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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 20 ,,m |i||ii CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 words or less (mln!mum charge) 75c alngle Inertlon, $1.25 two Insertions, $1.50 three inser- tions. Additional insertions 20c each. Larger ads at rate of 10c for each 5 words above Q5. Reader notices 15c per line. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1.50; original poetry 50c per inch; classified dis- play rates on request. . Advertisements acceptea over the telephone from phone sub- scrlbers. Cash should accompany. all other orders or payment made within five (5) days of the first insertion to save expense of bill- ing. An extra charge of 10c will e made when billing Is necea- sat'y, J PHONE I00 'qr,rv'ql,.,4[. qr .qle.qls.,qp* .ql..w r'qv'qp'vv REAL ESTATE highway on Bayshore $400, $o down, $20 per month. Also choice lots on Angleside. Phone 769-J-4. 4-28tfn lIoodsport, I00 ft. level h)t lawn and fruit trees, $6,000, terms. See H. R. Dickinson, Hoodsport. Phone Hoodsport 2M, 5-19-26 #'.OR SALE: 5 acres in Skokomisl Valley• 5 room house. Interior un- finished, Wired for range, Has well and creek running across back end of property, Mr. Elnair KJesbu. Box 262 or inquire at third house on left past Five Corners on Lost Lake Road. $3000 Cash, $3200 Tarns. K 5-12-26 ;X)RSALE: "5;6m" ,{bdern t)u on 80' by 200' tot. View of Olympics. Hood Canal• $,1000.00. Inquire C. C. McHenry, Union, Wash. Phone Union 413. 5-26-- 6-2 -OR---SXLE'%'u;--,7V-"funihed" house. Cash or reasonable tern|s. Phone 706-M after 4 p.m. 13 5-26- -2 In II FOR SALE 4-Room Modern House 2 bedrooms, largo lot. 1619 Surnmlt Drive M5-19-26 SUMMER HOME at Lost Lake. Three bedrooms, fireplace, insulated through- out. Double plumbing, large garage. Nice view on lake. $7,500.00. $ $ $ 18 acres on Lost Lake. Two btidrooms, log house complete- ly furnished. Modern, suitable for sub-division. $7,700.00. Rasmussen Realty & Insurance Agency Montesano .... Phone 64 Elma  Phone 129 5-5-26---3t FOR SALE ONE OOMPLETE electric sawmill with planer and 25 acres witt e small second g'rowth. PrJce $5,000, Vill conMdcl any reasonable of let', 4-ROOM MODERN home with el- ectric range and some furniture, 97 feet of lake front on Isabella Lake. One acre of land, also a good boat. Priced at $3,750, Terms, ONE LOT on Hood Canal, 50 foot frontage and 1,320 feet deep, Price $2,5O0. SUNSET BEACH tracts. Plenty of oysters and clams, low banR and gravelly beach. $12 and $18 Peer foot frontage. NE LOT 60x300 priced at $350. One lot 90x300 priced at $550.A1i on Lake Isabella. 4-ROOM MODE[iN farm home uvnished. One 1-t'oom cabin fm'n- tshed. Rent $15 per me. 40 acres good land, 22 cleared anti 3 acres of strawberries, New Rototiller and all tools and farm equipment. Cow and, calf. All for $7,000, $1,000 down and terms. 5ROOM MODERN home anP two 2-room cabins, All on three lots. Priced at just $6,825. 7-ROOM MODERN home with /irlace, basement and furnace. Will trade for 2-bedroom home. Price $5,350. Wc have income propm.ty to sell SEE US BEFORE BUYING WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 N. Ist Strcct'-- Sheiton I H I ...... ......... ,. S00LZ0N:00SON CO ,uFrv Wl m in FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Oe deep well pmnp. i good condithm, with . h.p. motor. Only $60. See Earl Dickinson, Route 1 Box 127, 1 miles south on hghway 5--6-2 N 0 W -ta -SALE:----D%-T-IT--g-7otiV-fi wood. not slab wood any ,entl,. A Tiller Type One 'load or a hundred. Prompt de.- ih'ery. C. R. ICllff) Borden. Phone 216-J-3 or Dick Borden. 1028 Rail- Garden Cultivator road. 5-26-tin Only 12 inches wide; l& h.p, Two little skunks air-cooled motor. Weighs only 80 pounds. So easy anyone By the roadside stood, can operate it. AS an auto went $139.50 whizzing by. " Says one little skunk to his mate by his side... Lumber prices are lower at Coselman's because he sells direct. 2x4 SdS, good ................ $49.50 2x4 S4S ............................ $30.00 2x8 S4S, good ................ $49.50 Selected knotty cedar panel- ing v Jointed .............. 12€ Surfaeed lumber in all sizes and quality in fir and cedar. Fir logs custom sawed. Wood $11.00 load delivered, about 2 cords. R,F.D, 3, Shelton, 2 miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-1 Evening I WILL TAKE CAR or trailer as part down payment on nice 2-bedrt,om llodern horns On 3 acres of land. First road to left off Delight Park road. Dodge, Bouts 1, Box 15. 5-26--6-9 F()R SALE: equity in four-room llonl(, on, Plioue 943W after 4 p.m. Ask for Mrs. Edwards. . E5-26--6-16 garage, two hrs. Capito| I{iH. Pht,ne !,5w: .......... ........................ __ sA:2j.:6-  FOR SALE: 7-r'oonl house with gar- age, Within walklng distance of town and mills. $4250, Terms if desired, Call 138-J for apoint- sent, It 5-26----9 station and grocery store. 6 miles out on Bayshore Road, Norman Castle, Rt. 2, Box 106, Shelton. C 5-96-'6-2-9 I #0R SALEi-'shnihieir-iic;tne on fason [ Lake. finished with cedar. Some furniture, water pressure system, 153 feet good beach. Harry Glenn. 1700 W, 8th, Aberdeen, or call Aberdeen 1971. G5-19--6-2 FOR SALE: fte Rcx-ea land and mod- ern two-bedroom house. Reasonable. Inquire third Iouse on right, Mill Creek Road or phone 766R3. R5-19--6-2 FOR SALE: 25 acre ranch in Agate district. 8-9' acree under cultivation, On blacktop road, School bus goes I by. Electric 1 i g h t s. Eight-room house in fair condition. Fruit trees, berries. Terms or will trade for city property. Norsby, at. 2, Box 252. 4-21tin. Bulldozed clty lots, $100 and up. I To see piione 823J or 605. P5-12-26 "wiLL TIrADe; building-iSiV-{n---fiie residential district on Southslde for 1938 model car. Call 933W. B5-12-19-26 FOR SALE: well h)eated lots on An- gh*slde, on sewer, corller lots. $600, terms, Also tract of land fronting on iflghway on Bsyshore, $400, $50 down $20 per nmnth. Phone 769- Jd. " T5-12-26 "F-Ot- SALE : bY owner, moder--o'om. home, utility, double garage, work shop, four lots, all fenced, Arcadia road Just outside city limits. Phone 763R1, after 4:30. V5-12tfn, "-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'R--SALE: 0 acres river bottom. All good Sioil. For tnformatlen write Box B, Journal. B 5-12-19- LOST AND FOUND LOST: From Hlllcrest to Angleside, Seventh street, Railroad "to Dayton, Lincoln Zephyr gas tank top, key in lock. Return to Ford Garage, Shelton. Reward $1.00. A 5-6 lv'v,rv-rvvvv LOST: Lady's gold Bulova watch in Shclton, Hoodsport or Lake Cush- WTTED man. Valued a keepsake. Engraved vvv,,',vv,,vvvm. with initials, Phone collect Tacoma Granite 5194 evenings. St. 0-26 WANTED: Carpentering and brick MiSsiN(-Since--May ---young-h laying. Free estimates. Write Camp cocker spaniel. Reward, Phone Newatzel, Star Route 2. Sheiton, lllR or return to /115 Olympic • .C(3.!. R ifh,a rd .Re(!k: .......... C,57,_26W6-16 (Anglesidc), A 5- WANTED. Route man with ear, Steady year-round. No layoffs. Average $2 to $3 per hoor. Write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Ave. Seattle. Wash, W 5-266-2-9-16 Iron kettle to use for cooking hog food. State price, J, L. Morrow, Star ate• No. 1, Shclton. M5-12-19-26 of all kinds. Any odd job. large or small. Also rototilier plowing. Call 59-W, C9-31tfn XNTT- EUY: otd hora tor Mln f. ye and mml Mink Far,  Dl.Vmpla. Phone sa7a eOll(,t. 1-1tft courteous qervlee. Phone us collect. Elms 121-J, Grays Harbor Render- tag, Inc. S-tL stumpage. Write Daniel and Flet- cher Logging CO,, P,O. Box 85, Olal- In. Wash. ll-4tfn, Wi L- -'TKi-Xfii d r-q my home by day or night, also your home evenings. Mrs. Ed Bsr- geson, 1411 Railroad. Phone 272R. -, 12-9tfn. change cattle of any kind. J. Clark, Box 232, Elma, Wash, 2-17tin. children day or night in your hon,u or mine. Plone 885-R, go-10tfn W'ILIJ CARE" for- siihii-hiidg"b tim month. Phone 947-J'. L5-5-19 Hammond. One child 25e hour. 2 children 0c hour, Lunch included if cared for by the da. Will baby sit In your home cvemngs. 5=5-6 ed for well established route. Some investment re(luired¢ No charge for good will. Present dealer advancing to I)ettcr position, Will consider mealier home for equity preset res- idence. Contact Lea Ford, 729 Cots. 5-12-26 VANTEI : - dr, y of{ -it-ed "a--tlTmk- I aye r or brick layer? Prompt service, guar- anleed work• Call 899. K5-19 W3NTED: reliable housekeeper for two adults. Call 591J, C5-19tfn I II LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Price Paid COSELMAN MILL CO. RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road 2 Miles East of Hillcrest To the "Sign" [ [ I I III ltr qr  qr v ,p" 58, qpe, qr _ - W'qrP'V Miseel!aneous *'V'qp'v .qr v qrV'qn'V"#'q#qt" ,W'qp'qvqp"vV  ALCOHOLICS ANONOUS meets Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at Wo- man's Club Bldg., 10t & Washing- ton. Olympia, Wash. 3-17tfn. -R'OTo-iiLIIG" power spraying a-n garden sewlee. Phone 941-W or Box H. Journal, • Hg-81tfn. L-{)-WI  DISCING.- Henry Boysen. phone 522. $-17ffn, Jebs, Re,/sonable. Pine St.'8vfce, 200 E. Pine. Phone 597. C5-12-19-26 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 3 room apt. with bath. partly furnisied. Phone 993W. D5 -28 N---.  three-room, -no-d: crn lmuse, Inquire H. G. iowa, Star Route 2, Box 56. (Dayton [ Loop Road). 5-26 I summer months, apartment near business district. Phone 436R after 4:30 pmL B 5-26 FOR-'-R-[N--'I Small three-room un- furnished house. Walking' distance. Adults only. No dogs, Phone 396J. I G 5-26 0-R'-iN'-T-.' Room i--. with house keeping privileges. I Available June 1, Phone 92R. W 5-26 V. L, McPherson. Cole Road. M 5-26 two bedroom units now available at Airway Court, Airport, l)hone 761F5, A5-Jt fn. three rooms and bath, $35.00. Phone 5J, M 5-26 FOR RENT:-'6-roi/- house-witi elec'= tric range. Automatic Spark oil heat- er, electric hot water heater and Bendix. washer. Inquire at Eagle Barber Shop. L5-19 -FOR---R]NTi--modern cabins. -The Pines, Mountain View. LS-19tfn road Avenue, O5-12-19-28 VGR--PN or g--, six '-u-. good garden, fruit and berries. Phone 1-ioodsport 20J or inquire W. It. Lunt. Hoodsport, Wash. M5- 5-12-26 three rooms anr private bathroom, no chlldren or pets, electric range, refrigerator, hot water all times, John Paulsen, Angleslde. Phone IlOR. 8th and May Streets. 5-9£-6-2 one mile north of Hoodport,$25 per month. Inquire Dusty Rhodes Rcsor, Phone Hoodport 15-W-11. 5-10tfa. Phone 902, Mt. View Lockers, Star Route 1, Box oB. 8-4ttn Journal Office. 4-21tfn I I II I I II APPLIANCES FOR RENT I-Rlco Electric Floor Sanders Johnson Electric Foo Polish- ers Sterling Electric portable hand Sanders Ieavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. lt Phone 58 2-10-fin CARD OF THANKS Wc wish to thank our many friends for" their, kind words of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings gh'en us during our recent bereavement of the death of our husband and father, William Austin. Mrs. Viola Austin, Mrs. Giadys Smith, Mrs. Lucy Pierce. Poppy Days--lriday and Satur- day*-May 27 and 28. The purchase of a poppy is not a memorial to the living. Every dollar received fro the sale of red crepe paper poppies is placed in the Child Welfare and Rehabili- tation Funds of the American Le- gion and its Auxiliary after the disabled veterans have received their compenatlon, NEW ANGLESIDE HOME FULL PRICE $8975 Down Payment $1175... F.H.A. Payments About ,$55 per month Over $900 Worth of Equipment and Furnishings Included in Sale Price of Our Model Home, Including 40-Gallon Electric Water Heater .................................. $1{}5.00 Frigidaire Automatic Washer ........................................ 299.75 Frigidaire Automati C(othes Dryer ......................... 23g,75 Living Room Pull Drapes ................................................ 100.00 Kitchen Glass Curtains .................................................. 18.75 Bedroom Glass Curtains ................................................ 40,00 Shower Curtains and Bath ............................................. 14.50 Genuine Pella Venetian Blinds in Bedrooms and Kitchen .................................................................... 39.50 Pryne Blofan Kitchen Exhaust Fan ............................... 35.00 Shrubbery and Plantings" ............................................... 21.00 TOTAL ...: ............................ $913.25 DICK KIEBURTZ CONS rRUC00ION COMPANY PHONE 89| C. B. Richards. Distributor Ask for free demonstration. See it on display at E. A. Cm'r Electric Title Insurance Bldg. 5-26-tfn LOOK FOLKS, IT'S MILL WOOD Many prudent ones who lost out last Fall, account mill Vv V V 'v V V P"qr v 'v m,-v v 'q'11 'qP'v*V 'qP'V V'v HYBRID SWEET CORN. four earl- ties. very delicious. Matures 70 to 90 days. Wagener Feed Store 219 S. 1st St., phone 28. 5:5tin. -FLOOR-COVERiNGs :- tile--or iinbieut:n installed or lay It yourself. Easy terms, 3 years to pay. awton Lum- ber, 420 S, First St.. phone 56, 9-3tin. IF YOU WANT a good gas range cheap phone 350-R or inquire 223 No, 5th St. 5-5tfn NAILS, all ..o- want, $12.50 per keg, _ 13c_ pflr. lb_Hlll_ crest Hardware_ 5-12 FOR SALE: cedar planked skiffs and round bottom outboard boats, screw fastened.. Reasonable .prices.. AIo small boats built to oraer. Win, mc- Laughlin, Route 2. Box 224. Shel, ton. Follow the signs from Agate store. 4-14----26 SALE: ground goat fertilizer. Will deliver when notified. Sold by sack only. A. A. Bennett, Rt. 9, Box 247. Shelton. 4-21--5-26 FOR SALE: Fordson tractor with ower take-off and high tension a0seh magneto. Fine condition. AI- t p..iF V V V .V .qp..v.r,,w.r m,.-r v  .qr., V'V..v..v V NAILS, $12.50 keg, 13c Ib. All you want at Hillcrcst Hardware. 5-12 -FoR SALE: registered- Ang0ra- buc-, two does, three young ones. Pimne 760R2, Schneider's beach, two miles from Harstine Island Ferry, Route 2. Box 212. 5-12-26 FOR SALE: {e range com- plete with cSils. Black and wlfite enmnel, perfect condition. Can be now, $11.00 load. About 2 cords, slabs, edgings, planer ends. COSELMAN MILL CO. Arcadia Road East to the Sign Phone 887-R-1 I I I II I I FOR SALE One D-8 Caterpillar, Hyster Log- ging Drm, Isaacson Front Power Control Unit, LeTourneau Blade. One D-8 Caterpillar, LeTourneau Blade and Drum. One 1936 Standard Log Bunk  Trailer, ll,000-1b. Axles, 8:25x20 Tires. One 1938 Standard Log Bunk Trailer, 11,000-1b. Axles, 8:25x20 Tires. Phone or Write Mr. Walker Northwest Door Company Tacoma... BR.-9391 II  I] FOR SALE seen at Roger Bros. Garage two at 404 Cascade, Shelton, Home eve- r miles out on Olympia highway, nings, llSR. J5-19-26--6-2 G 5:12-19-26 FOR SALE: golf clubs, five woods, F()'R--sA'LE'- Washi-n g- ma'(i'li]ni;:" fi,t good condition. 74 OHV. One set golf clubs. 7 clubs and bag. One sow nog. year did. All reasonable. John We,Is, Rt. 1, Box 197-A. .................................... :_-_=_ FOR SALE: Vaugnn Drag aw. Hia- watim Motor and Wood Heater. .................. ..-- POULTRY NETTING. one and two inch sizes. All you want at Hill- crest Hardware. 5-26 JACOBSEN POWER mowers at Hill- good condition bed. springs, mat- crest Hardware. 5-12 tress, play pen, bassinet. Inquire 509 Harvard. T5-26 FOR SALE: 1936 D--dge sedan, ........................................................ 1948 Hotpoint refrigerator, 1948 Hot- FOR SALE: One Halley Davidson, point electric stove, overstuffed dav- enport and chair, one bedroom suite, ,all like new. Price $i,000 or wiii trade for late model car'. Also one 14 foot rowboat, $30. 1012 Dearborn St. Pinna 722 W, W5-19--6-2 GARDEN HOSE-remnant-s.i3C ft.-A-Ii first grade hose witi connectors and _.ga_skets:_Hiilcjt'est H ardwa_re: ....... _ _5/j_22 GARBAGE CANS, large size. special $3.98 eael while they lasL one per so 16-inch wheel plow. $800. R. H, dosing down for the winter Howard, at. 2, Box 210, Pickering are now ordering their win- __!_a_.s: ........................ 5=12:19"_.2_6 ter's supply. Quick delivery LIFETIME FLOORS: Kcntile, uar- anteed for ,lie. Exclusive with um o FOR SALE 1 Floor Furnace. same as new. 3 Shower Baths. new. 1 Used Electric Range, A-1 shape. 1 Chest of 4 Drawers. old. 1 Phonograph. fine one. hand made. 2 Trunks. old Several Lawn Tools 3 Rockers, old. 1 Ice Cream Freezer, 6 quart. 3 Tables. child's size. Used Clothes. free, 1 Desk. Lots of Old Pictures. 2 Wash Boards. 2 Coal Oil Cans. 2 Clothes Closets. 2 Ladders. tall Flower Pots, Cement Blocks. Wash Stand. Bowls. Pitchers. 1 Kitchen Table. 1 Dark Mahogany Coffee Table, i Tapestry Upholstered Easy Chair. Ironing Board, barmen's Mercantile. 5-5-26 FOR SALE: Chicken tertUlzer cow manure, Skokomish top sell, t'actor plowing. Phone 48S-W. O2-dtfn I ' "= I II I MISKELLA sUPPLY • Olympia Highway • Your "BEST BET" for REFRIGERATION, Garden,Tractors, Pumps, Alumhum, Etc. 9-2-tfn II l ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shclton 650 125 Cota  Shelton Jack Manley 7-15t I I I I II NICE FAT WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch 1st & Harvard Postpaid Anywhere in U.S. 3-10-tin I | MILL WOOD $10 a lo£d Delivered In Shelton Our Wood Is Always a Cord or Better to the Iad. Enitai Lumber Cxx Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 38-V-12 3-24-tfn I I MILL WOOD $11 a load for about 2 cords slabs, edging and planer ends. Biggest load in town. COSELMAN MILL CO. Arcadia Road East to the "Sign" -- Phone 867-R-1 Inquire 706 Cota Street I CHICKS - CHICKS ANY BREED - ANY QUANTITY U.S. Certified, U.S. Approved Pullorum free! Also ducklings, goslings, tur- key poult, guinea chicks. FARMERS' SUPPLY Hlllcrest o Phone 812 2-24-tfn I The Navy has the only two en- listed men piloting planes in the Berlin Airlift. AUTO INSURANCE RATES , FOR SALE FOR 25- and 50-FOOT garden hoses, sev- eral kinds to choose from at Ilill- FOR SALE: crest Hardware. 5-12 care and tavern in downtown Shel- SALE: 22 ton. Inquire Box T, C/o Jom'nal. 5-12-26 FOR SALE: 18' flattie sail boat re- cently reconditioned. Complete with FOR SALE: sails. Good price. B)at can be seen saw, Hit New Post War Low PROTECT YOURSELF FROM FIRST DOLLAR OF DAMAGE TO YOUR CAR WITH -- FARMERS LOW COST 80To COLLISION COVERAGE Similar Savings On Liability Insurance $5,000-$10,000 Bodily Injury $t.00 $5,000 Property Damage Liability Jay YOU GET A National Standard Policy With No Age Or Mileage Restrictions Phone or See Us Today for Rates on Your Car BILL PEARSON 120 East Grove St. Shelton .... Phone 654 700,000 Satlefled PollyloJders FARMERS IIURANCE EXCHANGE customer. Hillcrest Hardware. 5-12 "BABY CHIC S---New- Hampshires, from flock 7th best In U.S. in egg production last year. Wagener Feed Store, 219 S. 1st St., phone 28, 5-Stfn, BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds, stur- dy stock. Wagener Feed Store. 219 S= 1st St,, phone 28. 5-5tin. FOR SALE: Spinet piano.---Will--sac- rifice for quick sale, Cash or terms. Can be seen in Shelton. Write Tall- man Piano Store, 395 So, 12th St.. Salem, Oregon. 5-o--19 for auto parts and accessories. First and Mi|l Streets. nhone .q$ 7-4tfn IOR SALE: one h,p. Myers pump, also 80 gallon pressure tank. 800 feet outside wiring. Tom Sergeant, (aplt_ol H_ill: ............. 1-Otfn CONVERSE SPORTSHEN'S hip boots. special $10.50 pair. Ladies sizes $9.50• Hiiicrest Hardware. 5-26 FOR SALE: Double Bed. Mattress. Refrigerator. Bendix Washer, Wood heater, $4.00. Pressure Cooker. $3.00, Porch rugs. ChtZd's table and chair set, Baby equipment• Phone 696-J. K 5-26 ring wood Motors, 707 ten irons, including one set three matched woods, Two bags, $40, J, FOR W. Huntley, IIoodsport, Wash. 4-door sedan, It5-19-26 up truck of Diekle, FOR SALE: ]4 foot factory house 968J3 trailer, $250. H. L. Kidd. Star Rte. 2. She[ton (Dayton). K5-19--6-2 HORNET ........................................................... sales. ] FOR SALE: B-flat cornet. Phone 279- tors, 7 M• L5-19-26--6-2 USED FURNITURE 1 Daveno ........................ $39.50 1 Chair .......................... $19.50 1 Swing Rocker ............ $19.50 1 Swing Rocker ............ $29.50 1 Boudoir Chair ............ $19.50 1 Bed Davenport .......... $49.5.0 Used Refrigerator ...... $79.50 Olsen Furniture Co. 4th &Cota Phone 102 I I BAMBOO RAKES, special 49c each. One to a customer. Hiih:rest Hard- ware. 5-26 good condition. Phone 931R. MS-26tfn, FOR SALE: studio couch, very rem- enable. Inquire 1334 East Eli,nor A5-26--6-2 FOR SALE: 16' Iouse traiierY-$40000 cash. See Mrs, Bassctt. Golds- borough Apts. K 5-26--6-9 NAILS, @ant FOR SALE : ors, Plant Farm. Hillcrest sizes at FOR SALE: fruit jars. Aider. "FOR Bendix I on "IDEAL good milker. out calf. 1940 Deere grain Morris, Route Shelton. FOR one FOR suitable for or general erful. Phone 468. FOR model 1% truck. One with Jeep Parts. USED II FOR SALE 1946 Streamlite trailer house, 27-foot, 3 rooms, A-1 condi- tion thruout. 8-ply tires and equipped with dolly. See at First & Kneeland Shelton HARRY'S USED CARS 5-26-1t FOR SALE: 1937 Tudor Oldsmobile , can be seen at Anderson Motor • Bids accepted. Shelton Branch Seattle-First National Bank. 5.5tfn FJ R- -SXL'E'.: - i934 - -fffy(h four-doo= sedan, good running condition, good rubber, $125. Inquire 610 Pine St., or phone 682W. G5-19-26 24 months to pay at Bob Ervln Mo- tors, 833 South First Street. Shelton Phone 673, 5-5tin FOR SALE: 1946 Ce''ol deluxe sedan. Will contder trade. Phone 759-J. G4-14tfn. F-0R-'S-A-L-E'.Y-i940 Deluxe Tudor "F--d_ Excellent mechanical condition• Good rubber, 20,000 miles on new motor. Call. 332-M. R 5-12-26 II I ,FOR PACKARD CAR AND MARINE MOTORS See Your Packard Dealer Frank Thorp Motors Packard Sales and Service s PHONE 6558 222 No. Capitol Way OLYMPIA Quality Used Car8 I FOR SALE: 1936 Dodge panel. Phone 111J after 6 p.m, A5-26---6-9 -FOR" "SALEi 1937 Oldsmobile s*/dan. radio, heater. Good condition. Origi- nal owner. $425, Phone 468. F5-26 iv()R--SA'L,E "" 1935- Chc7ol({--li'Or four door, $180 cash, Phone 06R. L5-26 FOR SALE: 1940 Mercury, four door sedan, radio hater excellent condi- tion. Phone' 722J or inquire 919 E. Ellinor. M5-26--6-9 h,t coupe by origiual owner. Phone, 6iS J2. D5-26--6-2 1"96- CIEVROLET. Master', heater, good tires. Make offer. Harry Ed- wards, Route 1, Box 3A. (Olympic Highway). 5-26 VO-R-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-SE: Wrecking fi trucks for rafts: One 1940 V-8 Ford. One 1936 GMC truck with 4 yd. boxes and hoist, two speed rear enu and rebuilt 1944 Chevrolet high torque engine. Rodger Bros. Garage 1 m], So, Olympic Iighway. R 5-26--6-2-9 FORSA"L---734 " Plynmuth Coupe. Good transportation. $195 Cash. Pione Hoodsport 9. C 5-26 tfn ood running condition, good tires. nquire Killmcr Elcctrlc, 207 Cola St. Phone 864. 5-19--6-2 F-0-R-'S-.- 1935 Ford and 1936 Chow rolet, Cheap. L. B. Pharrls. Star Rt. g , Box 25 5-19-26 seal beam lights, motor Just over- hauled, 7 good tires, $125. L. E. Speece, Rt, 2, Box 110. Phone 877R2. 5-19---6-2 "ii5 R--,qX f ;E .----igs--" S i ii-d' b-g, i--" -C%57: sander coupe motor eomplete]y ov- erhauled recently, new W/S tires. radio and heater reasonab/e. Phone 472J or inquire '1709 Hohnan, Shel- ton. $5-19-26 raae for best cat" offered. J. B, Sehott cornet' Laurel and K St., Mr. View. ' 5-19-26--6-2 F()I-iSA'L-I-Essex coupe, tWO new tires, four good ones, excellent paint .8d. upholstery, new seal beam glRs. Save your new car. Buy this one for work or fishing. $125. 535 Ellinor. Phone 417W. P5-19--6-2 Postmaster Is Author The Azusa, California post- master, Thomas Barclay Thomp- son, has published more than 100 short stories and needs. USED CARS 1947 Chevrolet 5 Passenger Coupe, Like Ne 1941 Chevrolet Coach, radio & heater 1947 Plymouth Sedan, excellent throughout 1947 Ford 4-door Su]er Deluxe Sedan We guarantee honest representation as every used car we sell. ANDERSON Me.OR PHONE 52 OUR PRICES ARE 1947 Frazer heater & overdrive 1946 DeSoto, R. & H., auto. driV 1941 Plymouth, new paint 1940 Ford Tudor Deluxe. 1937 Buick, runs good 1940 Hudson Coach 1935 Graham .................................... OLYMPIC MOTOR First & Mill Sts. USED CAtS TERMS AND 1948 Ford Super Deluxe Seda Overdrive, radio and heater, low 1942 Chevrolet Sedan .................. '! Motor, paint, upholstery good. :: 1939 Mercury Convertible ....... Radio & heaCer, leather u 1940 Ford Sedan Radio and Heater. 2 1949 Ford demonstrators at counts. AL HUERBY PHONE 16 5TH St Guaranteed Used Cars By Kimbel Motor 1941 Ford Sedan, 4-door ....... New finish, new seat covers, radio 1940 Plymouth Sedan, 4-door New finish, heater. 1940 Plymouth Sedan, 4-door Heater. 1941 Ford Sedan 2-Door ..... .--." Heater, New Paint. 1946 Hudson Super Six Radio, Heater, Scat Covers, lots of 1934 Plymouth Coupe - as is Running Condition 1947 FORD LOGGING Complete with bunks and cab road. -5-speed main transmission, transmission, heavy duty Clark rear" 1947 Dodge /-Ton Pickup A-1 Condition , 1942 International "Metro" ...... (Large Panel) A-1 Condition $ IMMEDIATE Ncw International , 6 and l-Ton KIMBEL M 1st & Mill r