 .259 Miller . ......... 16 2 4 5 .250 l'iszner ...... 13 5 3 5 .231 Dale ............ 5 2 1 2 .200 ht eight non-league games, the GOR I{ighclimbers won four and lost four, with the averages as fol- lows : ab r,, r,,i .a,'e @RANO Tobey .......... 27 7 11 7 .409 'S'-@ r Clary .......... 17 4 6 4 .353 Millet- . ......... 2[] 2 8 6 •348 NAME @--' JUNIOR HIGH TRACK 1 Dewey 45, South Kitsap 33, Planning A Trip? From the makers of miracle Kern-Tone, # North Kitsap 13 1/6 We save you all the incon- this wonderful new lustre finish that Coontz 27 5/6 1/491/6' Coontz ( venience of routing and )l looks and washes like baked enamel[ ONIY--W[ JlJe • Port Anegles 37V., Dewey 27 ,. $ ticketing., on Plane, R.R. or Kem-Glo is easy to use. Covers in one  8teamsmp coat Re ulres n u rc t s  iuan/ my of dozens of ditterent species.  " ] . q O ride ca er. Drie in So (Io not malign the weasel,   .v;o har=e )I s to4hours. Colors matchorharmonize €' G AII#tM '! ......... "}J ' " ......... " t n ection with Kern Tone. Try Kem Glo today even though his purpose and the World-W'de n s " " • human'puriYose are at odds. Con- sider well the perfecti°n °f his[l 00allOlymplaTrave00 ildynamic character. And,. j L CATTO HARDW measuring your own wits against Service ely. 6226 his, you can honestly say you can OLYMPIAN HOTE4 • r • 'match t, im, then put astde all _ ,Olympia, wn. J ,q17 ]ailroad Avenue . Phone 48 3'cUrls°hal worries. Your future I , . SEE U8 FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elliott, Ow, er AUTO TRUCK FIRE Farmers Insurance Group PHONE 654 Bill Pearson, Distr/ct Agent ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phons 765-R-2 So, Olympic Highway 1HI Mm! : AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt Eells George Valley Phone 25.J Power Line Construction Co. Jack ChJsum, Mgr. Mt. View WHITE SPOT Jim Ble¢cker CLIFF WIVELL S TEXACO SERVICE 100% Veterans The Veterans' Corner Complete Men's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner Simpson Employees Federal Credit Union SAVINGS & LOANS For Simpson Employees Bill Pearson, Treas.-Mgr. SH ELTON'S FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Products Bill Miller, Owner STOP-INN CAFE Jack Wallace, Owner | Dewey Daniels PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS 100% Veterans BOATS - RENTALS - REPAIR SMITH'S MARINE Jim and Pat Smith UNION PHONE 242 BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex.Servicemen FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil Products Glenn Roenel , | VET'S DOIN'S Many United States residents who served during World War II with the Canadian armed forces have not yet applied for certain benefits available to them, the (2Chadian Department of Veterans Affairs reports. The benefits are not new, Can- adian government officials point out, and are available only to World War II veterans who have not obtained them in the past. The benefits consist of war service gratuities and reestablish- ment credit. War service gratuity amounts to $7.50 for each 30 days of serv- ice, with an additional 25 cents for each day overseas plus seven days pay and allowances of rank for each six months of overseas duty. Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Business In Mason County Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View " Phone 838 BANNER & BURNETT SHELL SERVICE, t 1st & Cota - Phone 940 FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY SHAFER,S BAKERY Walt Sherr, Owner PHONE 162 CITY CAB Mel RobePtson FOR "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. - Phone 494 CALL 697 FOR Dick's City Delivery Diok Gardner, Opt. For Home Deliver/es Call 26 BOB KOLAR Distributor of Kitsap Dairy Products Milk - Cream - Butter UPHOLSTERING LITERAL TRIM SHOP Audra Literal Phone 145 GORDON'S MEATS DON'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner Groceries - Meats UNION MARKET Roy Watson, Owner UNION 242 CRAIG P. EUOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Quality Wiring K Street - Mountain Vmw P.O. Box 158, Shelton, Phone 788 WEE PAUSE CAFE HOODSPORT Gordon Bayer, Owner ALLYN Dick Valley, Prop. EATON] Vern LES / Hillcrett .'* HI Auto Ed JohnS# ! 320 Neal EXPERT RAY'S iAberal Ray m PC Cottage Jack,an d Vg I Licensed, Gordon 1000 Ft