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Memorial Day is fast upon us and, Let's remember, too, all of the other
despite the continuing drizzles, the brave men and women of the armed
long weekend will once again mark the forces that have served with honor and
beginning of summer for many. made it home safely.
Here's to hoping that this three-day Take the time this weekend or
weekend is a safe and enjoyable one for on Monday itself, to reach out and
all of us. A little sunshine wouldn't be thank a veteran for his or her service.
all bad, either. Considering the sacrifices that they have
On a more solemn note, though, let's made, it seems like the least that those
hope that each and every one of us can of us who never donned a uniform can
take a moment to.reflect on the ultimate do.
sacrifice that so many have made for Be safe and may God continue to
this country, bless the United States of America.
So the end of the
world did happen,
but no one could
see it, said Harold
Camping, the
89-year-old owner
of the Family
Radio network,
who has preached
that Judgement SIEMONDEAN
Day was upon us
and the Rapture
would occur on May 21,
There were ads on the
radio, print, online and
television and thousands
of believers emptied their
bank accounts and gave
up their worldly
possessions to go
catch the earliest
Rapture at 6
p.m. on the West
The day passed
and no one
flew to the sky.
There was no
massive rainfall
that flooded the
world and there was no
major e~rthquake. And
yet, Camping said it is
still coming on October
21, 2011.
For a man who was
wrong in 1994 and was
quoted for saying that he
was 100-percent certain
that 5-21-11 was the Et~d
of Days, maybe he should
just be quiet. ,:
If he wants to take
text from the Bible
and say that what he
has read will calculate
when the world will end,
maybe he should go back
to the books of Matthew
and Mark where it says
that no one will know the
hour or day.
Maybe that was left
out in the Wikipedia or
Sparknotes version of the
Boat launch Paul wants
fee or tax? Babe by his
Editor, the Journal
With my tongue in
my cheek, I wish to Editor, the Journal
thank the Mason County This is an open letter to
Commissioners for the the residents of Shelton and
Mason Lake County Park Mason County.
and boat launch, which I'm not here to report
was dedicated on May 17. the loss of CO2 or other bad
After the citizens of Mason things that might befall our
Lake rsnswed its Lake community. I'm hers to ask
Management District for your help to bring Babe the
taking care of the milfoil Blue Ox to Shelton.
and other noxious weed There is an active
problems, the county campaign to ask for funding
received monies from to bring the fabled Babe the
the state to put in a new Blue Ox to accompany Paul
dock and better parking Bunyan on his treks around
facilities. As homeowners, the Puget Sound region for
we were concerned about a parades and exhibitions.
water station, which would Paul has been a member
be used to remove any new of the Shelten community
noxious weeds. With $1 for many years, and like
million in hand, the parks many of us, seen good times
department kept telling and bad, but in the end we
me not to worry, the wash got stronger. Since his last
station would be put in, major restoration in 1996, •
and indeed Mr. Keates said Paul has been cared for but
he knew exactly what he always pined for Babe to
needed to do. But, alas, it be along side, ready for the
was "too expensive" so no people smiling and the little
water station was built. Of ones seeing something that
course, the commissioners will last them for a lifetime.
know what needs to be done The community lent a
so the funds generated by hand for Paul in 1996; the
this park will go into the community opened their
county's general fund and hearts to finance a mural
not the Parks Fund. And, showing our history of
certainly the county will Shelton in the old days on
save all those funds for the Treasures Building.
offsetting the maintenance And now, we're asking for
costs at the launch as well support to bring Babe the
as other costs at the park Blue Ox to Shelton.
facility. Surely you jest. This guy is not tiny,
Will they take lessons from more than eight feet tall, 17
the state? feet three inches long and
I do hope the county a horn spread of eight feet.
plans on putting something Babe comes equipped with
in the newspapers in local a few attractions that are
counties so that people guaranteed to bring smiles
don't waste their gasoline to the little ones. The body
to come to Mason Lake to is fiberglass construction,
pay a fee to put their boat made for traveling, heavy
in the water. The fisheries duty with built-in hold
department built a dock at down bars.
the lake sometime in the Donations are being
1960s and sold it to the accepted at the Heritage
county in the 1970s; the Bank and Our Community
county hasn't done a thing Credit Union under the
to the boat launch in all account of Babe the Blue
these years, but now we Ox. The goal is $11,000.
should start charging a fee The Babe project accepted a
to launch our boats, even special built trailer for Babe
if we are the same citizens to ride on next to Paul. It
who are taxing ourselves to has new tires thanks to the
keep the lake clean, generous support form Les
Again, thank you Mason Schwab Tires.
County Commissioners for If the community comes
your clear thinking, together and gets behind
Ellie Nevers this project we will have
GrapeviewBabe in no time.
Lloyd E. Prouty
director has
it right
Editor, the Journal
Kudos to John Keates
who has completed a
number of boat ramp
pr°jectSjohn successfully competedf°r the county, information
for grant monies to rebuild
ramlQ in omQ
cases even expanded the
The Mason Lake Ramp
and Latimers Landing is
a vast improvement over
the old facilities. Along
with theseunderstandingprOjects itthat JohniS my ~0L~
recently competed for more L~'~I",,~
funds for improving the
ramps in Mason County.
John has it right to ask
recreational boaters and
the shellfish industry to
help fund the sustainability
of these projects. We ask
the trucking industry to pay
a bit more for heavy road
use it seems reasonable for
the aquaculture industry
to pay for their use of the
boat ramps. Recreational
boaters have to pay at state
parks and many ports to
launch - the County would
be remiss not to ask for
their help as well.
Let's keep the good work
going for our boat ramps
Keep up the good work
Phil Walff
Theloumalwelcomes and enCourages your letters to the editor.
Wewil/print signed; original letters of local interest. We will not
publish lettersttiat are libelousor scurrilous innature. Letters
should be under 35Owords and provide contactand address
forthe JoumaL
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Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 26, 2011
JesSeNewsroommanagerRiCk Kennedy' publisherMullen' general ~~P:r!~a~ iv~ea~ Igveer ~~i~tS/legals
Kevan Moore,!!i~r~N~!!rMaSon,managing editor Di:r~o~~~mOe~s::rvisorFrOnt office: TKPem~M{?a~rPersedU~o~manager
Natalie Johnson, reporter