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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 26, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 26, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"I've got to find a new place for Morn, but I've never done this before. What can rot, tell me about Alpine \ray? What do I get for the money? I don't even know what questions to ask!" We're here to help. We've been providing a safe and lovely home for seniors for over twenty years. For less than the cost of the nursing home, Alpine Way has private apartments with private showers, 24- hour on-duty licensed nurses, a shuttle bus to downtown shopping and doctor appointments, a variety of activities, social areas for gathering and visiting, a beauty and barber shop, chef-prepared meals, laundry services, and security. Everything is on one level (no stairs!) and parking is available for residents who still bring their cars. A full-service hospital and several clinics are just a few blocks away. Best of all, we are complimented the most for our friendly and helpful employees. If you're ready to help Mom find a new home, come and tour Alpine Way. We'd love to treat you to lunch, show you our lovely apartments, and answer all your questions. Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 f~ P~ oo RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE ole ;cents, lts,: and eld patients, q From routine health screenings to-treating acute conditions or chronic illnesses, our doctors work together and draw from a vast spectrum of medical knowledge. John V. Butler, Kimberly Elliott, Michael Keep, M.D. D.O., PhD. M.D. Board Certified, Board Eligible, Board Certified, Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice dicine Operated by Mason General Hospital Timothy J, Doris H. Resa Delany Weber, M.D, Wilson. M.D. PA-C Board Certified, Family Practice Family Practice (360) 426-2653 939 Mtn. View Dr., Ste. 100 Shelton, WA 98584 The Shelton-Mason County Journal, a weekly community newspaper in Shelton, Wash., is looking for a talented sports reporter on the Puget Sound. We are located on the southern end of the Olympic Peninsula only 20 minutes from Olympia and one hour by car or ferry from Seattle. Qualified candidates should have a college degree in journalism or adequate work experience. The successful candidate will be ready, on day one, to cover multiple high school teams (both varsity and j.v.), local leagues, youth sports, recreational and outdoor pursuits, etc. This is a full- time beat for a full-time reporter with sound news judgment. Candidates with in-Design pagination experience that'are ready to report, write and layout their own pages have the best shot at the job. A reliable vehicle is a must. If you love the outdoors and small town lile but want to be close to the big city send a cover letter and resume to both: jesse@masoncounty. com and Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, May 26, 2011 Post Totem Pole Office Park Journ~ Se ~ Owners of Jerry's Drive-in announced that they were eloeing its dooz for the final time this week, The drive-in, popular amongst generatiomm. of Shelton famih'es, was originally known as the A&W Family restaurant. It was started by Minor Willianm in 1960 and was taken over by Jerry Latimer in 1978, Larlmer's sons Steve and Gary took over a few years ago after their father died. 3 in for sol By NATALIE JOHNSON month. "A lot of people are inter~ * "What we like about the ested in solar in Mason Coun- Mason County PUD 3's project is it's a renewable ty,'she said. "We kindoflike new buildings on Johns energy, it helps us get to the idea of having some di- Prairie are starting to take our initiative 937 require- versity in our renewable en- shape after months of con- ments," Wood said. ergy." struction, and soon, the If approved by the corn-Adolphson and Peterkin's PUD commission will decide mission, the project would proposal requires some early on a proposal to add a small supply about 400 renewable investment from the PUD and solar array to the project, energy credits (RECs) annu- the PUD would purchase the Early this year, Adolph- ally. The PUD will need a power for 10 years, then have son and Peterson Construc- total of more than 19,000 in an opportunity to buy the ar- tion, owners of Rushforth 2012, Wood said. ray. The details have not all Construction, the PUDs Ultimately, the project been agreed upon, she said. contractor for the Johns would serve as a demonstra- While the PUD had ini- Prairie site, proposed add- t on what pos ble daily planned to nvest in ing a photovoltaic, or solar solar power in Mason Coun- solar power later, Adolphson power, project to the roof of ty, Wood said. Although the and Peterson need to install one of the warehouses at the area doe~'t get a lot of sun, the solar project now to cash site. she said that the ~ panels in on federal tax incentives. "Our buildings were al- could store some energy even "The benefit of the project ways built with the hope in doudyweather, for Rushforth, or Adolphson that in the future we could "Usually the kind of solar andPeterson, is that there are use solar and install solar," that we have here in West- federal and state incentives PUD3managerWylaWood ernWashingtc~ifsnotgoingthat are available," Wood said. "An ,opportunity has to have monstrous output," said. "So by them getting come along sooner than we she said. =You never know those incentives and being had anticipated." exactly what you're going to able to do the project for less The project is expected get depends on the it means that our ratepayers have an average output of weather." benefit from those incentives." 225-kilowatt hours, which Wood said that inside The PUD 3 commission will all be used within the the PUD's main building on is expected to review the PUDs btfildings,'Wood said. Jolm's Prairie there would be proposal again at its May In c6mparison, Wood said an ihteraddve display show- 31 meeting'.They will lik41y her house goes throlzgh ing how much energy the ar- not vote on the proposal un, 2,000-kilowatt hours per rayis producing, til a later date. Public help needed to plan park Journal staff report small parking area near the lake. Harvey Rendsland Park was transferred The Mason County Parks and Trails De- from Washington State Parks and Recre- partment will be conducting a park master ation Commission to the county, which now planning process for Harvey Rendsland Park manages it. during the summer of 2011 and is inviting The meetings for the park master plan- the public to participate, ning will be held in the Tahuya area, mostly The purpose of the master planning work likely at the park, this summer. is to begin a process involving the public in Those that would like to participate are future planning and potential development asked to contact Parks and Trails Depart- of Harvey Rendsland Park, a 15-acre site ment Director John Keates for more informa- that includes access to Jiggs Lake, located at tion. Keates can be reached at extension 669 10991 NE Belfair Tahuya Road. by calling 427-9670 from the Shelton area or The park site is undeveloped with the 275-4467 from NorthMason area. His e-mail exception of an entry road, a memorial and address is Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT/HOMELESS Date: MIy 24, 2011 Prepe~ by: Detective WIHinm Adam Bulletin#: 11-21 The Me,~n Coumy SherltVs Office is releasing the following informallon pursuant to RCW 4.~L5~ and the Washinglon State Sm~eme Court decision in ~ which authorizes law ¢n fozcemem agencies Io inform the poblic of a sex offenders rele&~e whea: in the discretion of the agent% the relea~ of inform~on will ~ pebliv safety and pr t,'~tion The individual who appears on this nctificmion has been convicted of a sex oflen~e that reqmres raglstrabon with the Sheziff's Office iv the county of tbeir resldenc©. Further. their previous criminal history places them in a cla.~sificalion level which reflects the potential to re- offend. Tlm sex offendor has served the .umtence impoeed oe him by the coum a~d has advised the Mawn Couety ShefiWs Office thst he will be living in the Iocado~ belo~ HE IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THiS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTIgNDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATIIER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBUC. The Maszm County Sheriff's Office has no k, gal amhofity to direct v,h~¢ a sex offender rnay or may not Uve. Unless coert orderecl re~rietior~ ~ fl~ offender is consdtmiv~alty free to live wherever he cbeo~es. oh%mden have alwa~ lived in out comrmmitiet, bet it wasn't until pa~g¢ of the Community Protection Act of 1990 (wh~h mondmes ~ o~,r reg~nr~ion) ~ law eofovcenm~ even kn=w where they were livh~ In my cL~e~ law en forcem¢~ is now able to share thet ~ with you. Citlze~ abute of th~$ infomudion to threaten, imimidat¢ or harus ~egivtered sex offenders will nm be tolerated. Further. such abuse ceeld petentially end law enforcemem's ability to do cornmtmi(y nodflcafiom. We believe the only pemm , who wins if community notification ends is the sex offender, since sex offenders derive their power th~ secrecy. If you klw my Iifm'm *ttm ~*rd|ml euut ethntaal aeth4tv d ~ m" airy ~ affm~lm'. ~ eail ~11. For other sex offender information, :' ,' - = - -. HOBBLE WAYNE BINGHAM JR. WHITE MALE - DOB: 02/0S/83 5'-0~" - 140 LBS. - BLOND HAIR & BROWN EYES gINGHAM has recently moved into Mason Coumy as Trar=ie~U sex offender for a guilty plea on 02/06/03 to Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile, LAS R.S. 14:80, State of Louisiana, Parish of CakMien, cause #4521-03. In the State of WA., this law and the actual elements of the crime equivocate to RCW 9A.44.076 - Rape of a Child 2ad Degree, clus A Felony. This conviction stems from BINGHAM at age 19, having sexual intercourse with a 12 year old girl outside a domestlc enviroraltent. According to court docummlts, BINGHAM knew the 10d's young age, knew that it was wrong, and advised the young 81d not to tell BINGHAM's girlfriend that they had sex. BINGHAM claims that the sex was cons~sual, yet the young girl during one of her accounts~ claims to have been fm-cibly raped, gINGHAM has other erlminal convictions thai i~clude Disorderly Condu~, Domestic Violence Harassmet~ Criminal T~ and Driving While License Suspended. Due to these factors, BINGHAM is considered a MODERATE RISK, but due to his Tvansiem stetS, he is now a High Risk, gINGHAM is no longer on DOC Supervision and his only requirement upon him is his duty to re~ister as a sex offendor. RINGHAM is ~d by the M~mon County Sheriff's Office as a level 2 sex offender, but now due to his transient status, he is a ~md~r, This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender. meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. _ -: -" " ~ I - within Mmmn County as: Truslent/Homeleu in rise =rea 7-