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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FAST, E,FICIENT, EXPERT HOUSE tVSNG SERVICE By Bolfiled, Lieeilsed Electricians KiLLMER ELECIRIC LOCAL DEALERS FOR MONARCH RANGES, CROSLEY APPLIANCES, APEX WASHERS &amp; DRIERS 207 Cote Street Phone 66 GO TO*CHURCH SUNDAY Bea, u t i fu 1 WttlI)-I)-LITE SIIAI) ES ALLAN CARrER EAGLE SCOI T HERE AGAIN A BRAND NEW SHIPMENT OF THESE DUIAILE WASHABLE SHADES Styled In a Variety of Designs. Their rich colorings will add a note of lux,Jry to your r'o0T]. BEAUTIHJL I RA(, 1 I(AL They, will stay bright and new for years. BRIGHTEN UP YOUR TABLE OR FLOOR LAMP with one cf these beautiful shacles. S .', " *1 pe(lally Priced-- ,50 to'3,50 Olsen Furniture Co. "FINIC t:URNITIH'{E IoOR THE tIOME '' 428 Cota Free Parking Phone 102 He Used to Hide Out bills--couldn't seem to catch up. he took what he thought was the easy way out-dodging his credit6rs, avoiding ;i ' r;.'ckoning da,. '( I hen, realizing one day that t;'e was h)sing the reslxctable reputa- tion he former]y"enjoycd , le mus "fl tercd up tlm courage to talk firings with his cre&lors. And he'was' OVer relieved to lind tim{ i'was not the' ordeal hc/lmugllt it would be.' 'In many cases, as m ths one, " ',1  people who cannot immediately pay in helping people to understand the 'sound use of credit, and glad to show I thcm how to establish and maintain 'ax)d Creditrccord. If you'are behind in youi 1)ilIs and thus jeopardizing your credit • _  , , ,e, . _ , privilege, see ),our creditors or th£ Crcdit Bureau Manager. Theywill" help you straighten out your c}edi( their bills will find friendly counsel problems .without embarrassment,l : and cooperatmn from the Crc&t annoyance, and loss of, face. . If /, \\; naanager, ana from the temporarily distressed and unablJ II . . ,. , . , , • ,i \\;l Manager.,"I],esc credit )our, creditors wont help. Call on l!  / ettC'l t i S " in tl r stud thcnl alld lk ]t °vet" ! RETAIL CREDIT ASSOCIATION " OF SHELTON I ,1 " ALLAN CARTF.:I, 15, a ninth- grader at the Junior H igh School, recently was awarded his Eagle Scout badge at a Court of Honor held in Scout Hall. He is the first one here to get the Eagle's rating since 1944 when Harold Anker became "Eagle." Allan-is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carter, 216 South Fourth street. His m other pinned the badge on him. (Photo by Dean.) Scouter AI Carter Worked 3 Years For Eagles Badge I All:n Carter's winning of Eagles b,xdge represents alert than LhFee [ years of diligent work in the lmr - [poseful field of seoutin$. [ A MEMBER OF Trooi) 10, spo]- I sored by the Active Club, tll [yotmg nlan joined the scouts ill ( I January of 1.)46 ',hen Arhte [ ndcrwoo(t  &s scoutmaster. [rn- derwood commented "I'm really proud of Allan," when the award was presented. Attaining the Eagle's award is not an easy task. Alhm was re- quired to pass rigid tests over the years which showed his abil- ity and attainments m physical, mental and moral progress. IN GAINING his 24 merit badges Allan had to pass exams in lifesaving, first aid. can xpmg, cooking and show skiJls in handi- craft. He is bound by LIe scout oath: "On nay lmnor I will do my best (1) to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law. (2 to hel t) other' .)co- pie at all times, and (3) to keep myself physically strong, mental- ly awake, and morally straight." Aecor(ting to the Scout Law t , scout is trustworthy, loyal, help- ful. friendly, courteous, kind, obe- dient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent, ALl,AN IS ONI of 170 boys in scouting in Mason county. In 8helton arc four cub packs, for youngsters under 12, and Troops 10, 12. and 25. There are scout- ing units in Allyn, Hoodsport and Skokomtsh Valley. Supervising the boys in their scout work are fl0 adults in Mason county. The local units are part of Mason District, which is organ- ized as a supporting entity of Tumwater Area Council, a branch of Boy Scouts of America. Scouting in America is 38 years old. This year approximately two million are enrolled in the pro- gram. Everett Groves, of Shelton is a full-time Mason county scouting executive who works with the Maon District and with the troops. "Scouting supplements the work of church and school," Groves said. TIIROUGH THE efforts of the boys in constructive projects, such a,,l salvage drives, the various troops are nearly self-supporting. Each boy pays dues, and local civic clubs sponsor individual troops. Of tim money raised locally in scout drives, only two per' cent goes to the national organization. Everett Groves said Sumruer's scouting' program g'ot tmderway during a district Camp- oree May 20, 21 and 22 at Mil- lersylvania State Park in Thurs- ton cotmty, and Mason county patrols brought home an A rat- lag and three B ratings. Attending the (',anporee were about 350 scouts flora Mascm, Ttmrsto'd and Lewis counties who competed for honors in camping t • v ) agdinst scouting standards. I a- ! trois were judged by lqadcrs for scores of A, B or C rating. A I'ATI{O FROM tim Activo-] Club's T,'oop 10, under Bob Turn-l cr, scoullll&ttter, scored an A. Thc boys are John an(l Calvin Getty, brothers.\\; and Gary Getty, Harold Getty, Elmer Cole and Bobby Joe Stewart, Three putl'ols fronl the .Ki.van-, lau-q)onsorcd Troop 12 b}.ought I)aek ratings of B. Scoutmaster is Dean Palmer, cud Junior As- sistant COU tnlaster is ChUck Berets. In the Bat patrol are Marvin KimbeL Gone Costin. Jack Butler, Bob Young, Earl Mallh]gcr, and Cary Iia\\;vt<in:. tluffalo p:ttrol IL,>; .re. V.vt'el (;ray, ti;u'y ILit- lh'F, 'J'! I':!hl 3' Mih',.; al*l l:;oh }'Lit- Icy. l"lSi'lb; i';i%:h' buy:; :tcc l,'r',',l ,q,.'(''.li:'e, ].;lld(iy (I:Q,, ('itlTf ",';t/.- IC"S :ind l'()i} :k;ih c. '|'|'| | b'.( :Ill(){ ) , (i:!ys t'lh iill: IIOV¢, flit? '/t•Oitl.:'; ill tho .Viii'lOll;i ti'OOl)'. life l)ialini.q[; t,l.'tt, ilsive Otll- (k}or proje('ls which inchalc swilll- nlillg, i]iking and cii]llping. 1h'1,'£37" IN 65. £ai,Zq65 Oh'; ATTENTION, SHELTON Frolic With Your Old Classmates At the ALUMS Annual Alumni Dan 9:30 P.M. TO 1:30 A.M. SATURDAY NIGHT - MAY 28 IN THE UNION CITY MASONIC HALL Music by Ockey Seljestad Orchestra ADMISSION $1.00 PER PEnS'ON YOU'LL FIND THING YOU the L, PHONE 305 For Free Delivery S & W Oven Baked IEANS .o T,N 28 ¢ Corned Beef Hash .o.  .,, 33 € l)e iled tiam [ Can foe" 18 ¢ laver Spread 2  Ca.s 23 ¢ Vienna Sausage 2 , Can 37 ¢ Brown Bread sw 1¢ 1-Lb. Tin ...... 2 Apreade s  w 39* 46-oz. Tin .... Store Closed PRICES FOR MAY 26 - 27 - 28 CHEESE Lb. WATERMELON ........ lb. 8¢ Florida ORANGES ................ lb. 11¢ Valentine STRING BEANS ...... lb. 19¢ PEAS ................... 2 lbs. 23¢ Local Flat House CUCUMBEIS .......... lb. 19¢ Local CAULIFLOWER ...... lb. 15¢ Local I, ETTUCE ......... 2 heads 15 Shafter SPUDS ................ 10 lbs. 43¢ Oregon DRY ONIONS ...... 3 lbs. 14¢ Established 1895 S & W RED eA KIDNEY BE NS No. 2 tin 20* SUNSHINE KRISPIES CRACKLRS .......... lb. 2S € S& W I RUNE JUICE qt. jar 29' LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX ....... 3 pkgs. 34* IDEAL DOG F(X)D .... 2 tall cans 27 ¢ MAYONNAISE Pint Jar ! S & W FRUIT COCKTAIL .......... No.  S & W TOMATO JUICE ........... 46-oz. DENNISON'S PORK & BEANS .. 3 tall CR/CKER JACKS ........ 3 Nalley's POTATO CHIPS .............. 4 Wonderfood MARSHMALLOWS ........ lb. $ & W Vegetable Juice COCKTAIL ........................ SPRY SHORTENING .. 3-lb. MISSION MACARONI .... FRENCH'S MUSTARD y-o S & W - 14-Ounce CATSUP ................................. e , ,q /,,R$.4 RtAV. . P/C$'t6 SPAPt.4D oZ  r WIENERS ................................ Spiced Pork LUNCHEON LOAF .............. A Delicious Combination of Beef, veal MEAT LOAF .......................... -'" Polish SAUSHAGE RINGS ............... Boneless Brisket, graded good, delicious CORNED BEEF ..................... WE WILe HAVE AN AMPLE OF KEN FRANK'S bELIe BAKED BEANS.