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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" -r yfa • -,dge a rer Two-Door Sedan and distinctive roof line are among the identifying appearance features of V yfl rer two-door sedan. Dodge announces that the model is now in pro- *W(red by the same engine used in other Dodge cars and has Fluid Drive 1 tir ,s as standard equipment. 00ion OUnces. that t Yfarer two- e :lie produc- ,ms are being :a lan is one of &apos; n the entirely lhq Others ar°e li gPassenger ?" !-]tlcl. wheel- new roof and special i Wayfarer se- appeal. I same im- a' l cot[z- Dodge 'iv(, SUper ca- brake lin- ignition equip- n addition to Cycle-ben d exceptional Wed t y a ity through new mounting of the Dodge airplane-type shock absorh- E. C. Quiim, Dodge general sales manager, said tim Wayfar- er sedan offers even greater in- terior roominess than previous Dodge two-door sedan. The factory retail price of the model at the factory in Detroit. is $1645, not including federal or lo- cal taxes, "The Wayfarer sedan is our an- swer to those who ask fox' a full- sized family car at the lowest pos- sible price," Quinn said, 'Its two- door design will appeal to many families with small children. We think it's the most beautiful car in its class and it offers big car performance and fhfid drive at a price only slightly above the low- est priced cars," Riley Appointed Head Of Legion Magazine The appointment of Ton W. li- ley, Seattle. as editor oil The Washington Legionnaire was an- nounced this week by Fred :hi Fuecker, State Adjutant of The American Legion. and a lo, v Riley, 27, is director of the 1949 l the 1tort Legion State Convention Corpof Y-designed alien Publicity Bureau which i:; -eye lens, handling information on the corn- ' ue:-qgncd tailing Legion State Convention to be greater stabil- held in Seattle. September 8-10. € C ROSSWORD PUZZLE SITELTON.MASON I i! TO GRADUATE €# Mi,,; P:%T I{IIODES, daughter (f Mr, and Mrs. Claude Rhodes, will graduate from the Virginia Mason Hospital ehool of Nnrs- iny, Seattle, on May 27. 1949, !iss Mansl)ergcr, Director of the school announced recently. Graduation exercises will b0 he,"d at the Women's University ('hOt in Seattle. Miss Rhodes 'id finish her training in Aug- ust at Which time site plans to gain further experience in Pedi- atrics. OKTHOI EDIC GUILD MEET The Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild will meet tomorrow, May 27, at the. home, of M,,, Calvin Mmm A)proved as l.o form: on Hood Canal. Mrs. S. A. Hatch- 'LENN E. CORREA, er will rel)ort on the penny drive. City Attorney Dalton Residents Hold Babv Shower For Mrs. Chappell By Rose Beers A baby shower was given tot" Mrs. Hem'y Chappell at the Day- ton ilall, May 23. IAmch was served at noon, Mrs. Chappell received many lovely gifts. Two games were played and those winning prizes were Mrs. Frances Ramcy and Mrs. 2Iinnie Slane. PRESENT WERE Mrs. Mary Chappell, MrS. Dorothy Go]dy, Mrs. Minnie Slane, Mrs. Ge/'trude Scott, Mrs. Mildred Lemke, Mrs. Lois Tilbbets. Mrs. Ginger Hickson, Mrs. Viv- tan Buechel, Mrs. Frances Barney, Mrs. Margerite Lemke, Mrs. Rose Beers, Mrs. Ann Wiles, Mrs. L. McAfferty, Mrs. Grace Laney, Mrs. Vet Baldwin, Miss La Vern and Kathleen Kuhnle. Hostesses fbr the shower party were Mrs. Marie Goldy, Mrs. Mickey Myers and Mrs, Bertha Vaughn. Dayton Ladies Club will meet at noon at the home o'f Mrs. Ed- ith Bell on Thursday, May 26. " ORDINANCE NO. 504 .N ORDINANCE requiring property owners in the City of Sbelton to des- troy and remove trees, plants or shrubs, whWh overhang tits sidewalks or streets, and to destroy ann re- move grass, weeds and brush growing ,n any l)roperty within said city, which become, fire hazards or a nul- sance, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON : Section 1. That all persons owning l)roperty witilln the city limits of the City of Shelton are required to des- lroy and remove all trees, plants or shruhs, which overhang on any side- walk or street in the City of Shelton and to destroy and remove grass. weeds ' and brush growing on any property within the city. which become a fire hazard or nuisance. Section 2. That the Fire .Chief of the City of Shelton shall determine when said , grass, weeds and brush growing on any properly constitutes such a fire hazard or nuisance, and if sanle IS not so destroyed and re- moved within three days after notice by said Fire Chief is given to the property owner to do so the city is imreby authorized and mpOwered to perforln the work necessary to so d,,stroy and remove said grass, weeds and brush and to create a lien against the property from which same is des- troyed and z.(. move for the expense lhereof, Scti(m 3. Any person violating this ordinam:e, in addition to having a li(,n charge against his property, shall be fined In any sum not exceeding $100.00 and costs, and/or by imprison- m(,nt in the City Jail for not more than BO days. Section 4. This m.dinance is de- clared to be urgent and necessary for the preservation of the public health, pca,ce and safety of the inhabitants of the City of Shelton, and shall take ef- fc.t and be in force immediately upon and after its passage, approval and lawful publication, Ptssed and adopted this 24th day of May, ]949. HARRY CARLON, Mayor Attest: ALlA K, CATTC. City Clerk 5-26 --It TickTers By George $./x..I - /,,:-...." N.' •  , - 7€ ,K," traarium Spmnin00 toys Swalhe : ,riton 14 Sun god 38 Pare ,!k rCture itorm 16 Repair 40 Old Testamen! _ N \\;" *">k rn 17 Make damp (abbr.) .<" , e Was a 20 Doctrine 42 Health resort ,-   , 4[taldson Of 21 Woody plants 44 Station r ..'"amlleny 2,.g, pUanrive,'4Tr.anspose ' " j f ,,r,,.-, l a.rison 32 Portal eabr.) [ aIte bird 34 Sack 47 That thing ... I' / I . --,, , , N ' t'" ' l) ! 1' "A pair of socks and a portabJe radio .... Who do_we " have with- Ug.. one of them idle rioh?"' I,HE CI_OTHE6 OVER. aft  FLOO6LE' 5A<.5,,, I NP STIL, IANO OV .- I Y::9 5HOPPE HOW. Pl ILOOK ;5 PUTTY • BEEN MAILIN 'HE U l - '' CI.CULE5 THAT,  I .... ;OIJT THEII [ / hL ,NNLVL ' ..... ) COUNTY JOURNAL Tuberculosis Tests Will Be Given Cows Dr. P. G. Papish, federal veter- inarian has informed county agent, Andy Kruiswyk, that he will start testing all dairy and beef animals for tuberculosis about the first of Jtme. He also informed Kruiswyk that the same program pertains to TB as in Bangs. The state and federal govern- meet pay two-thirds of the dif- ference of the appraised value and the butcher's price, and the own- er the remainder, if the animal is found a reactor. Dr. Papish said that farmers owning a dairy animal who miss- ed getting their animal tested for Bangs may inform the county agent. They will be tested for Bangs when TB tests are given. NOTICE OF SALE OF NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132; 16 U,S C.A. 583-583i), and the Coopera- tive Agreement for the Manage- meet of the Participating Forest Properties in the Shelton Cooper: ative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of America and the Simp- son Logging Company, dated Dec- ember 12, 1946, all live timber marked or designated for cutting and all merchantable dead timber located on an area embracing sev- en hundred and eighty-Six (786) acres, more or less, in Section 6, Twp. 22 N,, Range 7 W. and Sections 1, 2, 3, 10: 11, 12, 13 14 and 15, Township 22 North, Range 8, West, Willamette Meridian, Big Creek watershed, Shelton.Cooper- ative Sustained Yield Unit, Olym- pic National Forest, Grays Har- bor County, State of Washington, will be sold to the SiMpson Log- ging Company, Shelton, Washing- ton, on June 20, 1949, in estimated amounts and at appraised stump- age values as follows: Approxi- mately 11,000,000 feet of Douglas- fir, appraised value $13.55 per M feet; approximately 7,000,000 feet of western redcedar, appraised value $6.50 per M feet; approxi- mately 13,000,000 feet of silver fir, appraised value $3.05 per M feet; I and approximately 14,000,000 feet of western hemlock and other species, appraised value $3.05 per M feet. In addition to the ap- praised values, a cooperative de-' posit of $0.15 per M feet B. M. to be used by the Forest Service for paying the cost of slash dis- posal, and a cooperative deposit of $0.25 per M feet B. M. to cover the cost of tree planting, seed sowing, and timber stand im- provement work on the area cut II I I NO. 208.% NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRENENT AND FILE CLAIM IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FO! MASON COUNTY IN PRORATE In the Matter of the Eaiate of Charlie P, Waters. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tat Mamle E. Waters has been appointe.d and has qualified as Executrix of the Will and of tile estate of Cbarlie P, Waters, Deceased, and lhat all per- rams having claims against the said Deceased or the said estate are hereby, required to serve the same, duly veto- fled wllh the necessary vouchers at- tached upon the undersigned Admin- istratrix or her Attorney of Record at the law office of Cha, R. Lewis, 119 'South Fourth Street Bell Building, Shelton, Mson County, Washington, the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the busi- ness of the said estate, and file such claims together with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled court within 6 months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: May 5, 1949, or all claims not so served and filed shall be forever barred. MAMIE E. WATERS, Admlnistratrix CHAS. R, LEWIS, Attorney fro" said Estalo Bell Building, 119 South Fourth St. Shelion, Mason County, Washington. 5-5-12-19-26--4t. NO. 2081 NOTICE TO "C;DITf)RS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOB bISON COUNTY In tie Matter of the Estate of Cody Woollard, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Nell Woollard has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of the estate of Cody Wool- lard, deceased; and that all persons having claims against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vou- chers attached, upon the undersigned Executrix or her attorney of record at the law office of B. Franklin Heus- ton, Angle Building, Shelton, Wash- lngtn, and file such claims together with pl'oof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six (8) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to- wit: May 26th, 1949, or all claims not so presented and filed will De forever barred. NELL WOOLLARD. Ex- ecutrix of the Estate of Cody Woollard deceased. Address : Star Rt. 2, Box 94-B. Shelton. Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attnrney for said Estate Angle Bldg,, Shelton. Wash 5-26--6-2-9-16--4t NO. 2088 NOTICE TO CREI)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON IN PRORATE In the Matter of the Estate of Anna L. Sutherland, Deceased, Notice is imreby given that the undersigned has been dppninted and has qualified as Executrix of the es- tate of Anna L, Sutherland. Deceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Tress Rice or her attorneys of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service within six months after lze date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred, Date of first publicatiou May 26, 1949. TRESS RICE, Execute'ix of said Estate. Address : 900 Insurance over for the total cut of timber Bidg.. Seattle, Wash. under the terms of this agreement 1 CROSON. JOHNSON & WHEELON, will be required. If. requested by l ornYoO Ete, the State of Washington or by 'ea'tt'l'Y"-. ...... Grays Harbor County or by any ' " " 5-26--6-9-9--3t person deemed to have a reason- I ................ able interest in the proposed sale, I NO. 14436 oz' in its terms, a public hearing[ • NOTICE TO CREBITORS will be held in the office of the IN THE SUPERIOR €_QU!TQF T IdlE , [ ST TE O:B" WA}IINGTON FO, Tf=9] COUNTY OF MASON Forest Supervisor, Post Office c ' Building, Olympia, Washington, on In the Matter of the Estate of Wal- the 20th day of June, 1949, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Requests for public hearing will not be considered unless re- ceived in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olympia, Washington. on or be- fore June 2, 1949. Dated May 12, 1949. Carl B. Neal, Forest Super- visor, Olympic National Forest, 5-19-26--6-2-9---4t. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE i TIDE LANDS ) 4 ! NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, That} on Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1949, e0mmncing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County, Court House in the etty of elton, I county of Mason, State of Washing-I ton, by the County Auditor of sa[d i count.y, the following ..described state[ tide zands, together with the improve- I meets situated thereon, will be sold] at public auction to the highest bidder,! therefor, to-wit: f I NOTE.--No one except citizens o } the United States, or persons who l have declared their intention to be-1 come such_ canPurChaae state lands. I APPLICATION NO. 11781 The'tide lands of the second elas, owned by' the Stats of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to. or abutting upon the west 307.90 feet of the east• !088,7 feet of lot I, Section 18, township 21 north, range 1 west, W.M,, with a frontage of 3.23 lineal' chains, more or lees, appraised st i $45,00 per lineal chain, or $145.$5. 1 Said lands will be sold for not leas] than the appraised value above stated: and upon the terms and cenditiona feD' lowing: Not less than one-tenth of the pur-' chase price must be paid at thetime of sale. The purchaser, if he. be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making i the. sale the full amount of the ap-[ pramed value of the improvements, J ap above prated. One-tenth of the pup ! c.ase .pmce. must be. paid annually I th.ereazter with interest on all dezerr- ea payments at the rate of six per eentum ' per annum: Provided, That j any purchaser may make full paymsnt ] of principal, interest ad statutory fees ] at ay time and obtain deed. The pup [ chaser of land containing timber or[ other valuable materials is prohlbited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materls without first: obzaimng consent of the commission- er of public Lad, util the full amount of the purchase price ha. been ; paid and deed issued. . . [ All sales of state lants are ms(!e, subject to the reservatiene of oils, gas6s, coal, ores. minerals and fossils of .ever nam e:..kind .ald description, ; ann to me aamuonat terms anu conm-  tions prescribed in section 3 of chap-, ter 256 of the Laws. of 1907. • I Said land will be sold subject to the I terms, conditions and reservations of] chapter 312 of the Session Laws of J 1927, relating to easements for rghts-I of-way and the carrytng of timber, I stone minerals and other products ov- er the same. JACK TAYLOR, Commissioner of Public Lands. 5-5-12-19-26---6-2--5t. %? t ! ter Allison, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointea and has qualifted as Executrix of the above entitled estate; that all' per- sons having claim against said de- ceased are hreby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Exe- cutrix or her attorneys of record, at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of satd Court, together witb proof of such service, within six montns after me ante of first publication of this notice or the same will be oarrea, Date of first publication May 5, 1949. SOPHIA E, ALLISON, Executrix of said Estate' Star Route 2, Box 315 Belfalx, Washington WATT & PERRINE, .ttorneys for Estate Kitsap CoUnty Bank Building P.O. Box 455, Port Orchard, "Wash. 8-5-12-19-26---4t, NO, 19"3 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPO]gT AND PETITION FoR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PRORATE In the Matter of the Estate of Ernest L, Anderson, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Arthur Anderson, Administrator of the estate of Ernest L, Anderson, De- caned, has filed with the clerk of the above entitled court his Final Report and Petition for Distribution asking the court to settle and approve the same, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge the said Administrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for D)is- tributlon will be heard on Friday, the 17th day of June, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at th.e Court Room In ths Court ouse m Shelton, Washington: " Dated this 19th day of May, 1949". (SEAL) HARRY DEYTTE County Clerk CHAS. R, LEWS, Attorney for said Estate, Bell Building, 119 South Fourth St. Shelton. Mason County, Wadhington 5.19-26--6-2-9--4t CALL FOR BIDR Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 309, Mason County, Washington, will receive sealed bids at the office of the clerk, Irene S, Reed High School, Shelton, Washington, up to 7:30 p.m. June 1, 1949, at which time all bids will be opened and publicly read aloud for: g 1--1957er,, .F°rd School. Bue 40 peasen- 1--1938 GMC School Bus. 58 passen- ger 1"1937 Ford School Bus, 87 passen- g'Eaeh^- bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or Cashier's check pay- able to Mason County Scbool Dlatriet No, 309 in the mm of ten per cent of the amount bid. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, Dated this 19th,day of May, 1949, " (Signed) LAURA T. MURPHY. Direc, tor-Clerk. 5-19-262t, NO. 3080 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of i - ..... ,dA.L_.,. NO. 359 NO. 2072 NOTICE AND SUMMONS NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO IN COUNTY TAX PREENT AND FILE CLAIMS FORECLOSURE NO. 38 IN THE SUPERIOR coURT OF THE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MAON COUNTY MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of Itarold MASON COUNTY WASIIINGTON a StrendWold Deceased Muoielpal Corporation and one el' the " NOTICE 'IS rHERY GIVEN that Counl s of the State 0f Waslflngton, the undersigned Got,ge C, Strand:, Plaintiff, wold has been' appointed and llas xm  qualified as Administrator With Will ...... ' "" e o .... ere Annexed of the estate of Harold aCKle fln{l I(WIS, all p rs rib n, " ' . ............ of Strandwold deceased and that all In}lllor name(I as nwn,'rs o. *Ly . ' ' "-  ........... ' ---' ---o-)er persons having claims against the said %( n( relualtPl los(,rloett ,-t..a p= j - • "" " .... - " i--- estate of the said deceased are tmreby ty an([ at t)ers)ns unKn)wn own ng " --/ = " " e "''" le --'" ' '-- , " ' " . l'equueu to serv. z!z¢ san Unly veri- er elammg to own, oz .!laving leer fled In duplicate with rite necessary ClalOllng tO nave ally rtKnt uu : • .... - - • , '  voueners attacnea npon tee ner estate znterest or equity in and t ....: t¢u!ioh%, x.r}+h 0Et/l ." sahi property or any.part thereof, I nexed or his attorney of, record at ..... l)e[enaants-  _. [ the law office of B. Franklin Heuston, You, anu each o you, nre.,nerep¥ I.Angm ullding, Shelton, Washington, notified that the above names plato-land file such claims together WiOt tiff, Mason County, a municlaleor- I proof of service with the lAerk of the poration, and one of the mwtuuy. I above entitled Court within six ($) organized and existing counties ott months after the date of the first the Stats of Washington, Is the owner publication of this notice, to-wit; May and holder of a certificate of delin- 5th, 1949, or all claims not so pre- quency issued in one certificate in sented and filed will be forever bar- book form and dated the 18th day of red., April, ]949, by the Treasurer of said OEORGE C STRANDWOLD Mason Cgunty, .Wa.ahlngton, and .is- Ad!ninistrat(w Wliit Will An- sued to the saia Mason UoUnty ior nod af Estate of Trl'al-nld "n .............  ............ the several amounts due and ow)F Strandwokl, deceased, far taxes on each and evew m, Address: p,o, Box 307 tract, or parcel of land hereinafter Shelton, Washington moss particularly described ann set B. FRANKLIN ItUSTON, forth, said amount being se out op: Attorney fro" said Estate posits each particular desjripUon ano Angle /lids. Shelton Wash. eing the amount due ann delinquent ' ' 5-5-12-19-8--4t. upon" each particutar lot. tract, or   parcel'of land respectively for taxes for the, year 194:3, for which said NO, 3'$ Mason County claims right of fore- NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO closure as will more specifically p- :PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMR pear by reference to each particular IN" THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE description herein, together with all STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR interest, costs, and penalties thereon MASON COUNTY Up to and including the 16th day of IN PRORATE April 1949 the name of the person • '-- " -^:: .... '.- "¢, ='"' o hii In the Matter of the Estate of Levis "'" ......... '-' ................. eln--:t G.Bare Deceased. aL " pr.qperty is assessed b. i g_ .... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that zortn wits each parzemar aeacr p on, Nlna H. Bare, has been appointee ann all of said property being situate in Mason County State of Washington has qdzalified as Adtflnlstzatrix of the. aa fOU0Ws, tO-Wit: the sai-Deeeased- (r the said estate Original Certificate No, 1, Roll 1, are hereby required to serve the same, Page 20, Line 20, Assepsed to Mackie duly verified with the necessary you- and Lewis; SW, NW., Sec, 17 chers attached upon the unffersgned TWP, 22 N,, R, 1, W.W.M. Yea! Adminlstratrix or her Attorney of in Certificate 1943, Certificate $5,25, Record at the law office of Chas. it. Origtnal Certificate No. 9, Roll 2 Lewis, 119 puth Fomh Street. Bell Page 103, Line 34, Assessed to Ostboe Bulldng "nlton;,.mManCiunt: Ronald E, et ux, NWIA SW£, S c .............. e ....... ctio- g '  7 T4  W W Itg Va na[eu as tee ptttC IOr tll. Lr$m, * Y, t.--:.,--.-'-'^." , .:'.;::L_'. J" of the business of the said estate ann In uer[iilcale tU,l. er[1[ICRLt o.oo. *, *  ,--,----- --'*-- --:t$ '.,.--$ • •  "- "'° "- "* " Roll 2 lUe SUCh clal|n tO,eLl&t*&" Wltl iu vl'lgina. .;P|'LIL*eat¢" '40. AU) stboe of s,.rvice with the ulerk of the above age 103, Line 35, AsseAsed t O. _ entitled court within 6 months after xtonald E. et ux: SW SW, Bet the date of the first publication of 9, Twp. 22 N, R 3, W,W.M..xea this n)tic, to.wit May 5 1949, or in Certificate 1948, Certificate ,4,s, all claims not so served and filed Original Certificate No. 11. Roll2. . shall be forever bared, Page 148 Line 37 Assessed to owg Tr^ H ARE aker Birdie C ' SW SW%, S C ...;..t...*I.- 85 Twp 23 N B 3 W.WM. Ye' r,xa '*'tr'w. .... in' Certihcate i94S,' Certificate $11.05. Xio;rne"fo'.a'all'Estate Orl00,al..eert,,ic,00,%e00;;.Jl; Bell 00,00lldl,,g. 00;t,t00'00ourth.St. rage 8z, lme 1, s , " - - 'z Shelton Mason County, Washington, Helen Hiller; Tract No, z oz mo .... 5-5.12-19-28---4t. SE,00, sac. 11, Twp. N.. R. 4 W.IV[ Assessor's Tract No, 2 Is des cribed as follows: Commencing  NO. 132 the quarter Section Corner betwe, NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL Sections 11 & 14, Township 22 N REPORT AND PETITION FOIl, Range 4 West, W.M,. run North 1 DISTRIBUTION links to a post which is the startln IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE point of Lake Cuslnnan Road an( STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR which bears North 75 degree% o. MASON COUNTY East; thence run along the Soul # side of said road 40 chains 75 link IN PROBATE thence North 14" 55' West. 91 ltnl In the Matter of the Estate of and seL the Southwest Corner tp Tetra tI, Jnhnstr,n, Dereased. tract of lam] described as follow NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Thence South 75  05' West 6,75 chain, qonald Johnstbn. Executor of the thence North 14" 55', West 2 chat! Last Will and TestameuL and of the estate of John H. Johnston, L- 25 links: thence North 87 °. 36' Ea 6,40 chains; thence South 14 ° 15' Em eased. tins filed  witiz the Clerk of 'he above entitled court, his Final 88 links to the Southeast Corner o tiffs tract of land. Year in Certifiea Report and Petition for Distribution tsking the court to settle and ap- 1943, Certificate $2.50. rove the same, distribute the proper- Original Certificate Ne. 24, Roll 8 ty to the persons tlereto entitled and Page 91. Line 7, Assessed to Own, Unknown; NWZ NW except NE4 to discharge tile said Executor. Sac. 26, Twp. 2 N., R, 4, W.W.h, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that xear in Certificate ]943, Certifies1 IVinal Report an(l Petition for Dls- 'ribution will be iteard on Friday, the, $7.08. 0tlt day of June. 1949, a ths hour Original Certificate No. 31, Roll 4 ff 10 o'clock iu the t'orenon, at the Page 122, Line 14, Assessed to River: Court Room, in the Court House in Herbert;NW¼SW, Sac. 84, Twi imlton, Washington, 21 N.. It. 6, W.W.M, Year in Ce, Dated this 6th day of May. 1949. tificate 1943, Certificate $10.52. HARRY DEYETTE. Original Certificate No, 32, Roll County Clerk Page 12, Line 45, Assessed to Mane .(EAL) Levelle; Vae. Sherwood Ave. 10' wi< HAS. R. LEWIS Adj, Lot 6, Blk, 80 Allyn. Year %ttorney for Said Estate. Certificate 1943, Certificate $,22. qell Building, 119 South 4ttz Street Original Certificate No. 33, R011 helton, Mas)n County. Washington Page 37 Line 38, Assessed to Land 5..--12-19126--6-2-4t i A. W. 'Trustee; Detroit No. 2, L, 5-12-19-26--0. 24t, 1 and 2, Blk, 19. Year in Certlfic 1943, Certificate $.52. .vvvvv-,vvvvvv,,vv Original Certificate No. 84, Roll pOlO C%I Page 37, Line 44, Assessed to Lan! .sa A, W. Trustee; Vac, Sis. and All, Adj. Lots 1 and 2 Detroit No. 2, I -vvvvvvvvvvvvw ]9. Year in Certificate 1948, Certifi $.27, Original Certificate No, 43, Roll B. FRANKLIN Page 73, Line 92, Assessed to Ma W. J.; Lakewood Plat "", L, HEUSTON 24 to 27 inclusive Blk. 7. Year in Ce tifleate 1943, Certificate $.88, ATTORNEY Original Certifieat No. 46, Roll Page i41, Line 38, Assessed to Ands Angle Bldg. Shelton sen. Helen McReavy; Union City, E cept right of way Lots 1 to 18 ine' Phone 166 siva, Blk. 86. Year In Certific, 1943, Certificate $6,09.  ..... Original Certificate NO. 47, Roll ROTTER Page 159, Line 24, Assessed to Joh, son, Dan; MeReavy'a Third Add. l HERBERT Union City; Lot 16, Blk. 15. Ye! PUBLIC ACCOUNTING in Certificate 1943, Certificate $,14, That any of the foregoing lot ERV|CE tracts, or parcels of land herelnbefm Title Iniurano Bldg, described and having been include, in the Certificate of DeInquency her, PHONE 170 . tofore issued to rason county will b Bhelton, Waahingto sold subject to any local improv, n ment assessments for paving, dramas, II J [[JI I 00.A,e P: EL,O, irrigation, or any other kind or SO of local improvement tmsesemts la fully assessed, Tlmt all of the several amount ELECTRIGAL ENGINEER hereinabove set opposite the sever descriptions of each particular Io P.U.D. Warehou Bids, tract, or parcel of real property be interest at the rate of twelve pe K Street - Mt, View cent (12%) per annum from and In P.O. Box 158, Shelton eluding the 16th day of April, 194', Phone 788 until the payment thereof be made or a juagraent entered herein. You, and each of you, are hereb  ' ] I JJ ] []1 [ I summoned to appear wltlfln sixt HARLE . LEWIS days (80 days) a(er the date of th @ S R first publication of this stoniness an, notice, to-wit: within sixty days aft ATTORNEY AT LAW the 21st day of April, 1949, xelusiv, of said date, and defend the abov, z19-121 South Fourth SL entitled action in the above entitle, Bell Bldg, court, and serve a copy of you • answer upon undersigned attorne, Shelton, Waghingon for plaintiff, at his office addrcs heretnbelow given, or pay the amouw as herelnabove set forth upon each o: -- ,  ...  • said tracts or parcels of real properb "',t BAYLE ,OZ which yOU are the owner or re %LDEN puted, owner, or tn which you ow,, or claim to own or have, or ctaint t, ATTORNEY AT LAW i have, any right title or interes therein, together 'wlfh all costs, in, Title Insurance Duildlnl l terest or penalties attached thereto, In the event of youv failure to ap Oppo01te F|rst National Bank 'pear and defend meh settee ena pa Phone 23  -  -, Shelton lhe amount due on sch lot, tract, o'r parcel of land assessed to yoU, or In which 'ou have an tnterest as [ [ m ' ]' L ' hereinabove tated, judgment will be I '] rendered agamat yOU and against the LL OT B S R ' m.t, tract, or parcel of land, fore E I • PING i closing thereon the lien of Mason County for Its certificate ot delin, quency, which includes all taxes, pen- A¢oounting Tax 8ervioel aries, interest, and co%s against each of said lots, tracts, or parcel Bookkeel'ng Systems  ' ot land up to and including the date 1" 4th St Phone 585 on which said certificate was issued. ? Any pleading, answer, appearance, or process, shall be served lpon fhe ndersigned attorney for the Plain, iff, Mason Cotlnty, at his office be- "" low stated, and a copy thereof filed with the Clerk of the above entitled INSURANCE court, ASON COUNTy. HERBERT G. A Munlclpa! Corporation, hy S. E. SMTI ANGLE Treasure!. I. FRANKLIN tIEUSTON Office at Angle BUfldi'n Proeetinff Attorney and Attorney for Plaintiff herein. " I . J [ Office and Post Office Ad- " dress of Attorney for Plain- tiff: Mason County Court House, WITSIERS Sholton. Washington. FUNERAL HOME Robert Morgan, Deceased. No. 33 Puh. April 21, 28, May 5, 12, LI0snssd Embalmers The undersigned is the appointed 9, 26, 1949, and qualified administratrix of the W.A. Wittier% above estate, All .persons having claims against said eceased are re- llorle 180 -- BheltOZl, W, quired to serve same on said admin-i istratrtx or her attorz*eys at the ad-, dress below stated,' and file same with ] [I ] ' L'I' 1 I ' a " -- Clerk of said Court. together wlthl proof of service within stx months l after first publlcatiQn, of this notice. ] GLENN E. CORREA FirsL publication: ay19, 1949. I ELIZABETH I. MORGAN t ATTONKM.AT.LAW RALPH PURVIS, JAMES B. SANCHEZ, OVe' 11 Attorneys for Estate. 345 lurth Street Building. I /At[7/N  HV i la'lO"$  Bremerton, Washington 1 8-19-2-4-2-t