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May 26, 2011 |
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a caller from the 900 block
of 7th St. reported a vehicle
At 8:52 a.m. on May 23 a
caller from the 700 block of
13th St. reported a vehicle
At 10:20 a.m. on May 23
a caller from the 300 block
At 12:22 p.m. on May 17 of Satsop Ave. reported the
a caller from the 1300 block theft of a 1989 silver Honda
of Fireweed Road reported a Civic with three stickers on
burglary, the back bumper.
At 5:23 p.m. on May 18
a caller from the 500 block ARRESTS
of Arcadia Ave. reported a
burglary. May 9
At 10:31 a.m. on May 19
a caller from the 400 block Daniel Paul Oakes, 18,
of Arcadia Shores Road re- of the 100 block of Lagoon
ported a burglary. Lane was booked at 2:17
At 3:40 p.m. on May 19 a p.m. for rape 3rd.
caller from the 3800 block ofJhamal Trayvion John-
State Route 108 reported a son, 35, of the 100 block
burglary, of Phillips Lake Road was
At 12:13 p.m. on May 20 booked at 8:42 p.m. for un-
a caller from the 1200 block lawful possession of a fire-
of Cots St. reported a bur- arm 1st, assault 1st with a
glary, weapon and harassment.
At 4:53 p.m. on May 20 a
caller from the 3400 block May 10
of Bloomfield Road reported
a burglary. Joshua Joe Mikesell, 21,
At 2:37 p.m. on May 21 of the 1700 block of Island
a caller from the 100 block Lake Drive was booked at
of Peebles Court reported a 12:08 a.m. for assault 1st
burglary, investigation.
At 10:51 p.m. on May 21 Bryan C. Anderson, 57,
a caller from the 500 block of the 100 block of Wash-
of Arcadia Ave. reported a ington St. was booked at
burglary. 12:56 a.m. for five counts
At 2:39 p.m on May 23 a of assault 3rd, harassment
caller from the 2500 block with a previous conviction,
of Mason Lake Road report- interfering with a health
ed a burglary, care facility, resisting ar-
At 3:29 p.m. on May 23 a rest.
caller from the 400 block of
Passage View Road report- May 11
ed a burglary.
What are your plans for Memorial Day?
Barbara Everson Dorothy Harper Robert
"We'll be going to my "I don't have any. Ill probably Charleston
grandparents' gravesite and stay home." "rll be staying home and
my brother in law's who was
a veteran. Well be honoring burning a couple ofhotdogs."
them. And I'm shampooing my
Derald Kenneth Baze,
20, of the 2100 block of
County Road 9 in Marshall
was booked at 5:42 a.m. for
vehicle prowling 1st.
Martin Zambrano Mo-
rales, 18, of the 1100 block
of Olympic Ave. in Shelton
was booked at 6:47 p.m. for
two counts of vehicle prowl-
ing 2nd and three counts of
theft 3rd.
Calvin J. Osborne, 42, of
the 4300 block of Cloqual-
lum Road was booked at
8:02 p.m. for DWI.
May 15
Jayson Michael Quattle-
baum, 29, a Port Orchard
transient, was booked at
7:58 p.m. for possession of a
controlled substance.
Danielle Kae Wilson, 40, May 16
Robberies of Hoodsport, was booked at
10:33 a.m. for unlawful pos- Chad Allen Christoffer-
At 9:34 p.m. on May 18 session of a firearm, sen, 26, of the 1300 block of
a caller from the 600 block Alicia Kay Jordan, 29, of Alderwood Road was booked
of Franklin St. reported a the 1100 block of Cascade at 1:39 p.m. for burglary
burglary. Ave. was booked at 11:52 2nd.
a.m. for a controlled sub-
Assaults stance investigation and May17
burglary 1st.
Michael ~De~r[. Furness,
May 12 - 56, of the 74~ black ~.:
Shelton Matk@! Road was
Tawny Lynn Kinkem, 41, booked at 12:06 a.m. for as-
of the 17200 block of Olym- sault 4th DV.
pic View in Silverdale was Michael William Calder,
booked at 12:50 p.m. for 29, of the 100 block of Can-
DWLS 3rd. na Place was booked at 1:13
Stanley Travis Conklin, a.m. for possession of a con-
18, of the 2200 block of King trolled substance.
St. was booked at 4:10 p.m. Dana Chris Shehan, 52,
for violation of a protection of the 400 block of Grove
order and assault 4th DV. St. was booked 5:35 a.m. for
, David Stuart Murray, DWI.
58, of the 100 block of Ham- Allen L. Schauer, 49, of
ma Ridge Drive was booked the 100 block of Barbary
at 6:49 p.m. for two counts Drive was booked at 6:23
of violation of the Uniform a.m. for assault 4th DV.
Controlled Substance Act Lisa Fawne Eaton, 21, of
and possession of a con- the 190 block ofKo Pul Loop
trolled substance, was booked at 6:46 p.m. for
Jarred Ashlin Zakhry DWLS2nd.
Goldsby, 18, of the 4100 Dakodah Delaney Vigil,
block of Shelton Matlock 20, of the 950 block of State
Road was booked at 9:36 Route 3 was booked at 8:48
p.m. for assault 2nd. p.m. for possession of a con-
trolled substance.
May13 William David Knowl-
ton, 25, of the 100 block of
CoreyAlan Steehler, 32, Blevins Road North was
of the 1300 block of Dickin- booked at 8:03 p.m. for theft
son Ave. was booked at 1:25 2nd.
a.m. for DWI.
Ryan William Wolf, 26, May 18
an Olympia transient, was
booked at 2:09 p.m. for pos- Jerrimy Darrell Mooney,
sessionofdrugparapherna- 38, of the 2300 block of
lia. Highland Road was booked
Staci Kiyoko Clark, 41, at 9:25 a.m for residential
of the 100 block of Delanty burglary and theft 1st.
Road was booked at 5:41
p.m. for violation of a pro- May 19
tection order•
Glen E. Harvlie, 52, of Jodi Lynn Miller-Byer-
the 1900 block of Spencer ly, 47, of the 1900 block of
Lake Drive was booked at Crestview Drive was booked
10:28 p.m. for violation of at 3:24 a.m. for DWLS 3rd
the Uniform Controlled and a controlled substance
Substance Act. investigation.
Marcelino Gomez Fabian,
23, of the 100 block of Wil-
son St. was booked at 9:57
a.m. for NVOL without ID.
Mark Forest Garrick, 25,
of the 1100 block of Frank-
lin St. was booked at 7:29
p.m. for DWLS 3rd.
May 14
Danielle Lynn White, 21,
of the 400 block of Reser-
vation Road was booked at
2:09 a.m. for DWLS 3rd, re-
fusing to cooperate with an
officer and possession of a
stolen vehicle.
Eric Ella Faiivae, 56, of
the 18100 block of State
Route 3 was booked at 3-07
• a.m. for DWI.
At 12:30 a.m. on May 21
a caller from the:100 block
of Cota~St,-reported an as-
Sex crimes
At 5:15 a.m. on May 21
a caller a Timberlake West
Drive reported a rape.
At 6:06 p.m. on May 23 a
Fairount Ave. caller report-
ed a sex offense.
At 10:40 p.m. on May 18
a caller from the 100 block
of Cota St. reported a dis-
Domestic violence
David Brown
"I'm going to the memorial
service at the cemetery and I
don't know what else Iql do -
probably rest."
At 2:27 p.m. on May 19 a
caller from the 100 block of
Wallace Kneeland Blvd. re-
ported a domestic dispute.
At 11:09 p.m. on May 19
a caller from the 100 block
of T Peeksin Lane reported
a domestic dispute.
At 2:13 a.m. on May 23 a
caller from the 100 block of
Birch St. reported a domes-
tic dispute.
At 8:45 a.m. on May 23
a caller from the 900 block
of Mountain View Drive re-
ported a domestic dispute.
p.m. for assault 4th DV. Chad Alexander Ham- 45, of the 18300 block of
Brittany Nichole Smith, ilton, 35, of the 100 block Bonney Lake Blvd. was
21, of the 3000 block ofof Old Belfair Highway booked at 9:57 p.m. for ob-
Johns Prairie was bookedwas booked at 6:39 p.m. strncting law enforcement.
at 3:46 p.m. for residential for DWLS 3rd and reckless
burglary and trafficking in driving.
stolen goods. Christian M.H. Rainey, See Record on page A-6
At 6:21 a.m. on May 19 a
caller from the 2100 block
of Sherwood Lane reported
a vehicle prowl. •
At 11:19 a.m. on May 21
a caller from the 1100 block
of 12th St. reported several
vehicle prowls in the area.
At 11:40 a.m. on May 21
a caller from the 500 block
of Laurel St. reported a ve-
hicle prowl.
At 3:52 p.m. on May 21
a caller from the 600 block
of 5th St. reported a vehicle
At 7:20 p.m. on May 21 a
caller from the 200 block of
Birch St, reported a vehicle
At 11:03 a.m. on May 22
May 20
Joseph Bernard Lewis,
44, of the 2100 block of Lake
Blvd. was booked at 1:34
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 26 2011 - Page A-5