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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ' I()DAY . . . 1,OY " ..... IAOADERS TOMORROW For otJr youth, "to live and learn" is not enough. To live and team in freedom and cooperation is the promise of a bright future for our commun- ity. That's why we are proud of the work of our Boy Scouts, helping others and keeping "physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight." WE ARE SUPPORTING SOLIDLY -- AND URGE YOU TO Ilerou IN THE: ANNUAL TUMWATER COUNCIL b BOY SCOUT FUND CAMPAIGN Now. Underway - IN MASON COUNTY !!; % !/;! '•::::/:.. ;L ¸ h ,7-/ A,'o,.nd a camp-/ir(, . . . hclil:g th.c vitality o] thc fl#6:(:ut Ould(Jors/ Worh;ing and build- ing a. a group, To bc prcpar('d, loyal and ]rie'ndly, hclp].l a}d cou'ricous. are the thigs /hat am: prcparig o,vcr two mil- lion Am:'fican B..l# Scotd,' today for active cilizcnsh, ip lemtoi"cou'. Teams of volunteer workers are now soliciting funds necessary to carry on this extremely important-and beneficial program for the youth of our coin- munity. We hope you will welcome them with an investment as large as you believe you can afford for there is no finer program of building, character and citizenship among boys than Scouting. HERE ARE THE NEEDED SERVICES OF TUMWATER COUNCIL FOR WHICH THE MONEY WOULD BE SPENT: LEADERSHIP TRAINING ........................................ 407 Greatest portion of the budget is to train the volunteer leaders who run the Cub Packs, Scout Troops, Senior Units. Travel is a major item. ORGANIZATION AND EXTENSION ..................... 29% Two of every five boys in Mason. Thurston, Lewis and North Cowlitz Counties is a ScouI; today, but four of every tlve want to be Scouts. The answer--more Units. This takes careful planning and follow up with various civic organizations which sponsor the Unit. COUNCIL OFFICE MAINTENANCE ....................... 10'r) Office supplies, heat, insurance, telephone equipment, help for the Council Office and its three Fiel d Men. EDUCATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS ............ 9% To keep people informed about Scouting; cost of rais- ing ftlnds, stenographic help, piinting, etc. CAMPING AND ACTIVITIES ................................... 454 Promotion and administration of the outdoor program, Rallies, Circuses, Camporees, etc. SCOUT ADVANCEMENT ........................................... 4% Maintaining records of Scout Advancements, promoting and administering Courts of Honor, Boards of Review. NATIONAL SERVICES ........................................... # 2% National and Regional services to our Council. EMERGENCY NEEDS .............................................. 2% Allowance for untoreen contingencies. If By Chance You Are Missed... by the soliciting team and wish to contribute to the Boy Scout Fund... You May Leave Your Donation at LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE or THE JOURNAL SCOUTING BU SPACE In Mason County Scouting Finances Support 3 TROOPS IN SHELTON 1 TROOP IN HOODSPORT 1 TROOP AT ALLYN 1 TROOP IN SKOKOMISH VALLEY 4 CUB PACKS IN SHELTON 1 FULL TIME TRAINED EXECUTIVE Who devotes all his energies to Mason coun- ty Scouting. And liart of the operating expenses of Tum- water Colineil. FOR THIS AD PAID FOR BY THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC.SPIRITED FIRMS: / J ), ,(, / \\;, :/ ?.ii tl EATON li;{}i}Y & FENDER AL ItiEIBY M(}TORS MASON C()IYNTY LAI!NDRY & CLEANERS SHELT{)N (',ASii GIOCERY B IRGOYNE PI[OTO(IRAPHERS IVA N NEllENSCIIwANDER IIEli, BERT G. ANGLE, INSURANCE S II ELTON El Jg(IT]i IC () LYM P! (' F [ ! RN [iq[ ! RE Me(ONKEY PIIAIMACY il. L. CATT() HARI)WARE L[YMBIJRMEN'S MERCANTILE FI} DIOITG STORE SIIELTON BIAN(H, SEATTLE-FIRST NATI(iNAL BAN K PIEPP'S REXA I,I, I)RI,7(;S [IECI(WIlTII JEWEIA'Y MINII,()'S SliOE S'I'()IE iiWI(HT MOliRIS MEN'S WEAR Sil lgLTON iIARDWARE FER( I!SON FIA)WEIIS MILLER'S MEN'S SIIOP SHELTON HOTEL SHELTON HOTEL COFFEE SHOP RITNER'S CORNER SMOKE SHOP ANDERSON MOTOR COMPANY GRUNERT'S Ct[EVRON SERVICE WAGENER FEED STORE TONY'S PLACE FONZO'S MAC'S CORNER WIVELL'S TEXACO SERVICE CHILDREN'S: WODERL/ND ' NEEDHAM FOOIi CENTER MANLEY'S FOUNTAIN : HILLTOP TAVERN BOB ER¥:IN MOTORS SHELTON LAUNDRY & CLEANERS SHELTON RECREATION PARLORS III-SCItOOL SERVICE OLSEN FURNITURE ROONEY'S DIME STORE SPROUSE.REITZ CO., INC. LES FIELDS AUTO PARTS MELL CHEVROLET WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY DICKINSON OIL COMPANY DICKISON FUEL COMPANY LAWTON LUMBER GRANT LUMBER KIMBEL MOTORS KIMBEL OIL COMIANY OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES MORGAN-EACRETT LUMBER LES YOUNG'S SERVICE 20TH CENTURY FOOD STORE J. C. PENNEY COMPANY BANNER & BURNETT SHELL STATION M & S FOOD STORE PEARL'S CAFE PASTIME SHAFER BAKERY AROWN BAKERY SMITH'S CIGAR STORE SANITARY MARKET CITY MARKET , KILLMER ELECTRIC i SHELTON STATIONERY & H. L. OLSTEAD AGENCY, • MASON COUNTY STATIONERS DON'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP r i KITSAP DAIRY TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC MARGIE'S TAXI GROCERY DEAN'S STUDIO RAY'S SERVICE ' , TOP HAT LOG CABIN TAVERN BILL MILLER'S SERVICE LAY NASH MOTORS, INC. SHELTON SPORT CENTER BINN'S ICE CREAM EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE M, AIKHAM'S VARIETY STORE