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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
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e 16 :  MAY ; . 211wDr. Eduard Sines, q / "  sioVakls, bom, 1884, (&apos; . 2--Treaty of Relations q j "%..J % hetween U, $. andl f / i  IL Cuba Sl.e.d, 1934. . I /  qil/'M°rta uay. a : } €:::  . " I orgamzea, i), | JUNE " 1-,-First recoled U. S. | the state meet:-it never fails!" But the weather came through Saturday afternoon. Although there were a few clouds in the brilliant blue sky, the wind stay- ed away and it was a perfect day for tim track meet. Tle usual excrement of the meet expanded as officials called the contestants to come for the discus which was the fourth field event of the afternoon. Des's l name was th0. first read, and he was first to hurl the platter• When he had finished and the other contestants t o o k their places, Dick Oltman joined Des on the field to await tlm outcome of the event. The fellows sat on the grass GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY 24-HOUR SERVICE ALL MEN DRIVERS , o mat the,O"" Depot : ,, , , enrth¢uake, Ply- -.-Hitler and Mu$llnl meet at Brcrmer Pa,' 1941. ! l--Aibany became New York state caplta|, 1797. gITETON-MAg0N C01EI' .?OURNAL Thur:;day, KOCH WINS STATE DISCUS,. CHAMPIONSHI P Shelton li S--HEL-ToN-COED-A#F-W00S00C_SF0000--: Des MisSes-Record ID-AIilYMEN-;i'AKESixTHsTRAIGIt 1: Company KOCH WIN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP By Six Inches At [WITH HOME RUNS AIDING (,AUSF] The?3stItJ°;rleckA'|'?le'tl'' °vet: ii':2:d:il::i! ' !ithln°:t:;et!tf°l:em" 151 Feet, 91A Inches . '"'" ra ,,d .i,,e .i],/i,. i,l,i,,] llill was to the tone of "rain for to the Olympic team of last year inches, a figure he had bettered Game. ,hme 3 George VanGoetlin, SIm|'pe, Tough .... * '!It's the OLYMPI^ aREWJNG CO., OLYMPIA, WASH, ® presented the medal to Des. The photographer snapped pictures and the Shelton lad then, for the first time, had a smile of victory for the crowd. As he walked from the platforn Des shook bands 'with the second place winner of the event. Immediately after the presentation Mel Newman, Shel. ton high athlete of 1948, joined Des and Dick Oltman on the field, and Emmett Oliver, Shelton coach coukl be seen with the group.  Yes, you at home can be proud of Des as were are at Washington State who saw him win. It wasn't very long ago that we all sang the songs and yelled for tle High- climbers. You can be sure that al- though we were few in number we were out ttmre cheering Des and wllat he stood for. twice previously this season• Des Joins Dave Dalby and Bruce Nelson in the exclusive ranks of Highclimber state track champions. Dalby and Nelson both won their titles in 1940 when the former won the same discus ev- ent in which Des triumphed this year, and Nelson copped the broadjump with a leap of 21 fet 4.L, inches. Dalby's winning dis- eus throw in 1940 was 129 feet 3. inches. KocIrS WINNING throw was almost 19 feet better than the second place throw of 132 feet 10V. inches by Elmer Messenger of Centralia. Messenger had a cou- ple of better throws, one of 149 feet plus, which were disqualified. The Highclimber platter tosser Dairy vs. V.F.W. I.nyonier vs. Legion KI'FSAP .I)AII{Y kept an un- sullied ]'ccord in tim City Fast- ball I,eague by winning two more games din'inK the last !week's play, American Legion being an 8 to 1 victim and V.F.W. a 21 to 2 dupe of the league leaders. Rayonier also won two games during the week over tile same rivals, edging the I.egionnaires, 8 to 5, and the Vets, 8 Lo 4, Home runs marked t)oti the Dliry ,ictories. Dick Gar(lner, l-Iarry Petcrson and Sonny Lowe all hit blows as the milknen tri- umphed over tile Legion. Peter- son also added a triple and Lowe lad a fom'-for-i'our night :it the and Stan Armstrong. That gave Rayonier a 5-3 lead; but John Eager singled in the tying runs in tim sixtl for the Legion, Suc(.,essive hence runs by Ray Phillips and Chub Nutt in ihe last inning gave a lift to the V. F.W. in its 8 to 4 loss to Hay- onier Thursday, but ca|.lier Kelly Nutt had bagged three hits, Ted Kendall a double anti triple, as tile pult)nlell scored once ill tile second, four times in the third, and three in the fifth. Kendall pitched bet l] the tL'y- enter victories, giving seven hits to the Legion, nine to the Vets. In Our, Location on Mountain View ON THE OLYMPIC MAILING ADDRESS'-- P.O. Box 598, ! Charles Weirauch PHONS t t I (lidn't see everyone from Shel- ton who was at tile meet at Rogers Stadium, but I did see Mel New- man, till Valley, Don Howard, ('hly Beckwith, Norms Simonson and Dick Oltntan. You can see that students from home did find lilac to see the SheIton boy go to glory. Maybe some of the people ar- ound this school who think Shel- ton is a little town are waking u 1) to tile fact tlmt Shelton can produce something big. PREI' BASEBALL I{ESULTS Chehalis 3, Olympia 2 Elm 6, Shelton 4 Shclton 3, Central Kitsap 2 Olympia 11, St. Martins 0 South Kitsap 3, North Kitsap 2 (13 innings for title) Bellingham 1, Bremerton 0 Bellinghnm 5, Bremerton 1 Morton 8, A.dna 2 (title) Ehna 7, Montesano 2 Montesano 10. Elms 8 Centralia ], Chehalis 0 Itoquiam 6, Aberdeen 1 Sealtle Prep 2, Bremerton 1 Pe Ell 10, Chehalis 7 Peninsula 3, Sonth Kitsap 2 Read Journal Want Ads made his winning throw in the plate as well 'ls pitching five-.i|it qualifying competition Friday af- ternoon, being unable to better it Saturday in the finals. Under the state meet rules, the best throw of seven whether qualifying round or the finals is taken for each competitor. HIGHCLIMBER Emmett Oliver, who accompanied Des to Pullman, said the husky !Shelton athlete was "under the weather" Saturday with a sore throat which sapped his energy and consequently he wasn't at his physical peak for the second day of the competition, else im might have broken the state record. Bellingham won the unofficial school title with a total of 18 points, nosing out Centralia, sec- ond with 15 points. By districts, West Central led the field with points the Southwest was second wth'32, Northwest 31, Ta- tonin 11, South Central 10, North Central 6, Northeast 4, Southeast 3, and Spokane 0. TRACK MEMORIES Des Koch's victory in the dis- BUS in the state meet at Pullman ball. The ,)nly run off his d,'- f_ -' livery was unearned. ANTI-SPLASH r Are YOU ing the V.F.W.' ro,,t ,,vii Jim P T SHAMPOO & (" SUMMER mad i- the Bariekman tossing in two fore'- OATH SPRAY a J' $artB/d/,A th; -". ply ,,lasts amo,,00' ,,is i',,,,,' l,,is. ;'"'" 2' '2,; inet.:., m ' Wiley Surratt also had four hits, PASTE j ""'".."" ,,, .k'Jg Olavi %n'acl¢ eoacn.." ass n',pm."did" .B°P Kolar, ,me of which was  43 € .J  . . ,}j.,jtorelie' acc},l p.ameo Best game of tile week was Hay-].ll ,era sore<ne Threer... runs it, the si×th i o break ( , orthmor¢ \\; ' a >-3 tie won the e,mm with hits .d hit,, erie .g.y bY John Steinberg Phil Sharpe t . HINKLE ] e,, qj. = . ,= WSl ; at. nls ,, __ .......... c--, el, e ], might Hood Canal Sl)ortsmen th,, ,, tofficial Meet Thursday Night: ,OUSg )1 " t otlt of 1@ Hood Canal S'wtsmens As- Celitr, ia, sec-sociation will meet Thursday / |'-.lh S:" X Vl|'' ....., 11 Ii • t:y , istricts night at the Hoodsport school, f Lis.erine \\; S¢.,thoseundcr- jrqs tl il the f: .tl witt: M, C, Sta, rk. president, ha,; an- Iou,hv' St was nolulced, graduates to ,ry  • g // I harder for passing i li .t,,,e,t ",. Ta. ,,stalliion se,',,,,e:: ,vn, ,e ,,,l- A.t=septic J = gr,?,,thth,sdea, g'f, ----" - ' _. Rr, l :,, Nortl, dueted at the session. Movie.s k 69 t , ,; utheast will be screened, and a hmch served.  OUTING N by BILL DICKIE TRU.$1TE ' ' --ii-  Glare protective-- The injury, fortunately, didn't  Scientific-- turn out to be nearly as serious  Aviator Type as first believed. Instead of a THAT STUMP means a foresil Harvest has been taken from this land. Those young trees mean something more im. portant.., a new forest harvest is growing! The danger sign warns us that this new crop can't grow if it is destroyed by fire. Fire and grow- ing forests don't mix. Since human carelessness is the greatest cause of fire in the woods, we can prevent most forest fires before they start. Do your partI Never be careless with fire in the woods. I I I II I ] I I I I fill I GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ROY J. KIMB00 ENERPRISES GEO. M. GI{ISDALE CONSTRUCTION CO 00Y0100IEII 00,t:0RP011AT00 last week end calls for a bit of reminiscing. And no memory-pulllng can :nit that 1940 season when the ighclimbers, tutored by Walt Fla- kola startled the m'e t) athletic world by winning the Southwest district title and came within one- half a point of also winning the unofficial state title for indivkl- ual schools. The ltighelimbers had three ent:rants in the state mct in 1940. yet scored 12 poirlts to tie for second place with Lin- coln of Tacoma, which lind 1) entries. Yaktma led the school field with 12t/ points with sev- en entries. Only a little bad luck kept the Highclimbers from wihning the team title, too. for had not Frank Waters stumbled as he came out of the starting blocks in the 100- yard dash he would have at least placed for the one point which would have meant a Shelton tri- umph. As it was some of the wit- nesses thought he had hit the fin- ish in fourth place. Dave Dalby won the discus and Brace Nelson the broad- Jump, while Waters had taken third in the shqtput for Shel- ton's 12 points. Just the week previously, Shel- ton had upset a highly favored Vancouver team to win the South- west dishct championship, 29 to 26, when Waters won both the hot and century, Dalby the dis- cus and Nelson the broadjump for 20 points, and Waters added a third in the broadjump, Jack Cat- to a third in the discus, and Wel- don Galloway and Earl Wiley ran second and third respectively in the 880• That was really Shelton's great- est track year. Harold Anker went to the state meet in 1946 after winning both the 100 and 220 in the district meet. He placed second in the cen- tury but was blanked in an ex- tremely fast 220 at Pullman. STATE CHAMP And speaking of Des Koch, his schoolmates and all sports fans of this community are elated at his success at Pullman last weekend and congratulate the muscular Highclimber athlete on winning the discus throwing championship at the state high school track meet. The title of "State Champion" couldn't rest on the shoulders of a finer boy, a he is by terpera- rent and ability the ideal type of young athlete, His success has not gone to his head in the least, his coaches find him a perfect trainer, the most cooperative member of their squads as well as the most tal- ented, his teachers find him a will- ing and apt student, and his schoolmates find him "a regular guy." All who know Des sincerely hope ] he can repeat his discus feats I again next spring and earn a place I on the Senior All-State football[ team next fall. I I REMARKABLE RECOVERY j Many of the fans who attended l the closing games of the High- climber baseball schedule last Fri- day and Saturday nights were as-I tollJshed to see big Johnny Miller 1 back in his familiar post in right field, thinking he was out for the rest of the season with a ere neck injury after that accideflt at Olympia. broken bone, b/g John suffered a badly strained and bruised neck muscle which responded remarkably to treatment and a "€0liar" which kent it sti*ff and erect for several days. To prove he was able to play as well as ever, John rapI)ed out two hits in his "debut" against Elma, the third time this season hc has done that trick at the i)late, SPORTS SPECKS Elma lost two of its prep bah players in tile same way Wayne Clary was lost to the Highclimber team• playing for McCleary in an Evergreen League game, which made the non-conference tussle be- tween the two schools last Fri- day night a meeting oi: "co-inci- dental cripples." Bowling averages published in these columns last week reveal that the father-and-son duo of Vern and Jack Eaton who bowled for the American Legion in the Commercial League last season were an even-Stephen match. Both wound up with identical averages l of 128. • Every prescription com- pounded precisely as the Physician directs. That is the creed we heed. It is an assurance in time of illness. So, with your next prescription, come to this "Reliable" Pharmacy. "" *"°" SU N G Adjustable SUN VlIOR Handsume metal frames; P/st/¢ adjustable bound..33 c temples A Distance Beff PLAY PO-DO GOLF BALLS 5 C 3 FOR $1,55 m One Gallon Faucet Type Picnic JuI '°'°"'" dner , • • P CXCITING REPORTS are pouring in East, South and West! According available figures* for 1949, in 54 U. S. marke areas, ,more people sons than any other make, In 254 additional areasHudson other make exce Every day, new thousands are Hudson delivers not just a little themost of all they want "4-Most" Car, becauseit'excels in portant ways shown below. enjoy a thrilling Revelation Ride *R. L. Polk & Company, the national registration .[!" OLYNPIC NOTOR SA 627 SOUTH FIRST STREET, SHELTON, WASHINGTON ""